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1 - -2012National EnglishContest
Part I. ListeningComprehension(30points)
1—5CABBA 6—10ABCBA 11—15CBABC 16—20BBACC
21. afew(some) small 22. earn 23. salary 24. budget 25.ahouse
26. essentials 27. credit card 28. theinterest 29. 10%(tenpercent) 30. everyyear
Part II援MultipleChoice(15points)
31—35BCCAA 36—40ACBDB
Part III援Cloze(10points)
46. fossil 47. contribute 48. farmers 49. oceans 50. systematically
51. recycle 52. decomposes 53. genetically 54. public 55. inhabited
Part IV. ReadingComprehension(40points)
56. D 57.B
58. refinedsugars, artificial colorsandchemicals
59. amoderateexerciselastinglessthan30minutes
60. anintravenousfluid
61. It canbeconsideredrudetotip.
62. Upto20%of thebill.
63. About $3to$5per roomper day.
64. Becauseworkersareexpectedtoincreasetheir wager withtips.
65. It liststhegenerousandbad/ (not sogenerous) celebritytippers.
66. universes 67. unapproachable 68. enticed
69. well-intentioned 70. interestsandneeds
71.T 72.T 73.F
2 - -74.这些矿物盐分在皮肤上形成的保护层可以杀死细菌,以阻止体味的自然产生。


Part V. Translation(10points)
76. Expertssaythat overseaseducatedreturneesnolonger haveobviousadvantagesonthejobmarket now, as
77. All of thetop15universitiesintheworldareeither intheUSor inBritain.
78. If weweretoeliminateall recliningchairs, noonewouldfall asleepwhilewatchingtelevision.
79. Pledgedtodiscover thefact, thejournalist begantodigupnewevidencefor thereaders.
80. Moreandmorefarmersbelievethat rural lifefar surpassesurbanlife.
Part VI. ErrorCorrection(10points)
82. sides
83. emphasize
84. spontaneous
85. them
86. fitting
87. in
88. be
89. 姨
90. fearful
One of the worst thing youcando as a speaker is to holdyour
arms stiffly at your side. You need to move your arms in
appropriate gestures to emphasise your points. Your gestures
should appear spontaneously, not rehearsed. This doesn蒺t mean
that youshouldn蒺贼rehearseit. Thepoint istomakethemseemto
be spontaneous, fittedthe text. Don蒺t use just your hands or the
lower part of your arms. Youneedtomovethewholebodywitha
waythat looksnatural withthegesture.
Inaddition, youshould 夷aware of your body language as
youuse gestures. Your facial expressionshouldmirror the emo原
tionyoumight bedemonstrating. For example, if youaretalking
about somethingfrighteningandareholdingupyour armsasif to
protect yourself, your faceshouldhaveafear expression.
Part VII援IQTest(5points)
91. 2,5
92. fedora
93. modest
94. Because shelter is necessary for everyone, the problemof providing adequate housinghas long beena
concern, not onlyofindividuals but alsoof governments.
Part VIII. Writing(30points)
1.本题满分为I 10分;II 20分,按四个档次给分。


3.I词数少于80或多于120的,II 词数少于120或多于160的,从总分中减去2分。


第四档(很好):I 9-10分;II 16-20分

第三档(好):I 6-8分;II 11-15分

第二档(一般):I 3-5分;II 6-10分

第一档(差):I 1-2分;II 1-5分


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2012National EnglishContest
Part I: ListeningComprehension(30points)
Inthis section, youwill hear five short conversations. Eachconversationwill be readonlyonce. At the endof
eachconversation, there will be apause, readthe questionandthe three choices markedA, B, andC, and
decide whichis the best answer. Thenmark the correspondingletter onthe answer sheet withasingle line
throughthe centre.
1.Woman:If I wereyou,I蒺dtakethebustoschool. Drivinginthat rush-hour trafficisterrible.
Man:But bythetimethebusgetstomystop, therearen蒺t anyseatsleft.
Question:What istheman蒺sproblem?
2.Woman:I蒺dliketotakeDr. Sullivan蒺ssectionof Physics100, but myadvisor isteachingit too, andI don蒺t
want her tobeoffended.
Woman:Well, I don蒺t want toget onher badside.
Man:I wouldn蒺t worryabout it.
Question:What doesthemanmean?
3.Man:YoumeanDr. Franklinsaidyoucouldn蒺t haveanextension?
Woman:Hesaidit wasnot hispolicy.
Woman:Yes, sonowI havetoworkover theholidayweekend.
Question:Whydoesthewomanhavetoworkover theholidayweekend?
4.Man:I蒺dliketobecomeamember of your club, butI蒺mnot sureifI蒺mtooyoung.
Woman:Well, if you蒺reunder 18, youwouldneedaparent or guardianover theageof 20toget afamily
membershipandinclude youonthat. But actually anyone canuse the gymfacilities; we havea
girl who蒺s12andwhocomesheretotrainintheswimmingpool everyday.
Question:Howolddoestheboyhavetobetoget hisownmembershiptothegym?
5.Woman:Hi John, didyouget manyrespondentstoyour surveyonteenagers?
Man:Yes, I hadahugenumber of responses, whichwasgreat. I hadaquicklookat theresultslast night. It wasquitesurprisingbecauseover half of theteenagerswespoketosaidtheyactuallyhada good
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relationshipwiththeir parents. I wasexpectingit tobealot lessthanthat. I meanthepopular myth isthat veryfewteenagersarehappyat home.
Woman:Clearlythat蒺snot true, isit?
Question:Lookingat thesurveyresults, whywasthemansurprised?
Inthis section, youwill hear twolongconversations. Eachconversationwill be readonlyonce. At the endof
eachconversation, there will be apause, readfive questions andthe three choices markedA, B, andC, and
decide whichis the best answer. Thenmark the correspondingletter onthe answer sheet withasingle line
throughthe centre.
Man:Dr. Kelly, doyouhaveaminute?
Woman:Sure. Comein.
Man:Thanks. I needtotalkwithyouabout mysociologyclass.
Woman:Let蒺ssee, that wouldbeSociology530withDr. Brown.
Man:Right. Theproblemisthat whenI scheduledthat class, it wassupposedtobeofferedat threeo蒺clockin
the afternoon, Tuesdays andThursdays, but for some reasonthe time has beenchangedto nine inthe morning. SinceI workmornings, I can蒺t takeit at that time.
Woman:I see. Well, wouldyouliketodroptheclass?
Man:Yes, but I alsoneedtopickupanother class. I havetobeafull-timestudent inorder toqualifyfor my
student loan.
Woman:Soyouneedat least twelvehours. Andyouneedafternoonclasses.
Man:That蒺sright. Or eveningclasses.
Man:Yes. I wasconsideringSociology560or 570. I thoughtI蒺dget your opinion.
Woman:Either one will fit into your programsince youare a Sociology major, andthey are bothelectives.
Toobadyoucan蒺t get acompulsorycourse.
Man:I know, but theyall seemtobeofferedinthemorning.
Woman:Okay, then. Whichoneisthemost interestingtoyou?
Man:I蒺minterestedinbothof them, but I wasthinkingsinceDr. BrownteachesSociology560, I might prefer
that one.I蒺vebeentryingtotakeaclasswithher becauseI hear that sheisanexcellent professor. Woman:Good. Theclassisopen, andI蒺ll just signthat drop-addformfor youtodrop530andadd560. You
canjust tell Dr. Brownwhat happenedwhenyouseeher inclass.
Man:Okay. Thanksalot, Dr. Kelly. I reallyappreciateit.
Woman:Don蒺t mentionit.
Man:Felicity. Hi.
Woman:Oh, hellothere, Adrian.
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Man:How蒺sNigel, andthekids, MargieandFergal?
Woman:Splendid. Just great. And, er, Oliviaand, thekids?
Man:Verywell thanks.
Woman:Splendid. That蒺sjust splendid. Youknow, I reallymust...
Man:So, howweretheEaster holidays?
Woman: Oh, right, yes, an absolute nightmare. Nigel蒺s parents came to stay and were so boring. Thank
goodnessfor thegolf club. Andyou?
Man:Great actually. Wewent away.
Woman:Really?Youknow, I reallymust go...
Man:We hadthought about going to the Caribbean, but Olivia saidthat she蒺dbeenthere before. Then, we
bookedatriptotheGreekIslands, but Oliviahadforgottenabout someimportant meetingshehad, so wehadtocancel that. Eventually, weleft thekidsat homeandOliviaandI went toEaster Island. Woman:Easter Island?For Easter, howamusing. Oh, right, it蒺s, erm,areal place, isit?
Man:Yes, it蒺sanislandintheSouthPacific.
Woman:Jollygood. Erm, difficult toget to, I imagine?
Man:Fiveandahalf hoursfromSantiago.
Man:Thecapital of Chile.
Woman:Really?I never knew. Soundsfascinating.
Man:Wewent for theheadsof course. Or shouldI saythe“moai”.
Woman:Yes, yes. I supposeyoudid... heads?What heads?
Man:Themoai. They蒺relargeheads.
Man:Haven蒺t youever seentheEaster Islandstatues?
Woman:Well, yes, of course, althoughI haven蒺t quitegot roundtovisitingthemmyself. Theysoundterribly
Man:For manyyearstheheadswereamystery.
Woman:Ohyes?So, what wasthefoodlike?Lotsof fish, I suppose, it beinganisland.
Man:There are moai all over the island. The statues had been there for centuries before the Europeans
arrived. Noonereallyknowswhytheywere built, althoughthe most popular theory isthat the statues werereligious. Thebigmysteryishowtheymanagedtomovetheheavystonesaroundtheisland. Just beforewewent,agroupof archaeologistshadattemptedtomovesomerocksof similar weight aspart of anexperiment, but theyfoundit extremelydifficult...
Woman:Fascinating. So, didyouplayanygolf?
Man:There are 887statuesintotal. Infact, the statues are not just heads -they蒺re whole figures, although
onlyonehaslegs. Theywerecarvedfromvolcanicrockbetween1100and1680AD. Themajorityare
still inthecrater of thevolcano. Threehundredandninetyfour of them, tobeprecise.
Woman:Well, well. Goodswimming, I suppose. Didyoudoanyscubadiving?Nigel andI hadagolast time
6 - -
wewereinSardinia. Great fun.
Man:Thebiggest moai iscalledParoandisnearly10metrestall andweighsover 70tonnes.
Woman:Splendid. Splendid. So, anyway, I reallymust gobecauseI蒺vegot thekidsat homeandI havetoget
thedinner ready, andthenI蒺vegot topickupNigel fromthegym, andthen,I蒺m...
Inthis section, youwill hear five short news items. Eachitemwill be readonly once. After eachitem, there
will be apause, readthe questionandthe three choices markedA, B, andC, anddecide whichis the best
answer. Thenmark the correspondingletter ontheanswer sheet withasingle line throughthe centre.
16. Theglobal fundtofight Aids, tuberculosisandmalariahasdecidednot tofundanynewprogrammesasa
result of cutsinitsresourcesfromdonor nations. The fundsaysit will continue to support only essential
services inexisting programmes after a shortfall of hundreds of millions of dollars. Aspokesmanfor the
fund told the BBCthe cuts put the progress in combating disease at risk and threatened the lives of peopleinthedevelopingworld.
17. As youcansee fromthese pictures, parts of the southernU.S. have some cleaning upto do after severe
weather swept across the regionyesterday. There were suspectedtornadoes as part of the storms. They
stretchedfromLouisianathroughMississippi, AlabamaandGeorgia. Partsof afewother stateswereunder
atornadowatchaswell. At least onepersonwaskilled. Several otherswereinjured. Andtherewasmajor damagetosomehomesandbuildings. Thestrongwindsandpossibletornadoknockeddowntreesandleft morethanathousandpeoplewithout power.
18. Ukraine has beenhardest hit withtemperatures falling to -33益. The government there saidthat more
than 130 people had died, many of themhomeless. In Bosnia, helicopters have been ferrying food to
isolated villages and also moving sick people in the capital Sarajevo, where the transport systemhas
literally frozentoastandstill. Inneighbouring Serbia, officials saidthat 70,000people remaincut off. EveninRome, there蒺sbeensnow, theheaviest fall inmorethanaquarter of acentury.
19. Inthehot andhumidpineywoodsof theDeepSouth, you蒺ll findasmall industrial citythat hasbecomea
hubfor trucks that crisscross the nation. But Meridian, Mississippi -population40,000-was once an important railroadcenter. It was there, more than80years ago, that the manknownas the “Father of Country Music”livedandwrote lonesome tunes, including several mournful trainsongs. As the nation蒺s
first known professional country singer, Jimmie Rodgers recorded hit after hit. They featured his distinctiveyodelingsoundthat inspiredcowboysingerssuchasRoyRogersandGeneAutry.
20. Afootbridge across a river has collapsedinnortheasternIndia, throwing scores of people into the water
below. At least 30arefeareddead, manyof themwomenandchildren. Twenty-eight otherswererescued
after the bridge gave way inthe state of Arunachal Pradesh. One report saidvillagers hadcrowdedonto
thebridgetocatchatypeof insect eatenlocally.
Inthis section, youwill hear Paul Dugan, afinancial advisor, givingaseminar tostudents intheir last year of
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university.T澡藻泽藻皂蚤灶葬则will be早蚤增藻ntwice. For questions 21-30, complete the notes inthree words or fewer
for eachblank. Remember towrite the answers onthe answer sheet. Goodmorningeveryone. TodayI蒺mgoingtotalktoyouabout howtomanagemoney.I蒺mafraidI蒺mnot going
totell youhowtoget richquick, but I will tell yousomesimplethingsyoucando葬灶凿that will helpyousave
moremoney. So,I蒺mgoingtogiveyoufivetips... simplebut important advicetomakesureyoumanageyour
Nowthe first point is about howmuchyouspend. It蒺s really important that you don蒺t overspend. For
example, if youearn $2000amonth, don蒺t spend$2500. This isreally simple. Spending lessdoesn 蒺t have to
bedifficult. Youcanjust cut backor reduce what youspendby a little, just a fewsmall things, thenit can
makeabigsaving. Maybejust buyonecupof coffeeaday, insteadof two. These small changescanmakea
Ah, thenext point isabout howmuchyouearn. It蒺simportant that yousalaryisappropriatefor your job.
Findout howyour salary compares to other people doing the same kindof jobintwo or three companies. If
you蒺re going to work long hours or have lots of responsibility, you need to make sure you蒺re getting paid
Another important point is that youneeda budget. That蒺s a simple planof what youspendyour money
on. If youhaveaplan, it will makesavingmoneyalot easier. Everyoneneedsabudget. It doesn蒺t matter how
muchmoneyyouearn…I can蒺t stressthisenough. Makesureyouhaveabudget! Andmakesureyouuseit.
Don蒺t just writeit andforget about it.
OK, nowmyforthpoint isabout managingyour debt. Beforeyouborrowmoney, thinkabout what youare
borrowingit for. It蒺sagoodideatoborrowmoneytobuyassets, for example, tobuyahouse. Andit蒺sagood
idea to pay for your education. These things will still be worthsomething whenyouhave finishedpaying off
the debt. It isn蒺t a goodidea to borrowmoney for non-essentials, for example, expensiveclothes, holidays or
dinner at anicerestaurant. If youusecredit cardsfor thesethings, it蒺simportant youknowhowmuchyouare
spending onthem. Then, whenthe bill comes, pay the total bill every month. Don蒺t just pay the minimum
amount becauseyouwill alwayspaymore, theinterest what thecredit cardcompanyaddson. Andmyfinal tipfor managingyour moneyistoplanyour savings. It蒺sagoodideatosaveabout tenper cent of your salaryeverymonth. Includethissavinginyour budget andtryandincrease howmuchyousave
every year. Youcoulddo this by increasing what youearnor decreasing what youspend, or both! Saving
money is a lot more positive than paying the bills. So, there are five tips for managing your money successfully. Theyaresimplebut theywork.
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