Extract dietary fiber from the soy pods by chemistry-enzymatic methods
一、薏米芡实的功效1. 清热利湿:薏苡仁具有清热利湿的功效,被广泛用于治疗湿热病症。
2. 利水消肿:芡实被称为“排水草”,具有良好的利尿作用。
3. 调理脾胃:薏米芡实具有调理脾胃的作用,可以增加脾胃的消化能力,促进食物的消化和吸收,增加胃肠道蠕动。
4. 抗癌作用:一些研究表明,薏苡仁中的活性成分具有抗癌作用。
5. 抗炎作用:薏米芡实中的黄酮类物质具有较强的抗炎作用,能够减轻炎症反应和炎症引起的疼痛。
6. 美白功效:薏苡仁具有美白作用,经常被用于护肤品中。
二、薏米芡实的作用1. 助消化:薏米芡实中的蛋白酶能够促进食物的消化和吸收,提高胃肠道的消化能力。
2. 降低血糖:薏苡仁中的一些活性成分能够降低血糖水平,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。
fiber units 意思
fiber units 意思英文回答:Fiber units are the smallest structural units of dietary fiber. They are composed of long chains of sugar molecules that cannot be digested by the human body. Fiber units are classified into two main types: soluble and insoluble.Soluble fiber units dissolve in water and form a gel-like substance. This gel can help to slow down the absorption of sugar and cholesterol into the bloodstream. Soluble fiber units can also help to lower blood pressure and improve blood sugar control.Insoluble fiber units do not dissolve in water and add bulk to the stool. This bulk can help to prevent constipation and improve bowel regularity. Insoluble fiber units can also help to reduce the risk of colon cancer.Fiber units are an important part of a healthy diet. They can help to improve digestive health, lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Fiber units can be found in a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.中文回答:纤维单位是膳食纤维的最小结构单位。
谢建华,张桂云,李足环,等. 柚皮不溶性膳食纤维提取工艺优化及其理化性质分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(20):206−212.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022110317XIE Jianhua, ZHANG Guiyun, LI Zuhuan, et al. Optimization of Extraction Conditions of the Insoluble Dietary Fiber from Pomelo Peel and Its Physicochemical Properties Analysis[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(20): 206−212. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022110317· 工艺技术 ·柚皮不溶性膳食纤维提取工艺优化及其理化性质分析谢建华1,2, *,张桂云2,李足环2,颜朝勇2(1.漳州职业技术学院食品工程学院,福建漳州 363000;2.漳州市食品产业技术研究院,福建漳州 363000)摘 要:为提高柚果综合利用价值,建立一种柚皮不溶性膳食纤维(Insoluble Dietary Fiber ,IDF )的高效提取方法,以柚皮为原料,采用响应面优化碱法提取柚皮IDF 。
以柚皮IDF 得率为指标,在单因素实验的基础上,通过响应面优化碱法柚皮提取工艺参数,对柚皮IDF 进行理化性质分析。
结果表明,柚皮IDF 提取最优工艺:液料比为15:1 mL/g ,碱解温度为50 ℃、pH 为9.0、碱解时间为75 min ,此条件下柚皮IDF 的得率最高,可达35.28%。
红外光谱表明,柚皮IDF 有1160 cm −1处的羧基吸收峰,而柚皮原样无此吸收峰,表明IDF 的亲水基团显著增加;与柚皮原样相比,柚皮IDF 持水力、持油力、膨胀力分别增加了4.52、0.32、0.41倍。
ErratumBone,Richard A.,Landrum,John T.,Guerra,Luis H.and Ruiz,Camilo A.(2003) Lutein and Zeaxanthin Dietary Supplements Raise Macular Pigment Density and Serum Concentrations of these Carotenoids in Humans.J.Nutr.133:992–998.On page993,thefirst sentence under Experiment3should read:The next supplement to be tested was a commercially produced gel capsule containing1.2mg of L,unesterified, from marigolds.0022-3166/03$3.00©2003American Society for Nutritional Sciences.J.Nutr.133:1953,2003. by on June 29, 2009 Downloaded fromBiochemical and Molecular Actions of NutrientsLutein and Zeaxanthin Dietary Supplements Raise Macular Pigment Density and Serum Concentrations of these Carotenoids in Humans 1,2Richard A.Bone,3John ndrum,*Luis H.Guerra †and Camilo A.RuizDepartment of Physics,Florida International University,Miami,FL 33199,*Department of Chemistry,Florida International University,Miami,FL 33199and †Applied Food Biotechnology,Inc.,O’Fallon,MO 63366ABSTRACT Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)is thought to be the result of a lifetime of oxidative insult that results in photoreceptor death within the macula.Increased risk of AMD may result from low levels of lutein and zeaxanthin (macular pigment)in the diet,serum or retina,and excessive exposure to blue light.Through its light-screening capacity and antioxidant activity,macular pigment may reduce photooxidation in the central retina.Lutein supplements,at 30mg/d,were shown previously to increase serum lutein and macular pigment density in two subjects.In this study,we compared the effects of a range of lutein doses (2.4–30mg/d),as well as a high zeaxanthin dose (30mg/d),on the serum and macular pigment in a series of experiments.Serum carotenoids were quantified by HPLC.Macular pigment densities were determined psychophysically.Serum lutein concentrations in each subject reached a plateau that was correlated with the dose (r ϭ0.82,P Ͻ0.001).Plateau concentrations ranged from 2.8ϫ10Ϫ7to 2.7ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L.Zeaxanthin was less well absorbed than an equal lutein dose,resulting in plateaus of ϳ5ϫ10Ϫ7mol/L.The rate of increase in macular pigment optical density was correlated with the plateau concentration of carotenoids in the serum (r ϭ0.58,P Ͻ0.001),but not with the presupplemen-tation optical density (r ϭ0.13,P ϭ0.21).The mean rate of increase was (3.42Ϯ0.80)ϫ105mAU/d per unit concentration (mol/L)of carotenoids in the serum.It remains to be demonstrated whether lutein or zeaxanthin dietary supplements reduce the incidence of AMD.J.Nutr.133:992–998,2003.KEY WORDS:●macular pigment●lutein●zeaxanthin●carotenoids●age-related macular degenerationCurrent interest in the human macular pigment (MP),4consisting of lutein (L)and zeaxanthin (Z),is driven largely by its possible association with a reduced risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD).Many dietary supplements con-sisting of,or containing,these carotenoids are now commer-cially available,promoted for their supposed benefits to the health of the eye.Over the course of several years,during which preparations of L and Z have become available for human consumption,we investigated their effects on MP density and on their concentration in the blood serum.The purpose of the present study was to consolidate our findings and determine whether any unifying conclusions could be drawn from them.The macula lutea ,or yellow spot,which characterizes the primate retina,is named for the region in and around the foveawhere L and Z are concentrated (1).These carotenoids appear mainly in the photoreceptor axon layer with an L/Z ratio of about 0.5(2,3).At eccentricities beyond 1–2mm from the fovea,the pigments are still present,though no longer visible,with an L/Z ratio of about 2.0(3).In recent studies,L and Z have been found in the rod outer segments and retinal pigment epithelium of both the perifoveal and peripheral retina (4,5).The central region of the retina is prone to the destructive effects of AMD,a leading cause of vision loss in the United States (6).The photooxidative processes by which blue light in particular may contribute to the etiology of AMD have been described by Schalch et al.(7).Remarkably,the wave-lengths of light that damage the retina are essentially limited to the same range (400–500nm)where MP absorbs most strongly (8).MP peak optical density (at 460nm)in the central 1–2°lies in the range of 0.1to 0.9for most people (9,10).Thus,for a person having an optical density at the low end of this range,structures posterior to the MP will be exposed to approximately six times the blue light flux com-pared with those of a person at the other extreme.As a result,we might expect a greater incidence of AMD among people having a low MP density.Interestingly,in the advanced form of AMD known as geographic atrophy,the foveal center,which contains the highest concentrations of L and Z,tends to be spared until late in the course of the disease (11,12).In addition to an ability to attenuate blue light and thereby reduce photooxidation,L and Z are effective quenchers of1Financial support was provided by National Institutes of Health grants GM 08205and GM61347;Applied Food Biotechnology,Inc.,O’Fallon,MO;and Rehnborg Center for Nutrition and Wellness Nutrilite Division of Amway,Buena Park,CA.2Presented in part in abstract form at the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology,April 29–May 4,2001,Fort Lauder-dale,FL.[Bone,R.A.,Landrum,J.T.,Llerena,C.M.,Ruiz,C.A.&Tibor,S.(2001)Dependence of macular pigment density increases on elevated serum levels of lutein and zeaxanthin resulting from supplementation.Invest.Ophthal-mol.Vis.Sci.42:S233.]3To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:bone@fi.4Abbreviations used:AMD,age-related macular degeneration;EDCCSG,Eye Disease Case-Control Study Group;L,lutein;MP,macular pigment;OD,optical density;Z,zeaxanthin.0022-3166/03$3.00©2003American Society for Nutritional Sciences.Manuscript received 4October 2002.Initial review completed 1November 2002.Revisionaccepted 31December 2002.by on June 29, 2009 Downloaded fromsinglet oxygen and reactive radicals (13).In this capacity,too,they can limit photooxidative processes,but only if they are in close proximity to the sites where oxidation may be occurring.The discovery of L and Z in the rod outer segments is of particular relevance in this regard (4,5).There is evidence to support the hypothesis that MP pro-vides protection against AMD.The Eye Disease Case-Control Study Group (EDCCSG)reported signi ficant associations be-tween high levels of L and Z in both the diet and serum of their subjects and a reduced risk of advanced,neovascular AMD (14,15).However,the Beaver Dam Study reported only slightly,and nonsigni ficantly,lower concentrations of serum L and Z in AMD subjects in comparison with controls (16).This may have been attributable to the relatively low intake of L and Z by these subjects compared with those in the EDCCSG study.In another study,L and Z concentrations in autopsy retinas from donors with and without AMD were compared.A signi ficant trend for reduction in risk for AMD with increasing amounts of L and Z was noted (17).In a representative sample of the U.S.population,levels of lutein in the diet,but not the serum,were related to later,but not early,stages of AMD (18).However,these relationships were limited to subjects who were in the younger age categories at risk for these conditions.Unfortunately,the question of causality between L and Z levels and risk of AMD cannot be answered by these studies.To investigate directly the ef ficacy of L and Z as prophy-lactics against AMD,intervention trials will be required.Be-cause AMD is a disease that may be the final manifestation of a lifetime of contributory factors,such trials would necessarily be long term.A practical consideration,before the implemen-tation of such a study,is the extent to which MP density can be increased through dietary modi fication that increases the intake of L and/or Z.Previous studies have focused primarily on the effects of single fixed dosages of L (19–24).In this study we compared the effects of L and Z dietary supplements,the former in a range of dosages,on the serum and the MP.We hypothesized that the blood serum level of L or Z would be correlated with the dose,and the increase in MP density would be correlated with the blood serum level of L and Z resulting from the supplement.We also hypothesized that the increase in MP density would be correlated with the presupplementa-tion MP density.SUBJECTS AND METHODSSubjectsSubjects over the age of 18y,and of either sex,were recruited from the University community.Having been informed of the nature of the study,the subjects signed an informed consent form approved by the Institutional Review Board.Subjects were given individual training in flicker photometry,the technique used to measure MP optical density.(See below.)Only if they demonstrated pro ficiency in the task and were able to give reproducible results were they accepted into the study.Approximately 90%of the screened subjects met the pro ficiency criterion.Those who failed tended to be older subjects with little or no scienti fic training.Each subject accepted into the study was given a full eye exam by an ophthalmologist to ensure that no pathologies were present.The only other eligibility requirement was (self-identi fied)good health.SupplementationExperiment 1.The first available L supplement was made using an oleoresin containing natural L esters extracted from marigolds.The response to this supplement was reported previously (19),and pended in 2mL of canola oil.Two subjects,A and B,took the 30mg daily dose for 140d.The normal daily intake of L and Z in the United States is reported to be about 1to 1.5mg/d,and the L/Z ratio in the diet is about 4or 5.Consequently,the 30mg dose represents ϳ20to 30times the normal daily intake.It should also be noted that marigold extracts contain small amounts of Z,ϳ5%of the amount of L.Experiment 2.Suf ficient Z for two subjects was subsequently made available,crystalline,unesteri fied and encapsulated in gelatin/starch beadlets.The source of the Z was a commercial culture of Flavobacteria.Subject A and a new subject C took the supplement for 120and 60d,respectively.The daily dose was again 30mg,suspended in 2mL of canola oil,and represents about 100times the average daily intake of Z.The last day of L supplementation for subject A preceded the 1st d of Z supplementation by 21mo.Experiment 3.The next supplement to be tested was a commer-cially produced gel capsule containing 1.2mg of L,as esters,from marigolds.In addition,each capsule contained a number of herbal extracts including docosahexanoic acid,bilberry extract,lemon fla-vonoid concentrate and acerola concentrate.Twenty-one subjects took two capsules/d (2.4mg of L)for 6mo.The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of a dose that provided a similar amount of L to that found in the average U.S.diet.Experiment 4.The final supplements that we investigated con-sisted of gel capsules containing either 5or 20mg of L (as esters from marigolds),together with a small quantity of vegetable oil.Twelve subjects took 20mg/d,and two subjects took 5mg/d,for 120d.During all four studies,subjects were instructed to follow their normal,self-selected diet and to take the L or Z supplement with a meal,or shortly thereafter.Macular pigment measurementsMP optical densities were determined psychophysically using the well-established technique of heterochromatic flicker photometry (19).The subject viewed a 1.5°circular stimulus that alternated at about 30Hz between 460nm,the wavelength of maximum MP absorbance,and 540nm,where the absorbance is essentially zero.While fixating on the center of the stimulus,the subject adjusted the 460-nm intensity to produce a flicker null.A subject with a denser MP would need a higher intensity to compensate for the attenuation that the pigment produces.To account for differences among subjects in relative cone populations and/or lens absorption,both of which will affect the intensity setting,a second setting was made at about 15Hz with the stimulus imaged 8°above the fovea.At this location,MP absorbance is essentially zero.The log ratio of intensity settings is equal to the MP optical density at 460nm.The subjects made 5–10sequential settings each for the central and peripheral locations of the stimulus.Measurements were made in both eyes before,during and after the supplementation period,and were repeated on separate days at least twice/wk.Serum analysisBlood samples were obtained from the subjects during the study period to monitor changes in carotenoid concentration.Generally,at least two samples were obtained in the 2wk preceding supplemen-tation,and at least one sample was obtained every 2wk during supplementation.Finally,three samples were obtained in the 2wk after supplementation.Subjects were not required to follow a more rigid schedule than this,nor were the blood sampling days related to flicker photometry sessions.For expts.1and 2,blood sampling was more frequent and flicker photometry was conducted 3–5times/wk.Subject C (expt.2),unfortunately,elected to leave the study after 60d of Z supplementation,so no postsupplementation data are available.The subject became increasingly uncomfortable with veni-puncture.Blood samples were collected in Vacutainer ™serum separator tubes with no anticoagulant,and allowed to stand for 30min to allow for coagulation.The samples were centrifuged for 10min and the LUTEIN AND ZEAXANTHIN DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS 993by on June 29, 2009Downloaded fromL of an ethanol solution containing 90ng of monohexyl lutein ether were added to each 200L of serum as an internal standard.To precipitate proteins,2mL of ethanol/water (50:50)were also added.To extract the carotenoids,2mL of hexane were added and the mixture vortexed for 1min followed by centrifuging for 5min.The hexane layer was removed and the extraction step repeated twice more.The pooled hexane was evaporated to dryness under a stream of nitrogen before analysis of the extract by HPLC.HPLC was carried out on a reversed-phase system using a 250ϫ4.6mm Ultracarb ODS 3-m column (Phenomenex,Torrance,CA).The mobile phase was acetonitrile/methanol (85:15)with 0.1%triethylamine added to inhibit degradation of carotenoids.The flow rate was 1mL/min and detection was at 451nm.The amounts of L and Z were determined by comparing their chromatogram peak areas with that of the internal standard.Statistical analysesResults are expressed as means ϮSD .Increases in serum concen-trations of L and Z,and increases in MP density resulting from supplementation were tested for signi ficance using an independent-samples t test (␣ϭ2).Values of P Ͻ0.05were considered signi ficant.Whether rates of increase in MP density resulting from supplemen-tation were signi ficantly different from zero was determined by use of a one-sample t test (␣ϭ2).Again,values of P Ͻ0.05were considered signi ficant.Adjustments for other potentially in fluencing factors,such as body mass index,were not included in the analyses.We also applied a multiple linear regression model to the rate of increase in MP optical density using the elevated serum concentra-tion of L and Z and the presupplementation optical density as independent variables.RESULTSExperiment 2.Because expt.1(30mg/d of L)was previ-ously reported elsewhere (19),the similar results of expt.2(30mg/d of Z)are described first.Subject A was a 53-y-old male and subject C was a 21-y-old male.Both subjects responded to the Z supplement,with 5-to 6-fold increases in serum Z concentration.For subject A,Z concentration increased from ϳ0.097ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L before supplementation to a plateau at ϳ0.56ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L over ϳ30d (Fig.1).For subject C,the increase from ϳ0.086ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L to a plateau at ϳ0.48ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L was similar though much more rapid,occurring in ϳ10d.Upon discontinuing the Z supplement,the serum concentration of Z in subject A dropped roughly exponentially to near presupplementation levels over ϳ20d (Fig.1).As stated earlier,no postsupplementation serum data are available both eyes of subject A are shown in Figure 2.For approxi-mately the first 40d of supplementation,no effect was dis-cernible,and the optical densities were essentially the same as those observed during an earlier ϳ70d period before supple-mentation.Thereafter,the optical densities increased in a more or less linear fashion at mean rates of 0.71Ϯ0.08and 0.56Ϯ0.09mAU/d in the left and right eyes,respectively (AU ϭabsorbance unit).This trend continued throughout the 120-d supplementation period,and during the 20d fol-lowing,before leveling off.Measurements made during the succeeding ϳ100d showed no tendency to decline.For this subject,signi ficant differences in optical densities between left and right eyes were maintained throughout the study period.The eyes of subject C were more closely matched.Presupple-mentation MP optical densities were 0.567and 0.538AU in the left and right eyes,respectively.After ϳ25d of supple-mentation,rates of increase in optical density of about 0.35and 0.31mAU/d were observed in the left and right eyes,respectively.Experiment 1.Subject B was a 42-y-old male.Subjects A and B responded more robustly in both serum and retina to the 30mg/d L supplement than did subjects A and C to the 30mg/d Z supplement.Because the supplements were equal in amount,the pertinent features of the serum and retina re-sponses are compared in Table 1and Table 2,respectively.Experiment 3.The results of this experiment will be re-ported fully elsewhere.The study group consisted of 17females and 4males ranging in age from 19to 59y with a mean of 28Ϯ10y.In summary,for all 21subjects taking 2.4mg of L/d,a signi ficant increase in serum L was observed (P Ͻ0.05),as determined by an independent-samples t test.The t test com-pared the mean serum L concentration for each subject before supplementation with the mean plateau concentration during supplementation.The serum L concentration for the group before supplementation was (0.245Ϯ0.120)ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L,and the plateau concentration was (0.484Ϯ0.176)ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L The increases in serum L concentration determined in this way ranged from ϳ20to 300%,with a mean for the group of ϳ100%.Complete MP optical density measurements were obtained from 20of the 21subjects.Over the 6-mo sup-plementation period,signi ficant increases in MP optical den-sity,as determined by an independent-samples t test,occurred in 12subjects (P Ͻ0.0005to P Ͻ0.05).Marginally signi ficant increases occurred in three subjects (P Ͻ0.1),and no signi ficant changes occurred in the remaining fiveFIGURE 2Macular pigment (MP)optical density as a function of time of supplementation with zeaxanthin (Z)for subject A.The Z sup-plementation period was from d 0to d 120.The rates of increase in MPFIGURE 1Concentration of zeaxanthin (Z)in the serum of subject A.The Z supplementation period was from d 0to d 120.Values are means ϮSD ,n ϭ3replicates.BONE ET AL.994 by on June 29, 2009Downloaded fromsubjects (P Ն0.18).The mean increase for all 20subjects was ϳ10%,representing an increase from 0.443Ϯ0.173AU before supplementation to a postsupplementation value of 0.489Ϯ0.174AU.Experiment 4.The two subjects taking 5mg of L/d were females ages 26and 27y.Their plateau concentrations of serum L were 0.74ϫ10Ϫ6and 1.14ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L,respec-tively.The mean rates of increase in MP optical density,averaged for both eyes,were 0.303and 0.219mAU/d,respec-tively.In one eye of the former subject,the rate of increase tended to be signi ficantly different from zero (P Ͻ0.1),but in the other eye,it did not (P ϭ0.42),as determined by one-sample t tests.Signi ficant rates of increase were observed in both eyes of the other subject (P Ͻ0.005and P Ͻ0.02).Of the 12subjects taking 20mg/d of L,eight were female and four were male.Their ages ranged from 19to 60y,with a mean of 37Ϯ15y.The serum concentrations that were achieved ranged from 0.77ϫ10Ϫ6to 2.45ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L,with a mean of (1.30Ϯ0.44)ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L.The mean rates of increase in MP optical density,averaged for both eyes,ranged from 0.055to 1.56mAU/d.The mean for the group was 0.53Ϯ0.41mAU/d.An example of a responding subject is shown in Figure 3.In three subjects,the rates of increase in MP optical density for both eyes were not different from zero,as deter-mined by a one-sample t test (P Ն0.18).An example of one of these three nonresponding subjects is shown in Figure 4.To determine the effect of supplement dosage,we examined the plateau L ϩZ concentration in the serum as a linear function of dosage (Fig.5).The linear correlation coef ficient r was 0.82(P Ͻ0.001).We also examined the hypothesis that the concentration of L and Z achieved in the serum would be a major factor determining the response of the MP.In Figure 6,which includes all 38subjects and a range of supplement dosages,the rate of increase in MP optical density is plotted as a function of the plateau concentration of combined L and Z in the serum.Linear regression analysis gave a correlation coef ficient of 0.58that was signi ficant (P Ͻ0.001)but,as with the serum data (Fig.5),there was considerable scatter.We also considered the possibility that the rate of increase in MP optical density would depend on the presupplement MP opti-cal density but the correlation was not signi ficant (r ϭ0.13,P ϭ0.21).The situation did not change as a result of fitting a multiple linear regression model to the rate of increase in MP optical density using the elevated serum concentration of L and Z and the presupplementation optical density as indepen-dent variables.The coef ficient for serum was signi ficant (B ϭ0.59,P Ͻ0.001)but the coef ficient for optical density was not (B ϭ0.14,P ϭ0.64).TABLE 1Characteristics of the serum response to lutein (L)or zeaxanthin (Z)supplements at 30mg/d in three human subjects 1SupplementSubjectSerum carotenoid concentrationTime to reach plateauTime to return to baselinePresupplementation 2Postsupplementation 3ϫ10Ϫ6mol/LdL A 0.150Ϯ0.079 1.74Ϯ0.12ϳ30ϳ40L B 0.165Ϯ0.030 2.38Ϯ0.28ϳ20ϳ25Z A 0.097Ϯ0.0070.56Ϯ0.07ϳ30ϳ20ZC0.086Ϯ0.0090.48Ϯ0.05ϳ10—1Data are for three subjects,A,B and C.2Data in the third column represent the mean ϮSD of the blood serum concentration of L or Z before supplementation with that carotenoid.3Column 4represents the mean ϮSD of the plateau level of blood serum concentration of the carotenoid during supplementation.TABLE 2Characteristics of the macular pigment optical density (OD)response to lutein (L)or zeaxanthin (Z)supplements at 30mg/d in three human subjects 1Supplement (duration)Subject (eye)PresupplementationODPostsupplementationODIncrease in OD Rate of increasein ODAU%mAU/d L (140d)A (L)0.756Ϯ0.0280.930Ϯ0.02023 1.21Ϯ0.04A (R)0.650Ϯ0.0200.852Ϯ0.02131 1.20Ϯ0.05L (140d)B (L)0.576Ϯ0.0290.809Ϯ0.01940 1.14Ϯ0.07B (R)0.571Ϯ0.0240.793Ϯ0.023390.96Ϯ0.06Z (120d)A (L)0.850Ϯ0.0160.933Ϯ0.021100.71Ϯ0.08A (R)0.775Ϯ0.0220.839Ϯ0.01780.56Ϯ0.09Z (60d)C (L)0.567Ϯ0.017——0.35Ϯ0.08C (R)0.538Ϯ0.019——0.31Ϯ0.081Data are for the left (L)and right (R)eyes of three subjects,A,B and C.2The presupplementation macular pigment OD is the mean ϮSD of seven consecutive measurements made by the subject before supplemen-tation,in absorbance units (AU).LUTEIN AND ZEAXANTHIN DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS 995by on June 29, 2009Downloaded fromDISCUSSIONThe primary aim of this study was to compare the effects of different L dosages as well as a high Z dosage on blood serum concentrations of these carotenoids and on MP density.The general trend observed in all 38subjects was an increase in serum L or Z concentration to a plateau followed by an approximately exponential decline once supplementation ceased,as exempli fied in Figure 1.In general,the higher L doses resulted in higher plateau concentrations than did the low L doses.Approximately 67%of the variance in serum L concentration could be attributed to a linear dependency on dose (Fig.5).This is a similar degree of correlation to that found earlier when we examined serum carotenoid concentra-tions as a function of dietary intake of L and Z in unsupple-mented individuals (26).Other researchers have found such correlations to be low (27).However,for each L dose in the present study,there was quite a wide spread in plateau con-centrations,with the highest concentration occurring in a subject taking the 20mg dose.A factor that has the potential to in fluence carotenoid uptake into the serum is co-consump-tion of fat.Because subjects ’diets in the present study were self-selected and not analyzed,we were unable to determine whether dietary fat was a signi ficant factor for absorption of L into the serum.The regression line in Figure 5does not include the two data points (open circles)for the (30mg/d)Z-supplemented subjects.The Z concentrations at the plateau were anoma-lously low compared with those achieved with the 30mg/d L supplements.For subject A,who participated in both experi-ments,the serum concentration of Z achieved in expt.2was only about one third of the serum concentration of L achieved in expt.1.It is unlikely that this re flects an ef ficiency of uptake of Z into the serum that was lower than that for L.The L/Z ratio in serum generally re flects the ratio found in the average diet (ϳ4:1).In addition,Neuringer et al.(28)studied mon-keys that were supplemented with either pure L or pure Z.They found that,although serum levels of L rose faster than those of Z,by ϳ16wk,both had stabilized at comparable concentrations of ϳ0.8ϫ10Ϫ6mol/L.An alternative expla-nation is that the lower bioavailability that we found for ZmayFIGURE 3Macular pigment (MP)optical density as a function of time for a subject who responded to lutein (L)supplementation at 20mg/d.The rates of increase in MP optical density are 0.44Ϯ0.08and 0.77Ϯ0.12mAU/d for the left and right eyes,respectively.FIGURE 4Macular pigment (MP)optical density as a function of time for a subject who did not respond to lutein (L)supplementation at 20mg/d.The rates of change in MP optical density are Ϫ0.18Ϯ0.12FIGURE 5Scatterplot showing the dependency on dose of the elevated plateau concentration of lutein (L)ϩzeaxanthin (Z)in the serum resulting from carotenoid supplementation.The regression line has a slope of (5.3Ϯ0.7)ϫ10Ϫ8(mol/L)/(mg/d).FIGURE 6Scatterplot showing the dependency of the rate of increase in macular pigment (MP)optical density on the elevated pla-teau concentration of lutein (L)ϩzeaxanthin (Z)in the serum resulting from carotenoid supplementation.Open squares, 2.4mg L;filled squares,5mg L;filled triangles,20mg L;open circles,30mg L;filled 5BONE ET AL.996 by on June 29, 2009Downloaded frombe the result of the formulation of the product.The L was esteri fied and prepared as an oleoresin that was easily solubi-lized in vegetable oil before consumption.The Z was crystal-line,unesteri fied and incorporated in gelatin/starch beadlets,and exhibited little or no tendency to dissolve in vegetable oil.The factors that in fluence the transport of L and Z into the serum are presumed to be different from those that in fluence their subsequent transfer from the serum into the retinal tissues.Our hypothesis that the concentration of L and Z in the serum would be a major factor for this latter transfer was supported by the data.Because of the different periods of supplementation (60d to 6mo),rates of increase in MP optical density,rather than absolute increases,were plotted as a function of the plateau concentration of combined L and Z in the serum (Fig.6).Approximately one third of the variance in the rate of increase in MP optical density could be attrib-uted to a linear dependency on the plateau concentration (Fig.6).Another factor that might be expected to affect the rate of increase in MP optical density is the presupplemention MP optical density.If the accumulation of L or Z in the macula eventually reaches a saturation level,we might expect a slower rate of increase of optical density in subjects whose density is already high.Conversely,a high density may be an indication that the subject readily absorbs L and Z into the retina.If that were the case,such subjects might be expected to respond with the higher rates of increase in MP optical density.However,analysis of the data indicated that presupplementation MP optical density was not a signi ficant factor in determining the rate of increase in MP optical density (r ϭ0.13,P ϭ0.21).The high rate of nonresponse of MP optical density among subjects who consumed the low L dosage (2.4mg/d)is not altogether unexpected.The dose is somewhat higher than the average daily intake for the U.S.population,but still less than half of the daily intake of those in the upper quintile reported by the EDCCSG (14).No subject characteristic (age or gen-der)distinguished the responders from the nonresponders,but this is not surprising,given that most of the subjects in this group were young (under 30y)and female.For this group,considered separately,the correlation between the rate of increase in MP optical density and the serum plateau concen-tration of L and Z was not signi ficant.Subject A ’s MP optical density began to level off at the same time that the serum concentration of Z returned to baseline,as indicated in Figure 2.The tendency for the post-supplementation optical density to remain elevated was pre-viously observed for both subjects A and B in the earlier L study (expt.1)(19),and was also reported by others (23).It reinforces the suggestion,made at the time,that there may be a very slow turnover of carotenoids in the retina.Carotenoids are generally unstable in the presence of heat,light and oxygen (29),but it is possible that they achieve a high level of stability when incorporated into the retinal tissues.If this is the case,continued high dosing with L or Z may not be necessary to maintain a high density of MP.Rather,a high dose could be employed initially to produce a timely increase in MP density;thereafter,a lower maintenance dose may be adequate to prevent any decrease from occurring.This state-ment is made with the realization that the bene ficial effects of high MP density are tentative.Although there is compelling evidence for an association between the presence of L and Z in the diet,serum and eyes of individuals,and reduced risk of AMD,the association has not been demonstrated to be causal (14,15,17).The concept of L and Z acting as markers for some underlying factor,which is itself responsible for the disease,30mg/d,and both subjects receiving 30mg/d of Z,responded to the supplement with signi ficant,but varied,increases in the serum concentration of that carotenoid.Many subjects also responded with increases in the density of their macular pig-ment.Subjects who did not respond tended to be those who consumed the lower dosages,which generally produced lower serum concentrations of carotenoids.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors thank Cognis-US Corporation,Chicago,IL;Applied Food Biotechnology,O ’Fallon,MO;Howard Foundation,Cam-bridge,UK;and Rehnborg Center for Nutrition and Wellness Nu-trilite Division of Amway,Buena Park,CA for lutein and zeaxanthin used in this study.LITERATURE CITED1.Bone,R.A.,Landrum,J.T.&Tarsis,S.L.(1985)Preliminary identi fi-cation of the human macular pigment.Vision Res.25:1531–1535.2.Snodderly,D.M.,Auran,J.D.&Delori,F.C.(1984)The macular pigment II.Spatial distribution in primate retinas.Invest.Ophthalmol.Vis.Sci.25:674–685.3.Bone,R.A.,Landrum,J.T.,Fernandez,L.&Tarsis,S.L.(1988)Anal-ysis of macular pigment by HPLC:retinal distribution and age study.Invest.Ophthalmol.Vis.Sci.29:843–849.4.Sommerburg,O.G.,Seims,W.G.,Hurst,J.S.,Lewis,J.W.&van Kuijk,F.J.G.M.(1999)Lutein and zeaxanthin are associated with photoreceptors in the human retina.Curr.Eye 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For better weight control, fiber up!想控制体重,多补充纤维吧!The latest trick to fighting obesity isn't a focus on eating less fat or sugar (although that would probably help): It's eating more fiber. And not just any kind of fiber. It should be the fermentable type. Microbes in the gut chow down on this type of fiber. As they break it down, they release a chemical that moves to the brain. There it curbs appetite.最新的减肥方法不是减少脂肪和糖分的摄入(尽管吃多吃这些也可能会让你变胖),而是多吃纤维。
Researchers at Imperial College London, in England, say their study is the first to link eating fiber to the brain hormones that help you feel full. They published their findings April 29 in Nature Communications.英国帝国理工学院研究者称他们是首例把食用纤维和大脑荷尔蒙联系起来解释食用者会有饱腹感。
健康饮食小常识 英译版
77*通讯作者从麦麸中提取水不溶性膳食纤维的研究赵梅,慕鸿雁*青岛农业大学 食品科学与工程学院(青岛 266109)摘要以麦麸为原料,采用化学法提取麦麸中水不溶性膳食纤维。
结果表明碱作用提取的最佳工艺条件为:碱的浓度为4%、处理温度为70 ℃、处理时间为75 min;酸作用的最佳工艺条件为:酸的浓度为2%、处理温度70 ℃、处理时间120 min。
提取得到的膳食纤维膨胀力、持水力分别为5.43 mL/g和8.62 g/g。
关键词麦麸;不溶性膳食纤维;提取Study on the Extraction Technique of Insoluble Dietary Fiber from Wheat BranZhao Mei, Mu Hong-yan *College of Food Science & Engineering, Qingdao Agriculture University (Qingdao 266109)Abstract Wheat bran was used as raw material. Water insoluble dietary fiber was extracted from wheat bran by chemical method. The optimum condition of extraction was obtained by single factors test and orthogonal test. The result showed that the optimum process condition by the method of alkali was as follows: the content of the concentration of the alkali was 4%; temperature was 70 ℃ and time was 75 min. The optimum process condition by the method of acid was as follows: the concentration of the acid was 2%; temperature was 70 ℃ and time was 120 min. Under the above conditions, the yield of insoluble dietary fi ber was up to 18.12%, swelling capacity was 5.43 mL/g and the water holding capacity was 8.62 g/g.Keywords wheat bran; insoluble dietary fiber; extraction 膳食纤维(dietary fiber, DF)是“不被人体所消化吸收的多糖类碳水化合物与木质素”的统称[1]。
结果表明:微波法的最佳工艺参数为粒度2、pH7.5、提取功率560W、提取时间60 S,该方法提取青稞膳食纤维节能、高效、便捷。
关键词:青稞:膳食纤维:β一葡聚糖StudyonMicrowaveExtractionof DietaryFiberinHull—lessBarleyBranW ANG RuO—lan,Y AO W ei.hua(Henan University of Technology,Zhengzhou 450052,China)Abstract:Study on the extraction of soluble dietary fiber in hull—less barley bran by microwave treatment.The extractiontechnology and the conditions of mi crowave treatm ent were studied.Resnim showed that when particle was 2,pH value 7.5 andmicrowave power 560W and extraction time 60 seconds.the contents of B·glucan extracted were maximum.This method hasused lesstimeand electrical po werand atthe sanletimebeen convenientan d efficient.Key words:hull—less barley:dietary fiber:β—glucan正文:自20世纪70年代Trowell提出膳食纤维(dietary fiber)的概念⋯以及了解了其所具有较强的生理功能以来,膳食纤维一直是营养学家、流行病学家以及食品科学家等关注的热点,现已成为发达国家广泛流行的保健食品。
梨渣可溶性膳食纤维的提取及抗氧化特性 - 副本
西北农业学报 2010,19(9):93298A cta A g riculturaeB oreali2occi dentalis S inica梨渣可溶性膳食纤维的提取及抗氧化特性唐孝青1,焦凌霞2,樊明涛1,张培培1(1.西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程学院,陕西杨凌 712100;2.河南科技学院食品学院,河南新乡 453003)摘 要:用NaO H对梨渣中可溶性膳食纤维进行提取,探讨提取时间、温度、液料比等对提取率的影响,优化提取工艺并测定可溶性膳食纤维的抗氧化能力。
结果表明,最佳提取工艺条件为NaO H质量浓度30.0mg/ mL,提取时间2.38h,液料比9.58∶1,温度89.63℃,膳食纤维的提取率为14.12%;梨渣膳食纤维对O2-・和DPP H・的最高清除率分别为41.32%和60.28%,具有较强的抗氧化作用。
关键词:梨渣;可溶性膳食纤维;碱法提取;抗氧化活性中图分类号:TS201.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100421389(2010)0920093206Extraction and Antioxidant Properties of SolubleDietary Fiber from Pear R esidueTAN G Xiaoqing1,J IAO Lingxia2,FAN Mingtao1and ZHAN G Peipei1(1.College of Food Science and Engineering,Nort hwest A&F University,Yangling Shaanxi 712100,China;2.College of Food Science,Henan Institute of Science and Technology,Xinxiang Henan 453003,China)Abstract:The ext raction of soluble dietary fiber(SDF)f rom pear residue by NaO H,t he paper investi2 gated t he effect s of ext raction time,temperat ure,and ratio of liquid to solid,it s antioxidant capacity was also determined.The optimum conditions for fiber ext raction were NaO H concent ration30.0mg/ mL,ext raction time2.38h,ratio of liquid to solid9.58∶1,and temperat ure89.63℃.Under t hese conditions,t he extraction rate was14.12%.SDF from pear residue have strong antioxidant activity, t he highest scavenging for O2-・and DPP H・f ree radical could be as high as41.32%and60.28%,re2 spectively.K ey w ords:Pear residue;Soluble dietary fiber;Alkalinity ext raction;Antioxidant activity 膳食纤维(Dietary Fiber,DF)在预防人体胃肠道疾病、维护胃肠道健康方面有一定的积极作用[122]。
工艺技术 Process Technology
95% 乙醇。
1.2 仪器与设备
电子分析天平,HHS 型电热恒温水浴锅,DHG-9140A 型电热恒温鼓风干燥箱,TD5A-WS 台式低速离心机, 酸度计,旋转蒸发仪,60 目筛。
2 实验方法
2.1 工艺流程
榅桲渣→干燥→粉碎过筛→加水浸泡→调节 pH 值→搅拌→恒温水解→冷却→离心分离→上清液→减 压浓缩→无水乙醇沉淀(4 倍体积的 95% 乙醇)→离 心分离→烘干→可溶性膳食纤维。
1.1 材料与试剂
统维药 [1-2]。本项目采用传统酸性提取法从榅桲渣中可
榅桲,2013 年 10 月采购与新疆温宿县;盐酸;
采用料液比 1 ∶ 30,以盐酸调整浸提液的 pH 值分 别为 1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5 和 3.0,于 70 ℃浸提 60 min,以 提取率为评价指标,考察不同 pH 值对榅桲渣可溶性膳
3.1.1 料液比对提取率的影响 料液比在 1 ∶ 10 ~ 1 ∶ 30 范围时,可溶性膳食
2.2 测定方法
食纤维提取率的影响。 2.3.3 提取温度对提取率的影响
采 用 料 液 比 1 ∶ 30、pH 2.0 的 浸 提 液, 分 别 于 60、70、80、90 ℃和 100 ℃条件下浸提 60 min,以提 取率为评价指标,考察提取温度对榅桲渣可溶性膳食 纤维提取率的影响。 2.3.4 提取时间对提取率的影响
大豆膳食纤维制备工艺流程English Answer:Soy Dietary Fiber Production Process Flow.Soy dietary fiber is a type of soluble fiber that is found in soybeans. It is a good source of fiber and can help to lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, and reduce the risk of some chronic diseases.Soy dietary fiber is made by removing the soluble carbohydrates from soybeans. This can be done by a variety of methods, including:Mechanical processing: This method involves grinding soybeans into a fine powder and then separating the fiber from the other components of the soybean.Chemical processing: This method involves using chemicals to dissolve the soluble carbohydrates fromsoybeans, leaving behind the fiber.Enzymatic processing: This method involves using enzymes to break down the soluble carbohydrates from soybeans, leaving behind the fiber.Once the fiber has been separated from the other components of the soybean, it can be dried and ground into a powder. This powder can then be used as a dietary supplement or added to foods to increase their fiber content.Soy Dietary Fiber Health Benefits.Soy dietary fiber has a number of health benefits, including:Lowers cholesterol levels: Soy dietary fiber can help to lower cholesterol levels by binding to cholesterol in the digestive tract and preventing it from being absorbed into the bloodstream.Improves digestion: Soy dietary fiber can help to improve digestion by adding bulk to the stool and helping to move it through the digestive tract more easily.Reduces the risk of some chronic diseases: Soy dietary fiber may help to reduce the risk of some chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.How to Add Soy Dietary Fiber to Your Diet.There are a number of ways to add soy dietary fiber to your diet, including:Taking a soy dietary fiber supplement: Soy dietary fiber supplements are available in capsule or powder form.Adding soy dietary fiber to foods: Soy dietary fiber can be added to foods such as oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, and baked goods.Soy Dietary Fiber Side Effects.Soy dietary fiber is generally safe to consume, but some people may experience side effects such as gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. These side effects canusually be reduced by starting with a low dose of soydietary fiber and gradually increasing the amount over time.中文回答:大豆膳食纤维制备工艺流程。
大豆中膳食纤维提取的工艺流程There are various methods for extracting dietary fiber from soybeans, and each method has its own process and benefits. 大豆提取膳食纤维的方法有很多种,每种方法都有自己的流程和好处。
Firstly, the process typically begins with the selection of high-quality soybeans, which are then cleaned and sorted to remove any impurities or foreign material. 首先,通常的流程是选择优质的大豆,然后将其清洗和分类,以去除任何杂质或异物。
The next step in the process involves milling the soybeans, which helps to break them down into smaller particles and increase the surface area for extraction. 在流程的下一步中,涉及到对大豆进行粉碎,这有助于将它们分解成更小的颗粒,并增加提取的表面积。
Once the soybeans are milled, they are typically subjected to a process known as enzymatic hydrolysis, which involves the use of enzymes to break down the soybeans further and release the dietary fiber. 大豆磨碎后,通常要进行一种称为酶解的过程,这种过程涉及使用酶来进一步分解大豆,并释放膳食纤维。
大豆膳食纤维粉的工艺流程英文回答:Soy Dietary Fiber Powder Production Process.Soy dietary fiber powder is a valuable food additive and functional food ingredient due to its numerous health benefits. It is commonly used in food products to enhance nutritional value, improve texture, and promote digestive health. The production process of soy dietary fiber powder involves several key steps to ensure high quality and purity.1. Soy Bean Selection and Cleaning:The first step is to select high-quality soybeans and clean them thoroughly to remove impurities such as dust, stones, and foreign objects. Soybeans are typically cleaned using a series of sieves and air separators.2. Dehulling and Splitting:To obtain the soybean hulls, the soybeans are dehulled by mechanical means. The hulls contain a high concentration of dietary fiber. The dehulled soybeans are then split into cotyledons, which are the primary source of soluble fiber.3. Fiber Extraction:The soluble fiber is extracted from the cotyledons using an aqueous extraction process. The cotyledons are soaked in water and then subjected to a grinding and filtration process to separate the fiber from other components.4. Purification and Drying:The extracted fiber is purified by removing any remaining impurities or soluble sugars. This can be achieved through various methods, such as ion exchange chromatography or precipitation. The purified fiber is then dried to remove excess moisture.5. Milling and Packaging:The dried fiber is milled into a fine powder to achieve the desired particle size. The powder is then packaged in airtight containers to maintain its quality and prevent spoilage.中文回答:大豆膳食纤维粉的工艺流程。
膳食纤维素生产工艺流程英文回答:Dietary fiber, also known as roughage, is an essential component of our diet. It is derived from plant-based foods and cannot be digested by the human body. Instead, it passes through the digestive system relatively intact, providing a range of health benefits.The production process of dietary fiber involves several steps. Firstly, the raw materials, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, are harvested and collected. These raw materials are then cleaned and sorted to remove any impurities.Next, the raw materials undergo a process calledmilling or grinding. This step involves breaking down the plant-based foods into smaller particles, which helps to increase the surface area and facilitate the extraction of fiber. The milled or ground materials are then subjected tovarious treatments to remove unwanted components like starch and protein.After the extraction process, the fiber-rich material is dried to reduce moisture content. This can be done through air drying, sun drying, or using specialized drying equipment. The dried material is then further processed to obtain the desired fiber characteristics, such as particle size and texture.Once the fiber is processed, it may undergo additional treatments to enhance its functionality. For example, some fibers may be treated with enzymes to increase their solubility and improve their ability to form gels. Others may be modified chemically to enhance their water-holding capacity or stability.Finally, the dietary fiber is packaged and prepared for distribution. It can be sold as a standalone product or incorporated into various food products, such as bread, cereals, and snacks. The packaging process ensures that the fiber remains fresh and retains its nutritional value.中文回答:膳食纤维素,也被称为粗纤维,是我们饮食中必不可少的成分。
膳食纤维饮料工艺流程英文回答:The process of producing dietary fiber beverages involves several steps. Firstly, the raw materials, such as fruits, vegetables, or grains, need to be selected and prepared. For example, if we are making a fiber drink from fruits, we would need to wash and peel the fruits before further processing.Next, the selected raw materials are processed to extract the fiber. This can be done through methods like juicing or blending. For instance, if we are using fruits, we can extract the juice by using a juicer or blend the fruits to obtain a smooth puree.Once the fiber is extracted, it needs to be filtered to remove any solid particles or impurities. This can be achieved by using a mesh or a fine sieve. The filteredfiber is then collected and transferred to the next stage.In the next step, the extracted and filtered fiber is mixed with other ingredients to enhance the taste and nutritional value of the beverage. This can include adding sweeteners, flavors, or additional nutrients. For example, honey or stevia can be added as sweeteners, and natural flavors like lemon or strawberry can be added for taste enhancement.After the ingredients are mixed, the beverage is pasteurized to ensure its safety and to extend its shelf life. Pasteurization involves heating the beverage to a specific temperature for a certain period of time to kill any harmful bacteria or microorganisms. This step iscrucial to maintain the quality and safety of the fiber drink.Finally, the pasteurized fiber beverage is packagedinto bottles, cans, or cartons for distribution and consumption. The packaging materials should be suitable for maintaining the freshness and quality of the beverage. Labels with nutritional information and branding can alsobe added to the packaging.中文回答:膳食纤维饮料的生产过程包括几个步骤。
膳食纤维英文作文Eating enough dietary fiber is important for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It can help prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements.Fiber can also help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It does this by slowing down the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream.In addition, a high-fiber diet can help lower cholesterol levels, which is beneficial for heart health.It does this by binding to cholesterol and removing it from the body.Fiber-rich foods also tend to be more filling, which can help with weight management. This is because they take longer to chew and digest, leading to a greater sense of fullness and satisfaction after meals.Furthermore, a diet high in fiber has been associatedwith a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer. This is thought to be due to the fact that fiber helps move waste through the digestive system more efficiently.In conclusion, it's clear that dietary fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It's important to include a variety of fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, to reap the many benefits that fiber has to offer.。
小麦麸膳食纤维制备工艺研究Study on the Technology of Extracting Dietary Fiber from Wheat Barn李庆龙王学东薛慧谷晶周先辉易生炎(武汉工业学院食品科学与工程学院武汉430023)摘要:从原料、提取方法及脱色角度探讨了小麦麸膳食纤维的制备条件。
ABSTACT Material, extracting technique and bleaching method was studied as the wheat barn dietary fiber preparation conditions. The results showed that the fresh wheat barn got higher extracting rate of dietary fiber than the stale wheat barn, higher consistency of compound amylase and sodium hydroxide resulted in lower extracting rate and higher purity of dietary fiber, enzyme method obtained higher extracting rate and lower purity of dietary fiber than alkali method, the bleaching effect of the mixture of hydrogen peroxide and chlorin was superior to that of individual use of hydrogen peroxide , chlorin, calcium hypochlorite and active carbon.KERWORDS wheat barn; dietary fiber; material ;extracting technique; bleaching effect21世纪是功能食品的时代,而膳食纤维是一种很重要的功能食品基料[1]。
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Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 48731877-7058 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2011.08.907Available online at vailable online at Procedia EngineeringProcedia Engineering 00 (2011) 000–000 /locate/procediaOpen access under CC BY -NC-ND license.4863Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 4873food fines,and a corresponding reduction in the proportion of dietary fiber intake, which leads to manyadult diseases related to diet, such as incidence of heart disease, diabetes, constipation, colon disorders, obesity and gallstones. According to the U.S. medical scientists, Dennis, Burkitt in the study found thatmany adults' diseases due to the inadequate intake of dietary fiber [1].Dietary fiber is not digested carbohydrates and lignin of polysaccharides can be divided into soluble dietary fiber(SDF)and insoluble dietary fiber(IDF).SDF are mainly storage and secretions of materialwithin the plant cells. In addition to including some microbial polysaccharides and synthetic polysaccharide ,mainly composed of some plastic substances and sugar, while the main component ofIDF are cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, original pectin and chitosan[2].Extract dietary fiber from different raw material are studied by us, not only have access to the different effects of dietary fiber, but also related to the production process to solve the waste produced, significantly increase the added value of agricultural products. At present, the raw material for the extraction of dietary fiber are more single(mainly okara and wheat bran)and most of the production areIDF which process is more mature, but the extraction process of SDF is relatively more complicated and higher cost[3].In this study, pods as raw material that waste of production, are not only to reduce waste and improvetheir utilization, but also to have high quality SDF and IDF, So we can get high-quality dietary fiber.2.Methods2.1.MaterialsAll trials were carried out using a single batch of pods obtained from Agricultural Sciences Academyof Hei Longjiang cultivated soybeans. Cellulase (activity 400U/mL, Japan company).Electronic balance,pH meter(pHS-25,Shanghai), muffle furnace(Tianjin), crude fiber analyzer(Shanghai), electric heatedwater bath, precision electric mixer, soxhlet extractor and blast oven heating temperature were used inthis experiments.ponents of pods(Dry matter)Dry matter was determined after drying at 105ºC for 24h.The main ingredient in pine kernel shows inTab.1.Table 1. Main components of podsIngredient Protein Dietary fiber Moisture MineralContent (%) 6.8 65.6 4.2 4.84864Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 48732.3.Procedures2.3.1 Remove the fatPods are cleaned, dried about 24 hours, smashed to ensure that the powder of pods can through the sieve of 40 meshes. Treatment with ether in order to remove fat, then cleaning again.2.3.2 Remove the protein and starchPutting the fat-free pods into the water to dissolve, then adding to papain and amylase respectively to react 30min at 45ºC to remove the protein and starch. Papain can decompose the macromolecules of polysaccharides. After that, using the cellulase to get the dietary fiber on different conditions.2.3.3 Separate SDF and IDFAfter the enzyme by cellulase, standing, cooling and filtering the solution.The filtrate was centrifuged at 5000r/min in order to separate the SDF from skim and IDF from the cream. SDF was extracted by 98% ethanol and IDF was extracted after cleaning the cream by acetone and ethanol.2.4 Statistical analysis2.4.1 Single factor experiments(1) The parameters of the effect of enzyme additive amount on SDF and IDF single-factor experiment are as follows: hydrolysis by cellulase temperature 50 ºC, hydrolysis by cellulase time 50min and pH 8. The selected enzyme additive amounts are 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.6%.(2) The parameters of the effect of temperature on SDF and IDF extraction single-factor experiment are as follows: enzyme additive amount 0.4%, hydrolysis by cellulase time 50min and pH 9. The chosen reaction temperatures are 40 ºC, 45 ºC, 50 ºC, 55 ºC and 60 ºC.(3) The parameters of the effect of time on SDF and IDF extraction single-factor experiment are as follows: hydrolysis by cellulase temperature 50 ºC, pH 9 and enzyme additive amount 0.4%. The chosen hydrolysis by cellulase times are50min, 70min, 90min, 110min, and 130min.(4) The parameters of the effect of pH on SDF and IDF extraction single-factor experiment are as follows: hydrolysis by cellulase temperature 50 ºC, hydrolysis by cellulase time 50min and enzyme additive amount 0.4%. The chosen pH is 6, 7, 8, 9 and Response surface method analysisThe range of level values of each factors were determined based on the single-factor experiments parameters. The response surface method was employed to analysis the effects of each factors on SDF and IDF extraction rate. Four factors (enzyme additive amount, hydrolysis by cellulase temperature, hydrolysis by cellulase time and pH) were selected as independent variable and total SDF and IDF rate was chosen as variable.3.Results and discussion3.1 The analysis of single factor experiment4865Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 48733.1.1 The effect of enzyme additive amount on SDF and IDF extraction rateFig.1 shows that the IDF extraction rate is increased with the increasing additive amount of enzyme,while the SDF extraction rate is increased with the increasing additive amount of enzyme (under0.3%) and decreased with the increasing additive amount of enzyme(beyond 0.3%). The IDF extractionrate reaches its highest point when the additive amount of enzyme is 0.5%, while SDF extraction rate reaches its highest point when the additive amount of enzyme is 0.3%. The reason of this trend is thatthe hydrolysis process is more adequate with the increasing of enzyme amount. The enzyme penetratesinto the liposome membrane movement and the decomposition function of enzyme to lipopolysaccharideand lipoprotein of great benefit to the oil release [4]. The optimum enzyme additive amount is 0.4%.Fig.1 Effects of enzyme dosage on SDF and IDF extraction rate3.1.2 The effect of hydrolysis temperature on oil extraction rateFig.2 indicates that the SDF and IDF extraction rate is increased with the increasing temperature (under 60 ºC) and decreased with the increasing temperature (beyond 60 ºC). The reason is that the suitable temperature of enzyme is below 60 ºC and the higher temperature inactivate enzyme (beyond 60ºC). The suitable temperature is 60 ºC.Fig.2 Effects of hydrolysis temperature on SDF and IDF extraction rate4866Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 48733.1.3 The effect of hydrolysis time on SDF and IDF extraction rateFig. 3 shows that the SDF extraction rate increase when the hydrolysis time under 70min and decreased with the increasing hydrolysis time (beyond 70min) while the IDF extraction rate increase when the hydrolysis time under 110min and decreased with the increasing hydrolysis time (beyond 110min) which illustrates that the interaction between enzyme and substrate is totally complete. Therefore, the suitable hydrolysis time is 90min.Fig.3 Effects of hydrolysis time on SDF and IDF extraction rate3.1.4 The effect of pH on SDF and IDF extraction rateFig.4 shows that the SDF and IDF extraction rate is gradually increased with the increase of pH. The highest SDF and IDF extraction rate is reached when the pH is 8, and then the rate fell along with the decrease of pH. The main reason of this phenomenon is that the suitable pH of cellulase is 9. The enzyme is at its highest activity at pH 9 and more SDF and IDF extracted [5]. The suitable pH is 8.Fig.4 Effects of pH value on SDF and IDF extraction rate4867Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 48733.2 Response surface analysisThe range of each factor’s level is determined based on the data of single factor experiment. The response surface analysis method is employed to design and optimize the parameters in the experiment.The independent variables are as follows: enzyme additive amount (x1), hydrolysis temperature (x2), hydrolysis time (x3) and pH (x4). The response value is SDF and IDF extraction rate. Tab.2 is the level coding and Tab.3 is the design and result of this experiment.Table.2 Encode table of factors and levelsEnzyme additive amountx1 (%) Hydrolysistemperaturex2 (ºC)Hydrolysistimex3 (h)pHx40.2 45 50 60.3 50 70 70.4 55 90. 80.5 60 110 90.6 63 130 10 Table.3 Design and results of response surface analysisRun pHx1 Hydrolysistimex2(min)Hydrolysistemperaturex3(ºC)Enzyme additiveamountx4 (%)Total SDFextraction ratey1(%)Total IDFextractionratey2(%)1690 55 0.6 6.18 61.21 210 50 55 0.4 6.46 63.38 38130 55 0.2 6.52 63.46 410 90 45 0.4 6.48 63.46 5890 55 0.4 6.63 65.53 6850 65 0.4 6.64 64.32 7890 55 0.4 6.66 65.59 8890 55 0.4 6.66 65.56 98130 55 0.6 6.48 65.3810 10 90 65 0.4 6.48 65.4611 890 65 0.2 6.64 63.9812 6130 55 0.4 6.18 61.264868Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 487313 890 45 0.2 6.46 64.0914 850 55 0.6 6.62 64.2115 890 45 0.6 6.56 64.6816 850 45 0.4 6.58 63.5617 690 45 0.4 6.20 60.8718 890 55 0.4 6.78 65.8719 690 55 0.2 6.23 60.2120 890 65 0.6 6.52 65.6821 850 55 0.2 6.62 63.8922 10 130 55 0.4 6.22 64.5623 690 65 0.4 6.22 61.2524 650 55 0.4 6.24 60.1225 890 55 0.4 6.76 65.6726 10 90 55 0.2 6.46 64.2127 10 90 55 0.6 6.42 64.4828 8130 65 0.4 6.45 65.4929 8130 45 0.4 6.45 64.21The response surface regression model Eq.2 is established by Design Expert.y1=6.70+0.11x1-0.072x2+0.018x3-0.013x4-0.045x1x2-0.005x1x3+0,0025x1x4-0.015x2x3-0.01x2x4-0.055x3x4-0.31x12-0.096x22-0.069x32-0.065x42y2=65.64+0.11x1+1.72x2+0.41x3+0.44x4+0.01x1x2+0.4x1x3-0.18x1x4+0.13x2x3+0.4x2x4+0.28x3x4-2.49x12-0.82x22-0.42x32-0.61x42 (1)Tab.4(SDF) and Tab.5(IDF) shows the results of regression and variance analysis.Tab.6(SDF) and Tab.7(IDF) is the results of response surface optimization and Fig.5(SDF) and Fig.6(IDF) is the response surface analysis of significant effective interaction items.From Tab.4(SDF), the linear relationship between dependent variable and independent variables is significant, the regression model is significant (p <0.001), lack of fit is insignificant, R2= 95.55% and R2Adj=91.09%, which indicate that the model fits well with the experimental data and the model can be used to analysis and predict the results of enzymatic extraction of pods. Factor contribution rate obtained from the F-test are as follows: x1> x2 > x3> x4 (pH > Hydrolysis time > Hydrolysis temperature> Enzyme additive amount).From Tab.5(IDF), the linear relationship between dependent variable and independent variables is significant, the regression model is significant (p <0.001), lack of fit is insignificant, R2= 98.91% and R2Adj=97.82%, which indicate that the model fits well with the experimental data and the model can be4869Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 4873used to analysis and predict the results of enzymatic extraction of pods. Factor contribution rate obtained from the F-test are as follows: x1> x4 > x3> x2 (pH >Enzyme additive amount> Hydrolysis temperature> Hydrolysis time).Table.4 Results of regression and variance analysis.Various Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square F Pr>F x 110.13 0.13 47.71 0.0001 x 210.062 0.062 21.88 0.0004 x 310.004033 0.004033 1.43 0.2513 x 410.001875 0.001875 0.67 0.4283 x 1210.61 0.61 217.49 0.0001 x 1×x 210.0081 0.0081 2.88 0.1121 x 1×x 310.0001 0.0001 0.035 0.8533 x 1×x 410.000025 0.000025 0.008875 0.9263 x 2210.060 0.060 21.26 0.0004 x 2×x 310.0009 0.0009 0.32 0.5809 x 2×x 410.0004 0.0004 0.14 0.7120 x 3210.031 0.031 10.83 0.0054 x 3×x 410.012 0.012 4.30 0.0572 x 4210.027 0.027 9.680.0077Regression 14 0.039 0.002817 Residual 40.018 0.00452 Lack of fit 10 0.021 0.0021360.47 0.8466Sum280.89Table.5 (IDF) Results of regression and variance analysis.Various Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square F Pr>F x 1135.47 35.47 527.09 0.0001 x 211.981.9829.490.00014870 Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 4873Tab.6 (SDF) shows the optimum parameters obtained from response surface analysis. The optimum parameters are as follows: enzyme additive amount 0.33%, hydrolysis time 75min, hydrolysis temperature 60 ºC, pH 8.4 and total SDF extraction rate 6.7272±0.143.x 31 2.35 2.35 34.92 0.0001 x 41 2.80 2.80 41.66 0.0001 x 12140.19 40.19 597.24 0.0001 x 1×x 210.0004 0.0004 0.005945 0.9396 x 1×x 310.66 0.66 9.75 0.0075 x 1×x 410.13 0.13 1.98 0.1812 x 221 4.34 4.34 64.48 0.0001 x 2×x 310.068 0.068 1.00 0.3332 x 2×x 410.64 0.64 9.51 0.0081 x 321 1.13 1.13 16.73 0.0001 x 3×x 410.31 0.31 4.58 0.0505 x 421 2.44 2.44 36.200.0011Regression 14 0.94 0.067 Residual 40.075 0.019 Lack of fit 10 0.87 0.0874.64 0.0761Sum2886.50Table.6 Optimum results of response surfaceFactor Actual value Order Total oil extraction rate x1 8.40 8 6.7272±0.143x2 72.83 75 x3 57.37 60 x40.330.35Tab.7 (IDF) shows the optimum parameters obtained from response surface analysis. The optimum parameters are as follows: enzyme additive amount 0.55%, hydrolysis time 110min, hydrolysis temperature 65 ºC, pH 8.8 and total IDF extraction rate 66.5088±0.214.Table.7 (IDF) Optimum results of response surfaceFactorActual valueOrderTotal oil extraction rate4871Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 4873x1 8.8 966.5088±0.214x2 110.38 110 x3 65 65 x40.550.55Fig.5 Response surface analysis of significant effective interaction items of different hydrolysis parameters on extraction rate of pods of SDFFig.6 Response surface analysis of significant effective interaction items of different hydrolysis parameters on extraction rate of pods of IDF4872Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 48733.3 Verification experimentThree parallel experiments were taken under the best conditions: enzyme additive amount 0.33%, hydrolysis time 75min, hydrolysis temperature 60 ºC and pH 8.4. The SDF average result of the three parallel experiments is 6.72% which indicates that the response value fits well with the regression predict value and the model can predict the actual condition of pods extraction. And enzyme additive amount 0.55%, hydrolysis time 110min, hydrolysis temperature 65 ºC, pH 8.8. The IDF average result of the three parallel experiments is 66.52% which indicates that the response value fits well with the regression predict value and the model can predict the actual condition of pods extraction.3.4UV absorption spectra of SDFFig7 is the UV absorption spectra of SDF .It can be seen from the figure there is no characteristic absorption peak at 280nm can be judged not by the mixed protein samples extracted from other impurities.Fig 7 UV absorption spectra of SDF4. ConclusionIn this paper, SDF and IDF fiber enzyme extraction rate obtained in the 0.33% enzyme dosage, reaction time was 72.83min, hydrolysis temperature is 57.37 ºC, pH 8.4, we can get the maximum amount of soluble dietary fiber 6.72 %; at 0.55% enzyme dosage, reaction time for the 110.38min, hydrolysis temperature is 65 ºC, pH 8.8, we can get the maximum amount of non water-soluble dietary fiber 66.51%.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the Heilongjiang Science and Technology Agency (research grant number: GA09B401-6), National Institute of Soybean Engineering Technology and Northeast4873Baokun Qi et al. / Procedia Engineering 15 (2011) 4862 – 4873Agricultural University for funding this work. We would also like to thank other students for their assistance.References[1] Chen Xia, Yang Hong long, Bean dregs of the comprehensive development and utilization .. Food Research and Development, 1996 (9) :43-44[2] Zheng cents. low-energy diet [M]. 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