



Unit 1 PersonalityV ocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsV ocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling 10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have …trouble 5) troublewith6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked thetiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万物之初天地还是一体充满混沌。


Unit 1. Personality
Part One- Prepara on 1. Mr. And Miss So and So 1) Gentle 2) Dedicated 3) Considerate 4) Adventurous 5) C)alm 6 Aggressive 7) Cri cal 8) Energe c 9) Selfish 10) Ambi ous 11) Self-confident 12) Easygoing 13) Truthful 14) Outgoing 15) Frank 16) Sensi ve 17) Bossy 18) Pa ent 19) Talka ve 20) Persuasive 21) Sympathe c 22) Emo onal 2. Personality and Job Salesperson- shrewed, hard-working, boas ul, acute, tricky Teacher- pa ent, tolerant, talka ve, unselfish, loving, humorous, bossy
4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficul es. 5) Don’t let nega ve thoughts hold you back. 6)Everyone has experienced failures anddi sappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.
iv) Don’t be afraid to speak up and give your point of view. v) Do not make nega ve comments about yourself. vi) Accept cri cism thoughfully. vii) Profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as learning experiences. viii) Do not associate with people who make you feel inadequate. ix) Set aside me to relax, enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly. x) Prac ce being in social situa ons. 4) Conclusion: (para16) The be er we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full poten al. 2. Understanding Specific Informa on 1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) F 6)T 7)F 8)F 9)T Vocabulary

新编大学英语3 第三单元课后练习答案 第三版

新编大学英语3  第三单元课后练习答案   第三版

Unit 3 Social ProblemsIn-class Reading Passage课内阅读练习答案Part One Preparation1. Describing the PicturesPicture A:A couple is dining at a restaurant. Both of them are smoking. But they call and complain to the waiter, saying that those sitting at the other tables are coughing too much andthat bothers them. However, they have not realized that actually it is their smokingthat has caused those people to cough. I have seen many people who behave like thiscouple. They never take other people’s interest into consideration. They are selfish andalways ready to find fault with others. They never see their own wrong doings butalways make a false counter-charge. They are despised by most other people. Picture B: In this picture I see a strange beggar. While most beggars beg for food or drinks, this guy begs for money in order to buy wines. He wants to try all the 596,704 winesexisting in this world. He said he already tasted 38,279 wines out of that number.Suppose he tries one kind of wine one day, it would have taken him more than 100years to come so far. He is really an ambitious man. However, if he has the ambitionto try all the existing wines, he should work hard and make money himself instead ofbegging for other people’s money to enjoy what life can offer. There are some peoplelike this beggar these days. They want to enjoy life, but not based on their own hardwork or effort. They want a free lunch and many of them live on borrowed money. Idon’t think this is a good attitude towards life. Everyone should work hard to make agood living.Picture C: I see a court with a judge, a defendant and probably a lawyer in the picture. What is strange about this picture is that I find a tip pot, which is usually placed in a restaurantfor waiters or waitress. They get tips for their excellent services to their customers.Waiters or waitresses who get generous tips will provide even better service tocustomers. However, a court is a place for people to seek justice and fairness. Itpunishes the guilty and releases the innocent. If judges start to take tips, I doubt thatthere will be any more justice. People will no longer be treated equally and truth willnot be valued. Judgment will not be made based on facts, but on how big the tip is.What an evil place!Picture D: In this picture I see two men behind bars. One is telling his fellow prisoner that he did not commit the crimes that he had been accused of committing. His mistake was thathe stole the identity of a guy who had committed those crimes. The police took himfor that guy and put him in jail. They actually got the wrong person. And he wasinnocent. Was he really innocent? I don’t think so. He was a thief, and he was notinnocent at all. However, he received a heavier punishment than he deserved. So thatwas an irony. The guy stole another person’s identity and in a sense he inherited hiscrimes as well. So never take other people’s stuff, whatever it is. No one can escapepunishment.2. Interview time—the most intolerable behavior(s) in public places--I have interviewed 5 classmates, two girls and three boys. I asked each of them to list three intolerable behaviors in public places. Three of them said speaking loudly in the library was the most intolerable behavior. Library is a quiet place for students to read and do their homework. If someone speaks loudly, most of them feel interrupted and disturbed. It is hard for them to concentrate on their studies any longer. Other intolerable behaviors include knocks at a dormitory door at midnight asking about homework due the next day, someone not taking bath for a long time, letting pets pee everywhere, smoking, wearing clothes that cover very little of the body, being late for classes, banging doors, and making big noises while eating.--I asked 6 students what they thought were the most intolerable behaviors in public places. It seems that public display of love (kissing in public places and video talk with boyfriends in dorm) ranks the first. It makes those who have no boyfriend or girlfriend feel pathetic about themselves and it also makes roommates unable to concentrate on studies. Other intolerable behaviors are playing computer games in the dormitory, riding bicycles in the wrong direction, spitting, taking off one’s shoes, picking flowers from a park, shaking legs, pretending to understand others, leaving dirty clothes in the bathroom for days, doing morning exercises before 6 o’clock, jumping the queue, and letting young children pee or poo on street3. Conference on Social ProblemsChinese delegate: I think the biggest social problem in China is its large population. Many other problems arise from this, such as high housing price and the decline of natural resources. These days, food safety seems to be the biggest concern of ordinary people. Some food producers who look for big profits are using unnecessary chemicals in food production to improve the appearance and taste while reducing the cost of their products. These chemicals may be poisonous or even fatal to their consumers. At the same time, the environment is being seriously polluted in some areas. Japanese delegate: The unstable political system and frequent change of prime ministers is one of the most serious social problems in Japan. Natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis have also caused serious loss of people’s lives and great damage to properties as well as the country’s economic development. Being an island country, Japan lacks natural resources and is heavily dependent on imports.Russian delegate: Russia is facing many social problems, terrorism being the most serious of all. This can be traced back to the breakup of the former Soviet Union. When it was broken up, different nationalities experienced pain and conflicts. Since the privatization of the previously state-owned properties, a big gap has been created between the rich and the poor. Some people don’t trust the government any longer. Due to the extreme cold weather in winter, many Russian men are addicted to alcohol and some of them die young, leaving a larger female population. The total population of our country is, as a result, decreasing.Indian delegate: In India the biggest social problems are overpopulation, talent loss and poor infrastructure. India has a second largest population in the world next only to China, but unlike China, we don’t have a family planning policy, so the population is continuously increasing. A large part of the population lives in poverty and is unable to receive proper education. What’s more, weuse too much of the natural resources and environment pollution is getting even worse. In India, we worship certain animals like cows. They are allowed to wander on the streets, leading to frequent traffic jam and cow waste on the streets.USA delegate: We are currently experiencing the most severe economic recession in our history. It is partly caused by the international weakened financial system, but even more by the careless policies of many of our largest banks and commercial companies, and by irresponsible handling of financial matters by individuals and families. The unemployment rate in the US remains high, but is slowly improving. We have a high crime rate, including several campus shootings, and many of our metropolitan areas are unsafe much of the time. Our health care system is undergoing a reform but there is so much disagreement between the two main political parties that little progress has been made to date. Ordinary people have difficulty paying for the high cost of medical coverage, and economically deprived people have very limited medical coverage. We have overused and poorly handled many of our natural resources. The worst of all, we claim to have the best medical care in the world, but in reality it adequately covers only the higher and middle income portions of our population. All of the above have contributed to rather pessimistic feeling by many of our citizens. We also have disagreement on the global warming and other programs related to energy use, including the fact that we have been very dependent upon petroleum purchase from some Middle East countries with whom we have serious political differences, including the role of atomic energy and related atomic bombs and missiles.Part Two Reading-Centered ActivitiesPre-ReadingCase study: What would you do?To the teacher:You may:1) Prompt (if necessary) the students to think about practical issues like child-care, location of theschool, location of the apartment, work place, etc.2) Encourage the students to justify why both parents (or just one) accept the jobs.Samples1) It depends. If I were the wife, I would persuade my husband to accept the job. As for me, beforemaking a final decision, I would take into consideration such factors as child-care facilities, location of the school, location of the apartment, etc.2) Both of us will accept the jobs. On the one hand, the jobs are challenging, which is good for ourpersonal fulfillment. On the other hand, with the money we get, we could find a babysitter for our child or send him to a private school, where he may receive better education.3) Neither of us will take the job. I think parents should spend more time with their children. Achallenging, high-salary job means less time with your child. If we move to a city where we don’t have any relatives, it would be even wors e. A child who grows up with little care from parents or family is very likely to become a problem kid.Post- ReadingReading Comprehension1. What the Text Discusses1) financial 2) career 3) later 4) guilty 5) hurt 6) resentful7) productive 8) independence 9) responsibility 10) trusted11) frightening 12) resentment 13) abandoned 14) factors 15) quality2. Understanding Specific Information1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) F3. Comparing ExperiencesSamples1)In our group, two of us were latchkey children, two were taken care of by their grandparents,and one was taken care of by his mother because his mother did not work. The two who were once latchkey children had felt very much the same as the children mentioned in the passage.They felt lonely and watched TV a lot. But compared with the other students in our group, they are more independent. So in a way, it is good to leave children alone at home for some time every day.2)In our group, only one person was once a latchkey child. Both her parents were working faraway from home and she had to be on her own at home for most of the time on weekdays. The rest of us were taken care of either by our grandparents or by our parents. Every day when we came home after school, there was always somebody there waiting for us and taking care of us.We could also go out and play with other children after we had finished our homework. But sometimes we did wish to be left alone so that we could spend the time as we wished.3)I was once a latchkey child. Both my parents had to work night shifts when I was in elementaryschool. Every evening I did homework all by myself and then went to bed. I played computer games for a while if I finished my homework early. Sometimes I went to school before my parents came home. My parents knew that I could take good care of myself. They felt proud of me since I was so independent and did a good job at school. Sometimes they called me to make sure I was okay. I never felt lonely and was aware that my parents loved and cared for me.Weekends were precious time for all of us.Vocabulary1. 1) c 2) h 3) g 4) a 5) e 6) k 7) i 8) d 9) l 10) b 11) j 12) f2. 1) constantly 2) impact 3) burden 4) Candidly 5) fulfillment 6) salaried 7) resentment 8)assistance9) perfect 10) suppress3. 1) successfully 2) resentment 3) security 4) necessity 5) advisable6) access/accessibility 7) athletic 8) maturity 9) emotional 10) effectively4. Sentence-Making GameTips for teachers:Step 1: Write on the blackboard about 20 words or phrases that appear in the text. An even number is desirable since the students will be divided into 2 groups.A possible list:rise decade expense financial affect on the other hand priorityengage range forbid isolate stimulate express claim widespreadgiven work out take into consideration in case of secure arisecope with demand provideStep 2: Divide the students into two groups.Step 3: The students make sentences using the words on the blackboard. Each sentence can include more than one word and must be meaningful and grammatically correct. One point is awarded for each correctly used word. The teacher crosses out the word which has been correctly used. If the word is crossed out, it cannot be used again.Step 4: Students are encouraged to work quickly and raise their hands as soon as they come up with a sentence. The teacher works as a judge; the group that gets higher points wins.TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.1) Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours.2) How will taxes affect people with low incomes?3) My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn’t give up practicing thepiano.4) The books range in price from $10 to $20.5) It seems to me that you don’t have much choice.6) Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job.7) For such a big house the price is fairly cheap/low, but you’ve got to take into consideration themoney you will spend on repairs.8) Can we begin by discussing questions/problems arising from the last meeting?Part Three Further Development1. Enriching Your Word PowerStep One1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) C 7) C 8) A 9) C 10) BStep TwoDirections: Work out the Criminal Crossword in groups(请参照第二版教师用书第三册第三课第56页上的图)Step ThreeDirections: Complete the following text with the appropriate word.1) creates 2) individuals 3) makes 4) combination 5) however 6) fall7) responsible 8) which 9) difference 10) that 11) tempted 12) used13) lowest 14) died 15) reducing 16) quick 17) reason 18) principle19) minor 20) message2. Putting the Paragraphs in OrderStep OneDirections: Read the following paragraphs carefully and put them in the right order.The right order should be: E—B—F—C—A—G—D3. Graffiti -- Is it good or bad?STEP OneAnswers for reference:Political :We want work.End violence to women now.Tourists yes troops no.Make love not war.Funny:PatOnce I could never finish anything, but now I…Mickey Mouse is a rat. (This could also be political –a criticism of thewhole Disney Empire.)Poetic:Roses are red, violets are blue, why can’t black be beautiful too?Geography is everywhere. (This could be silly.)(These are only for your reference, there are no definite answers.)STEP TWOReasons for reference:--- show ―innocent‖ hearts and signs of love;--- desire to express anger against someone or something;--- express a political or social message;--- desire to be destructive;--- manifest boredom, frustration, or delinquency.--- show one’s talent as a graffiti artist4. For or AgainstSamplesFor:-- The originals and goods of high quality are too expensive, especially for low-income people or students;-- Pirated products and fake/inferior goods are good for promotional purposes because books,CDs, movies, tapes and famous brands will be available or known to more people. When they can afford them in their original state they’ll surely buy them.-- Pirated products and famous brands help to make the authors of the books, CDs, movies, or tapes, and the manufacturers better known or more popular. Nobody would even know who were the producers of the pirated or fake/inferior goods.-- More people will have jobs to make these products or goods. Sure the unemployment rate will be lowered.Against:-- Pirated products and fake goods are against the Copyright Law or violate the intellectual property rights;-- The authors, publishers and manufacturer are likely to suffer big financial losses;-- Piracy and counterfeiting encourage cheating and show no respect for other people’s work;-- Piracy and counterfeiting give rise to a large quantity of low-quality products and goods, and therefore result in a waste of resources and human labor;-- Piracy and counterfeiting damage our country’s image and put our country in a disadvantageous position in some international negotiations;-- The common value system has been distorted where piracy and counterfeiting dominate.Creativity and originality will diminish or decline.5.Working together to Solve the Social ProblemsFor teachers: To facilitate the activity, teachers can refer to Activity 3, Part I, of this unit for social problems presented by each delegate. Show your students these problems.SamplesChinese delegate: The population in China, though large, has shown signs of decreasing in the growth rate. Thanks to the family-planning policy, fewer babies have been born in the last thirty years. The demand on natural resources decreases gradually in different branches of industry. The policy met great opposition at the very beginning because it was against our old concept, more children greater happiness. Now the great majority of people are aware of the advantages the policy has brought to our country as well as to individual families. The Chinese government should continue to implement this policy, especially in rural areas. Also, China should develop green economy and reduce its heavy dependence on fossil fuels. The Chinese government should invest in the research and development of green energy, such as solar energy, wind energy and etc. And, the government should make stricter laws and regulations on food safety. Dishonest food producers should be harshly punished and fined so that the rest of them will be warned. Finally, the moral awareness and sense of social responsibility should be raised among citizens. People should care more about others and be ready to help each other when needed.The US delegate: The U.S. has been rather slow in working with cooperative programs to solve social problems. Initially our government felt we should plan and execute its own programs, but this approach appears to be changing. The problems of unemployment, a declining economy,agricultural production and trade, and social unrest have increased our attendance and participation in international meetings, including some of those which the United Nations has initiated. It is clear that only if the problems related to the economy, unemployment, food for the world population, and social unrest, become international in scope can there be international stability. And resolution of political and military conflicts have interfered with our U.S. efforts in the past, but appear to be improving. Exchanges between government officials from other countries and the U.S. have been held, and these appear to be mutually beneficial to the U.S. and to its trade partners as well. Hopefully, there will be greater support for international attention to global warming, overpopulation in Africa and Asia, and reduction of military warfare which has only interfered with efforts to solve social problems.Part Four Translation and Writing2. Translation Practice1) 孩子最好离开毒品一个电话报警者打来三个电话,报告毒品交易。



Unit 1. PersonalityPart One- Preparation1. Mr. And Miss So and So1) Gentle 2) Dedicated 3) Considerate 4) Adventurous 5) Calm 6)Aggressive7) Critical 8) Energetic 9) Selfish 10) Ambitious 11) Self-confident 12) Easygoing13) Truthful 14) Outgoing 15) Frank 16) Sensitive 17) Bossy 18)Patient19) Talkative 20) Persuasive 21) Sympathetic 22) Emotional2. Personality and JobSalesperson- shrewed, hard-working, boastful, acute, trickyTeacher- patient, tolerant, talkative, unselfish, loving, humorous, bossyDoctor- patient, calm, independent, careful, sympatheticPolice officer- brave, alert, independent, strong, calmAccountant- careful, honest, cautious, patientLawyer- persuasive, expressive, eloquent, serious, knowledgeable, talkativeTourist guide- enthusiastic, talkative, expressive, energetic, considerate, good-temperedHost or hostess of a show- emotional, expressive, optimistic, quick-minded, exaggerated, humorousReporter- cautious, extroverted, open-minded, adventurousSecretrary- easygoing, tolerant, sensitive, frank, thorough, efficientSpokeperson- intelligent, talkative, diplomatic, cautious, matter-of-factPart Two – Post-readingReading ComprehensionUnderstanding the Organization of the Text1) Introduction: (para1)Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people2) Reasons why shyness can have a negative effect: (para2-3)People’ s self-concept has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.People with high self-esteem unsually act with confidence.People with low self-esteem are likey to be passive and easily influenced by others.3) Ways of overcoming shyness: (para 4-15)i) Recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses.ii) Set reasonable goals.iii) Don’t waste time and energy on destructive feelings such as guilt and shame.iv) Don’t be afraid to speak up and give your point of view.v) Do not make negative comments about yourself.vi) Accept criticism thoughfully.vii) Profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as learning experiences.viii) Do not associate with people who make you feel inadequate.ix) Set aside time to relax, enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly.x) Practice being in social situations.4) Conclusion: (para16)The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential.2. Understanding Specific Information1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) F 6)T 7)F 8)F 9)TVocabulary1.1) self-couscious (worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you.)2) self-confidence (belief in one’s own ability, power, judgment, etc,; confidence in oneself)3) self-esteem (the feeling that you are someone who deserves to be liked, respected, or admired)4) self-destructive (with thoughts or actions that are counter to one’s own best interests)5) self-worth (the value you give to your life and achievements)6) self-concept (one’s conception or general idea of one’s own basic character and nature)7) self-awareness (realistic knowledge and judgment about oneself)8) self-assurance/self-confidence (the belief that you are able to deal with people and problems easily)2.1) B 2 ) I 3) L 4) A 5) H 6) D 7) E8) N 9) J 10) M 11) C 12) F 13) G 14) K3.1) profound 2)jealousy 3) numerous 4)overweight 5) overcome6) eventually 7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4.1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5) sensitive 6) respond/ react 7) eliminated 8) overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.(spend time on sth/ in doing sth)2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. (than ever before)3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Three – Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power1) B 2)B 3)A 4) B 5) D 6) C 7)B 8)C 9)A 10)A 11) C 12) BPart Four- Writing and Translation2.1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6)Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsPart One – Preparation4. Matching Pictures1. Aphrodite2. Ares3. Hephaestus4. Artemis5. Demeter6. Dionysus7. Poseidon 8. Athena 9. Apollo 10. hermes 11. Hera 12. ZeusPart Two – Post-reading1. Testing Your Memory1) Because they were invited to a feast in the sky.2) He saw the birds were busy preparing.3) He planned to go to the feast/ sky with the birds.4) They didn’t agree because Tortoise was mischievous/ cunning and ungrateful.5) With a sweet tongue, he convinced the birds that he was a changed man.6) He made two wings with all the features he got from each bird.7) All of You.8) Nuts, meat and fish soup, punded yam, yam soup, palm wine, etc.9) For whom have you prepared this feast?10) Because he knew the answer would be “For all of you”, which was his new name. So he could enjoy all the food first.11) They were very angry.12) They took back the feathers they had lent him.13) He asked him to take a message to his wife.14) Parrot, because he wanted to take advantage of the chance to get revenge.15) He asked Parrot to tell his wife to bring out all the soft things in his house and cover the ground with them so that he would be able to land safely. But Parrot told his wife to bring out all the hard and sharp things instead.16) His shell was broken into hundreds of pieces.Vocabulary1.1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory / preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approvign E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/ faithless C. faith D. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troubesome B. troulbed C. troubled D. troubling10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2.1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have…trouble5) trouble with 6) in serious/ deep/ big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3.1) with a pattern of roses.2) prepared a wonderful / good meal for us3) promised faithfully4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate6) keep out of mischief / behave themselves7)the sound of distant thunder8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much10)agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three – Further Development3 1. Enriching Your Word Power1) C 2) C 3) A 4) B 5)A 6) B 7) A 8) B 9) B 10) A 11) B 12) APart Four – Writing and Translation4 2. Translation Practice万物之初,天体还是一体,充满混沌。



新编大学英语第三版综合教程3答案Unit 1 PersonalityVocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsVocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling 10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble4) have …trouble 5) troublewith6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it wasa monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve see n?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked thetiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万物之初天地还是一体充满混沌。



Unit 1 PersonalityV ocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsV ocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D.preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling 10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have …trouble 5) troublewith6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked thetiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万物之初天地还是一体充满混沌。




Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high level of anxiety that impact us in almost everything we do.2.尽管固执,但他清楚自己应该避免引起怀疑。

Despite his stubbornness, he knew that he should avoid arousing any suspicions.3.无论你说什么都会被理解成批评。

Ann promised faithfully that she would never tell.4.你能把这封信送到会计部吗?Could you deliver this letter to the accounts department.5.他们为我们提供了精选的牛奶和纯巧克力。

We were offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate.6.告诉孩子们别胡闹。

Tell the children to keep out of mischief.7.我们可以听见打雷的声音。

We could hear the sound of distant thunder.8.这个项目已经得到了政府的批准。

The project has received approval from the government.9.虽然丈夫喝酒太多,但是Kelly仍然爱着他。

Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.10.专家们看起来无法对药物是否安全取得一致建议For such a big house the price is fairly cheap, but you’ve got to take into consideration the money you will spend on repairs.8.我们能否从讨论上会议产生的问题开始?Can we begin with discussing questions arising from the last meeting?Unit41. 我过去喜欢摄影,但是现在没时间去追求其他爱好了。




Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high level of anxiety that impact us in almost everything we do.2.尽管固执,但他清楚自己应该避免引起怀疑。

Despite his stubbornness, he knew that he should avoid arousing any suspicions.3.无论你说什么都会被理解成批评。

It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say.4.让我们不要为该被忽略和忘记的小事翻烦心。

Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles which we should ignore and forget.5.花太多的时间老是想着过去会阻碍你享受生活。

Too much time spent dwelling on the past can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens.6.相信自己能够完成目标并解决问题的人更有可能在学校里表现得好。

People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems are more likely to do well in school.1.她穿了一条有玫瑰团的裙子。

She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it.2.Helen为我们准备了一顿丰盛的晚饭。

Helen had prepared a wonderful meal for us.3.Ann信誓旦旦的保证她不会说出去。



新编大学英语第三版课后答案【篇一:新编大学英语3课后练习答案与课文完整版(包括预习课后阅读)】3课后练习参考答案:unit 1part onepreparation1.1)gentle 2)dedicated 3)considerate 4)adventurous 5)calm 6)aggressive7)critical 8)energetic 9)selfish 10)ambition 11)self-confident 12)easygoing13)truthful 14)outgoing 15)frank 16)sensitive 17)bossy 18)patient19)talkative 20)persuasive 21)sympathetic 22)emotional2.jobs personalitysalesperson undependable、shrewd、tricky、boastfulteacher knowledge、talkative、patient、energetic、unselfish、tolerantdoctor calm、skillful、sympathetic、careful、unselfishpolice office brave、calm、alert、carefulaccount cautious、careful、efficient、truthfullawyer knowledge、persuasive、talkative、expressive、intelligenttourist guide energetic、good-tempered、talkativehost or hostess of a show quick-minded、humorous、knowledge、expressive、emotional reporter adventurous、brave、curious、efficientsecretary considerate、careful、efficient、easygoingspokesperson diplomatic、intelligent、eloquentiii. post-readingreading comprehension1. understanding the organization of the text1) introduction: (para.1)shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.2) reasons why shyness can have a negative effect: (para.23) people’s self-concept has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.people with high self-esteem usually act with confidence.people with low self-esteem are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others.3) ways of overcoming shyness: (para.4-15)i) recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses.ii) set reasonable goals.iii) don’t waste time and energy on destructive feelings suchas guilt and shame.iv) don’t be afraid to speak up and give your point of view.v) do not make negative comments about yourself.vi) accept criticism thoughtfully.vii) profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as learning experiences. viii) do not associate with peoplewho make you feel inadequate.ix) set aside time to relax, enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly.x) practice being in social situations.4) conclusion: (para.16)the better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential.2. understanding specific information1) f 2) f 3) t 4) t 5) t 6) f 7) t 8) f 9) f 10) t3. group discussion1) i think the most effective ways of overcoming shyness are the first and seventh ways. recognizing our personal strengths and weaknesses is useful because if we know ourselves better, we can feel more self-confident. we can be more objective, instead of being blind. the seventh way is to profit fromfailures and disappointments as learning experiences. if we allow ourselves to get discouraged and sad when we fail, then we will feel more unsure of ourselves. but if we think of a failure as a learning experience, we are adopting a positive attitude. by analyzing objectively why we failed and planninghow to set about doing things differently we will be more likely to succeed next time.2) modesty is used to describe a reserved appraisal of one’s merits, abilities or success, e.g. she is very modest about her accomplishments. shyness is used to describe the uncomfortable feeling one has in the company of others. it often implies a lack of self-confidence and a timid, reserved manner. modesty is a good personality trait while shyness in many cases is undesirable.3) yes, it is appropriate and normal to be shy in some circumstances: in the presence of teachers, your boss, your parents’ friends or your prospective in-laws; when you are dating someone, especially the first time; when you are with strangers; when you are in a new environment; when you’re facing a large audience.vocabulary1. self- is a prefix which means ―of, to or by oneself or itself.‖words with the prefix self- that appear in the text: self-conscious, self-concept, self-assurance, self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-destructive, self-awareness, self-accept103fance, self-rejection, self-confident1) self-conscious (worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you)2) self-confidence (belief in one’s own ability, power, judgment, etc.; confidence in oneself)3) self-esteem (the feeling that you are someone who deserves to be liked, respected, or admired)4) self-destructive (with thoughts or actions that are counterto one’s own best interests)5) self-worth (the value you give to your life and achievements)6) self-concept (one’s conception or general idea of one’s own basic character and nature)7) self-awareness (realistic knowledge and judgment about oneself)8) self-assurance/self-confidence (the belief that you are able to deal with people and problems easily)2. part a1) b2) i3) l 4) a5) h 6) d 7) e 8) n 9) j 10) m11) c 12) f 13) g 14) kpart b1) profound2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish10) reassurance 11) detrimental 12) isolated13) self-esteem 14) accented3. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect 4) viewed/regarded 5) sensitive6) respond/react 7) eliminated 8) overcome my fear 9) concentrate on 10) made no commenttranslation1.you should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2. in general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3. when the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4. every day he sets some time aside to be with his family and enjoy life.5. i remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6. he fina lly failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.7. in contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8. he succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. part threefurther development1. 1)bbabc 6)cbcaa 11)cbpart four writing and translation (p46)2. translation practice1) it is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) when you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too muchunit 2part onepreparation4.matching pictures1)aphrodite 2)ares 3)hephaestus 4)artemis 5)demeter 6)dionysus 7)poseidon8)athena 9)apollo 10)hermes 11)hera 12)zeuspost-readingreading comprehension1. 1) because they were invited to a feast in the sky.2) he saw the birds were busy preparing.3) he planned to go to the feast/sky with the birds.4) they didn’t agree because tortoise wasmischievous/cunning and ungrateful.5) with a sweet tongue, he convinced the birds that he was a changed man.6) he made two wings with all the feathers he got from each bird.7) all of you.8) nuts, meat and fish soup, pounded yam, yam soup, palm wine, etc.9) for whom have you prepared this feast?10) because he knew the answer would be ―for all of you‖, which was his new name. so he could enjoy all the food first.11) they were very angry.12) they took back the feathers they had lent him.13) he asked them to take a message to his wife.14) parrot, because he wanted to take advantage of the chance to get revenge.15) he asked parrot to tell his wife to bring out all the soft things in his house to cover the ground with them so that he would be able to land safely. but parrot told his wife to bring out all the hard and sharp, not the soft, things instead.16) his shell was broken into hundreds of pieces.2. ekwefi is telling a story about tortoise. long long ago, there was a famine, and the birds got an invitation from the sky to attend a feast there. tortoise learned about it and with hissweet tongue he persuaded the birds to take him with themand so each bird lent him a feather.103ftortoise cunningly thought of an idea that enabled him to have all the food by naming himself ―all of you.‖ when they reached the sky, they received a warm welcome and soon the food was presented to them. then he asked one of the peoplein the sky: ―for whom have you prepared all this feast?‖ the man replied: ―for all of you.‖ so he ate almost all the best food. the birds became very angry and took back their feathers before flying home. without feathers, he had to jump onto the ground and his shell was broken into pieces.3. acting out the storysamplebird a: how exciting! all of us are invited to the feast in the sky. bird b: i just can’t wait. what do you think i should w ear?tortoise: hello. good morning. what are you excited about?bird a: didn’t you know that we are going to the sky?bird b: and we are going to have a big dinner. what fun!tortoise: how nice it is. what lucky guys. may i go with you?i’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun. bird a: yes, we’ll have great fun, but not you. we know you too well. you are full of cunning and you are ungrateful.bird b: if we allow you to come with us, you will soon begin your mischief.bird a: we know you of old.tortoise: you don’t know me now. i’m a changed man. i am not the mischievous man you once knew. in fact, i am thoughtful and well-meaning. i have learned that a man who makestrouble for others is also making trouble for himself. rest assured, i promise you i will not cause you any trouble.bird a: (talking to bird b) maybe he is a changed man now.let’s talk to our bird friends and see if we will take him with us. (after a brief discussion with all the other birds)bird b: ok. tortoise, now we all agreed to take you to the sky. each of us will lend you a feather so that you can have two wings to fly.(during the flight to the party)bird a: tortoise is a great orator!bird b: let’s make him the spokesperson for the party.tortoise: did you know that we need a new name when we are invited to a great feast like this? it is an age-old custom andour hosts in the sky will expect us to honor it.bird a: we haven’t heard of this before. but as you are such a learned man, if you say this, we will choose a new name for ourselves. i will call myself good-looking.bird b: i am smart-ass.tortoise: and my new name is all of you.(on their arrival at the sky)sky people: welcome to the sky, our dear bird friends. we are so pleased to see you again. please make yourselves at home. tortoise: my dear respected friends, thank you so much for inviting us to the sky. nothing can make us happier than this. it is our greatest honor to be here and have a good time with you. sky people: thank you for your nice words. now please help yourselves to the nuts.bird a: tortoise is really eloquent, isn’t he? i’m glad wedecided to bring him with us. bird b: yes. and these are delicious nuts.sky people: now the dinner is ready. please enjoy the soup, meat, fish and pounded yam. here is palm wine, too.tortoise: just a moment. let me ask you first. for whom have you prepared this feast? sky people: for whom? why? for all of you, of course.tortoise (to the birds): you remember that my name is all of you. the custom here is to serve the spokesman first and the others later. they will serve you when i finish.sky people (to themselves): looks like it is their custom to leave all the food to their king first. tortoise: mm. yummy. mm. i’m full now. you can start to eat.bird a: we should never bring him here. i am too angry to eat. i’m going home.bird b: wait. i am leaving, too. take the feather with us.tortoise: what are you doing? leave me the feather. oh, howam i going home without a single feather? you can’t do this to me?birds: bye.tortoise: could someone take a message for my wife? tell her to bring out everything soft and cover the ground. …4. taking sides【篇二:新编大学英语book 4 第三版课后答案】abulary 11) entertaining / entertainment / entertained /entertainer2) recognizable / recognized / recognition3) tempting / temptation / tempt4) reasoned /reasoning / reasonable / reason5) analyzed / analytical /analyst /nanlysis6) valuable / valuation / valued values /value7) humorist / humor /humorous /humorist8) understandable /understanding /understand/misunderstandtanslation1)(活泼的举止是正常的)3) dave required a lot of time to study the (多种多样的论据)4) i(我要求我的上司为我解释清楚)5) photographic film is very . (对光很敏感)6)(互相鼓励)7) jimmy cried when people . (拿他开玩笑)8) john won’t give up. he . (坚持他的观点)9) ted always wants (成为注意的焦点)10) is it cheaper if ? (我们提前买票)unit 2translation1.however (这种搜素引擎的主要缺陷)is its tendency to include too much information.2. (她从不吝惜自己的时间) --- always ready to helpother people.3. you may have known someone else for 20 years and yet (他们永远只是泛泛之交). (他怀疑这车不是她的)because everyone knew she had5. it’s impossible to forget such h orrible events(它们会永远留在记忆中). (在这样一个常常充满各种不确定性的世界上), it is nice to have a safety net, something you can rely on. (比该研究小组的预报提前了一年), but earthquakes are usually difficult to predict.8. i don’t mind being awakened once or twice in the middle of the n(只要她不养成习惯) .unit 3vocabulary 1.1) new genetic tests for other dread diseases are appearing almost every day.2) when teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.3) after her illness, she had become noticeably thinner.4) i cannot support a policy of which i have never approved.5) “bias against girls in not something new; it has existed for a long time in our history,” sheargued.6) no one can function properly if they are deprived of adequate sleep.7) the local authority decided that the present housing conditions constituted a risk for themother and baby.8) the president’s participation in the economic summit (首脑会议) is seen as vital to itssuccess.9) perhaps he had slightly misled them, but it was quite unintentional.10) funding a course is one of the most challenging things people face when considering1. …carry over into personal life.2. …calling on the boys more often.3. …getting all the laundry put away…4. …has fallen behind academically.5. …who’s going to take over…unit 4translation 2) , though it was really hard for us to make thedecision.(5/6) the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.(2/8)4) that open spaces and parklands areprotected and maintained to a high standard to keep the city increasingly attractive.(3/1) (1/1) by considering critically the four theories well-knownin this area.(8/2)of any existing buildings of the kind.(-2/5)8) through all his life he has made effortsunit 5vocabulary11) necessity / necessary / necessarily2) disagreement / disagreed / disagreeable3) decisive / decision / decide4) choosy / choice / chose5) led / lead / leading6) perfect /perfection /perfected7) determination /determine /determined8) assist / assistance /assistant9) imagination / imaginative / imaginary / imaginable / imagined10) scared /scary /scared11) tolerable / tolerant / tolerance / tolerate12) expectant / expected / expectationsvocabulary21) don’t lie to him. he is bound to find out about it.2) the mine-workers went on strike, and the railroad unions threatened to follow their lead.3) he told us that he would take the place of his father in the company for a while.4) it is all very well to be frugal(节约的), but he goes too far / is going too far .5) i haven’t seen that student of mine for some time. do you think she’s dropped out?6) your mother would have a fit if she knew you were here.7) let’s face it. we won’t win whatever we do.8) these products measure up to the national standards9) when we were young, we were taught to look up to the police.10) my father can make anything: chairs, tables, cupboards—you name it.translation:1. one of the reasons they became good friends…2. …not by following the footsteps of others.3.…which means he’ll miss the world cup…4. …whether to say she missed him very much or to continue to keep silent.5. …the days when she was a little gir l living with her dad in the country.6.no matter how insignificant the findings were at the time…7. constantly being criticized by parents …8. the danger of going too far…unit 6vocabulary1. 1) sensible 2)relative 3) mechanism 4)requires 5) eliminate 6) crash 7)accordingly8) exposure 9) ratio 10) partialtranslation1)he was finally offered the job on the strength of his good memory and the many exams he had passed.2) she favors a bit of adventures as well as a certain degree of self-government when her children’s education is concerned.3) most people who are sick with aids want to stay at home rather than spend time unnecessarily in hospital.4) what if i choose to give small amounts of money regularly over a period of time instead of donating a large sum once for all.5) i am afraid, mr. peterson, the answer is that we have to be more efficient than our european competitors.6) the museum does not intend to focus on a particular aspect of modern art, but prefers to offer material for the public to study and compare.7) she has decided not to go for a drive on such a windy day even supposing a car was available.8) i am well aware the fact that you have cut yourself off from your past and have started a totally new life.unit 71) no one can function properly if he or she is adequate sleep.2) john and mary stayed together only 3) if i thought i could iti wouldn’t pay any taxes at all.4) bill of high school at the age of 16 when his parents died ina car accident.5) i should warn you, miss gray. this is the first time you have been late.6) don’t you think it’s time we 7) the light is so dim that i cannotone speaker 8) i like to 9) we could tell that robert had a very difficult time.10) she shouldn’t be working so hard? she is 70, _11) i didn’t enjoy marking these papers and i was glad to 12) i’d rather not go to the dance ; i do wish you’d come with me.translation:1)…will leave no record/won’t leave a record on students’ transcript…2)…when confronting /facing difficulty.3)…beyond the deadline.4) …to toss the report on the desk.5) …unlearning all the bad habits…6) …deprived the house of light.7) …pop into your mind…8) …budget his time…9) …were supposed to be secrets/confidential…10) …are due this friday.unit 8? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? translation: to the edge of the highway. 5. the firm had never hired an unmarried lawyer, and it【篇三:课文翻译及课后练习答案新编大学英语(第三版)第一册 unit2】tingin-class reading special delivery特种快递到了机场,我才发现我兄弟搭乘的航班延误了一个小时。



Unit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveText AText Organization ( P11 )Part One (paragraphs 1—3) The writer views his life in the country as aself-reliant and satisfying one.Part Two (paragraphs 4—7 ) Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard. Part Three (paragraphs 8—11) After quitting his job, the writer’s income wasreduced, but he and his family were able to manageto get by.Part Four (paragraphs 12—15 ) A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy havemade it possible for the family to enjoy their life inthe country.Happy Moments and Events1)growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables2)canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc.3)keeping warm inside the house in winter4)writing freelance articles5)earning enough money while maintaining a happy family lifeHardships1)working hard both in winter and in summer2)harsh environment and weather condition3)anxious moments after the writer quit his job4)cutting back on daily expenses5)solitudeVocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. ( P15 )1)on balance 2) resist 3) haul 4) wicked5) illustrated 6) budget 7) lowering 8) boundary9) involved 10)economic 11) blasting 12) just about2. Now use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have learned and complete the sentence with it. ( P16 )1)cut back / down 2)pick up3)get by 4) get through5)face up to 6)turn in7)making up for 8)think up3. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. (P17 )1)pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy.2)often generate misleading thoughts.3)attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work.4)be suspected of doing everything for money.5)before he gets through life.4. Complete the sentences, using the words or phrases in brackets ( P17 )1. their indoor a profit to invest in2. device the improvement on a global scale3. stacked temptation never dined outConfusable Words ( P18 )1.house2.Home3.home family4.household1.doubt2.suspected3.doubted4.suspected5.suspectWord Formation ( P19 )1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows and whys6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) searchCloze1. Text-related ( P20 )1) gets by 2) temptation 3) get through4) improvements 5) aside from 6) suspect7) supplement 8) profit 9) stacking2. Theme-related ( P21 )1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit4) world 5) tough 6) fuels7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance10) idealTranslation1. Translate the sentences into English ( P21 )1)We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it is fairly minor.2)My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of myhometown took over responsibility for my upbringing at that point.3)The toys have to meet strict/tough safety requirements before they can besold to children.4)Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaperas carriers of news and opinion.5)When it comes to this magazine, it is/carries a digest of articles from manynewspapers and magazines around the world.2. Translate the passage into English ( P21 )A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened/set up a household device store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a business on a small scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premiums for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.Unit 2 Civil-Rights HeroesTEXT ATEXT ORGANIZATION(p41)1.Part One Paras 1-5 It is high time to honor the heroes who helped liberate slaves byforging the Underground Railroad in the early civil-rightsstruggles in America.Part Two Paras 6-23 By citing examples the author praises the exploits of civil-rightsheroes who helped slaves travel the Underground Railroad tofreedom.2.Story 1 (Paras 6-10): After winning his own freedom from slavery, John Parkerhelped otherslaves to escape north to Canada to get freedom.Story 2 (Paras 11-15): Supported by a strong religious conviction, the white man LeviCoffin helped black slaves to escape at huge risk to himself. Story 3 (Paras 16-23): By traveling the Underground Railroad, Josiah Henson reachedhis destination and became free at last.VOCABULARYI.1. (p44)1)decades 2)historic 3)imposed 4)religious 5) slender 6) web7)bade 8)site 9)on the side 10)authorized 11)terminal 12) make the best of2.(p45)1) went through 2) stood up for 3) laid down 4) take on5) let (us) down 6) draw on 7) fall into 8) pass for3.(p46)1) The Europeans are fully confident that the Americans will not be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling American steel industry.2) Clinton is, in the eyes of Joe Klein , staff writer of the New Yorker and author of The Natural, the most talented politician of his generation and the most compelling.3) There’s not much you can do if people are really intent on destroying themselves with drugs.4) A different experience of the world could forge a completely different approach to life.5) It is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and social problems in the long run.4.(p47)1). As for, do not compel, capture of , have forged2) At huge risk, the mission, shelter3) who abolished, In the eyes of, racialII. Words with Multiple Meaning(p47)1.I’ll tell you in a minute how I have attained the genuine sense of belonging inAmerica, but first let me hear about your French trip.2.Most McDonald’s look almost the same on the outside, but actually there areabout 16 different basic designs.3.Loaning money from the banks is but one of the methods we can use to getthrough a financial crisis.4.This second-hand car has been nothing but trouble; it’s always breaking down.5.In your resume you’ve mentioned everything but one vital point.6.Our technicians have discovered a simple but effective solution to the problem.7.I am sorry, but I think you shouldn’t have lingered on over coffee and missed thelast bus.8.The bankruptcy of the company was not caused by evil, but by simple ignorance.III. USAGE(p49)1. lonely2. friendly3. weekly, monthly4. lovely5. cowardly6. kindly/ saintly7. lively 8. motherlyCOMPREHENSIVE EXERCISESI.CLOZE(p50)1.1) forged 2) stand up3) compelled 4) convictions5) mission 6) abolish7) intent on 8) risk9) In the eyes of 10) threats2.1) assistance 2) involved3) estimated 4) coincidence5) emerged 6) referred7) numerous 8) stationed9) concern 10) captureII.TRANSLATION(p51)1.1)Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we arestill confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.2)Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherishedvillage and move to the new settlement.3)According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may bemotivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.4)Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river,the old man reported to the police at once.5)Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to likegenetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.2.Shortly after he achieved freedom Henson became intent on assisting assistedfugitive slaves. He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom. Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run. He disguised them and successfully avoided capture. Later he built a small settlement in Dresden, Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school. He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.Unit 3 SecurityText AText Organization(p69)1.2.1) Doors are not left unlocked either in cities or in rural areas.2) Dead-bolt locks, security chains, electronic alarm systems and trip wires are widely in use.3) Suburban families have steel bars built in sliding glass doors.4) Small notices warning against burglary are commonly seen pasted on the windows of the most pleasant of homes.5) Access cards are required of those who work with medium to large-size companies.6) Airport security uses electronic X-ray equipment to guard against terrorism.7) Businessmen employ new machines linked up to their telephone to help determine whether the caller is telling lies or not.8) Suburban housewives wear rape whistles on their key chains.Language FocusVocabulary (p72)I.1.1) threathens 2) by a small margin 3) civilize4) closed up 5) wandered 6) paste7) without so much as 8) sideways 9) hook up to10) universal 11) chart 12) Bathed in2.1) narrowed down 2) looked back on 3) cut off4) fit into 5) wear (the other) down 6) lies in7) put up 8) stand for3. 1) A certain gene which is likely to make people vulnerable to asthma has been found by2) era, hooked up to the, the electronic3) the suburb, a sophisticated, system, analyze, make errorsII. Collocation(p75)1. away2. inside/in3. forward/through4. back5. off6. home7. back, down 8. in, outIII. Usage(p76)1.Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be.2.Most men do not look unattractive in them.3.Wealthy as she is, she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment.4.This claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in the city's violent crimes.5.His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.Comprehensive Exercises(p77)I. Cloze1.1. Statistics2. rural3. era4. stood for5. on the latch6. vulnerable7. barriers 8. electronic9. reflection2.1. tougher2. liable3. shift4. electric5. cautious6. sophisticated7. thieves 8. break9. chances 10. signsII. Translation(p78)1.1).The Internet is changing the way people live, no matter whether they are in urban orrural areas.2).Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the globaleconomic crisis than large ones.3).With regard to our term papers, the professor asked us to analyze the chart ofunemployment first, and then provide critical reflections on the nation’s economic development.4).It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a largemargin.5).Looking back on my twenty years’ teaching in high school, I attributed my success topatience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.2.It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes, thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Make sure/assure yourself that you don’t leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addition you may have it hooked up to a police station.Unit 4 Was Einstein a Space Alien?1). He felt all the pressure and responsibility of any young husband and father.2). Galison: If Einstein hadn’t been born, his 1905 papers would have been written insome form by others.3). Other physicists like Max Planck, more senior and experienced than Einstein, wereclosing in on the answer, but he got there first.4). Einstein himself credited his discoveries to imagination and questioning more sothan orthodox intelligence.5). He failed in producing a unified field theory.6). His brain looked much like any other.Language FocusVocabulary1. (P. 104)1) accordingly 2) loose3) concentration 4) stimulating5) fabric 6) if anything7) reality 8) intuition9) trifle 10) at the turn of the century11) mess 12) undermineII. Collocation (P. 106-107)1.With Christmas only a week away2.With his physical condition improving day by day3.With our GDP growing steadily4.With all the shops closed5.with her eyes closedComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze (P. 108-109)1. (P. 109)1.The volunteers sent/assigned by the Red Cross disinfected , with great caution,the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague.2.Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism andgravity but failed.3.Professor Wang received / won the Presidential Award fro his excellence instimulating students’ creative imagination.4.As there were some major design flaws, the board of directors didn’t approve ofthe economic stimulus package.5.Having realized that nobody could help him, Jordan finally came to theconclusion that he had to face reality and meet the challenge by himself.2. (P. 110)What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the United Nations declared it “The World Year of Physics”. It was the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s theory of relativity and the 50th anniversary of his death. In 1905 Einstein published five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics. His great achievement can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for authority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th century.Unit 5 Giving ThanksLanguage FocusVocabulary(p149)1. 1) sprinkled2) in turnII. Collocation (p151)1, fond of 2. sick of3. thoughtful of4. confident of5. conscious of6. critical of7. guilty of of■III. Usage (p152)1.To know what people really think, pay regard to what they do, rather than whatthey say.2.It is cooperation, rather than conflict, that will enable you to achieve yoursuccess.3.Ann made students think for themselves rather than telling them what to think.4.I think I'll stay at home this evening rather than go / going out.5.Most people are content to let perfect days happen at random rather than plan /planning for them.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze (p153)(A)1) at sea2) Turning over3) reverse4) got to5) repay6) gratitude7) assembled8) immersed in9) unloading 10) swift(B)1) Instead 2) possessions3) richer4) breath5) cherish6) special7) specific8) shining9) miracles 10) giftII. Translation (p154)1.1)Grandma took it for granted that food prices would soar, so she bought a lot ofrice.2)I can quote you several instances of her dedication to science.3)The 1980s saw the start of the swift development of some special economic zonesin China.4)Tension between the two countries stemmed in part from the latest spy affair.5)Peter has worked in a law firm for many years. Y ou can consider having him asyour lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legal help.2.Amid the atmosphere of Thanksgiving George was immersed in the diary left to him by his father, who died at sea after he completed two successive trips around the world. The diary brought back every moment George had spent with his father and many of the specific things his father did on his behalf. George's father used to impress on him the need to undergo all kinds of hardship in quest of excellence. Even today, George still remembers how his father would quote Aesop's famous saying "Gratitude is the sign of noble souls" and tell him to accord the greatest importance to it.Unit 6 The Human TouchText AText Organization1.1).She made up her mind to die when the last leaf fell.2).She decided not to give up her life.3).Behrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsy's state of mind, risked death topaint the last leaf and save her.4).Because it was so perfect the girls both mistook it for the real thing.2.Vocabulary1. 1) masterpieces 2) fragile3) fancy 4) nonsense5) cling to 6)endure7) acute 8) whistle9) mock 10) subtracted11) Sin 12) flutter/fluttering2)called to us , in a whisper , in tune with,3)backward, was wet through,4)won't hear of , turn loose yourII. Words with Multiple Meanings (P. 179—180)1.He went to Paris on business last month.2.The train to Brussels goes at 2:.3.As soon as they arrived at the meadow, the shepherd let the sheep go.4.We went exploring together in the mountains. / We will go exploring together in themountains.5.Let's go and have a drink in the bar.6.The store is going to close up soon.7.South Koreans went crazy when their soccer players beat the Spanish team inthe quarterfinals.8.When the mother came out of the house, she found her children gone.III. Usage (P. 180)1. a little white wooden house2.long, curly red hair2.a large old round table3.a cheap Indian restaurant4.a huge cool chocolate ice-cream5.rapid technological advance6.a handsome young Chinese AmericanComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze (P. 181)(A)1. in tune 3. in a whisper 4. cling to 5. Merry6. sat up7. nonsense8. fancy9. sin 10. masterpiece(B)1. mission2. involve3. jail4. not5. collect6. deliver7. beautiful 9. need 10. smallII. Translation (P. 182)1. (P. 182)1)The red house stands out against the old trees that reach high up to the sky.2)The salary in/for my new job is great, but for the rest, I’m not satisfied.3)The waters of the two streams mingle near our village.4)We should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs.5)The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the style of the furniture.2. (P. 182)Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people. They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part, or to be "in tune with" other artists. They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.Unit 7 Making a LivingText AText Organization1.Vocabulary1. 1) disabled 2) impatient3) solitary 4) crushed5) feel like 6) lashed7) echoing 8) paused9) betrayed 10) laundry11) section 12) tilted2.1) cared for 2) hang on3) was laid up with 4) are gaining on5) kicked up 6) went off7) drop…off 8) straighten out3.(P. 207)1)It wasn’t that she couldn’t hear me, but that what I said sometimes didn’t register withher.2)Inside all was in disorder, drawers pulled out, shoes and boots scattered.3)5,000 dollars was transferred from Father’s account to my account.4)Mrs. Smith has made a pledge to contribute 100,000 dollars to the Children in Needcharity campaign.5)Car manufacturing is the most profitable business in that province.4.(P. 207—208)1)gaining on, off balance, was laid up in, scar on2) a cripple/crippled, surgery, limitations, in literature3)commission, on the phone, his territory, never registers withII. Usage (P. 208—209)1.I never did go over these books, although I probably should have.2.I know this is a personal question. Y ou don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to.3.I think this topic should have attracted far more attention from philosophers than it has.4.“I think you’re right.”—“I’m sure I am.”5.“He thought that the condition was hereditary in his case.”—“Well, it might be.”6.“Sugar?”—“No. Maybe next time.”7.The house is only a building. It is a place to live, nothing more.8.DIANE: Y ou didn’t! Tell me you didn’t!FA THER: Oh, yes. Anything for my children.III.Word Family (P. 209)1.1) bored 2) boredom 3) bored 4) boringly 5) boring2.1) encouraged 2)encouragingly 3) encouraging 4) encouragement3.1) frozen 2)freeze 3) freezing 4) freezer 5) freezeComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze (P. 210)1.1).off …feet 2).signature 3)mission 4).on the phone 5).laid up6).surgery 7).territory 8).disorder 9).applying for 10).dignity2.1).didn’t 2).read 3)e 4).money 5).because6). earning 7).doing 8).own 9). Obviously 10).valueII. Translation (P. 211)1.1)I grew terribly scared when I heard sound of footsteps echoing round the hallway atmidnight yesterday.2)The name-brand sports shoes are guaranteed for 12 months.3)Snowstorms threw communications and transportation into disorder.4)I’ve been suffering a lot of stress from work lately. I feel like taking a vacation at theseaside.5)Living in an apartment is all right, but it has its limitations—for example, you don’thave your own garden.2.Tom was born a cripple, with one of his lower limbs useless. Early in his childhood,he learned that unless he so exerted himself as to rise above his limitations, he could not earn a living, and unless he succeeded in making a living on his own, he could not win/gain the respect of others. That was the price he had to pay for his dignity as a human being.Tom applied for numerous jobs, only to be turned down, before he finally got one as a delivery boy for a Pizza Hut. He then worked as a sales representative for a sportswear company in territory no one else would want. Today he owns a fairly profitable retail shop in his hometown, and hires several people to work for him.。



Unit 1 LovePart 2 Reading-Centered Activities*Reading Comprehension1. Para.1-4 C para.5-7 A para.8-11 B para.12-13 D2. 1) They would stare at them.2) He felt embarrassed/ashamed.3) He never let on.4) He usually walked there with the help of his son.5) He was pulled on a child’s sleigh to the subway station.6) He liked baseball, dances, and parties.7) He asked them to sit down and fight with him.8) He was proud of his son.9) He missed him very much and was sorry for what he had thought about him.10) He learned to have a good heart from his father.3. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) D 6) A 7) B 8) C 9) D 10) A4. 1) the difficulty in coordinating the steps2) whether a person has a good heart3) a good heart4) the baseball team5) sat down to fight6) what the son has achieved, i.e. serving in the Navy7) sensed my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks8) the reluctance to walk with him*Vocabulary1. 1) urged 2) bother 3) embarrassed 4) adjusted 5) complain6) kid 7) subject 8) saw to it that 9) coordinate 10) participate in2. patient--patience enter--entranceBitter--bitterness complain--complaintFortunate--fortune envy--enviousKnowledge--knowledgeable memory--memorableReluctance--reluctant frustrate--frustration1) bitter 2) fortunate 3) patience 4) memorable 5) reluctant 6) entrance 7) complaints 8) envious 9) knowledgeable 10) frustration *Translation1. More than 3,000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem.2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.3. See to it that the same mistake won’t happen again.4. Now that they’ve got to know more about each other, they get along better.5. Then I found myself surrounded by five or six boys.6. I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.Part 3 Further Development*Grammar ReviewStructure 11) is easy to find in the library2) are not easy to keep clean3) is hard to get along with4) is difficult to accept5) would be impossible to gather without using computers.Structure 21) for her parents to understand her behavior2) for the government to deal with the problem3) for you to win such a prize4) for us to take such criticism5) for you to prepare these mealsStructure 31) with which2) at which3) by which4) with whom5) to whom6) in whom*Vocabulary Review1. A: paces B: pace C: pace/speed D: speed2. A: adjust B: adjusted C: change D: changed/adjusted3. A: precisely/exactly B: precisely/exactlyC: precisely/exactly D: precisely/exactly4. A: puzzled B: puzzled/confused C: confused/puzzled D: puzzled/confused5. A: urged B: persuade C: urged D: persuade*What is love?1. causes2. offers3. to4. not5. tell6. calls7. attracted 8. discovers 9. weak 10. disappointed 11. distance 12. outPart 4 Translation and Writing*Translation Practice1.1) He never complains about the financial burden on his shoulders.2) She has a golden heart/a heart of gold and loves people around her.3) My father has never bought any candies or toys for my younger brother and me, but I know he loves us.4) My parents do their best to meet our needs and always keep their promise.2. 1) 他从来不感到疲劳,非常喜欢工作,而且说话不多。



Unit11 Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high levels of anxiety (从感觉轻微的不适到高度的焦虑) that impact us in almost everything we do.2 Despite his stubbornness, he knew in his heart that he should avoid arousing any suspicions(避免引起任何怀疑).3 It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say .(成批评,无论你说什么).4 Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles (让我们不要为小事情烦心) (which) we should ignore and forget.5 Too much time spent dwelling on the past (花太多的时间老是想着过去) can get in the way ofenjoying life as it happens.6 People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems (相信自己能够完成目标并解决问题的人) are more likely to do well in school.Unit 31.Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours.(由于紧急情况,这个医生几小时内都没有空)2.How will taxes affect people with low incomes?(税收将会如何影响低收入的人?)3.My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn’t give up practicing the piano.(我母亲总是告诉我,从长远来看我会很高兴我没有放弃练钢琴)4.These books range in price from $10 to $20.(这些书的价格从10美元到20美元不等)5. It seems to me that you don’t have much choice.(在我看来你没有什么选择)6. Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job.(考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已做的相当不错了)7. For such a big house the price is fairly low, but you’ve got to take into consideration the money you will spend on maintenance and repairs.(对这么一幢大房子来说这价格相当便宜,但你得考虑维修费用)8. Can we begin with discussing questions arising from the last meeting?(我们能否从讨论上次会议产生的问题开始?)Unit 41. I used to enjoy/like photographers,(我过去喜欢摄影)but I now have no time to pursue any hobbies.2. There is no sure way to tell (没有一种可确信的方式来预测)who will develop asthma and who won’t.3. Today neurobiologists no longer argue about whether or not the brain can grow new cells.(大脑是否能生成新细胞)4. I don’t love acting as much as I once did(像以前那样), said Angelina Jolie.5.If you don’t define your goal ,you don’t know in which direction you should heading.(你应该向哪个方向前进)6.While you should not dwell on your past ,taking the time to review and reflect on the path you have taken.(花些时间回顾和思考你走过的路)7.You may love someone but not necessarily have to marry him.(不一定得和他结婚)8.These examples demonstrate how poorly some students write their resumes.(有些学生的简历写得多么差)Uint 71) 我没料想到上演一个剧本需要这么多的工作。



综合教程3第三版后答案【篇一:综合英语教程邹为诚主编(第三版)1-4册课后翻译答案】/p> 1. 经理先生,明天我可以不来上班吗?我母亲要来看我。

mr. manager, may i take a day off tomorrow? my mother is coming to see me.2. 警察悬赏捉拿抢劫银行罪犯的线索。

the police offered a reward for clues about the bank robbers.3. 上周我生病时,她主动提出来帮助我照顾孩子。

when i was ill last week, she offered to look after my child.4. 除了厨房以外,这套公寓应该说是非常令人满意的了。

except for the kitchen, the flat is very satisfactory.5. 她去年被提升为部门经理。

she was promoted to branch manager last year.6. 人人都累极了,只有约翰没事。

everyone was exhausted except john.7. 谁在经营这家公司?whos running this company?8. 他伸手到口袋里去拿钱包。

he reached into his pocket for the wallet.二:1.我想在镇上买幢房子,但现在买不起。

i want to buy a house in town, but cant afford it now.3.他把房子照料得很好,每两年粉刷一次。

he took good care of the house and painted it every second year/every other year/once in two years.4.他把家具搬进了另一个房间。


Doctor- pa ent, calm, independent, careful, sympathe c Police officer- brave, alert, independent, strong, calm Accountant- careful, honest, cau ous, pa ent Lawyer- persuasive, expressive, eloquent, serious, knowledgeable, talka ve Tourist guide- enthusias c, talka ve, expressive, energe c, considerate, good-tempered
Unit 2 Myths and Legends
Part One– Prepara on 4. Matching Pictures 1. Aphrodite 2. Ares 3. Hephaestus 4. Artemis 5. Demeter 6. Dionysus 7. Poseidon 8. Athena 9. Apollo 10. hermes 11. Hera 12. Zeus Part Two – Post-reading 1. Tes ng Your Memory 1) Because they were invited to a feast in the sky. 2) He saw the birds were busy preparing. 3) He planned to go to the feast/ sky with the birds. 4) They didn’t agree because Tortoise was mischievous/ cunning and ungrateful.



Unit 1. PersonalityPart One- Preparation1. Mr. And Miss So and So1) Gentle 2) Dedicated 3) Considerate 4) Adventurous 5) Calm 6)Aggressive7) Critical 8) Energetic 9) Selfish 10) Ambitious 11) Self-confident 12) Easygoing13) Truthful 14) Outgoing 15) Frank 16) Sensitive 17) Bossy 18)Patient19) T alkative 20) Persuasive 21) Sympathetic 22) Emotional2. Personality and JobSalesperson- shrewed, hard-working, boastful, acute, trickyTeacher- patient, tolerant, talkative, unselfish, loving, humorous, bossyDoctor- patient, calm, independent, careful, sympatheticPolice officer- brave, alert, independent, strong, calmAccountant- careful, honest, cautious, patientLawyer- persuasive, expressive, eloquent, serious, knowledgeable, talkativeTourist guide- enthusiastic, talkative, expressive, energetic, considerate, good-tempered Host or hostess of a show- emotional, expressive, optimistic, quick-minded, exaggerated, humorousReporter- cautious, extroverted, open-minded, adventurousSecretrary- easygoing, tolerant, sensitive, frank, thorough, efficientSpokeperson- intelligent, talkative, diplomatic, cautious, matter-of-factPart Two – Post-readingReading ComprehensionUnderstanding the Organization of the Text1) Introduction: (para1)Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people2) Reasons why shyness can have a negative effect: (para2-3)People’ s self-concept has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.People with high self-esteem unsually act with confidence.People with low self-esteem are likey to be passive and easily influenced by others.3) Ways of overcoming shyness: (para 4-15)i) Recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses.ii) Set reasonable goals.iii) Don’t waste time and energy on destructive feelings such as guilt and shame.iv) Don’t be afraid to speak up and give your point of view.v) Do not make negative comments about yourself.vi) Accept criticism thoughfully.vii) Profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as learning experiences.viii) Do not associate with people who make you feel inadequate.ix) Set aside time to relax, enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly.x) Practice being in social situations.4) Conclusion: (para16)The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential.2. Understanding Specific Information1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) F 6)T 7)F 8)F 9)TVocabulary1.1) self-couscious (worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you.)2) self-confidence (belief in one’s own ability, power, judgment, etc,; confidence in oneself)3) self-esteem (the feeling that you are someone who deserves to be liked, respected, or admired)4) self-destructive (with thoughts or actions that are counter to one’s own best interests)5) self-worth (the value you give to your life and achievements)6) self-concept (one’s conception or general idea of one’s own basic character and nature)7) self-awareness (realistic knowledge and judgment about oneself)8) self-assurance/self-confidence (the belief that you are able to deal with people and problems easily)2.1) B 2 ) I 3) L 4) A 5) H 6) D 7) E8) N 9) J 10) M 11) C 12) F 13) G 14) K3.1) profound 2)jealousy 3) numerous 4)overweight 5) overcome6) eventually 7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4.1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence4) viewed/regarded5) sensitive 6) respond/ react 7) eliminated8) overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.(spend time on sth/ in doing sth)2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. (than ever before)3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Three – Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power1) B 2)B 3)A 4) B 5) D 6) C 7)B 8)C 9)A 10)A 11) C 12) BPart Four- Writing and Translation2.1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6)Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsPart One – Preparation4. Matching Pictures1. Aphrodite2. Ares3. Hephaestus4. Artemis5. Demeter6. Dionysus7. Poseidon 8. Athena 9. Apollo 10. hermes 11. Hera 12. ZeusPart Two – Post-reading1. Testing Your Memory1) Because they were inv ited to a feast in the sky.2) He saw the birds were busy preparing.3) He planned to go to the feast/ sky with the birds.4) They didn’t agree because Tortoise was mischievous/ cunning and ungrateful.5) With a sweet tongue, he convinced the birds that he was a changed man.6) He made two wings with all the features he got from each bird.7) All of You.8) Nuts, meat and fish soup, punded yam, yam soup, palm wine, etc.9) For whom have you prepared this feast?10) Because he knew the answer would be “For all of you”, which was his new name. So he could enjoy all the food first.11) They were very angry.12) They took back the feathers they had lent him.13) He asked him to take a message to his wife.14) Parrot, because he wanted to take advantage of the chance to get revenge.15) He asked Parrot to tell his wife to bring out all the soft things in his house and cover the ground with them so that he would be able to land safely. But Parrot told his wife to bring out all the hard and sharp things instead.16) His shell was broken into hundreds of pieces.Vocabulary1.1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory / preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approvign E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/ faithless C. faith D. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troubesome B. troulbed C. troubled D. troubling10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2.1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble4) have…trouble5) trouble with 6) in serious/ deep/ big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3.1) with a pattern of roses.2) prepared a wonderful / good meal for us3) promised faithfully4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate6) keep out of mischief / behave themselves7)the sound of distant thunder8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much10)agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three – Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power1) C 2) C 3) A 4) B 5)A 6) B 7) A 8) B 9) B 10) A 11) B 12) APart Four – Writing and Translation4 2. Translation Practice万物之初,天体还是一体,充满混沌。



Unit 3 Social ProblemsIn-class Reading Passage课内阅读练习答案Part One Preparation1. Describing the PicturesPicture A:A couple is dining at a restaurant. Both of them are smoking. But they call and complain to the waiter, saying that those sitting at the othertables are coughing too much and that bothers them. However, they havenot realized that actually it is their smoking that has caused those peopleto cough. I have seen many people who behave like this couple. They nevertake other people’s interest into consideration. They are selfish andalways ready to find fault with others. They never see their own wrongdoings but always make a false counter-charge. They are despised by mostother people.Picture B: In this picture I see a strange beggar. While most beggars beg for food or drinks, this guy begs for money in order to buy wines. He wants to tryall the 596,704 wines existing in this world. He said he already tasted38,279 wines out of that number. Suppose he tries one kind of wine oneday, it would have taken him more than 100 years to come so far. He isreally an ambitious man. However, if he has the ambition to try all theexisting wines, he should work hard and make money himself instead ofbegging for other people’s money to enjoy what life can offer. There aresome people like this beggar these days. They want to enjoy life, but notbased on their own hard work or effort. They want a free lunch and manyof them live on borrowed money. I don’t think this is a good attitudetowards life. Everyone should work hard to make a good living.Picture C: I see a court with a judge, a defendant and probably a lawyer in the picture.What is strange about this picture is that I find a tip pot, which isusually placed in a restaurant for waiters or waitress. They get tips fortheir excellent services to their customers. Waiters or waitresses whoget generous tips will provide even better service to customers. However,a court is a place for people to seek justice and fairness. It punishesthe guilty and releases the innocent. If judges start to take tips, I doubtthat there will be any more justice. People will no longer be treatedequally and truth will not be valued. Judgment will not be made based onfacts, but on how big the tip is. What an evil place!Picture D: In this picture I see two men behind bars. One is telling his fellow prisoner that he did not commit the crimes that he had been accused ofcommitting. His mistake was that he stole the identity of a guy who hadcommitted those crimes. The police took him for that guy and put him injail. They actually got the wrong person. And he was innocent. Was hereally innocent? I don’t think so. He was a thief, and he was not innocentat all. However, he received a heavier punishment than he deserved. Sothat was an irony. The guy stole another person’s identity and in a sensehe inherited his crimes as well. So never take other people’s stuff,whatever it is. No one can escape punishment.2. Interview time—the most intolerable behavior(s) in public places--I have interviewed 5 classmates, two girls and three boys. I asked each of them to list three intolerable behaviors in public places. Three of them said speaking loudly in the library was the most intolerable behavior. Library is a quiet place for students to read and do their homework. If someone speaks loudly, most of them feel interrupted and disturbed. It is hard for them to concentrate on their studies any longer. Other intolerable behaviors include knocks at a dormitory door at midnight asking about homework due the next day, someone not taking bath for a long time, letting pets pee everywhere, smoking, wearing clothes that cover very little of the body, being late for classes, banging doors, and making big noises while eating.--I asked 6 students what they thought were the most intolerable behaviors in public places. It seems that public display of love (kissing in public places and video talk with boyfriends in dorm) ranks the first. It makes those who have no boyfriend or girlfriend feel pathetic about themselves and it also makes roommates unable to concentrate on studies. Other intolerable behaviors are playing computer games in the dormitory, riding bicycles in the wrong direction, spitting, taking off one’s shoes, picking flowers from a park, shaking legs, pretending to understand others, leaving dirty clothes in the bathroom for days, doing morning exercises before 6 o’clock, jumping the queue, and letting young children pee or poo on street3. Conference on Social ProblemsChinese delegate: I think the biggest social problem in China is its large population. Many other problems arise from this, such as high housing price and the decline of natural resources. These days, food safety seems to be the biggest concern of ordinary people. Some food producers who look for big profits are using unnecessary chemicals in food production to improve the appearance and taste while reducing the cost of their products. These chemicals may be poisonous or even fatal to their consumers. At the same time, the environment is being seriously polluted in some areas. Japanese delegate:The unstable political system and frequent change of prime ministers is one of the most serious social problems in Japan. Natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis have also caused serious loss of people’s lives and great damage to properties as well as the country’s economic development. Being an island country, Japan lacks natural resources and is heavily dependent on imports. Russian delegate: Russia is facing many social problems, terrorism being the most serious of all. This can be traced back to the breakup of the former Soviet Union.When it was broken up, different nationalities experienced pain and conflicts. Since the privatization of the previously state-owned properties, a big gap has been created between the rich and the poor. Some people don’t trust the government any longer. Due to the extreme cold weather in winter, many Russian men are addicted to alcohol and some of them die young, leaving a larger female population. The total population of our country is, as a result, decreasing.Indian delegate: In India the biggest social problems are overpopulation, talent loss and poor infrastructure. India has a second largest population in the world next only to China, but unlike China, we don’t have a family planning policy, so the population is continuously increasing. A large part of the population lives in poverty and is unable to receive proper education. What’s more, we use too much of the natural resources and environment pollution is getting even worse. In India, we worship certain animals like cows. They are allowed to wander on the streets, leading to frequent traffic jam and cow waste on the streets.USA delegate: We are currently experiencing the most severe economic recession in our history. It is partly caused by the international weakened financial system, but even more by the careless policies of many of our largest banks and commercial companies, and by irresponsible handling of financial matters by individuals and families. The unemployment rate in the US remains high, but is slowly improving. We have a high crime rate, including several campus shootings, and many of our metropolitan areas are unsafe much of the time. Our health care system is undergoing a reform but there is so much disagreement between the two main political parties that little progress has been made to date. Ordinary people have difficulty paying for the high cost of medical coverage, and economically deprived people have very limited medical coverage. We have overused and poorly handled many of our natural resources. The worst of all, we claim to have the best medical care in the world, but in reality it adequately covers only the higher and middle income portions of our population. All of the above have contributed to rather pessimistic feeling by many of our citizens. We also have disagreement on the global warming and other programs related to energy use, including the fact that we have been very dependent upon petroleum purchase from some Middle East countries with whom we have serious political differences, including the role of atomic energy and related atomic bombs and missiles.Part Two Reading-Centered ActivitiesPre-ReadingCase study: What would you do?To the teacher:You may:1) Prompt (if necessary) the students to think about practical issues like child-care,location of the school, location of the apartment, work place, etc.2) Encourage the students to justify why both parents (or just one) accept the jobs.Samples1) It depends. If I were the wife, I would persuade my husband to accept the job.As for me, before making a final decision, I would take into consideration such factors as child-care facilities, location of the school, location of the apartment, etc.2) Both of us will accept the jobs. On the one hand, the jobs are challenging, whichis good for our personal fulfillment. On the other hand, with the money we get, we could find a babysitter for our child or send him to a private school, where he may receive better education.3) Neither of us will take the job. I think parents should spend more time with theirchildren. A challenging, high-salary job means less time with your child. If we move to a city where we don’t have any relatives, it would be even wors e. A child who grows up with little care from parents or family is very likely to becomea problem kid.Post- ReadingReading Comprehension1. What the Text Discusses1) financial 2) career 3) later 4) guilty 5) hurt 6) resentful7) productive 8) independence 9) responsibility 10) trusted11) frightening 12) resentment 13) abandoned 14) factors 15) quality2. Understanding Specific Information1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) F3. Comparing ExperiencesSamples1)In our group, two of us were latchkey children, two were taken care of by theirgrandparents, and one was taken care of by his mother because his mother did not work. The two who were once latchkey children had felt very much the same as the children mentioned in the passage. They felt lonely and watched TV a lot. But compared with the other students in our group, they are more independent. So ina way, it is good to leave children alone at home for some time every day.2)In our group, only one person was once a latchkey child. Both her parents wereworking far away from home and she had to be on her own at home for most of the time on weekdays. The rest of us were taken care of either by our grandparents or by our parents. Every day when we came home after school, there was always somebody there waiting for us and taking care of us. We could also go out and play with other children after we had finished our homework. But sometimes we did wish to be left alone so that we could spend the time as we wished.3)I was once a latchkey child. Both my parents had to work night shifts when I wasin elementary school. Every evening I did homework all by myself and then went to bed. I played computer games for a while if I finished my homework early.Sometimes I went to school before my parents came home. My parents knew that I could take good care of myself. They felt proud of me since I was so independentand did a good job at school. Sometimes they called me to make sure I was okay.I never felt lonely and was aware that my parents loved and cared for me. Weekendswere precious time for all of us.Vocabulary1. 1) c 2) h 3) g 4) a 5) e 6) k 7) i 8) d 9) l 10) b 11) j 12) f2. 1) constantly 2) impact 3) burden 4) Candidly 5) fulfillment 6) salaried 7)resentment 8) assistance9) perfect 10) suppress3. 1) successfully 2) resentment 3) security 4) necessity 5) advisable 6) access/accessibility 7) athletic 8) maturity 9) emotional 10)effectively4. Sentence-Making GameTips for teachers:Step 1: Write on the blackboard about 20 words or phrases that appear in the text.An even number is desirable since the students will be divided into 2 groups.A possible list:rise decade expense financial affect on the other hand priorityengage range forbid isolate stimulate express claim widespreadgiven work out take into consideration in case of secure arisecope with demand provideStep 2: Divide the students into two groups.Step 3: The students make sentences using the words on the blackboard. Each sentence can include more than one word and must be meaningful and grammaticallycorrect. One point is awarded for each correctly used word. The teachercrosses out the word which has been correctly used. If the word is crossedout, it cannot be used again.Step 4: Students are encouraged to work quickly and raise their hands as soon as they come up with a sentence. The teacher works as a judge; the group thatgets higher points wins.TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressionsin brackets.1) Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours.2) How will taxes affect people with low incomes?3) My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn’t give uppracticing the piano.4) The books range in price from $10 to $20.5) It seems to me that you don’t have much choice.6) Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job.7) For such a big house the price is fairly cheap/low, but you’ve got to take intoconsideration the money you will spend on repairs.8) Can we begin by discussing questions/problems arising from the last meeting? Part Three Further Development1. Enriching Your Word PowerStep One1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) C 7) C 8) A 9) C 10) BStep TwoDirections: Work out the Criminal Crossword in groups(请参照第二版教师用书第三册第三课第56页上的图)Step ThreeDirections: Complete the following text with the appropriate word.1) creates 2) individuals 3) makes 4) combination 5) however 6)fall7) responsible 8) which 9) difference 10) that 11) tempted 12)used13) lowest 14) died 15) reducing 16) quick 17) reason 18)principle19) minor 20) message2. Putting the Paragraphs in OrderStep OneDirections: Read the following paragraphs carefully and put them in the right order.The right order should be: E—B—F—C—A—G—D3. Graffiti -- Is it good or bad?STEP OneAnswers for reference:Political :We want work.End violence to women now.Tourists yes troops no.Make love not war.Funny:Once I could never finish anything, but now I…Mickey Mouse is a rat. (This could also be political –a criticismof the whole Disney Empire.)Poetic:Roses are red, violets are blue, why can’t black be beautiful too? Geography is everywhere. (This could be silly.)(These are only for your reference, there are no definite answers.)STEP TWOReasons for reference:--- show “innocent” hearts and signs of love;--- desire to express anger against someone or something;--- express a political or social message;--- desire to be destructive;--- manifest boredom, frustration, or delinquency.--- show one’s talent as a graffiti artist4. For or AgainstSamplesFor:-- The originals and goods of high quality are too expensive, especially for low-income people or students;-- Pirated products and fake/inferior goods are good for promotional purposes because books, CDs, movies, tapes and famous brands will be available or known to more people. When they can afford them in their original state they’ll surely buy them.-- Pirated products and famous brands help to make the authors of the books, CDs, movies, or tapes, and the manufacturers better known or more popular. Nobody would even know who were the producers of the pirated or fake/inferior goods. -- More people will have jobs to make these products or goods. Sure the unemployment rate will be lowered.Against:-- Pirated products and fake goods are against the Copyright Law or violate the intellectual property rights;-- The authors, publishers and manufacturer are likely to suffer big financial losses;-- Piracy and counterfeiting encourage cheating and show no respect for other people’s work;-- Piracy and counterfeiting give rise to a large quantity of low-quality productsand goods, and therefore result in a waste of resources and human labor;-- Piracy and counterfeiting damage our country’s image and put our country ina disadvantageous position in some international negotiations;-- The common value system has been distorted where piracy and counterfeiting dominate. Creativity and originality will diminish or decline.5.Working together to Solve the Social ProblemsFor teachers: To facilitate the activity, teachers can refer to Activity 3, Part I, of this unit for social problems presented by each delegate. Showyour students these problems.SamplesChinese delegate: The population in China, though large, has shown signs of decreasing in the growth rate. Thanks to the family-planning policy, fewer babies have been born in the last thirty years. The demand on natural resources decreases gradually in different branches of industry. The policy met great opposition at the very beginning because it was against our old concept, more children greater happiness. Now the great majority of people are aware of the advantages the policy has brought to our country as well as to individual families. The Chinese government should continue to implement this policy, especially in rural areas. Also, China should develop green economy and reduce its heavy dependence on fossil fuels. The Chinese government should invest in the research and development of green energy, such as solar energy, wind energy and etc. And, the government should make stricter laws and regulations on food safety. Dishonest food producers should be harshly punished and fined so that the rest of them will be warned. Finally, the moral awareness and sense of social responsibility should be raised among citizens. People should care more about others and be ready to help each other when needed.The US delegate: The U.S. has been rather slow in working with cooperative programs to solve social problems. Initially our government felt we should plan and execute its own programs, but this approach appears to be changing. The problems of unemployment, a declining economy, agricultural production and trade, and social unrest have increased our attendance and participation in international meetings, including some of those which the United Nations has initiated. It is clear that only if the problems related to the economy, unemployment, food for the world population, and social unrest, become international in scope can there be international stability. And resolution of political and military conflicts have interfered with our U.S. efforts in the past, but appear to be improving. Exchanges between government officials from other countries and the U.S. have been held, and these appear to be mutually beneficial to the U.S. and to its trade partners as well. Hopefully, there will be greater support for international attention to global warming, overpopulation in Africa and Asia, and reduction of military warfare whichhas only interfered with efforts to solve social problems.Part Four Translation and Writing2. Translation Practice1) 孩子最好离开毒品一个电话报警者打来三个电话,报告毒品交易。

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新编大学英语综合教程3 第三版课后答案Reading Comprehension1. Understanding the Organization of the Text1) Introduction: (para.1)Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.2) Reasons why shyness can have a negative effect: (para.2—3)People’s self-concept has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.People with high self-esteem usually act with confidence.People with low self-esteem are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others.3) Ways of overcoming shyness: (para.4—15)i) Recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses.ii) Set reasonable goals.iii) Don’t waste time and energy on destructive feelings such as guilt and shame.iv) Don’t be afraid to speak up and give your point of view.v) Do not make negative comments about yourself.vi) Accept criticism thoughtfully.vii) Profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as learning experiences.viii) Do not associate with people who make you feel inadequate.ix) Set aside time to relax, enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly.x) Practice being in social situations.4) Conclusion: (para.16)The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential.2. Understanding Specific Information1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) F 6) T 7) F 8) F3. Group Discussion1) I think the most effective ways of overcoming shyness are the first and seventh ways.Recognizing our personal strengths and weaknesses is useful because if we know ourselves better, we can feel more self-confident. We can be more objective, instead of being blind. The seventh way is to profit from failures and disappointments as learning experiences. If we allow ourselves to get discouraged and sad when we fail, then we will feel more unsure of ourselves. But if we think of a failure as a learning experience, we are adopting a positive attitude. By analyzing objectively why we failed and planning how to set about doing things differently we will be more likely to succeed next time.2) Modesty is used to describe a reserved appraisal of one’s merits, abilities or success. Theopposite of modesty is arrogance or boastfulness. Modest people don’t want to talk about theirabilities or achievements. Modest people know their strengths and their worth, but choose to downplay their greatness and be humble. So modesty is the result of confidence. Shyness is used to describe the uncomfortable feeling one has in the company of others. It often implies a lack of self-confidence and a timid, reserved manner. Modesty is a good personality trait while shyness in many cases is undesirable.3) Being shy isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It is appropriate and normal to be shy in some circumstances, for example, in the presence of teachers, your boss, your parents’ friends or your prospective in-laws; when you are dating someone, especially the first time; when you are with strangers; when you are in a new environment; when you’re facing a large audience. In fact, it can even be helpful to be a little shy. When you’re shy and keep silent, you may spend a little time observing the surroundings and people around before jumping right into the new situation.Vocabulary1. “Self-”is a prefix which means “of, to or by oneself or itself” .Words with the prefix “self-” that appear in the text: self-conscious, self-concept, self-assurance, self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-destructive, self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-rejection, self-confident.1) self-conscious (worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you)2) self-confidence (belief in one’s own ability, power, judgment, etc.; confidence in oneself)3) self-esteem (the feeling that you are someone who deserves to be liked, respected, or admired)4) self-destructive (with thoughts or actions that are counter to one’s own best interests)5) self-worth (the value you give to your life and achievements)6) self-concept (one’s conception or general idea of one’s own basic character and nature)7) self-awareness (realistic knowledge and judgment about oneself)8) self-assurance/self-confidence (the belief that you are able to deal with people and problems easily)2. Part A1) G 2) I 3) A 4) F 5) C 6) D 7) J 8) B 9) E 10) HPart B1) profound 2) jealousy 3) overcome 4) eventually 5) compliments6) diminish 7) reassurance 8) detrimental 9) isolated 10) accented3. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded 5) sensitive 6) respond/react 7) eliminated 8) overcome my fear 9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1. Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high levels of anxiety that impact us in almosteverything we do.2. Despite his stubbornness, he knew in his heart that he should avoid arousing any suspicions.3. It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say.4. Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles (which) we should despise and forget.5. Too much time spent dwelling on the past can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens.6. People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems are more likely to do well inschool.Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power1) B 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) C 6) C 7) C 8) A 9) A 10) C哈哈,等我再上传啦。
