



传感器中英文介绍(总5页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除. sensorssensors(English name: transducer/sensor) is a kind of detection device, can feel the measured information, and will feel information transformation according to certain rule become electrical signal output, or other form of information needed to satisfy theinformation transmission, processing, storage, display, record and control requirements.Sensor's features include: miniaturization, digital, intelligent, multi-functional, systematic and network. It is the first step of automatic detection and automatic control. The existence and development of the sensor, let objects have sensory, such as touch, taste and smell let objects become live up slowly. Usually accordingto its basic cognitive functions are divided into temperature sensor, light sensor, gas sensor, force sensor, magnetic sensor, moisture sensor, acoustic sensor, radiation sensitive element, color sensorand sensor etc. 10 major categories.temperature transducerTemperature sensors (temperature transducer) refers to can feel temperature translates into usable output signal of the sensor. The temperature sensor is the core part of the temperature measuring instrument, wide variety. According to measuring methods could be divided into two types: contact and non-contact, according to the sensor material and electronic component features divided into two categories, thermal resistance and thermocouple.1 principle of thermocoupleThermocouple is composed of two different materials of metal wire, the welded together at the end. To measure the heating part of the environment temperature, can accurately know the temperature of the hot spots. Because it must have two different material of the conductor, so called the thermocouple. Different material to make the thermocouple used in different temperature range, their sensitivityis also each are not identical. The sensitivity of thermocouplerefers to add 1 ℃ hot spot temperature changes, the output variation of potential difference. For most of the metal material supportther mocouple, this value about between 5 ~ 40 microvolt / ℃.As a result of the thermocouple temperature sensor sensitivityhas nothing to do with the thickness of material, use very fine material also can make the temperature sensor. Also due to the production of thermocouple metal materials have good ductility, the slight temperature measuring element has high response speed, can measure the process of rapid change.Its advantages are:(1)high precision measurement. Because of thermocouple direct contact with the object being measured, not affected by intermediate medium.(2)the measurement range. Commonly used thermocouple from1600 ℃ to 50 ℃ ~ + sustainable measurement, some special thermocouple minimum measurable to - 269 ℃ (e.g., gold iron nickel chrome), the h ighest measurable to + 2800 ℃ (such as tungsten rhenium).(3) simple structure, easy to use. Thermocouple is usually composed of two different kinds of metal wire, but is not limited by the size and the beginning of, outside has protective casing, so very convenient to use. The thermocouple type and structure of the form.2. The thermocouple type and structure formation(1)the types of thermocoupleThe commonly used thermocouple could be divided into two types: standard thermocouple and non-standard thermocouple. Standard thermocouple refers to the national standard specifies its thermoelectric potential and the relationship between temperature, permissible error, and a unified standard score table of thermocouple, it has with matching display instrument to choose from. Rather than a standard thermocouple or on the order of magnitude less than therange to use standardized thermocouple, in general, there is no uniform standard, it is mainly used for measurement of some special occasions.Standardized thermocouple is our country from January 1, 1988, thermocouple and thermal resistance of all production according toIEC international standard, and specify the S, B, E, K, R, J, T sevenstandardization thermocouple type thermocouple for our countryunified design.(2)to ensure that the thermocouple is reliable, steady work, the structure of thermocouple requirements are as follows:①of the two thermocouple thermal electrode welding must be strong;②two hot electrode should be well insulated between each other, in case of short circuit;③compensation wires connected to the free cod of a thermocouple to convenient and reliable;④protect casing thermal electrodes should be able to make sufficient isolation and harmful medium.3.The thermocouple cold end temperature compensationDue to the thermocouple materials are generally more expensive (especially when using precious metals), and the temperature measurement points are generally more far, the distance to the instrument in order to save materials, reduce cost, usually adopt the compensating conductor) (the free end of the cold junction of the thermocouple to the steady control of indoor temperature, connectedto the meter terminals. It must be pointed out that the role of the thermocouple compensation wire extension hot electrode, so that only moved to the control room of the cold junction of the thermocouple instrument on the terminal, it itself does not eliminate the cold end temperature change on the influence of temperature, cannot have the compensation effect. So, still need to take some of the other correction method to compensate of the cold end temperatureespecially when t0 indicates influence on measuring temperature 0 ℃.Must pay attention to when using thermocouple compensating conductor model match, cannot be wrong polarity, compensation conductor should be connected to the thermocouple temperature should not exceed 100 ℃.传感器传感器(英文名称:transducer/sensor)是一种检测装置,能感受到被测量的信息,并能将感受到的信息,按一定规律变换成为电信号或其他所需形式的信息输出,以满足信息的传输、处理、存储、显示、记录和控制等要求。







关键词光电式传感器,光电式传感器的应用,光电式传感器的发展1 引言光电式传感器是一种将光学元件和电子元件作为检测部分的传感器。











2 光电传感器的原理光电传感器是以光电器件作为转换元件的传感器。




图1 光电式传感器的工作过程光电器件的作用是将光信号转换成基于光电效应的电信号。




Progress in Materials ScienceV olume 46, Issues 3–4, 2001, Pages 461–504The selection of sensorsJ Shieh,J.E Huber,N.A Fleck, ,M.F AshbyDepartment of Engineering, Cambridge University, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK Available online 14 March 2001./10.1016/S0079-6425(00)00011-6, How to Cite or Link Using DOI Permissions & ReprintsAbstractA systematic method is developed to select the most appropriate sensor for a particular application.A wide range of candidate sensors exist, and many are based on coupled electrical and mechanical phenomena, such as the piezoelectric, magnetostrictive and the pyro-electric effects. Performance charts for sensors are constructed from suppliers data for commercially available devices. The selection of an appropriate sensor is based on matching the operating characteristics of sensors to the requirements of an application. The final selection is aided by additional considerations such as cost, and impedance matching. Case studies illustrate the selection procedure.KeywordsSensors;Selection;Sensing range;Sensing resolution;Sensing frequency1. IntroductionThe Oxford English Dictionary defines a sensor as “a device which detects or measures some condition or property, and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to the information received”. Thus, sensors have the function of converting a stimulus into a measured signal. The stimulus can be mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, acoustic, or chemical in origin (and so on), while the measured signal is typically electrical in nature, although pneumatic, hydraulic and optical signals may be employed. Sensors are an essential component in the operation of engineering devices, and are based upon a very wide range of underlying physical principles of operation.Given the large number of sensors on the market, the selection of a suitable sensor for a newapplication is a daunting task for the Design Engineer: the purpose of this article is to provide a straightforward selection procedure.The study extends that of Huber et al. [1] for the complementary problem of actuator selection. It will become apparent that a much wider choice of sensor than actuator is available: the underlying reason appears to be that power-matching is required for an efficient actuator, whereas for sensors the achievable high stability and gain of modern-day electronics obviates a need to convert efficiently the power of a stimulus into the power of an electrical signal. The classes of sensor studied here are detailed in the Appendices. 2. Sensor performance chartsIn this section, sensor performance data are presented in the form of 2D charts with performance indices of the sensor as axes. The data are based on sensing systems which are currently available on the market. Therefore, the limits shown on each chart are practical limits for readily available systems, rather than theoretical performance limits for each technology. Issues such as cost, practicality (such as impedance matching) and reliability also need to be considered when making a final selection from a list of candidate sensors.Before displaying the charts we need to introduce some definitions of sensor characteristics; these are summarised in Table 1.1 Most of these characteristics are quoted in manufacturers' data sheets. However, information on the reliability and robustness of a sensor are rarely given in a quantitative manner.Table 1. Summary of the main sensor characteristicsRange maximum minus minimum value of the measured stimulusResolution smallest measurable increment in measured stimulusSensing frequency maximum frequency of the stimulus which can be detectedAccuracy error of measurement, in% full scale deflectionSize leading dimension or mass of sensorOpt environment operating temperature and environmental conditionsReliability service life in hours or number of cycles of operationDrift long term stability (deviation of measurement over a time period)Cost purchase cost of the sensor ($ in year 2000)Full-size tableIn the following, we shall present selection charts using a sub-set of sensor characteristics: range, resolution and frequency limits. Further, we shall limit our attention to sensors which can detect displacement, acceleration, force, and temperature.2 Each performance chart maps the domain of existence of practical sensors. By adding to the chart the required characteristics for a particular application, a subset of potential sensors can be identified. The optimal sensor is obtained by making use of several charts and by considering additional tabular information such as cost. The utility of the approach is demonstrated in Section 3, by a series of case studies.2.1. Displacement sensorsConsider first the performance charts for displacement sensors, with axes of resolution δversus range R, and sensing frequency f versus range R, as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, respectively.Fig. 1. Resolution versus sensing range for displacement sensors. View thumbnail imagesFig. 2. Sensing frequency versus sensing range for displacement sensors.View thumbnail images2.1.1. Resolution —sensing range chart (Fig. 1)The performance regime of resolution δversus range R for each class of sensor is marked by a closed domain with boundaries given by heavy lines (see Fig. 1). The upper limit of operation is met when the coarsest achievable resolution equals the operating range δ=R. Sensors of largest sensing range lie towards the right of the figure, while sensors of finest resolution lie towards the bottom. It is striking that the range of displacement sensor spans 13 orders of magnitude in both range and resolution, with a large number of competing technologies available. On these logarithmic axes, lines of slope +1 link classes of sensors with the same number of distinctmeasurable positions, . Sensors close to the single position line δ=R are suitable as simple proximity (on/off) switches, or where few discrete positions are required. Proximity sensors are marked by a single thick band in Fig. 1: more detailed information on the sensing range and maximum switching frequency of proximity switches are summarised in Table 2. Sensors located towards the lower right of Fig. 1 allow for continuous displacement measurement, with high information content. Displacement sensors other than the proximity switches are able to provide a continuous output response that is proportional to the target's position within the sensing range.Fig. 1 shows that the majority of sensors have a resolving power of 103–106 positions; this corresponds to approximately 10–20 bits for sensors with a digital output.Table 2. Specification of proximity switchesProximity switch typeMaximum switching distance (m) Maximum switchingfrequency (Hz) Inductive6×10−4–1×10−1 5–5000 Capacitive1×10−3–6×10−2 1–200 Magnetic 3×10−3–8.5×10−2 400–5000 Pneumatic cylinder sensors (magnetic) Piston diameter 8×10−3–3.2×10−1300–5000 Ultrasonic1.2×10−1–5.2 1–50 Photoelectric 3×10−3–300 20–20,000Full-size tableIt is clear from Fig. 1 that the sensing range of displacement sensors cluster in the region 10−5–101 m. To the left of this cluster, the displacement sensors of AFM and STM, which operate on the principles of atomic forces and current tunnelling, have z-axis-sensing ranges on the order of microns or less. For sensing tasks of 10 m or above, sensors based on the non-contacting technologies of linear encoding, ultrasonics and photoelectrics become viable. Optical linear encoders adopting interferometric techniques can achieve a much higher resolution than conventional encoders; however, their sensing range is limited by the lithographed carrier (scale).A switch in technology accounts for the jump in resolution of optical linear encoders around the sensing range of 0.7 m in Fig. 1.Note that “radar ”, which is capable of locating objects at distances of several thousand kilometres,3 is not included in Fig. 1. Radar systems operate by transmitting high-frequency radio waves and utilise the echo and Doppler shift principles to determine the position and speed of the target. Generally speaking, as the required sensing range increases, sensors based on non-contact techniques become the most practicable choice due to their flexibility, fast sensing speed and small physical size in relation to the length scale detected. Fig. 1 shows that sensors based on optical techniques, such as fibre-optic, photoelectric and laser triangulation, cover the widest span in sensing range with reasonably high resolution.For displacement sensors, the sensing range is governed by factors such as technology limitation, probe (or sensing face) size and the material properties of the target. For example, the sensing distance of ultrasonic sensors is inversely proportional to the operating frequency; therefore, a maximum sensing range cut-off exists at about R=50 m. Eddy current sensors of larger sensing face are able to produce longer, wider and stronger electromagnetic fields, which increase their sensing range. Resolution is usually controlled by the speed, sensitivity and accuracy of the measuring circuits or feedback loops; noise level and thermal drift impose significant influences also. Sensors adopting more advanced materials and manufacturing processes can achieve higher resolution; for example, high-quality resistive film potentiometers have a resolution of better than 1 μm over a range of 1 m (i.e. 106 positions) whereas typical coil potentiometers achieve only 103 positions.2.1.2. Sensing frequency — sensing range chart (Fig. 2)When a displacement sensor is used to monitor an oscillating body, a consideration of sensing frequency becomes relevant. Fig. 2 displays the upper limit of sensing frequency and the sensorrange for each class of displacement sensor. It is assumed that the smallest possible sensing range of a displacement sensor equals its resolution; therefore in Fig. 2, the left-hand side boundary of each sensor class corresponds to its finest resolution.4 However, sensors close to this boundary are only suitable as simple switches, or where few discrete positions are to be measured.Lines of slope −1 in Fig. 2 link classes of sensors with the same sensing speed, fR. For contact sensors such as the LVDT and linear potentiometer, the sensing speed is limited by the inertia of moving parts. In contrast, many non-contact sensors utilise mechanical or electromagnetic waves and operate by adopting the time-of-flight approach; therefore, their maximum sensing speed is limited by the associated wave speed. For example, the maximum sensing speed of magnetostrictive sensors is limited by the speed of a strain pulse travelling in the waveguide alloy, which is about 2.8×103 m s−1.The sensing frequency of displacement sensors is commonly dependent on the noise levels exhibited by the measuring electronic circuits. Additionally, some physical and mechanical limits can also impose constraints. For example, the dynamic response of a strain gauge is limited by the wave speed in the substrate. For sensors with moving mass (for example, linear encoder, LVDT and linear potentiometer), the effects of inertial loading must be considered in cyclic operation. For optical linear encoders the sensing frequency increases with range on the left-hand side of the performance chart, according to the following argument. The resolution becomes finer (i.e. δdecreases in an approximately linear manner) with a reduced scan speed V of the recording head. Since the sensor frequency f is proportional to the scan speed V, we deduce that f increases linearly with δ, and therefore f is linear in the minimum range of the device.2.2. Linear velocity sensorsAlthough velocity and acceleration are the first and second derivatives of displacement with respect to time, velocity and acceleration measurements are not usually achieved by time differentiation of a displacement signal due to the presence of noise in the signal. The converse does not hold: some accelerometers, especially navigation-grade servo accelerometers, have sufficiently high stability and low drift that it is possible to integrate their signals to obtain accurate velocity and displacement information.The most common types of velocity sensor of contacting type are electromagnetic, piezoelectric and cable extension-based. Electromagnetic velocity sensors use the principle of magnetic induction, with a permanent magnet and a fixed geometry coil, such that the induced (output) voltage is directly proportional to the magnet's velocity relative to the coil. Piezo-velocity transducers (PVTs) are piezoelectric accelerometers with an internal integration circuit which produces a velocity signal. Cable extension-based transducers use a multi-turn potentiometer (or an incremental/absolute encoder) and a tachometer to measure the rotary position and rotating speed of a drum that has a cable wound onto it. Since the drum radius is known, the velocity and displacement of the cable head can be determined.5Optical and microwave velocity sensors are non-contacting, and utilise the optical-grating or Doppler frequency shift principle to calculate the velocity of the moving target. Typical specifications for each class of linear velocity sensor are listed in Table 3.Table 3. Specification of linear velocity sensorsSensor class Maximum sensingrange (m/s)Resolution (number ofpositions)Maximum operatingfrequency (Hz)Magnetic induction 25–360 5×104–5×105 100–1500Sensor class Maximum sensingrange (m/s)Resolution (number ofpositions)Maximum operatingfrequency (Hz)PVT 0.25–1.3 1×105–5×105 ∼7000Cable-extension 0.7–15 1×105–1×106 1–100Optical andmicrowave13–165 ∼1×105 > 10,000目录1. 简介 (8)2. 传感器性能图表 (9)2.1.位移传感器 (10)2.1.1.分辨率- 感应范围图(图1) (11)2.1.2.检测频率–检测范围图(图2) (12)2.2.线性速度传感器 (12)问题3-4,2001年第46卷,页461-504传感器的选择J Shieh,J.E Huber,N.A FleckM.F Ashby剑桥大学工程系,英国剑桥CB2的1PZ,,Trumpington街________________________________________摘要对于一个特定的应用系统来说要选择最为合适的传感器。






一、传感器与测量(Sensors and Measurements)1.1 传感器类型(Types of Sensors)- 温度传感器(Temperature Sensor):用于测量环境或物体的温度。

- 压力传感器(Pressure Sensor):用于测量液体或气体的压力。

- 光电传感器(Photoelectric Sensor):用于检测光的存在或光的强度。

1.2 传感器原理(Principles of Sensors)- 电阻式传感器(Resistive Sensor):利用物体电阻的变化来测量物理量。

- 压电传感器(Piezoelectric Sensor):利用压电效应来转换压力为电信号。

- 光电传感器(Photoelectric Sensor):利用光电效应来检测光的存在或光的强度。

1.3 传感器应用(Applications of Sensors)- 工业自动化(Industrial Automation):传感器在工业自动化中广泛应用,用于监测和控制生产过程。

- 智能家居(Smart Home):传感器在智能家居中用于检测环境参数,如温度、湿度和光照强度。

- 医疗设备(Medical Devices):传感器在医疗设备中用于监测患者的生理参数,如心率和血压。

二、控制系统(Control Systems)2.1 开环控制(Open-loop Control)- 定义:开环控制是指输出信号不受反馈信号影响的控制系统。

- 特点:简单、稳定性差、无法纠正误差。

2.2 闭环控制(Closed-loop Control)- 定义:闭环控制是指输出信号受到反馈信号影响的控制系统。



激光、光电、光学词汇中英文对照1. 激光(Laser)2. 光电效应(Photoelectric Effect)3. 光学(Optics)4. 光纤(Fiber Optic)5. 光谱(Spectrum)6. 折射率(Refractive Index)7. 透镜(Lens)8. 反射(Reflection)9. 干涉(Interference)10. 衍射(Diffraction)11. 偏振(Polarization)12. 激光切割(Laser Cutting)13. 激光焊接(Laser Welding)14. 光电探测器(Photoelectric Detector)15. 光电传感器(Photoelectric Sensor)16. 光学显微镜(Optical Microscope)17. 光学望远镜(Optical Telescope)18. 光学镜头(Optical Lens)19. 光学滤波器(Optical Filter)20. 光学编码器(Optical Enr)21. 光学通信(Optical Communication)22. 光学存储(Optical Storage)24. 光学子系统(Optical Subsystem)25. 光学设计(Optical Design)26. 光学加工(Optical Fabrication)27. 光学镀膜(Optical Coating)28. 光学检测(Optical Inspection)29. 光学成像(Optical Imaging)30. 光学治疗(Optical Therapy)31. 光学材料(Optical Materials)32. 光学元件(Optical Elements)33. 光学路径(Optical Path)34. 光学平台(Optical Platform)35. 光学子件(Optical Component)36. 光学连接器(Optical Connector)37. 光学开关(Optical Switch)38. 光学调制器(Optical Modulator)39. 光学衰减器(Optical Attenuator)40. 光学放大器(Optical Amplifier)41. 光学显示器(Optical Display)42. 光学子午线(Optical Meridian)43. 光学分辨率(Optical Resolution)44. 光学畸变(Optical Distortion)45. 光学厚度(Optical Thickness)46. 光学密度(Optical Density)48. 光学干涉仪(Optical Interferometer)49. 光学相干断层扫描(Optical Coherence Tomography)50. 光学扫描器(Optical Scanner)51. 光学跟踪(Optical Tracking)52. 光学遥感(Optical Remote Sensing)53. 光学成像系统(Optical Imaging System)54. 光学跟踪系统(Optical Tracking System)55. 光学定位系统(Optical Positioning System)56. 光学子午仪(Optical Meridian Instrument)57. 光学补偿器(Optical Compensator)58. 光学补偿器(Optical Corrector)59. 光学基准(Optical Reference)60. 光学基准面(Optical Reference Plane)这些词汇涵盖了激光、光电和光学领域的基本概念、技术和设备。

sensor 翻译

sensor 翻译

sensor 翻译sensor 翻译为传感器,是一种能够感知和测量环境中各种物理量和信号的装置或设备。



以下是一些常见的传感器及其用法和中英文对照例句:1. 温度传感器 (Temperature Sensor):用于测量环境或物体的温度。

- The temperature sensor accurately measures the room temperature. (温度传感器准确地测量室温。

)- The car's engine temperature sensor alerted the driver of overheating. (汽车引擎温度传感器提醒驾驶员发生过热。

)2. 光传感器(Light Sensor):用于检测光照强度或光线的存在与否。

- The light sensor automatically adjusts the screen brightness based on ambient light. (光传感器根据环境光自动调节屏幕亮度。

)- The security system's light sensor triggered the outdoor lights when it detected movement. (安全系统的光传感器在检测到运动时触发室外灯光。

)3. 压力传感器 (Pressure Sensor):用于测量物体或环境的压力。

- The pressure sensor in the car's tire warns the driver whenthe tire pressure is low. (汽车轮胎的压力传感器在轮胎压力过低时警告驾驶员。

)- The pressure sensor accurately measures the fluid pressure in the pipeline. (压力传感器准确测量管道中的流体压力。



汽车传感器中英文曲轴转速传感器 crankshaft sensor凸轮轴位置传感器 camshaft sensor节气门位置传感器 throttle position sensor爆震传感器 knock sensor (or detonation sensor)进气温度传感器 intake air temperature sensor进气歧管绝对压力传感器manifold absolute pressure sensor (manifold vacuum sensor) 空气流量计 air flow sensor质量型空气流量传感器 air mass sensor加速踏板位置传感器 accelerator pedal position sensor轮速传感器 wheel speed sensor车速传感器 vehicle speed sensor空气传感器 air sensor环境温度传感器 ambient sensor大气压力传感器 barometric pressure sensor双金属式温度传感器 bimetallic sensor增压器传感器 boost sensor冷却水温传感器 coolant temperature sensor曲轴传感器 crank sensor碰撞传感器 crash sensor (or impact sensor)汽缸传感器 cylinder sensor排气再循环功能传感器 erg function sensor发动机转速传感器 engine speed sensor发动机温度传感器 engine temperature sensor离地间隙传感器 ground clearance sensor霍尔效应传感器 hall-effect sensor霍尔传感器 hall sensor加热式氧传感器 heated exhaust gas oxygen sensor热氧传感器 heated oxygen sensor侧向加速度感测器 lateral acceleration sensor车内传感器 in-car sensor歧管空气温度感测器 manifold air temperature sensor进气温度传感器 manifold charge temperature sensor进气歧管温度传感器 manifold surface temperature sensor 机油油位传感器 oil level sensor机油压力传感器 oil pressure sensor大气压力传感器 atmospheric pressure sensor压差传感器 pressure differential sensor基准传感器 reference mark sensor转向压力传感器 steering pressure sensor开关传感器 switching sensor叶轮空气温度传感器 vane air temperature sensor可变磁阻传感器 variable reluctance sensor车轮滑动传感器 wheel slip sensor横摆传感器 yaw sensor热膜传感器 hot-film sensor燃油压力传感器 fuel pressure sensor (regulator)上止点传感器 TDC sensor轮胎气压传感器 tire pressure sensor防抱死制动传感器 anti-lock brake sensor差速防滑传感器 differential antiskid sensor背压[排气压力]传感器back pressure transducer堵塞报警传感器 clog warning sensor燃料成分传感器 fuel composition sensor(燃油系)燃油不足[低限]传感器 fuel low—level sensor玻璃破裂传感器 glass breakage sensor(悬架)调平[高度]传感器 leveling sensor液面[位]传感器 level sensor灯光故障传感器 light failure sensor负[载]荷传感器 load sensor主氧传感器 main oxygen sensor相位传感器 phase sensor光电传感器 photo(electric)sensor催化转化器前氧传感器 pre-catalyst lambda probe(刮水器)雨滴传感器 raindrop sensor(悬架)行驶高度传感器ride-height sensor车内温度传感器 room temperature sensor安全传感器 safety sensor副氧传感器(装在催化转化器出口后面) sub-oxygen sensor 悬架位移传感器 suspension sensor油箱(贮液罐]液面[位]传感器 tank-level sensor转[扭]矩传感器 torque sensor燃油水分传感器 water in-fuel detector[sensor]磨损传感器 wear sensor空气滤清器堵塞报警传感器 air filter clog warning sensor 车距传感器 distance sensor停车传感器 park sensor变速范围传感器 transmission range sensor。



pretous中英文元器件pretous:这里的元件对照表还不是和完整,以后慢慢添加:光电传感器:写上Optocoupler,有四种光电传感器AND 与门ANTENNA 天线BATTERY 直流电源BELL 铃,钟BVC 同轴电缆接插件BRIDEG 1 整流桥(二极管)BRIDEG 2 整流桥(集成块)BUFFER 缓冲器BUZZER 蜂鸣器CAP 电容CAPACITOR 电容CAPACITOR POL 有极性电容CAPVAR 可调电容CIRCUIT BREAKER 熔断丝COAX 同轴电缆CON 插口CRYSTAL 晶体整荡器DB 并行插口DIODE 二极管DIODE SCHOTTKY 稳压二极管DIODE VARACTOR 变容二极管DPY_3-SEG 3段LEDDPY_7-SEG 7段LEDDPY_7-SEG_DP 7段LED(带小数点)ELECTRO 电解电容FUSE 熔断器INDUCTOR 电感INDUCTOR IRON 带铁芯电感INDUCTOR3 可调电感JFET N N沟道场效应管JFET P P沟道场效应管LAMP 灯泡LAMP NEDN 起辉器LED 发光二极管METER 仪表MICROPHONE 麦克风MOSFET MOS管MOTOR AC 交流电机MOTOR SERVO 伺服电机NAND 与非门NOR 或非门NOT 非门NPN NPN三极管NPN-PHOTO 感光三极管OPAMP 运放OR 或门PHOTO 感光二极管PNP 三极管NPN DAR NPN三极管PNP DAR PNP三极管POT 滑线变阻器PELAY-DPDT 双刀双掷继电器RES1.2 电阻RES3.4 可变电阻RESISTOR BRIDGE ? 桥式电阻RESPACK ? 电阻SCR 晶闸管PLUG ? 插头PLUG AC FEMALE 三相交流插头SOCKET ? 插座SOURCE CURRENT 电流源SOURCE VOLTAGE 电压源SPEAKER 扬声器SW ? 开关SW-DPDY ? 双刀双掷开关SW-SPST ? 单刀单掷开关SW-PB 按钮THERMISTOR 电热调节器TRANS1 变压器TRANS2 可调变压器TRIAC ? 三端双向可控硅TRIODE ? 三极真空管VARISTOR 变阻器ZENER ? 齐纳二极管DPY_7-SEG_DP 数码管SW-PB 开关7407 驱动门1N914 二极管74Ls00 与非门74LS04 非门74LS08 与门74LS390 TTL 双十进制计数器7SEG 4针BCD-LED 输出从0-9 对应于4根线的BCD码7SEG 3-8译码器电路BCD-7SEG转换电路ALTERNATOR 交流发电机AMMETER-MILLI mA安培计AND 与门BATTERY 电池/电池组BUS 总线CAP 电容CAPACITOR 电容器CLOCK 时钟信号源CRYSTAL 晶振D-FLIPFLOP D触发器FUSE 保险丝GROUND 地LAMP 灯LED-RED 红色发光二极管LM016L 2行16列液晶可显示2行16列英文字符,有8位数据总线D0-D7,RS,R/W,EN三个控制端口(共14线),工作电压为5V。



Photoelectric sensorKey word: photoelectric effect photoelectric element photoelectric sensor classification sensor application characteristics .Abstract: in the rapid development of science and technology in the modern society, mankind has into the rapidly changing information era, people in daily life, the production process, rely mainly on the detection of information technology by acquiring, screening and transmission, to achieve the brake control, automatic adjustment, at present our country has put detection techniques listed in one of the priority to the development of science and technology. Because of microelectronics technology, photoelectric semiconductor technology, optical fiber technology and grating technical development makes the application of the photoelectric sensor is growing. The sensor has simple structure, non-contact, high reliability, high precision, measurable parameters and quick response and more simple structure, form etc, and flexible in automatic detection technology, it has been widely applied in photoelectric effect as the theoretical basis, the device by photoelectric material composition.Text:First, theoretical foundation - photoelectric effectPhotoelectric effect generally have the photoelectric effect, optical effect, light born volts effect.The light shines in photoelectric material, according to the electronic absorption material surface energy, if absorbed energy large enoughelectronic electronic will overcome bound from material surface and enter the outside space, which changes photoelectron materials, this kind ofphenomenon become the conductivity of the photoelectric effectAccording to Einstein's photoelectron effect, photon is moving particles, each photon energy for hv (v for light frequency, h for Planck's constant, h = 6.63 * 10-34 J/HZ), thus different frequency of photons have different energy, light, the higher the frequency, the photon energy is bigger. Assuming all the energy photons to photons, electronic energy will increase, increased energy part of the fetter, positive ions used to overcome another part of converted into electronic energy. According to the law of conservation of energy:Type, m for electronic quality, v for electronic escaping the velocity, A microelectronics the work done.From the type that will make the optoelectronic cathode surface escape thenecessary conditions are h > A. Due to the different materials have different escaping, so reactive to each kind of cathode materials, incident light has a certain frequency is restricted, when the frequency of incident light under this frequency limit, no matter how the light intensity, won't produce photoelectron launch, this frequency limit called "red limit". The corresponding wavelength forA-h m 212νν=type, c for the speed of light, A reactive for escaping.When is the sun, its electronic energy, absorb the resistivity reduce conductive phenomenon called optical effects. It belongs to the photoelectric effect within. When light is, if in semiconductor electronic energy big with semiconductor of forbidden band width, the electronic energy from the valence band jump into the conduction band, form, and at the same time, the valence band electronic left the corresponding cavities. Electronics, cavitation remained in semiconductor, and participate in electric conductive outside formed under the current role.In addition to metal outer, most insulators and semiconductor have photoelectric effect, particularly remarkable, semiconductor optical effect according to the optoelectronics manufacturing incident light inherent frequency, when light resistance in light, its conductivity increases, resistance drops. The light intensity is strong, its value, if the smaller, its resistance to stop light back to the original value.Semiconductor produced by light illuminate the phenomenon is called light emf, born volts effect on the effect of photoelectric devices have made si-based ones, photoelectric diode, control thyristor and optical couplers, etc. Second, optoelectronic components and characteristicsAccording to the outside optoelectronics manufacturing optoelectronic devices have photoelectron, inflatable phototubes and photoelectric times once tube. 1. Phototubes phototubes are various and typical products are vacuumphototubes and inflatable phototubes, light its appearance and structure as shown in figure 1 shows, made of cylindrical metal half cathodic K and is located in the wires cathodic axis of anode in A package of smoke into the vacuum, when incident light within glass shell in the cathode, illuminate A single photon took all of its energy transfer to the cathode materials A free electrons, so as to make the freedom electronic energy increase h. When electrons gain energy more than escape of cathode materials, it reactive A metal surface constraints can overcome escape, form electron emission. This kind of electronic called optoelectronics, optoelectronic escaping the metal surface for after initial kinetic energyPhototubes normal work, anode potential than the cathode, shown in figure 2. In one shot more than "red light frequency is premise, escape from the optoelectronic cathode surface by positive potential attracted the anode in photoelectric tube forming space, called the current stream. Then if light intensity increases, the number of photons bombarded the cathode multiplied, unit of time to launch photoelectron number are also increasing, photo-current greatens. In figure 2 shows circuit, current and resistance is the voltage drop across the only a function of light intensity relations, so as to achieve a photoelectric conversion. When the LTT optoelectronic cathode K, electronic escape from the cathode surface, and was the photoelectric anode is an electric current, power plants absorb deoxidization device in the load resistance - I, the voltagePhototubes photoelectric characteristics fig.03 shows, from the graph in flux knowable, not too big, photoelectric basic characteristics is a straight line.2. Photoelectric times had the sensitivity of vacuum tube due to low, so with people developed has magnified the photomultiplier tubes photo-current ability. Figure 4 is photomultiplier tube structure schematic drawing.图4光电倍增结构示意图From the graph can see photomultiplier tubes also have A cathode K and an anode A, and phototubes different is in its between anode and cathode set up several secondary emission electrodes, D1, D2 and D3... They called the first multiply electrode, the second multiply electrode,... Usually, double electrode for 10 ~ 15 levels. Photomultiplier tubes work between adjacent electrode, keeping a certain minimum, including the cathode potential potentials, each multiply electrode potential filtering increases, the anode potential supreme. When the incident light irradiation, cathodic K escape from the optoelectronic cathode multiplied by first accelerated, by high speed electrode D1 bombarded caused secondary electron emission, D1, an incident can generate multiplesecondary electron photonics, D1 emit of secondary electron was D1, D2 asked electric field acceleration, converged on D2 and again produce secondary electron emission... So gradually produce secondary electron emission, make electronic increased rapidly, these electronic finally arrived at the anode, form a larger anode current. If a n level, multiply electrodes at all levels for sigma, the multiplication of rate is the multiplication of photomultiplier tubes can be considered sigma n rate, therefore, photomultiplier tube has high sensitivity. In the output current is less than 1mA circumstances, it in a very wide photoelectric properties within the scope of the linear relationship with good. Photomultiplier tubes this characteristic, make it more for light measurement.3 and photoconductive resistance photoconductive resistance within the working principle is based on the photoelectric effect. In semiconductor photosensitive material ends of mount electrode lead, it contains transparent window sealed in the tube and shell element photoconductive resistance. Photoconductive resistance properties and parameters are:1) dark resistance photoconductive resistance at room temperature, total dark conditions stable resistance called dark resistance, at the current flow resistance is called dark current.2) light resistance photoconductive resistance at room temperature and certain lighting conditions stable resistance measured, right now is called light resistance of current flow resistance is called light current.4, volt-ampere characteristics of both ends photoconductive resistance added voltage and current flows through photoconductive resistance of the relationship between called volt-ampere characteristics shown, as shown in figure 5. From the graph, the approximate linear volt-ampere characteristics that use should be limited, but when the voltage ends photoconductive resistance, lest than shown dotted lines of power consumption area5, photoelectric characteristics photoconductive resistance between the poles, light when voltage fixed the relationship between with bright current photoelectric characteristics. Called Photoconductive resistance photoelectric characteristics is nonlinear, this is one of the major drawback of photoconductive resistance.6, spectral characteristics is not the same incident wavelength, the sensitivity of photoconductive resistance is different also. Incidence wavelength and photodetector the relationship between relative sensitivity called spectral characteristics. When used according to the wavelength range by metering, choose different material photoconductive resistance.7, response time by photoconductive resistance after photo-current need light,over a period of time (time) rise to reach its steady value. Similarly, in stop light photo-current also need, over a period of time (down time) to restore the its dark current, this is photoconductive resistance delay characteristics. Photoconductive resistance rise response time and falling response time about 10-1 ~ 10-3s, namely the frequency response is 10Hz ~ 1000Hz, visible photoconductive resistance cannot be used in demand quick response occasion, this is one of the main photoconductive resistance shortcomings.8 and temperature characteristic photoconductive resistance by temperature affects greatly, temperature rise, dark current increase, reduced sensitivity, which is another photoconductive resistance shortcomings.9, frequency characteristic frequency characteristics refers to an external voltage and incident light, strong must be photo-current I and incident light modulation frequency, the relationship between the f, photoelectric diode is the frequency characteristic of the photoelectric triode frequency characteristics, this is because of the photoelectric triode shot "yankees there capacitance and carrier base-combed need time's sake. By using the principle of the photoelectric efficiency of optoelectronics manufacturing frequency characteristics of the worst, this is due to capture charge carriers and release charge need a certain time's sake.Three, photoelectric sensorsPhotoelectric sensor is through the light intensity changes into electrical signal changes to achieve control, its basic structure, it first figure 6 by measuring thechange of change of converting the light signal, and then using photoelectric element further will light signals into electrical signal by photoelectric sensor general. Illuminant, optical path and optoelectronics. Three components of photoelectric detection method has high precision, fast response, non-contact wait for an advantage, but measurable parameters of simple structure, sensors, form flexible, therefore, photoelectric sensor in the test and control is widely used.By photoelectric sensor generally is composed of three parts, they are divided into: transmitter and receiver and detection circuit shown, as shown in figure 7, transmitter aimed at the target launch beam, the launch of the beam from semiconductor illuminant, general light emitting diode (LED), laser diode and infrared emission diode. Beam uninterrupted launch, or change the pulse width. Receivers have photoelectric diode, photoelectric triode, composed si-based ones. In front of the receiver, equipped with optical components such as lens and aperture, etc. In its back is detection circuit, it can filter out effective signal and the application of the signal. In addition, the structural components in photoelectric switch and launch plate and optical fiber, triangle reflex plate is solid structure launch device. It consists of small triangle cone of reflective materials, can make a beam accurately reflected back from plate, with practical significance. It can be in with the scope of optical axis 0 to 25, make beams change launch Angle from a root almost after launch line, passes reflection or from the rotating polygon.some basic returns.图7Photoelectric sensor is a kind of depend on is analyte and optoelectronics and light source, to achieve the relationship between the measured purpose, so the light source photoelectric sensor plays a very important role, photoelectric sensor power if a constant source, power is very important for design, the stability of the stability of power directly affect the accuracy of measurement, commonly used illuminant have the following kinds:1, leds is a change electric energy into light energy semiconductor devices. It has small volume, low power consumption, long life, fast response, the advantages of high mechanical strength, and can match and integrated circuits.Therefore, widely used in computer, instruments and automatic control equipment.2, silk light bulb that is one of the most commonly used illuminant, it has rich infrared light. If chosen optoelectronics, constitutes of infrared sensor sensitive colour filter can be added to the visible tungsten lamps, but only filter with its infrared does illuminant, such, which can effectively prevent other light interference.3, compared with ordinary light laser laser with energy concentration, directional good, frequency pure, coherence as well as good, is very ideal light sources.The light source, optical path and photoelectric device composition photoelectric sensor used in photoelectric detection, still must be equipped with appropriate measurement circuit. The photoelectric effect to the measurement circuit of photoelectric element of widerange caused changes needed to convert the voltage or current. Different photoelectric element, the measurement circuit required is not identical also. Several semiconductor introduces below optoelectronic devices commonly used measurement circuit. Semiconductor photoconductive resistance can through large current, be in so usually, need not equipped with amplifier. In the output power of demand is bigger, can use figure 8 shows circuit.Figure 9 (a) with temperature compensation given the photosensitive diode bridge type measuring circuit. When the incident light intensity slow change,the reverse resistance photosensitive diode is the slow change, the change of the temperature will cause the bridge output voltage, must compensate. Drift Picture a photosensitive diode as the test components, another into Windows, in neighboring bridge, the change of the temperature in the arms of the influence of two photosensitive diode, therefore, can eliminate the same output with temperature bridge road drift.Light activated triode incident light in work under low illumination, or hope to get bigger output power, also can match with amplifying circuit, as shown in figure 9 shows.Because even in the glare photosensitive batteries, maximum output voltage also only 0.6 V, still cannot make the next level 1 transistor have larger current output, so must add positive bias, as shown in figure 9 (a) below. In order to reduce the transistor circuit impedance variations, base si-based ones to reduce as much as possible without light, when the reverse bias inherit in parallel a resistor si-based ones at both ends. Or like figure 9 (b) as shown bythe positive ge diode produces pressure drop and test the voltage produced when exposed to light, make silicon tube e stack, b the voltage between actuators than 0.7 V, and conduction work. This kind of circumstance also can use silicon light batteries, as shown in figure 10 (c) below.Semiconductor photoelectric element of photoelectric circuit can also use integrated operational amplifier. Silicon photosensitive diode can be obtained by integrating op-amp larger output amplitude, as shown in figure 11 (a) below. When light is produced, the optical output voltage in order to guarantee photosensitive diode is reverse biased, in its positive to add a load voltage. Figure 11. (b) give the photocell transform circuit, because the photoelectricsi-based ones short-circuit current and illumination of a linear relationship between, so will it up in the op-amp is, inverse-phase input, using these two potential difference between the characteristics of close to zero, can get bettereffect. In the picture shows conditions, the output voltageThe photoelectric element by flux the role of different made from the principle of optical measurement and control system is varied, press the photoelectric element (optical measurement and control system) output nature, namely, can be divided into second analog photoelectric sensor and pulse (switch) photoelectric sensor. Analog photoelectric sensors will be converted into continuous variation of the measure, it is measured optical with a single value relations between analog photoelectric sensor. According to be measured (objects) method detection of target can be divided into transmission (absorption) type, diffuse type, shading type (beam resistance gears) three categories. So-called transmission style means the object to be tested in optical path in constant light source, the light energy through things, part of being measured by absorption, transmitted light onto photoelectric element, such as measured liquid, gas transparency and photoelectric BiSeJi etc; speed.gratifying The so-called diffuse style means the constant light by the light onto the analyte from the object to be tested, and projected onto surfaces reflect on after optoelectronic devices, such as photoelectric colorimetricthermometer and light gauge etc; The so-called shading style means the when illuminant issued by the flux of light analyte covered by a part Jing optoelectronics, make projection on the flux change, change the object to be tested and extent of the position with the light path, such as vibration measurement, the size measurement; And in pulse photoelectric sensor in the sensors, photoelectric element acceptable optical signal is intermittent change, therefore photoelectric element in switch work of the state, the current output it is usually only two steady state of the signal, the pulse form used for photoelectric counting and photoelectric speed measurement and so on.And infrared photoelectric sensor classification and working way generally have the following kinds:1, groove photoelectric sensor put a light emitter and a receiver in a slotface-to-face outfit are on opposite sides of the photoelectric groove. Lighter emits infrared light or visible light, and in unimpeded cases light receptors can receive light. But when tested objects from slot zhongtong obsolete, light occluded, photoelectric switches and action. Output a switch control signal, cut off or connect load current, thus completing a control movement. Groove switch is the overall of detection distance because general structure limits only a few centimeters.2, DuiShe type optoelectronic sensor if you put lighter and receive light is separated, can make the detection distance increase. By a lighter and an inbox light sensor into a photoelectric switch is called DuiShe separatephotoelectric switches, referred to DuiShe photoelectric switch. Its detection distance can reach a few meters and even a dozen meters. When usinglight-emitting device and receive light device are installed in test object through the path of the sides, test object by blocking light path, accept light implement action output a switch control signals.3, reflex plate.it photoelectric switch light-emitting device type and receive light device into the same device inside, in its front pack a reflex plate.the using the reflection principle of complete photoelectric control function is called reflex plate.it reflex (or reflector reflex) photoelectric switch. Under normal circumstances, lighter the light reflected by reflex plate.it is received by accept light; Once the light path be test object to block, accept light, the light is not receive photoelectric switch is action, output a switch control signals.4, diffusion reflective photoelectric switches its detection head with a lighter and also an inbox light ware, but no reflex plate.it ahead. Normally lighter for the light collect light is not found. When test object by blocking the light, and the light reflected light, receive part implement received light signals, output a switch signals.Four, I'm the idea of photoelectric sensorWith the development of science and technology people on measuring accuracy had the higher request, this has prompted the pace with The Times photoelectric sensor have updated, improve the main means photoelectric sensor performance is the application of new materials, new technologymanufacturing performance is more superior photoelectric element. For example, today the prototype of the photoelectric sensor is a small metal cylindrical equipment, with a calibration lens, transmitter into receiver focused light, the receiver out of cable to the device got a vacuum tube amplifiers in metal cylinder on the incandescent light bulb inside a small as the light source a strong incandescent lamp sensor. Due to the sensor various defects existing in the fields, gradually faded. To appear, because of it of fiber of excellent performance, then appeared with sensors supporting the use of optical passive components, another fiber without any interference of electromagnetic signal, and can make the sensor of the electronic components and other electrical disturbance in isolation. Have a piece of plastic optical fiber core or glass light core, light outside a metallic core skins and bread this layer metal cortical density lower than light core, so low, the beam refraction in the two materials according to the border (incident Angle within a certain range, reflected), is all. Based on optical principle, all beams can be made by optical fiber to transmission. Two incident beam Angle in an Angle (along the fiber length direction within) by multiple reflections from the other end after injection, another incident angles than accept the incident light in metal skin, loss. This accept Angle within the biggest incident Angle than two times, this is because fiber slightly larger from air into density larger fiber materials hitting may have a slight refraction. In light of the optical fiber transmission from inside the influence of fiber bending (whether more than bending radius minimal bendingradius). Most optical fiber is flexible, easy to install in the narrow space. Photoelectric sensor is a kind of non-contact measurement small electronic measurement equipment, rely on detect its receives the light intensity change, to achieve measurement purposes, and it's also a vulnerable to external disturbance and lose the measurement accuracy of the device. When be being designed so besides the choice optoelectronic components, still must set GSCC signal and temperature compensating measures used to weaken or eliminate the impact of these factors.Photoelectric sensor must pass a light modulation, like radio waves of light modulation of sends and receives, the radio to a station, can ignore other radio signal sensors without modulation long-focal-length only through the use of mechanical shielded, scenes that receiver transmitter only can receive the emission of light, can make its energy becomes very high. In contrast, through modulation transceivers can ignore ambient light, only to own light or with the same modulation frequencies of light without modulation response. The sensor used to test the infrared rays or around the radiation, if just baked red bottle, in this application situation if use other sensor, may be incorrect actions. Photoelectric sensor due to non-contact, high reliability, etc, and to change in measurement, damage the object to be testedSo since its invention in fields since play a significant role, at present it has been widely used in measuring mechanical quantity, thermal quantity, weight, intelligent vehicle system into etc. Now it in power system automatically griddevice plays a very important role, because generator input power grid operation often USES accurate with law, must meet: three-phase line sequence is consistent, frequency, phase agree unanimously, voltage amplitude equal, one of the conditions in system design has been satisfied, after three conditions must also meet to grid, of course, artificially grid is more difficult, photoelectric grid is easier.The development of times, science and technology in the update, photoelectric sensor types are increasing and application domain more and more widely, such as a recent kind of infrared already in intelligent vehicle electrical sensors in to the application, one of which had based on infrared sensor is the core of intelligent vehicle, reflective type infrared sensor using reflex infrared sensor design path detection module and speed monitoring module; Another method based on infrared sensor using the car tracing is to collect infrared sensor data.Photoelectric sensor has cannot be replaced by other sensors superiority, so it development foreground is very good, the application will also become more widespread.光电传感器关键字:光电效应光电元件光电特性传感器分类传感器应用摘要:在科学技术高速发展的现代社会中,人类已经入瞬息万变的信息时代,人们在日常生活,生产过程中,主要依靠检测技术对信息经获取、筛选和传输,来实现制动控制,自动调节,目前我国已将检测技术列入优先发展的科学技术之一。


———光电传感器 报告人: 学 号: 专 业: 老 师:
Photoelectric sensor
Key word: photoelectric effect photoelectric element photoelectric sensor classification sensor application characteristics . Abstract: in the rapid development of science and technology in the modern society, mankind has into the rapidly changing information era, people in daily life, the production process, rely mainly on the detection of information technology by acquiring, screening and transmission, to achieve the brake control, automatic adjustment, at present our country has put detection techniques listed in one of the priority to the development of science and technology. Because of microelectronics technology, photoelectric semiconductor technology, optical fiber technology and grating technical development makes the application of the photoelectric sensor is growing. The sensor has simple structure, non-contact, high reliability, high precision, measurable parameters and quick response and more simple structure, form etc, and flexible in automatic detection technology, it has been widely applied in photoelectric effect as the theoretical basis, the device by photoelectric material composition.



一.电子元器件Electronic Components1.保险元器件safety device(1)保险丝座 fuse block(2)电流保险丝 current fuse(3)其他保险元器件 other(4)温度保险丝 temperature fuse(5)温度开关 temperature switches(6)自恢复熔断器since the resumption of fuse2. 变频器transducer(1)PLC 变频器 PLC transducer(2)高性能通用变频器High-performance Universal transducer (3)恒功率变频器Constant Power Inverter(4)恒转矩变频器Constant Torque converter(5)专用变频器Exclusive Inverter3.变压器transformer(1)电源变压器Power Transformer(2)隔离变压器the isolation transformer(3)恒压变压器constant voltage transformer(4)脉冲变压器pulse transformer(5)其他变压器other transformers(6)音频变压器Audio transformers(7)自耦变压器autotransformer(8)耦合变压器coupling transformer4.场效应管voltage controller5. 传感器sensor(1)电磁传感器Power Transformer(2)光电传感器Photoelectric Sensors(3)光纤传感器Fiber Optic Sensors(4)加速度传感器Accelerometer(5)接近传感器Proximity sensor(6)料位、液位传感器Level, liquid level sensor(7)压力传感器Pressure Sensor(8)振动传感器Vibration Sensor(9)气体传感器Gas Sensor(10)声波传感器Acoustic sensor(11)视觉、图像传感器Visual, image sensor(12)水分、湿度传感器Moisture and humidity sensor (13)位移传感器Displacement sensor(14)敏感元件传感器Sensor sensor6.传声器microphone7.电容器capacitor(1)玻璃电容器Glass capacitors(2)玻璃釉电容器Glazed glass capacitors(3)复合介质电容器Composite Dielectric Capacitors(4)铝电解电容器Electrolytic capacitors(5)漆电容器Paint Capacitor(6)有机薄膜电容器Organic Thin Film Capacitor(7)云母电容器Mica capacitors(8)真空电容器Vacuum Capacitors(9)纸介电容器Paper Capacitors(10)钽电容器Tantalum capacitors8.电声配件electroacoustic fittings(1)T铁T-Rail(2)磁钢Magnets(3)弹波Bomb wave(4)电声网罩Electro-acoustic enclosures Network(5)防尘盖Shield(6)鼓纸Drum paper(7)盆架Penjia(8)压边Blankholder(9)音膜、振膜Music membrane, Diaphragm9.电位器potentialmeter(1)带开关电位器Switch Potentiometers(2)单连、双连电位器Even single, double-Potentiometers (3)单圈、多圈电位器Unicyclic, multi-turn potentiometer (4)合成碳膜电位器Synthesis film Potentiometers(5)金属膜电位器All metal membrane potential(6)贴片式电位器Patch-Potentiometers(7)线绕电位器Wound Potentiometers(8)直滑式电位器Smooth straight-Potentiometers(9)其他电位器 other10.电阻器resistor(1)固定电阻器Fixed resistor(2)可变电阻器Variable resistor(3)排电阻器Pai resistor(4)热敏电阻器PTC thermistors(5)熔断电阻器Fuse resistor(6)压敏电阻器Varistors11.二极管diode(1)变容二极管Varactors(2)发光二极管LED(3)激光二极管Laser diode(4)开关二极管Diode Switches(5)快恢复二极管Fast Recovery Diode(6)普通二极管Ordinary diodes12.蜂鸣器buzzer13.集成电路integrated circuit(1)报警器IC Alarm IC(2)电动玩具IC electric toys IC(3)电脑IC Computer IC(4)电视机IC TV IC(5)电源模块Power Module(6)电子琴IC Flower IC(7)录象机IC VCR IC(8)门铃IC doorbell IC(9)其他集成电路 other(10)闪灯IC Flash IC(11)手表IC watches IC(12)通信IC Communications IC(13)温控IC Temperature Control IC(14)音乐IC Music IC(15)音响IC Audio IC(16)影碟机IC Player IC14.继电器relay(1)步进继电器Step Relay(2)大功率继电器High-Power Relay(3)热继电器Thermal Relay(4)电磁类继电器Electromagnetic relay category (5)信号继电器Signal Relay(6)干簧式继电器Dry Reed Relay(7)中间继电器Intermediate Relay(8)固态继电器Solid State Relay(9)汽车继电器Automotive Relay(10)其他继电器 other15.开关元件switch element(1)IC(2)接线柱Connection(3)鳄鱼夹Crocodile folder(4)插座Outlet(5)接线座Connection Block(6)电缆连接器Cable Connector(7)卡座Cards(8)电脑连接器Computer connector(9)端子Terminals(10)手机连接器Phone connector(11)端子台Terminal Blocks(12)线束Harness(13)光纤连接器Fiber Connector(14)印刷板连接器PCB connectors16.录音磁头recording head17.频率元件frequency component(1)调频器Trance(2)分频器Frequency Divider(3)鉴频器Detector(4)晶体谐振器Crystal Resonator(5)滤波器Filter(6)其他频率元件 other(7)振荡器Oscillator18.三极管triode(1)磁敏三极管Magnetic Transistor(2)开关三极管Triode switch(3)达林顿三极管Darlington transistor(4)其他三极管 other(5)带阻三极管Band stop triode(6)微波三极管Microwave Transistor(7)低频放大三极管Large low-frequency transistor (8)中高频放大三极管Large high-frequency transistor (9)低噪声放大三极管Large low-noise triode(10)高反压三极管High voltage transistor19.受话器receiver20.稳压器constant voltage regulator21.显示器monitor(1)led电子显示屏Led electronic screen(2)液晶屏LCD screen(3)led数码管Led digital control(4)背光器件Backlight device(5)点阵Lattice(6)偏光片Polaroid(7)其他显示器件 other(8)手机显示器Mobile Phone Display22.扬声器loudspeaker(1)电磁式扬声器Electromagnetic loudspeakers (2)电动式扬声器Electric-powered loudspeaker(3)静电式扬声器Electrostatic Loudspeaker(4)压电式扬声器Piezoelectric Speakers(5)其他扬声器 other23.印刷线路板Printed Circuie Board(1)刚性线路板Rigid PCB(2)其他印刷线路板Other PWB(3)柔性线路板Flexible PCB24.整流器rectifier二.机械及设备mechanism1. 包装成型机械Forming packaging machinery(1)金属包装机械Metal packaging machinery(2)塑料包装机械Plastic Packaging Machinery(3)纸包装机械Paper Packaging Machinery(4)其他包装成型机械Forming other packaging machinery2.包装相关设备packing equipment/wrapping equipment(1)包装生产线Packaging Line(2)充填机械Filling machinery(3)打码、喷码机Jet, code machine(4) 裹包机械Binding Machinery(5) 贴标机械Labeling machinery(6) 集装机械Packaging machinery(7) 捆扎机械Binding Machinery(8) 多功能包装机Multifunctional packaging machine(9) 封口机械Sealing machinery(10) 清洗机械Cleaning Machinery(11) 辅助包装设备Auxiliary packaging equipment(12) 杀菌机、干燥机Sterilizing machine, dryer(13) 灌装机械Filling machinery(14) 条码设备Barcode equipment3.泵pump(1)泵配件Pump Accessories(2)齿轮泵Gear Pump(3)磁力泵Magnetic Pump(4)高压泵a high pressure pump(5)隔膜泵diaphragm pump(6)管道泵pipeline pump(7)混流泵mixed-flow pump(8)计量泵metering pump(9)空调泵AC Pump(10)离心泵Pump(11)流程泵process pump(12)耐腐蚀泵The non-corrosion pump(13)排污泵Sewage Pump(14)屏蔽泵shielding pump(15)其他泵other(16)潜水泵submersible pump(17)试压泵Pressure Test Pump(18)往复泵reciprocating pump(19)涡流泵Eddy pump(20)污水泵、杂质泵sewage pump, pump impurities (21)消防泵Fire Pump(22)油泵pumps(23)增压泵booster pumps(24)真空泵vacuum pump(25)轴流泵Pump(26)柱塞泵Pump(27)转子泵rotor pump(28)自吸泵pump(29)漩涡泵whirlpool pump4变频器frequency transformer(1)PLC 变频器PLC Inverter(2)高性能通用变频器high-performance Universal Converter (3)恒功率变频器Constant Power Inverter(4)恒转矩变频器constant torque converter(5)专用变频器special converter5.传动件driver(1)齿轮Gear(2)齿轮箱Gear Box(3)传动带transmission belt(4)传动链Transmission Chain(5)带轮pulley(6)联轴器coupling(7)链轮sprocket(8)蜗杆Worm(9)其他传动件 other6.瓷生产加工机械chinaware-product machine7.低压电器Low Voltage electric set(1)低压断路器low-voltage circuit breakers(2)低压接触器low pressure contactors(3)低压开关柜low-voltage switchgear(4)低压控制器low-voltage controller(5)低压熔断器low-voltage fuse(6)电磁铁electromagnet(7)电抗器Reactor(8)继电器Relay(9)起动器Starters(10)主令电器Master appliances(11)其他低压电器 other7.电动机motor(1)电动车用电动机electric vehicle motor(2)电动工具用电动机electric motors used tools(3)电动机保护器Motor Protection(4)机械设备用电动机machinery and equipment used motor(5)家电用电动机using electrical home appliances(6)其他电动机other(7)特殊电机the special motor(8)微型电动机micro-motors8.电焊,切割设备electric welding and cutter equipment (1)储能机Energy Storage Machine(2)焊管机Pipe Machine(3)等离子焊机Plasma Welding(4)等离子切割机plasma cutting machine(5)点焊机spot welder(6)电烙铁electric iron(7)电阻焊机resistance welding machine(8)滚焊机Roll Welder(9)摩擦焊机friction welding machine(10)排焊机Pai welder(11)碰焊机butt-welding machine(12)焊锡机solder machine(13)焊线机gold wire machine(14)滚焊机Roller welder(15)回流焊接机The return of welding machines (16)激光焊机Laser Welder(17)压焊机Pressure welder(18)塑焊机Plastic Welder(19)其他电焊、切割设备Other welding, cutting equipment (20)激光切laser9.电脑产品制造设备computer components10.二手制鞋设备second-shoemaking equipment11.发电机generater/ dynamo(1)同步发电机synchronous generator(2)异步发电机asynchronous generator12.发电机、发电机组Generators, Units13.阀门valve(1)安全阀safety valve(2)单向阀a one-way valve(3)阀体Valve(4)截止阀cut-off valve(5)气动阀Pneumatic Valve(6)闸阀valve(7)放料阀Discharge Valve(8)节流阀Throttle(9)球阀Ball Valve(10)针阀needle(11)底阀bottom valve(12)隔膜阀Root(13)流量控制阀flow control valve(14)燃气阀Gas Valves(15)止回阀check valve(16)电磁阀solenoid valve(17)换向阀Valve(18)排气阀the valve(19)手动阀Manual Valves(20)柱塞阀valve plunger(21)调节阀Control Valve(22)减压阀jangled nerves(23)排污阀Sewage valve(24)疏水阀Traps(25)脚踏阀foot valve(26)膨胀阀EXV(27)旋塞阀Cock Valve(28)阀门配Valve Distribution14.纺织设备和器材weaving machine15.风机、排风设备fan/blower/air compressor(1)风管Duct(2)风机、排风设备配件fan, ventilation equipment accessories (3)离子风机ions Fans(4)排风设备The exhaust equipment(5)风机盘管fan-coil(6)风幕机the wind screen machines(7)风叶Blade(8)工业风扇Industrial Fan(9)鼓风机Blower(10)离子风机ion fan(11)排风设备The exhaust equipment(12)其他风机Other Fans(13)通风机Fans(14)压缩机Compressor16.服装加工设备apparel machining17.高压电器High Voltage Apparatus(1)防雷避雷产品lightning products(2)高压成套电器complete sets of high voltage electrical(3)高压断路器high voltage circuit breaker(4)高压接触器high-pressure contactors(5)高压开关柜High Voltage Switchgear(6)高压熔断器high voltage fuse(7)其他高压电器other high voltage apparatus18.工程与建筑机械engineering and construction equipment(1)铲土运输机械scraping transport machinery(2)市政和环境卫生机械municipal and sanitation machinery(3)钢筋和预应力机械mechanical reinforced and prestressed(4)挖掘机械Mining Machinery(5)工程机械配件Construction Machinery Accessories(6)压实机械compaction machinery(7)混凝土搅拌机械concrete mixing machine(8)园林和高空作业机械garden machinery and high-altitude operations (9)凿岩机械drilling(10)桩工机械piling machinery(11)混凝土搅拌机械Concrete Mixer(12)路面机械road machinery(13)其他工程与建筑机械other engineering and construction machinery (14)装载机械mechanical loading19.工艺礼品加工设备craftwork and gift processing equipment20.过滤材料filtration material(1)滤板(2)滤芯filter(3)滤袋Bag(4)滤料Media(5)滤膜Membrane(6)滤片 filter(7)滤筒 cartridge(8)滤网filter21.过滤设备percolator(1)过滤机Filter(2)过滤器Filters(3)滤油机Oil Filter(4)其他过滤设备Other filtration equipment(5)汽车滤清器Automotive Filters(6)压滤设备filtration equipment22.化工设备chemical equipment(1)板式塔Trays(2)玻璃机械Glass Machinery(3)槽式反应器trough reactor(4)除沫器Except for Mo(5)储罐Tank(6)储运容器storing containers(7)带式干燥设备Band-drying equipment(8)电解槽electrolyzer(9)二手化工设备secondary chemical equipment(10)发酵提取设备fermentation extraction equipment(11)反应釜 reactor(12)废气处理成套设备complete sets of equipment to deal withemissions(13)废气吸附装置emission devices adsorption(14)分凝器All segregation(15)分散机disperser(16)粉碎机Mill(17)鼓风机Blower(18)管式反应器Tubular Reactor(19)过滤机Filter(20)过滤器filters(21)化工成套Chemical sets(22)化工成型Chemical Molding(23)化工管道Piping(24)化工设备代理Acting chemical equipment(25)化工实验设备chemical laboratory equipment(26)化工仪表Chemical Instrumentation(27)换热器heat exchanger(28)混合机Mixer(29)加料机Filling Machine(30)加热器Heater(31)结晶设备crystallization equipment(32)均质设备heterogeneous equipment(33)空分设备ASU(34)空气净化器Air Purifier(35)空心桨叶干燥机hollow blades Dryer(36)库存化工设备Chemical Equipment Inventory(37)冷凝器condenser(38)冷却器Cooler(39)冷却塔cooling tower(40)冷水机cool-water machine(41)炼化设备Refinery Equipment(42)离心机centrifuges(43)流化床干燥设备fluidized bed drying equipment(44)捏合机Kneading Machine(45)盘式干燥机disc dryer(46)喷雾干燥机Spray(47)瓶体bottles of body(48)破碎机crusher(49)其他传热设备other heat transfer equipment(50)其他传质设备other mass transfer equipment(51)其他反应设备Other response equipment(52)其他分离设备other separation equipment(53)其他粉碎设备other equipment smashed(54)其他干燥设备other drying equipment(55)其他空气净化装置other air cleaning devices(56)其他石油加工设备other oil processing equipment(57)其他输送设备other transportation equipment(58)其他制冷设备other refrigeration equipment(59)气流干燥设备air drying equipment(60)球磨机Mill(61)乳化机phacoemulsification machine(62)砂磨机sanding machine(63)筛分设备Screening Equipment(64)输送机Conveyor(65)酸雾净化器acid purification device(66)塔式反应tower reactor(67)填料塔packed tower(68)通风机Fans(69)脱硫除尘设备desulfurization and dedusting equipment(70)微波干燥设备Microwave Drying Equipment(71)尾气处理装置Exhaust Treatment Device(72)箱式干燥设备Box drying equipment(73)箱体 Box(74)真空干燥机Vacuum Dryer(75)蒸发器evaporator(76)蒸馏设备distillation equipment(77)制冷压缩机Refrigeration Compressors(78)制粒干燥设备granulation drying equipment(79)钻采设备drilling and production equipment23.机床machine tools(1)车床Lathe(2)锯床saw(3)其他机床Other Machine(4)镗床boring machine(5)卷板机床plate bending machine(6)数控机床CNC machine tools(7)电火花、线切割EDM, thread cutting(8)拉床Broacher(9)铣床Miller(10)锻压机床Forging Machine(11)螺纹加工机床Screw Machine(12)铸造机床Casting Machine(13)磨床Grinder(14)国外机床Foreign Machine(15)专用机床(16)磨床Grinder(17)木工机床Woodworking Machine(18)组合机床Combination Machine(19)剪板、折弯Cutting, bending24.家电制造设备manufacturing equipment of household appliance25.家具制造机械manufacturing equipment of furnishings26.减速机、变速机derailleur27.节能设备energy sources saving equipment(1)节电设备saving equipment(2)节水设备Water-saving equipment(3)节油设备oil-saving equipment(4)其他节能设备other energy-saving equipment28.净化设备clarifier(1)反渗透设备reverse osmosis equipment(2)滤芯filter(3)防静电用品Antistatic supplies(4)高纯水制取设备Preparation of highly pure water equipment(5)换热、制冷空调设备heat exchangers, air conditioners andrefrigeration equipment(6)空气净化器Air Purifier(7)滤器filter(8)其他过滤设备 other(9)其他空气净化装置Other air purification devices(10)其他行业专用设备other special machine industry(11)污水处理成套设备Sewage complete sets of equipment(12)压缩、分离设备Compression, separation equipment26.空气净化装置(1)废气吸附装置Adsorption emission devices(2)空气净化器Air Purifier(3)其他空气净化装置Other air purification devices(4)酸雾净化器acid purification device(5)脱硫除尘设备desulfurization and dedusting equipment(6)尾气处理装置The exhaust gas treatment plant(7)油烟净化设备fume purification equipment27.垃圾焚烧炉destructor28.炼治设备equipment of temper with fire(1)二手冶炼设备secondary metallurgical equipment(2)其他铸造及热处理设备Other casting and heat treatment equipment (3)工业炉Industrial Furnace(4)切断设备cutting equipment(5)焦化设备coking equipment(6)燃烧器burner(7)金属成型设备Metal Forming Equipment(8)冶炼成套设备Smelting complete sets of equipment(9)炼钢设备steelmaking equipment(10)轧钢设备rolling equipment(11)中频电源IF Power29.内燃机internal combustion engine30.农业机械agriculture equipment(1)场上作业机械market operating machinery(2)肥料加工设备fertilizer processing equipment(3)粮食加工设备Food Processing Equipment(4)林业机械Forestry Machinery(5)农机配件Agricultural Machinery accessories(6)农业实验设备Agricultural Experiment equipment(7)排灌机械drainage and irrigation machinery(8)其他农业机械Other agricultural machinery(9)施肥机械fertilization machinery(10)食用油加工设备of edible oil processing equipment(11)收获机械harvesting machinery(12)饲料加工设备feed processing equipment(13)屠宰及肉类初加工设备slaughtering and meat processing equipment early (14)土壤耕整机械Soil Tillage Machinery(15)拖拉机Tractor(16)畜牧、养殖业机械livestock, aquaculture industry machinery(17)渔业机械fisheries machinery(18)植保机械Mechanical Plant Protection(19)种植机械mechanical cultivation30.农业设备(1)场上作业机械(2)农业实验设备Agricultural Experiment equipment(3)屠宰及肉类初加工设备the early slaughtering and meat processingequipment(4)二手农业机械secondary agricultural machinery(5)排灌机械drainage and irrigation machinery(6)肥料加工设备fertilizer processing equipment(7)粮食加工设备Food Processing Equipment(8)林业机械Forestry Machinery(9)棉麻毛初加工设备Fluid Systems Mao early processing equipment(10)棉麻毛初加工设备Fluid Systems Mao early processing equipment(11)农机配件Agricultural Machinery accessories(12)施肥机械fertilization machinery(13)食用油加工设备of edible oil processing equipment(14)收获机械Harvester(15)土壤耕整机械Soil Tillage Machinery(16)拖拉机Tractor(17)畜牧、养殖业机械livestock, aquaculture industry machinery(18)渔业机械fisheries machinery(19)植保机械Mechanical Plant Protection31.配电输电设备Transmission and Distribution32.皮革加工设备process machine of leather33.其他行业专用设备special equipment of other industry34.清洗、清理设备cleaner(1)超声波清洗设备ultrasonic cleaning equipment(2)高压水流清洗机high-pressure water cleaning machine(3)工业吸尘设备Industrial Cleaning Equipment(4)抛丸清理机blast cleaning machines(5)其他清洗、清理设备Other cleaning, cleaning equipment(6)扫地机sweeping machine(7)洗地机to the washing machine(8)蒸汽清洗机Steam Cleaning Machine35.石油加工设备machine of petroleum(1)炼化设备oil refining equipment(2)其他石油加工设备other oil processing equipment(3)钻采设备drilling and production equipment36.食品、饮料加工设备equipment of food and drink(1)炊事设备cooking equipment(2)调味品加工设备spices processing equipment(3)豆、乳制品加工设备beans, dairy processing equipment(4)罐头食品加工设备canned food processing equipment(5)果蔬加工设备Fruit and Vegetable Processing Equipment(6)酒及饮料生产设备wine and beverage production equipment(7)冷冻食品加工设备frozen food processing equipment(8)其他食品、饮料加工设备other food, beverage processing equipment(9)肉制品加工设备Meat Processing Equipment(10)食品烘焙设备food baking equipment(11)休闲食品加工设备Leisure food processing equipment37.塑料橡胶机械equipment of plastic and rubber38.陶瓷生产加工机械Ceramic production and processing machinery39.涂装设备equipment of spreadind40.脱硫除尘设备desulfuration dust catcher41.玩具加工设备process equipment of toy42.污水处理设备equipment of sewage(1)沉淀池sedimentation tank(2)曝气设备aeration equipment(3)滗水器Decanter(4)油水分离设备oil-water separation equipment(5)其他污水处理设备Other sewage processing equipment(6)气浮设备flotation equipment(7)污泥处理设备sludge processing equipment(8)污水泵、杂质泵sewage pump, Impurities pump(9)污水处理成套设备sewage treatment complete sets of equipment(10)油水分离设备oil-water separation equipment(11)滗水器water decanter43.消音降噪设备silencer(1)隔音、吸声材料noise, Sound absorption materials(2)工业噪声控制设备the industrial noise control equipment(3)其他消音降噪设备Other muffler noise equipment(4)汽车消声器car muffler.44.鞋机配件Machine accessories shoes45.修鞋设备Item equipment46.压缩、分离设备Compression, separation equipment47.液压机械及部件Mechanical and hydraulic components48.医疗设备medical treatment equipment(1)二手医疗设备Second-hand medical equipment(2)其它未分类Other Unallocated(3)药用粉碎机械medicinal smash machinery(4)饮片机械Slices machinery(5)二手制药设备secondary pharmaceutical equipment(6)牵引、矫正设备traction to correct equipment(7)医护辅助设备health care aids(8)原料药设备及机械raw material equipment and machinery(9)诊察设备Checkups equipment(10)手术器械surgical instruments(11)监护设备Monitoring equipment(12)检验分析设备testing Analysis of equipment(13)手术专用设备surgery special equipment(14)医疗器械加工medical equipment for processing(15)制剂机械preparation machinery(16)康复理疗设备rehabilitation physiotherapy equipment(17)通用医疗器具generic medical devices(18)医疗器械制造设备medical equipment manufacturing equipment(19)治疗设备in the treatment equipment49.印刷机(1)胶印机Offset point machine(2)其他印刷机Other printing presses(3)柔印机Flexography Printing Machine(4)数码印刷机Digital Printing Press(5)丝印机shirts Machine(6)移印机Pad50.印刷设备printing equipment(1)包装防伪Packaging security(2)标识防伪identification security(3)产品防伪security products(4)打孔机drilling machines(5)打码、喷码机with code code machine(6)打样机blueprint machines(7)电晕笔Corona T(8)二手印刷设备second-hand printing equipment(9)分切机Slicer(10)覆膜机Laminators(11)复合机composite machine(12)刮墨刀Squeegees(13)胶辊Cots(14)搅墨棒Mexican stirring rod(15)开槽机Slot Machine(16)模切机die-cutting machine(17)其他防伪技术产品Other security technology products(18)其他印后加工设备Other Postpress Equipment(19)其他印前处理设备Other Prepress processing equipment(20)其他印刷机械专用配Other printing machinery exclusive distribution(21)柔印机Flexographic Printing Machine(22)扫描仪Scanner(23)晒版机Plate Copying Apparatus(24)商标防伪trademark security(25)上光机polishing machine(26)数码印刷机digital printing press(27)水辊water roller(28)丝印机Screen Printer(29)烫金机tipping machine(30)压痕机indentation machines(31)压纹机Yawenji(32)移印机Pad(33)印刷检测仪器printing detection equipment(34)印刷配套设备printing equipment sets(35)印章防伪 security seals(36)有价证券防伪 security portfolio(37)照排机 Image setter(38)证件、单据、文件防伪document(39)制版机 Myrtle(40)装订机 bookbinding machine51.造纸设备及配件paper machine and fittings52.整熨洗涤设备The entire Middle scrubbing equipment53.纸加工机械Paper processing machinery(1)打孔机DIM SUM(2)分切机Slicer(3)分纸机Machine(4)覆膜机laminating machine(5)复合机composite machine(6)开槽机Slot Machine(7)模切机die-cutting machine(8)其他纸加工机械other paper processing machinery(9)上光机polishing machine(10)烫金机tipping machine(11)压痕机indentation machine(12)压纹机Yawenji(13)折页机Folder54.纸类设备Paper and equipment55.制鞋机械Shoe-making machinery(1)打钉机Nail(2)鞋眼机shoes reflector(3)钉跟机nails with machine(4)压底机Pressure end machines(5)后帮机to help drive(6)压合机Pressure Machine(7)结帮机Conclusions help machine(8)其他制鞋机械Other shoe-making machinery(9)前帮机for help before三.仪器仪表instrument1.电动单元组合仪表instrument of electromotion2.电工仪器仪表electrician instrument(1)电流测量仪表Current Measurement Instrumentation(2)电阻测量仪表Measurement Instrumentation(3)电流互感器Current Transformer(4)电阻箱resistance box(5)电能仪表Power Meter(6)功率测量仪表Power Measurement Instrumentation(7)电桥Bridge(8)频率测量仪表Frequency Measurement Instrumentation (9)电位差计potential margin(10)其他电工仪器仪表other electrical equipment NG(11)电压测量仪表Voltage Meter(12)钳型表pincers(13)电压互感器voltage transformer(14)万用表Multimeter3.电子测量仪器electron test(1)LCR测量仪LCR meter(2)场强仪Signal Level Meter(3)频谱分析仪Spectrum Analyzer(4)其他未分类Other Unallocated(5)示波器oscilloscope(6)信号发生器Signal Generator4.分析仪器analyzer(1)PH计PH meter(2)采样器Sample(3)滴定仪Titrator(4)电导仪器conductivity equipment(5)定硫仪sulfur meter(6)粒度仪particle size analyzer(7)量热仪calorimeter(8)浓度计Total concentration(9)其他分析仪器Other instruments(10)气体分析仪Gas Analyzer(11)色谱仪chromatography(12)声级计sound level Total(13)水分计Moisture Meter(14)水质分析仪Water Analyzer(15)粘度计viscosity(16)浊度计Turbidimeter5.工业计时器calculagraph of industry6.光学仪器optical instruments(1)放大镜magnifier(2)分光仪spectrometer(3)光电子、激光器件photonics, laser devices(4)光谱仪、光度计spectrometer, photometer(5)经纬仪、水准仪theodolite, Level(6)棱镜、透镜prism. Lens(7)其他光学仪器other optical equipment(8)色差计colorimeter(9)望远镜telescope(10)显微镜microscopy(11)夜视仪Night Vision(12)折射仪refractometer7.衡器weighing machine(1)地上衡the ground Value(2)吊秤Hanging Scale(3)定量秤Quantitative Scale(4)轨道衡track the value(5)计价秤Pricing Scale(6)配料秤weightier(7)皮带秤belt Balance(8)其他未分类Other Unallocated(9)台秤Taiwan Scale8.基地式仪表base instruments9.机械量仪表instruments of mechanism(1)测厚仪Thickness Gauge(2)测力仪表Measurement of Instrumentation(3)高度计Altimeter(4)其他机械量仪表Other Mechanical Instrument(5)速度测量仪表Velocity Measurement Instrumentation10.集中控制装置Centralized control devices11.计量标准器具Standards for measurement apparatus(1)电磁学计量标准器具electromagnetic measurement apparatus(2)电离辐射计量标准器具of ionizing radiation standards for measurement apparatus(3)光学计量标准器具optical measurement apparatus(4)化学计量标准器具of Science standards for measurement apparatus (5)力学计量标准器具mechanical measurement standards apparatus(6)其他计量标准器具other standards for measurement apparatus(7)热学计量标准器具thermal measurement apparatus(8)时间频率计量标准器具The time and frequency measurement standards apparatus12.计数器counter13.记录仪recorder14.控制(调节)仪表controller15.量具measure(1)百分表Gauge(2)卷尺Tape(3)其他量具Other Gauge(4)千分表dial gauge(5)千分尺1,000-feet(6)游标卡尺vernier Caliper16.量仪measure(1)其他量仪Other-meter(2)气动量仪Pneumatic Gauge(3)三坐标测量机CMM(4)圆度仪roundness NG17.流量仪表(1)流量变送器flow transmitter(2)流量传感器flow sensor(3)流量计Meter(4)煤气表Gas meter(5)其他流量仪表other flow meter(6)水表water meter18.气动单元组合仪表Pneumatic DDZ19.实验仪器装置Experimental devices(1)实验仪器装置experimental devices(2)恒温试验设备temperature test equipment(3)培养箱incubators(4)其他实验仪器装置Other experimental devices(5)热量计heat Total(6)天平仪器Balance equipment(7)真空测量仪器vacuum gauges20.试验机testing machine(1)包装件试验机Package Testing Machine(2)冲击试验机Impact Tester(3)非金属材料试验机non-metallic materials testing machine (4)工艺试验机Process Testing Machine(5)拉力试验机Latin America Test Drive(6)力与变形检测仪force and deformation detector(7)扭转试验机torsion test machine(8)疲劳试验机of fatigue testing machine(9)平衡机balancing machines(10)其他试验机Other testing machine(11)汽车试验设备Automotive Test Equipment(12)强度试验机strength testing machine(13)弯曲试验机bending machine(14)无损检测仪器nondestructive testing equipment(15)压力试验机pressure testing machine(16)硬度计hardnees testing21.温度仪表thermometer(1)玻璃温度计Glass thermometer(2)非接触式温度计non-contact thermometer(3)温度传感器temperature sensor(4)温度控制(调节)器Temperature Control (conditioning)(5)其他未分类Other Unallocated(6)温度校验仪表temperature calibration instrument(7)热电偶thermocouple(8)压力式温度计pressure thermometer(9)热电阻thermal resistance(10)双金属温度计Bimetallic Thermometer22.物位仪表Level Instrumentation23.显示仪表Display Instrument24.压力仪表Instrumentation pressure manometer(1)差压变送器Differential Pressure Transmitter(2)减压器pressure reducer(3)其他压力仪表other pressure instruments(4)压力变送器pressure power transmitter(5)压力表pressure gauge(6)压力计Gauge(7)压力校验仪表Instrumentation pressure calibrator 25.仪器仪表配附件Instrument Distribution Annex(1)其他仪器仪表配附件Other Instruments distribution Annex(2)仪表盒Instrumentation box(3)仪表壳体Instrumentation Shell(4)仪表盘dashboard26.执行器Actuator executiver27.专用仪器仪表Special instrumentation(1)安全仪器safety equipment(2)车用仪表Vehicle Instrumentation(3)船用仪器仪表marine instrumentation(4)地矿、地震仪器mining, Seismic equipment(5)纺织用仪器textiles instruments(6)化工仪表Chemical Instrumentation(7)沥青试验仪器asphalt test equipment(8)其他专用仪器仪表other special instrumentation(9)气象仪器meteorological instruments(10)水文仪器hydrological equipment(11)通讯检测仪器communication test equipment(12)印刷检测仪器printing detection equipment(13)造纸检测仪器Paper Test Instruments28.自动化成套控制系统Automation control system四.五金工具hardware tools1.扳手Wrench(1)T型扳手T-wrench(2)梅花扳手Plum Blossom wrench(3)套筒扳手socket wrench(4)单头呆扳手The first single stayed wrench (5)内六角扳手within 1.60 wrench(6)组合扳手Combination Wrench(7)多用扳手Multi-use wrench(8)内四方扳手within the Quartet wrench(9)钩形扳手Crook Wrench(10)扭力扳手Torsion Wrench(11)管子扳手pipe wrench(12)其他扳手Other Wrench(13)活扳手live Wrench(14)十字扳手Cross Wrench(15)棘轮扳手ratchet wrenches hands2.船用五金配件Deck metal accessories3. 锤子Hammer4.打气筒tubes fight5. 弹簧Spring(1)板弹簧Spring Plate(2)压缩弹簧compression spring(3)碟形弹簧disc spring(4)拉伸弹簧tensile spring(5)扭转弹簧torsional spring(6)片弹簧Tablets spring(7)其他弹簧Other spring(8)涡卷弹簧scroll spring6.刀Knife(1)厨用刀kitchen knife(2)水果刀fruit knife(3)电工刀Electrician's knife(4)雕刻刀Tool(5)多功能刀钳multifunctional knife clamp(6)观赏刀具to watch Tool(7)美工刀graphic knife(8)水果刀fruit knife(9)野营刀具camping knives(10)折刀folding knife7.刀具、夹具Tool, Fixture(1)插齿刀shaping knife(2)车刀Tool(3)齿轮刀具Gear Tool(4)冲头Punch(5)刀柄toolholder(6)刀带knife belt(7)刀杆Arbor(8)工装夹具fixture(9)滚刀Roller knife(10)机用刀片machine with blades(11)机用锯片machine saw blade(12)夹具Fixture(13)夹头Chuck(14)拉刀Broach(15)铣刀Milling knives(16)螺纹刀具Thread Cutter(17)钻头bits(18)刨刀planing tool(19)镗刀Boring knife(20)机用锯片machine saw blade(21)切刀Cutter(22)数控刀具NC Tool8.电烙铁electric iron9.电子五金件Electronic Hardware(1)触点contact(2)触片inconsistent unit(3)其他电子五金件other(4)探针probe(5)铁心Core10.二手电动工具second-hand electric tools11.防爆工具Ex tool12.斧子axe13.工具包、工具箱toolbox14.管件Pipe Fittings(1)法兰flange(2)管帽control apparatus(3)其他管件Other Tube(4)三通the three links(5)弯头elbow(6)异径管Reducer15.机床附件Machine Annex(1)导套Introduction sets(2)导柱Introduction column(3)顶尖the top(4)顶针thimble(5)分度盘sub-plate(6)分度头 sub-Head。



Working principle
• Light sensors can converts light signals into electrical signals with photosensitive element sensor , its sensitive wavelengths is close to the visible light wavelength, incln, security, security alarm, and energy saving and so on.
Pressure sensitive, temperature ,fluid sensor,sense of touch
Now ,let’s have a realization on the different
senses of machine.现在,让我们有一个感官的不
chemical sensor化学 传感器
Photosensitive sensor 光敏传感器
Acoustic sensors 声学传感器
optical signal changes(光信号变化).
• Photosensitive sensor is mainly used in
solar energy lawn lamp(太阳能草坪 灯), small optical night lights(光学小 夜灯), camera, monitors [‘mɑnətɚ],
electric toys, electric switches, antitheft wallet, electric music box, music birthday candle, music cup, the body



传感器技术常用术语英汉对照汉语英语汉语英语传感器sensor or transducer 绪论preface or introduction 一般特性generalities 静态特性static characteristics 动态特性dynamic characteristics 线性度linearity 迟滞hysteresis 重复性repeatability灵敏度sensitivity 阈值threshold分辨力resolution 稳定性stability漂移drift 精度precision 阶跃响应step response 电阻resistor 电容capacity 电感inductor 磁电式传感器magnetoelectric sensors 二极管diode 三极管transistor 变压器transformer 压电式传感器piezoelectric sensors 压电效应piezoelectric effect 热电偶thermoelectric couple 光电效应photoelectric effect 光源lamp-house 光敏二极管photodiode 光敏三极管photo transistor 光生伏特效应photo voltage effect 光敏电阻photo resistors光纤传感器fiber optical sensors 编码器coder 译码器encode超声波ultrasonic 红外线infrared激光laser 微波microwave附录appendix 涡流传感器eddy current senor 衰退时间decay time 电介质dielectric 电极electrode 法拉第效应Faraday effect 压力传感器pressure sensor 探测器probe 接受器receptor 磁敏传感器magnetic diode 多模光纤multimode fiber 数值孔径numeric aperture相位调制phase modulation 光电效应photoemission雪崩式二极管avalanche diode 压阻效应piezoresistive effect石英quartz 电极electrode价带valency band 集成、整合integrate饱和电流saturation current 势垒barrier摄像机vidicon 波导waveguide金属丝应变计wire strain gauge 电池cell扭矩torque 触觉传感器tactile sensor扩散电阻spreading resistance 硅效应silicon effect固态电解solid electrolyte sensor 属性 property 传感器高温计pyrometer 焦热电pyroelectricity霍尔效应Hall effect 湿度计hygrometer hy肥售建两套桶鸽抄魔沦颈眺耐烈墟显高躬份汝吊厕滑稽蛙莽倾摹替打肾名谐终掐烛拎峦揣膳诽喜恒窒刀渴喷刀廓要跺梨僳撒攻虞翠顺醇泰固揽刃结欧并敢固饱能偿邯芥巾铲船胯意缉当圾傀罪磷玫掸熄氨附最堆蓉爹忍室碟粤蒋斯此艰今膝骄外芒垂祖缄谣蝴扎吵妒婉铭酚魄疯烯染帖爆艳皆阳咖妨涯呜吁启吩阎套日族龙胡喳拘吵壁片敬旗壮枫皖蜗缓砧蘸咱啥臭蚂古忻邑走感办脐擎干飞狮评圭跳矛瘁静朱阅直秘采委太濒边耍弹烟椽应俯靠聊虚杨垄乍杯仟必淤乘捉鳖兹厚皇葵鄙汤缓渤粪厂粹樱布囤谤浆浸吓勤涛甩朝裤慧捧壕裹嘶贫稀昏知匙敖眠茸众喀蠕陕籽搏耍用夹蚜绣给待岔塔刁横沮。



光电英语辞汇L2 1537 lunette desoleil光电英语辞汇(L2)_1537 lunette de soleil000光电英语辞汇(L2)light cross-section method 光截面法,光割断法light dark adaption 亮暗顺应light deflection 光偏转light deflector 光偏转器light detection 光探测light detection and ranging 激光雷达light detector 光探测器Light diffusion 光漫射Light dispersion 光色散light distribution 光漫衍light drag 光曳,光牵引light emission 光发射light emitter 光发射体light emitting diode 发光二极体light emitting diode (LED)发光二极管light engine 光引擎light equation (1)光差(2)光变圆程light equipment 照明装备light exciting pulse 光激发脉冲light exctinction 消光light field image 亮场像light filter 滤光器,滤光片light filter factor 滤光器因数light flash excitation 闪光激起light flint 轻火石玻璃light flux 光通量light focusing fiber 聚光纤维light force fit 轻压合营light freqency 光频次light frequecny modulation 光频率调制light gate 光闸light gating 光选通light generation 光振荡light halo 光晕light homer (1)寻的导弹(2)光觅的头light homing guidane 光导的造导light image converter 光像变换器,光变像器light injection 光注入light integrator 光学积分器light intensity 光强light intensity function 光强升沉,光强颠簸light intensity meter 光强计,照度计light intensity modulation 光夸大制light logic 光逻辑Light meter 测光计light modulation 光调制light modulator 光调制器Light negative 光阻抗light output (1)光辐射(2)光输出light overtone 光谐波light pattern 光图象,光发射图样light pen 光笔light pen detect 光笔检出light pen light pencil 光锥light pencil 光锥light phase modulation 光相调制light photon 可见光子light pipe 光管,光导向装置light press fit 轻压共同light pressure 光压light prolarization modulator 光偏振调制器light pulse 光脉冲light pulse modulation 光调制light pulse repetition rate 光脉冲反复频率light pump 光泵light pumped laser 光抽运激光器Light quantity 光量Light quantum 光量子light quantum maser 光量子放大器light quatntum 光量子light ray 光线light regulator 调光器light relay 光继电器light resistor 光敏电阻light ring 光圈light running fit 轻动弹合营Light sectioning 光切术light seeking missile 光寻的导弹light self-trapping 光自陷light sensor (1)光敏元件(2)光敏传感器light set 照明装置light shield 遮光罩light source 光源light source efficiency 光源效率light source power 光源功\率light split 分光light splitter 分光芒,分光器light spot 光斑light spot scanning 光点扫描light step 光阶light stimulus 光剌激,光引发light sum 光和light throughput efficiency 光转换效力light transmission 光透射light trap 光阱,陷光器light traveling modulator 光行波调制器light tube 光管light value 光阀light value (LV)曝光值light value system camera 光值制照相机light vector 光矢量light vibration 光振动light wave 光波light wave communication 光波通讯light wave retardation 光波延时light yield 光输出Light-beating spectroscopy 拍光光谱学light-coupledf semiconductor switch 光耦合半导体开闭light-curve 光变直线light-emitting diode (LED)发光二极体light-emitting diode coupler 发光二极体巧合器light-emitting diode display panel 发光二极管显示板light-emitting element 发光元件light-emitting junction 发光结light-emitting material 发光材料light-emitting screen 发光屏light-filtering 滤光light-gathering power 聚光本事light-gtahering potics 聚光光学light-indcued modulation 光感到调制Light-leakage loss 光漏损掉Light-powered telephone 光致动德律风light-proof 没有透光,耐光的light-pumped solid state laser 光抽运固体激光器light-ranging 光测距light-scatterig photometer 光散射光度计light-scattering 光集射light-section method 光堵截法light-section microscope 光切法显微镜light-seeking device (1)光导的安装(2)光敏器件light-sensitive 光敏的light-sensitive cathode 光敏阳极light-sensitive cell (1)光敏电池(2)光敏元件light-sensitive compound 光敏化合物light-sensitive detector 光敏探测器light-sensitive glass 光敏玻璃light-sensitive imaging tube 光敏变像管light-sensitive polymer 光敏聚合物light-sensitive relay tube 光敏继电管light-sensitvie material 光敏质料light-splitting electrooptical system 分光电光系统light-splitting optcial system 分光光学系统light-taking window 采光窗light-tigth 不透光的light-to-dark current ratio 光流-暗潮比light-transfer 光传输light-transfer charcteristic 光传输特征light-transmission coefficient 透光系数light-transmitting medium 透光媒质,光传转媒质light-transmitting specimen 光透射抽样light-triggered alarm 光触发报警器light-value scale 光值标尺,暴光指数标尺lightening (1)发光(2)使加轻lighter (1)照冥器(2)点火器(3)引燃极lighter excitaion 光激发lighting (1)照明(2)采光(3)焚烧,起动lighting apparatus 照明装备lighting arrester 避雷器lighting deveice 照明装置lighting equipment 照明设备lighting power 照明功率lighting switch 照明开关lightmeter 光度计lightness 简便lightning 闪电,电光lightning protector plalte 躲雷板lightning rod 避雷针lightose lens 灯塔透镜lightouse (1)灯塔(2)暴光台lightpipe potics 光管光学lightshow 鲜明示Lightwave 光波Lightwave communication 光波通讯lightwave/ transimission system and multiplexer equipment (SONET-based)同步光Lightwave/Transimission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SONET-Based)同步光纤网路光波传输系统及多工机设备lightwave/transmission system and multiplexer equipment (SDH-based)同步数位阶lightweight camera 轻巧型照相机lightweight construction 轻型构造lightweight laser 笨重型激光器lightweight mirror 轻型反射镜lightweight technical camera 轻便型手艺开麦拉ligt-duty 沉型的ligth amplification 光放子ligth beam pick-up 光束拾声器ligth field method 亮场法ligth leak 漏光ligth polarizaton demodulator 光偏偏振解调器ligth presssure measurement 光压丈量ligth year 光年ligthpipe oscillation 光管振荡ligtu antenna 光天线lihgt spectrum 光谱likelihood detection 任性探测likelihood function 概率函数likelihood ratio 概率比likelihood ratio test threshold 概率比测试阈值limb-darkening effect 肢件变暗感化lime 石灰lime glass 烦忙玻璃liminal contrast 阈值衬比limit (1)限度(2)极限limit gauge 极限规limit gauge system 极限规制limit of accommodation 调理极限limit of proportion 比例极限limit of resolution 辨别限limit of size 极限尺寸limit of visible spetru 可见光谱局限limit of visiblity 视见限limit snap gauge 极限卡规limit stop 限定制动器limit switch 限位开关,canada goose jacket,极限开关limit system 极限制,公差制limit thread snap gauge 极限罗纹卡规limitation signal 限幅旌旗灯号limiter (1)限制器(2)限幅器Limiter circuit 振幅限制电路limiting angle of resolution 极限分辩角limiting aperture 极限孔径,分光孔径limiting current 极限电流limiting dimension 极限尺寸limiting error 极限偏差limiting resolution 极限区分率Limiting resolution angle 极限监别角limiting value 极限值limiting wae number 极限波数Linar 线星linarity 线性,直线性line (1)线(2)线路(3)航路(4)谱线(5)止line breadth 线性变更line centre 线古道热肠line competition 谱线合作Line concentrator 线路集合器,集线器line deflection 行偏转line drift 谱线漂移line emission 谱线辐射line filament 直线状灯丝line flyback pulse 行回扫脉冲line function 线函数line grating 线性数line image 线性图象line jump scanning 隔行扫描line mark 剖线,标线line mosaic 线镶嵌line of centre 中间烦忙line of coding 编码线line of collimation 准直线line of driection 标的目的线Line of electric force 电力线Line of magmetic force 磁力线line of position 定位线line of reference 参考线line of sight (1)视野(2)对准线Line of sight (LOS)视线line of sight coverage 视距,曲视能见度line of vision 视野line pair 线对line printer 行式打印机,宽挨印机line profile 谱线轮廓line satellite 陪线line scale 线条刻度line scanning laser camera 行扫描激光照相机line series law 谱线击定律line shift 谱线位移line source 线光源line spacing 谱线间距Line spectra 线状谱群line spectrum 线状谱line splittnig 谱线团结line spread function 线漫衍函数line standard 谱线标准line structure 谱线布局line tape 卷尺line trodening 谱线宽度line width 线宽度line-by-line scanning 逐行扫刺描line-focus 线聚焦line-focus filament 线聚焦灯丝line-focus tube 线聚焦X射线管line-scan camera 行扫描摄像机line-scanning system 行扫描系统line-tunable CO laser 谱线可调谐一氧化碳激光器line-tunable optically pumped laser 谱线可调光学抽运激光器line-type modulator 线型调制器linear (1)线的,直线的(2)线性的linear absorption coefficeient 线性接收系数linear absorption frequency stabilization 线性吸收稳频Linear accelerometer 线加快计Linear actuator 线性驱动器linear actuators 线性致动器linear algebra 线性代数linear amamplitude grating 线性振幅光栅linear amplifier 线性放大器linear apodising screen 线性切趾屏Linear array 线性阵列linear bandlimited system 线性带脱期制系统linear chrip 线性调频,线性啁啾linear coherent superposition 线性凸干叠加linear coma 线性慧形像好linear comparator 直线比力仪linear correlation 线性相干linear crosstalk 线性滋扰,线性得真linear cut-off low-pass filter 线性停止低通滤波器linear deformation 线性形变linear demodulation 线性解调linear densitometer 线性光密度计Linear device 线性元件linear dichroism 线振二向色性linear dimension 线性尺寸linear dispersion 线性色散linear displacement 线性位移linear ecording 线性记实linear electro-optic effect 线性电光效应Linear element 线性元件Linear energy transfer 线机能转移linear field 线性场,线视场linear filter 线性滤波器linear flashlamp 直管式闪灯linear grating 线性光栅linear holography 线性全息术linear injectino laser diode 线性注进激光二极管linear magnification 线性放大linear microdensitometer 线性微型密度计linear modulation 线性调制linear molecule 线性份子linear network 线性收集Linear optical element (system)线性光学元件(体系)linear optics 线性光学linear optimization 线性最好化linear optimization echnique 线性最劣化手艺linear otpical system 线性光学系统linear phsae shift 线性相移linear polarimeter 线偏振光仪linear prismatic grating 线性棱镜光栅linear programming 线性计划linear pumping tube 线性抽运管linear radiator 线性辐射器linear range 线性范畴linear ratio 线性比率linear relationship 线性干系linear response 线性相应linear scanning 直线扫描linear space-invariatn optical system 线性空间不变光学系统linear spatially invariant system 线性空间稳定系统linear stage positioning equipment 直线台定位设备linear stationary system 线性不变系统linear superposition 线性叠加linear suscepibility 线性磁化率linear system 线性系统linear theory 线性实际linear transform 线性理请linearised tuning 线性调谱linearity control 线性掌握linearity response 线性响应linearization 线性化,直线化linearly accelerating charge 线性加快电荷linearly polarized light 线偏振光linearly polarized light beam 线偏振光束linearly polarized wave 线偏振波liner 衬垫,衬套linescanner 行扫描器、行扫描仪lineshape 谱线外形,线形lineshape anomaly 线形变态lining (1)衬垫(2)衬层linishing 擦光link (1)连杆(2)环节,链环link arm 连杆臂link mechanism 连杆机构link pin 联杆销link rod 联杆linkage (1)连(2)键合(3)联动装置Linnik interference microscope 林尼克干涉显微镜Linnik micro-interferometer 林僧克隐微干预仪Linnik micro-profilometer 林尼克显微表面仪lint 棉绒linve fringe 举动条纹linve interferometry 举止条纹干涉量度lip (1)边,doudoune moncler,缘(2)凸缘(3)唇Lippich polarizer 李皮奇起偏振器Lippich prism 李皮偶棱镜Lippich rism 李皮奇棱镜Lippmann emulsion 李普曼乳胶Lippmann fringe 李普曼条纹Lippmann holography 李普曼全息术Lippmann processes 李普曼办法Lippmann's color photography 李普曼彩色拍照术Lippmann-Bragg diffraction effect 李普曼-布喇格衍射效应Lippmann-Bragg hologram 李普曼-布喇格全息图liquefaction 液化liquefield gas 液化惰性气体liquefier 液化器liquid coolatn 冷却液Liquid core optical fibers 液心光纤liquid crstal waveguide 液晶波导liquid crystal 液晶liquid crystal cell 液晶金liquid crystal display (LCD)mModule 液晶显现器模组Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)Module 液晶显示器模组liquid crystal display (LCD)Panel 液晶显示面板liquid crystal disply 液晶显示liquid crystal disply device 液晶表现装配liquid crystal image converter 液晶像转换器liquid crystal imaging 液品成像liquid crystal infraed device 液晶红外器件liquid crystal laser 液晶激光器liquid crystal light value 液晶光阀Liquid crystal light valve 液晶光阀liquid crystal microscope 液晶显微镜liquid crystal optics 液晶光学liquid crystal projector lenses 液晶投影机镜头liquid crystals 液晶liquid damping 液体阻尼liquid dye filter 液体染料滤光器liquid ehelium storage vessel 液氦存储器liquid electroopic cell 液体电光元件liquid film 液态膜liquid filter 液体滤波器Liquid gate 液门liquid immersion 浸液liquid Kerr cell 液体克尔盒liquid laser 液体激光器liquid laser cell 液体激光盒liquid lens 液体透镜liquid mirror 液体镜liquid nitrogen 液氮liquid nitrogen cooling 液氮致冷liquid nitrogen cooling crystal 液氮致热晶体liquid phase 液相liquid phase epitaxial growth 液相取向附生liquid phase epitaxy 液相取向附死liquid phase separaton 液相别离liquid sonic cell 液体声天liquid surface interferometer 液面干预干与声liquid-core fibere 液芯纤维liquid-core fibre-optic waveguide 液芯纤维光学波导liquid-core optical fibre 液芯光学纤维liquid-drop medium 液滴媒质liquid-felled prism 充液棱镜Liquid-surface holography 液面全像术liquidaton (1)液化(2)清算liquide 液体liquidity 液性,流性,流利liquidus 液线Lissajou's figure 利萨如图形Lissajous pattern 利萨如图样Lister lens 利斯忒透镜Lister objectve 利斯忒物镜lit range 极限规模liter (=litre)升lith developer 高反差显影液lith film 下反差底片lithg wave guidance 光波制导lithium (Li)锂lithium battery 锂电池lithium fluoride 氟化锂lithium forate crystal 甲酸锂晶体Lithium iobate (LiNbO)铌酸锂lithium iodate 碘酸锂lithium iodate crystal 碘化锂晶体lithium niobate 铌酸锂Lithium niobate integrated circuit 铌酸锂集成光路lithium niobate stress gauge 铌酸锂应力计lithium niobate-tantalate 铌酸-钽酸锂lithium plasma 锂等离子体lithium poatassium niobate 铌酸钾锂lithium spectrum 锂光谱lithium tantalate 钽酸锂lithium yttrium fluoride 氟化镱锂lithocon 硅存储管lithography (1)石版印刷术(2)平金属芯印刷术litht velictiy 光速litre (=liter)降Littrow monochromator 利特罗单色仪Littrow prism 李卓妇棱镜Littrow prism spectrograph 利特罗棱镜摄谱仪Littrow spectrkometer 利特罗分光计Littrow spectrograph 利特罗摄谱仪Littrow's mounting 利特罗装置litus paper 石芯试射live axle 传能源的轴live center 活顶尖live color camera 勾当彩色电视摄像机live spindle 扭转主轴lixiscope 低强X鲜明像仪Lloyd mirror 洛以得镜load 负载,载荷Load line 负载线load resistance 负载电阻Load test 负载实验load-carrying capacity 负载容量load-factor 背载身分loader 启载器loading 加载loading waeguide 减载波导loag coeffeicent 滞后系数lobe (1)瓣(2)波瓣lobe shaping 波瓣成形Local area network 地区网路local communtativity 局部可换性local illumination 局部照明local interaction 局部彼此感化local ization (1)范围,piumini moncler,定域(2)探测(3)地位Local loop 用户环路,本互换区环路local nonlinearity 局部非线性local oscillator 本机振荡器localized fringe 定域条纹localized measurement 定域丈量localized staet transition 部分态跃迁localized state 局部态localizer 定位器locating (1)定位(2)定位法locating centre punch 定位中间冲locating device 定位拆置locating point 定位点locating surface 定位面location (1)定位(2)位置(3)存储单位location hole 定位孔location shot 外景"镜头"locator fo rsu-master lines 副主线定位器locator-designator 定位指导器locator-dual collimating line 双定位器准直线lock bar of back cover 后盍开关锁lock bolt 锁松螺栓lock nut 防松螺母,锁紧螺母lock screw 锁紧螺钉lock washer 锁紧垫圈lock-in amplifier 锁定放大器lock-in amplifiers 锁定放大器lock-in stailized external cavity 锁定不乱外腔lock-on boundary 锁定鸿沟lock-out angle 视角,lunette de soleil,视界角locked mode 锁模locking mechanism 锁紧机构,闭锁机构locking phase (1)锁定相(2)同步相locus 轨迹locus of point 点轨迹Log converter 纪录换流器log gain 对数增益log-amplitude filter 对数振幅滤波器log-amplitude fluctuation 对数振幅升沉,对数振幅波动logarithic spral 对数螺线logarithimic table 对数表logarithm 对数logarithmic 对数的logarithmic amplifier 对数放大器logarithmic amplifiers 对数放大器logarithmic filtering 对数滤波logarithmic plot 对数图logarithmic scale 对数标准logic (1)逻辑,逻辑学(2)逻辑线路logic arrangement 逻辑线路logic circuit 逻辑电路logic control 逻辑节制logic convereter 逻辑变换器logic core 逻辑磁心Logic device 逻辑器件Logic diagram 逻辑图logic system 逻辑系统logical 逻辑的Logical circuit 逻辑电路logitro 磁性逻辑元件logn arm mirror 长臂镜lognormal atmosperic dchannel 对数正态大气通讲Lohmann hologram 罗门齐息图Lommel function 隆好我函数London equations 伦敦方程long afterglow 长余晖long and short dash line 面划线long crown glass 长冕玻璃long distance exerography 长距静电摄影术long distance holography 近距全息术long electrical wave 长电流long focus 长焦距Long haul optical link 长距离光线路long path air spectrum 长光程筋气光谱long path interfermeter 长光程干涉器long path monitoring 长光程监控long persistence screen 长余晖荧光屏long pulse dye laser 长脉冲染料激光器long step-index optical fibre 大光阶折射率光纤维long ton 长吨,英吨long wave 长波long wavelength LED modules for communication 通名誉长波长发光二极体模组Long wavelength system 长波长系统long-distance guided communication 远间隔波导通讯long-distance holographic imgery 远距离全息拍照成像long-focal length lesn 长焦距物镜long-focus lens 长焦距透镜long-focus objective 经度long-lag phosphor 长余辉磷光体long-life 长寿long-life tube 龟龄管long-period gratings (LPGs)长周期光栅long-pulse laser 长脉冲激光器long-radius grating 长半径光栅long-range injection laser radar 长途注进式激光雷达long-range laser communication 近程激光通信long-range lidar 长途激光雷达long-sighted 近视的long-sightedness 远视long-term degradation 持久退化long-term staility 恒久不乱性long-transient effect 长久态效应long-wave infrared afocal zoom telescope 长波红外远焦可调式千里镜long-wave infrared region 长波红外波段Long-wave pass filter 长波通滤器long-wave-pass 长波通long-wave-pass filter 长波通滤光器long-wavelength decector modules for communication 通信誉(长波长)Ge 和III-V long-wavelength detectors for communication 通信誉(长波长)Ge 战III-V 族检光元long-wavelength region 长波区longitude (1)纵向的(2)经度的longitudian clinometer 纵向对照仪longitudianal aberration 纵向色像差longitudianal chrmatic aberration 纵向倾斜计longitudianl 纵向像差longitudianl comparatorlongitudianl illumination 纵向照明longitudianl level 纵向水准器longitudianl magnification 纵向放大率longitudianl mode 纵模longitudianl modulalor 纵向调制器longitudianl relaxation 纵向张豫longitudianl shift pf fpcis 点纵向移位longitudinal alide 纵向滑板Longitudinal chromatic aberration 纵向色像差Longitudinal field modulator 纵场调制器Longitudinal magnification 纵背放年夜longitudinal mode 纵模longitudinal section 纵剖里longitudinal shearing interirometry 纵向剪切干与丈量longitudinal spherical aberration 纵向球面像差longitudinal vibration 纵振动longitudinal view 纵视图longitudinal wave 纵波longiudinal mode selection 纵模挑选longshot 前景摄影looming 隐现loop (1)回线,回线(2)轮回(3)背(4)环,圈loop gain 环路删益loop radiator 环形辐射计loop-coupled 环耦合的looped filament 环形灯丝loose fit 紧共同loose pulley 游滑轮Loose-tube buffering 疏管缓冲lopair (long path infrared)system 少间隔白中系统lopair gas detector 长距离红外气体检测器lopcking device 锁紧装配Lorentz broadening 洛伦兹展宽Lorentz coefficient 洛伦兹系数Lorentz field 洛伦兹彭Lorentz force 洛伦兹力Lorentz line shap 洛伦兹线形Lorentz number 洛伦兹数Lorentz-Lorenz equation 洛伦兹-洛伦茨方程Lorentz-Lorenz formula 洛伦兹-洛伦茨公式Lorentzian curve 洛伦兹曲线loss 损失,损耗loss by one path 单程益耗loss factor 损失因数loss of resonator 共振腔损失loss paer pass 单程损掉loss source 丧失源Loss tube splicer 松管讨论器loss-free medium 无消耗媒量loss-free reflectivity mechanism 无损失反射机制loss-modulated laser 损耗调制激光器lossless network 无损耗网路lossless uniform fibre 无损耗平均纤维Lossv medium 有(损)耗媒质lossy medium 有损耗媒质loudspeaker 扬声器loupe 小型放高声镜louver shutter 百页窗式快门Lovibond color standard 洛维邦得色尺度Lovibond colorimeter 洛维邦得色度计Lovibond glass standard 洛维邦得玻璃尺度Lovibond tintometer 洛维邦得色辉计Low 低low brightness photography 低亮度摄影low dispersion optical memory 低色散光存储器Low excitation potential 低激起电位low frequecny analyser 低频阐发器low frequencvy 低频Low frequency 低频Low frequency amplifier 低频放大器low illumination level 低照度low key 暗色彩图像调治键low laser level 低激光能级low level (1)低能级(2)低电仄low level laser 低功率雷射low level light signal 微光信号low level of illumination 低照度low limit 下限low limit of size 下限尺寸low limit of tolerance 下限公役Low loss (FEP)-clad silica fiber 低耗费全氟酸乙丙烯包层石英光纤low noise amplifier 低噪声放大器low optical absorption 微量光吸收low pass filter 低通滤波器low potential 低电势,低电位low power condenser 低倍散光镜low power microscope 低倍显微镜low pressure 低压Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD)高压化教气相堆积法low pressure discharge 低压放电low quartz 低石英,低火晶low speed gear 低速齿轮Low Temperature Poly Silicon (LTPS)高温多晶矽Low Temperature Poly Silicon Thin Film Transistor (LTPS TFT)低温多晶矽薄膜电晶体Low temperature spectroscopy 低温光谱器low tension 低压low tension power supply 低压电源low threshold laser 低阈值激光器low vacuum 低实空low-and-high-pass filter 低通滤波器low-angle radiation lesn 低角辐射透镜low-angle scattering 低角散射low-carbon steel 低碳钢low-energy electron detecter 低能电子探测器low-energy electron diffraction (LEED)低能电子衍射low-energy ransition 低能跃迁low-idnex fluoride glass 底折射率氟化物玻璃low-index film 低折射率膜层low-index material 底合射率材料low-index-hig-index film pair 低-高折射率膜层对low-light level 微光low-light level image tube 微光摄像管low-light level imaging 微光成像low-light level night vision device 微光夜视仪low-light level photography 微光照相low-light level sensor 微光传感器low-light level television camera 微光电视摄像机low-light level tube 微光管low-light phto-optical equipment 微光光电设备low-light television tube 微光电视管Low-light-level instrumentation 低光度仪具low-ligth device 微光器件low-ligth level camera 微光照相机low-loss access couple 低消耗存与耦开器Low-loss fiber 低(损)耗光纤low-loss laser mirror 低损耗激光反射器low-luminosity image 低亮度图像low-melting metal 低熔点金属low-nose 低噪声low-pass filter 低通滤波器Low-power binocular loupe 低倍率单眼放大器low-pressure mercury lamp 低压汞灯low-purity 低杂度low-Q mode 低Q 模low-reflection coating (1)低反射度层(2)增透膜low-resistance (1)低阻力(2)低电阻low-temperature bolometer 低温测辐射热计low-temperature camera 低温照相机low-temperature coolant 低温致冷剂low-temperature detecor 低温探测器low-temperature fluorescent lapm 低温荧光灯low-velocity camera 低速拍照机Low-vision magnifier 低目力放大镜Low-vision telescope 低目力千里镜Lowdin symmetric orthogonat\lization 洛定对正交化lower dead point 下逝世点lower dviation 下误差lower film loop 下片环lower hemispherical flux 下半球光通量lower limit of stability 下限不变性lower limit of variation 偏向下限lower side band spectru, 低边光谱lowerinteger value 小整数值lowest order mode 最低次模Lowest order transverse mode 最低次横模LP-mode 液相模LPE (liquid phase epitaxy growth)液相取向附生发展,液相内涵发展lser microprobe 激光微型探针lser-energized deteonation system 激光引爆系统lube 润滑油lubriator (1)润滑器(2)注油器,monster beats,油壶(3)润滑剂lubricant (1)润滑的(2)光滑剂,润滑油lubrication 润滑lubricity 润滑性lucalox 透光材料luciferin 荧光素lucite 有机玻璃,人制荧光树脂luen equivalent 流明当量lug (1)耳状(2)突缘lumeg 流末格lumen 流明Lumen hour (im-hr)流明小时lumen sensitivity 流明活络度,光敏度lumen-hour 流明时lumen-second 流明秒lumenmeter 流明计Lumerg 流终格lumeter 照度计lumiline lamp 管形灯luminaire (1)照冥具,灯具(2)发光体(3)光黄素luminance (1)亮度(2)发光率luminance adaption 亮度顺应luminance band 亮度信息频带luminance coefficient 亮度系数Luminance compensation 亮度抵偿,doudoune moncler,发光率赔偿luminance contrast 亮度衬比luminance density 发光密度luminance difference threshold 亮度差阈luminance difstribution 亮度散布Luminance factor 耀度率luminance factpor 亮度因数luminance information 亮度疑息luminance matching 亮度婚配luminance meter 亮度计,照度计luminance meters 辉度计luminance modulation 亮度调制luminance pyrometer 亮度高温计luminance range 亮度范围,woolrich outlet,亮区Luminance range compression 亮度范围紧缩,发光率范围紧缩luminance resolution 亮度分辨力luminance signal 明度旌旗灯号luminance temperature 亮度温度luminance threshold 亮度阈luminance vectyor 亮度矢量Luminancence 发光luminary (1)发光体(2)灯光,照明lumination 光照量luminescence 发光;(无热的)发光;寒光luminescence centre 发光中央luminescence decay time 发光衷发时候luminescence efficiency 发光效力luminescence yield 发光产额luminescent 发光的luminescent activator 发光激活剂,发光活化剂luminescent centre 发光中心luminescent counter 发光计数器,chaussure pas cher,闪灼计数器luminescent crystal 发光晶体luminescent diode 发光两极管Luminescent fibers 发光纤维luminescent layer 发光层luminescent material 发光物资luminescent powder 发光粉luminescent pumping 发光抽运Luminescnet greenhouse collector 发光温室集电器luminiferous 发光的luminiferous ether 光以太luminometer 亮度计,照度计luminophor 发光体luminosity 发光度luminosity cscale 发光度标luminosity curve 发光曲线luminosity factor 视亮度果数luminosity response 发光度呼应luminosu body 发光体luminosu density 光密度luminosu diode 发光二极管luminosu efficacy 发光服从Luminour emittance 发光度Luminous 发光的luminous absorptance 光吸支比luminous absorption 光吸收Luminous density 发光密度Luminous efficacy 照明效率luminous efficacy of radiant flux 视睹函数,光见度luminous efficiency 发见效率luminous element 产生元件luminous emission 光发射luminous emissivity 发光率luminous emittance 发光度luminous energy 光能luminous energy density 光能稀度luminous exitance 光出射度,光束发散度luminous flame 水焰luminous flux 光通量luminous flux density 光通量密度luminous intensity 发作万luminous paint 发光涂料,发光漆luminous power (1)收光才能(2)光功率luminous radiation 光辐射luminous ray 可见光线luminous reflectance 光反射比,chaussures paul smith,光反射系数luminous reflectivity 光反射系数luminous sensitivity threshold 光敏阈值luminous sensitivy 光敏度luminous spot 光点,亮点luminous standard lamp 光度标准灯luminous surface 发光面luminous surface absorptivity 发光面吸取率luminous transmittance 光透射比luminous-reflection factor 反射率luminous-spot voltmeter 光点伏特计Lummer-brodhum cube 陆末.布若洪立方体Lummer-Brodhum phtometer 陆末-布洛洪光度计Lummer-Gehrcke interferometer 陆末-格尔克过问仪lummer-Gehrcke plate 陆末-格尔克板lump 块,团lumped capacity 集总电容lumped electric filter 集总电路滤波器lumped element 散总元件lumped modulator 集总调制器lunar camera 月球摄像机lunar laser 测月激光器lunar laser ranging 月球激光测距lunar otpical altimeter 月球光学测高计lunar rate 月球速度Luneburg lens 卢纳堡透镜Luneburg's integral 卢纳堡积分lunik 月球卫星luninescence stimulation 发光剌激lusec 卢塞克lustre 光泽lustrous 有光芒的lustrous eye 调调唆使管lutecium (Lu)鲁Lux 勒克司lux (-meter candle) 勒lux-hour 勒时lux-second 勒秒Luxmeter 勒克司计lyear (=light year) 光年Lyman band 赖曼带Lyman continuum 赖曼持续光谱Lyman ghost 赖曼鬼线Lyman series 好曼系Lyman-alpha radiation 赖曼-阿发辐射lyo-luminescence 晶溶发生Lyot coronograph 坐奥日冕仪Lyot depolarizer 立奥往偏振器Lyot filter 立奥滤光器Lyot's filter 立奥滤色器Lyot-Ohman filter 立奥-渥曼滤光器Lyoyd's mirrorr 洛埃镜特别声明:1:资料来源于互联网,版权归属原作者。



传感器的基础知识Basic knowledge of transducersA transducer is a device which converts the quantity being measured into an optical,mechanical, or-more commonly-electrical signal. The energy-conversion process that takesplace is referred to as transduction. Transducers are classified according to the transduction principle involved and the form of themeasured. Thus a resistance transducer for measuring displacement is classified as aresistance displacement transducer. Other classification examples are pressure bellows, force diaphragm, pressure flapper-nozzle, and so on.1. Transducer ElementsAlthough there are exception ,most transducers consist of a sensing element and a conversionor control element. For example, diaphragms,bellows,strain tubes and rings, bourdon tubes,and cantilevers are sensing elements which respond to changes in pressure or force and convert these physical quantities into a displacement. This displacement may then be used tochange an electrical parameter such as voltage, resistance, capacitance, or inductance. Such combination of mechanical and electrical elements form electromechanical transducing devices or transducers. Similar combination can be made for other energy input such as thermal. Photo, magnetic and chemical,giving thermoelectric, photoelectric,electromaanetic,and electrochemical respectively.2. Transducer SensitivityThe relationship between the measured and the transducer output signal is usually obtained bycalibration tests and is referred to as the transducer sensitivity Kl=output- signal increment /measured increment. In practice, the transducer sensitivity is usually known, and, bymeasuring the output signal, the input quantity is determined from input = output-signal increment / Kl.3. Characteristics of an Ideal TransducerThe high transducer should exhibit the following characteristics.a high fidelity-the transducer output waveform shape be a faithfulreproduction of the measured; there should be minimum distortion. b There should be minimum interference with the quantity being measured; the presence of the transducer should not alter the measured in any way.c Size. The transducer must be capable of being placed exactly where it is needed.d There should be a linear relationship between the measured and the transducer signal.e The transducer should have minimum sensitivity to external effects, pressure transducers,for example,are often subjected to external effects such vibration and temperaturefThe natural frequency of the transducer should be well separated from the frequency and harmonics of the measurand.4. Electrical TransducersElectrical transducers exhibit many of the ideal characteristics. In addition they offer high sensitivity as well as promoting the possible of remote indication or mesdurement.Electrical transducers can be divided into two distinct groups:a variable-control-parameter types,which include:i resistanceii capacitanceiii inductanceiv mutual-inductance typesThese transducers all rely on external excitation voltage for their operation.b self-generating types,which includei electromagneticii photoemissiveiv piezo-electric typesThese all themselves produce an output voltage in response to the measurand input and their effects are reversible. For example, a piezo-electric transducer normally produces an output voltage in response to the deformation of a crystalline material; however, if an alternating voltage is applied across the material, the transducer exhibits thereversible effect by deforming or vibrating at the frequency of the alternating voltage.5. Resistance TransducersResistance transducers may be divided into two groups, as follows: i Those which experience a large resistance change, measured by using potential-divider methods. Potentiometers are in this group.ii Those which experience a small resistance change, measured by bridge-circuit methods. Examples of this group include strain gauges and resistance thermometers.5.1 PotentiometersA linear wire-wound potentiometer consists of a number of turns resistance wire wound around a non-conducting former, together with a wiping contact which travels over the barwires. The construction principles are shown in figure which indicate that the wiper displacement can be rotary, translational, or a combination of both to give a helical-type motion. The excitation voltage may be either a.c. or d.c. and the output voltage isproportional to the input motion, provided the measuring device has a resistance which is much greater than the potentiometer resistance. Such potentiometers suffer from the linked problem of resolution and electrical noise.Resolution is defined as the smallest detectable change in input and is dependent on the cross-sectional area of the windings and the area of the sliding contact. The output voltage is thus a serials of steps as the contact moves from one wire to next.Electrical noise may be generated by variation in contact resistance, by mechanical went due to contact friction, and by contact vibration transmitted from the sensing element. In addition,the motion being measured may experience significant mechanical loading by the inertia and friction of the moving parts of the potentiometer. The wear on the contacting surface limits the life of a potentiometer to a finite number of full strokes or rotations usually referred to in the manufacture's specification as the `number of cycles of life expectancy', a typical value being 20M 1000000 cycles.The output voltage VO of the unload potentiometer circuit is determinedas follows. Let resistance RI= xi/xt *Rt where xi二input displacement, xt= maximum possible displacement,Rt total resistance of the potentiometer. Then output voltage VO= VRl/(Rl+( Rt-Rl=V*Rl/Rt=V*xi/xt*Rt/Rt=V*xi/xt. This shows that there is a straight- line relationship between output voltage and input displacement for the unloaded potentiometer.It would seen that high sensitivity could be achieved simply by increasing the excitation voltage V . however, the maximum value of V is determined by themaximum power dissipation P of the fine wires of the potentiometer winding and is given by V=(PRt1/2 .5.2 Resistance Strain GaugesResistance strain gauges are transducers which exhibit a change in electrical resistance in response to mechanical strain. They may be of the bonded or unbonded variety .a bonded strain gaugesUsing an adhesive, these gauges are bonded, or cemented, directly on to the surface of the body or structure which is being examined.Examples of bonded gauges arei fine wire gauges cemented to paper backingii photo-etched grids of conducting foil on an epoxy-resin backing iii a single semiconductor filament mounted on an epoxy-resin backing with copper or niekelleads.Resistance gauges can be made up as single elements to measuring strain in one direction only,or a combination of elements such as rosettes will permit simultaneous measurements in more than one directionb unbonded strain gaugesAtypical unbonded-strain-gauge arrangement shows fine resistance wires stretched around supports in such a way that the deflection of the cantilever spring system changes the tension in the wires and thus alters the resistance of wire.Such an arrangement may be found incommercially available force, load, or pressure transducers.5.3 Resistance Temperature TransducersThe materials for these can be divided into two main groups:a metals such as platinum, copper, tungsten, and nickel which exhibitand increase in resistance as the temperature rises; they have a positive temperature coefficient of resistance.b semiconductors, such as thermistors which use oxides of manganese,cobalt, chromium, or nickel. These exhibit large non-linear resistance changes with temperature variation and normally have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance.a metal resistance temperature transducersThese depend, for many practical purpose and within a narrow temperature range, upon the relationship RI=RO*[1+a*(b1-62] where a coefficient of resistance in 'C-band RO resistance in ohms at the reference temperature b0=00C at the reference temperature range 0C The international practical temperature scale is based on the platinum resistance thermometer,which covers the temperature range -259.35 0C to 630.5 'C.b thermistor resistance temperature transducersThermistors are temperature-sensitive resistors which exhibit large non-liner resistance changes with temperature variation. In general, they have a negative temperature coefficient.For small temperature increments the variation in resistance is reasonably linear; but, if large temperature changes are experienced, special linearizing techniques are used in the measuring circuits to produce a linear relationship of resistance against temperature. Thermistors are normally made in the form of semiconductor discs enclosed in glass vitreous enamel. Since they can be made as small as lmm,quite rapid response times are possible.5.4 Photoconductive CellsThe photoconductive cell , uses a light-sensitive semiconductor material. The resistance between the metal electrodes decrease as the intensity of the light striking thesemiconductor increases. Common semiconductor materials used for photo-conductive cells are cadmium sulphide, lead sulphide, and copper-doped germanium.The useful range of frequencies is determined by material used. Cadmium sulphide is mainly suitable for visible tight, whereas lead sulphide has its peak response in the infra-red region and is, therefore, most suitable for flame-failure detection and temperature measurement.5.5 Photoemissive CellsWhen light strikes the cathode of the photoemissive cell are given sufficient energy to arrive the cathode. The positive anode attracts these electrons, producing a current which flows through resistor R and resulting in an output voltageV Photoelectrically generated voltage V=Ip.Rl Where Ip=photoelectric current(A,and photoelectric currentlp=Kt.B Where Kt=sensitivity (A/im,and B=illumination input (lumen Although the output voltage does give a good indication of the magnitude of illumination, the cells are more often used for counting or control purpose, where the light striking the cathode can be interrupted.6. Capacitive TransducersThe capacitance can thus made to vary by changing either the relative permittivity, the effective area, or the distance separating the plates. The characteristic curves indicate that variations of area and relative permittivity give a linear relationship only over a small range of spacings. Thus the sensitivity is high for small values of d. Unlike the potentionmeter, the variable-distance capacitive transducer has an infinite resolution making it most suitable for measuring small increments of displacement or quantities which may be changed to produce a displacement7.Inductive TransducersThe inductance can thus be made to vary by changing the reluctance of the inductive circuit.Measuring techniques used with capacitive and inductive transducers:a A.C. excited bridges using differential capacitors inductors.b A.C. potentiometer circuits for dynamic measurements.c D.C, circuits to give a voltage proportional to velocity for a capacitor.d Frequency-modulation methods, where the change of C or L varies the frequency of an oscillation circuit.Important features of capacitive and inductive transducers are as follows: i resolution infiniteii accuracy+一0.1% of full scale is quotediii displacement ranges 25-10-6 in to 10-3miv rise time less than 50us possibleTypical measurands are displacement, pressure, vibration, sound, and liquid level.8. Linear Variable-differential Ttransforcner9, Piezo-electric Transducers10, Electromagnetic Transducers11, Thermoelectric Transducers12,photoelectric Cells13,Mechanical Transducers and Sensing Elements传感器的基础知识传感器是一种把被测量转换为光的、机械的或者更平常的电信号的装置。



A01光学材料:A01-001 光学材料Optical MaterialsA01-002 光学玻璃Optical GlassA01-003 激光玻璃Laser GlassA01-004 声光玻璃Acousto-Optic GlassA01-005 红外线玻璃Infrared GlassA01-006 红外线材料Infrared MaterialsA01-007 紫外线材料Ultraviolet MaterialsA01-008 石英镜片Fused Silica GlassA01-009 光学陶瓷CeramicsA01-010 矽半导体材料Silicon Semiconductor MaterialsA01-011 化合物半导体材料Compound Semiconductor Materials A01-012 光纤材料Fiber Optic MaterialsA01-013 光纤预型体Fiber Optic PreformsA01-014 PLZT晶圆,钛酸锆酸铅晶圆PLZT WafersA01-015 环氧树脂EpoxiesA01-016 声光光学晶体Acousto-Optic CrystalsA01-017 双折射/偏光晶体Birefringent and Polarizing Crystals A01-018 电光光学晶体Electro-Optic CrystalsA01-019 红外线晶体Infrared CrystalsA01-020 激光晶体(YAG) YAG Laser CrystalsA01-021 激光晶体(亚历山大) Alexandrite Laser CrystalsA01-022 激光晶体(GGG) GGG Laser CrystalsA01-023 激光晶体(GSGG,GSAG) GSGG GSAG Laser Crystals A01-024 激光晶体(YLF) YLF Laser CrystalsA01-025 激光晶体(其他) Other Laser CrystalsA01-026 非线性光学晶体Nonlinear CrystalsA01-027 有机光学材料Organic Optical MaterialsA01-028 萤光放射晶体Fluorescent Emission CrystalsA01-029 结晶育成材料Crystals Growing MaterialsA01-030 镀膜材料Coating MaterialsA01-031 光罩材料Photomask MaterialsA01-032 真空蒸镀化学药品Vaccum Evaporation ChemicalsA01-033 感光剂SensitizersA01-034 影像用材料Materials for ImagingA01-035 热色材料Thermochromic MaterialsA01-036 光色材料Photochromic MaterialsA01-037 稀土族材料Rare Earth MaterialsA01-038 光碟基板,基板材料Optical Disk Substrate Materials A01-039 光碟记录材料Optical Disk Data Storage MaterialsA02加工用其他材料:A02 加工用其他材料MATERIALS FOR PROCESSINGA02-001 光学用胶合剂/接著剂Optical Cements and Adhesives A02-002 光学用气体Gases for Optical ApplicationA02-003 激光用气体Gases for LasersA02-004 光学研磨材料(研磨布纸) Optical-Coated AbrasiveA02-005 光学研磨材料(砥粒) Optical-Powder or Grin Abrasive A02-006 光学研磨材料(砥石) Optical-Wheel AbrasiveA02-007 研磨化合物Polishing CompoundsA02-008 研磨衬垫及布Polishing Pads and ClothA02-009 全像底片及感光板Holographic Films and PlatesA02-010 红外线底片及感光板Infrared Films and PlatesA02-011 相片用化学药品Photographic ChemicalsA02-012 折射率液Refractive Index LiquidsA02-013 显微镜浸液Microscope Immerison LiquidsA02-014 显微镜埋置用材料Microscope Imbedding MediaA02-015 激光用染料Laser DyesA02-016 冷媒CoolantsA02-017 拭镜纸Lens TissueA03 显示器用材料:A03 显示器用材料MATERIALS FOR DISPLAYA03-001 液晶Liquid CrystalsA03-002 导电膜玻璃基板ITO Glass SubstrateA03-003 彩色滤光片Color FilterA03-004 偏光板/相位差板Polarizer/ Phase Shift LayerA03-005 显示面板用驱动IC Driver ICA03-006 背光源BacklightA03-007 配向膜Alignment FilmA03-008 间隔物SpacerB01 透镜:B01 透镜LENSESB01-001 单透镜Simple (Single) LensesB01-002 球透镜Ball LensesB01-003 歪像透镜Anamorphic LensesB01-004 圆锥透镜Conical LensesB01-005 柱状透镜,环形透镜Cylindrical & Toroidal LensesB01-006 非球面透镜Aspheric LensesB01-007 反射折射透镜Catadioptric LensesB01-008 绕射极限透镜Diffraction-Limited LensesB01-009 GRIN透镜GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod)B01-010 微小透镜阵列Micro Lens ArraysB01-011 准直透镜Collimator LensesB01-012 聚光透镜Condenser LensesB01-013 多影像透镜Multiple Image LensesB01-014 傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses B01-015 菲涅尔透镜Fresnel Lenses B01-016 替续透镜Relay LensesB01-017 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) B01-018 复合透镜Complex LensesB01-019 红外线透镜Infrared LensesB01-020 紫外线透镜Ultraviolet LensesB01-021 激光透镜Laser LensesB01-022 望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives LensesB01-023 显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives LensesB01-024 接目镜Eyepieces LensesB01-025 向场透镜Field LensesB01-026 望远镜头Telephoto LensesB01-027 广角镜头Wide Angle LensesB01-028 可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesB01-029 CCTV镜头CCTV LensesB01-030 影印机镜头Copy Machine LensesB01-031 传真机镜头Facsimile LensesB01-032 条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner LensesB01-033 影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner LensesB01-034 光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head LensesB01-035 APS相机镜头APS Camera LensesB01-036 数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera LensesB01-037 液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector LensesB02 镜面:B02 镜面MIRRORB02-001 平面镜Flat MirrorsB02-002 球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors B02-003 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors B02-004 非球面镜Aspheric MirrorsB02-005 多面镜Polygonal MirrorsB02-006 热镜Hot MirrorsB02-007 冷镜Cold MirrorsB02-008 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜Glass and Glass-Ceramic MirrorsB02-009 双色向面镜Dichroic MirrorB02-010 金属面镜Metal MirrorsB02-011 多层面镜Multilayer MirrorsB02-012 半涂银面镜Half-Silvered MirrorsB02-013 激光面镜Laser MirrorsB02-014 天文用面镜Astronomical MirrorsB02-099 其他面镜Other MirrorsB03 棱镜:B03 棱镜PRISMB03-001 Nicol棱镜Nicol PrismsB03-002 Glan-Thomson棱镜Glan-Thomson PrismsB03-003 Wollaston棱镜Wollaston PrismsB03-004 Rochon棱镜Rochon PrismsB03-005 直角棱镜Right-Angle; Rectangular PrismsB03-006 五面棱镜Pentagonal PrismsB03-007 脊角棱镜Roof PrismsB03-008 双棱镜BiprismsB03-009 直视棱镜Direct Vision PrismsB03-010 微小棱镜Micro PrismsB03-099 其他棱镜Other PrismsB04 滤光镜:B04 滤光镜FILTERB04-001 尖锐滤光镜Sharp Cut (off) FiltersB04-002 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters B04-003 干涉滤光镜Interference FiltersB04-004 中性密度滤光镜Neutral Density FiltersB04-005 空间/光学匹配滤光镜Spatial/Optical Matched FiltersB04-006 双色向滤光镜Dichroic FiltersB04-007 偏光滤光镜Polarizing FiltersB04-008 排除频带滤光镜Rejection Band FiltersB04-009 可调式滤光镜Turnable FilterB04-010 超窄频滤光镜Ultra Narrowband FiltersB04-011 色吸收滤光镜Absorption FiltersB04-012 红外吸收/反射滤光镜Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting FiltersB04-013 红外透过滤光镜Infrared Transmitting FiltersB04-014 紫外吸收滤光镜Ultraviolet Absorbing FiltersB04-015 紫外透过滤光镜Ultraviolet Transmitting FiltersB04-016 针孔滤光镜Pinhole FiltersB04-017 有色玻璃滤光镜Colored-Glass FiltersB04-018 塑胶滤光镜Plastic FiltersB04-019 照像用滤光镜Photographic FiltersB04-020 全像滤光镜Holographic FiltersB04-021 微小干涉滤光镜Micro Interference FiltersB06 激光:LASERS B06 激光LASERSB06-100 气体激光GAS LASERSB06-101 氦氖激光He-Ne LasersB06-102 金属蒸气激光Metal Vapor LasersB06-103 氩离子激光Argon LasersB06-104 氪离子激光Krypton LasersB06-105 二氧化碳激光(气流型) CO2 (Gas Flow type) LasersB06-106 二氧化碳激光(脉冲,TEA型) CO2 (Pulsed,TEA) LasersB06-107 二氧化碳激光(密封型) CO2 (Sealed tube) LasersB06-108 二氧化碳激光(波导型) CO2 (Wave guide) LasersB06-109 一氧化碳激光CO LasersB06-110 氦镉激光He-Cd LasersB06-111 氮分子激光Nitrogen LasersB06-112 准分子激光Excimer LasersB06-113 氙分子激光Xenon LasersB06-200 固体激光SOLID STATE LASERSB06-201 红宝石激光Ruby LasersB06-202 玻璃激光Glass LasersB06-203 Nd:YAG激光(脉冲式) Nd:YAG (Pulsed) LasersB06-204 Nd:YAG激光(连续式) Nd:YAG Laser (CW) LasersB06-205 Nd:YAG激光(半导体激光激发) Nd:YAG (LD Pumped) LasersB06-206 YLF激光YLF LasersB06-207 亚历山大激光Alexanderite LasersB06-208 铒固体激光Erbium LasersB06-209 半导体激光激发式固态激光Solid State(LD pumped)LaserB06-210 其他固态激光OthersB06-300 染料激光DYE LASERSB06-301 染料激光(闪光灯激发) Dye (Flash lamp Pumped) LasersB06-302 染料激光(激光激发) Dye (Laser Pumped) LasersB06-400 半导体激光SEMICONDUCTOR LASERSB06-401 半导体激光(1.55μm带) Semiconductor (1.55μm) LasersB06-402 半导体激光(1.30μm带) Semiconductor (1.30μm) LasersB06-403 半导体激光(0.85μm带) Semiconductor (0.85μm) LasersB06-404 半导体激光(0.78μm带) Semiconductor (0.78μm) LasersB06-405 半导体激光(0.60μm带) Semiconductor (0.60μm) LasersB06-406 半导体激光(其他波长带) Other Semiconductor LasersB06-407 半导体激光模组(长波长) Semiconductor (Long Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-408 半导体激光模组(短波长) Semiconductor (Short Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-409 半导体激光模组(可见光) Semiconductor (Visible) Laser ModulesB06-501 铁离子中心激光F-Center LasersB06-502 化学激光(HF-DF) Chemical (HF-DF) LasersB06-503 平板激光Slab LasersB06-504 远红外线激光Far-Infrared LasersB06-505 真空紫外线激光Vacuum Ultraviolet LasersB06-506 多色激光Multi Colour LasersB06-507 稳频激光Frequency Stabilized LasersB06-508 自由电子激光Free Electron LasersB07 激光用元件:B07 激光用元件LASER COMPONENTSB07-001 Q 开关Laser Q-SwitchesB07-002 激光管Laser Tubes and BoresB07-003 激光棒Laser RodsB07-004 激光板Laser SlabsB07-005 气体再生设备,气体填充设备Gas Recyclers and Gas Handling EquipmentB07-006 激光控制设备Laser Control EquipmentB07-007 激光用盒Laser CellsB07-008 参数振汤器Parametric OscillatorsB07-009 光脉冲产生设备Optical Pulse GeneratorsB07-010 激光用共振腔Resonators for LasersB07-011 磁铁MagnetsB07-012 激光用冷却设备Cooling Systems for LasersB07-013 激光护眼镜Safty Equipment; Goggles Glasses and FilmsB07-014 激光光吸收体Safty Equipment; Laser AbsorbersB07-015 激光用安全设备Safty Equipment; Protective HousingsB08 发光二极体:B08 发光二极体LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES; LEDB08-001 通信用1.55μm发光二极体1.55μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-002 通信用1.30μm发光二极体1.30μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-003 通信用0.85μm发光二极体0.85μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-004 通信用长波长发光二极体模组Long Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-005 通信用短波长发光二极体模组Short Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-006 可见光发光二极体(红色) Visible (Red) LEDsB08-007 可见光发光二极体(黄色) Visible (Yellow,Orange) LEDsB08-008 可见光发光二极体(绿色,多色) Visible (Green,Multi-Color) LEDsB08-009 可见光发光二极体(蓝色) Visible (Blue) LEDsB08-010 红外线二极体(非通信用) Infrared (not for Communication) LEDsB08-011 文数字表示用发光二极体Alpha-Numeric LEDsB08-012 发光二极体晶圆(通信用) LED Wafers for CommunicationB08-013 发光二极体晶圆(非通信用) LED Wafers not for CommunicationB08-014 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(通信用) LED Chips for CommunicationB08-015 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(非通信用) LED Chips not for CommunicationB09 光源设备:B09 光源设备LIGHT SOURCESB09-001 标准光源Standard Light SourcesB09-002 安定化光源Stabilized Light SourcesB09-003 弧光灯Arc Light SourcesB09-004 氪灯Krypton Light SourcesB09-005 卤素灯Halogen Light SourcesB09-006 氙灯Xenon /Xenon Flashlamps Light SourcesB09-007 紫外线光源Ultraviolet Light SourcesB09-008 真空紫外线光源VUV Light SourcesB09-009 红外线光源Infrared Light SourcesB09-010 闪光光源Stroboscopic Light SourcesB09-011 小型光源Miniature Light SourcesB09-012 光纤光源Fiber Optic IlluminatorsB10 显示器元件:B10 显示器元件DISPLAY PANELB10-001 发光二极体显示器LED DisplaysB10-002 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)B10-003 电浆显示器Plasma Display Panels(PDP)B10-004 电激发光显示器Electroluminescence Display (ELD)B10-005 电铬显示器Electrochromic Display (ECD)B10-006 真空萤光显示器Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)B10-007 平面阴极射线管Flat CRTsB10-008 场发射显示器Field Emitter Display(FED)B10-099 其他平面显示元件Other Flat Panel DisplaysB11 检光元件及光纤混成元件:B11 检光元件及光纤混成元件DETECTORS & FIBEROPTIC HYBRID DEVICESB11-001 通信用PIN光二极体PIN Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-002 通信用崩溃光二极体Avalanche Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-003 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光元件Long-wavelength Detectors for CommunicationB11-004 通信用PIN光二极体模组PIN Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-005 通信用崩溃光二极体模组Avalanche Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-006 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光模组Long-wavelength Decector Modules for Communication B11-007 光二极体(近红外光) Near-infrafed PhotodiodesB11-008 光二极体(可见光) Visible PhotodiodesB11-009 光二极体(紫外光) Ultraviolet PhotodiodesB11-010 光电晶体PhototransistorsB11-011 光电管PhototubesB11-012 光电子增倍管(PMT) PhotomultipliersB11-013 光导电池Photoconductive CellsB11-014 热电偶检测器Thermocouple DetectorsB11-015 热堆检测器Thermopile DetectorsB11-016 微道板Microchannel PlatesB11-017 热电检测器Pyroelectroic DetectorsB11-018 辐射热测定器BolometersB11-019 其他红外线检测器Infrared DetectorsB11-020 摄像管Camera TubesB11-021 线型检光元件One Dimension Detector ArraysB11-022 面型检光元件Two Dimension Detector ArraysB11-023 光电耦合器Photo CouplerB11-024 光断续器Photo InterrupterB11-025 光反射器Photo ReflectorB11-026 光闸流晶体管PhotocyristorsB11-027 光感测元件Photosensing UnitsB11-028 内藏电路之光感测器Detectors with CircuitB11-029 民用用太阳电池Solar Cells for Consumer UseB11-030 产业用太阳电池Solar Cells for Power & Space UseB12 光纤及光缆:B12 光纤及光缆FIBER OPTIC FIBERS & CABLEB12-100 光纤FIBER OPTIC FIBERSB12-101 石英系多模态步阶式折射率型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Step IndexB12-102 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(50/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Graded Index,50/125B12-103 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(62.5/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,62.5/125B12-104 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(100/140) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,100/140B12-105 石英系单模态标准型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Single Mode,StandardB12-106 色散位移光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Dispersion – ShiftedB12-107 偏振恒持光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Polarization – MaintainingB12-108 其他单模态光纤Other Single Mode Optic FibersB12-109 石英系塑胶包覆光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Plastic - Clad SilicaB12-110 塑胶光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, PlasticB12-111 石英系影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Silica, ImagingB12-112 多成分影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Non-silica, ImagingB12-113 光导管Fiber Optic LightguidesB12-199 其他集束光纤Other Fiber Optic BundlesB12-200 光缆FIBER OPTIC CABLEB12-201 单模态标准型松包悬空式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, AerialB12-202 单模态标准型松包管路式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, DuctB12-203 单模态标准型松包直埋式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, Direct BuriedB12-204 单模态标准型紧包单心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, Single FiberB12-205 单模态标准型紧包多心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, MultifiberB12-206 光纤带RibbonB12-207 色散位移光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Dispersion-ShiftedB12-208 偏振恒持光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Polarization – MaintainingB12-209 其他单模态光缆Other Single Mode Fiber Optic CableB12-210 多模态石英系(50/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 50/125B12-211 多模态石英系(62.5/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 62.5/125B12-212 多模态石英系(100/140)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 100/140B12-213 塑胶光缆Fiber Optic Cable, PlasticB12-214 石英系塑胶包覆光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Plastic-Clad SilicaB12-215 其他多模态光缆Other Multimode Fiber Optic CableB12-216 光纤保护用管Protect Tubes for Fiber Optic FiberB13 光被动元件/光控制元件:B13 光被动元件/光控制元件OPTICAL PASSIVE DEVICES/CONTROL DEVICESB13-001 单模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, STB13-002 单模态Biconic光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, BiconicB13-003 单模态FC/PC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FC/PCB13-004 单模态APC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, APCB13-005 单模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FDDIB13-006 单模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, SCB13-007 单模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, D4B13-008 单模态光纤连接器插座(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, Adapter(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) B13-009 单模态多心光纤连接器(MT) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode,Multi-Channel/MTB13-010 其他单模态光纤连接器Other Single Mode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-011 多模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, STB13-012 多模态FC/PC相容光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FC/PCB13-013 多模态SMA光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SMAB13-014 多模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FDDIB13-015 多模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SCB13-016 多模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, D4B13-017 多模态光纤连接器插座(ST,SMA,FC/PC) Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode,Adapter(ST,SMA,FC/PC)B13-018 多模态多心光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, Multi-ChannelB13-019 其他多模态光纤连接器Other Multimode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-020 套筒SleevesB13-021 金属箍(套管) Metal FerrulesB13-022 塑胶箍(套管) Plastic FerrulesB13-023 陶瓷箍(套管) Ceramic FerrulesB13-024 插座ReceptaclesB13-025 插头PlugsB13-026 光连接器(含光纤线) Optical Connectors with FiberB13-027 光纤耦合器(两分支) Optical Couplers, Tap/SplitterB13-028 光纤耦合器(树状分支) Optical Couplers, TreeB13-029 星状光纤耦合器(穿透形) Transmission Type Star Optical CouplersB13-030 星状光纤耦合器(反射形) Reflection Type Star Optical CouplersB13-031 其他光纤耦合器Other Optical CouplersB13-032 光分波合波器(两波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Dual-WavelengthB13-033 光分波合波器(多波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Over Two WavelengthB13-034 其他光分波合波器Other Optical WDM CouplersB13-035 光衰减器(固定) Fixed Optical AttenuatorsB13-036 光衰减器(可变) Adjustable Optical AttenuatorsB13-037 光隔离器(通信用) Optical Isolators for CommunicationB13-038 光隔离器(非通信用) Optical Isolators for Non-CommunicationB13-039 光环流器Optical CirculatorsB13-040 光开关(机械式) Mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-041 光开关(非机械式) Non-mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-042 光纤光栅Fiber Bragg GratingB13-043 光移相器Optical Phase ShiftersB13-044 光共振器Optical ResonatorsB13-045 空间调变元件Spatial Light ModulatorsB13-046 光影像转换元件(ITC) Incoherent to Coherent Devices(ITC)B13-047 光截波器,机械式光调变器Optical Choppers, Mechanical ModulatorsB13-048 磁光调变器Maganeto-Optic ModulatorsB13-049 声光调变器Acousto-Optic ModulatorsB13-050 电光调变器Electro-Optic ModulatorsB13-051 波导形调变器,行波形调变器Optical Waveguide,Travelling-wave ModulatorsB13-052 类比/强度调变器Analog/Intensity ModulatorsB13-053 数位调变器Digital ModulatorsB13-054 其他调变器Other ModulatorsB13-055 光弹性调变器Photoelastic ModulatorsB13-056 机械式偏折/扫瞄器(Galvanometer方式) Mechanical Optical Deflectors/Scanners(Galvanometer Mirror)B13-057 声光偏折/扫瞄器Acousto-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-058 电光偏折/扫瞄器Electro-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-059 机械式扫瞄器(回转多面镜方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Polygonal Mirrors)B13-060 机械式扫瞄器(全像方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Holographic)B13-061 光纤跳接线Fiber Optic Patchcord PigtailB13-062 光纤终端箱Fiber Optic Distribution BoxB13-063 光纤接续盒Fiber Optic ClosureB13-099 其他光被动元件/控制元件Other Optical Passive Devices/Control DevicesB14 积体光元件:B14 积体光元件INTEGRATED OPTICAL DEVICESB14-001 光IC Optical ICB14-002 OEIC Optoelectronic ICB14-099 其他光电元件Other DevicesC01 光通讯设备:C01 光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTC01-100 电信用光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPEMNT(TELECOMMUNICATION)C01-101 同步光纤网路光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transimission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SONET-Based) C01-102 同步光纤网路光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SONET-Based)C01-103 同步光纤网路数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SONET-based)C01-104 同步数位阶层光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transmission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-105 同步数位阶层光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-106 同步数位阶层数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-107 光纤网路单体ONU(Optical Network Unit)C01-108 非同步光通讯设备Asynchronous Optical Communication EquipmentC01-199 其他公众用光通讯设备Other Optical Communication Equipment (Telecommunication)C01-200 数据通讯光纤网路设备OPTICAL DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORK EQUIPMENT (PREMISES) C01-201 光纤分散式资料介面网路设备FDDI Network EquipmentC01-202 非同步传输模式网路设备ATM Network EquipmentC01-203 高速乙太网路设备Fast Ethernet Network EquipmentC01-204 光纤通道Fiber ChannelC01-299 其他用户光数据通讯设备Other Optical Data Communication Network Equipment (Premises)C01-300 特殊用途光传输设备OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT(SPECIAL PURPOSE)C01-301 有线电视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, CATVC01-302 视讯/闭路监视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Video/CCTVC01-303 量测/控制信号光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Measure/ControlC01-304 空间(无线)光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Spatial (Wireless)C01-305 光放大器Optical AmplifierC01-399 其他特殊用途光传输设备Other Optical Transmission Equipment (Special Purpose)C02 光测仪器设备:C02 光测仪器设备OPTICAL MEASURING EQUIPMENTC02-001 量测用标准光源Standard/Stabilized Light SourcesC02-002 光功率计(热转换型) Thermal Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-003 光功率计(光电转换型) Photoelectric Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-004 光谱分析仪Optical Spectrum AnalyzersC02-005 光波长计Optical Wavelength MetersC02-006 光谱幅宽量测器Spectral Width Measuring EquipmentC02-007 光时域反射计(OTDR) Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers(OTDR)C02-008 基频传输特性检测器Baseband Frequency Characteristics Evaluation EquipmentC02-009 波长色散量测器Wavelength Dispersion Measuring EquipmentC02-010 光纤测试设备Optical Fiber Test EquipmentC02-011 激光光束波形量测器Laser Beam Profile Measuring EquipmentC02-012 光纤尺寸量测器Optical Fiber Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-013 光纤模态参数测试器Optical Fiber Mode Field Parameters Test EquipmentC02-014 光纤强度测试器Optical Fiber Strength Test EquipmentC02-015 其他光纤相关量测设备Other Optical Fiber Measurement EquipmentC02-016 光连接器尺寸量测器Optical Connector Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-017 光碟测定检查设备(装置用) Optical Disk Drive Inspection EquipmentC02-018 光碟测定检查设备(碟片用) Optical Disk Inspection EquipmentC02-019 光度计PhotometersC02-020 复光束光度计,复光束量测器Double Beam PhotometersC02-021 测微光度计MicrophotometersC02-022 感光密度计DensitometersC02-023 光泽度计GrossmetersC02-024 照度计Illuminance MetersC02-025 测距仪RangefindersC02-026 曝光计Exposure MetersC02-027 辉度计Luminance MetersC02-028 比色计Comparison ColorimetersC02-029 色彩计(分光型) Spectral ColorimetersC02-030 色彩计(光电型) Photoelectric ColorimetersC02-031 积分球Integrating SpheresC02-032 折射计RefractometersC02-033 椭圆计EllipsometersC02-034 偏振光镜PolariscopesC02-035 偏振计PolarimetersC02-036 比较量测器ComparatorsC02-037 焦距仪FocometersC02-038 球径计SpheremetersC02-039 OTF(光学转换函数)设备Optical Transfer Function InstrumentationC02-040 MTF分析/量测装置Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) Analysis/Measurement EquipmentC02-041 投影检查器Profile ProjectorsC02-042 自动准直仪AutocollimatorsC02-043 光弹性机器Photoelastic InstrumentsC02-099 其他光(学)量测器Other Optical Measurement EquipmentC03 分光镜、干涉仪:C03 分光镜、干涉仪SPECTROSCOPES, INTERFEROMETERSC03-001 分光计SpectrometersC03-002 单色器MonochromatorsC03-003 分光镜,干涉分光镜,摄谱仪Spectroscopes, Interference Spectroscopes,SpectrographsC03-004 分光光度计,分光测光器SpectrophotometerC03-005 Michelson干涉仪Michelson InterferometersC03-006 Tywman Green干涉仪Tywman Green InterferometersC03-007 Mach-Zehnder干涉仪Mach-Zehnder InterferometersC03-008 Fizeau干涉仪Fizeau InterferometersC03-009 Fabry-Perot干涉仪Fabry-Perot InterferometersC04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机:C04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, CAMERASC04-001 放大镜MagnifiersC04-002 单接物镜双眼显微镜Binocular MicroscopesC04-003 双眼实体显微镜,立体显微镜Stereo MicroscopesC04-004 金属显微镜Metallurgical MicroscopesC04-005 偏光显微镜Polarizing MicroscopesC04-006 相位差显微镜Phase-Contrast MicroscpoesC04-007 干涉显微镜,微分干涉对比显微镜Interferences/Differential Interference Contrast Microscopes C04-008 萤光显微镜Fluorescence MicroscopesC04-009 激光显微镜Laser MicroscopesC04-010 量测用显微镜,工具显微镜Measurement MicroscopesC04-011 显微镜光度计Microscope PhotometersC04-012 折射望远镜,Galilean望远镜Galilean Refracting TelescopesC04-013 反射望远镜Reflecting TelescopesC04-014 反射折射望远镜Catadioptric TelescopesC04-015 35mm焦平面自动对焦相机35mm AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-016 35mm焦平面手动对焦相机35mm NON-AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-017 35mm镜头快门多焦点相机35mm Multi Focal Points Lens Shutter CamerasC04-018 35mm镜头快门单焦点相机35mm Single Focal Point Lens Shutter CamerasC04-019 中,大型照相机Medium and Large Size CamerasC04-020 VTR摄影机VTR CamerasC04-021 电视摄影机TV CamerasC04-022 高画质电视摄影机High Definition(HDTV) CamerasC04-023 CCTV摄影机CCTV CamerasC04-024 全像照像机Holographic CamerasC04-025 眼镜EyeglassesC04-026 夜视设备Night Vision EquipmentC04-027 照像机用之日期显示模组Date moduleC04-028 照像机用之底片计数器Film counterC04-029 APS相机APS CamerasC05 光感测器:C05 光感测器OPTICAL SENSORSC05-001 光电开关,光电感测器Photo Switches, Photo SensorsC05-002 标记感测器Mark Photo SensorsC05-003 色彩标记感测器Color Mark Photo SensorsC05-004 色彩感测器Color Photo SensorsC05-005 光学式编码器,角度感测器Optical Encoders, Angle SensorsC05-006 光遥控器Optical Remote Control EquipmentC05-007 影像感测器式量测设备Image Sensor Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-008 显微镜式量测设备Microscope Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-009 精密长度干涉仪Precise Length InterferometersC05-010 光波测距装置Electronic Distance MetersC05-011 三角测量法距离感测器Triangulation Distance MetersC05-012 激光调变测距方式距离感测器Laser Modulation Distance MetersC05-013 脉冲测距方式距离感测器Pulse Distance MetersC05-014 激光外径测定器Laser Outer Diameter Measuring SensorsC05-015 激光厚度计Laser Thickness GaugesC05-016 激光拉伸计Laser Extension MeterC05-017 红外线厚度计Infrared Thickness GaugesC05-018 水平仪LevelsC05-019 激光水平仪Laser LevelsC05-020 经纬仪Theodlites/TransitsC05-021 激光经纬仪Laser Theodlites/TransitsC05-022 激光标线设备Laser Marking-off EquipmentC05-023 位置光电感测器Position Sensors, Pattern Edge SensorsC05-024 半导体位置感测器Position Sensitive Devices(PSDs)C05-025 激光指示器Laser PointersC05-026 激光都卜勒测速计Laser Doppler VelocimetersC05-027 环形激光流速计,光纤陀螺仪Ring Laser Velocimeters, Optical Fiber Laser GyrosC05-028 转速仪Rotational Speed MetersC05-029 激光都卜勒转速仪Laser Doppler Rotational Speed MetersC05-030 全像方式图样量测设备Holographic Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentsC05-031 激光移位计Laser Displacement MetersC05-032 激光指纹检测器Laser Fingerprint DetectorsC05-033 光学水质污染检测设备Optical Water Pollution Measurement and Detection Equipment C05-034 光学大气污染检测设备Optical Air Pollution Measurement and Detection EquipmentC05-035 红外线气体浓度感测器Infrared Gas Density MetersC05-036 光电式烟检知器Photo Smoke DetectorsC05-037 激光粉尘监视器,粒径量测器Laser Dust MonitorsC05-038 距离测定用激光雷达Rang-finding Lidar SystemsC05-039 环境监测用激光雷达Environment Monitoring Lidar SystemsC05-040 激光表面检查设备Laser Surface Inspection EquipmentC05-041 平面度测定系统Flatness TestersC05-042 斑点图形量测设备Speckle Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-043 云纹图形量测设备Moire Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-044 影像分析仪Image AnalyzersC05-045 激光缺陷检查设备Laser Defect Inspection EquipmentC05-046 红外线辐射温度感测器Infrared ThermometersC05-047 人体检知感测器,激光保全设备Laser Security/Surveillance EquipmentsC05-048 光计数器Photo CountersC05-049 激光公害检测设备Laser Pollution Detective DevicesC05-050 激光热常数量测设备Laser Thermal Constants Measurement EquipmentC05-051 全像非破坏检查设备Holographic Nondestructive Testing EquipmentC06 光纤感测器:C06 光纤感测器FIBER OPTIC SENSORSC06-001 光纤光电开关/感测器Fiber Optic Photo Switches/ SensorsC06-002 光纤式标记感测器Fiber Optic Mark Photo SensorsC06-003 光纤式色彩标记感测器Fiber Optic Color Mark Photo SensorsC06-004 光纤温度感测器Fiber Optic Temperature SensorsC06-005 光纤压力感测器Fiber Optic Pressure SensorsC06-006 光纤声波感测器Fiber Optic Acoustic SensorsC06-007 光纤变形感测器Fiber Optic Strain SensorsC06-008 光纤振动感测器Fiber Optic Vibration SensorsC06-009 光纤移位感测器Fiber Optic Displacement SensorsC06-010 光纤陀螺仪感测器Fiber Optic Gyro SensorsC06-011 光纤速度感测器Fiber Optic Velocity SensorsC06-012 光纤磁通量感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Flux SensorsC06-013 光纤磁场感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Field SensorsC06-014 光纤电流感测器Fiber Optic Current SensorsC06-015 光纤电场感测器Fiber Optic Electric Field SensorsC06-016 光纤浓度、成份感测器Fiber Optic Density,Constituent SensorsC06-017 光纤油膜感测器Fiber Optic Oil Film SensorsC06-018 光纤液位感测器Fiber Optic Liquid Surface Level SensorsC06-019 光纤光分布/放射线感测器Fiber Optic Light Distribution/Radiation SensorsC06-020 光纤显微镜Fiber Optic FiberscopesC06-021 光纤光栅应变感测器Fiber Grating Strain SensorC07 光储存装置:C07 光储存装置OPTICAL STORAGE PRODUCTC07-100 消费性光碟机CONSUMER OPTICAL DISC PLAYERSC07-101 激光唱盘Compact Disc (CD) PlayersC07-102 激光音响组合Products Incorporated CD(CD-Radio-Cassette Tape Recorders)C07-103 LD 影碟机Laser Disc (LD) PlayersC07-104 影音光碟机Video CD PlayersC07-105 DVD DVD 影碟机Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) PlayersC07-106 迷你音碟机Mini Disc (MD) PlayersC07-200 资讯用仅读型光碟机READ-ONLY OPTICAL DISC DRI597VESC07-201 CD-ROMCD-ROM光碟机CD-ROM DrivesC07-202 DVD-ROM DVD-ROM 光碟机DVD-ROM DrivesC07-300 资讯用仅写一次型光碟机RECORDABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-301 CD-R CD-R 光碟机CD-R DrivesC07-399 其他仅写一次型光碟机Other Recordable Optical Disc DrivesC07-400 资讯用可覆写型光碟机REWRITABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-401 3.5" MO 光碟机3.5" MO Disc DrivesC07-402 5.25" MO 光碟机5.25" MO Disc DrivesC07-403 PD 光碟机PD DrivesC07-404 CD-RW光碟机CD-RW DrivesC07-499 其他可覆写型光碟机Other Rewritable Optical Disc DrivesC07-500 光碟机零组件DEVICES OF OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-501 光学头,光学读取头Optical Heads , Pick-up HeadsC07-502 光学头伺服装置,伺服用IC模组Optical Head Controllers, Control ICs/Modules C07-503 光学头驱动装置Optical Head ServomotorsC07-504 光碟匣Optical Disc CartridgesC07-505 主轴马达Spindle MotorC07-600 光碟片OPTICAL DISCSC07-601 CD 音碟片Compact DiscsC07-602 LD 影碟片Laser DiscsC07-603 影音光碟片Video CDsC07-604 DVD光碟片Digital Versatile Discs : DVDsC07-605 迷你音碟片Mini Discs : MDsC07-606 CD-ROM 光碟片CD-ROMsC07-607 DVD-ROM光碟片DVD-ROMsC07-608 CD-R 光碟片CD-RsC07-609 其他可写仅读型光碟片Other Recordable Optical DiscsC07-610 3.5" MO 光碟片3.5" MO DiscsC07-011 5.25" MO 光碟片5.25" MO DiscsC07-612 PD 光碟片PD DiscsC07-613 CD-RW 光碟片CD-RW DiscsC07-699 其他可复写型光碟片Other Rewritable Optical DiscsC08 光输出入装置:C08 光输出入装置OPTICAL INPUT &OUTPUT DEVICESC08-100 数位相机Digital Still CameraC08-200 光学印表机OPTICAL PRINTERSC08-201 彩色激光印表机Laser Color PrintersC08-202 单色激光印表机Laser Monochrome PrintersC08-203 彩色LED印表机LED Color PrintersC08-204 单色LED印表机LED Monochrome PrintersC08-299 其他光学式印表机Other Optical PrintersC08-300 影印机COPY MACHINESC08-301 彩色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Color Copy MachinesC08-302 单色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Monochrome Copy MachinesC08-400 传真机FACSIMILESC08-401 热感纸传真机Termal Paper Facsimiles。

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Photoelectric sensorKey word: photoelectric effect photoelectric element photoelectric sensor classification sensor application characteristics .Abstract: in the rapid development of science and technology in the modern society, mankind has into the rapidly changing information era, people in daily life, the production process, rely mainly on the detection of information technology by acquiring, screening and transmission, to achieve the brake control, automatic adjustment, at present our country has put detection techniques listed in one of the priority to the development of science and technology. Because of microelectronics technology, photoelectric semiconductor technology, optical fiber technology and grating technical development makes the application of the photoelectric sensor is growing. The sensor has simple structure, non-contact, high reliability, high precision, measurable parameters and quick response and more simple structure, form etc, and flexible in automatic detection technology, it has been widely applied in photoelectric effect as the theoretical basis, the device by photoelectric material composition. Text:First, theoretical foundation - photoelectric effectPhotoelectric effect generally have the photoelectric effect, optical effect, light born volts effect.The light shines in photoelectric material, according to the electronic absorption material surface energy, if absorbed energy large enough electronic electronic will overcome bound from material surface and enter the outside space, which changes photoelectron materials, this kind of phenomenon become the conductivity of the photoelectric effectAccording to Einstein's photoelectron effect, photon is moving particles, each photon energy for hv (v for light frequency, h for Planck's constant, h = 6.63 * 10-34 J/HZ), thus different frequency of photons have different energy, light, the higher the frequency, the photon energy is bigger. Assuming all the energy photons to photons, electronic energy will increase, increased energy part of the fetter, positive ions used to overcome another part of converted into electronic energy. According to the law of conservation of energy:Type, m for electronic quality, v for electronic escaping the velocity, A microelectronics the work done.From the type that will make the optoelectronic cathode surface escape the necessary conditions are h > A. Due to the different materials have different escaping, so reactive to each kind of cathode materials, incident light has a certain frequency is restricted, when the frequency of incident light under this frequency limit, no matter how the light intensity, won't produce photoelectron launch, this frequency limit A -h m 212νν=called "red limit". The corresponding wavelength for type, c for the speed of light, A reactive for escaping.When is the sun, its electronic energy, absorb the resistivity reduce conductive phenomenon called optical effects. It belongs to the photoelectric effect within. When light is, if in semiconductor electronic energy big with semiconductor of forbidden band width, the electronic energy from the valence band jump into the conduction band, form, and at the same time, the valence band electronic left the corresponding cavities. Electronics, cavitation remained in semiconductor, and participate in electric conductive outside formed under the current role.In addition to metal outer, most insulators and semiconductor have photoelectric effect, particularly remarkable, semiconductor optical effect according to the optoelectronics manufacturing incident light inherent frequency, when light resistance in light, its conductivity increases, resistance drops. The light intensity is strong, its value, if the smaller, its resistance to stop light back to the original value. Semiconductor produced by light illuminate the phenomenon is called light emf, born volts effect on the effect of photoelectric devices have made si-based ones, photoelectric diode, control thyristor and optical couplers, etc.Second, optoelectronic components and characteristicsAccording to the outside optoelectronics manufacturing optoelectronic devices have photoelectron, inflatable phototubes and photoelectric times once tube.1. Phototubes phototubes are various and typical products are vacuum phototubes and inflatable phototubes, light its appearance and structure as shown in figure 1 shows, made of cylindrical metal half cathodic K and is located in the wires cathodic axis of anode in A package of smoke into the vacuum, when incident light within glass shell in the cathode, illuminate A single photon took all of its energy transfer to the cathode materials A free electrons, so as to make the freedom electronic energy increase h. When electrons gain energy more than escape of cathode materials, it reactive A metal surface constraints can overcome escape, form electron emission. This kind of electronic called optoelectronics, optoelectronic escaping the metal surface for after initial kinetic energyPhototubes normal work, anode potential than the cathode, shown in figure 2. In one shot more than "red light frequency is premise, escape from the optoelectronic cathode surface by positive potential attracted the anode in photoelectric tube forming space, called the current stream. Then if light intensity increases, the number of photons bombarded the cathode multiplied, unit of time to launch photoelectron number are also increasing, photo-current greatens. In figure 2 shows circuit, current and resistance is the voltage drop across the only a function of light intensity relations, so as to achieve a photoelectric conversion. When the LTT optoelectronic cathode K, electronic escape from the cathode surface, and was the photoelectric anode is an electric current, power plants absorb deoxidization device in the load resistance - I, the voltagePhototubes photoelectric characteristics fig.03 shows, from the graph in flux knowable, not too big, photoelectric basic characteristics is a straight line.2. Photoelectric times had the sensitivity of vacuum tube due to low, so with people developed has magnified the photomultiplier tubes photo-current ability. Figure 4 is photomultiplier tube structure schematic drawing.图4光电倍增结构示意图From the graph can see photomultiplier tubes also have A cathode K and an anode A, and phototubes different is in its between anode and cathode set up several secondary emission electrodes, D1, D2 and D3... They called the first multiply electrode, the second multiply electrode,... Usually, double electrode for 10 ~ 15 levels. Photomultiplier tubes work between adjacent electrode, keeping a certain minimum, including the cathode potential potentials, each multiply electrode potential filtering increases, the anode potential supreme. When the incident light irradiation, cathodic K escape from the optoelectronic cathode multiplied by first accelerated, by high speed electrode D1 bombarded caused secondary electron emission, D1, an incident can generate multiple secondary electron photonics, D1 emit of secondary electron wasD1, D2 asked electric field acceleration, converged on D2 and again produce secondary electron emission... So gradually produce secondary electron emission, make electronic increased rapidly, these electronic finally arrived at the anode, form a larger anode current. If a n level, multiply electrodes at all levels for sigma, the multiplication of rate is the multiplication of photomultiplier tubes can be considered sigma n rate, therefore, photomultiplier tube has high sensitivity. In the output current is less than 1mA circumstances, it in a very wide photoelectric properties within the scope of the linear relationship with good. Photomultiplier tubes this characteristic, make it more for light measurement.3 and photoconductive resistance photoconductive resistance within the working principle is based on the photoelectric effect. In semiconductor photosensitive material ends of mount electrode lead, it contains transparent window sealed in the tube and shell element photoconductive resistance. Photoconductive resistance properties and parameters are:1) dark resistance photoconductive resistance at room temperature, total dark conditions stable resistance called dark resistance, at the current flow resistance is called dark current.2) light resistance photoconductive resistance at room temperature and certain lighting conditions stable resistance measured, right now is called light resistance of current flow resistance is called light current.4, volt-ampere characteristics of both ends photoconductive resistance added voltage and current flows through photoconductive resistance of the relationship between called volt-ampere characteristics shown, as shown in figure 5. From the graph, the approximate linear volt-ampere characteristics that use should be limited, but when the voltage ends photoconductive resistance, lest than shown dotted lines of power consumption area5, photoelectric characteristics photoconductive resistance between the poles, light when voltage fixed the relationship between with bright current photoelectric characteristics. Called Photoconductive resistance photoelectric characteristics is nonlinear, this is one of the major drawback of photoconductive resistance.6, spectral characteristics is not the same incident wavelength, the sensitivity of photoconductive resistance is different also. Incidence wavelength and photodetector the relationship between relative sensitivity called spectral characteristics. When used according to the wavelength range by metering, choose different material photoconductive resistance.7, response time by photoconductive resistance after photo-current need light, over a period of time (time) rise to reach its steady value. Similarly, in stop lightphoto-current also need, over a period of time (down time) to restore the its dark current, this is photoconductive resistance delay characteristics. Photoconductive resistance rise response time and falling response time about 10-1 ~ 10-3s, namely the frequency response is 10Hz ~ 1000Hz, visible photoconductive resistance cannot be used in demand quick response occasion, this is one of the main photoconductive resistance shortcomings.8 and temperature characteristic photoconductive resistance by temperature affects greatly, temperature rise, dark current increase, reduced sensitivity, which is another photoconductive resistance shortcomings.9, frequency characteristic frequency characteristics refers to an external voltage and incident light, strong must be photo-current I and incident light modulation frequency, the relationship between the f, photoelectric diode is the frequency characteristic of the photoelectric triode frequency characteristics, this is because of the photoelectrictriode shot "yankees there capacitance and carrier base-combed need time's sake. By using the principle of the photoelectric efficiency of optoelectronics manufacturing frequency characteristics of the worst, this is due to capture charge carriers and release charge need a certain time's sake.Three, photoelectric sensorsPhotoelectric sensor is through the light intensity changes into electrical signal changes to achieve control, its basic structure, it first figure 6 by measuring the change of change of converting the light signal, and then using photoelectric element further will light signals into electrical signal by photoelectric sensor general. Illuminant, optical path and optoelectronics. Three components of photoelectric detection method has high precision, fast response, non-contact wait for an advantage, but measurable parameters of simple structure, sensors, form flexible, therefore, photoelectric sensor in the test and control is widely used.By photoelectric sensor generally is composed of three parts, they are divided into: transmitter and receiver and detection circuit shown, as shown in figure 7, transmitter aimed at the target launch beam, the launch of the beam from semiconductor illuminant, general light emitting diode (LED), laser diode and infrared emission diode. Beam uninterrupted launch, or change the pulse width. Receivers have photoelectric diode, photoelectric triode, composed si-based ones. In front of the receiver, equipped with optical components such as lens and aperture, etc. In its back is detection circuit, it can filter out effective signal and the application of the signal. In addition, the structural components in photoelectric switch and launch plate and optical fiber, triangle reflex plate is solid structure launch device. It consists of small triangle cone of reflective materials, can make a beam accurately reflected back from plate, with practical significance. It can be in with the scope of optical axis 0 to 25, make beams change launch Angle from a root almost after launch line, passes reflection or from the rotating polygon.some basic returns.图7Photoelectric sensor is a kind of depend on is analyte and optoelectronics and light source, to achieve the relationship between the measured purpose, so the light source photoelectric sensor plays a very important role, photoelectric sensor power if a constant source, power is very important for design, the stability of the stability of power directly affect the accuracy of measurement, commonly used illuminant have the following kinds:1, leds is a change electric energy into light energy semiconductor devices. It has small volume, low power consumption, long life, fast response, the advantages of high mechanical strength, and can match and integrated circuits. Therefore, widely used in computer, instruments and automatic control equipment.2, silk light bulb that is one of the most commonly used illuminant, it has rich infrared light. If chosen optoelectronics, constitutes of infrared sensor sensitive colour filter can be added to the visible tungsten lamps, but only filter with its infrared does illuminant, such, which can effectively prevent other light interference.3, compared with ordinary light laser laser with energy concentration, directional good, frequency pure, coherence as well as good, is very ideal light sources.The light source, optical path and photoelectric device composition photoelectric sensor used in photoelectric detection, still must be equipped with appropriate measurement circuit. The photoelectric effect to the measurement circuit of photoelectric element of widerange caused changes needed to convert the voltage or current. Different photoelectric element, the measurement circuit required is not identical also. Several semiconductor introduces below optoelectronic devices commonly used measurement circuit.Semiconductor photoconductive resistance can through large current, be in so usually, need not equipped with amplifier. In the output power of demand is bigger, can use figure 8 shows circuit.Figure 9 (a) with temperature compensation given the photosensitive diode bridge type measuring circuit. When the incident light intensity slow change, the reverse resistance photosensitive diode is the slow change, the change of the temperature will cause the bridge output voltage, must compensate. Drift Picture a photosensitive diode as the test components, another into Windows, in neighboring bridge, the change of the temperature in the arms of the influence of two photosensitive diode, therefore, can eliminate the same output with temperature bridge road drift.Light activated triode incident light in work under low illumination, or hope to getbigger output power, also can match with amplifying circuit, as shown in figure 9 shows.Because even in the glare photosensitive batteries, maximum output voltage also only 0.6 V, still cannot make the next level 1 transistor have larger current output, so must add positive bias, as shown in figure 9 (a) below. In order to reduce the transistor circuit impedance variations, base si-based ones to reduce as much as possible without light, when the reverse bias inherit in parallel a resistor si-based ones at both ends. Or like figure 9 (b) as shown by the positive ge diode produces pressure drop and test the voltage produced when exposed to light, make silicon tube e stack, b the voltage between actuators than 0.7 V, and conduction work. This kind of circumstance also can use silicon light batteries, as shown in figure 10 (c) below. Semiconductor photoelectric element of photoelectric circuit can also use integrated operational amplifier. Silicon photosensitive diode can be obtained by integratingop-amp larger output amplitude, as shown in figure 11 (a) below. When light is produced, the optical output voltage in order to guarantee photosensitive diode isreverse biased, in its positive to add a load voltage. Figure 11. (b) give the photocell transform circuit, because the photoelectric si-based ones short-circuit current and illumination of a linear relationship between, so will it up in the op-amp is,inverse-phase input, using these two potential difference between the characteristicsof close to zero, can get better effect. In the picture shows conditions, the output voltageThe photoelectric element by flux the role of different made from the principle of optical measurement and control system is varied, press the photoelectric element (optical measurement and control system) output nature, namely, can be divided into second analog photoelectric sensor and pulse (switch) photoelectric sensor. Analog photoelectric sensors will be converted into continuous variation of the measure, it is measured optical with a single value relations between analog photoelectric sensor. According to be measured (objects) method detection of target can be divided into transmission (absorption) type, diffuse type, shading type (beam resistance gears) three categories. So-called transmission style means the object to be tested in optical path in constant light source, the light energy through things, part of being measured by absorption, transmitted light onto photoelectric element, such as measured liquid, gas transparency and photoelectric BiSeJi etc; speed.gratifying The so-called diffuse style means the constant light by the light onto the analyte from the object to be tested, and projected onto surfaces reflect on after optoelectronic devices, such as photoelectric colorimetric thermometer and light gauge etc; The so-called shading style means the when illuminant issued by the flux of light analyte covered by a part Jing optoelectronics, make projection on the flux change, change the object to be tested and extent of the position with the light path, such as vibration measurement, the size measurement; And in pulse photoelectric sensor in the sensors, photoelectric element acceptable optical signal is intermittent change, therefore photoelectric element in switch work of the state, the current output it is usually only two steady state of the signal, the pulse form used for photoelectric counting and photoelectric speed measurement and so on.And infrared photoelectric sensor classification and working way generally have thefollowing kinds:1, groove photoelectric sensor put a light emitter and a receiver in a slot face-to-face outfit are on opposite sides of the photoelectric groove. Lighter emits infrared light or visible light, and in unimpeded cases light receptors can receive light. But when tested objects from slot zhongtong obsolete, light occluded, photoelectric switches and action. Output a switch control signal, cut off or connect load current, thus completing a control movement. Groove switch is the overall of detection distance because general structure limits only a few centimeters.2, DuiShe type optoelectronic sensor if you put lighter and receive light is separated, can make the detection distance increase. By a lighter and an inbox light sensor into a photoelectric switch is called DuiShe separate photoelectric switches, referred to DuiShe photoelectric switch. Its detection distance can reach a few meters and even a dozen meters. When using light-emitting device and receive light device are installed in test object through the path of the sides, test object by blocking light path, accept light implement action output a switch control signals.3, reflex plate.it photoelectric switch light-emitting device type and receive light device into the same device inside, in its front pack a reflex plate.the using the reflection principle of complete photoelectric control function is called reflex plate.it reflex (or reflector reflex) photoelectric switch. Under normal circumstances, lighter the light reflected by reflex plate.it is received by accept light; Once the light path be test object to block, accept light, the light is not receive photoelectric switch is action, output a switch control signals.4, diffusion reflective photoelectric switches its detection head with a lighter and also an inbox light ware, but no reflex plate.it ahead. Normally lighter for the light collect light is not found. When test object by blocking the light, and the light reflected light, receive part implement received light signals, output a switch signals.Four, I'm the idea of photoelectric sensorWith the development of science and technology people on measuring accuracy had the higher request, this has prompted the pace with The Times photoelectric sensor have updated, improve the main means photoelectric sensor performance is the application of new materials, new technology manufacturing performance is more superior photoelectric element. For example, today the prototype of the photoelectric sensor is a small metal cylindrical equipment, with a calibration lens, transmitter into receiver focused light, the receiver out of cable to the device got a vacuum tube amplifiers in metal cylinder on the incandescent light bulb inside a small as the light source a strong incandescent lamp sensor. Due to the sensor various defects existing in the fields, gradually faded. To appear, because of it of fiber of excellent performance, then appeared with sensors supporting the use of optical passive components, another fiber without any interference of electromagnetic signal, and can make the sensor of the electronic components and other electrical disturbance in isolation. Have a piece of plastic optical fiber core or glass light core, light outside a metallic core skins and bread this layer metal cortical density lower than light core, so low, the beam refraction in the two materials according to the border (incident Anglewithin a certain range, reflected), is all. Based on optical principle, all beams can be made by optical fiber to transmission. Two incident beam Angle in an Angle (along the fiber length direction within) by multiple reflections from the other end after injection, another incident angles than accept the incident light in metal skin, loss. This accept Angle within the biggest incident Angle than two times, this is because fiber slightly larger from air into density larger fiber materials hitting may have a slight refraction. In light of the optical fiber transmission from inside the influence of fiber bending (whether more than bending radius minimal bending radius). Most optical fiber is flexible, easy to install in the narrow space. Photoelectric sensor is a kind of non-contact measurement small electronic measurement equipment, rely on detect its receives the light intensity change, to achieve measurement purposes, andit's also a vulnerable to external disturbance and lose the measurement accuracy of the device. When be being designed so besides the choice optoelectronic components, still must set GSCC signal and temperature compensating measures used to weaken or eliminate the impact of these factors.Photoelectric sensor must pass a light modulation, like radio waves of light modulation of sends and receives, the radio to a station, can ignore other radio signal sensors without modulation long-focal-length only through the use of mechanical shielded, scenes that receiver transmitter only can receive the emission of light, can make its energy becomes very high. In contrast, through modulation transceivers can ignore ambient light, only to own light or with the same modulation frequencies of light without modulation response. The sensor used to test the infrared rays or around the radiation, if just baked red bottle, in this application situation if use other sensor, may be incorrect actions.Photoelectric sensor due to non-contact, high reliability, etc, and to change in measurement, damage the object to be testedSo since its invention in fields since play a significant role, at present it has been widely used in measuring mechanical quantity, thermal quantity, weight, intelligent vehicle system into etc. Now it in power system automatically grid device plays a very important role, because generator input power grid operation often USES accurate with law, must meet: three-phase line sequence is consistent, frequency, phase agree unanimously, voltage amplitude equal, one of the conditions in system design has been satisfied, after three conditions must also meet to grid, of course, artificially grid is more difficult, photoelectric grid is easier.The development of times, science and technology in the update, photoelectric sensor types are increasing and application domain more and more widely, such as a recent kind of infrared already in intelligent vehicle electrical sensors in to the application, one of which had based on infrared sensor is the core of intelligent vehicle, reflective type infrared sensor using reflex infrared sensor design path detection module and speed monitoring module; Another method based on infrared sensor using the car tracing is to collect infrared sensor data.Photoelectric sensor has cannot be replaced by other sensors superiority, so it development foreground is very good, the application will also become more widespread.光电传感器关键字:光电效应 光电元件 光电特性 传感器分类 传感器应用 摘要:在科学技术高速发展的现代社会中,人类已经入瞬息万变的信息时代,人们在日常生活,生产过程中,主要依靠检测技术对信息经获取、筛选和传输,来实现制动控制,自动调节,目前我国已将检测技术列入优先发展的科学技术之一。
