七年级上Unit 9单词
Unit9 My favorite subject is science.一.名词1.学校学习的科目:subject 学科English英语Chinese语文math数学science科学P.E.体育music音乐history 历史geography 地理注意:Chinese的用法:(1)作为名词,表示“语文;汉语”时,是不可数名词。
Eg: Please say it in Chinese. 请用汉语说它。
I am a Chinese . 我是个中国人。
We are all Chinese.我们都是中国人。
(2)作为形容词,表示“汉语的;中国的”(形容词修饰名词)Eg: He is a Chinese boy. 他是一个中国的男孩儿。
Cindy is my Chinese friend. 辛迪是我的中国朋友。
2.星期的名词:There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。
Monday 星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期日注意:(1)星期的每个单词第一个字母要大写。
Eg: Sunday is the first day of a week . 星期天是一周的第一天。
Saturday is the last day of a week. 星期六是一周的最后一天。
(3)表示在星期几,用on + 星期(4)询问今天星期几,用What day is it today ? It’s Monday.3.lesson “课,一节课”,一般可以class替换。
4.hour “小时”,可数名词。
hour中h不发音,所以它的第一个音是元音,所以一个小时用“an hour”二.形容词1.favorite 最喜欢的(形容词修饰名词)favorite color 最喜欢的颜色favorite sport最喜欢的运动favorite festival 最喜欢的节日favorite food 最喜欢的食物eful 有用的(1)(形容词修饰名词)例如:This is a useful book.这是一本有用的书。
1. favorite /'feɪvərɪt/ adj. & n.(形容词和名词)特别喜爱的(人或事物)2. subject /'sʌbdʒɪkt/ n.(名词)学科;科目。
3. science /'saɪəns/ n.(名词)科学。
4. P.E. /ˌpiːˈiː/ abbr.(缩写词)体育。
5. music /'mjuːzɪk/ n.(名词)音乐;乐曲。
6. math /mæθ/ n.(名词)数学。
7. Chinese /ˌtʃaɪˈniːz/ n.(名词)语文;汉语;adj.(形容词)中国的。
8. geography /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/ n.(名词)地理(学)9. history /'hɪstri/ n.(名词)历史。
10. why /waɪ/ adv.(副词)为什么?11. because /bɪ'kɒz/ conj.(连词)因为。
12. Monday /'mʌndeɪ/ n.(名词)星期一。
13. Friday /'fraɪdeɪ/ n.(名词)星期五。
14. Saturday /'sætədeɪ/ n.(名词)星期六。
15. for sure 无疑;肯定。
16. free /friː/ adj.(形容词)空闲的。
17. cool /kuːl/ adj.(形容词)妙极的;酷的。
18. Tuesday /'tjuːzdeɪ/ n.(名词)星期二。
19. Wednesday /'wenzdeɪ/ n.(名词)星期三。
20. Thursday /'θɜːzdeɪ/ n.(名词)星期四。
21. Sunday /'sʌndeɪ/ n.(名词)星期日。
22. A.M. /ˌeɪˈem/ abbr.(缩写词)上午。
23. P.M. /ˌpiːˈem/ abbr.(缩写词)下午;午后。
七年级英语上册9―12单元单词分类涓冨勾绾ц?鈥?2鍗曞厓鍗曡瘝鍒嗙被Unit 7 n. pants n.锛坧l.)锛堢編鍥斤級瑁ゅ瓙sock n.shirt n.T-shirt n. T鎭よ~shorts n.(pl.)sweater n.姣涜。
shoe n.闉?skirt n.瑁欏瓙sale n.鍑哄敭锛涘粔鍞?on sale 寤変环鍑哄敭;鍑哄敭dollar n.鍏冿紙缇庡浗鍔犳嬁澶х瓑鍥界殑璐уcolor n.鑹诧紱棰滆壊clerk n.锛堥摱琛屻€example n.渚嬪瓙锛涘疄渚?clothesn.(pl.)琛f湇锛涙湇瑁?store n.鍟嗗簵price n.浠锋牸zig Zag n.鏂囦腑鎸囨湇瑁呭簵鍚?adj black adj.& n.榛戣壊锛堢殑锛?white adj.& n.鐧借壊锛堢殑锛?red adj.& n.绾㈣壊锛堢殑锛?green adj.& n.缁胯壊锛堢殑锛?blue adj.& n.钃濊壊锛堢殑锛?yellow adj.& n.榛勮壊锛堢殑锛?big adj.澶х殑锛涘箍澶х殑锛涢噸澶х殑small adj.灏忕殑锛涘皬鍙风殑short adj.?long adj.闀跨殑welcome adj.涓嶅繀琛ㄧず鎰熻阿鐨?sorry adj.鎶辨瓑鐨勶紱閬楁喚鐨勶紱闅捐繃鐨?v. help v.& n.?want e v.鏉ワ紱鏉ュ埌buy v.afford v.璐熸媴寰楄捣锛涗拱寰楄捣see v.sell v.鍗栵have a look 鐪嬩竴鐪嬶紱鐪嬩竴鐪?prep. from prep.浠庯紱浠庘€︹€﹁捣浜哄悕Lisa 鑾夎惃锛堝コ鍚嶏級Unit 8 n. birthday n.鐢熸棩month n.鏈堬紱鏈堜唤January n.涓€鏈堬紱姝f湀February n.浜屾湀March n.涓夋湀April n.鍥涙湀May n.浜旀湀June n.July n.涓冩湀August n.September n.涔濇湀October n.鍗佹湀November n.鍗佷竴鏈?December n..鍗佷簩鏈?date n.鏃ユ湡birth n.鍑虹敓锛涘嚭涓栵紱璇炵敓age n.骞撮緞锛涘勾绾?speech n.璁?contest n.绔炰簤锛涚珵璧涳紱姣旇禌party n.鏅氫細trip n.鏃呴€旓紱瑙傚?basketball game ?volleyball game 鎺掔悆璧?school day ?art n.紱鑹烘湳鍝?festival n.锛堥煶鏃?Chinese n.music n.闊充箰year n.骞?years old 鈥︹€﹀瞾锛堝勾榫勶級adj. happy adj.鎰夊揩鐨勶紱楂樺叴鐨勶紱婊℃剰鐨?old adj.骞村瞾鐨勶紱骞磋€佺殑锛涘勾闀跨殑Chinese adj.adv when adv. () 浠€涔堟椂鍊欙紱浣曟椂浜哄悕Vera 钖囨媺锛堝コ鍚嶏級Leila 鑾夋媺锛堝コ鍚嶏級Tinaコ鍚嶏級Jeff 鏉板か锛堢敺鍚嶏級Robert 缃椾集鐗癸紙鐢峰悕锛?John 绾︾堪锛堢敺鍚嶏級William 濞佸粔锛堢敺鍚嶏級Johnson 绾︾堪閫婏紙鐢峰悕锛?Unit 9 n. movie n.鐢靛奖go to a movie 鍘荤湅鐢靛奖action n.鍔ㄤ綔鐗?comedy n.鍠滃墽documentary n.璁板綍鐗?thriller n.kind n.绉嶇被singular n.鍗曟暟锛涘崟鏁板舰寮?adj.鍗曟暟鐨?plural n.舰寮?adj.澶嶆暟鐨?opera n.姝屽墽Beijing Opera student n.瀛︾敓history n.鍘嗗彶actor n.婕斿憳weekend n.鍛ㄦ湯锛涙槦鏈熷叚鍜屾槦鏈熸棩adj. scary adj.funny adj.鏈夎叮鐨勶紝濂界帺鐨?sad adj.鎮插搥鐨勶紱鎮蹭激鐨?exciting adj.浠や汉婵€鍔ㄧ殑锛涙尟濂嬩汉蹇冪殑favorite adj.&n.鏈€鍠滅埍鐨勶紙涓滆タ锛?new adj.鏂扮殑successful adj.鎴愬姛鐨?adv. really adv.?often adv.鏃跺父锛涘父甯?too adv.涔燂紱鍙堬紱澶?pron. someone pron.鏌愪汉who pron.璋?v. go v.鍘?find v.瀵绘壘锛涙煡鎵?think v.鎯筹紱鎬濊€?learn v.?prep. about prep.澶хwith prep.涓庘€﹀湪涓€璧凤紱鍜岋紱浣跨敤鈥︼紱鏈?浜哄悕Maria 鐜涗附浜氾紙濂冲悕锛?Michelle绫虫瓏灏旓紙濂冲悕锛?June 鐞硷紙濂冲悕锛?Ben ?Edward 鐖卞痉鍗庯紙鐢峰悕锛?Rick 鐟炲厠锛堢敺鍚嶏級Jackie 鏉板厠锛堢敺鍚嶏級Jet 鏉扮壒锛堢敺鍚嶏級Jackson 鏉板厠閫婏紙濮擄級Rowan Atkinson 缃楁俯鈥㈣壘閲戞.锛堟紨鍛樺悕锛?Rush Hour 銆婂皷宄版椂鍒汇€嬶紙鐢靛奖鍚嶏級Mr Bean 銆婃啫璞嗗厛鐢熴€嬶紙鐢靛奖鍚嶏級Shaolin TempleUnit10 n. guitar n.鍚変粬chess n.kid n.drum n.鍠囧彮piano n.閽㈢惔trumpet n.鍠囧彮violin n.灏忔彁鐞?musician n.闊充箰瀹?rock n.鎽囨粴涔?band n.涔愰槦show n.婕斿嚭锛涜〃婕?Sunday n.鏄熸湡鏃ワ紱鏄熸湡澶?pm abbr.(鎴杙.m.)涓嬪崍kung fu e-mail n.锛堟垨email)address n.adj. little adj.灏?a little 灏戦噺锛涚◢璁?adv. then adv.閭f椂锛涚劧鍚?why adv.?pron. our pron.鎴戜滑鐨?v. join v.鍙傚姞锛涘姞鍏?dance v.璺宠垶锛涜垶韫?swim v.娓告吵sing v.鍞憋紱鍞辨瓕paint v.鐢荤敾speak v.璇达紱璇磋瘽be v.锛?may v.?draw v.鐢?conj. or conj.鎴栬€?aux. can't aux. 涓嶈兘浜哄悕Jennifer 瑭瑰Ξ寮楋紙濂冲悕锛?Cindy 杈涜拏锛堝コ鍚嶏級Victor 缁村厠澶氾紙鐢峰悕锛?Jones ?Unit 11 n. time n.鏃堕棿shower n.娣嬫荡work n.&v.宸ヤ綔hour n.灏忔椂teeth n.(tooth? bus n.hotel n.night n.澶滐紱澶滈棿morning n.鏃╂櫒锛涗笂鍗?job n.宸ヤ綔锛涢浂宸ワ紱浠诲姟锛涜亴浣?afternoon n.涓嬪崍锛涘崍鍚?evening n.鍌嶆櫄锛涢粍鏄忥紱鏅氫笂homework n.?letter n.淇?wish n.鎰?Saturday n.鏄熸湡鍏?Survey n.璋冩煡锛涜€冨療adj. best a.&ad.(good, well鐨勬瘮杈冪骇锛夋渶濂界殑锛堝湴锛?adv. usually adv.閫氬父o'clock adv.(=of the clock)級home adv.瀹?around adv.澶х害soon adv.涓嶄箙pron. all pron.鍏ㄩ儴锛涘叏浣?me pron.鎴戯紙Iv. work v.宸ヤ綔brush v.鍒?love v.listen v.鍚?start v.寮€濮嬶紱鍑哄彂write v.涔﹀啓tell v.?prep. after 鍦ㄢ€︹€︿箣鍚?abbr. am(a.m.) 涓婂崍浜哄悕Jerry 鏉伴噷锛堢敺鍚? Scott ?Alicia 闃胯帀瑗夸簹锛堝コ鍚嶏級Unit 12 n. subject n.?science n.description n.鎻忚堪锛涜?word n.瀛楋紱璇嶏紱璇?teacher n.鏁欏笀partner n.浼欎即锛涘悎浣滆€?city n.鍩庡競dad n.?Monday n.鏄熸湡涓€锛堟槦鏈熷嚑鐨勮〃杩帮級Tuesday n.鏄熸湡浜?Wednesday n.鏄熸湡涓?Thursday n.鏄熸湡鍥?Friday n.鏄熸湡浜?biology n.鐢熺墿瀛?dog n.鐙?adj. busy adj.蹇欑殑锛涚箒蹇欑殑锛涘繖纰岀殑strict adj.涓ユ牸鐨勶紱涓ュ帀鐨?tired adj.鐤插€︾殑锛涚疮鐨?adv. next adv.鐒跺悗锛涙帴涓嬪幓around adv.pron. who pron.(鐤戦棶浠h瘝)璋?any pron.墿v. ask v.璇㈤棶锛涢棶conj. because conj.鍥犱负abbr. P.E. abbr.(缂╁啓锛変綋鑲诧紙=physical education锛?绉板懠Mrs锛?Miss浜哄悕Ken ?Selina 璧涚惓濞滐紙濂冲悕锛?Cooper 搴撶弨锛?。
Unit1Brown布朗(姓)Alan艾伦(男名) namen.名字,名称Tom汤姆(男名)niceadj,令人愉快的,宜人的Mike迈克(男名)to常用于原形动间之前,表示该动词为Jack杰克(男名)不定式Mary玛丽(女名)meetv.遇见;相逢Miller米勒(姓)tooad.也,义;太Linda琳达(女名)yourpron.你的,你们的Jane简(女名)Ms.(用于女子的姓氏或处名前,不指明婚Green格林(姓)否)女士Smith史密斯(姓) hispron.他的andconj,和;又,而Unit2herpron.她的sistern.姐,妹yesinterj.是的;可以mothern.母亲,妈妈shepron.她fathern.父亲,爸爸hepron.他parentn.父(母)亲noadv.&adj,不,没有,不是brothern.兄;弟notadv不,没有grandmothern.(外)祖母,奶奶,外婆,姥姥zeronum.零grandfathern.(外)祖父,爷爷,外公,姥爷onenum.--grandparentn祖父(母),外祖父(母)twonum.二familyn.家,家庭threenum.三thosepron那些fournum.四whopron.谁,什么人fivenum.五ohintery哦,啊sixnum.六thesepron这些sevennum七theypron.他(她、它)们eightnum.八wellinterj.想,好吧ninenum.九havev.经受,经历telephonen.电话,电话机dayn.天,白天,一日numbern.号码,数字Haveagoodday!(表示祝愿)过得愉快!phonen.电话,电话机byeinterj.(-goodbye)再见telephone/phonenumber电话号码sonn.儿子firstadj.第一cousinn.堂兄(弟、姊、妹);表兄(弟、姊,妹)firstname名字lastadj最后的,末尾的grandpan.(外)祖父,谷爷,外公,姥爷lastname姓momn.(=mum)妈妈friendn.朋友auntn.姑母,姨母,伯母,婶母,舅母China中国grandman.(外)祖母,奶奶,外婆,姥姥middleady.中间的n.中间dadn.爸爸schooln学校unclen.舅父,叔父,伯父,姑父,姨父middleschool中学,初中daughtern.女儿Gina吉娜(女名)hereadv.用以介绍某人或早物)这就是,Jenny珍妮(女名)在这里photon照片ringn.成指ofprep.属于(某人或早物),关于(某人或某bagn.袋;包物)inprep.在.....里nextadji&n.下一个(的),接下来(的)libraryn.图书馆picturen.照片;图画askv.请求,要求,询问girln.女孩ask..for...请求,恳求(给予)dogn.狗findv.(过去式,过去分词found)找到,发现someadj.一些,某此pron.有些,有的Sally萨莉(女名)classroomn.教室Kate凯特(女名)e-mail(=email)v.给..发电子邮件,用电邮发送n.电子邮件Paul保罗(男名)atprep.(提供电话号码等时使用)按照,根据,在(某处、某时间或时刻)Unit3penciln.铅笔callv.(给.....)打电话bookn.书lostv.(动词lose的过去式)遗失,丢失erasern.橡皮mustmodalv.必须boxn.箱;盒setn.一套,副,组pencilbox铅笔盒;文具盒asetof一套,一副,一组schoolbagn.书包Anna安娜(女名)dictionaryn.词典;字典John约翰(男名)hispron.他的David戴维(男名)minepron.我的herspron.她的Unit4excusev.原谅;宽恕whereadv.在哪里,到哪里mepron.(I的宾格)我tablen.桌子excuseme劳驾;请原谅bedn.床thankv.感谢;谢谢bookcasen.书架,书柜teachern.老师,教师sofan.沙发aboutprep.关于adv大约chairn.椅子Whatabout..(询向消息或提出建议)onprep.在.....上....怎么样?......,好吗?underprep.在......下yourspron.你的,你们的comev.来;来到forf,r);fo(r)/prep.为了,给,对comeon快点儿thankyoufor.为...而感谢你(们)deskn.书桌helpv.&n.帮助,援助thinkv.认为;想,思考welcomeadj.受欢迎的roomn.房间You'rewelcome.别客气theirpron.他(她、它)们的baseballn.棒球hatn.帽子watchn.表,手表headn.头computern.计算机,电脑yeahinterj.是的,对gamen.游戏,运动,比赛knowv.知道,了解cardn.卡片radion.收音机;无线电广播IDcard学生卡,身份证clockn.时钟notebookn.笔记本tapen.磁带,录音带,录像带playern.播放机lovev.&n.爱;喜爱tapeplayer磁带播放机withprep.....在起,带有;使用modeln.模型sportn.体育运动planen飞机thempron.(they的宾格)他(她、它)们modelplane毛机模型onlyadv.只,仅tidyadj.整洁的,非井有条的likev.喜欢,喜爱butconj.但是easyadj.容易的,不费力的ourpron.我们的afterprep.&conj....以后everywhereadv.处处,河处,各个地方classn.班级,课alwaysadv.总是classmaten.同班同学Bill比尔(男名) Unit5Unit6do(第三人称单数形式does)auxv.&v.用bananan.香蕉于构成否定句和疑问句,做,干hamburgern.汉堡包havev.有tomaton.西红柿tennisn.网球ice-creamn冰激凌balln.球saladn.沙拉pingpongn.乒兵球strawberryn.草莓batn.球体,球拍pearn.型soccern.(英式)足球milkn.牛奶soccerball(英式)足球breadn.面包volleyballn.排球birthdayn.生日basketballn.篮球dinnern.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐heyinterj.嘿,喂weekn.周;星期letv.允许,让thinkabout思考,思索uspron.(we的宾格)我们foodn.食物le's=letus让我们(一起)sureadv.当然,肯定,定gov.去,走Howabout...(提出建议)...怎么样?wepron.我们burgern.(=hamburger)汉堡包lateadj.遇到vegetablen.蔬菜hasv.(have的第三人称单数形式)有fruitn.水果getv.去取(或带来);得到rightadj.正确的,适当的greatadj.美妙的,伟大的applen.苹果playv.参加(比赛或运动);玩耍thenadv.那么soundv.听起来好像eggn.蛋;鸡蛋interestingadj,有趣的carrotn.胡萝卜boringadj.没趣的;令人厌倦的ricen.大米;米饭funadj.有趣的;使人快乐的n.乐趣;快乐chickenn.鸡肉difficultadj.困难的soconj.(引出评论或问题)那么relaxingadj.轻松的,令人放松的breakfastn.早餐;早饭watchv.注视;观看lunchn.午餐TVn.(=television)电视;电视机starn.明星;星星watchTV看电视eatv.吃sameadj.相同的welladv.好,令人满意地habitn.习惯alladj.所有的,全部的healthyadj.健康的veryadv.很,非常reallyadv.真正地pricen.价格questionn.问题boyn.男德wantv.需要;想要apairof一双bev.变成fatadj.肥的,肥胖的Unit8whenadv.(疑问副词)什么时候Unit7monthn.月,月份muchpron.&adj.许多,大量,多少Januaryn.一月Howmuch..?(购物时)...少钱?Februaryn.二月sockn.短袜Marchn.三月T-shirtn.T恤衫Apriln.四月shortsn.(pl)短裤Mayn.五月sweatern.毛衣Junen.六月trousersn.(pl.)裤子Julyn.七月shoen.鞋Augustn.八月skirt/sk3,(r)t/n.裙子Septembern.九月dollarn.元(美国,Octobern.十月加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$)Novembern.十月bigadj.大的,大号的Decembern.十二月smalladj.小的,小号的happyadj.愉快的,高兴的shortadj.短的,矮的Happybirthday!生日快乐!longadj.长的oldadj.年老的,旧的womann.(plwomen)女子Howold.....大年纪....了?CanIhelpyou?我能帮您吗?partyn.聚会needv.需要Seeyou!再见!lookv.看,看上去firstnum.第”pairn.一双,一对secondnum.第二takev.买下,拿,取thirdnum.第三Hereyouare.给你。
Unit 1namen.名字,名称niceadj, 令人愉快的,宜人的to 常用于原形动间之前,表示该动词为不定式meet v.遇见;相逢tooad.也,义;太yourpron.你的,你们的Ms. (用于女子的姓氏或处名前,不指明婚否)女士his pron.他的andconj,和;又,而her pron.她的yes interj.是的;可以she pron.她he pron.他no adv.&adj,不,没有,不是not adv不,没有zero num.零one num.--two num.二three num.三four num.四five num.五six num.六seven num七eight num.八nine num.九telephone n.电话,电话机number n.号码,数字phone n.电话,电话机telephone/ phone number电话号码first adj.第一first name名字last adj最后的,末尾的last name姓friend n.朋友China 中国middle ady. 中间的n. 中间school n学校middle school中学,初中Gina 吉娜(女名)Jenny珍妮(女名)Brown布朗(姓)Alan 艾伦(男名) Tom汤姆(男名)Mike迈克(男名)Jack杰克(男名)Mary 玛丽(女名)Miller 米勒(姓)Linda 琳达(女名)Jane 简(女名)Green 格林(姓)Smith 史密斯(姓)Unit 2sister n.姐,妹mother n.母亲,妈妈father n.父亲,爸爸parent n.父(母)亲brother n.兄;弟grandmothern.(外)祖母,奶奶,外婆,姥姥grandfather n.(外)祖父,爷爷,外公,姥爷grandparentn祖父(母),外祖父(母)family n. 家,家庭those pron那些who pron.谁,什么人oh intery哦,啊these pron这些they pron.他(她、它)们well interj.想,好吧have v. 经受,经历day n.天,白天,一日Have a good day!(表示祝愿)过得愉快!bye interj. (- goodbye)再见sonn.儿子cousin n. 堂兄(弟、姊、妹);表兄(弟、姊,妹)grandpa n.(外)祖父,谷爷,外公,姥爷mom n.(= mum)妈妈aunt n.姑母,姨母,伯母,婶母,舅母grandman.(外)祖母,奶奶,外婆,姥姥dad n.爸爸uncle n.舅父,叔父,伯父,姑父,姨父daughter n.女儿here adv. 用以介绍某人或早物)这就是,在这里photo n照片ofprep.属于(某人或早物),关于(某人或某物)next adji&n.下一个(的),接下来(的) picture n.照片;图画girl n.女孩dog n.狗Sally 萨莉(女名)Kate 凯特(女名)Paul 保罗(男名)Unit3pencil n.铅笔book n.书eraser n.橡皮box n.箱;盒pencil box铅笔盒;文具盒schoolbag n.书包dictionary n.词典;字典his pron.他的mine pron. 我的hers pron.她的excuse v.原谅;宽恕me pron.(I的宾格)我excuse me劳驾;请原谅thank v.感谢;谢谢teacher n.老师,教师about prep.关于adv大约What about ..(询向消息或提出建议) ....怎么样? ......, 好吗?yours pron.你的,你们的for f,r); fo(r)/prep.为了,给,对thank youfor .为...而感谢你(们) help v.&n.帮助,援助welcomeadj. 受欢迎的You're welcome.别客气baseball n. 棒球watchn.表, 手表computer n.计算机,电脑game n.游戏,运动,比赛cardn.卡片IDcard学生卡,身份证notebook n.笔记本ringn.成指bag n.袋;包inprep.在..... 里library n.图书馆ask v.请求,要求,询问ask..for...请求,恳求(给予)find v. (过去式,过去分词found)找到,发现some adj. 一些,某此pron.有些,有的classroom n.教室e- mail ( = email )v. 给..发电子邮件,用电邮发送n.电子邮件at prep.(提供电话号码等时使用)按照,根据,在(某处、某时间或时刻)call v.(给.....)打电话lost v. (动词lose的过去式)遗失,丢失must modalv.必须setn.一套,副,组a set of一套,一副,一组Anna 安娜(女名)John 约翰(男名)David 戴维(男名)Unit 4where adv.在哪里,到哪里table n.桌子bed n.床bookcase n.书架,书柜sofa n.沙发chair n.椅子on prep. 在.....上under prep. 在......下come v.来;来到comeon快点儿deskn.书桌think v.认为;想,思考room n.房间their pron.他(她、它)们的hat n.帽子head n.头yeah interj.是的,对know v. 知道,了解radio n.收音机;无线电广播clock n.时钟tape n.磁带,录音带,录像带player n.播放机tape player磁带播放机model n.模型plane n飞机model plane毛机模型tidy adj. 整洁的,非井有条的but conj.但是our pron. 我们的everywhere adv. 处处, 河处,各个地方always adv. 总是Unit 5do (第三人称单数形式does) aux v. &v. 用于构成否定句和疑问句,做, 干have v. 有tennis n.网球ball n.球ping pong n.乒兵球bat n.球体,球拍soccer n.(英式)足球soccer ball (英式)足球volleyball n.排球basket ball n.篮球hey interj. 嘿,喂let v. 允许,让us pron. ( we的宾格) 我们le's = let us让我们(一起)go v.去,走we pron. 我们late adj. 遇到has v .( have的第三人称单数形式)有get v.去取(或带来);得到great adj.美妙的,伟大的play v.参加(比赛或运动);玩耍sound v.听起来好像interesting adj, 有趣的boring adj.没趣的;令人厌倦的fun adj.有趣的;使人快乐的n.乐趣;快乐difficult adj.困难的relaxingadj.轻松的,令人放松的watchv.注视;观看TV n.( = television )电视;电视机watchTV看电视same adj.相同的lovev.&n.爱;喜爱with prep. ....在起, 带有;使用sport n.体育运动them pron.( they的宾格)他(她、它)们only adv.只,仅like v.喜欢,喜爱easy adj. 容易的,不费力的after prep. & conj. ...以后class n.班级,课classmate n.同班同学Bill 比尔(男名)Unit 6bananan. 香蕉hamburgern.汉堡包tomato n.西红柿ice- cream n冰激凌salad n.沙拉strawberry n.草莓pear n.型milk n.牛奶bread n.面包birthday n. 生日dinner n.(中午或晚上吃的) 正餐week n.周;星期think about思考,思索food n.食物sure adv.当然,肯定,定How about ... (提出建议) ...怎么样? burger n.( = hamburger)汉堡包vegetable n.蔬菜fruit n.水果right adj.正确的,适当的apple n.苹果then adv.那么egg n.蛋; 鸡蛋carrot n.胡萝卜rice n.大米;米饭chicken n.鸡肉so conj.(引出评论或问题)那么breakfast n.早餐;早饭lunch n.午餐star n.明星;星星eat v.吃well adv.好,令人满意地habit n.习惯healthy adj. 健康的really adv.真正地question n.问题want v.需要;想要be v.变成fat adj. 肥的,肥胖的Unit 7much pron. & adj.许多,大量,多少How much ..?(购物时) ...少钱?sock n.短袜T-shirt n. T恤衫shorts n. (pl)短裤sweater n.毛衣trousers n. (pl.)裤子shoe n.鞋skirt /sk3,(r)t/n.裙子dollar n.元(美国,加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$) big adj.大的,大号的small adj.小的,小号的short adj.短的,矮的long adj. 长的woman n.(pl women)女子Can I help you?我能帮您吗?need v. 需要look v. 看,看上去pair n. 一双,一对take v. 买下,拿,取Here you are.给你。
七年级上册Unit 9 人教版英语中考一轮复习(词汇+语法讲解)
一轮复习:七上U9 词汇+语法讲解【单词默写】【单词变形】【单词变性】useful形容词变名词_________【一词多义】1. free __________ ____________ _____________ _____________I am free these days.I want to be free.There is no free lunch in the world.Feel free to ask me any questions.【词汇用法】1. finish: finish doing sth./finish sth.同义词辨析: complete vs. finishcomplete: vt./完成工程finish: vt. /finish doing sth./finish sth.2. useful: adj./sth. is useful同义词辨析: helpful vs. usefulhelpful: sb./sth. is helpfuluseful: sth. is useful复习冠词,名词,数词,人称代词&指示代词,特殊疑问词(一),动词(一&二),时间介词,地点介词及固定搭配【词汇练习】1.I like reading books, b ________ I can learn a lot from them.2. C ________ is spoken by more and more foreigners outside China.3.His f ________ subject is music. I like it very much.st night she didn’t go to bed until she f ________ her homework.5.I'm very busy. You can ask your father to help you with your homework. He is f________.6.Thousands of visitors f ________ all over the world come to the West Lake every day.7.In the g _______ class, our teacher tells us different places around the world.8.Of all the subjects, I like h ________ a lot. I find it interesting.9.Doctors advise that everyone needs at least eight h ________ sleep every day.10.There will be a talk on healthy diet for all the teachers and students on M ________ afternoon.11.My favorite day is Friday because the next day is S ________.12.Chinese and math are my favorite s _______.13.The last day of the week is S ________.14.I take exercises every other day, Tuesday, T _______ and Saturday.15.The teacher says math is a u ________ subject.16.Let’s meet at Café Benes on W ________, before the party on Thursday.17.Could you tell the reason w ________ you are late again?18.Our s ________ teacher is Mr. Wang. In his class we can learn a lot about nature(大自然).19.China is an ancient country with a long h ________.20.He is going to work as an actor after f________ the college.Travel can teach kids more than a textbook. Traveling with kids is good 1 ________ them. They can find new interests. Travel 2 ________(make) information alive for kids, and makes it much more exciting than studying textbooks or 3 ________(do) experiments in the lab. While traveling, they learn 4 ________ to deal with new situations, and communicate with other people. They learn patience, because sometimes it takes a long time 5 ________(get) to some exciting or interesting places.I’ve been traveling since I was seven years old. For me, to stop traveling would be like taking something away from my soul(灵魂). I can’t live 6 ________ traveling and I wouldn’t be who I am if I don’t travel. Some people think it’s hard to travel after having 7 ________(kid). But in my opinion, when people become parents, it doesn’t mean they couldn’t travel any more. My children have been traveling since they were three weeks old.Bringing a new life into the world comes with many duties(责任) and I’d love to be a good mother. One of my 8 ________(duty) is to educate my children. I’m so thankful that my parents took me on family trips when I 9 ________(be) young. I’ve learned that the outside world is more colorful than the little one I was living 10 ________. Of course, I want to pass these travels on to my children.I value the memories I have traveling with my children. I’m sure they will always remember them in their lives.Special surfing camp a place to make great memoriesJacob Newland, 14, had never surfed before. But after a few tries, he did it! He raised his arms 1 ________(excited). “It felt like I did something great.” he said. His father looked 2 ________ him from the shore. He could see Jacob 3 ________(keep) his eyes forward, as the water washed over his bright yellow surfboard.Jacob and about 25 other kids with disability(残疾) learned to surf at a camp in Virginia Beach, Virginia, US. The surf camp has lasted 4 ________ nine years. Each kid 5 ________(get) a 30-minite lesson with the help of a swim coach and a few volunteers.It was nothing new for 9-year-old Jack Wenrich to be in the water. He had been through swim lessons. It was his 6 ________(four) time at the camp. His mom, Jennifer, said he is not afraid. “Once he knew how 7 ________(swim), he just jumped right into the deep end,” she said.Jack has autism(自闭症). But surfing gives 8 ________(he) a sense of freedom, Jennifer said. “It’s something they can do, something they can be happy about,” she said. Not everyone wanted to try surfing. Some just liked being in the water and lying on the board. So people greeted them with cheers when they returned to shore. And all the students came back 9 ________ smiles.Karen Morgan-Hill, 10 ________ organizer(组织者), helped the surfs. Morgan-Hill said the water makes people open up more and builds trust.Speaker 1: No one knows what life will be like in the future. But we can have some 1 ________(predict). There will be computers in each home. We can talk on the Internet and even see the doctors on it. And we won’t use paper to write on. We can study on computers. And there won’t be many cars or much 2 ________(pollute). Everyone will try their best 3 ________(keep) the environment nice and beautiful. The sea will be 4 ________(clean) and the sky will be bluer. So the world will be better and better.Speaker 2: In the future, people will have more time 5 ________ fun. People will be able to travel to other planets for holidays. Maybe people will live on other planets one day. 6 ________, some people don’t agree on this. They think it is not safe for people to live on other planets. They hope that scientists will build cities under the sea to make them live there.Speaker 3: What kind of life will we live in the future? I think in the future every family will have a robot in their homes. It can help with the housework, 7 ________ as cleaning the rooms, sweeping the floor, 8 ________(wash) the clothes, and so on. So, we can save much time from unnecessary things. Of course, there will be many robots working in 9 ________(factory). They do easy jobs over and over 10 ________. And they will never get bored. Because of this, many people will lose their work---they might have nothing to do.Life is full of regrets(遗憾). Anyone around you will have no 1________ (difficult) telling his regrets. But what can we do to avoid future regrets?Make better plansIf you start to do something,you need to make a plan before doing it. The earlier, the 2________ (good). You will know what comes first and what comes last. You’ll also know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do. 3________ changes happen, you can have more time to deal with them.Live a more active lifeYou can go around more often. More outdoor activities can keep you relaxed and active. You also need to be kind. “Thank” you can bring a smile to 4________ (someone) face. Learn 5________ (say) “Sorry” and don’t be angry with others.Find the right friendA friend may make your life better and he or she can break your life as well. So you need to think 6________ (two) when you choose a friend. Good friends will always better your ideas. When you get into trouble, ask them 7________help. That little help may get you good 8________ (result).Never fear failureEverybody 9________ (fail). Even the greatest person failed. We should not fear failure, because failure is not the end of the road, we must take failure as a chance to learn and improve 10________ (we).Life is good. We don’t have to live in our past,but we do hope that we can plan better, live better, and work better when we have the chance to do so.【参考答案】useful形容词变名词use1. free 空闲的自由的免费的无拘束的I am free these days.I want to be free.There is no free lunch in the world.Feel free to ask me any questions.【词汇练习】because Chinese favorite finished free from geography history hours’ Monday Saturday subjects Saturday Thursday useful Wednesday why science history finishing【语法练习】for makes doing how to get without kids duties was inexcitedly at keeping for gets fourth to swim him with thepredictions pollution to keep cleaner for However such washing factories againdifficulty better If/when someone’s to say twice for results fails ourselves。
七年级上册英语1~9单元单词表Unit 1.- name [neɪm] n. 名字;名称。
- nice [naɪs] adj. 令人愉快的;宜人的。
- to [tuː] 常用于原形动词之前,表示该动词为不定式。
- meet [miːt] v. 遇见;相逢。
- too [tuː] adv. 也;又;太。
- your [jɔː(r)] pron. 你的;你们的。
- his [hɪz] pron. 他的。
- her [hɜː(r)] pron. 她的。
- and [ænd] conj. 和;又;而。
- my [maɪ] pron. 我的。
- she [ʃiː] pron. 她。
- he [hiː] pron. 他。
- no [nəʊ] adv. 不;没有。
- not [nɒt] adv. 不;没有。
- zero ['zɪərəʊ] num. 零。
- one [wʌn] num. 一。
- two [tuː] num. 二。
- three [θriː] num. 三。
- four [fɔː(r)] num. 四。
- five [faɪv] num. 五。
- six [sɪks] num. 六。
- seven ['sevən] num. 七。
- eight [eɪt] num. 八。
- nine [naɪn] num. 九。
Unit 2.- sister ['sɪstə(r)] n. 姐;妹。
- mother ['mʌðə(r)] n. 母亲;妈妈。
- father ['fɑːðə(r)] n. 父亲;爸爸。
- parent ['peərənt] n. 父(母)亲。
- brother ['brʌðə(r)] n. 兄;弟。
- grandmother ['ɡrændmʌðə(r)] n.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆。
2020年人教版七年级英语上册Unit 9 重点单词
答案 free cool Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday useful from Mrs.
finishຫໍສະໝຸດ 空闲的 妙极的;酷的 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期日 有用的;有益的 (表示开始的时间)从……开始 (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前)太 太;夫人 完成;做好
lesson hour favorite subject science Chinese geography
Monday Friday Saturday interesting boring relaxing fun difficult teacher art
星期一 星期五 星期六 有趣的 没趣的;令人生厌的 轻松的;令人放松的 有趣的;使人快乐的 困难的 老师;教师 艺术;美术
Section B 重点单词
课;一节课 小时 特别喜爱的(人或事物) 学科;科目 科学 语文;汉语 汉语的;中国的 地理(学)
Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.
Section A 重点单词
答案 favorite subject science music math Chinese geography history why because
特别喜爱的(人或事物) 学科;科目 科学 音乐;乐曲 数学 语文;汉语 汉语的;中国的 地理(学) 历史 为什么 因为
七年级英语上册重点单词短语句型汇总:Unit9涓冨勾绾ц?/鍙ュ瀷姹囨€伙細Unit9Unit9 My favorite subject is science.?1. my favorite subject(s) ?2. have P. E. /a P. E. lesson3. play games with us4. my science teacher5. your favorite day ?6. the next day ?7. David鈥檚favorite subject ?8. on FridayC morning/afternoon/evening) 鍦ㄥ懆浜?涓婂崍/涓嬪崍/鏅氫笂锛?9. at 8 锛?0 鍦? 鐐归挓10. from 12:00 to 1:00 浠? 2 :0 0 鍒?涓嬪崍)1 :0 011. after that/class /?12. great fun 闈炲父鏈夎叮13. difficult but interesting 闅句絾鏈夎叮14. be OK with sb. 閫傚悎鏌愪汉銆愰噸鐐瑰彞鍨嬨€?1. 鈥昗hat鈥檚your favorite subject?鈥昅y favorite subject is math. ?2.What鈥檚her/his favorite subject? 濂?3.鈥昗hy do you like science?鈥旴ecause it鈥檚interesting. 鍥犱负瀹冨緢鏈夎叮銆?4.鈥昗hy does he like P. E. ?鈥旴ecause it鈥檚fun. 鍥犱负瀹冨緢鏈夎叮銆?5.鈥昗ho鈥檚your P. E. teacher? ?鈥昅r. Hu. 鑳¤€佸笀銆?6.鈥旽ow鈥檚your day?鈥旾t 鈥檚OK. 寰堝ソ銆?7. When is your geography class?浣犵殑鍦扮悊璇炬槸浠€涔堟椂鍊欙紵8.I like Monday because I have P. E. and history.?9.I think history is interesting.?10. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.鑰佸笀璇磋?11.I am very busy on Friday.鍦ㄥ懆浜旓紝鎴戦潪甯稿繖銆?12.After that锛孖have an art lesson for two hours.?13.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00.?2:00鍒?涓嬪崍)1:00銆?14.My classes finish at 1:50.鎴戠殑璇? :5 0缁撴潫銆?15.Let's meet on Saturday. Is that OK with you?銆愰噸鐐瑰崟璇嶃€?favorite /'feiv?rit/ adj.&n.鐗瑰埆鍠滅埍鐨?浜烘垨浜嬬墿)subject /'s?bd?ekt/ n. ?science /'sai?ns/ n.P.E. /pi: 'i:/ n. (=physical education)浣撹偛music /'mju:zik/ n. 闊充箰锛涗箰鏇?math /m?胃/ n.Chinese /t?ai'ni:z/ n.geography /d?i'?gr?fi/ n. 鍦扮悊(瀛?history /'histri/ n. 鍘嗗彶why /wai/ adv. 涓轰粈涔?because /bi'k?z/ conj. 鍥犱负Monday /'m?ndei/ n. 鏄熸湡涓€Friday /'fraidei/ n. 鏄熸湡浜?Saturday /'s?t?dei/ n. 鏄熸湡鍏?for sure 鏃犵枒锛涜偗瀹?free /fri:/ adj. 绌洪棽鐨?cool /ku:l/ adj. 濡欐瀬鐨勶紱閰风殑Tuesday /'tju:zdei/ n. 鏄熸湡浜?Wednesday /'wenzdei/ n. 鏄熸湡涓?Thursday /'胃?zdei/ n. 鏄熸湡鍥?Sunday /'s?ndei/ n. 鏄熸湡鏃?A.M. /ei 'em/ (=a.m.)涓婂崍P.M. /pi: 'em/ (=p.m.) 涓嬪崍锛涘崍鍚?useful /'ju:sfl/ adj. 鏈夌敤鐨勶紱鏈夌泭鐨?from /fr?m/ prep (琛ㄧず寮€濮嬬殑鏃堕棿)浠?.....寮€濮? from...to... 浠?.....鍒?.....Mrs. /'misiz/ (?? finish /'fini?/ v. 瀹屾垚锛涘仛濂?lesson /'lesn/ n.hour /'au?/ n. 灏忔椂。
英语七年级上册第九模块人教版英语七年级上册第九单元期末复习知识点归纳Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.一、关于疑问词:1、关于疑问词what。
例如:What's your name? 你叫什么名字?例如:What's your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?又如:What do you have for breakfast? 你吃什么作为早餐?2、关于疑问词why。
例如:why do you like English? 你为什么喜欢英语?回答时用“Because+一个完整的句子。
”例如:Because it's interesting. 因为它是有趣的。
又如:Why does Alice like her English teacher?为什么Alice喜欢她的英语老师?回答:Because she is a funny person.因为她是个有趣的人。
例如:Who is your music teacher?谁是你的音乐老师?回答:My music teacher is...我的英语老师是...又如:Who likes playing basketball after school?谁喜欢在放学后打篮球?回答:Eric does. 埃里克4、关于疑问词when。
例如:When is your geography class? = When do you have your geography class?你的地理课在什么时候上?回答:It’s on 'Monday and Friday.它是在星期一和星期五。
又如:When do you have breakfast?你什么时候吃早餐?回答:In the morning.在早上二、关于favorite常见用法。
人教版七年级英语上册Unit1-9单词人教版七上Unit1单词name ['neim] n.名字;名称nice ['nais] adj.令人愉快的;宜人的to [tu:, tu, tə] 常用于原形动词之前,表示该动词为不定式meet [mi:t] v.遇见;相逢too [tu:] adv.也;又;太your [jɔ:] pron.你的;你们的Ms. n.(不指名婚否)女士his [his] pron.他的and [ænd, ənd] conj.和;又;而her [hə:, hə] pron.她的yes [jes] interj.是的;可以she [ʃi:, ʃi] pron.她he [hi:] pron.他no [nəu] interj.不;没有;不是not [nɔt] adv.不;没有zero ['ziərəu] num.零one [wʌn] num.一two [tu:] num.二three [θri:] num.三four [fɔ:] num.四five [faiv] num.五six [siks] num.六seven ['seven] num.七eight [eit] num.八nine [nain] num.九telephone ['telifəun] n.电话;电话机number ['nʌmbə] n.号码;数字phone [fəun] n.电话telephone/phone number 电话号码first [fə:st] adj.第一first name n.名字last [lɑ:st] adj.最后的;末尾的last name 姓friend [frend] n.朋友China ['tʃainə] 中国middle ['midl] adj.中间的n.中间school [sku:l] n.学校middle school 中学;初中Gina 吉娜(女名)Jenny ['dʒeni, 'dʒini] 珍妮(女名)Brown [braun] 布朗(姓)Alan ['ælən] 艾伦(男名)Tom [tɔm] 汤姆(男名)Mike [maik] 迈克(男名)Jack [dʒæk] 杰克(男名)Mary ['mɛəri] 玛丽(女名)Miller ['milə] 米勒(姓)Linda ['lində] 琳达(女名)Jane [dʒein] 简(女名)Green [gri:n] 格林(姓)Smith [smiθ] 史密斯(姓)人教版七上Unit2单词sister [sistə] n.姐;妹mother ['mʌðə] n.母亲;妈妈father ['fɑ:ðə] n.父亲;爸爸parent ['pɛərənt] n.父(母)亲brother ['brʌðə] n.兄;弟grandmother ['grænd'mʌðə] n.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥grandfather ['grænd'fɑ:ðə] n.(外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷grandparent ['grændperənt] n.祖父(母);外祖父(母)family ['fæmili] n.家;家庭those [ðəuz] pron.那些who [hu:] pron.谁;什么人oh [əu] int.哦;啊these [ði:z] adv.这些they [ðei] pron.他(她、它)们well [wel] interj.嗯;好吧have [hæv, həv] v.经受;经历day [dei] n.一天;一日;白天Have a good day! (表示祝愿)过得愉快!bye [bai] 再见son [sʌn] n.儿子cousin ['kʌzn] n.堂兄(弟、姐、妹);表兄(弟、姐、妹) grandpa ['grænpɑ:] n.(口语)(外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷mom [mɔm] n.(=mum)妈妈aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母grandma ['grænmɑ:] n.(口语)(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥dad [dæd] n.爸爸uncle ['ʌŋkl] n.舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父daughter ['dɔ:tə] n.女儿here [hiə] adv.这就是;在这里photo ['fəutəu] n.照片of [ɔv, əv] prep.属于;关于next [nekst] n.adj.下一个(的);接下来(的)picture ['piktʃə] n.照片;图画girl [gə:l] n.女孩dog [dɔg] n.狗Sally ['sæli] n.萨莉(女名)Kate [keit] n.凯特(女名)Paul [pɔ:l] n.保罗(男名)pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔book [bʊk] n.书eraser [ɪ'reɪsə] n.橡皮box [bɒks] n.箱;盒人教版七上Unit3单词pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒schoolbag ['skuːlˌbæg] n.书包dictionary ['dɪkʃəneri] n.词典;字典his [hɪz] 他的mine [maɪn] pron.我的hers [hɜːz] pron.她的excuse [ɪks'kjuːz] v.原谅;宽恕me [miː] pron.(I的宾格)我excuse me. 劳驾;请原谅thank [θæŋk] v.感谢;谢谢teacher ['tiːtʃə] n.老师;教师about [ə'baʊt] prep.关于What about…? (询问消息或提出建议)……怎么样?……好吗?yours [jʊəz] pron.你的;你们的for [fɔː] prep.为了;给;对thank you for… 为……而感谢help [help] v.&n.帮助;援助welcome ['welkəm] adj.受欢迎的You're welcome. 别客气。
2017人教版七年级上册英语单词表Unit 9
七年级上册英语九单元单词Unit 1teenager n. 青少年shy adj. 害羞的brave adj. 勇敢的kind adj. 和蔼的active adj. 活跃的sad adj. 悲伤的serious adj. 严肃的polite adj. 有礼貌的loud adj. 大声的Unit 2hobby n. 业余爱好collect v. 收集stamp n. 邮票coin n. 硬币model n. 模型painting n. 绘画draw v. 画sculpture n. 雕塑exhibit v. 展览Unit 3traffic n. 交通accident n. 事故careless adj. 粗心的careful adj. 小心的dangerous adj. 危险的safe adj. 安全的cross v. 穿过ride v. 骑follow v. 遵守sign n. 标志Unit 4library n. 图书馆borrow v. 借lend v. 借出noise n. 噪音quiet adj. 安静的loudly adv. 大声地silence n. 沉默respect v. 尊重rule n. 规则Unit 5diet n. 饮食nutrition n. 营养balance v. 保持平衡meat n. 肉vegetable n. 蔬菜fruit n. 水果junk food n. 垃圾食品healthy adj. 健康的unhealthy adj. 不健康的Unit 6pollute v. 污染air pollution n. 空气污染water pollution n. 水污染noise pollution n. 噪音污染protect v. 保护environment n. 环境garbage n. 垃圾recycle v. 回收energy n. 能源Unit 7activity n. 活动club n. 俱乐部join v. 加入volunteer n. 志愿者talent n. 才能contest n. 比赛present v. 表演perform v. 表现experience n. 经历Unit 8festival n. 节日celebrate v. 庆祝costume n. 服装tradition n. 传统parade n. 游行dragon n. 龙lantern n. 灯笼custom n. 习俗performance n. 表演Unit 9invention n. 发明light bulb n. 电灯泡telephone n. 电话computer n. 电脑television n. 电视radio n. 收音机invent v. 发明improve v. 改进contribute v. 贡献。
初一英语上册Unit9单词速记姓名:___________favorite特别喜爱的拆分:fa发的拼音,v像剪刀,o像鸡蛋,ri日的拼音, te特的拼音记忆:特别喜爱的就是发现剪刀和鸡蛋在日光下玩特开心subject学科;科目拆分:sub酥饼的近似音,je饥饿拼音首字母,ct餐厅拼音首字母记忆:酥饼吃完了,饥饿的我只能在餐厅里学习科目science科学拆分:s像蛇,cience 塞恩斯谐音记忆:科学证明这条蛇的名字叫做塞恩斯music音乐;乐曲拆分:mu木得拼音,si死的拼音,c刺拼音的首字母记忆:音乐一放,木头就死了,变成一根刺math数学拆分:ma骂的拼音,th土豪拼音首字母记忆:老师骂土豪的数学作业写得歪歪扭扭Chinese中国的;汉语的拆分:chi吃的拼音,n牛拼音首字母,ese两只鹅夹着一条蛇记忆:在中国的语文书里有一头在吃草的牛,旁边有两只鹅夹着一条蛇geography地理(学)拆分:ge哥的拼音,o 像蛋,gra果然近似音,phy平衡仪拼音首字母记忆:地理老师发现老哥的蛋果然和平衡仪很像history历史拆分:his单词他的,to兔的谐音,ry人妖拼音首字母记忆:历史上记载着他的兔子能变成人妖why为什么拆分:wh晚会拼音首字母,y像树杈记忆:为什么参加晚会要带树杈because因为拆分:b像数字6,e鹅的拼音,ca 擦得拼音,u像杯子,se色的拼音记忆:6只鹅被罚擦掉杯子上的颜色,因为他们犯错了Monday星期一拆分:mo摸得拼音,n牛的拼音首字母,day单词天记忆:摸牛那天是星期一Friday星期五拆分:fr肥肉拼音的首字母,i像火柴,day单词天记忆:肥肉被火柴烤熟那天是星期五Saturday星期六拆分:sa撒的拼音,tur土壤近似音,day单词天记忆:把种子撒在土壤里那天是星期六free空闲的拆分:fr发热拼音首字母,e两只鹅记忆:发热的两只鹅很空闲的cool酷的拆分:c刺拼音的首字母,oo像两个蛋,l像棍子记忆:刺在两个蛋上面的棍子好酷的Tuesday星期二拆分:tu兔的拼音,es饿死拼音首字母,day单词天记忆:兔子被饿死那天是星期二Wednesday星期三拆分:wed 味道的近似音,nes女儿身拼音首字母,day单词天记忆:问道味道知道她是女儿身那天是星期三Thursday星期四拆分:th土豪拼音首字母,u像杯子,rs热水拼音首字母,day单词天记忆:土豪用杯子装热水那天是星期四Sunday星期日拆分:sun孙的拼音,day单词天记忆:孙子出生那天是星期日useful有用的拆分:use单词使用,ful服了的近似音记忆:使用有用的东西才会服了你from从……开始拆分:fr肥肉拼音首字母,o像鸡蛋,m们拼音的首字母记忆:不知从什么时候开始肥肉和鸡蛋来自动物们Mrs太太;夫人拆分:mr骂人拼音首字母,s像蛇记忆:骂人的夫人是蛇妖finish完成;做好拆分:f像拐杖,i像火柴,nish你傻的近似音记忆:拐杖完成作业之后对火柴说:你傻啊!lesson课拆分:les乐山近似音,son单词儿子记忆:乐山大佛的儿子在上课hour小时拆分:hou吼的拼音,r像小草记忆:吼了几个小时,小草还是纹丝不动。