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V. I. Meleshko, A. P. Kachailov, V. G. Boikov,
V. L. Mazur, T. P, Kobka and I. I. Krivolapov
At the present time~ much attention is being devoted to increasing the quality of rolled products, partieularly sheet. To a significant degree this depends upon the preparation of the roll surface. Many plants are engaged in improving the quality of working the roll surface in preparing them for rolling.This article was written by personnel from Zaporozhstal Plant, Magnetogorsk Metallurgical Combine, the Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, Dnepropetrovsk, and Magnetogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute on this very real problem..
The surface microrelief, or roughness, of cold rolled constructional sheet has an influence on the mechanical and production properties of metal, and also on the finish quality of parts made from this sheet. The final surface microrelief of thin sheet steel is formed in a skin pass on work roils which have been given a rough finish with metal shot.
Normally the rough surface finish on the work rolls of skin pass stands is produced in pneumatic and rotor shot blasting machines. Experience in their use has shownthat the pneumatic machines used in the country's steel plants do not fill the need for high quality blasting of roll surfaces.
In 1969 the Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, Dnepropetrovsk, did work on the SM-2 shot blasting machine in No. 1 Cold Roiling Mill of Zaprozhstal Plant, which revealed a number of shortcomings in its construction.
To provide sheet with the surface roughness required by the specifications of V olga Automobile Plant (R a =0.8-1.6 g),the basic requirements for the design of shot blasting machines were determined, The machine must provide:
1. a constant shot size during operation, in other words, effective removal of shot of the specified size from
worn shot;
2. the possibility of controlling air pressure in the collector of the shot blast machine during stable operations;
3. the handling of work rolls of different diameters (400-500 mm) without special equipment on the machine;;
4. simplicity in control and convenience in maintenance.
The SM-2 machine (Fig. 1) consists of a stationary closed chamber ! with a trolley on wheels aad movab!enozzles 2~ which under the action of compressed air discharge shot on to the roll surface, a worm conveyor 8, an elevator with a separator 4, the shot blast equipment 5, and an exhaust system 6. The equipment is mounted on a special foundation 1905 mm below the floor level The length of the machine withthe trolley out is 15fl00 ram, the height 4070 ram, and the width 4600 mr~ The dimensions of the rolls handled are 400-500 mm in diameter and 2000-4000 mm in length. The total weight of the equipment is 15 tons.
As research has shown, the dynamics of the wear of a working mixture of abrasive and the original condition of the shot changes during operation. During blasting, the shot takes on a wider size range and is worn down, forming many fine particles. The conditions under which the parts are blasted depend upon the size of the shot used. The contamination of the specified size by fine particles disrupts the process, producing a poor quality surface on the rolls and consequently on the sheet. To eliminate these problems it is necessary to either
regularly measure the composition of the shot and make appropriate changes in the blasting sequence, which is difficult to do in practice, or to screen the shot during operation of the machine to provide the specified particle size.
Stability in the blasting process is also determined by the quantity of shot delivered to the nozzles. It was experimentally established that supplying 0.3-0.4 kg/sec of shot to the two nozzles in operating with an air pressure of 2.5-4.0 atm provided stable operation. Equipping the machine with screening devices is an effective method for maintaining a constant shot size mix. This is confirmed both by data in the literature and by experience in the operation of SM-1 and TsKb_P-1 shot blast machines at Zaporozhstal Plant.
The shot is delivered to the surface of the roll by the shot blast equipment, the chamber of which is divided by two diaphragms with charging vents into three compartments and is equipped with an electropneumatic control device. The working mixture from the upper compartment of the chamber drops to the lower and then to the collector. During operation of the machine,the vents are closed (turned on). The shot is poured in either after turning off the valves by the electropneumatic control device, or after shutting down the machine by the operator. When it is turned off, the vent descends, and between it and the diaphragm a circular gap 5 mm wide is formed. The vent is a cone with a slope of about 30% The shot drops slowly through this gap but not completely, and therefore it increases to t0 ram. The loading vents are alternately turned on by the control device. The first time the SM-2 machine was repaired, it was discovered that the control device frequently did not operate because of corrosion of the parts. With normal charging of abrasive (375 kg according to the nameplate), blasting must be stopped after each alternate pass of the nozzles, since after another pass the shot in the lower compartment is insufficient, and during blasting, With nonoperation of the control device, it does not drop from the upper compartment to the lower. Delivery of the nextportion of shot must be done only after the operator disconnects the shot blast equipment from the air system. In this case both charging vents are opened, and the abrasive is fed to the lower compartment. Continuous operation of the machine for three or four passes of the nozzles with nonoperation of the control device and the delivery of shot described above became possible after increasing the standard charge to 650 kg. However, the basic solution of this problem is stable operation of the control device.
The used shot is collected by the collecting bunker of the working chamber and drops into
the receiving chute of the worm conveyor. The plates parallel to the worm conveyor are at a greater angle, and those perpendicular are at less of an angle, which tends to collect shot on them. Therefore, after blasting one roll it is necessary to shut the machine down to push the accumulated shot on to the screw conveyor. To eliminate this shortcoming, it is possible to lengthen the screw conveyor, which is half the length of the working chamber. In addition, the smaller plate is removed completely,and the parallel plates are elongated to correspond with the length of the worm conveyor.
The compressed air supplied to the collector of the shot blast equipment is dried by an oil moisture separator. However, this method of drying is inadequate. Water vapor condenses in the main line and in the shot blast equipment, and as a result shot sticks together in the lower compartment and forms a solid mass. The solid mass clogs the vertical channels along which the abrasive is transported to the collector and disrupts the optimum ratio of shot to air in the blast. This has a detrimental effect on the blasting process and the quality of the roll surface. The presence of moisture in the air causes corrosion of the equipment and causes operation of the pneumatic equipment of the machine to be poorer. Therefore, in designing shot blast equipment,it is necessary to specify equipment for drying the air. Foreign firms, for example, use special drying equipment utilizing water absorbing substances such as silica gel and activated alumina for drying compressed air.
The mechanism for moving the nozzle has a number of shortcomings. Application of the jet of abrasive material on to the roll is through a nozzle mounted in an elbow shaped gun (Fig. 2). A shortcoming of the gun is the throttling of the mixture of compressed air and shot where the vertical and horizontal channels join. The junction is a right angle, which causes quick wearing away of the elbow. The cross sections of the channels and nozzle was increased. However, with an increase in the nozzle diameter from 10 to 12 mm (the allowable maximum) the consumption
of air increased from 13 to 19 mS/h, which changed the ratio of shot to air in the blast. However, thisratio must be kept constant. Since during blasting it is difficult to make corrections, it was necessary ~o improve the design and increase the wear resistance of the parts.
For this purpose a new design of blast guns, in which the diameter of the channels was increased (Fig. 2 b) and the shape of the transition from the channel to the channel and nozzle was changed, was proposed and tested, The new nozzle design is much more effective. After five months of operation,noticeable signs of wear in the elbowand nozzle have not been found, while the old design elbows wore out in a month.
The blast guns are moved along the roll by a conveyor belt. Under the action of the weight of the troJ.ley and oscillations caused by its movement along the guides on which shot falling from the surface of the rolls accumulates, the belt gets out of alignment. As a result, the impact of the stream of shot on the surface is not at a right angle, but glancing, which produces a poorer surface quality. Placing a strip under the gun eliminated this problem, and the roll surface quality became satisfactory.
In the first period of operation the compressed air tn the SM-2 machine was obtained from the shop main i',ine, which has a pressure of 6 atm. According to readings on a manometer placed before the collector of the shot btaat unit, the air pressure in it did not exceed 4.0 aim. With this pressure, even with the use of the finest shot (DChK-0.8), the roughness of the rolls is at the upper limit (R a = 2.7 #).
Therefore, it was necessary to reduce the working pressure of the air. An air valve was used to control the pressure, but it was very sensitive to changes in air pressure, and operation of the shot blast machine was unstaSle. As a result, a reducing valve was placed between the oil moisture separator and the shot blast equipment. This made it possible to control the air pressure in the collector from 4.0 to 2.0 atm with an accuracy of 0.1 atrr. The use of this valve provides stable operation of the shot blast equipment.
To blast rolls of different diameters it is necessary each time to change the position of the blast gun, which is not provided for in the design of the SM-2 machine. For example, at the present time to blast a 400 mm diameter roll after a 500 mm roll the machine must be shut down for adjustment. In designing new shot blast machines the possibility of changing the height of the gun must be specified.
To observe the blasting process, special observation windows were cut in the long wal! of the lighted working chamber. Nonetheless, observation of the surface of the roll being blasted was difficult. Therefore, three additional 500 W lights, protected by louvers, were placed on the ceiling of the working chamber.
Fig .3
Control of the machine (Fig. 3) is from the control panel 2, the valve 5 at the air line, the rheostats for con. trolling the speed of rotation of the roll and the movement of the nozzles, and the push bu~on for starting up the exhaust fan motor, which is behind the machine. Such an arrangement of the SM-2 shot blast machine equipment is not convenient for control The rheostats for controlling the speeds do not have graduated scales, which makes choice of the correct speed difficuR. Actual: 15 for each new position of the control handle it is necessary to determine the speed. These disadvantages must be eliminated in the design of new machines, It is also necessary to improve removal of accumulated metal dust from the horizontal portion of the exhaust line, which is in a difficult to reach location about 4 m above the floor tevel.
To provide more convenient placement of the individual units of the shot blast machine and simplify i~maintenance, the Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy has developed and turned over to Zaporozhstal Plant recommendations which have been partially put into use on the existing machine and will be studied in designing similar new machines.
The improvement in the SM-2 pneumatic shot blasting machine has made it easily possible to controt and maintain the specified sequence for blasting work rolls for cold rolling and skin pass sheet stands. As a result, Zaporozhstal Plant is mass producing cold roiled constructional sheet with a surface roughness meeting Ferrous Metallurgy Technical Specifications 1-683-69 and 1-686-69.
V. I. Meleshko, A. P. Kachailov, V. G. Boikov,
V. L. Mazur, T. P, Kobka, 和 I. I. Krivolapov



这篇文章的作者来自Zaporozhstal公司,Magnetogorsk冶金联合企业的人员,有色冶金研究所, Dnepropetrovsk和Magnetogorsk采矿和冶金学院,来研究这个现实的问题。



















实验表明,在气压2.5 -4.0atm下,提供0.3-0.4kg/sec的弹丸到运行的两个喷管中可以使操作稳定。


理论上的数据和Zaporozhstal公司在SM-1 和TsKb_P-1抛丸清理机的实际操作经验都证实了这一点。












































根据在抛丸单位的收集室前安臵的测压器读数,其间的气压不超过4.0atm 。





2.0atm 。
















因此,Zaporozhstal厂正大量生产被冷轧的建设板料,这些板料以符合有色冶金技术规格1-683-69 和 1-686-69的表面粗糙度生产。
