英语ppt节日介绍 ppt


中国传统节日介绍英文版 ppt课件

中国传统节日介绍英文版 ppt课件

Origin Brief introduction
The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar.
Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节) The Double Ninth Festival(重阳节) Winter solstice (冬至)
Spring Festival Introduction
Paste Spring Festival Couplets 贴春联 New Year paintings 年画 Paper-cuts 剪纸 Reunion dinner of the New year eve 年夜饭 The Spring Festival Gala 春节联欢晚会 Pay New Year‘s call 拜年 Lion Dance and Dragon Dance 舞龙 舞狮
Historical material about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are many different versions, four influential: the first is that the summer solstice customs; The second is that Dragon Boat Festival from the Xia and Shang Dynasties that derived from the ancient times Wuyue national dragon totem worship; Third, the Dragon Boat Festival and the ancient "Bad Moon" and "evil day" linked; final say, most accepted view that the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate Qu Yuan.


The role of festivals in society
analyzing the impact of festivals on social life, culture, economy and other aspects, discussing their functions in promoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding
04 The influence and value of festivals
The Contribution of Festivals to Society
01 02
Cultural Exchange
Festivals provide a platform for the exchange of diverse cultures, allowing people to learn about and apply different conditions, values, and ways of life
Community cancellation methods
Community events
Villages or neighborhoods organize community events such as dragon and lion dances, cultural performance, and more to celebrate the festival These events bring the community together and promote cultural heritage
The Development of Festivals

高考英语 中国传统文化节日介绍英文版(共19张PPT)

高考英语 中国传统文化节日介绍英文版(共19张PPT)
The introduction of Chinese traditional culture
The Traditional Chinese festivals
New Year's Eve & The Spring Festival
New Year's Eve is one of the most important festival in the traditional Chinese festivals.The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. The Spring Festival is the first day of the first month in the lunar(农历的) year.
glue pudding
guess lantern riddles
Text in here
Tomb sweeping
Text in here
Flying kites
The activity of people
Text in here
The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.The festival is a time for family reunions (家庭团聚)to appreciate the moon and eat moon cakes together.It is a very important festival in China.


The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first. ……
and the memorial activities .春节是中国民间最隆重的传
统节日。在夏历正月初一,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”、“ 新年”。春节的历史很悠久,它起源于殷商时期年头岁尾 的祭神祭祖活动。
Ching Ming, the Chinese one of 24 solar terms. China's traditional Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty about a lapse of 2500 years of history. "Calendar": "after the vernal equinox on the 15th, the Big Dipper that small, as Ching Ming, Qi when all things are clean and clear, clear view lid when the air clear, all things are obvious, hence the name." Ching Ming arrived, the temperature rise It is an excellent spring season planting in spring, therefore, "before and after Tomb Sweeping Festival, tending to grow beans." Ching Ming Festival is a festival of ancestor worship, mainly grave, grave is the reverence for his ancestors, family and filial London Fureai specific performance. Ching Ming Festival in mid-spring and late spring at the turn, which is 106 days after the winter solstice. May 20, 2006, the folk festival of the State Council approved the inclusion of the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage. The other, Yong Ching Ming poetry very much, Du Mu, "Qingming" the most famous poems



on April 4-6 each year .After the festival ,the
temperature will rise up and rainfall increase .It
is the high time for spring plowing and sowing .
The Hanshi (cold food ) festival was usually one
EVE 圣诞节(12月25日)-----CHRISTMAS
The Qingming (Pure Brightness )Festival is one
of the 24seasonal division points in China ,falling
day before the Qingming festival.As our ancestor
often extended the day to the Qingming,they
were later combined.
———Байду номын сангаас
Main Activities tomb-sweeping
Is there a public house somewhere ,cowboy ? 牧童遥指杏花村
He points at Apricot Village faraway
You may fall from the sky, you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall... is in love with me



Children’s Day 儿童节
It is a holiday for children.
on the 1st of June
What to do
Children have parties at school, People usually give gifts to children, …
Spring Festival 春节
Spring Festival 春节
It is a popular holiday in China.
in January or February
eat a lot of delicious food, visit their relatives and friends, What to do play with fireworks(烟花), get some red packets, …
Lantern Festival 元宵节
Lantern Festival 元宵节
It is a popular holiday in China.
on the 15th of the first lunar month
play with lanterns, What to do eat rice balls,

Women’s Day 妇女节
Women’s Day 妇女节
It is a holiday for women.
on the 8th of March
give the gifts to the women, What to do

April Fool’s Day 愚人节
April Fool’s Day 愚人节


• People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new". Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour糯米粉) on this occasion, because as a homophone同音字, niangao means "higher and higher, one year after another.
• The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan. He was a good and respected man, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor's court。
• Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals, the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year.



9.Queen’s Birthday(女王诞辰日) 每年4月21日
10.May Day(五月节)
monwealth Day(英联邦纪念日),每年5月24日 12.Queen’s Official Birthday(女王法定诞辰日),英国 在6月10日或前一个星期六放假,以取代4月21日女王的 生日。 13.Hallowe’en (万圣节前夕),每年10月31日 14.Guy Fakes Day (烟火节),每年的11月5日 15.Christmas Day (圣诞节),每年的12月25日 16.Childermas (婴儿殉教日),每年的12月28日, 纪念 殉教幼儿的日子,也称Holy Innocents’Day。
March 22 and April 25. -
Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and a time for giving chocolate Easter eggs. But Easter means much more. Easter eggs are a very old tradition going to a time before Christianity Eggs after all are a symbol of spring and new life.
Three Christmas Traditions One is the Christmas pantomime(哑剧), a comical, musical play. The pantomime is usually based on a version of a traditional children’s story like Cinderella.



one of the 24seasonal division points in
China ,falling on April 4-6 each year .After the
festival ,the temperature will rise up and
rainfall increase .It is the high time for spring
Guess what the topic is today???
元旦(1月1日)-----NEW YEAR'S DAY 成人节(日本,1月15日)-----ADULTS DAY 情人节(2月14日)-----ST.VALENTINE'S
T he oldest and the most important Christian Festival,the celebration of the death and coming to life again of Jesus Christ.
Date:It’s a movable feast meaning



啤酒节(德国十月节,10月10日)----OKTOBERFEST 南瓜节(北美10月31日)-----PUMPKIN DAY 鬼节(万圣节除夕,10月31日夜)----HALLOWEEN 万圣节(11月1日)-----HALLOWMAS 感恩节(美国,11月最后一个星期四)----THANKSGIVING 圣诞除夕(12月24日)-----CHRISTMAS EVE 圣诞节(12月25日)-----CHRISTMAS DAD
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will KnoKnow, The More Powerful You Will Be
当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的, 所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。
•Easter Cards:It is arrived in Victorian England,when a stationer added a greeting to a drawing of a rabbit.
• Boxing day is the following day after Christmas Day.And it is also a national holiday in England.On this day that the alms(救济品) box at every church is opened and the contents are distributed to the poor. •Custom:Traditionally Boxing Day is a day for fox hunting. •Family Time:It is usually the day when families travel to meet together,watching sports and playing board games.

英语ppt节日介绍 精品 PPT课件

英语ppt节日介绍 精品 PPT课件
England France
America Brazil Korea Japan
England 英国
• Men send gifts to women,and give rose to each other .
• 多为男性向女性送礼物, 互赠鲜花以致深情蜜意。
5.14 黄色与玫瑰情人节(yellow and rose day),在这一天穿上黄色衣服,吃黄色咖喱饭是告诉大家你 还在单身的意思,另外,在这一天送红玫瑰是倾诉爱意,送白玫瑰是表示犹豫未决,若送上黄玫瑰,就表 示再见了
6.14 亲吻情人节(kiss day),情侣们用亲吻表达对对方的爱意
7.14 银色情人节(silver day),把你的意中人带回家让父母认识的好机会
• 每年的11月11日为韩国的 情人节,在这天,有情人 会互赠巧克力棒来表达爱 意。
Japan 日本
• girls send DIY Chocolates to the boy that they like,and boys give something back on White Valentine.
• 3 roses: I love you. • 9 roses: I will love you forever. • 10 roses: You are pretty. • 11 roses: You’re my treasured one. • 12 roses: I love you and I am grateful for
• Red & white roses together: unity or togetherness.



关于圣诞老人的传说 大约在公元四世纪的时候,尼古拉斯出生在小亚细 亚巴大拉城,家庭富有,父母亲是非常热心的天主 教友,不幸他的父母早逝。尼古拉斯长大以后,便 把丰富的财产,全部捐送给贫苦可怜的人,自己则 出家修道,献身教会,终生为社会服务。
尼古拉斯后来作了神父,而且还升为主教。他一生 当中,做了很多慈善的工作,他最喜欢在暗中帮助 穷人,圣诞老人是他后来的别号,这个名字是出自 他暗中送钱,帮助三个女孩子的故事。 尼古拉斯死后被尊为圣徒,是一位身穿红袍、头戴 红帽的白胡子老头。每年圣诞节他驾着鹿拉的雪橇 从北方而来,由烟囱进入各家,把圣诞礼物装在袜 子里挂在孩子们的床头上或火炉前。
新年(New Year's Day ) 情人节(Valentine's Day) 耶稣受难日(Good Friday) 复活节(Easter) 复活节星期一(Easter Monday) 愚人节(April Fool's Day) 母亲节(Mother's Day) 父亲节(Father's Day) 劳动节(Labor Day) 万圣节前夕(Halloween) 感恩节(Thanksgiving Day) 圣诞节(Christmas Day)
中文名:情人节 英文名:Valentine‘s Day 别 称:圣瓦伦丁节 节日时间:每年的阳历2月14日 流行地区:欧美地区 节日活动:赠送贺卡和玫瑰花 节日饮食:巧克力 节日意义:为了纪念为情人做主 而牺牲的瓦伦丁神父 设定时间:公元270年2月14日
Valentine’s Day
在英国传统的“收获感恩节”中,“感恩节” 还有另外一个重要的因素,那就是清教徒们邀请 91个当地的印第字安人共同庆祝这个节日,这91 个人正是在那个寒冬中给了他们极大支持的人, 确实是他们需要感谢的人。然而,这种友谊并未 能延续多长时间,几年之后,清教徒们一致谴责 这些印第安人是野蛮人。如今,这个节日演变成 了一个有机会让家庭成员聚集在一起的节日。在 这个节日中,大家在一起享用传统美食,如烤火 鸡,南瓜馅饼等这些节日特色食物。


About holiday English PPT courseware
• Overview of Festivals • English vocabulary for festivals • Cultural background of festivals • Festival cancellation methods • Festival tourism and shopping • Holiday English Speaking Practice
Common English words used during festivals
• Stocking: A sock shaped container hung over a fireplace or a similar warm spot to receive small gifts
Common English words used during festivals
Overview of Festivals
Definition and types of festivals
A festival is an organized, commonly cellular event or set of events that take place at a specific time of the year and is attended by large numbers of people
Jack o '- lantern: A carried pushin, often with a face, that is used as a decoration during Halloween


FIFA World Cup
The quarterly international football tournament, hosted by a different country each time, bringing together the best teams from around the world to compete for the title of world competition
which is said to be in memory of St. Valentine
On Valentine's Day, people usually send cards or flowers to their lovers or friends, or
hold a romantic dinner or date
The day also serves as a call to action for accelerating gender equality and women's empowerment
Events include rallies, conferences, and cultural performance that highlights the importance of women's ritian holiday cellular worldwide, Easter marks the recurrence of Jesus Christ It is traditionally associated with egg hunts, bunny rabbits, and family gatherings
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• 101 roses: Best of all, you’re my one and only.
• 108 roses: Proposal, Will you marry me?
• 365 roses: I love you every single day.
• 999 roses: My love will last till the end of
• Yellow roses: friendship, familiar love and domestic happiness
• Valentine's Day started in the time of the Roman Empire. Nowadays Every February 14th we celebrate Valentine's Day by giving flowers, candy and card- s to those we love. 5
• Red & white roses together: unity or togetherness.
• Dark pink roses: appreciation and gratitude
• White roses: nity, loyalty, reverence,
humility, sincerity, purity
christians (基督徒) warden([’wɔ:dən],监狱长) cured([‘kjuəd] ,治愈) tyrant([‘tairənt],暴君) miracle([’mirəkl],奇迹) legend([‘ledʒənd] ,传说) execution [,eksi‘kju:ʃən] ,死刑 kneel [ni:l] ,跪下
Valentine‘s Day reminds you of ……?
Love rose
The story of valentine's day
It is said that long time ago ,a man who called valentine is the earliest christians that age, being a christian means danger and death at that time. In order to protect other christians, valentine was caught and put into prison. There he cured the warden’s daughter ’s blind eyes.
• On Valentine's Day Lovers send each other Valentine's Day cards that tell of their love.
• Sometimes they also send other gifts too, like flowers ,jewelries or candy.
• 3 roses: I love you.
• 9 roses: I will love you forever.
• 10 roses: You are pretty.
• 11 roses: You’re my treasured one.
• 12 roses: I love you and I am grateful for
The meaning of rose colors
• Roses in mixed colors: You’re everything to me
• Red roses: romance, beauty, respect, courage, passionate love and unity
your presenrever friends.
• 20 roses: I’m sincere towards you.
• 21 roses: I’m committed to you.
• 24 roses: You’re always on my mind. 100 roses:100% love, I’m totally devoted to you.
When the tyrant heard the miracle, he was afraid, and so he commanded slave to kill valentine.
According to legend, before the execution of the morning ,on which Valentine would be killed , he wrote a letter to the daughter to tell her that he loved her. At the end of the letter is: From your Valentine .That day, the girl kneeled in front of his grave and planted a open safflower , that day is February 14. Since then, christians gave February 14 as valentine's day.
• Do you know the meaning of rose quantities?
• 1 rose: love at first sight, you are the only one.
• 2 roses: Mutual feelings, a commitment, an engagement or coming marriage.