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Car 汽车 1. number plate :(车辆的)拍照
2. bonnet :(车辆的)引擎盖
3. warning triangle :三角警示牌
4. mirror :后视镜
5. wiper :雨刷
6. windscreen :挡风玻璃;风挡
7. boot :(汽车后部的)行李箱 8. headlights :(车辆的)前灯 9. wheel :轮胎 10. turn signal :转向指示灯 11. steering wheel :方向盘 12. bumper :保险杠
1. This glass lets us see in front of the car and protects us from the wind and the weather.
A. bonnet
B. mirrors
C. windscreen
2. This is where we can put bags and other large objects. It’s usually at the back of the car.
A. bonnet
B. boot
C. bumper
3. The driver uses this to make the car turn.
A. number plate
B. steering wheel
C. wipers
4. These clean the windscreen. We also use them when it’s raining.
A. headlight
B. mirror
C. wipers
5. This allows the driver to see behind the car. Most cars have two or three.
A. elbow
B. thumb
C. wrist
6. When our car breaks down, we put this on the road to show that it is stopped.
A. mirror
B. turn signal
C. warning triangle
7. We use this to show that the car is going to turn left or right.
A. boot
B. turn signal
C. wipers
8. We turn these on when it is dark or raining so we can see better. There are usually two.
A. headlights
B. number plate
C. turn signal
9. This touches the road. There are usually four and they are round and black.
A. boot
B. mirror
C. wheel
10. This covers the motor. It’s usually at the front of a car.
A. bonnet
B. bumper
C. number plate
1. A car usually has two or three ______. The driver looks in them to see behind the car.
2. To see the motor, we must open the ______.
3. The ______ clean the windscreen and help the driver see when it’s raining.
4. Most cars have four ______ and motorbikes usually have only two.
5. The driver uses the ______ to make the car go left or right.
6. We turn on the ______ at night or when it’s raining to see better.
7. The ______ is where we usually put bags and suitcases.
8. A ______ is a small light, usually yellow or orange, that shows the car is going to turn.
9. We should put a ______ on the road behind our car when it breaks down.
10. The driver looks through the ______, which protects us from the wind and the weather.
1. Things that help the driver see
A. headlights
B. mirrors
C. turn signals
D. windscreen
2. Most cars have more than one of these
A. boot
B. headlight
C. turn signal
D. wheel
E. wiper
3. People outside the car see these better than the driver
A. headlights
B. number plate
C. steering wheel
D. turn signals
E. warning triangle
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C 10. A
1. mirrors
2. bonnet
3. wipers
4. wheels
5. steering wheel
6. headlights
7. boot
8. turn signal
9. warning triangle 10. windscreen
1. C
2. A
3. C。