Front vowels and central vowels

• • • • 发前元音时必须注意: 1) 舌尖要抵住下齿。 2) 舌前部向硬颚部分抬起。 3) 双唇不要收圆,发[ i: ] [ I ] [ e ] 时双唇平 展,发[ æ ]时口形要张大,扁唇。 • 4) 唇形舌位保持不变,否则就要发成双元 音。
• [ ɜː]
• •
• • •
vedio5.mp4 p38 音标特征:中元音 半高音 不圆唇 长元音 发音要领:舌身平放, 舌中部稍微抬起, 成自 然状态, 口半开半闭, 发长音[ ɜː]。 发音组合:or ir er ur ear 代表单词:work worker worm bird dirt affirm term burn surf pearl learn More practice on P40,41
/ ɜː /
1. dirty shirt 2. first term 3. work in a firm 4. nursing girl 5. third person
6. burning church 7. learn German 8. His words hurt 9. learn the verb 10. The bird heard
Listen and follow
• am add apple adverb active action actor • cap hat bad flag map carry happy
Listen to the recording and repeat the following phrases aloud.
Sound practice
• • • • /ʌ/ but bus cut dust hut study done money monkey fuss love glove nothing

Description of the vowels
根据舌高点的位置: 闭口(即舌位高)、半闭(半高)、 半开(半低)、开口(即舌位低) 根据舌位前后: 前、中、后 根据唇形: 圆唇、扁唇、常态唇(即非圆非扁唇状)
l l l l l l
Front & Central Vowels /:/ // /e/ /æ/ /:/ /ə/ high, front, unrounded vowel lower high, front, unrounded vowel mid, front, unrounded vowel low, front, unrounded vowel mid, central, unrounded vowel mid, central, unrounded vowel
l Diphthongs & triphthongs
II. The front-back position of the tongue – highest point of tongue (horizontal axis); III. The degree of lip rounding - lip posture
Description of the English vowels
Description of the English vowels
Three factors for the description of English vowels
l Pure vowels
I. The height of the body of the tongue – highest point of tongue (vertical axis);
Vowels 音标

• 上述八个元音称作主要定位元音(primary cardinal vowels),即用舌的前部但不圆唇的发音, 从高到低依次排列为[i]、[e]、[]和[a];用舌的后 部产生的元音从低到高依次排列为[]、[]、[o]和 [u],其中[]为非圆唇音,其余三个为圆唇音。这八 个元音可依次用1--8来表示。 • 在主要元音位置保持不变的基础上,如果改变舌的 形状,又能产生一个元音类的次要(secondary) 系列,即次要定位元音(secondary cardinal vowels)。其中,前元音由非圆唇变为圆唇,从高 到低分别生成[y],[],[]和[];在后元音中, []是对应于5号基本元音[]的圆唇音,[],[]和 []则分别对应于6,7,8号基本元音[],[o]和[u], 为非圆唇音。如图3–5所示:
• 从声音的共振作用看,共振腔或曲或直对共 振频率的影响不不大,成年男子的共振腔, 从声源处的声带开始,到声腔的终端双唇为 止,共约17厘米(成年女子略短一些)。 • 人们可以把这段距离比作一端封闭、一端开 放的管子,封闭的一端为声带,气流通过声 带时引发声带颤动,产生声带音,而后进入 这条管子,声带音在管子里发生共振,从管 子的开放一端释放出去,这样就形成了元音。 管子形状不同,起到的作用也不同,生成的 元音音质也就不同。图1是汉语普通话[]和 []的舌位图示:
Unit 3 Vowels
3.1 语音概述 3.2 国际音标 3.3 元音系统 3.4 英语元音 3.5 汉语元音
3.1 语音概述
• 话语成分总是构成于若干不断变化的最小音段 (segment)。根据发音动作的不同状态,人们把 这些最小的音段分为开放型和封闭型。开放型音段 指的是气流经过喉腔、咽腔、口腔和唇腔时,声腔 通道完全处于开放的状态,气流没有任何阻碍,能 够顺利通过。封闭型音段指的是声腔通道某一部分 封闭,气流受阻,不能畅通。在话语结构中,“开 放型音段和封闭型音段总是交替出现,形成音质各 不相同的、连续不断的最小音段”。 • 一般说来,开放型的最小音段称为元音,封闭型的 最小音段称为辅音。元音发音时响度较高,且音段 较长,总是处于音节的核心地位。与此相反,辅音 发音时音段一般较短,或虽能延长但响度较低,在 音节构成中总是处在从属的地位。

英语语音知识【音素phoneme】The phoneme is the smallest unit of speech sound in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning,音素是构成音节的最小单位或最小的语音片段。
Front vowels(前元音):/i:/, /I/, /e/, /æ/Pure V owels/Monophthongs(单元音) Central vowels(中元音):/ə:/, /ə/V owels(元音) Back vowels(后元音):/ɔ/, /ɔ:/, /u/, /u:/, /ʌ/, /a:/(20) Falling diphthongs(合口双元音):/ei/ , /əu/, ai/, /au/, /ɔi/Diphthongs(双元音)Phoneme Rising diphthongs(集中双元音):/iə/, /ε/, /ə/, /uə/Stops(爆破音):/p/, /b/. /d/, /t/, /k/, /g/Fricatives(摩擦音):/f/, /v/, /θ/, /ð/, /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /h/Consonants(辅音) Affricates(塞擦音):/ts/, /dz/, /tr/, /dr/(28) Lateral(边音):/l/Nasals(鼻音):/m/, /n/, /ŋ/Approximants(半元音):/w/, /r/, /j/语言学知识Morpheme that occur “unattached” are called free morpheme.Inquiry and discovery learning is to involve learners in investing energy and attention in order to discoversomething about the language for themselves.Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is also known ad linguistic relativity.Pragmatic competence requires teacher to help learners to learn the relationship between grammatical formsand function.Phonetics is the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in theworld’s languages.Correct perception of sounds is vital for listening comprehension.Different stress and intonation indicate different meanings.The dialect which is caused by social status is socialect.The famous line “My love is a red, red rose”, stirs up vividly the imagination of a beautiful lady. This is theiconic meaning of “rose”.Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.The reasons for teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language include reinforcement, languagedevelopment, learning style and, most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right.The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environment are called theallophones of that phoneme.Semantics is generally considered to be the study of meaning in language.。
后元音back vowels

6. It will do lot of harm to the heart. 7. Mark is only whistling in the dark. 8. The dog keeps barking in the dark. 9. After class Mark will go to the garden. 10. He is driving very fast the catch the last train.
6. You must pull out the decayed tooth. 7. Have you read the book “Roots”? 8. It’s very rude of you to treat that group like that. 9. He bought some fruit for the group. 10. He told the dentist that he had a loose tooth.
9. a lofty job 10. go to see a doctor 11. have a lot of hobbies 12. at the bottom of the society 13. eat a hot dog 14. at the bus stop 15. at the top of the mountain 16. do tip-top (干得很棒)
Phrases and sentences on dog
13. a bookish scholar 14. reach womanhood 15. sugary fruit 16. pull through (度过危机) 17. a bit crooked (走了形的) 18. walk through the woods
英语音标 English Vowels and Consonants

Affricate consonants
Central vowels中元音
Rising diphthongs
Nasal consonants
Lateral consonant
Fricative consonants

Let’s practice!
1. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. 2.That’s why she is mad. 3. Thank you for the stamps. 4. A black cat is catching a fat rat. 5. He has a very happy family.
发音时,口形扁平,上 下齿之间约能伸进一根 手指。舌尖抵住下齿, 舌前部稍稍上台的趋势, 但没有[i]那么明显。
前元音 [ e ]
Let’s practice!
pen, let, men, yet, then,
desk Rest, next, letter, lesson, tell, dead, head Bread, friend, many, step, forget, eleven
Let’s practice!
None of your business. You are kidding. Does it fit? Bill is very rich. Where are the kids? She is a pretty lady. Zip your lips. Jim is sick. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
收唇,前撅,收小,略外翻。‘嘘’ 声口型。
上舌位 中舌位
属于舌根音。同时,舌部具有三种发 音位置:上舌位,中舌位和下舌位。 掌握好这三种舌位及舌根的运动才能 发好,发准英语的元音。

[u:] tense long, close back rounded [u] lax short, close back rounded [D:] tense long, half-open back rounded [D] lax short, open back rounded [a:] lax long, open back unrounded
[i:] [i] [e]
[æ ]
[i:] beat meet
[i:] tense long close, front, unrounded
[i] hit bit pit
经典收小腹、 减肥急促短衣
[i] lax Short close, front, unrounded
[i:] and [i ]
★ Well, let’s tell Ted to get ready for the test. ★ I’m glad I am not married to that bad-tempered
better, best, ↗ Never let it rest; ↘ Till good is better, ↗ And better best. ↘
◆ Approximants : [w], [j], and [r] [l]
Place of articulation
★1. bi-labial: [p], [b], [m], [w] ★ 2. labio-dental: [f], [v] ★ 3. dental : [ø] [ð] ★ 4. alveolar: [t], [d], [s] [z], [n],[l] [r] ★5.palato-alveolar :[∫], [ζ], [t∫], [d3] ★ 6. palatal: [j] ★ 7. velar: [k], [g], [η]. ★ 8. glottal: [h]

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Vowel /i/ /I/ /eI/ /ε/ /æ/ /a/ /ʌ/ /ɔ/ /oʊ/ / ʊ/ /u/ /er/ /aI/ /aʊ/ /ɔI/ Key Word be sick day get fat stop up talk no good new her I now boy Short beat bit bait bet bat pot but bought boat put boot Bert bite bout voice Long heed hid aid head had odd HUD awed owed hood who’d heard hide how’d Hoyd
• Vowel Quality
Vowel Length
– /I, e, ə, ʊ, ʌ/ • all relatively short vowels • shorter than /i, eI, a, u/ when followed by the same sound • do not occur in stressed open syllables • must always be followed by a consonant when stressed Shorter Vowel bit /bIt/ red /rəd/ cup /kʌp look /lʊk Longer Vowel beat /bit/ raid /reId/ cop /kap/ Luke /luk/
American English Pronunciation
Slide Series 2 Vowels
Vowel Length
• Dependent on several factors, two most important
02Vowels & Consonants

Vowels and Consonants[Finding Your Irresistible Voice翻译]CD02元音和辅音(01)00:00在语言中,我们从根本上拥有两个大类的声音,元音和辅音。
00:59并且当我们听到非常好的声音时我们非常兴奋,是么?[Finding Your Irresistible Voice翻译]CD02元音和辅音(02)01:04法语是非常优美语言,是么?01:05并且当运用平滑的讲话声音讲话时,这听起来是非常好的对么?01:13说这种语言的时候可能是非常平滑的或者是突然中止的。
[Finding Your Irresistible Voice翻译]CD02元音和辅音(03)01:53我希望你知道这个难以置信的关键,保持增加深度水平的报告的水平。

以下是48个国际音标发音大全及其发音方法和口诀:元音(Vowels):1. /i/ - 发“ee”,如“see” - Keep your teeth together and smile.2. /ɪ/ - 发“ih”,如“sit” - Open your mouth and say “ih”.3. /e/ - 发“ay”,如“say” - Smile and say “ay”.4. /æ/ - 发“a”,如“cat” - Open your mouth and say “a”.5. /ɑ/ - 发“ah”,如“hot” - Open your mouth wide and say “ah”.6. /ʌ/ - 发“uh”,如“cup” - Open your mouth slightly and say “uh”.7. /ɔ/ - 发“aw”,如“law” - Open your mouth and say “aw”.8. /o/ - 发“oh”,如“go” - Open your mouth and say “oh”.9. /u/ - 发“oo”,如“book” - Pout and say “oo”.10. /ʊ/ - 发“ooh”,如“good” - Round your lips and say “ooh”.双元音(Diphthongs):11. /eɪ/ - 发“ey”,如“play” - Start with “ay” and glide to an “ee” sound.12. /aɪ/ - 发“uy”,如“buy” - Start with “uh” and glide to an “ee” sound.13. /ɔɪ/ - 发“oy”,如“boy” - Start with “aw” and glide to an “ee” sound.14. /oʊ/ - 发“oh”,如“boat” - Start with “aw” and glide to an “oo” sound.15. /aʊ/ - 发“ow”,如“cow” - Start with “uh” and glide to an “oo” sound.16. /ɪə/ - 发“eer”,如“beer” - Start with “ih” and glide to an “uh” sound.17. /eə/ - 发“air”,如“care” - Start with “ay” and glide to an “uh” sound.18. /ʊə/ - 发“oor”,如“poor” - Start with “ooh” and glide to an “uh” sound. 浊辅音(Voiced Consonants):19. /b/ - 发“b”,如“book” - Place your lips together and say “b”.20. /d/ - 发“d”,如“dog” - Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and say “d”.21. /g/ - 发“g”,如“go” - Place the back of your tongue against the soft part of your mouth and say “g”.22. /v/ - 发“v”,如“very” - Place your upper teeth on your lower lip and say “v”.23. /z/ - 发“z”,如“zoo” - Place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth and say “z”.24. /ʒ/ - 发“zh”,如“pleasure” - Place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth and say “zh”.25. /dʒ/ - 发“j”,如“job” - Place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth and say “j”.26. /m/ - 发“m”,如“man” - Close your lips and say “m”.27. /n/ - 发“n”,如“no” - Put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and say “n”.28. /ŋ/ - 发“ng”,如“sing” - Close your throat and say “ng”.29. /l/ - 发“l”,如“love” - Place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth and say “l”.30. /r/ - 发“r”,如“run” - Curl your tongue back slightly and say “r”.31. /j/ - 发“y”,如“yes” - Place the middle of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and say “y”.32. /w/ - 发“w”,如“way” - Round your lips and say “w”.清辅音(Voiceless Consonants):33. /p/ - 发“p”,如“park” - Close your lips and say “p”.34. /t/ - 发“t”,如“time” - Put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and say “t”.35. /k/ - 发“k”,如“key” - Place the back of your tongue against the soft part of your mouth and say “k”.36. /f/ - 发“f”,如“fun” - Place your lower lip against your upper teeth and say “f”.37. /θ/ - 发“th”,如“think” - Put your tongue between your teeth and say “th”.38. /s/ - 发“s”,如“sun” - Put the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth and say “s”.39. /ʃ/ - 发“sh”,如“she” - Place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth and say “sh”.40. /tʃ/ - 发“ch”,如“cheese” - Place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth and say “ch”.41. /h/ - 发“h”,如“hug” - Breathe out and say “h”.42. /ɸ/ - 发“f”,如“far” - Place your upper teeth on your lower lip and say “f”.43. /θ̠/ - 发“th”,如“thick” - Touch the tip of your tongue to the bottom of your bottom front teeth and say “th”.44. /ç/ - 发“j”,如“hue” - Place the middle of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and say “j”.45. /x/ - 发“h”,如“loch” - Place the back of your tongue against the soft part of your mouth and say “h”.46. /h/ - 发“h”,如“hue” - Breathe out and say “h”.47. /ʔ/ - 发“uh”,如“uh-oh” - Close your throat and say “uh”.48. /j/ - 发“y”,如“yes” - Place the middle of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and say “y”.这些是48个国际音标的发音方法和口诀。

英语26个字母中,有5个元音字母a, e, i, o, u。
a. 元音字母组合:aar, ae, ai, air, aor, ar, are, au, aw, ay, ea, ear, eau, ee, eer, ei, eir, eo, er, ere, eu, eur, ew, ey, ia, iar, ie, ier, iew, io, ior, iou, ir, ire, iu, oa, oar, oe, oi, oir, oo, oor, ore, ou, ough, our, ow, oy, ua, uar, ue, uer, ui, uou, ur, ure, uu, uy, ya, ye, yer, yi, yo, yr, yreb. 辅音字母组合:bb, cc, ch, ck, d, dge, dj, ff, gg, gh, gu, ll, mm, nn, ph, pp, qu, rr, sc, sch, sci, sh, si, ss, tch, ti, th, tt, sh, xc, zzb. 混合字母组合:sion, sure, tion, tureⅡ音素是语音的最小的单位。

Reading aloud / ə /, / ə : /
中元音: 发音时舌身平放,舌中部略隆起,双唇扁平。 发音时舌中部比发/ E /音时略高。
A better hair care cashier lover
B berg
hurt work
Reading aloud Contrasting /ɑ:/, / Λ /
Sentence Practice
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Look at the beautiful colour of the bill/bell. He gave me a pat/pet, which was quite a surprise. Can I use your red pins/pens? What are you going to do with the pen/pan? What is a seater/sitter? Who has got a bad roll/bed-roll? Be careful of the band/bend. Don’t drive so fast. He didn't say anything about the old man's will/well. They were interested in the beads/bids. What has he done to your cheeks/chicks?
• 发[a]时,舌尖抵下齿龈 (与[a:]区别) • 开口很大,但不紧张,自然放松。 • [i]音介于[e]和[i:]之间,自然滑动的动作是比较大的,区 别汉语的“爱” • 拼读
• [kait][ʃai] [trai] [gaid] [lait] [maind] • kite shy try guide light mind

48个英语国际音标发音教学英语国际音标(International Phonetic Alphabet,简称IPA)是一种用来表示语音的国际标准符号系统。
1. 单元音(Vowels)英语国际音标中的单元音共有20个,它们分布在嘴巴不同位置,并有不同的舌位和口型。
(1) [i]音(bit):舌位较高,口型偏闭,嘴巴微微张开,发音时会有“eee”的感觉。
(2) [ɪ]音(hit):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴稍稍张开,发音时会有“ihh”的感觉。
(3) [e]音(bet):舌位中等,口型偏开,嘴巴中等张开,发音时会有“ehh”的感觉。
(4) [æ]音(cat):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴更大地张开,发音时会有“ahh”的感觉。
(5) [ɑ]音(car):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴最大地张开,发音时会有“aa”的感觉。
(6) [ɔ]音(song):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴微微张开,发音时会有“aw”的感觉。
(7) [ʊ]音(book):舌位较低,口型偏闭,产生一个轻微收音的感觉。
(8) [u]音(boot):舌位较高,口型偏闭,发音时会有“oo”的感觉。
(9) [o]音(boat):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴稍稍张开,发音时会有“oh”的感觉。
(10) [ə]音(about):舌位中等,口型偏开,嘴巴稍稍张开,发音时会有“uh”的感觉。
(11) [ʌ]音(bus):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴微微张开,发音时会有“uhh”的感觉。
(12) [ɜ:]音(bird):舌位中等,口型偏闭,发音时会有“err”的感觉。
(13) [ɪə]音(hear):舌位中等,口型偏开,嘴巴稍稍张开,发音时会有“i-uh”的感觉。

前元音(Front vowels):1. /i/:高前不圆音,如英语的"sheep",读作/iː/。
2. /ɪ/:低前不圆音,如英语的"ship",读作/ʃɪp/。
3. /e/:半开前不圆音,如英语的"red",读作/red/。
4. /ɛ/:开前不圆音,如英语的 "pen",读作/pen/。
5. /æ/:开前不圆短音,如英语的 "cat",读作/kæt/。
央元音(Central vowels):6. /ə/:中央非圆元音,如英语的"about",读作/əˈbaʊt/。
后元音(Back vowels):7. /u/:高后圆元音,如英语的"boot",读作/buːt/。
8. /ʊ/:低后圆元音,如英语的"hood",读作/əʊdz/。
9. /ʌ/:开后不圆元音,如英语的"up",读作/ʌp/。
10. /ɔ/:半开后圆元音,如英语的"law",读作/lɔː/。
11. /ɒ/:开后圆音,如英语的"log",读作/lɒɡ/。
高元音(High vowels):12. /ɪə/:低高前不圆双元音,如英语的"ear",读作/ɪər/。
13. /eɪ/:高前不圆双元音,如英语的"day",读作/deɪ/。
14. /aɪ/:高前不圆双元音,如英语的"like",读作/aɪk/。

英语作文字母正确发音规则In English, the pronunciation of letters can vary depending on their context within words and the influence of adjacent letters. Understanding the correct pronunciation rules is crucial for accurate communication. Below, I'll delve into the rules governing the pronunciation of English letters:1. Vowels:A: It has two primary pronunciations. The short sound, as in "cat" or "bat," is like "æ," while the long sound, as in "cake" or "late," is like "eɪ."E: It can be pronounced as "ɛ" as in "bed" or "eɪ" as in "be."I: It can be pronounced as "ɪ" as in "sit" or "aɪ" as in "mine."O: It can be pronounced as "ɒ" as in "hot" or "oʊ" as in "go."U: It can be pronounced as "ʌ" as in "cup" or"juː" as in "cute."Y: It can function as both a consonant and a vowel. As a vowel, it often takes on the sounds of "ɪ" as in "gym" or "aɪ" as in "myth."2. Consonants:B: Pronounced as "bi" with a soft "b" sound.C: Has two primary sounds, "k" as in "cat" or "s" as in "city."D: Pronounced as "di" with a soft "d" sound.F: Pronounced as "ɛ f."G: Has two primary sounds, "g" as in "goat" or "dʒ"as in "giant."H: Pronounced as "eɪʧ."J: Pronounced as "dʒeɪ."K: Pronounced as "keɪ."L: Pronounced as "ɛl."M: Pronounced as "ɛm."N: Pronounced as "ɛn."P: Pronounced as "pi."Q: Always followed by "u" in English, pronounced as "kju."R: Pronounced as "ɑr."S: Pronounced as "ɛs."T: Pronounced as "ti."V: Pronounced as "vi."W: Pronounced as "ˈdʌbəlju."X: Can have multiple pronunciations, such as "ɛks" or "z."Z: Pronounced as "zi."3. Combination Sounds:Ch: Pronounced as "tʃ" as in "church."Sh: Pronounced as "ʃ" as in "shoe."Th: Has two sounds, "θ" as in "think" or "ð" as in "this."Ng: Pronounced as "ŋ" as in "sing."Wh: Pronounced as "w" as in "what."Ph: Pronounced as "f" as in "phone."Kn: Pronounced as "n" as in "knee."Gn: Pronounced as "n" as in "gnome."4. Silent Letters:Some letters are silent in certain words, such as the "h" in "hour" or the "k" in "knife."5. Schwa Sound:The schwa sound, represented by the symbol "ə," is a neutral vowel sound often found in unstressed syllables, such as the second syllable in "banana" or the first syllable in "sofa."6. Accent Variations:English accents, such as British English and American English, may pronounce certain letters and combinations differently. For example, the pronunciation of the letter "r" varies between these accents.7. Loan Words:English borrows words from various languages, which may retain their original pronunciation. For instance, "rendezvous" retains the French pronunciation of"rɑ̃devu."Mastering the pronunciation of English letters involves understanding these rules and practicing their application in various words and contexts. Additionally, exposure to spoken English through listening and conversation can greatly aid in improving pronunciation skills.。

3.1 语音概述 3.2 国际音标 Байду номын сангаас.3 元音系统 3.4 英语元音 3.5 汉语元音
3.1 语音概述
• 话语成分总是构成于若干不断变化的最小音段 (segment)。根据发音动作的不同状态,人们把 这些最小的音段分为开放型和封闭型。开放型音段 指的是气流经过喉腔、咽腔、口腔和唇腔时,声腔 通道完全处于开放的状态,气流没有任何阻碍,能 够顺利通过。封闭型音段指的是声腔通道某一部分 封闭,气流受阻,不能畅通。在话语结构中,“开 放型音段和封闭型音段总是交替出现,形成音质各 不相同的、连续不断的最小音段”。
上许多文字或拼音字母的基础,因此说,它 可以用来标记各种语言和方言的语音。
(4)开放性:国际音标不是一成不变的,根据 需要,它可以按照国际语音学协会规定的原 则进行修改增删,但必须由协会讨论通过, 并及时公布才能通用。国际音标自问世以来, 已经根据需要多次进行补充和修改。由于语 音学家不断对其进行完善,因而使它具有很 强的生命力。
• 元音的音质取决于声腔共振。发元音时声带 颤动生成声带音,同时软腭和小舌升起,堵 住通往鼻腔的通路,使声带音只能通过口腔。 口腔是人类声腔中最为灵活的器官,它的每 一个细微变化都会对声带音的共振产生影响, 因此口腔形成了各种各样的元音音质。
• 喉腔、咽腔和口腔、唇腔形成的声音通道是 一道弯曲略成直角形的共振腔。林焘、王理 嘉(2006:36~37)将声腔通道喻为或曲或 直的管子,非常形象地解释了声腔共振和元 音音质之间的关系。
(2)稳定性:每一个国际音标的音素符号,不论在什 么位置上,也不论在什么语音环境中,它的音值始 终稳定不变。根据国际音标的用法规定,如果某一 个音标在某一音境中的读音发生细微的变化,可以 通过“附加符号”加以变通。
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Exercises P37-39 The Closing Diphthongs
Exercise 1:
No.13 No.14 No.15
No.16 No.17
[eI] tape bay name spade vague
[əu] toe boat nose spoke vote
[aI] tie buy night spy vice
An initial classification will divide the speech sounds in English into two broad categories: vowels and consonants. Here are two definitions of vowels:
monophthongs:单元音 ['mɔnəfθɔŋ]
① ② ③ ④
As in the production of vowels the air stream meets with no obstruction. Vowels are differentiated by the following factors: the position of the tongue the openness of the mouth the shape of the lips the length of the vowels
u & u:
ɔ: lower
ɔ &ɔ:
P21 P20
ɔ lowest æ & ɑ: ɑ:
Exercises P22-24 The Back Vowels
Exercise 1: Exercise 2: Exercise 3: Exercise 4: Exercise 5:
diphthongs ['difθɔŋ ] : 双元音
[aIə] tyre trial quiet buyer iron tired
[auə] tower towel coward bower flower shower
[ɔIə] royal employer moiety
open vowels: [æ] [ʌ] [ɔ] [ɑ:]
the shape of the lips
unrounded vowels: without rounding the lips; in English, all the front vowels and the central vowels are unrounded vowels
[au] town bow now spout vow
[ɔI] toy boy noise spoil voyage
Exercises P37-39 The Closing Diphthongs
Exercise 2:
Exercises P37-39 The Closing Diphthongs
Exercise 3:
the front vowels
monophthongs: [„mɔnəfθɔŋ]
the central vowels
the back vowels the closing diphthongs the centrins: [„difθɔŋ ] triphthongs: ['trifθɔŋ]
ə ʌ
higher ɑ:& ʌ
lower ə:& ə
Exercises P28-29 The Central Vowels
Exercise 1: Exercise 2: Exercise 3:
The Back Vowels
front central
back highest 1
P40 P41
Common feature: Figure 27 P39 The tongue is centralizing to the central vowel [ə ] from another position of the mouth.
Exercises P42-43 The Centring Diphthongs
rounded vowels: all the back vowels with the exception of [ɑ:] , are rounded.
the length of the vowels
long vowels: tense vowels; the larynx is in a state of tension short vowels: lax vowels; the larynx is quite relaxed
the position of the tongue:
Front vowels: the front part of the tongue maintains the highest position; [i:] [ I ] [e] [æ] Central vowels: the central part of the tongue maintains the highest position; [ə:] [ə] [ʌ]
“Vowels are modifications of the voice-sound that involve no closure, friction, or contact of the tongue or lips.” “A vowel is defined as a voiced sound in forming which the air issues in a continuous stream through the pharynx and mouth, there being no audible friction.”
. . . E.g. our ['auə] not ['auwə] tower [„tauə] not [„tauwə]
Exercises P38 The Triphthongs
Exercise 4:
1. 2.
[eIə] greyer player betrayal [əuə] grower follower thrower
The two definitions point to one important feature of vowels, i.e. in producing a vowel the air stream coming from the lungs meets with no obstruction whatsoever. This marks the essential difference between vowels and consonants. In the production of the latter category—the consonants, it is obstructed in one way or another.
1. 合口双元音(The Closing Diphthongs): [eI] [əu] [aI] [au] [ɔI]
P35 P36
Common features: 1. The openness of the mouth is from open, semi-open to semi-close. 2. The position of the tongue is becoming higher.
Exercise 1: Exercise 2: Exercise 3:
Exercises P42-43 The Centring Diphthongs
Exercise 3:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
A. peace A. bear A. pear A. pier A. mare
B. pierce B. beer B. poor B. pear B. moor
Back vowels: the back part of the tongue maintains the highest position; [u:] [u] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [ɑ:]
the openness of the mouth
close vowels: [i:] [ I ] [u:] [u] semi-close vowels: [e] [ə:] semi-open vowels: [ə] [ɔ:]
Exercises P39
Exercise 5: Circle the words you hear.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
A. shed A. walk A. cart A. fined A. corn
B. shade B. woke B. kite B. found B. coin
2. 集中双元音(The Centring Diphthongs): [Iə] [εə] [uə ]
In English there are also a number of diphthongs, which are produced by moving from one vowel position to another through intervening positions. 1. 合口双元音(The Closing Diphthongs): [eI] [əu] [aI] [au] [ɔI] 2. 集中双元音(The Centring Diphthongs): [Iə] [εə] [uə ]