




参考公式:如果事件A 、B 互斥,那么 P (A+B )=P (A )+P (B ) 如果事件A 、B 相互独立,那么P (A·B )=P (A )·P (B )如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是p ,那么n 次独立重复试验中事件A 恰好发生k 次的概率k n k k n n p p C k P --=)1()((k=0,1,2,…,n )球的表面积公式S =4πR 2,其中R 表示球的半径 球的体积公式V =334R π,其中R 表示球的半径一、选择题1. 已知集合A ={x ||x|≤2,x ∈R},B ={x |x ≤2,x ∈Z},则A∩B =A. (0,2)B. [0,2]C. {0,2}D. {0,1,2}2. 若(a+4i )i=b+i (a ,b ∈R ),i 为虚数单位,则a+b =A. 3B. 5C. -3D. -53. 函数f (x )=3+sinx ,x ∈[0,1)的反函数的定义域是A. [0,1)B. [1,3+sin1)C. [0,4)D. [0,+ ∞)4. 设S n 是等差数列{a n }的前n 项和,S 5=3(a 2+a 8),则35a a 的值为 A.61 B.31 C.53 D.65 5. 已知函数y=2sin (2x+ϕ)(|ϕ|<2π)的图象经过点(0,1),则该函数的一条对称轴方程为A. x=6π B. x=12πC. x=-12π D. x=-6π 6. 已经双曲线x 2-m 2y 2=m 2(m>0)的一条渐近线与直线2x -y+3=0垂直,则该双曲线的准线方程为A. x=±334B. x=±554C. x=±23 D. x=±25 7. 设(x -b )8=b 0+b 1x+b 2x 2+…+b 8x 8,如果b 5+b 8=-6,则实数b 的值为A.21 B. -21 C.2 D. -28. 在△ABC 中,D 为BC 边上的点,=λ+μ,则λμ的最大值为A. 1B.21 C.31 D.41 9. 已知三棱锥S -ABC 的所有顶点都在球O 的球面上,SA ⊥平面ABC ,SA=23,AB=1,AC=2,∠BAC=60°,则球O 的表面积为A. 4πB. 12πC. 16πD. 64π10. 定义在R 上的函数y=f (x )是增函数,且函数y=f (x -3)的图象关于点(3,0)成中心对称,若s ,t 满足f (s 2-2s ) ≥-f (2t -t 2),则A. s≥tB. s<tC. |s -1|≥|t -1|D. s+t≥011. 设抛物线C 的方程为y 2=4x ,O 为坐标原点,P 为抛物线的准线与其对称轴的交点,过焦点F 且垂直于x 轴的直线交抛物线于M 、N 两点,若直线PM 与ON 相交于点Q ,则cos ∠MQN=A.55B. -55 C.1010 D. -1010 12. 在8×8棋盘的64个方格中,共有由整数个小方格组成的大小或位置不同的正方形的个数为A. 64B. 128C. 204D. 408第Ⅱ卷注意事项:第Ⅱ卷共10小题,共90分。

























这一“授民”制度A. 标志西周大一统政权的建立B. 体现西周政权的宗法制特征C. 清除了贵族叛乱的政治基础D. 有利于形成天下共主的观念【答案】D【解析】【详解】根据材料“将原属周天子的臣民分封给诸侯”“ 这些臣民归诸侯所有,但依然保留着周天子臣民的性质”可知周天子分封人民给诸侯,且臣民依旧与周天子保持着臣民关系,结合所学知识可知,这有利于维护西周的统治,有利于形成天下共主的观念,故D项正确。




2.有学者根据已有文献和出土的汉简对西汉时期拥有六十亩土地的中等自耕农家庭收支进行了估算,如下表所示据此可知,西汉时期A. 自耕农生产技术较为落后B. 农业扩大再生产能力有限C. 政府采取轻徭薄赋的政策D. 土地兼并得到了有效遏制【答案】B【解析】【详解】根据图表信息可知,西汉时期拥有六十亩土地的中等自耕农家庭,在总收入减去总支出后仅剩814钱,由此可见农业扩大再生产能力有限,故B项正确。


图表中有赋敛的支出,但没有体现徭役情况,故C 项错误。















可能用到的相对原子质量:H-l C-12 0-16 Si- 28 Pb-207第Ⅰ卷(选择题共126分)一、选择题:本题共13小题,每小题6分。





2019届广西桂林、崇左市高三第一次联合调研考试历史卷【含答案及解析】姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________一、选择题1. 孔子的政治理想是:“远人不服,则修文德以来之。



这反映出孔孟( )A.儒学核心思想并不完全统一B.传统文化核心理念尚未形成C.仁政成为当代的核心价值观D.政治理想不符合时代要求2. “征辟是中国汉代擢用人才的一种制度,“征”是由皇帝征聘社会知名人士到朝廷充任要职,“辟”是由政府高官征辟属吏,然后向朝廷推荐。

这反映出汉代( )A.皇帝亲自考查选拔人才________ B.无需通过考查即可任用C.选官方式有一定主观性________ D.孝廉是人仕的主要依据3. 西汉时,长安附近的三辅一带,人口都特别稠密,共有240多万。



据此可推演出的公式是( )A.自然环境+人口=经济发展________ B.地理位置+人口=经济发展C.商业政策+人口=社会稳定________ D.社会稳定+人口=经济发展4. 据记载,马关条约签订后的第一年,日本对中国的棉纱输出立刻增长了4.3倍;第二年在1896年的基础上又增长了1.8倍”。

这说明( )A.中国近代纺织原料主要依赖进口B.帝国主义进入资本输出的阶段C.近代中国经济半殖民地化的加深D.中国民族工业对棉纱需求剧增5. 1938年,国民党临时全国代表大会召开,大会决定:经济建设以军事为中心,对粮食、矿产、税收、金融、交通、物价等实行全方位的管制( )A.推行国民经济建设运动B.加强了官僚资本的垄断地位C.为坚持抗战提供经济支撑D.积极发展民族资本主义6. “自从1914年爆发第一次帝国主义世界大战和1917年俄国十月革命在地球六分之一的土地上建立了社会主义国家以来,中国资产阶级民主主义革命起了一个变化。




可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 S-32 Cl-35.5 Fe-56 I-127一、选择题(本题共13小题。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个选项正确)1. 下列叙述正确的是A. 人体胰岛A细胞和胰岛B细胞中的RNA、蛋白质的种类和含量都有差别B. 植物愈伤组织分化的直接能源物质是蔗糖C. HIV病毒、水绵和人体都含有5种含氮碱基、8种核苷酸D. 细菌、蓝藻、黑藻都是原核生物2. 甲乙两组小白鼠(其中实验组破坏了下丘脑)在不同温度下进行实验,实验结果如图所示,下列说法正确的是A. 若用正常的青蛙做该实验,结果应与甲曲线相似B. 乙组小白鼠耗氧量增加是因为不能分泌促甲状腺激素C. 甲组小白鼠被破坏了下丘脑D. 本实验的对照组是甲组3. 下列关于流感病毒的说法正确的是A. 人体可通过效应B细胞和T细胞产生抗体抵抗流感病毒,接种流感疫苗后,人可终生免疫B. 人体抵抗进入体内的流感病毒,既可经过体液免疫,也可出现细胞免疫C. 感病毒侵入人体后,体液免疫对其不起作用D. 流感病毒可遗传的变异来自基因突变和染色体变异4. 下列有关生物工程及产品的说法错误..的是 A. 医疗“生物导弹”中具导向作用的是单克隆抗体B. 植物体细胞杂交和动物细胞培养技术中都要用到酶C. 用诱变育种的方法能够定向培育出产生高产量青霉素的大肠杆菌D. 发酵工程生产的食用色素、四环素、胰岛素都是微生物的次级代谢产物5. 下列有关遗传和育种的叙述正确的是A. 杂交育种的后代都是杂合体,单倍体育种的后代都是单倍体B. 基因工程育种的原理是基因突变C. 多倍体育种中使用秋水仙素处理,可抑制中心体形成,使染色体加倍D. 单倍体育种、植物体细胞杂交育种需植物组织培养技术,多倍体育种不需植物组织培养技术6. 下列叙述中,正确的是A. HCl 还原性小于HBrB. Cl H 371中质子数和中子数之比是9:19C. 1.00mol HCl 中约含有6.02×1023个ClD. 1L HCl 气体的质量一定比1LO 2的质量大7. 下列说法中,正确的是A. 分子晶体中,分子间作用力越大,分子越稳定B. 具有高熔沸点的晶体一定是离子晶体或原子晶体C. 与单晶硅晶体结构相似的晶体属于原子晶体D. 同族元素的氧化物形成的晶体类型相同8. 下列实验方案不能..达到预期目的的是 A. 测溶液导电性鉴别食盐水和蔗糖水B. 用浓硝酸做试剂比较铁和铜的金属活动性C. 用饱和碳酸钠溶液除去乙酸乙酯中的乙酸杂质D. 用钠做试剂比较水分子中的氢和乙醇中羟基氢的活泼性9. 在浓盐酸中H 3AsO 3与SnCl 2反应的离子方程式为3SnCl2+12Cl-+2H3AsO3+6H+=2As+3SnCl-26+6M下列关于该反应的说法中,错误..的是A. M为H2O B. 每还原1mol氧化剂,就有3mol电子转移C. 还原性:Sn+2>AsD. 氧化产物和还原产物的物质的量之比为2:310. 下列说法正确的是A. 镁与极稀硝酸反应生成硝酸铵的离子方程式为:4Mg+6H++NO-3=4Mg+2+NH+4+3H2OB. 常温下,0.1mol/L一元酸HA溶液中c(OH-)/c(H+)=1×108-,则此溶液的pH=3C. 相同条件下,浓度均为0.01mol/L的NH4Cl溶液和NaCl溶液中,前者的阳离子总浓度大于后者的阳离子总浓度D. 物质的量浓度相等的醋酸和氢氧化钠溶液等体积混合后的溶液中:c(Na+)+c(H+)=c(CH3COO-)+c(OH-)+c(CH3COOH)11. 下列说法正确的是A. 放热反应的反应速率总是大于吸热反应的反应速率B. 等物质的量的硫蒸气和硫固体分别完全燃烧,后者放出热量多C. 稀溶液中:H+(aq)+OH-(aq)=H2O(l);△H=-57.3kJ/mol,若将含0.5molH2SO4的浓硫酸与含1molNaOH的溶液混合,放出的热量大于57.3kJD. 101kPa时,H2燃烧的热化学方程式为:2H2(g)+O2(g)=2H2O(l);△H=-571.6kJ/mol,则H2在101kPa时的燃烧热为571.6kJ/mol12. 向X溶液中加入Y试剂,产生沉淀的物质的量符合下图的是X溶液YA NH4Al(SO4)2溶液NaOHB HCl和AlCl3的混合溶液NH3·H2OCNaOH 和Ca (OH )2的混合溶液 CO 2 D NH 4Cl 和MgCl 2的混合溶液 NaOH13. 将羧酸的碱金属盐电解可生成烃类化合物,例如:2CH 3COOK+2H 2O CH 3—CH 3↑+2CO 2↑+H 2↑+2KOH现电解CH 2ClCOOK 水溶液至CH 2ClCOOK 电解完全,再加热电解后所得溶液,则下列说法中合理的是A. CH 2ClCOOK 能发生水解反应、消去反应B. CO 2是电解CH 2ClCOOK 水溶液的阴极产物C. 在加热电解后所得溶液过程中,溶液pH 不变D. 将电解后所得溶液加热蒸干,析出的固体主要是KCl二、选择题(本题共8小题,在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个选项正确,有的有多个选项正确,全部选对的得6分.选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分)14. 某原子核的衰变过程如下:Z −−→−−−→−衰变衰变αβY X ,则 A. X 的中子数比Z 的中子数少2B. X 的质量数比Z 的质量数多5C. X 的质了数比Z 的质子数少1D. X 的质子数比Z 的质子数多115. 如下图所示,导热性能良好的气缸内用活塞封闭一定质量的空气,气缸固定不动,外界温度恒定。



2019年高考桂林市、崇左市联合模拟考试英语参考答案及评分标准听力1~5BBCCA6~10ABCAA11~15BCABC16~20BCBCA阅读21~23CAB24~27DDBA28~31ACBC32~35CCDB36~40BACEG 完形41~45CDABA46~50DABBA51~55BCDCC56~60DABCD语法填空61.eighth62.it63.between64.has been shortened65.independently 66.what67.reliable68.providing69.projects70.construction改错Last weekend l go fishing with my cousins by a river,where was two miles awaywent whichfrom my home by bike.When we were about to return for home,we found one of ourbike lost.We were really nervous then.Asking about the lost bike,nobody told thebikes Askedtruth except me.But to my surprise,my parents don’t scold me.Instead,they said Ididn’twas a honest boy.I have benefited great from my family rules.I’m not the best atan greatlyschool work,but∧classmates trust me and nearly everyone is willing to makingmy makefriends with me.It helps me know better about“Honesty is the best policy.”书面表达Dear John,I’d like to invite you to the annual Coming-of-age Ceremony of our school.This big event will be held in the school gym from3p.m.to4p.m.on April20.All the Senior Three students are expected to attend it with the companion of their parents and teachers.The Coming-of-age Ceremony is really a good chance for us students to express our gratitude to our beloved parents as well as our patient teachers.Meanwhile,it will turn a new page in our life, which means we have grown up and it’s time we should shoulder more responsibilities for the family and society.Looking forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Li Hua听力原文Example:M:Excuse me,can you tell me how much the shirt is?W:Yes,it’s nine fifteen.Text1M:I have to go to Professor Green’s to discuss my paper.But I’d see a film with you when I come back. W:I’m going to the cinema right now with Jane,and I don’t think you could make it.Text2W:Do you think we’ll have a nice summer this year?M:Due to global warming,it could be hotter than ever!Text3W:Why did you leave your previous job?The pay wasn’t good?M:Well,actually the job wasn’t a challenge any more.It was the same every day,so there was nothing new to learn.Text4W:Professor,I’m having problems making this water look real.M:Give me your brush for a moment.Watch me add just a few shadows here.Text5M:Part of the public has a different thought about war.Some even think it is a game of some sort.W:Having lived through the Second World War,I know that war is a terrible thing.When I see films about it,I can remember the whole thing.Text6W:Hello,Globe Hotel,can I help you?M:Yes,I have a reservation from the18th to the21st July for a double room with bath and balcony.I would like to change it,from the18th to the23rd July.W:And your name please?M:Bouvier.W:I’ll check it for you.I’m sorry,the room is not available on the23rd,but the22nd is available.Will that be OK?M:That’s OK.I’ll check out before noon on the23rd.Text7M:I was just looking at some of your oil paintings.You’ve got quite a collection,haven’t you?W:Mm,yes.Dutch mostly.Eighteenth century.M:And I love the way you’ve done the fireplace.Was that here when you moved in?W:Yes,it’s the original.M:And what beautiful chairs.French,aren’t they?W:Italian,actually.I bought them in Milan.M:Oh,really?And wow!Look at that view.You can see the whole city from here.Text8W:Well,Mr.Smith,here you are again.I notice that this is your fourth visit this month.You are taking the medicine I offered you last time,aren’t you?M:Yes,I take it every morning,but I need something else.First of all,I have a headache.My head has been aching for almost a week.And I’m losing weight.And my food tastes funny.As soon as I start to eat,I lose my appetite.W:Mr.Smith,I want you to tell me whether you are trying to get exercise.M:Yes,I remember your exact words:“It’s important to exercise,and that includes walking.”And I try. Some days I forget,but when I exercise,I like it.W:Well,Mr.Smith,it seems that it’s time for you to have a complete physical examination.Text9M:So Tania,welcome.W:Thank you.It’s great to be here.M:Tania,you’ve just finished your first film,where you acted Angie,a16-year-old girl.May I have your age,please?W:I’m one year older than Angie.M:You’ve been to the opening night.What was is like seeing yourself on screen?W:Well,before I went to the opening I thought it might be scary,but it wasn’t in the end.I could remem⁃ber how many times I’d had to do the scene,how much of me had gone into it.I certainly wasn’t bored watching the film,even though I knew it so well.M:And were there any similarities between you and Angie?W:Yeah,well it would be nice to think so!She often doesn’t follow normal rules,and I’m a lot like that. She doesn’t really care what people think about her though;however I do.Also she’s much more confi⁃dent than me.M:How did you play the role so well?W:I tried to act as Angie at any time.That’s how I really got into the role.M:OK,Tania,let’s take a break and then we continue talking about your new film.Text10W:Hello,everyone.I’d like to tell you about my working experience.After I left my school,I decided to go abroad to see the world.I only intended staying for six months but in the end I stayed two years.First of all I worked for a family.I looked after their three children—all under the age of ten so I was kept very busy!After six months I was ready for a change.Then I applied for a job in a hotel as a receptionist. That way I could still practise my languages.Then the hotel closed down.But the manager offered me a job in a bakery and I worked there for almost a year.At the beginning it was really hard.But once I got used to that,it was great,because I’d finished work by2o’clock in the afternoon and the rest of the time was my own.But my parents thought I ought to come home and get a proper job.I suppose they were right.So that’s why I applied for a job with the Bank International in their foreign department and so I continued to practise my languages。






这反映出A. 儒学无法适应社会需要B. 墨家思想具有实用色彩C. 墨学在争鸣中发展完善D. 墨家对儒家思想的扬弃【答案】B【解析】【详解】墨家服从“天”与“鬼”是因为这些外在力量能够箝制人们行为、帮助天下安定;废除礼乐制度,是因为不利于积累财富与繁庶人口。



墨家认为礼乐制度必须废除,不能表明儒学无法适应社会需要,排除A 项;材料没有反映墨家思想的发展完善,排除C项;材料没有反映墨家对儒家思想的继承,不能说明“扬弃”,排除D项。

2.通过对比下图《东汉十四州示意图》与《唐开元十五道示意图》,我们可推知A. 汉唐间南方经济有了较大发展B. 隋唐时期经济重心已完成南移C. 唐中央对吐蕃实施了有效管理D. 汉唐间中央开始直接管理地方【答案】A【解析】【详解】从示意图可以看出,汉朝时期南方的地方最高一级行政单位州的数量较少,而唐朝时期南方的地方最高一级行政单位道的数量大有增长,说明汉唐间南方经济有了较大发展,政府对南方的重视程度增强。





广西桂林市崇左市2019届高三5月联合模拟考试文综历史试题 word

广西桂林市崇左市2019届高三5月联合模拟考试文综历史试题 word





这一“授民”制度A.标志西周大一统政权的建立B.体现西周政权的宗法制特征C.清除了贵族叛乱的政治基础D.有利于形成天下共主的观念25.有学者根据已有文献和出土的汉简对西汉时期拥有六十亩土地的中等自耕农家庭收支进行了估算,如下表2所示据此可知,西汉时期A.自耕农生产技术较为落后B.农业扩大再生产能力有限C.政府采取轻徭薄赋的政策D.土地兼并得到了有效遏制26.唐太宗时期,26位宰相中三人具有科举出身,高宗朝41位宰相中有科举出身者已增至13 人,玄宗开元年间27位宰相中有科举出身者多达18人,高级官员和地方封疆大吏也多出于进士。


这反映出当地A.传统生产模式的解体B.市民群体的发展壮大C.商品经济向农村渗透D.新兴生产关系的发展28.晚清时期的画报图文并茂地反映了百年前中国的社会状况,下图4是1907年的一幅漫画《女学·立宪》(画中字:“自治”、“立宪”、“教育”、“女学”、“讽画”),该漫画反映了作者A.不满进步思想传播受到政府的阻碍B.主张彻底推翻清朝统治的政治诉求C.反对当时各地大兴女学的社会现象D.深刻认识到资产阶级民主政治局限20.下表3为北洋政府开展的一系列旨在废除不平等条约的外交活动由此可知,这一时期的北洋政府A.开启了近代意义的外交活动B.努力通过外交维护国家利益C.盲目追随欧美国家外交立场D,极大地提高了中国国际地位30. 1956年,周恩来指出“一九五六年初,我们为着加速发展农业,曾经过高地估计了双轮双铧犁和锅驼机(半机械化农具)的当年需要量,制定了过度的生产计划,……使某些机械工厂发生了一时赶工增产.一时闲工减产的现象。



2019届广西桂林市、崇左市、百色市高三下学期第一次联合模拟(一模)考试文数试卷【含答案及解析】姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________一、选择题1. 已知集合,,则()A. B. C. D.2. 设复数在复平面内的对应点关于虚轴对称,,则()A. B. C. D.3. 已知数列满足,若,则数列的前11项和为()A. 256B.C.D.4. 在区间上随机取两个数,则这两个数之和小于的概率是()A. B. C. D.5. 如果执行如图所示的程序框图,则输出的数不可能是(________ )A.0.7 B.0.75 C.0.8 D.0.96. 设,,,则()A. B. C. D.7. 某四棱锥的三视图如图所示,俯视图是一个等腰直角三角形,则该四棱锥的体积是()A. B. C. D.8. 已知函数,则“ ”是“函数在上为增函数”的()A. 必要而不充分条件________B. 充分而不必要条件C. 充要条件________D. 既不充分也不必要条件9. 下列函数中,其定义域和值域与函数的定义域和值域相同的是()A. B. C. D.10. 已知函数,则使得成立的的取值范围是()A. B. C. D.11. 在长方体中, 和与底面所成的角分别为和,则异面直线和所成的角的余弦值为()A. B. C. D.12. 已知椭圆上一点 A 关于原点的对称点为点 B , F 为其右焦点,若,设,且,则该椭圆的离心率 e 的取值范围是(________ )A .B .C .D .二、填空题13. 设满足约束条件,则的最大值为 _________ .14. 如图,在中,为边上靠近点的三等分点,连接,为线段的中点,若,则 ________ .15. 已知是等差数列的前项和,若,,则 __________ .16. 有6名选手参加学校唱歌比赛,学生甲猜测:4号或5号选手得第一名;学生乙猜测:3号选手不可能得第一名;学生丙猜测:1,2,6号选手中的一位获得第一名;学生丁猜测:4,5,6号选手都不可能获得第一名.比赛后发现没有并列名次,且甲、乙、丙、丁四人中只有1人猜对,则此人是 __________ .三、解答题17. 四边形如图所示,已知, .(1)求的值;(2)记与的面积分别是与,求的最大值.18. 某市为了制定合理的节电方案,供电局对居民用电进行了调查,通过抽样,获得了某年200户居民每户的月均用电量(单位:度),将数据按照,,,,,,,,分成9组,制成了如图所示的频率分布直方图.(Ⅰ)求直方图中的值并估计居民月均用电量的中位数;(Ⅱ)现从第8组和第9组的居民中任选取2户居民进行访问,则两组中各有一户被选中的概率.19. 如图,在四棱锥中,底面是正方形,底面,,分别是的中点.(1)在图中画出过点的平面,使得平面(须说明画法,并给予证明);(2)若过点的平面平面且截四棱锥所得截面的面积为,求四棱锥的体积.20. 如图,过椭圆:的左右焦点分别作直线,交椭圆于与,且 .(1)求证:当直线的斜率与直线的斜率都存在时,为定值;(2)求四边形面积的最大值.21. 已知函数在上有两个零点为 . (1)求实数的取值范围;(2)求证: .22. 选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程在直角坐标系中,直线的方程是,圆的参数方程是(为参数).以为极点,轴的非负半轴为极轴建立极坐标系.(Ⅰ)求直线和圆的极坐标方程;(Ⅱ)射线:(其中)与圆交于、两点,与直线交于点,射线:与圆交于、两点,与直线交于点,求的最大值.23. 选修4-5:不等式选讲设不等式的解集为,、.(Ⅰ)证明:;(Ⅱ)比较与的大小,并说明理由.参考答案及解析第1题【答案】第2题【答案】第3题【答案】第4题【答案】第5题【答案】第6题【答案】第7题【答案】第8题【答案】第9题【答案】第10题【答案】第11题【答案】第12题【答案】第13题【答案】第15题【答案】第17题【答案】第18题【答案】第19题【答案】第20题【答案】第21题【答案】第22题【答案】第23题【答案】。




若两滑块运动过程中只受到水平面的摩擦力,则质量大的滑块A. 克服摩擦力做的功多B. 运动的位移大C. 运动的时间长D. 摩擦力的冲量大【答案】D【解析】【详解】由动能定理得,滑块克服摩擦力做的功,两滑块克服摩擦力做功相等,质量大的滑块运动的位移小,,质量大的滑块初速度小,又由得,质量大的滑块运动时间短,冲量大小,所以质量大的滑块冲量大,故D正确。


2.甲、乙两物体沿统一直线运动,运动过程中的位移—时间图像如图所示,下列说法中正确的是()A. 0~6s内甲物体做匀变速直线运动B. 0~6s内乙物体的速度逐渐减小C. 0~5s内两物体的平均速度相等D. 0~6s内存在某时刻两物体的速度大小相等【答案】D【解析】【分析】x-t图象为直线表示物体做匀速直线运动,x-t图象的斜率表示速度,斜率大小表示速度大小,斜率正负表示速度方向。



3.在电荷量分别为2 q和-q的两个点电荷形成的电场中,电场线分布如图所示,在两点电荷连线上有a、b、 c三点,且b、c两点到正点电荷距离相等,则()A. 在两点电荷之间的连线上存在一处电场强度为零的点B. 将一电子从a点由静止释放,它将在a、b间往复运动C. c点的电势高于b点的电势D. 负试探电荷在a点具有的电势能大于在b点时的电势能【答案】C【解析】【详解】A、正负电荷在两点电荷之间的连线上产生的场强方向相同,所以在两点电荷之间的连线上不存在电场强度为零的点,故A错;B、将一电子从a点由静止释放,电子在a点受到向右的电场力,所以要从静止向右运动,则运动不是在a、b间往复运动,故B错;C、b、c两点到正点电荷距离相等,若只有正电荷,则bc两点的电势相等,但由于负电荷的存在导致c点的电势高于b点的电势,故C对;D、沿着电场线电势在降低,所以a点电势高于b点电势,而负电荷在电势高的地方电势能小,所以a点具有的电势能小于在b点时的电势能,故D错综上所述本题选;C4.天文兴趣小组查找资料得知:某天体的质量为地球质量的a倍,其半径为地球半径的b倍,表面无大气层,地球的第一宇宙速度为v。



2019年广西桂林市、贺州市、崇左市联合调研高考物理模拟试卷一、单选题(本大题共5小题,共30.0分)1.氢原子能级图如图所示,大量处于n=3激发态的氢原子向低能级状态跃迁辐射出的光子中,发现有两种频率的光子能使金属A产生光电效应,则下列说法正确的是()A. 大量处于激发态的氢原子向低能级状态跃迁时,只辐射两种频率的光子B. 从激发态直接跃迁到基态时放出的光子一定能使金属A发生光电效应C. 一个氢原子从激发态跃到基态时,该氢原子能量增大D. 一个氢原子从激发态跃到基态时该氢原子核外电子动能减小2.甲、乙两辆汽车在同平直公路上行驶,在t=0时刻两车正好相遇,在之后一段时间0-t2内两车速度一时间图象(v-t图象)如图所示,则在0-t2这段时间内有关两车的运动,下列说法正确的是()A. 甲、乙两辆车运动方向相反B. 在时刻甲乙两车再次相遇C. 乙车在时间内的平均速度小于D. 在时间内乙车在甲车前方3.如图甲所示的电路中,理想变压器原、副线圈匝数比为5:1,电流表和电压表均为理想电表,R是光敏电阻(其阻值随光强增大而减小)、L是理想线圈、C是耐压值和电容都足够大的电容器、D是灯泡、K是单刀双掷开关。

当原线圈接入如图乙所示的正弦交流电时,下列说法正确的是()A. 开关K连通1时,电压表的示数为44VB. 开关K连通1时,若光照增强,电流表的示数变小C. 开关K连通2时,D灯泡不亮D. 开关K连通2时,若光照增强,电压表的示数减小4.如图所示,固定在水平面上的斜面体C放有一个斜劈A,A的上表面水平且放有物块B.若AB运动中始终保持相对静止。

以下说法正确的是()A. 若C斜面光滑,A和B由静止释放,在向下运动时,B物块可能只受两个力作用B. 若C斜面光滑,A和B以一定的初速度沿斜面减速上滑,则B处于超重状态C. 若C斜面粗糙,A和B以一定的初速度沿斜面减速上滑,则B受水平向左的摩擦力D. 若C斜面粗糙,和B以一定的初速度沿斜面加速下滑,则B处于超重状态5.如图所示,平直木板AB倾斜放置,小物块与木板间的动摩擦因数由A到B逐渐减小,先让物块从A由静止开始滑到B,然后将A端着地,抬高B端,使木板的倾角与前一过程相同,再让物块从B由静止开始滑到A.上述两过程相比较,下列说法中正确的是()A. 物块从顶端滑到底端,两过程中物块克服摩擦力做功相同B. 物块从顶端滑到底端,两过程中物块所受摩擦力冲量大小相等C. 物块滑到底端时的速度,前一过程较大D. 物块从顶端滑到底端两过程,前一过程用时较短二、多选题(本大题共5小题,共27.0分)6.如图所示,地球赤道平面内两颗人造卫星a和b,均绕地球做逆时针匀速圆周运动,卫星a、b运动的周期分别为T1、T2,且T2=8T1,关于两颗卫星下列说法正确的是()A. 卫星a的动能一定大于卫星b的动能B. 卫星a、b运动轨道半径之比为1:4C. 卫星b绕地球运动的线速度大于地球第一宇宙速度D. 卫星a、b线速度大小之比为2:17.如图所示,带等量异种电荷的平行板电容器竖直放置,一个质量为m带负电为q的小球(可看成点电荷,对两板间匀强电场影响可忽略),用长L的绝缘丝线悬挂于电容器内部的O点,现将小球拉到丝线呈水平伸直的位置A,然后无初速释放,小球沿着圆弧恰好能运动到O正下方B处。



广西省桂林市、崇左市2019届高三联合调研考试英语试卷【含答案及解析】姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________一、阅读理解1. World's coolest bookstores(CNN)-Someday there may be a generation of kids who think bookstores are fictional creations found only in novels that come in the mail.Understandable, since many of the world's most beautiful independent bookstores have closed in recent years. Not all of them are facing unhappy endings, however. The brick-and-mortar(砂浆)survivors-and brave newcomers-have adapted to the Age of Amazon in their own ways. Old or new, all with fascinating stories, the bookstores below serve as historic sites,sanctuaries(避难所),salons of culture and must-visit entries in any travel guide.Librairie Avant-Garde (Nanjing, China)China's most beautiful bookstore is located inside a massive underground parking lot once used as a bomb shelter. The 4,OOO-square-meter store's unusual features include large crosses, a copy of Rodin's "The Thinker" and a checkout counter built out of thousands of old books,The store also functions as a sort of public library, with more than 300 reading chairs. "A good bookshop should provide space, vision and nurture the city with its humanitarian spirit," owner Qian Xiaohua tells CNN. "It's a place for people to have dreams in the city."Foyles flagship (London)In June 2014, the century-old London bookseller moved into its spacious new digs -- the size of 13 tennis courts-just a step away from its former home. Foyles new space has its own interest- ing history as the former Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design building, where Alexan- der McQueen and Stella McCartney once studied.The stage where the Sex Pistols played their first gig(演奏) in 1975 nowhouses the Foyles children's department. The store also launched a helpful in-store digital book search map that's automatically enabled on customers' smart phones when they connect to the store's Wi-Fi net- work- the first of its kind in the country.The Last Bookstore (Los Angeles)Hopefully, the Last Bookstore will never fulfill the prophecy(预言) of its name.The popular warehouse-like store buys and sells new and used books and is home to an excel-lent coffee bar and a record shop. The 100,000 books stacked in the "Labyrinth Above the Last Bookstore" section on the mezzanine(夹层楼面) level sell for a dollar each."The space we occupy was originally a bank, and there are still vaults(穹顶 ) on both floors of our store, but now they are full of books," says store manager Katie Orphan. "We generally have around 200,000 books in the store at any given time."1. The first sentence of the text implies thatA. many bookstores have disappearedB. kids like fictional books to readC. bookstores provide the service of mailingD. novels are mailed to kids for free2. What is strange of Foyels flagship?A. Readers can use WiFi free of charge.B. Readers can use their phones to search books.C. Readers can download digital books onto their phones.D. Readers can play tennis in the bookstore.3. According to Qian, his bookstore is whereA. people get support to achieve their dreamsB. people can park their cars undergroundC. people experience their mental enjoymentD. people read various books as a thinker4. What do we know about the Last Bookstore?A. It is the last bookstore in Los Angeles.B. Its books are sold for a dollar each.C. It provides readers free coffee all day.D. It is formerly used as a bank.2. Valentine's Day had arrived and like other days of the year, I was very busy.My romantic husband, Roy, planned a date like we had never had before. Areservation at an expensive restaurant was made. A beautifully wrapped present had been sitting on my dresser for a few days before the heart-filled holiday. After a hard day at work, I hurried home, ran into the house and jumped into the shower.When my sweetheart arrived, I was dressed in my finest outfit and ready to go. He hugged me, just as the babysitter arrived. We were both excited.Unfortunately, the youngest member in our household wasn't so happy. "Daddy, you were going to take me to buy Mamma a present," Becky, my eight-year-old daughter said, as she sadly walked over to the sofa and sat down beside the babysitter.Roy looked at his watch and realized that if we were to make our reservations, we had to leave right away. He didn't even have a few minutes to take her tothe store to buy a heart-shaped box of chocolate candy. "I'm sorry, I was late getting home, honey," he said."That's OK," Becky replied. "I understand."The entire evening was bittersweet. I couldn't help being concerned about the disappointment in Becky's eyes. I remembered how the joy of Valentine's Dayhad left her face just before the door closed behind us. She wanted me to know how much she loved me. She didn't realize it, but I already knew it very well. Today, I can't remember what was wrapped in that beautiful box, which I was excited for sev- eral days, but I'll never forget the special gift, which I received when we arrived, back home.Becky was asleep on the sofa., holding a box, which was sitting on her lap. When I kissed her cheek, she awoke. "I've made something for you, Mamma," she said, as a big smile covered her ti- ny face.The little box was wrapped in newspaper. As I tore the paper off and openedthe box, I found the sweetest Valentine gift that I have ever received. It was a heart-shaped pillow, filled with love, which I'll cherish forever.My wonderful Valentine gift has a special place in my bedroom today, some thirteen years later. As she was growing up into a young woman, many times I held that pillow close to my heart. I don't know if a pillow can hold magic,but this pillow has surely held a great deal of joy for me over the years. It has helped me through several sleepless nights since she left home for college.I not only treasure the gift, but the memory, as well.I know that I am a very lucky mother, indeed, to have such a wonderful little girl, who wanted so much to share her heart with me. As long as I live, there will never be another Valentine's Day, which will be any more special to me.1. How did the writer plan to spend Valentine's Day?A. To stay at work.B. To have dinner with her husband.C. To have a family dinner.D. To celebrate the day alone.2. How did Becky feel when she knew her father had no time to take her to buy mother a gift?A. She was sad and cried.B. She was lonely and frightened.C. She was disappointed but understanding.D. She was happy to be together with the babysitter.3. What's the best title for this passage?A. A Gift in Newspaper.B. Becky's Dream.C. Valentine's Day.D. A Special Gift.3. Teaching is more than leadership. Some of the teacher's time and effort are directed toward instruction, some toward evaluation. But it is the teacher as a group leader who creates an effective organizational structure and good working environment so that instruction and evaluation activities can take place. A group that is totally disorganized, unclear about its goal . or constantly fighting among its members will not be a good learning group. The pattern includes helping to form and maintain a positive learning environment so that instruction and evaluation activities can take place.On the first day of class, the teacher faces a room filled with individuals (个体 ). Perhaps a few closely united groups and friendships already exist. But there is no sense of group unity, no set of rules for conduct in thegroup , no feeling of belonging. If teachers are successful leaders, they will help students develop a system of relationships that encourages working together.Standards and rules must be set to keep order, make sure of justice and protect individual rights, but do not contradict(相悖) school policy. What happens when one student hurts another's individual rights? Without clear regulations agreeable to the students and teachers, the classroom can become chaotic,(混乱的). Students may break rules they did not know existed. If standards are set without participation from the class, students may spend a great deal of creative energy in destroying the class environment or finding ways to break rules.No matter how skillful the teacher is in uniting students and creating a positive atmosphere, the task is never complete. Regular maintenance(维持) is necessary. Conflicts arise. The needs of individual members change. A new kind of learning task requires a new or organizational structure. Sometimes outsidepressures such as holidays, upcoming tests or sport competitions, or family troubles cause stress in the classroom. One task for the teacher is torecreate a positive environment by helping students deal with conflict , change, and stress.1. The underlined word “maintain" in Paragraph l probably meansA. keepB. buildC. recreateD. evaluate2. According to the author, the teachershould___________________________________ .A. free students from outside pressuresB. set the standards and rules on his ownC. be responsible for a well-organized classD. focus more on instruction and evaluation3. From the passage we can lean that___________________________________ .A. rules cannot be changed once they're formedB. outside pressures may not cause tension among studentsC. if the teacher well units his students, he then will finish his taskD. if rules are not acceptable both to students and teachers, the classroom can be a mess4. What is the author's main purpose of writing the passage?A. To provide information for teaching.B. To show the importance of' teaching a class.C. To study the teacher's behavior in the classroom.D. To compare the teacher's behavior with the students' in class.4. Have you ever wondered where the chocolate in your favorite candy bar comes from? Choco-late comes from the cacao tree, which grows in warm, tropical areas of West Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, and South America. And who eats the delicious chocolate made from the cacao grown in these places? The majority of chocolate is consumed in Europe and North America. This probably sounds like a familiar story-developing countries produce inexpensive raw materials that are manufactured and sold as finished goods in developed countries, and generally, that is what happens with chocolate. Large chocolate companies buy cacao beans at a low price and produce cocoa and chocolate products to sell at arelatively high price.But the familiar story has a new chapter. Beginning in the 1980s, some consumers learned that cacao farmers were living difficult and uncertain lives. The farmers received money for their crops based on world markets, and themarket price for cacao was sometimes so low that farmers received less fortheir crops than the crops had cost to produce. In response, groups of consumers in Europe and the United States developed "fair trade" organizations to guarantee that farmers of cacao, as well as coffee and tea, would receivefair and consistent prices for their crops.Fair trade organizations benefit farmers by buying cacao beans or other products from them directly at higher-than-market prices and eliminating(消除)“middle men" such as exporters. Fair trade organizations also encou rage farming techniques that are not harmful to the environment or to farm workers. for example, growing cacao without chemical pesticides or fertilizers in the shade of rain forest trees.0ne organization, Equal Exchange, helps farmers set up farming cooperatives in which they can share resources and work on projects such as community schools. Another, Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International(FLO),guarantees that products bearing its label meet standards that improve the lives of growers and producers.The results of fair trade are a better standard of living for some farmersand nicer chocolate bars made with organically produced cocoa that consumers don't feel guilty about buying. And al- though fair trade chocolate is somewhat more expensive than other chocolate and now makes up only 1% of chocolate sold, the fair trade idea is spreading quickly. You may soon seefair trade chocolate right next to the more famous bars in your favorite store.1. The underlined word“that”in Paragraph l refersto________________________ .A. the unfair trade between countriesB. the high price of chocolate productsC. the traditional production of raw materialsD. the major consumption of the finished food2. The organization Equal Exchange aims to________________________ .A. promote chocolate salesB. offer support to the farmersC. reduce the cost of growing cropsD. increase the production of chocolate3. What does the author imply in the last paragraph?A. There will be more fair trade chocolate ill the future.B. Fair trade chocolate is not as tasty as other chocolate.C. Consumers feel guilty about buying fair trade chocolate.D. There is probably no reason to worry about cacao farmers.4. The passage mainly talks about______________________________ .A. giving tips on how to undertake fair chocolate tradeB. advising people to join in Fair trade organizationsC. encouraging farmers to adopt organic farmingD. informing people of fair trade chocolate二、七选五5. How to Negotiatewhen you're negotiating(协商)with someone, listen for the messages that heor she might be sending to you. 1. Imagine you're staying in a hotel, and you want to change your room-The manager s answer of“That would be very difficult, sir”,does not mean that he is 8aymg“no.”It Just means that he wants toknow what you are prepared to offer him in return for the change of room.If you are buying a new car, and want to pay less than the price being asked, then the sales. man s comment, 2. means that they do negotiate on other things, like the delivery time, or the “extra” that might be available aspart of the purchase. In the same car showroom, if the salesman says, 3. then your response should be to ask who can. The message the salesman is sending suggests that his boss is the one you need to be talking to.4. In any negotiation, the two “players” wish to get as much out of it as they can, of course. In the three examples above. the salesmen and the hotel manager are hoping that you will accept their price or conditions——but their “messages” make it clear that there may be room for movement and compromise.5. .A. Patience plays a vital role in listening, which leads to a successful negotiation.B. “Sorry, I myself can't negotiate prices",C. "I'm sorry, but we never negotiate on the price",D. "I'm sorry, but our price is quite reasonable",E. In all of these situations, the message is never communicated in clear terms.F. For example, the word "difficult" does not mean the same as impossible.G. In a successful negotiation, the two sides move towards each other and reach an agreement on conditions that satisfy both sides.三、完形填空6. We were standing at the top of a tower. My father had ______ me to this spot in a small town not far from our home.1 wondered ______ .“Look down, Elsa," Father said. I gathered all my _____ and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw the crisscross of twisting, turning streets leading to the ____ .“See, my dear." Father said gently." There is more than one way to asquare .Life is like that. If you can't get to the place where you want to go ____ 0ne road, try another."Now I understood why l was there. Earlier that day I had ______ my mother to do something about the awful school lunches. But she ______ because she could not believe the lunches were as ____ as I said.When I turned to Father, he would not help. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a _____ —the value of the open, searching mind. By the time, we reached home. I had a _____ .At school the next day,1 ______ poured my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I talked the cook into serving it to Mother at dinner. Everything went on smoothly. She swallowed one ______ and spat it out.Quickly I t01d her what I had done,and Mother stated __ that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!In the years that followed I often remembered what Father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago.1 was busy getting ready to show my winter fashions. But just 13 days before presentation the sewing girls all stopped working.1 was as ______ as my models.” Well never make it.” one of them cried.Accept the failure? __ use wisdom to find another mad to my goa17 Then a great idea flashed through my mind———why not _______ the clothes unfinished?And-exactly 13 days later, our showing turned out to be so ______ that it was a great success. Our different showing caught the _____ of the public, and orders for the clothes ____ in. Father's wise words had ______ me once again,” There is always more than one way to thesquare.1. A. sent B. brought C. directed D. welcomed2. A. who B. how C. what D. why3. A. thoughts B. strength C. courage D. spirits4. A. square B. tower C. town D. village5. A. in B. on C. by D. across6. A. persuaded B. begged C. encouraged D. ordered7. A. failed B. agreed C. promised D. refused8. A. bad B. expensive C. delicious D. hot9. A. 1esson B. chance C. shock D. ride10. A. goal B. result C. plan D. choice11. A. skillfuUy B. actively C. carelessly D. secretly12. A. cupful B. spoonful C. handful D. bagful13. A. thoughtfully B. simply C. firmly D. repeatedly14. A. positive B. cheerful C. calm D. hopeless15. A. Or B. And C. But D. So16. A. show B. buy C. change D. sell17. A. famous B. poor C. unusual D. ordinary18. A. notice B. attention C. desire D. impression19. A. turned B. handed C. stepped D. poured20. A. suggested B. guided C. corrected D. defeated四、短文填空7. It is difficult for parents of nearly every family to teach their children to be responsible 1. housework, but with one of the following 2. (suggest), you really can get your children 3. (help) at home.If you usually give your children the deep impression that they can never do anything quite right, then they 4. (regard) themselves as unfit or unable persons. 5. children do not believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent.My daughter Mary's fifth-grade teacher made every child in her class feel special. When stu- dents received less than a perfect test score, she would point out 6. they had mastered and declared 7. (firm) they could learn what they had missed.You can use the same way when you evaluate your child's work at home. Don't always scold and you should give lots of praise instead. Talk about what he has done right, not about what he hasn’t done. If your child completes 8. difficult task, promise him a Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad.Learning is a process of trying and 9. (fail)and trying and succeeding. If you teach your children not to fear a mistake of failure, they will learn 10. (fast) and achieve success at last.五、短文改错8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。

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图6 东汉十四州示意图图7 唐开元十五道示意图A.汉唐间南方经济有了较大发展B.隋唐时期经济重心已完成南移










