显性电平隐性电平总线支持的最大节点数目由上表可以看出,常用的两款CAN驱动芯片 支持的总线节点数目都可以满足整车CAN节点需 求,这不是问题。
总线长度的思考影响总线长度的主要因素:(1)CAN总线通信的应答机制,即成功接收到一帧报文的节点必须在 应答场的”应答间隙“期间发送一位“显性位”表示成功接收到一帧数据如:通信速率为250Kbit/s,传送一个bit所需时间为:1/250×1000 = 4μ那么,该信号在总线上的延时时间必须小于(2μ?)才能保证发送节点成 功的在应答间隙期间接收到该“显性电平”。
任何一根导线都可以简化为左图所示 的电路模型,可以看到,其中既有电感又 有电容,因此,电流在其中传输并不是光 速,而是需要一定的时间。
对于双绞线而言,信号在其中的传播 延时时间约为,5ns/m(典型值)。
当通 信速率达到1Mbit/s时,40m的总线长度, 延时时间就达到200ns,而允许延时时间 为600ns左右,还是不能不考虑的!注意后面同步的概念总线长度的思考由上面的分析可知: 总线通信速率越高,通信距离越短,对物理传输线的要求就越高,在双绞线、屏蔽线还是其他的传输线选择上,通信速率是一个很关键的参数。
影响总线长度的其他因素: (1)信号在节点ECU内部的延时时间 (2)振荡器的容差(各个节点ECU内部晶振频率的差别) 这些因素加起来就形成了CAN总线通信中总的信号延时。
CAN总线的硬件抗干扰(1)共模电感作用:共模电压有较大的感 抗,差模电压感抗为零,相当于电感滤波。
CAN总线的硬件抗干扰(2)1 终端电阻终端电 阻120欧姆 并非固定不 变,这跟使 用的导线有 关!ISO11898的推荐值何为CAN控制器?CAN控制器主要实现了两部分的功能,1:数据链路层 的全部功能;2:物理层的位定时功能也就是BOSCH CAN 2.0A/B中规定的部分总线长度的限制——位定时、同步CAN总线控制器按照时间片的概念将每一个bit的时间划分成了n个时间片。
• 驱动系统CAN主要连接对象是发动机控制器 (ECU)、ABS控制器、安全气囊控制器、 组合仪表等等,它们的基本特征相同,都是 控制与汽车行驶直接相关的系统。
例如某车门-后视镜、摇窗机、门锁控制等的传统布线需要20-30 根,应用总线 CAN 则
只需要 2 根。(3)关联控制在一定事故下,需要对各ECU进行关联控制,而这是传统
汽车控制方法难以完成的表1 汽车部分电控单元数据发送、接受情况
• (5)直接通信距离最远可达10km(速率5Kbps以下)。
• (6)通信速率最高可达1MB/s(此时距离最长40m)。
• (7)节点数实际可达110个。
• (8)采用短帧结构,每一帧的有效字节数为8个。
• (9)每帧信息都有CRC校验及其他检错措施,数据出错 率极低。
• (10)通信介质可采用双绞线,同轴电缆和光导纤维,一 般采用廉价的双绞线即可,无特殊要求。
可靠性高:传输故障(不论是由内部还是外部引起 的)应能准确识别出来 使用方便:如果某一控制单元出现故障,其余系统 应尽可能保持原有功能,以便进行信息交换 数据密度大:所有控制单元在任一瞬时的信息状态 均相同,这样就使得两控制单元之间不会有数据偏 差。如果系统的某一处有故障,那么总线上所有连 接的元件都会得到通知。 数据传输快:连成网络的各元件之间的数据交换速 率必须很快,这样才能满足实时要求。
• (2)网络上的节点(信息)可分成不同的优先级,可以满 足不同的实时要求。
本文将对汽车CAN 总线技术的工作原理、特点及优点,CAN总线在汽车制造中的应用及发展趋势做了简单介绍,具体的跟随小编一起来了解一下。
为此德国BOSCH 公司(和inter 公司共同)开发了一种设计先进的解决方案-CAN 数据总线,提供一种特殊的局域网来为汽车的控制器之间进行数据交换。
CAN 是ControllerAreaNetwork 的缩写,称为控制单元的局域网,它是车用控制单元传输信息的一种传送形式。
CAN总线技术简介CAN总线又称作汽车总线,全称为“控制器局域网(Controller Area Network)”,意思是区域网络控制器,它将各个单一的控制单元以某种形式(多为星形)连接起来,形成一个完整的系统。
CAN 总线正是为满足这些要求而设计的。
现场总线技术3-4 CAN总线 现场总线技术及其应用 教学课件
Physical Layer Signal Sublayer 物理层信号实现与位表示、位定时和同步相关
标称位速率(Nominal Bit Rate):理想发送器在没有 重同步的情况下,发送的位数/秒
CAN采用非破坏性逐位仲裁技术,优先级发送,可以 大大节省总线冲突仲裁时间,在重负荷下表现出良好 的性能;CAN可以点对点、一点对多点(成组)及全 局广播等几种方式传送和接收数据。
CAN的直接通信距离最远可达10 km(传输速率为5 Kbit/s);最高通信速率可达1 Mbit/s(传输距离为 40m)。
Physical Medium Attachment Sublayer 功能:实现总线发送/接收的功能电路,并可提供总线
故障检测方法 CAN技术规范2.0B中没有定义该层的驱动器/控制器特
性,以便在具体应用中进行优化设计。 由物理媒体连接(PMA)和媒体从属接口(Physical
3.4.1 CAN总线概述
CAN是一种有效支持分布式控制和实时控制的串行通 信网络。
CAN协议遵循ISO/OSI模型,采用了其中的物理层、 数据链路层与应用层。
CAN可以多主方式工作,本质上也是一种CSMA/CD 方式,网络上任意一个节点均可以在任意时刻主动地 向网络上的其它节点发送信息,而不分主从,节点之 间有优先级之分,因而通信方式灵活;
BasicCAN 模式里的验收滤波
• SJA1000 在这个模式,滤波器是由两个8 位
寄存器--验收码寄存器(ACR )和验收屏蔽 寄存器(AMR )控制。CAN 报文标识符的 高8 位和这些寄存器里值相比较, 因此可 以定义若干组的标识符为被任何一个节点 接收
在验收屏蔽寄存器里是“1 ”的位置上,标识符相应的位可以 是任何值,这对于三个最低位也一样。因此在这个例子里可 以接收64 个不同的标识符,标识符其他的位必须等于验收 代码寄存器相应位的值。
• CAN,全称为“Controller Area Network”,即控制器局域
网,是国际上应用最广泛的现场总线之一。最初,CAN被 设计作为汽车环境中的微控制器通讯,在车载各电子控制 装置ECU之间交换信息,形成汽车电子控制网络。比如: 发动机管理系统、变速箱控制器、仪表装备、电子主干系 统中,均嵌入CAN控制装置。CAN是一种多主方式的串行 通讯总线,基本设计规范要求有高的位速率,高抗电磁干 扰性,而且能够检测出产生的任何错误。当信号传输距离 达到10Km时,CAN 仍可提供高达50Kbit/s的数据传输速 率。 由于CAN总线具有很高的实时性能,因此,CAN已经 在汽车工业、航空工业、工业控制、安全防护等领域中得 到了广泛的应用。
PeliCAN 模式里的验收滤波
• PeliCAN 模式的验收滤波已被扩展4 个8 位的验收码寄存
器(ACR0 、ACR1、 ACR2 和ACR3 )和验收屏蔽寄存器 (AMR0、 AMR1 、AMR2 和AMR3 )可以用多种方法滤 波报文。这些寄存器可用于控制一个长的滤波器或两个短 的滤波器。报文的哪些位用于验收滤波取决于收到的(帧 标准帧或扩展帧)和选择的滤波器模式(单滤波器或双滤 波器)。标准帧的验收滤波可以包括RTR 位甚至数据字节。 对于不需要经过验收滤波的报文位(例如报文组被定义为 接受),验收屏蔽寄存器必须相应的位位置上置1。如果 报文不包括数据字节(例如是一个远程帧或者数据长度码 为零),但是验收滤波包括数据字节,则如果标识符直到 RTR 位都有效的话报文会被接收。
二进位 十六进位
十进位 二进位 十六进位
16 10000
17 10001
18 10010
19 10011
十进位 20
二进 十六进位l
(1)可以多主方式工作,网络上任意一个节点均可以在任意时刻 主动地向网络上的其他节点发送信息,而不分主从,通信方式灵活。
(2)网络上的节点(信息)可分成不同的优先级,可以满足不同的 实时要求。
(3)采用非破坏性位仲裁总线结构机制,当两个节点同时向网络 上传送信息时,优先级低的节点主动停止数据发送,而优先级高的 节点可不受影响地继续传输数据。
1996年 用于奥迪 A8 D2自动变速器 3.7升 V8 01V AG5的汽车。 1997年 用于帕萨特 B5 AG。 1998年 用于宝来、高尔夫 A4 AG。
VAN Bus 用于标志、雷诺、雪铁龙等,菲利普公司产品。 J1850-HBCC 用于福特,莫托罗拉公司产品。 J1850-DLC 用于通用,莫托罗拉公司产品。
21 10101
22 10110
23 10111
Industrial Automation using the CAN Bus PlatformWhite PaperMay 2, 2003tiCopyright © 2003, Texas Instrument IncorporatedContents Introduction (3)CAN Bus Overview (3)System Design (4)System Requirements Overview (4)Communication across the Bus (6)3.3V and 5V Interoperability (7)Features to Assist Demonstration and Evaluation (7)Bus Loading and Corruption (8)Bus Loading (8)Bus Corruption (9)Performance Measurements (10)Product Support (12)Conclusions (16)References (17)IntroductionThis white paper describes the design of a demonstration system that shows the operation of several subsystems emulating automotive and industrial applications across the CAN bus. The platform shows these subsystems operation as the bus loading is varied, demonstrating the robustness of the multi-master CAN bus. The platform highlights:•Interoperability of 5V and 3.3V CAN bus transceivers•Multi-master operation of the CAN bus•Bus arbitration operation•Performance with injected error conditions.This paper describes the features and design of the platform that allow these items to be highlighted.CAN Bus OverviewThe Controller Area Network (CAN) bus is a multi-master message broadcast system that is suitable for systems where data contained in short messages are needed to be received at multiple locations simultaneously. Because messages are sent to all the nodes in a system, CAN is especially suited to systems where consistency in the received messages at all the receiving nodes is needed. Provisions are included in the protocol to reject messages if any destination node detects an error. In this case, all nodes are notified of the rejection, ensuring the data consistency across the network.Messages are sent to all nodes, but their “message identifiers” indicate whether each node should act on the message. However, all nodes participate in indicating whether the message was sent correctly, increasing the reliability of the bus.Reference 1 describes the CAN bus and protocol in detail.System DesignSystem Requirements OverviewThe demonstration platform was meant to show how several subsystems, chosen to resemble typical industrial or automotive subsystems, could be controlled via a CAN bus. The subsystems were spread across three electronics boards.Since many DSPs and microprocessors are migrating to 3.3V operation, we wanted to incorporate TI’s 3.3V CAN transceivers into the platform, showing how they interoperate with standard 5V CAN transceivers. Because of this, this platform includes both 3.3V and 5V CAN transceivers.There are many processors that include integrated CAN controllers. For this demonstration, we have chosen three processors that span the low-end control (TMS320LF2406A), high-end control (TMS320F2810), and general microprocessor (TMS470R1VF338 – an ARM7 processor) markets.Figure 1. CAN Platform BoardsWe also wanted to show the bus arbitration behavior of the bus (that is, how it reacts when more than one node needs to transmit to the bus at a time), leading us to add traffic generators to stress the bus.These subsystems were included in the demonstration.•Fan/temperature control.This system was meant to model an industrial control application, where thetemperature set point would be communicated to a temperature control system thatwould use a fan to control to a target temperature. This might emulate, say, an HVAC system or, in general, any subsystem where the control would happen locally at a node based on a commanded set-point from another node on the CAN bus.•Motor controlThis system is meant to emulate the popular industrial application of motor control.Here the motor speed and/or position is commanded from a remote node on the CANbus while the actual motor control is performed locally at one of the nodes.•CAN bus corrupterThis subsystem allows various impairments to be injected onto the CAN bus to showhow the bus detects errors and also how the bus can recover from the errors with nofailures as the errors are removed.•Bus loading factor controlThis subsystem generates additional CAN bus traffic. There are two traffic generators.The first is additional traffic with rate determined by the speed of the motor. Thesecond is a traffic generator that is purely micro-controller based. The intent is to load the bus with additional traffic that would cause bus arbitration to occur and show therobustness of the CAN bus to heavy bus loading. Under heavy bus loading, lowerpriority packets are delayed as higher priority packets use the bus. We have configured the platform to give an audible indication when a low priority packet has been delayed. Figure 2 shows the various sub-systems and how they’re distributed across the three nodes.Communication across the BusCommunication between the processors along the CAN bus is handled by specialized CAN controllers included as part of each of the processor devices. These controllers support version 2.0B of the CAN protocol. While the hardware is similar between the three processors, there are differences between the controllers available, summarized in Table 1.Processor Type(s) of CAN controller(s) Number of mailboxesTMS320F2810 eCAN 32TMS320LF2406A SCC 6TMS470R1VF338 SCC/HECC 16(SCC)/32(HECC) Notes. SCC=standard CAN controller; HECC=high-end CAN controller; eCAN=enhanced CAN controllerMessages are passed from processor to processor through “mailboxes.” These mailboxes are configured to either receive or transmit messages containing certain message identifiers. When a message is sent, each processor’s controller participates in validating that the message has been sent correctly. Then, if the message identifier matches a mailbox’s message identifier, the message is stored for processing. If there is no match, the message is discarded. Specific message identifiers and mailbox assignments are detailed in the “Industrial Automation using CAN Bus Software Architecture” manual. Detailed information on theimplementation of the CAN controller software on the C24x and C28x platforms can be found in References 4 and 5.3.3V and 5V InteroperabilityThe CAN physical layer described in ISO 11898 is fundamentally a 5-volt system (Reference 2) that biases the signal lines to 2.5V. It would seem natural to use a 5-volt part for a CAN transceiver, and this is what has traditionally been done.Most electronics systems, though, are migrating to 3.3V or lower operation. An ideal CAN transceiver would allow operation using a 3.3V power supply. TI has a family of CAN transceivers (SN65HVD23x) that allow operation on a traditional 5-volt CAN bus that themselves run on 3.3V. Reference 3 describes testing that was done showing the compatibility of the SN65HVD230 with a standard 5V CAN bus.This platform uses a mix of 5-volt and 3.3-volt CAN transceivers to show the interoperability of these two types of devices.Features to Assist Demonstration and EvaluationSome features that have been added to the demonstration platform to assist in the evaluation of the CAN bus function. These features are described here.The F2810 contains an SCI interface that can be easily tied to a PC’s UART through a level translator (e.g., the SN75LV4737A). A command interface has been developed that allows the bus operation to be monitored and controlled from a program on the host PC. Using this program, control messages to other nodes can be sent, and the status of the CAN bus can be monitored.Several LED’s have been placed on the board to indicate when the CAN bus is active, when commands are being received from the PC, and so forth. These LED’s are described in the “Industrial Automation using CAN Bus Platform Getting Started Guide.”Bus Loading and CorruptionThis section of the paper describes the circuitry used to load the bus with traffic and the circuitry used to inject error conditions onto the bus.Bus LoadingThere are two mechanisms available to load the CAN bus with traffic. The first mechanism is a “flood packet” generator on the sensor node. The rate of packets flooding the bus is controlled through a pull-down menu item on the GUI interface on the laptop/PC. The appropriate flood rate depends on the bus data rate (1 Mbps, 500 kbps, 250 kbps, 125 kbps), selected by the DIP switches as described in the “Industrial Automation using CAN Bus Platform Getting Started Guide.” The following table shows the theoretical maximum packet loading on the bus for each data rate as well as a recommended rate available on the GUI that loads the bus near its maximum capacity. The message length in bits is given by the formula: STUFF IFS EOF ACK CRC MSGLENGTH CTRL RTR MSGID SOF L +++++•++++=)8(where:• SOF is the start of frame length, 1 bit • MSGID is the message identifier length, 11 bits • RTR is the remote transmission request bit length, 1 bit • CTRL is the control field length, 6 bits, that includes the IDE (identifier extension bit), r0 (reserved bit), and DLC (data length) fields.• MSGLENGTH is the length of the message in bytes. Most of our messages are 6 bytes long, with one that is 8 bytes long. The calculations assume 6 bytes. • CRC is the length of the cyclic redundancy code, 16 bits • ACK is the length of the acknowledge bits (2 of these) • EOF is the end of frame indicator length, 7 bits • IFS is the minimum bus inter-frame space time between messages, 7 bits • STUFF is the additional time in the message due to stuff bits. Transitions are forced on the bus after long strings of zeroes, and assuming the maximum number of stuff bits in the message and message identifier, (11+48)/5 bits.Baud Rate (Mbps) Data Field Length (Bytes) Message Length (bits) Message Time (µs) Maximum messages per secondRecommended Rate on GUI1 6 111 110 9090 7000 0.5 6 111 220 4545 3500 0.25 6 111 440 2272 1500 0.125 6 111 880 1136 500The second mechanism can be used to push the bus loading over capacity. The rate that the motor spins determines the rate at which motor speed packets are loaded onto the bus. As themotor speed is increased from zero, the bus becomes more heavily loaded. At some point, the low priority packets from the “flood packet” generator on the sensor node and the motor packets from the motor node are delayed to allow higher priority traffic onto the bus. The system monitor node checks for delayed messages and indicates a delayed message by clicking the speaker. So, a speaker click indicates that the bus arbitration is working, causing lower priority flood and motor position packets to be deferred in favor of higher priority packets. Bus CorruptionThe capability to inject error conditions on the bus is incorporated on the system monitor node, under control of the GUI interface. The bus corrupter is able to perform the following actions to the bus:•Open the CAN_high line between the bus connectors and the CAN transceiver on the system monitor board•Open the CAN_low line between the bus connectors and the CAN transceiver on the system monitor board•Short the CAN_high line to 5V•Short the CAN_low line to 5V•Short the CAN_high line to ground•Short the CAN_low line to ground•Short the CAN_high and CAN_low lines together•Remove termination between the CAN lines•Install excessive termination between the CAN linesAnother error that can be created is:•Unpower a CAN node (by unplugging one of the boards from power)For most of these errors, the bus will cease to function (see the Performance Measurement section below). Some of these error conditions cause the bus error rate to be degraded. The effect of the error condition can be viewed using the statistics available on the GUI interface. The requirement is that the CAN transceivers withstand these error conditions and return to the same error rate performance when the fault is removed. The data in the next section shows that TI’s CAN transceivers meet this requirement.Performance MeasurementsThis section provides a summary of the performance evaluation of the platform. Performance was measured by observing how communications between nodes was effected in each bus corruption mode for two different cable lengths. To test the effect of powered down node on the bus, the Motor Node was turned off. These tests were repeated for different baud rates on the CAN bus. Finally, a Philips PCA82C251 replaced the TI SN65HVD251 5V CAN transceiver and the tests run again. In no case did the TI CAN transceivers get damaged or show degraded performance after the corruption mode was removed. Also, TI’s CAN transceivers performed equivalent to the Philips PCA82C251 CAN transceiver. The following tables show the results of those tests.40 Meter CableMessaging(TI SN65HVD251)Baud Rate Corruption Mode SM to SN SM to MN SN to MNNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send not rcvd can send & rcvd can rcvd not sendCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 1MbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send not rcvd can send not rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 500kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send not rcvd can send struggles to rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 250kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 125kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvd6 Meter CableMessaging (TI SN65HVD251)Baud Rate Corruption Mode SM to SN SM to MN SN to MNNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 1MbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send not rcvd can send not rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 500kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 250kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 125kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvd40 Meter CableMessaging (Philips PCA82C251)Baud Rate Corruption Mode SM to SN SM to MN SN to MNNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send not rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 1MbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send not rcvd can send not rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send not rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 500kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send struggles to rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 250kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 125kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvd6 Meter CableMessaging (Phillips PCA82C251)Baud Rate Corruption Mode SM to SN SM to MN SN to MNNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 1MbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 500kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 250kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdNo termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdExtra termination can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to Vcc can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanL to Vcc no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH to Gnd no messaging no messaging no messaging 125kbpsCanL to Gnd can send & rcvd can send & rcvd can send & rcvdCanH to CanH no messaging no messaging no messagingCanH open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdCanL open no messaging no messaging can send & rcvdProduct SupportSupport for the individual components in this design is provided through the product support structure of TI. Here are some sources for additional information that may be of interest. Technical support contact information may be found at/corp/technical_support.htm, including telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for additional information on TI products. This page also has links to the DSP and analog knowledge bases.There are also DSP discussion groups that may be helpful. See/docs/catalog/general/general.jhtml?templateId=5121&path=templateda ta/cm/vilorphan/data/vil_discgroups.ConclusionsThis platform demonstrates these four key attributes of the CAN bus and CAN bus electronics available from TI.•Interoperability of 5V and 3.3V CAN bus transceivers.By using a mix of 5V and 3.3V CAN bus transceivers, the interoperability in a standard 5V CAN bus system is shown.•Multi-master operation of the CAN busMessages are sourced from each of the three nodes and passed to any one of the tworemaining nodes. No one node dominates the bus. Instead, bus operation isdetermined by the priority of the messages.•Bus arbitration operationBy loading the bus heavily with low priority packets, it is possible for higher prioritypackets to interfere with the timely delivery of the low priority packets. This platform shows this through an audio indication when a low priority packet is delayed due tohigher priority traffic. This demonstrates that the bus arbitration works correctly,granting the bus to the higher priority packets.•Performance with injected error conditions.The bus corrupter allows various error conditions to be injected onto the bus. In most cases, the bus was unable to operate with the injected error conditions. Most important is that the bus was able to recover from the injected error conditions when they wereremoved, and the bus operation was restored to its previous condition.References1.Texas Instruments, “Introduction to the Controller Area Network (CAN),” ApplicationReport SLOA101, August 2002.2. D. Marsh, “CANBus Networks Break into Mainstream Use,” EDN, Aug. 22, 2002, pp.53-60.3.Texas Instruments, “A System Evaluation of CAN Transceivers,” Application ReportSLLA109, March 2002.4.Texas Instruments, “Programming Examples for the 24x/240xA CAN,” ApplicationReport SPRA890, January 2003.5.Texas Instruments, “Programming Examples for the TMS320F281x ECAN,”Application Report SPRA876, January 2003.IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2004, Texas Instruments Incorporated。
CAN 总线技术白皮书目录1. 概述 (1)1.1 技术优点 (1)2. CAN 总线介绍 (2)2.1 CAN 总线协议 (2)2.2 CAN 总线物理特性 (3)2.3 CAN 总线帧格式及帧类型 (4)2.3.1 CAN 总线帧格式 (4)2.3.2 CAN 总线帧类型 (4)2.4 相关术语 (7)2.4.1 CAN 总线仲裁机制 (7)2.4.2 DLC (8)2.4.3 帧间空间 (8)2.4.4 位定时 (9)2.4.5 同步 (10)2.4.6 CAN 总线错误 (11)3.参考文献 (14)1. 概述CAN 是Control er Area Network(控制器局域网络)的简称,最初是由德国Bosch 公司设计的,应用于汽车的监测和控制。
CAN 总线作为一种技术先进、可靠性高、功能完善、成本合理的远程网络通讯控制方式,逐步被广泛应用到各种控制领域。
1991 年9 月,Philips 制定并发布CAN 技术规范:CAN 2.0A 和CAN2.0B。
1993 年11 月,ISO 组织正式颁布CAN 国际标准ISO11898。
CAN 总线是唯一成为国际标准的现场总线。
1.1技术优点多主结构依据优先权进行总线访问;非破坏性的基于优先权的逐位仲裁,对于优先级最高的节点来说“发送时间”就是无损的;借助验收滤波器的多地址帧传递;远程数据请求;全系统数据相容性;错误检测和出错信令;很远的数据传输距离(长达10KM);高速的数据传输速率(高达1Mbps);高度实时性:每帧报文允许传输最高8 个字节的数据;发送期间丢失仲裁或出错而遭到破坏的帧可自动重发;暂时错误和永久性故障节点的判别以及故障节点的自动脱离;脱离总线的节点不影响总线的正常工作2. CAN总线介绍标准报文格式标准报文格式和扩展报文格式①定义数据链路层协议在周围各层中所发挥的作用2.2 CAN总线物理特性(1)CAN 总线电平信号图 1 CAN 总线电平信号CAN 总线上是差分信号,一个差分信号是用一个数值来表示两个物理量之间的差异:逻辑0—显性—CAN_H 对应是 3.5V,CAN_L 对应是 1.5V逻辑1—隐性—CAN_H 对应是 2.5V,CAN_L 对应是 2.5V正常情况下:CAN_H 标准电压:隐性为2.6V 左右;显性为3.8V 左右CAN_L 标准电压:隐性为2.4V 左右;显性为1.2V 左右(2)CAN 总线信号编码方式图 2 CAN 总线编码CAN 总线采用NRZ(单极性不归零码)编码,相比曼彻斯特码具有更好的EMC 性能。
ADAS⾼级驾驶辅助系统ACC检测CANBUS线束⽩⽪书EST560-mini6ADAS(⾼级驾驶辅助系统)ACC检测CANBUS线束⽩⽪书ADAS(Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)ACC detectionharness CANBUS White PaperRev.1.0—14March2016Product data sheet 1.ADAS(⾼级驾驶辅助系统)⾏业背景ADAS(Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)industry background汽车防撞预警系统(ADAS),当驾驶员精⼒分散、疲劳驾驶,汽车出现⽆意识的偏道或存在追尾可能时,给予驾驶员主动预警。
Automotive Collision Warning System(ADAS),when the driver distractions,fatigue driving,the car appeared unconscious bias exists or rear-end road when possible,take the initiative to give the driver a warning.1:to remind the driver of the current driving lane when the vehicle deviates from the lane can be a timely reminder to correct direction.2:always remind drivers to keep the vehicle and the vehicle in front safe distance between vehicles, when two trucks from too close in time the driver brakes or slow down to avoid a vehicle collision.3:Always alert the driver to maintain a reasonable speed,a timely reminder when speeding, avoiding traffic violations and accidents.4:Friends remind drivers to keep the vehicle in front reasonably safe distance between vehicles,or more than the current car starting from when the safety car can give advance warning.5:The process of moving a potential crash and a variety of collision danger,up to2.5seconds advance warning,to give sufficient time to take reasonable measures to avoid danger.Through these features,we will effectively prevent the vast majority of traffic hazards.Which is what is currently the automotive sector's major car makers are trying to promote active safety technology,the actual study proves that as long as morethan1.5seconds ahead of early warning of potential danger we will be able to avoid more than90percent of traffic accidents.2.CANBUS总线采⽤OBD接⼝插⼊连接⽅式CANBUS bus with OBD connector into the connection1、结合原车CANBUS总线设计。
车辆 CAN 总线定义详解
车辆CAN 总线定义详解CAN总线技术简介CAN总线又称作汽车总线,其全称为“控制器局域网(CAN—Controller Area Network)”。
车辆CAN 总线定义详解适应实时诊断与安全性需求CAN总线成必备装置CAN总线网络技术的应用可以说是躬逢其盛。
CAN总线技术详解CAN,全称为“Controller Area Network”,即控制器局域网,是国际上应用最广泛的现场总线之一。
一个由CAN 总线构成的单一网络中,理论上可以挂接无数个节点。
CAN 可提供高达1Mbit/s的数据传输速率,这使实时控制变得非常容易。
1 开放性:总线规范开放,任何厂家都可以设计生产基于某种现场总线的产品。 2 数字化及双向串行传输:以较低的布线成本实现远距离传输。 3 多点通信:在同一个通信网络上可以挂接多个设备。 4 能够满足工业控制现场复杂环境、实时通信、抗干扰等方面的要求。
绳子 振动波
电缆 电信号
规定了在介质上传输数据位的排列和组织,如:数据校验和帧结构 车上电缆长度至少
缩短了2000m,质量减少了50kg。 将两个应用不同数据格式的系统信息转化为能共同理解的格式 仅需 ≤ n+1根线 基金会现场总线控制系统,适用于石油化工领域 1989年,宝马推出第一款使用CAN-bus通信的汽车。 规定了在介质上传输数据位的排列和组织,如:数据校验和帧结构 整个系统的用户,整个通信系统就是为传递用户的信息而设计并存在的。 美国Echelon制定与维护,应用于建筑自动化、列车通信 通信是分层的,这个概念应该贯彻在我们学习任何通信系统的整个过程中。 说出“你好”这个词有很多种表达语言,可以是中文、英文、日文等。 能够满足工业控制现场复杂环境、实时通信、抗干扰等方面的要求。 童年“传声筒”系统通信的层次 能够满足工业控制现场复杂环境、实时通信、抗干扰等方面的要求。 能够满足工业控制现场复杂环境、实时通信、抗干扰等方面的要求。 早期的一种现场总线标准,适用于智能测控仪表 1983年,由Bosch与Intel公司为了减少汽车电缆数量而开发CAN-bus。 两通信节点之间数据传输控制,操作如:数据重发,数据错误修复
[信息与通信]第五章 CAN总线技术第1部分
CAN Extended Data Frame
Maximum frame length with bit stuffing = 150 bits
• 在荷兰,Philips医疗系统决定使用CAN构成X光机的 内部网络,成为CAN的工业用户。主要由Tom Suters发 表的“Philips报文规范——PMS”提出了CAN网络的第一 个应用层。
• 1992年5月,CiA(CAN In Automaiton)用户集团 正式成立,随后发布了CAL(CAN Application Layer)。
• 尽管当初研究CAN总线的目的是为了应用客车系统, 但是CAN的第一个市场应用确来自于其他领域。目前 CAN在北欧已经得到了广泛的使用。瑞士工程办公室 Kvaser将其应用于纺织机械厂,由于CAN只是物理层和数 据链路层,他们探讨机器间的通信协议,1989年研制出通 信规范,1990年建立了CANKingdom开发环境,这就是最初 的CAN高层协议的原型。
• 了解CAN总线的技术特征 • CAN总线标准格式和扩展格式 • 重点掌握CAN总线的位仲裁技术 • 熟悉CAN总线的通信体系结构
• 1. 分析CAN标准形式和扩展格式的异同, 并画出结构图。
• 2. 阐述CAN总线的位仲裁技术,并画出 A,B,C三个CAN节点总线竞争图 (A,B,C的标识符为01100110001,0110011000,01110001100).
本资料对博世(BOSCH)公司所提出的 CAN 概要及协议进行了归纳,可作为实际应用中的参考资料。对于 具有 CAN 功能的产品不承担任何责任。
1. 2.
概要 ................................................................................................................................................... 1 使用注意事项 ..................................................................................................................................... 1
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3. CAN 是什么?
CAN 是 Controller Area Network 的缩写(以下称为 CAN),是 ISO*1 国际标准化的串行通信协议。 在当前的汽车产业中,出于对安全性、舒适性、方便性、低公害、低成本的要求,各种各样的电子控制系统 被开发了出来。由于这些系统之间通信所用的数据类型及对可靠性的要求不尽相同,由多条总线构成的情况很 多,线束的数量也随之增加。为适应“减少线束的数量”、“通过多个 LAN,进行大量数据的高速通信”的需 要,1986 年德国电气商博世公司开发出面向汽车的 CAN 通信协议。此后,CAN 通过 ISO11898 及 ISO11519 进 行了标准化,现在在欧洲已是汽车网络的标准协议。 现在,CAN 的高性能和可靠性已被认同,并被广泛地应用于工业自动化、船舶、医疗设备、工业设备等方面。 图 1 是车载网络的构想示意图。CAN 等通信协议的开发,使多种 LAN 通过网关进行数据交换得以实现。
CAN 总线位速率与传输距离对应表
2.3 CAN 总线帧格式及帧类型
2.3.1 CAN总线帧格式
CAN 总线有二种不同的 CAN 帧格式,标准帧和扩展帧。CAN2.0A 协议仅支持标准帧; CAN2.0B 协议引入第二种帧格式,它支持标准帧和扩展帧。具有 11 位标识符的 CAN 帧称为标 准帧;具有 29 位标识符的 CAN 帧称为扩展帧。两种帧格式可出现在同一总线上。
第 3 页, 共 14 页
CAN 总线技术白皮书
(3)CAN 总线速率与传输距离关系
CAN 总线上任意两个节点之间的最大传输距离与其位速率关系如表 2: 位速率/kbps 最大距离/m 1000 40 500 130 表2 250 270 125 530 100 620 50 1300 20 3300 10 6700 5 10000
(1)CAN 总线电平信号
CAN 总线电平信号
CAN 总线上是差分信号,一个差分信号是用一个数值来表示两个物理量之间的差异: 逻辑 0—显性—CAN_H 对应是 3.5V,CAN_L 对应是 1.5V 逻辑 1—隐性—CAN_H 对应是 2.5V,CAN_L 对应是 2.5V 正常情况下: CAN_H 标准电压:隐性为 2.6V 左右;显性为 3.8V 左右 CAN_L 标准电压:隐性为 2.4V 左右;显性为 1.2V 左右
中文解释 控制器局域网络 远程发送请求 替代远程请求 身份标示符扩展 数据长度代码 界定符 循环冗余检验 帧起始 帧结束 接收错误计数器 发送错误计数器 标识符验收寄存器 标识符屏蔽寄存器 验收代码寄存器 验收屏蔽寄存器 同步跳转宽度 最高有效位 最低有效位
目 录
1. 概述 ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 技术优点 ................................................................................................................... 1 2. CAN 总线介绍 ................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 CAN 总线协议 ........................................................................................................... 2 2.2 CAN 总线物理特性 ................................................................................................... 3 2.3 CAN 总线帧格式及帧类型 ....................................................................................... 4 2.3.1 CAN 总线帧格式 ................................................................................................ 4 2.3.2 CAN 总线帧类型 ................................................................................................ 4 2.4 相关术语 .................................................................................................................. 7 2.4.1 CAN 总线仲裁机制 ............................................................................................ 7 2.4.2 DLC...................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.3 帧间空间 ........................................................................................................... 8 2.4.4 位定时 ............................................................................................................... 9 2.4.5 同步 ................................................................................................................. 10 2.4.6 CAN 总线错误................................................................................................. 11 3.参考文献 ........................................................................................................................ 14
毕业论文(设计)题目浅谈CAN总线技术学生姓名郝健康学号 11061435 班级 110614 专业汽车电子技术分院汽车分院指导教师汤思佳2013年 11月20 日目录摘要 (1)第1章汽车CAN总线简介 (2)1.1CAN总线在汽车仪表中的应用 (2)1.1.2仪表与整车集成控制电子电器系统的联系 (2)1.1.3汽车仪表的工作原理 (2)1.1.4各功能模块的作用 (2)1.1.5简述汽车电子 (4)1.1.6汽车电子的现状 (4)1.2汽车总线近年来的应用 (5)1.3汽车仪表主要的发展方向 (5)第2章现场总线技术概述 (7)2.1模块硬件电路设计 (7)2.2软件设计 (9)2.3CAN总线简介 (9)2.4CAN总线特性 (10)2.5CAN总线的分层结构 (10)第3章CAN总线有关概念 (12)3.1 CAN总线有关器件 (12)3.2 CAN总线结构和数据传输原理 (14)3.3 CAN总线的结构 (14)3.4数据传输方式 (15)3.5基于CAN总线的分布式监控系统的一个应用实例简介 (15)参考文献 (17)致谢语 (18)摘要现场总线作为当今自动化领域技术发展的热点之一,被称为自动化领域的计算机局域网。
第四章CAN总线CAN总线第4章CAN总线中国矿业大学信电学院胡青松CAN总线第4 章4.1 概述CAN总线CAN的的物理层4.2 CAN的的物理层CAN协议规范4.3 CAN协议规范4.4 典型CAN总线器件及应用典型CAN CAN 总线器件及应用CAN总线第4章CAN总线CAN( Network)即控制器局域网, CAN(Controller Area Network)即控制器局域网,可以归属于工业现场总线的范畴,通常称为CAN bus, CAN总线总线, 归属于工业现场总线的范畴,通常称为CAN bus,即CAN总线, 是目前国际上应用最广泛的开放式现场总线之一. 是目前国际上应用最广泛的开放式现场总线之一. 与一般的通信总线相比,CAN总线的数据通信具有突出的可与一般的通信总线相比,CAN总线的数据通信具有突出的可靠性,实时性和灵活性,它在汽车领域上的应用最为广泛, 靠性,实时性和灵活性,它在汽车领域上的应用最为广泛,世界上一些著名的汽车制造厂商, BENZ(奔驰奔驰) BMW(宝马宝马) 界上一些著名的汽车制造厂商,如BENZ(奔驰),BMW(宝马),v (大众等都采用了CAN 大众) CAN总线来实现汽车内部控制系olkswagen (大众)等都采用了CAN总线来实现汽车内部控制系统与各检测和执行机构间的数据通信. 统与各检测和执行机构间的数据通信. 同时,由于CAN总线的特点, 同时,由于CAN总线的特点,其应用范围目前已不仅局限CAN总线的特点于汽车行业,已经在自动控制,航空航天,航海,过程工业, 于汽车行业,已经在自动控制,航空航天,航海,过程工业, 机械工业,纺织机械,农用机械,机器人,数控机床, 机械工业,纺织机械,农用机械,机器人,数控机床,医疗器械及传感器等领域中得到了广泛应用. 械及传感器等领域中得到了广泛应用.CAN总线4.1概述CAN工作原理工作原理, 4.1.1 CAN工作原理,特点4.1.2 发展背景及应用情况4.1.3 一个典型的工程实例CAN总线4.1概述 4.1概述最初出现在汽车工业中,80年代由德国Bosch公司最先提出年代由德国Bosch公司最先提出. CAN 最初出现在汽车工业中,80年代由德国Bosch公司最先提出.最初动机是为了解决现代汽车中庞大的电子控制装置之间的通讯, 是为了解决现代汽车中庞大的电子控制装置之间的通讯,减少不断增加的信号线. 1993年成为国际标准ISO__(高速应用) ISO__(低速应用). ISO__(高速应用1993年CAN 成为国际标准ISO__(高速应用)和ISO__(低速应用). CAN的规范从的规范从CAN 规范(标准格式)发展为兼容CAN 规范的CAN2.0 CAN的规范从CAN 1.2 规范(标准格式)发展为兼容CAN 1.2 规范的CAN2.0 规范(CAN2.0A为标准格式,CAN2.0B为扩展格式(CAN2.0A为标准格式为扩展格式) 目前应用的CAN CAN器件大多符规范(CAN2.0A为标准格式,CAN2.0B为扩展格式),目前应用的CAN器件大多符CAN2.0规范规范. 合CAN2.0规范.CAN总线CAN的工作原理的工作原理, 4.1.1 CAN的工作原理,特点1. CAN 的工作原理总线上的一个节点( 发送数据时, 当CAN 总线上的一个节点(站)发送数据时,它以报文形式广播给网络中所有节点. 式广播给网络中所有节点. 每组报文开头的11位字符为标识符(CAN2.0A),定义了报每组报文开头的11位字符为标识符(CAN2.0A), 11位字符为标识符(CAN2.0A) 文的优先级,这种报文格式称为面向内容的编址方案. 文的优先级,这种报文格式称为面向内容的编址方案. 当一个节点要向其它节点发送数据时,该节点的CPU 当一个节点要向其它节点发送数据时,该节点的CPU 将要发送的数据和自己的标识符传送给本节点的CAN芯片, CAN芯片要发送的数据和自己的标识符传送给本节点的CAN 芯片,并处于准备状态; 它收到总线分配时,转为发送报文状态. 于准备状态;当它收到总线分配时,转为发送报文状态.CAN总线CAN 芯片将数据根据协议组织成一定的报文格式发这时,网上的其它节点处于接收状态. 出,这时,网上的其它节点处于接收状态. 每个处于接收状态的节点对接收到的报文进行检测, 每个处于接收状态的节点对接收到的报文进行检测, 判断这些报文是否是发给自己的,以确定是否接收它. 判断这些报文是否是发给自己的,以确定是否接收它. 由于CAN 总线是一种面向内容的编址方案, 由于CAN 总线是一种面向内容的编址方案, 因此很容易建立高水准的控制系统并灵活地进行配置. 容易建立高水准的控制系统并灵活地进行配置.我们可以很容易地在CAN 很容易地在CAN 总线中加进一些新节点而无需在硬件或软件上进行修改. 件上进行修改. 当所提供的新节点是纯数据接收设备时, 当所提供的新节点是纯数据接收设备时,数据传输协议不要求独立的部分有物理目的地址. 议不要求独立的部分有物理目的地址.它允许分布过程同步化,即总线上控制器需要测量数据时,可由网上获得, 步化,即总线上控制器需要测量数据时,可由网上获得, 而无须每个控制器都有自己独立的传感器. 而无须每个控制器都有自己独立的传感器.CAN总线CAN总线特点2. CAN总线特点CAN总线是一种串行数据通信协议,其通信接口中集成了CAN CAN协议CAN总线是一种串行数据通信协议,其通信接口中集成了CAN协议总线是一种串行数据通信协议的物理层和数据链路层功能,可完成对通信数据的成帧处理, 的物理层和数据链路层功能,可完成对通信数据的成帧处理,包括位填充,数据块编码,循环冗余检验,优先级判别等项工作. 填充,数据块编码,循环冗余检验,优先级判别等项工作. CAN总线特点如下: CAN总线特点如下: 总线特点如下可以多主方式工作, (1 ) 可以多主方式工作,网络上任意一个节点均可以在任意时刻主动地向网络上的其他节点发送信息,而不分主从,通信方式灵活. 动地向网络上的其他节点发送信息,而不分主从,通信方式灵活. (2)网络上的节点(信息)可分成不同的优先级可以满足不同的实)网络上的节点(信息)可分成不同的优先级,可以满足不同的实时要求. 时要求. (3)采用非破坏性位仲裁总线结构机制,当两个节点同时向网络上)采用非破坏性位仲裁总线结构机制, 传送信息时,优先级低的节点主动停止数据发送, 传送信息时,优先级低的节点主动停止数据发送,而优先级高的节点可不受影响地继续传输数据. 可不受影响地继续传输数据.CAN总线可以点对点,一点对多点(成组) (4) 可以点对点,一点对多点(成组)及全局广播几种传送方式接收数据. 方式接收数据. 直接通信距离最远可达10km 速率5Kbps以下). 10km( 5Kbps以下(5) 直接通信距离最远可达10km(速率5Kbps以下). (6)通信速率最高可达)通信速率最高可达1MB/s(此时距离最长(此时距离最长40m). ). (7)节点数实际可达)节点数实际可达110个. 个(8)采用短帧结构,每一帧的有效字节数为8个. )采用短帧结构,每一帧的有效字节数为个校验及其他检错措施, (9)每帧信息都有)每帧信息都有CRC校验及其他检错措施,数据出错率极低. 校验及其他检错措施数据出错率极低. (10)通信介质可采用双绞线,同轴电缆和光导纤维,一般采)通信介质可采用双绞线,同轴电缆和光导纤维, 用廉价的双绞线即可,无特殊要求. 用廉价的双绞线即可,无特殊要求. (11) 节点在错误严重的情况下,具有自动关闭总线的功能, ) 节点在错误严重的情况下,具有自动关闭总线的功能, 切断它与总线的联系,以使总线上的其他操作不受影响. 切断它与总线的联系,以使总线上的其他操作不受影响.CAN总线CAN的发展背景及其应用情况4.1.2 CAN的发展背景及其应用情况 1. CAN的起源现代社会对汽车的要求不断提高,这些要求包括:极高的主动安全性和被动安全性;乘坐的舒适性;驾驶与使用的便捷和人性化;尤其是低排放和低油耗的要求等. 在汽车设计中运用微处理器及其电控技术是满足这些要求的最好方法,而且已经得到了广泛的运用.目前这些系统有:ABS(防抱系统),EBD(制动力分配系统),EMS EBD( EBD 制动力分配系统) (发动机管理系统),多功能数字化仪表,主动悬架,导航系统,电子防盗系统,自动空调和自动CD 机等.CAN总线CAN的起源这些系统由多个电控单元相互连接而成,可分为控制器, 传感器,执行器等.同时各个系统之间也互相连接,进行着越来越多的数据交换.这样就需要使用大量的线束和插接器来实现互连,进行它们之间的数据交换.随着汽车电子技术的不断发展,这种需求的增长是惊人的(如图).CAN总线CAN的起源由于线束和插接器的数量不断增加,整车电子系统的复杂程度愈来愈高,其可靠性将难以保证,故障率会提高,维修会更加困难. 为了满足汽车内部信息交换量急剧增加的要求,有必要使用一种实现多路传输方式的车载网络系统.这种网络系统采用串行总线结构,通过总线信道共享,减少线束的数量. 车载网络除了要求采用总线拓扑结构方式外,必须具有极好的抗干扰能力;极强的差错检测和处理能力;满足信息传输实时性要求;同时具备故障的诊断和处理能力等.另外考虑到成本因素,要求其控制接口结构简单,易于配置.CAN总线CAN的发展概况20世纪80年代,Bosch的工程人员开始研究用于汽车的串行总线系统,因为当时还没有一个网络协议能完全满足汽车工程的要求.参加研究的还有Mercedes-Benz公司, Intel公司,还有德国两所大学的教授. 1986年, Bosch在SAE(汽车工程人员协会)大会上提出了CAN 1987年,INTEL就推出了第一片CAN控制芯片―__; 随后Philips半导体推出了82C200. 1993年,CAN的国际标准ISO__公布从此CAN 协议被广泛的用于各类自动化控制领域.CAN总线CAN的发展概况1992年,CIA(CAN in Automation)用户组织成立,之后制定了第一个CAN应用层“CAL". 1994年开始有了国际CAN学术年会(ICC). 1994年美国汽车工程师协会以CAN为基础制定了__9标准,用于卡车和巴士控制和通信网络. 到今天,几乎每一辆欧洲生产的轿车上都有CAN;高级客车上有两套CAN,通过网关互联;1999年一年就有近6千万个CAN控制器投入使用;2022年销售1亿多CAN的芯片; 2022年用在汽车上的CAN节点数目超过1亿个 . 但是轿车上基于CAN的控制网络至今仍是各大公司自成系统,没有一个统一标准.CAN总线基于CAN的应用层协议应用较通用的有两种:DeviceNet (适合于工厂底层自动化) 和CANopen(适合于机械控制的嵌入式应用). 任何组织或个人都可以从DeviceNet供货商协会(ODVA) 获得DeviceNet规范.购买者将得到无限制的,真正免费的开发DeviceNet产品的授权. DviceNet自2022年被确立为中国国家标准以来,已在冶金,电力,水处理,乳品饮料,烟草,水泥,石化,矿山等各个行业得到成功应用,其低成本和高可靠性已经得到广泛认同.CAN总线4.1.3 一个典型的工程实例一汽-大众汽车有限公司2022年12月上市的宝来Bora)轿车, 2022年月上市的宝来( 一汽-大众汽车有限公司2022年12月上市的宝来(Bora)轿车, 在动力传动系统和舒适系统中就装用了两套CAN数据传输系统, CAN数据传输系统在动力传动系统和舒适系统中就装用了两套CAN数据传输系统, 其中CAN数据传输舒适系统如图4 所示. CAN数据传输舒适系统如图其中CAN数据传输舒适系统如图4.1所示.CAN总线M 前门单元M 后门单元M M仪表单元接发电机底盘网络M M 车身中央控制单元空调单元前座单元顶窗单元前座单元MMM MM M M 后座单元M MM后窗单元左前门单元M M后门单元M M图例:CAN LIN加热器灯具M电机控制面板图4-1CAN数据传输舒适系统__IAN CAN数据传输舒适系统__IAN 数据传输舒适系统CAN总线CAN总线连接了传动装置控制中央单元, 灯控单元, CAN 总线连接了传动装置控制中央单元, 灯控单元, 门总线连接了传动装置控制中央单元控单元,座椅控制单元,空调单元以及仪表盘控制单元等等. 控单元,座椅控制单元,空调单元以及仪表盘控制单元等等. LIN总线构成的LIN网络作为CAN网络的辅助网络总线构成的LIN 网络作为CAN 网络的辅助网络, 由LIN 总线构成的LIN 网络作为CAN 网络的辅助网络, 连接了车窗控制单元,雨刷控制单元, 接了车窗控制单元,雨刷控制单元,天窗控制单元等低速设备LIN网络( Network), ),由汽车厂LIN网络(Local Interconnect Network),由汽车厂网络商为汽车开发,作为CAN网络的辅助网络, CAN网络的辅助网络商为汽车开发,作为CAN网络的辅助网络,目标应用在低端系不需要CAN的性能,带宽以及复杂性. CAN的性能统,不需要CAN的性能,带宽以及复杂性. LIN的工作方式是一主多从, LIN的工作方式是一主多从,单线双向低速传送数据的工作方式是一主多从最高20K 20K 位),与CAN相比具有更低的成本相比具有更低的成本, (最高20K位/秒),与CAN相比具有更低的成本,且基于UART接口无需硬件协议控制器,使系统成本更低. 接口, UART接口,无需硬件协议控制器,使系统成本更低. CAN数据传输舒适系统网络与动力传动系统网络通过网CAN数据传输舒适系统网络与动力传动系统网络通过网桥相互通信. 桥相互通信.CAN总线4.2 CAN的物理层的物理层物理层被细分成3个子层,它们分别是: 物理层被细分成3个子层,它们分别是: 物理信令物理媒体连接媒体相关接口位编码定时和同步驱动器和接收器特性总线连接器收发器实现物理媒体连接子层. 收发器实现物理媒体连接子层.物理信令子层和数据链路层之间的连接是通过集成的协议控制器实现的, 层之间的连接是通过集成的协议控制器实现的,如: PCx82C200,__等PCx82C200,__等.而媒体相关接口负责连接传输媒体譬如将总线节点连接到总线的连接器, __50, 如将总线节点连接到总线的连接器,如:__50,__ 等收发器. 等收发器.CAN总线ISO__标准数据链路层和物理层结构图图4.2 ISO__标准数据链路层和物理层结构图CAN总线CAN的物理层4.2 CAN的物理层4.2.1 CAN的网络拓扑CAN的网络拓扑CAN以多主方式工作, CAN以多主方式工作,网络上任意一个节点均可以在工作任意时刻主动地向网络上的其他节点发送信息, 任意时刻主动地向网络上的其他节点发送信息,而不分主从,通信方式灵活. 主从,通信方式灵活.其网络拓扑形式大多是总线型结拓扑示意图见图4.3 4.3. 构,拓扑示意图见图4.3. 节点1 节点1 节点2 节点2 节点3 节点3 节点4 节点4CAN总线CAN总线CAN的总线型网CAN的网络拓扑的总线型网CAN 图4.3 CAN的总线型网CAN的网络拓扑。
CANBUS(Controller Area Network):是德国Bosch公司于1983年为汽车应用而开发的一种能有效支持分布式控制和实时控制的串行通讯网络,属于现场总线(FieldBus)的范畴。
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第 4 页, 共 14 页
CAN 总线技术白皮书 不管在数据帧中还是远程帧中,标准帧的 RTR 位被扩展帧的 SRR 位替代,SRR 位在扩展 帧中必须为隐性位,扩展帧的 RTR 位被置于保留位 r1 前。 ④控制场:控制场中的 IDE 位用于区分标准帧和扩展帧。在标准帧中该位为显性电平 (0) ; 扩展帧中该位为隐性电平(1),接收器检测位流序列的 IDE 位以识别接收的是标准帧还是扩展 帧。 数据长度代码(DLC),指示数据场的字节数目,共 4 个位 DLC0—DLC3。DLC 可以设置 0—8 的数字表示数据字节数(超过 8 的数字则认为是 8,这种情况并不视为出错)。 两位保留位 r0 和 r1,用于扩展。保留位必须全部以显性电平发送,但接收方可以接收显 性、隐性及其任意组合的电平。 ⑤数据场:数据场可以为 0—8 个字节,首先发送 MSB(最高位),一般情况下都是 8 个 字节,每个字节可以存储任意的数。 ⑥CRC 场:CRC 校验仅仅是 CAN 通讯的一种错误检测,用于对帧起始、仲裁场、控制场、 数据场上的位进行校验。CRC 码最适合于短帧报文,CRC 界定符为 1 位隐性位。 ⑦应答场:应答场长度为 2 位,包含应答间隙和应答界定符。在应答域里,发送站发送两 个“隐性”位。当接收器正确地接收到有效的报文,接收器就会在应答间隙期间发送 ACK 信号, 向发送器发送一个“显性”的位以示应答。
(2)CAN 总线信号编码方式
CAN 总线编码
CAN 总线采用 NRZ(单极性不归零码)编码,相比曼彻斯特码具有更好的 EMC 性能。当 发送器检测到位流里有连续 5 个相同极性的位就会插入一个填充位,接收器会删除这个填充位, 然而在固定的位场中不使用位填充。
英文全名 Controller Area Network Remote Transmission Request Substitute Remote Request Identifier Extension Data Length Code Delimiter Cyclic Redundancy Check Start Of Frame End Of Frame Receiver Error Counter Transmit Error Counter Identifier Acceptance Register Identifier Mask Register Acceptance Code Register Acceptance Mask Register Synchronization Jump Width Most Significant Bit Least Significant Bit
OSI 基本参照模型 7.应用层 6.表示层 5.会话层 4. 传 输 层 3.网络层 2. 数 据 LLC 链路层 MAC 1. 物 理 层
CAN 总线分层结构及定义事项
第 2 页, 共 14 页
CAN 总线技术白皮书
2.2 CAN 总线物理特性
CAN 总线技术白皮书
要:本文 CAN 总线工作原理、协议规范与帧格式等细节。
中文解释 控制器局域网络 远程发送请求 替代远程请求 身份标示符扩展 数据长度代码 界定符 循环冗余检验 帧起始 帧结束 接收错误计数器 发送错误计数器 标识符验收寄存器 标识符屏蔽寄存器 验收代码寄存器 验收屏蔽寄存器 同步跳转宽度 最高有效位 最低有效位
目 录
1. 概述 ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 技术优点 ................................................................................................................... 1 2. CAN 总线介绍 ................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 CAN 总线协议 ........................................................................................................... 2 2.2 CAN 总线物理特性 ................................................................................................... 3 2.3 CAN 总线帧格式及帧类型 ....................................................................................... 4 2.3.1 CAN 总线帧格式 ................................................................................................ 4 2.3.2 CAN 总线帧类型 ................................................................................................ 4 2.4 相关术语 .................................................................................................................. 7 2.4.1 CAN 总线仲裁机制 ............................................................................................ 7 2.4.2 DLC...................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.3 帧间空间 ........................................................................................................... 8 2.4.4 位定时 ............................................................................................................... 9 2.4.5 同步 ................................................................................................................. 10 2.4.6 CAN 总线错误................................................................................................. 11 3.参考文献 ........................................................................................................................ 14
CAN 总线位速率与传输距离对应表
2.3 CAN 总线帧格式及帧类型
2.3.1 CAN总线帧格式
CAN 总线有二种不同的 CAN 帧格式,标准帧和扩展帧。CAN2.0A 协议仅支持标准帧; CAN2.0B 协议引入第二种帧格式,它支持标准帧和扩展帧。具有 11 位标识符的 CAN 帧称为标 准帧;具有 29 位标识符的 CAN 帧称为扩展帧。两种帧格式可出现在同一总线上。
CAN 总线技术白皮书
1. 概述
CAN 是 Controller Area Network(控制器局域网络)的简称,最初是由德国 Bosch 公司设 计的,应用于汽车的监测和控制。CAN 总线作为一种技术先进、可靠性高、功能完善、成本合 理的远程网络通讯控制方式,逐步被广泛应用到各种控制领域。 1991 年 9 月,Philips 制定并发布 CAN 技术规范:CAN 2.0A 和 CAN2.0B。1993 年 11 月, ISO 组织正式颁布 CAN 国际标准 ISO11898。CAN 总线是唯一成为国际标准的现场总线。
第 1 页, 共 总线介绍
2.1 CAN 总线协议
CAN 总线规范分为两种 CAN2.0A 和 CAN2.0B: ①CAN2.0A:CAN 标准报文格式 ②CAN2.0B:CAN 标准报文格式和扩展报文格式 CAN 总线技术规范目的: ①定义数据链路层 ②定义 CAN 协议在周围各层中所发挥的作用
2.3.2 CAN总线帧类型
CAN 总线报文传送主要有四种类型的帧:数据帧、远程帧、错误帧以及过载帧。