立春Spring begins.雨水The rains.惊蛰Insects awaken.春分Vernal Equinox清明Clear and bright.谷雨Grain rain.立夏Summer begins.小满Grain buds.芒种Grain in ear.夏至Summer solstice.小暑Slight heat.大暑Great heat.立秋Autumn begins.处暑Stopping the heat.白露White dews.秋分Autumn Equinox.寒露Cold dews.霜降Hoar-frost falls立冬Winter begins.小雪Light snow.大雪Heavy snow.冬至Winter Solstice.小寒Slight cold.大寒Great cold …………………………上旋TOPSPIN下旋BOTTOM SPIN侧旋SIDE SPIN擦网NET擦边EDGE BALL拉弧圈球LOOP DRIVE正手攻FOREHAND ATTACK反手拨BACKHAND CONTROL高吊弧圈HIGH-SPIN LOOP DRIVE 其余的如楼上所说:drive 拉球loop drive 拉弧圆球smash 扣球fast loop drive 前冲弧圈球flick 急球backhand loop drive 反手弧圈球fast bringing 快带push 搓球feint play 滑板chop 削球block 挡球all cut 削球为主的战术chop – and – attack 削攻结合的战术lob 挑高球high – spin loop drive 加转弧圈球、高吊弧圈球backhand block with forehand attack 左推右攻drive 拉球loop drive 拉弧圆球smash 扣球fast loop drive 前冲弧圈球flick 急球backhand loop drive 反手弧圈球fast bringing 快带push 搓球feint play 滑板chop 削球block 挡球all cut 削球为主的战术chop – and – attack 削攻结合的战术lob 挑高球high – spin loop drive 加转弧圈球、高吊弧圈球backhand block with forehand attack 左推右攻。
中国二十四节气的英文怎么说1. 立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 52. 雨水 Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 203. 惊蜇 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 74. 春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 225. 清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 66. 谷雨 Grain Rain (6th solar teram)Apr.19,20 or 217. 立夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 78. 小满 Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 229. 芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 710. 夏至 the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 2211. 小暑 Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 812. 大暑 Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 2413. 立秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 914. 处暑 the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 2415. 白露 White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 916. 秋分 the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 2417. 寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 918. 霜降 Frost's Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 2419. 立冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 820. 小雪 Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 2321. 大雪 Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 822. 冬至 the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 2323. 小寒 Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 724. 大寒 Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 224节气的历史价值二十四节气既是历代官府颁布的时间准绳,也是指导农业生产的指南针,日常生活中人们预知冷暖雪雨的指南针。
二十四节气the Twenty-Four Solar Termsa day marking one of the 24 divisions of the solar year in the traditional Chinese calendar▪立春(The Beginning of Spring):春季的开始。
▪雨水(Rain Water):降雨开始,雨量渐增。
▪惊蛰(The Waking of Insects):春雷乍动,惊醒了蛰伏冬眠的动物。
▪春分(The Spring Equinox):春分即是昼夜平分。
▪清明(Pure Brightness):天朗气清。
▪谷雨(Grain Rain):雨量充足而及时,谷类作物得到滋润,茁壮成长。
▪立夏(The Beginning of Summer):夏季的开始。
▪小满(Lesser Fullness of Grain):麦类等夏熟作物籽粒开始饱满。
▪芒种(Grain in Beard):麦类等有芒作物成熟。
▪夏至(The Summer Solstice):炎热的夏天来临。
▪小暑(Lesser Heat):气候开始炎热。
▪大暑(Greater Heat):一年中最热的时候。
▪立秋(The Beginning of Autumn):秋季的开始。
▪处暑(The End of Heat):处是终止、躲藏的意思。
▪白露(White Dew):天气转凉,露凝而白。
▪秋分(The Autumn Equinox):昼夜平分。
▪寒露(Cold Dew):露水以寒,将要结冰。
▪霜降(Frost's Descent):持续降温,开始有霜。
▪立冬(The Beginning of Winter):冬季的开始。
▪小雪(Lesser Snow):开始下雪。
▪大雪(Greater Snow):降雪量增多,地面可能积雪。
▪冬至(The Winter Solstice):寒冷的冬天来临。
中国二十四节气和天干地支的翻译二十四节气The 24 Solar Terms:立春Spring begins.雨水The rains.惊蛰Insects awaken.春分Vernal Equinox清明Clear and bright.谷雨Grain rain.立夏Summer begins.小满Grain buds.芒种Grain in ear.夏至Summer solstice.小暑Slight heat.大暑Great heat.立秋Autumn begins.处暑Stopping the heat.白露White dews.秋分Autumn Equinox.寒露Cold dews.霜降Hoar-frost falls.立冬Winter begins.小雪Light snow.大雪Heavy snow.冬至Winter Solstice.小寒Slight cold.大寒Great cold(来源:/yingyu/2008/0327/WaiMaoYingYu_5051.html)农历天干的英文表示:天干:Heavenly Stems甲:the first of the ten Heavenly Stems.乙:the 2nd of the ten Heavenly Stems.丙:the 3rd of the ten Heavenly Stems.丁:the 4th of the ten Heavenly Stems.戊:the 5th of the ten Heavenly Stems.己:the 6th of the ten Heavenly Stems.庚:the 7th of the ten Heavenly Stems.辛:the 8th of the ten Heavenly Stems.壬:the 9th of the ten Heavenly Stems.癸:the last of the ten Heavenly Stems.地支:Earthly Branches子:the first of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 2nd of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 3rd of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 4th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 5th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 6th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 7th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 8th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 9th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 10th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the 11th of the twelve Earthly Branches.the last of the twelve Earthly Branches.以上是出自《汉英大词典》,中间的序数词我为了方便起见直接用了阿拉伯数字的形式,可以看出是多么的繁长,用于对这些文化的解释还行,但是编历还是太长了:如农历甲子年用这些英文就是一个很长的句子:the first of the ten Heavenly Stems and the first of the twelve Earthly Branches of year of Chinese Monthly Fa rmer’s Calendar,根本不是一个英文单词;下面是英语对农历各月的表示:正月:the 1st month of the Chinese lunar calendar.这里把农历称为太阴历(lunar calendar)是不确切的,应为阴阳历(lunisolar calendar)才更符合实际;故正月为:the 1st month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.二月:the 2nd month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.三月:the 3rd month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.四月:the 4th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.五月:the 5th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.六月:the 6th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.七月:the 7th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.八月:the 8th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.九月:the 9th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.十月:the 10th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.十一月:the 11th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.十二月:the 12th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar.(来源:/article/zhongguolifa/ganzhiwuhang/200701/200701273134.html)。
二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms 中英双语表达
Autumn begins
“秋,揪也,物于此而揪敛也。”我国古代将立秋分为三 候:“一候凉风至;二候白露生;三候寒蝉鸣。”
Stopping the heat
分“ 为七 三月 候中 :, “处 一, 候止 鹰也 乃, 祭暑 鸟气 ;至 二此 候而 天止 地矣 始。 肃” ;我 三国 候古 禾代 乃将 登处 。暑 ”
夏至 Summer solstice
一为六 候大月 温,节
风今, 至则暑 ;热,
蟋 蟀
小 也
, 就
居”热 宇。之
大暑 Great heat
“六月中,解见小暑。” 我国古代将大暑分为三候:“一候腐草为 萤;二候土润溽暑;三候大雨时行。”
白 White
露 dews
“八月节,阴气渐重,露凝而白也。” 我国古代将白露分为三候:“一候鸿雁 来;二候玄鸟归;三候群鸟养羞。”
秋 分
Autumn Equinox
“秋分者,阴阳相半也,故昼夜均而寒暑平。”我国古代将秋分分为三候:“一候雷始收声; 二候蛰虫坯户;三候水始涸。”
寒 Cold 露 dews
树 秋
季 声
山 山 寒
一 月 八
秋 丹桂 分
树 秋
二十四节气英文表达(精选) The 24 Solar Terms: Selected English ExpressionsIntroduction:The 24 Solar Terms, also known as the Chinese lunisolar calendar, is a unique way of dividing the year based on the sun's position and natural phenomena. It has been used for centuries to mark the changes in seasons and guide agricultural activities. In this article, we will explore the 24 Solar Terms and provide selected English expressions to help introduce this cultural aspect to a global audience.1. Spring Begins (立春):During this term, the cold winter gradually recedes and gives way to a warmer season. English expressions commonly used to describe this period include "the first signs of spring" and "the arrival of warmer weather."2. Grain Rain (谷雨):As the rainfall increases, this term marks an important time for sowing and nurturing plants. English expressions such as "the nourishing rains" and "the time of planting" can be used to describe this season.3. Pure Brightness (清明):This term coincides with the arrival of warmer temperatures and blooming flowers. English expressions like "the clear and bright days" and "the start of springtime beauty" capture the essence of this solar term.4. Grain Full (立夏):With the onset of this term, the weather becomes noticeably hot, and crops begin to grow rapidly. English expressions such as "the start of summer season" and "the growing season begins" aptly describe this time.5. Grain in Ear (小满):During this term, crops show signs of maturity, and the grains start to fill. English expressions like "the crops come into ear" and "the maturing period of grains" convey the meaning of this solar term.6. Summer Begins (立夏):As temperatures rise further, this term marks the official beginning of summer. English expressions like "the arrival of scorching heat" and "the onset of summertime" can be used to depict this time of the year.7. Slight Heat (小暑):With the prolonging of hot weather, slight heat announces the hottest period of the year. English expressions such as "the commencement of dog days" and "the start of intense summer heat" capture the essence of this solar term.8. Great Heat (大暑):During this term, the weather often reaches its highest temperatures. English expressions like "the peak of summer heat" and "the hottest days of the year" aptly describe this scorching phase.9. Autumn Begins (立秋):As the summer heat wanes, this term marks the beginning of autumn, a season known for its cool breeze. English expressions such as "the onset of autumn season" and "the start of crisp weather" depict the transition between summer and autumn.10. End of Heat (处暑):With this solar term, the heat gradually subsides, and cooler temperatures set in. English expressions like "the end of the hot season" and "the beginning of a cooling period" can be used to describe this time.11. White Dew (白露):As the temperature continues to drop, dew forms on the grass in the early morning, creating a white appearance. English expressions such as "the presence of morning dew" and "the arrival of dewy mornings" reflect the essence of this solar term.12. Autumnal Equinox (秋分):During this term, the length of day and night becomes equal. English expressions like "the equilibrium of daylight and darkness" and "the balance between day and night" convey the significance of this astronomical event.13. Cold Dew (寒露):As autumn deepens, the temperature drops further, leading to the formation of cold dew. English expressions such as "the arrival of chilly mornings" and "the appearance of dew with a cold touch" capture the essence of this solar term.14. Frost's Descent (霜降):As winter approaches, the temperature drops significantly, leading to the formation of frost. English expressions like "the beginning of frosty mornings" and "the descent of winter's icy touch" depict the transition between autumn and winter.15. Winter Begins (立冬):With this term, winter officially begins, and the weather becomes noticeably colder. English expressions such as "the arrival of freezing temperatures" and "the onset of wintertime" aptly depict this season.16. Slight Snow (小雪):During this term, the first snowflakes fall, marking the arrival of snow-covered landscapes. English expressions like "the beginning of light snowfall" and "the onset of snowflakes" capture the essence of this solar term.17. Great Snow (大雪):With the onset of great snow, winter reaches its peak, resulting in significant snowfall. English expressions such as "the arrival of heavy snowfall" and "the peak period of snow accumulation" convey the meaning of this solar term.18. Winter Solstice (冬至):During this term, the daylight reaches its shortest duration, and the night is longest. English expressions like "the longest night of the year" and "the shortest day of daylight" describe this astronomical event.19. Slight Cold (小寒):After the winter solstice, the temperature drops further, creating a chilly atmosphere. English expressions such as "the onset of cold spells" and "the beginning of winter chill" depict the transition between winter solstice and spring.20. Great Cold (大寒):With the arrival of great cold, winter reaches its coldest period of the year. English expressions like "the peak period of winter's freezing cold" and "the arrival of bone-chilling temperatures" aptly describe this term.21. Spring Begins (立春):As the 24 Solar Terms cycle restarts, spring begins, symbolizing a new beginning. English expressions commonly used to describe this period include "the first signs of spring" and "the arrival of warmer weather."22. Rain Water (雨水):During this term, the weather starts to warm up, and rainfall increases. English expressions such as "the onset of rainy days" and "the arrival of spring rains" can be used to describe this season.23. Awakening of Insects (惊蛰):With the increasing temperature, insects and animals begin to come out of hibernation. English expressions like "the awakening of dormant creatures" and "the start of activity in the animal kingdom" aptly depict this time.24. Spring Equinox (春分):During this term, the length of the day and night becomes equal again. English expressions like "the equilibrium of daylight and darkness" and "the balance between day and night" convey the significance of this astronomical event.Conclusion:The 24 Solar Terms provide a unique way of understanding the changing seasons and the natural rhythm of our planet. By exploring these terms and their selected English expressions, we can bridge cultural gaps and enhance global appreciation for this fascinating aspect of Chinese tradition.。
The Twenty-Four Solar Terms, a traditional Chinese system for calculating time, is used to describe and divide the year into twenty-four segments.一、立春 (Li Chun)Li Chun, which translates to "beginning of spring," marks the start of spring in the lunar calendar. It usually falls on February 3rd or 4th in the Gregorian calendar. This solar term represents the end of winter and the beginning of a new cycle of seasons.二、雨水 (Yu Shui)Yu Shui, meaning "rainwater," symbolizes the arrival of wetter weather and the start of rainfall. Occurring around February 18th or 19th, this solar term signals the preparation for spring planting and agricultural activities.三、惊蛰 (Jing Zhe)Jing Zhe, or "awakening of insects," is the time when hibernating creatures start to come out of their slumber. Falling around March 5th or 6th, this solar term signifies the revival of life in nature as vegetation starts to grow.四、春分 (Chun Fen)Chun Fen, known as the "vernal equinox," occurs around March 20th or 21st. It is the midpoint between the winter solstice and the summer solstice. On this day, the length of day and night is approximately equal, symbolizing balance.五、清明 (Qing Ming)Qing Ming, often referred to as the "Tomb-Sweeping Day," falls on April 4th or 5th. It is a time for Chinese people to honor and remember their ancestors by cleaning their graves and offering sacrifices.六、谷雨 (Gu Yu)Gu Yu, meaning "grain rain," is the period when rainwater benefits the growth of crops. It usually occurs around April 19th or 20th, representing the important transition from spring to summer and the crucial time for sowing and cultivating crops.七、立夏 (Li Xia)Li Xia, the "beginning of summer," takes place around May 5th or 6th. With the rise in temperature, it officially marks the start of the hot summer season. People begin to adapt to the change in weather by adjusting their clothing and diet.八、小满 (Xiao Man)Xiao Man, known as "grain full," is the period when crops begin to mature. Falling around May 20th or 21st, this solar term signifies the critical stage in the growth of agricultural products and the forthcoming summer harvest.九、芒种 (Mang Zhong)Mang Zhong, or "grain in beard," represents the time when wheat and barley are ready to be harvested. It typically occurs around June 5th or 6th, indicating the start of summer agricultural work and the expectation of fruitful yields.十、夏至 (Xia Zhi)Xia Zhi, the "summer solstice," is the day with the longest daylight hours and the shortest night of the year. Falling around June 21st or 22nd, it marks the arrival of summer and represents the peak of heat.十一、小暑 (Xiao Shu)Xiao Shu, translated as "slight heat," is characterized by an increase in temperature. Taking place around July 7th or 8th, it signifies the hottest period of the year. People often indulge in various ways to cool down during this solar term.十二、大暑 (Da Shu)Da Shu, or "great heat," falls on July 22nd or 23rd, representing the hottest phase of summer. It is a reminder for people to take extra precautions against the extreme heat and to avoid heat-related illnesses.十三、立秋 (Li Qiu)Li Qiu, the "beginning of autumn," usually occurs around August 7th or 8th. As summer gradually wanes, this solar term marks the transition fromhot weather to cooler temperatures, with the appearance of occasional cold fronts.十四、处暑 (Chu Shu)Chu Shu, meaning "limit of heat," occurs around August 22nd or 23rd. It signifies the end of the hottest period and the start of a more bearable climate. During this solar term, people can finally enjoy some relief from the scorching summer heat.十五、白露 (Bai Lu)Bai Lu, known as "white dew," reflects the changing weather as dew starts to form in the mornings. Falling around September 7th or 8th, this solar term represents the gradual transition to autumn, with cooler temperatures and increased humidity.十六、秋分 (Qiu Fen)Qiu Fen, the "autumnal equinox," takes place around September 22nd or 23rd. Similar to Chun Fen in spring, day and night are approximately equal in length during this solar term, symbolizing harmony and balance.十七、寒露 (Han Lu)Han Lu, or "cold dew," occurs around October 8th or 9th. It is the time when the temperature further drops, leading to the formation of dew that can feel cold to the touch. This solar term signifies the arrival of cooler autumn weather.十八、霜降 (Shuang Jiang)Shuang Jiang, meaning "falling frost," falls around October 23rd or 24th. With the drop in temperatures, the first frost of the year usually appears during this period, indicating the further progression into autumn.十九、立冬 (Li Dong)Li Dong, the "beginning of winter," takes place around November 7th or 8th. As the crisp autumn air persists, this solar term signifies the arrival of colder temperatures and preparations for the upcoming winter season.二十、小雪 (Xiao Xue)Xiao Xue, translated as "light snow," falls around November 22nd or23rd. It represents the stage when the first sign of snowfall begins, albeit in the form of light flurries. This solar term marks the transition to colder weather.二十一、大雪 (Da Xue)Da Xue, or "heavy snow," typically occurs around December 7th or 8th. As winter tightens its grip, snowfall becomes heavier, covering the landscape in a thick blanket of white. This solar term symbolizes the arrival of the coldest period of the year.二十二、冬至 (Dong Zhi)Dong Zhi, the "winter solstice," is the shortest day and longest night of the year. Falling around December 21st or 22nd, it marks the official arrival of winter. People celebrate this solar term with family reunions and the consumption of traditional food.二十三、小寒 (Xiao Han)Xiao Han, meaning "light cold," falls around January 5th or 6th. As winter continues its course, the temperature drops even further. Despite the slight cold, this solar term also signifies that spring is gradually approaching.二十四、大寒 (Da Han)Da Han, or "great cold," takes place around January 20th or 21st. As the coldest period of the year, it represents the end of winter and the beginning of the next cycle of seasons. People take necessary precautions to stay warm during this extremely cold period.In conclusion, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms play a significant role in the Chinese traditional culture, observing the cyclical nature of time and the changes in weather throughout the year. These solar terms not only serve as a calendar system but also provide valuable insights into the agricultural practices and daily lives of the Chinese people.。
霜降 Hoar-frost falls
立冬 Winter begins
小雪 Light snow
大雪 Heavy snow
冬至 Winter Solstice
小寒 Slight cold
大寒 Great cold
小满 Grain buds
芒种 Grain in ear
夏至 Summer solstice
二十四节气英语表达立春Beginning of Spring春天开始之时。
Spring starts here according to the Chinese definition of a season.雨水Rain Water降雨大于降雪。
Starting at this point, the temperature makes rain more likely than snow.惊蛰Insects Awakening冬眠昆虫开始苏醒。
When hibernating insects awaken.春分Spring Equinox平分春季。
The central divide of spring.清明Fresh Green扫墓时节。
A Chinese festival where, traditionally, ancestral graves are tended.Grain Rain雨水帮助谷物生长。
Rain helps grain grow.立夏Beginning of Summer夏天开始之时。
Summer starts here.小满Lesser Fulness谷物变得饱满。
Grains are plump.芒种Grain in Ear植物的芒生长成熟。
Awns (beard of grain) grow.夏至Summer Solstice太阳高度达到了极值(最高)。
Summer extreme (of sun's height) 小暑Lesser Heat气温开始高到难以忍受。
When heat starts to get unbearable.Greater Heat一年最热之时。
The hottest time of the year.立秋Beginning of Autumn秋天开始之时。
Autumn starts here.处暑End of Heat炎热的夏天即将过去。
立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5雨水 Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20惊蜇 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6谷雨 Grain Rain (6th solar teram)Apr.19,20 or 21立夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 7小满 Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 22芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7夏至 the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22小暑 Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8大暑 Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24立秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9处暑 the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24白露 White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9秋分 the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9霜降 Frost‘s Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24立冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8小雪 Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23大雪 Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8冬至 the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23小寒 Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7大寒 Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2倚窗远眺,目光目光尽处必有一座山,那影影绰绰的黛绿色的影,是春天的颜色。