






EPMA测得的异常组织中Cr元素含量均在2.1 wt%以上,而正常组织中Cr元素含量约为1.4 wt%。

在3℃/s的冷却速率条件下,盘条中Cr元素含量为1.5 wt%、2.0 wt%和2.5 wt%时,冷却后组织中马氏体含量分别为0、13%和42%,说明Cr含量的增加会促进钢中马氏体组织的生成。







关键词:轴承钢;热连轧;微观组织演化;数值模拟;有限元法1. 研究背景和意义轴承钢作为一种重要的机械结构材料,在工业领域中有着广泛的应用,其性能的优劣对于机械设备的使用寿命和安全性起着决定性的作用。






2. 研究内容和方法本文主要研究GCr15轴承钢棒线材的热连轧过程中微观组织演化的数值模拟,利用有限元方法建立了热连轧的数值模型,考虑了材料非线性、热力学非平衡以及物理变形等因素对微观组织演化的影响。





———————————————收稿日期:2018-08-13淬硬钢GCr15高速切削仿真对比分析赵成喜1,赵书强1,刘国雨2(1.大连海洋大学 应用技术学院,辽宁 大连 116300; 2.瓦房店冶金轴承集团有限公司,辽宁 大连 116300)摘要:针对淬硬钢 GCr15 难切削问题,应用专业仿真切削软件对比模拟分析了PCBN 和Al 2O 3(3Y)两种刀具二维切削状态下的切削性能。

在相同的刀具几何参数和干式切削加工条件下,两种刀具的X 向切削力基本相同,Al 2O 3(3Y)刀具的Y 向切削力较大,切削力波动情况明显大于PCBN 刀具,刀头等效应力最大值分布范围较大,且主要集中在刀具的后刀面靠近主切削刃处。

Al 2O 3(3Y)刀具切削温度明显高于PCBN 刀具,高温分布区域较大且主要集中在前刀面靠近切削刃处。

研究结果表明,PCBN 刀具与Al 2O 3(3Y)刀具相比,更适合淬硬轴承钢GCr15的干式切削加工。

关键词:GCrl5;Al 3O 2(3Y);PCBN ;切削仿真 中图分类号:TP391.9文献标志码:Adoi :10.3969/j.issn.1006-0316.2019.01.008文章编号:1006-0316 (2019) 01-0036-05Comparison and Analysis of GCr15 High Speed cutting Simulation for Hardened SteelZHAO Chengxi 1,ZHAO Shuqiang 1,LIU Guoyu 2( 1.College of Applied Technology, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116300, China;2.Wafangdian Metallurgical Bearing Group Limited, Dalian 116300, China )Abstract :Aiming at the difficult cutting problem of hardened steel GCr15, the cutting performance of PCBN and Al 2O 3(3Y) cutting tools under two dimensional cutting conditions was analyzed by using professional cutting simulation software. Under the same geometric parameters and dry cutting conditions, the X-direction cutting force of the two kinds of cutting tools is basically the same as that of Al 2O 3(3Y) cutting tools, and the Y-direction cutting forces of the two kinds of cutting tools are larger, and the fluctuation of cutting forces is obviously greater than that of PCBN tools. The maximum equivalent stress of the cutter head is distributed in a large range, and is mainly concentrated on the cutting surface of the tool near the main cutting edge. Al 2O 3 (3Y) cutting tool The cutting temperature is obviously higher than that of PCBN tool, and the high temperature distribution area is large and the cutting surface is mainly near the cutting edge. The results show that Al 2O 3(3Y) tool is more suitable for high speed dry cutting of quenched bearing steel GCr15 than that of Al 2O 3(3Y) tool. Key words :GCrl5;Al 3O 2(3Y);PCBN ;Cutting simulation淬硬钢GCrl5是典型的耐磨和难加工材料,经淬火处理后硬度高达50~65 HRC 。



φ70~80轴承钢棒材轧制过程的孔型设计及三维模拟岳重祥;张立文;阮金华【摘要】A pass system to produce Φ70-80 bearing steel rod by using300mm billet was developed. With the aid of software MSC. Marc and its user subroutine, 3D FE models for the rolling process coupled with the microstructure evolution model of GCr15 steel were established to simulate the deformation of rolled piece and the rolling force at every pass. Meanwhile, the evolutions of temperature, strain, strain rate and austenite grain size in the rolled piece were obtained. The work realized the virtual computer rolling before practical rolling of rod.%开发了采用300mm方坯生产φ70~80mm规格GCr15轴承钢棒材的孔型系统.利用有限元软件MSC.Marc,建立了该生产过程的三维有限元模型.借助MSC.Marc软件的二次开发功能,将GCr15钢的微观组织演变模型与轧制过程的热力耦合有限元模型相结合,预测了该生产过程中的轧制力、轧件变形情况及轧件内部温度、应变、应变率与奥氏体晶粒尺寸的演变情况,实现了棒材实际轧制前的计算机虚拟轧制.【期刊名称】《材料工程》【年(卷),期】2011(000)002【总页数】5页(P60-64)【关键词】棒材;孔型设计;虚拟轧制;组织演变【作者】岳重祥;张立文;阮金华【作者单位】大连理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,辽宁先进连接技术重点实验室,辽宁,大连,116085;大连理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,辽宁先进连接技术重点实验室,辽宁,大连,116085;大连理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,辽宁先进连接技术重点实验室,辽宁,大连,116085【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG332;TG335.6棒材断面形状简单,用量巨大,长度长,要求尺寸精度和表面质量高,适合进行大规模专业化生产。



第45卷第1期2017年1月第78 — 84页材料工程Journal of Materials EngineeringVol. 45 No. 1 Jan. 2017 pp. 78 — 84高碳钢奥氏体晶粒长大的预测P re d ic tio n on A u s te n ite G ra in G ro w th in H ig h C a rb o n S teel麻晗,廖舒纶(江苏省(沙钢)钢铁研究院,江苏张家港215625)M A H a n,L IA O Shu-lun (In stitu te of Research of Iron &Steel,Shasteel,Zhangjiagang 215625 ,Jiangsu,China)摘要:借助于高温共聚焦显微镜(CLSM)、透射电镜(TEM)研究含T i钢和无T i钢的奥氏体晶粒长大行为.试样在1123〜1473K之间保温60m in时测量一系列温度下不同保温时间的奥氏体晶粒尺寸。



同时,采用修正的Glad- man 公式预测两种钢的奥氏体晶粒长大,实验结果和预测结果吻合较好。

关键词:奥氏体晶粒尺寸;高碳钢;含Ti钢;析出物d o i:10. 11868/j. issn. 1001-4381. 2014. 001547中图分类号:TG156. 1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-4381(2017)01-0078-07Abstract:The austenite grain growth behavior of Ti-bearing and Ti-free steel was investigated using confocal laser scanning microscope (C LS M)and transmission electron microscope (T E M).Samples were held for 60min at 1123-1473K and then austenite grain sizes for different holding time at a series of temperatures were measured.The results show that austenite grain size of both steels increases w ith the increase of temperature.Besides,the austenite grain size of both steels grows w ith the hold­ing tim e,which meets parabolic equation.The second phase particle was observed.The equation of Ostwald ripening was introduced to calculate the size of particle,and the volume fraction equation of second phase particle was applied to calculate the volume fraction of particle.M eanw hile,the modified Gladman model was adopted to predict austenite grain grow th.The predicted results agree w ell w ith the measured results.Key words:austenite grain size;high carbon steel;Ti-bearing steel;precipitation奥氏体晶粒尺寸对产品最终性能具有重要影响,因此其变化规律备受关注r添加微合金化元素,可以细 化晶粒,形成的纳米尺寸析出物能对晶界钉扎,延缓奥 氏体晶粒长大,形成的最终产品性能良好。



表面技术第53卷第5期超声滚压GCr15表面性能模型建立及工艺参数优化黄鹏程1,王燕霜1*,程勇杰1,王高峰2,袁锡铭3(1.齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院) 机械工程学院,济南 250353;2.洛阳轴研科技有限公司, 河南 洛阳 471039;3.山东金帝精密机械科技股份有限公司,山东 聊城 252035)摘要:目的基于超声滚压后GCr15试样表面粗糙度和表面硬度与工艺参数之间的数学模型,获取超声滚压GCr15的最佳工艺参数。




基于遗传算法进行多目标优化得到的最佳工艺参数如下:转速为207 r/min,进给量为0.34 mm/ r,静压力为0.49 MPa,滚压次数为3。

在最佳工艺参数下得到试样的最低表面粗糙度为0.34 μm、最高硬度为60.5HRC。



关键词:超声滚压;轴承钢;响应曲面法;Box-Behnken设计;遗传算法;工艺参数优化中图分类号:TG176 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)05-0156-10DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.05.016Establishment of Surface Property Model and Optimization ofProcess Parameters for Ultrasonic Rolling GCr15HUANG Pengcheng1, WANG Yanshuang1*, CHENG Yongjie1, WANG Gaofeng2, YUAN Ximing3(1. Mechanical Engineering Department, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Jinan 250353,China; 2. Luoyang Bearing Research Technology Co., Ltd., Henan Luoyang 471039, China;3. Shandong Jindi Precision Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong Liaocheng 252035, China)ABSTRACT: In recent years, in order to improve the surface quality of bearings, there has been a research on the surface ultrasonic rolling technology of bearing rings and various samples made of GCr15 bearing steel in bearing manufacturing. In these studies, the analysis of the impact of rolling parameters on rolling results mostly focuses on a single surface performance index. There is a lack of analysis and summary of the impact of ultrasonic rolling parameters on the comprehensive surface收稿日期:2023-03-13;修订日期:2023-05-20Received:2023-03-13;Revised:2023-05-20基金项目:国家自然科学基金(52075274);山东省重大创新工程(2022CXGC010304)Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China (52075274); Major Innovation Project of Shandong Province (2022CXGC010304)引文格式:黄鹏程, 王燕霜, 程勇杰, 等. 超声滚压GCr15表面性能模型建立及工艺参数优化[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(5): 156-165. HUANG Pengcheng, WANG Yanshuang, CHENG Yongjie, et al. Establishment of Surface Property Model and Optimization of Process Parameters for Ultrasonic Rolling GCr15[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(5): 156-165.*通信作者(Corresponding author)第53卷第5期黄鹏程,等:超声滚压GCr15表面性能模型建立及工艺参数优化·157·quality of bearings. This paper aims to analyze the impact of rolling process parameters during ultrasonic rolling on the dual response of surface roughness and surface hardness of GCr15 specimens. Through genetic response composite optimization, the optimal combination of process parameters for ultrasonic surface rolling of GCr15 specimens was obtained. In this article, first,a single factor test was used to determine the value range for multiple impact factors. Secondly, through response surfacemodeling, two mathematical models of ultrasonic rolling process parameters and surface roughness and hardness of GCr15 specimens were obtained for the first time. After performing variance analysis on the mathematical models, the significance ranking of the two mathematical models and the process parameters for the two response models was obtained. Finally, this paper applied genetic algorithm to multi-objective composite optimization of two mathematical models for the first time, and obtained the optimal combination of rolling process parameters based on the two mathematical models. At the same time, this paper conducted validation tests on the parameters obtained, confirming the reliability of the optimization results. After the analysis in this article, the main results were as follows: The expressions of two second-order mathematical prediction models for surface roughness and surface hardness were determined, and the maximum error between the predicted values of the two models and the actual measured values was 9.7%. It was proved that the two models were accurate and effective, and could be used to predict the surface roughness and surface hardness of GCr15 samples after ultrasonic rolling treatment. The effects of ultrasonic rolling process parameters on the surface quality of GCr15 samples were obtained as follows: the static rolling pressure and rolling times had a significant impact on surface hardness and roughness; Feed rate had a significant impact on surface hardness, but had no significant impact on surface roughness; The effect of rotational speed on both responses was not significant. The roughness model was affected by the interaction of static pressure and rolling times, while the hardness model was not affected by the interaction of these two factors. The optimal process parameters obtained by multi-objective optimization based on genetic algorithm were as follows: rotational speed=207 r/min, feed rate=0.34 mm/r, static pressure=0.49 MPa, and rolling times=3 times. After verification tests, it was confirmed that the minimum surface roughness of the sample was 0.34 under the optimal parameters μ. The maximum hardness was 60.5HRC. According to the process parameters obtained by genetic algorithm, surface ultrasonic rolling of GCr15 sample could obtain the optimal surface in the comparative test. This article has important significance for the application of ultrasonic rolling technology in the optimization of bearing surface quality, and can be used as a reference for the rolling process parameters when ultrasonic rolling bearing surfaces.KEY WORDS: ultrasonic rolling; bearing steel; response surface method; Box-Behnken design; genetic algorithm;optimization of process parameters轴承作为重要的基础零部件,在工业领域得到了广泛应用。



贾元伟 ,
( 1. 大连理工大学三束材料改性国家重点实验室 , 辽宁 大连 2. 东北特钢集团 , 辽宁 大连

116031; 3. 太原钢铁( 集团) 有限公司技术中心, 山西 太原
要 : 利用 Gleeble 3800 型热模拟试验机研究不同 加热温 度和保 温时间 下 GCr15 钢 的奥氏 体晶粒 长大规
Abstract: In order to investigate austenite grain growth behavior of GCr15 steel under different heating temperature and holding time, the grain growth tests of the steel were performed on a Gleeble 3800 thermo mechanical simulator. The results show that austenite grain grows in an exponential law with the increase of heating temperature, while approximately in a parabolic law with the increase of holding time. Furthermore, the time dependence of austenite average grain diameter obeys Beck equation. The higher the temperature is, the bigger the grain growth exponent value is. On the basis of previous models and experimental results, a mathematical model for austenite grain growth of GCr15 steel is obtained using regression analysis. Key words: GCr15 steel; austenite; grain growth; mathematical model



GCr15轴承钢热处理过程中碳化物的析出与演变行为马超;罗海文【期刊名称】《材料工程》【年(卷),期】2017(045)006【摘要】采用定量金相的方法研究GCr15轴承钢在球化退火、奥氏体化淬火、低温回火等不同热处理工序后其碳化物的演变行为,通过ThermoCalc软件进行数值模拟计算分析碳化物尺寸和成分对其在奥氏体化时固溶动力学的影响.结果表明:球化退火处理后形成的碳化物粒子尺寸呈多峰分布,奥氏体化和回火后的碳化物粒子尺寸分布为单峰分布,奥氏体化后碳化物中Cr含量略有增加;Cr含量高的碳化物粒子具有较大尺寸;球化退火形成的碳化物在奥氏体化时大量固溶形成了富碳奥氏体,淬火后转变为高碳马氏体并导致高硬度;奥氏体化时碳化物固溶发生Cr的配分导致碳化物中Cr含量增加;直径200nm的碳化物即使其Cr含量接近基体成分,也不能在奥氏体化热处理时完全固溶,未溶的碳化物颗粒将影响后续回火过程的碳化物析出.【总页数】7页(P97-103)【作者】马超;罗海文【作者单位】北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京 100083;北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京 100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG142.1【相关文献】1.Fe-12.4Cr-0.13C合金高温时效过程中碳化物的析出行为研究 [J], 卢丽;朱娜琼;何燕霖;李麟2.终轧温度对GCr15轴承钢网状碳化物析出的影响 [J], 杨洪波;朱伏先;马宝国;刘相华3.Fe-15Mn-10Al-0.3C钢升温过程中κ-碳化物的析出行为研究 [J], 倪呈军;刘营凯;王白冰;祖武杰;史文4.45Cr9Si3气阀钢电渣锭、轧制及退火过程中碳化物析出行为 [J], 刘东风;郭靖;郭汉杰;杨文晟;段生朝5.K465合金在冷热循环过程中碳化物的析出行为 [J], 杨金侠;郑启;孙晓峰;张承忠;管恒荣;胡壮麒因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



数值模拟钢中奥氏体晶粒尺寸的方法及其进展和应用金妙',杨丽2,苏航2,刘宁',李亨1(1.合肥工业大学材料学院,安徽合肥230009;2.北京钢铁研究总院船舶及海工用钢项目部,北京100081)摘要:钢的奥氏体晶粒尺寸是一个重要的微观结构参数,是决定钢的强軔性的重要因素,在热处理等热加 工过程中需合理控制。


相场法除了模拟晶粒长大过程外,在模拟奥氏体-铁素体转变和奥氏体-珠光体转变等扩散型固态 相变方面都有成功的应用。

与采用其他方法模拟相比,采用相场法模拟的奥氏体晶粒尺寸与试验 结果更为吻合。

关键词:奥氏体晶粒尺寸;热处理;数值模拟中图分类号:TG161 文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-1690(2021)01-0027-07 Methods of Numerically Simulating Austenite Grain Sizein Steel and Their Progress and ApplicationsJIN Miao1, YANG Li2, SU Hang2, LIU Ning', LI Heng1(1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technolog)r,Hefei 230009, Anhui China;2.Division of Ship and Ocean Engineering Stmctural Steel, Central Iron & Steel Research Institute,Beijing 100081, China)Abstract: Size of austenite grain in steel i s an important microstmctural parameter, and also i s an important factor on which strength and toughness of the steel are dependent, so should be reasonably controlled in the process of hot working such as heat treating. Methods of numerically simulating austenite grain size in steel include Monte Carlo, cell automaton and phase field methods. Besides simulation of grain growth,the phase field method has been successfully used in simulation of diffusion solid state transformations such as transformation of austenite into fe r rite or into pearlite. Austenite grain size simulated by the phase field method i s in even more agreement with the result obtained from test compared with that simulated by the other methods.K e y words :austenite grain size ; heat treatment ; numerical simulation〇引言多晶体材料由许多大小不等的晶粒构成,通常 采用一定区域内的晶粒数来评定晶粒尺寸,即数量 越少晶粒越粗大。



1.高碳钢线材组织和屈服强度关系的数学模型 [J], 陈礼斌;冯运莉;张宁宁;孙静
2.高碳钢线材控制轧制和铅浴处理的组织特征 [J], Shioata;冯勇
3.高碳钢线材组织与性能预报模拟软件的开发 [J], 张云祥;周家林;赵嘉蓉;张海鸥;
4.控轧控冷生产中高碳钢高速线材组织和性能的预测模型 [J], 冯贺滨;李连诗;刘明哲;褚建东;李克敏
5.轧制工艺及时效时间对大规格高碳钢线材性能的影响 [J], 王权;周明君;李晓春;付学义;张丽颖



GCr15钢导电加热硬切削性能有限元仿真向彪;董霖;康裕华【摘要】GCr15 steel is one of the common wear-resisting and difficult processing materials,in order to study its hard cutting performance,its electric hot machining process was simulated by the finite element simulation software Deform-3D.The finite element model (FEM) of electric hot machining process of GCr15 steel was built,and the influence of heating current on the wear depth of tool,the main cutting force,and the tool-chip contact zone temperature was analyzed under the condition of limited cutting parameter.Experimental results show that the tool wear depth is increased gradually and then decreased with the increasing of heating current.The wear depth is reduced sharply when the heating current reaches a certain value.With the increasing of heating current,the main cutting force is decreased gradually.Especially when heating current reaches a certain value,the main cutting force is decreased obviously with linear decreasing trend.%为研究常见的耐磨和难加工材料GCr15钢的硬切削性能,利用Deform-3D对GCr15钢的导电加热切削过程进行有限元仿真;建立有限元模型,在切削参数一定的情况下,分析加热电流对刀具磨损深度、刀具主切削力,以及刀-屑接触区温度的影响.试验结果表明:刀具磨损深度随着加热电流的增加先逐渐增加然后逐渐减小,当加热电流达到一定值时刀具磨损深度锐减;随着加热电流的增加,刀具的主切削力逐渐减小,特别是当加热电流达到一定值时,主切削力开始明显减小,并呈现出线性下降趋势.【期刊名称】《润滑与密封》【年(卷),期】2017(042)008【总页数】5页(P82-86)【关键词】GCr15钢;DEFORM-3D;导电加热切削;加热电流;刀具磨损【作者】向彪;董霖;康裕华【作者单位】西华大学机械工程学院,西华大学流体及动力机械教育部重点实验室四川成都610039;西华大学机械工程学院,西华大学流体及动力机械教育部重点实验室四川成都610039;西华大学机械工程学院,西华大学流体及动力机械教育部重点实验室四川成都610039【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH117.120世纪60年代日本的上原邦雄提出了导电加热切削方法(Electric Hot Machining,EHM)[1],该方法在切削过程中利用刀具和工件构成回路,通以低压大电流,其生成的焦耳热将切削区材料软化,从而提高高硬度难切削材料切削加工性能,降低刀具的磨损,提高刀具耐用度,其基本原理如图1所示。



大变形量下高碳钢环件冷轧变形过程模拟与试验研究魏文婷;华林;韩星会;路博涵【摘要】研究了大变形量下高碳钢环件冷轧变形行为,利用有限元模拟方法分析了环件冷轧过程中的形变规律,采用光学显微镜、SEM 等材料表征手段研究了大变形量下环件冷轧过程中的组织演化特点。


%The cold ring rolling process of high carbon steel during large deformations was investi-gated herein.The deformation behaviour of the cold ring rolling process was analyzed by the finite ele-ment simulation method.The instruments like optical microscope and scanning electron microscope were employed to characterize the microstructure evolution of the cold rolled rings under large de-formations.Results indicate that under smaller deformations,both of the outer and the inner sides of the ring exhibites higher plastic strain than that on the middle part and deformation firstly occurres in the outer side.It is observed that the most severe deformations occurre in the inner surface of the ring,the less severe deformations in the outer surface and the least deformation in the middle part dur-ing the cold ring rolling process.With the deformation increasing,the inner side shows higher strain than that ofthe outer surface,and the location with the least strain shiftes to the peripheral layers. The ferrite matrix shows a clear direction along the rolling direction,and the distribution of cementite is more homogeneous with reduced carbide particles amount.Meanwhile,the shedding of the carbide particles is aggravated.When the deformations reach to 62·5%,the cold rolled ring reaches plastic limit with cracks firstly happening on the inner surface of the cold rolled ring.【期刊名称】《中国机械工程》【年(卷),期】2015(000)004【总页数】5页(P540-544)【关键词】大变形量;环件冷轧;高碳钢;微观组织【作者】魏文婷;华林;韩星会;路博涵【作者单位】武汉理工大学现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室,武汉,430070;武汉理工大学现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室,武汉,430070;武汉理工大学现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室,武汉,430070;武汉理工大学现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室,武汉,430070【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG335环件冷轧是一种在常温下进行的先进的连续局部塑性成形工艺,主要用于制造各种截面形状的无缝环形零件,具有生产成本低、产品性能优良和产品精度高等优点,广泛应用于汽车、火车、船舶、航空航天和原子能等工业领域中[1-2]。



【摘要】用有限元法研究了GCr1 5钢圆柱体在油淬过程中的温度、组织及应力变化。

在实测了淬火油换热系数的基础上 ,对轴对称空心圆柱体淬火时的温度场和组织场进行了模拟。

同时运用热弹塑性理论 ,对圆柱体内外表面点及中心点应力的演化过程进行了模拟。

模拟结果表明 :圆柱体内表面的冷速小于外表面。

在淬火初期 ,由于热应力的作用使工件表面受拉而心部受压 ,在发生应力反向前 ,发生了组织转变 ,并使表面应力迅速转向 ,在应力达到最低点后又逐渐回升 ,最后表面形成了拉应力。

心部的应力变化正好相反 ,最终形成了组织应力型的内应力分布。

1.GCr15钢淬火过程换热系数的计算 [J], 常国光;刘宪冬;陈春焕;任瑞铭
2.圆柱体45钢淬火过程中热传导方程逆问题的求解 [J], 程赫明;王洪纲
3.40Cr钢圆柱体淬火过程中的应力场数值计算改进 [J], 孙华东
4.65Mn钢圆锯片淬火过程计算机数值模拟Ⅱ-组织转变 [J], 赵东;钱桦;郭宝峰
5.65Mn钢圆锯片淬火过程计算机数值模拟Ⅰ—温度场 [J], 钱桦;赵东;郭宝峰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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GCr15钢奥氏体晶粒长大的有限元模拟岳重祥1,张立文1,廖舒纶1,裴继斌1,高惠菊2,贾元伟3,廉晓洁3(1.大连理工大学三束材料改性国家重点实验室,辽宁大连116085;2.东北特钢集团,辽宁大连116031;3.太原钢铁(集团)有限公司技术中心,山西太原030003)摘 要:用Gleeble -3800型热模拟试验机研究了不同加热温度和保温时间对GCr15钢奥氏体晶粒的长大影响,得到了描述GCr15钢奥氏体晶粒长大规律的数学模型;并将该模型写入M arc 的子程序,利用大型商业有限元软件M arc 模拟了加热保温过程中GCr15钢奥氏体晶粒的长大过程。


关键词:GCr15钢;奥氏体晶粒;有限元模拟中图分类号:TG 115.213.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-3738(2008)12-0088-03Finite Element Simulation of Austenite Grain Growth of GC r15SteelY UE Chong -xiang 1,ZHANG Li -wen 1,LIA O Shu -lun 1,PEI Ji -bin 1,GA O Hui -ju 2,JIA Yuan -wei 3,LIAN Xiao -jie 3(1.Dalian Unive rsity o f Technolog y ,Dalian 116085,China ;2.N ortheast Special Steel G roup ,Dalian 116031,China ;3.Taiy uan Iro n &Steel (G roup )Co .,Taiyuan 030003,China )A bstract :T he effects o f heating tempera ture and holding time on austenite gr ain g ro wth process of GCr15steel we re studied using G leeble -3800ther mo -mechanical simulato r .T he ma thematical model w hich can describe austenite g rain g row th behavior o f the steel wa s obtained and w ritten in the subroutine of M ar c .T hen austenite gr ain gr ow th pr ocess of the steel w as simulated by finite element sof tw are M arc .The austenite g rain size simulated by finite element is in g ood ag reement w ith the measur ed va lue .Key words :GCr15steel ;austenite gr ain ;finite element simulation 0 引 言GCr15钢主要用于制造轴承的滚珠和滚圈,在我国约占轴承用钢的90%以上。


众所周知,晶粒的大小与材料的力学性能有一定的对应关系,所以对GC r15钢晶粒长大规律的研究对提高产品质量具有重要意义。



导师:张立文教授GCr15钢奥氏体晶粒长大过程的影响,得到了描述不同热处理工艺下GCr15钢奥氏体晶粒长大规律的数学模型;用M arc 有限元软件对试验过程进行了数值模拟,并与试验结果进行了对比。

1 试样制备及试验方法试验材料用东北特钢生产的 15mm 的GCr15钢棒材,轧态组织为片状珠光体,其化学成分(质量分数/%)为0.99C ,0.24Si ,0.31M n ,0.010P ,0.003S ,1.44Cr ,0.05Ni ,0.12Cu ,0.02Mo 。

沿棒材轧制方向加工出 8m m ×12mm 的圆柱形试样,将热电偶点焊于试样表面用于测量温度。

加热试验在Gleeble -3800型热模拟试验机上进行。

试样以5℃·s -1的速率加热到950,1050,1100,1150℃,分别保温0,40,120,300和480s 后,立即喷水快速冷却至室温,保留原奥氏体晶界,观察奥氏体晶粒的大小。

金相试样经添加少量活性剂的饱·88·第32卷第12期2008年12月机 械 工 程 材 料M ate rials for M echanical Eng ineeringVo l .32 No .12Dec . 2008和苦味酸溶液腐蚀后,用光学显微镜观察显微组织,用截线法定量测定晶粒度。

2 试验结果与分析2.1 热处理工艺与奥氏体晶粒尺寸的关系由图1可见,加热温度为1150℃时,随着保温时间的延长,奥氏体晶粒发生了明显的长大。


由于在950℃保温300s 以内,未见明显的奥氏体晶界,所以未给出相应的奥氏体晶粒尺寸。

表1 不同热处理工艺下奥氏体晶粒尺寸(μm )Tab .1 The dependence of austenite grain size onheat treatm ent processes加热温度/℃保温时间/s04120300480950----15.6105015.020.723.627.529.1110019.529.135.246.750.0115027.140.852.671.490.2由表1可见,当加热温度为1050~1150℃时,GCr15钢的奥氏体晶粒尺寸随着保温时间的延长均呈长大的趋势;同时,当保温时间相同时,加热温度越高,奥氏体晶粒尺寸越大。

2.2 奥氏体晶粒长大的模型描述奥氏体晶粒长大规律的数学模型可以分为升温和保温过程两部分。

2.2.1 升温过程中奥氏体晶粒长大模型升温时奥氏体晶粒的长大主要取决于升温速率和温度。

由于试验都是在5℃·s -1的恒定升温速率下进行的,所以升温速率对晶粒大小的影响可简化为常数k ,于是可用下式描述升温过程的奥氏体晶粒大小[1]。

d 0=kT m(1)式中:d 0为升温过程的奥氏体晶粒尺寸,μm ;T 为加热温度,K ;k 和m 为常数。

将不同加热温度下保温0s 时的奥氏体晶粒尺寸代入上式,可以确定式中常数k 和m 的值分别为7.07×10-25和8.11。

2.2.2 保温过程中奥氏体晶粒长大模型目前,一些学者[2-7]对不同金属的奥氏体晶粒长大规律进行了研究,在预测保温过程中奥氏体晶粒长大时通常采用Sellar 等[1]在分析碳-锰钢晶粒等温长大数据后提出的模型。

d n=d n 0+A t ex p (-Q /R T )(2)式中:d 为保温t 时间后的晶粒尺寸,μm ;d 0为保温0s 时的晶粒尺寸,μm ;t 为保温时间,s ;T 为加热温度,K ;R 为气体常数,8.31J /(m ol ·K );Q 为晶粒长大激活能,J /mol ;A ,n 均为试验常数。

对于不同的金属,模型中的常数A ,n 及晶粒长大激活能Q 均有不同的值。

用表1数据对式(2)进行了非线性回归可确定n 、A 、Q 的最优化取值,于是GCr15钢在保温过程中奥氏体晶粒长大的规律可用下列模型表述:d277=d 277+3.12×1019t exp (-4.58×105/R T )(3)3 晶粒长大过程的有限元模拟3.1 有限元模型为了使GCr15钢在加热保温试验中奥氏体晶粒长大的过程可视化,利用M arc 有限元软件模拟了材料在Gleeble -3800型热模拟试验机上的加热保温过程。

热模拟试样尺寸为 8mm ×12m m ,但由于其对称性,取1/8试样进行分析,划分为1800个单元,2256个节点,材料的各项热物性数据通过外部输入。


同时,在模型中,利用Fo rtran 语言将试验所得的奥氏体晶(a ) 1150℃×0s (b ) 1150℃×40s (c ) 1150℃×300s (d ) 1150℃×480s图1 不同热处理工艺下GCr15钢的显微组织Fig .1 Microstructure of the G Cr15steel after different heat treatments·89·粒长大数学模型编制为Marc 用户子程序,用来研究分析奥氏体晶粒的长大过程。

3.2 模拟结果及分析图2给出了加热温度为1150℃、保温0s 和300s 时的奥氏体晶粒尺寸模拟结果。


(a ) 1150℃×0s(b ) 1150℃×300s 图2 奥氏体晶粒尺寸模拟结果Fig .2 The simulated austenite grain size为了验证模拟结果的准确性,作者对加热温度950,1050,1100,1150℃时分别保温0,40,120,300和480s 情况下共20个试样进行了模拟。



从而表明作者建立的有限元模型能够对GCr15钢在加热保温过程中的晶粒长大行为进行图3 晶粒尺寸试验值与模拟值的比较Fig .3 Comparison of measured grain size and s imulated one准确模拟,同时也证明试验所得到的GCr15钢奥氏体晶粒长大数学模型是合理的。

4 结 论(1)通过试验得到了描述GC r15钢奥氏体晶粒长大规律的数学模型;以有限元软件Marc 为平台,耦合试验所得的数学模型,建立了加热保温过程中GCr15钢奥氏体晶粒长大的有限元模型。
