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IELTS final oral test
X:Class we are going to have a class singing contest next week. Come and discuss which song is suitable for our class.
S:Monitor what kind of songs are we going to sing?
X:Anything positive will do(只要是正能量的都可以)
Y:Why don't we sing the five-star red flag?(不如我们唱五星红旗吧!)L:It's just a contest. Why go through all this trouble?
S:This is a class activity, shouldn't we take an active part in it?
L:Well, since you're so interested, you can join
Y:Are you telling me you're not going to participate?
L:There are so many of you, can I be one less?
S:If everyone thinks the way you do, no one in our class has to attend (如果每个人都像你那么想的话,我们班每个人都不用参加了)L:Monitor, we are not compulsory to participate in this activity, right?(班长,这种活动我们班也没有强制性参加吧?)
X:In principle, participation is not compulsory.But it is a collective activity of our class, and I hope everyone will take an active part in it.
S:You are such a good singer, you should take part in more activities like this to show off your beautiful voice.
Y:Yeah, you sing so well
Z:Yeah, I can hear that song you sang last time right now
L:Isn't it? Well, I guess I'll just take the plunge(是吗?那我就勉为其难的参加好了)
X:That's great. Now let's talk about what song to sing
Z:College students are often prone to quarrel at school, which often results in unpleasant results.Therefore, the best way to solve the problem
is to negotiate rather than argue.Be generous and help each other.
Y:Here's a project for you to do(这里有个项目你拿去做一下)
S:Good guarantee done very well(好的保证完成的非常好)
S:I've been working too much on this project
X:But I have a lot of work to do(可是我的工作也很多)
S:Who's not an intern here(谁不是从实习生过来的)
X:Ok, I'll get it to you as soon as POSSIBLE
L:Why aren't you home so late(都那么晚了你为什么还不回家)X:Because I haven't finished my work yet
L:Do you have any problems that you haven't finished for so long(你遇到了什么问题吗现在都还没有做完)
X:Because the group leader added another project for me (因为组长又给我增加了一个项目)
L:How is this project similar to mine
X:The group leader said there was too much work so she gave
me hers(组长说工作太多了所以把她的工作也给我了)
L:OK I know,You go home first(好的我知道了你先回家吧) S:Have you finished the project yet(这个项目做完了吗)
X:no at the moment(暂时还没有)
S:I need you to hurry up because I have to report in two days(你赶快写过两天我就要汇报了)
Z:Let's just say there's no rushBesides, this is your project
S:Whatever it is you do your job, okay
Z:You mustn't go too far(你不要太过分了)
Reporting day
Y:How did you do this reportYou can't do this after staying in the company for so long(这个报告你怎么做的在公司带了那么久你都不会吗)S:Sorry, I'm too tired these days(对不起是我这几天太累了)
L:What are you tired of,Didn't Amy do it all for you
Y:That's how you're the team leader(你就是这么当组长的)
Z:I've seen her give her work to Ami several times
Y:If Amy forgives you for this, I won't pursue it too much
S:I see boss(我知道了老板)
An hour later(一个小时过后)
S:What I did before was wrong I shouldn't have given you my job(以前是我不对我不该把我的工作也拿给你做)
X:It's okay. We're all colleagues(没事儿大家都是同事)
Z:You eat and wait until Jack comes back. We'll have hot pot tonight(你们先吃着等Jack回来了我们去吃火锅)
L:How about Jack's grades(Jack成绩怎么样啊)
Z:I've been doing pretty well lately(最近成绩不错)
Z:Have you handed out your last exam(你上次考的卷子发下来了吗)Y:No teacher said a few days(还没有老师说过几天发)
Z:Show me your bag(把书包拿来给我看看)
Y:When I say no, I mean no Why don't you believe me every time(我说没有发就是没有发你为什么每次都不相信我)
Z:Is that what you mean?(这就是你说的没有发)
X:Just ask Jack to figure it out(你先问清楚再说)
L:Yeah, yeah, yeah, take it easy(对对对别那么激动)
S:Just let's calm down for a second(对我们先冷静一下)
Z:All right, go ahead.(好你说吧)
Y:Because you've been working and you've never cared about me All you
care about is my grades(你们一直工作从来没有关心过我只知道问我成绩怎么样)
Z:Your father and I are doing this for your own good(我和你爸爸这样还不是为了你好)
L:Your parents did it to give you a good living environment(你父母这样也是为了给你一个好的生活环境)
X:Yeah, don't be so impulsive(对啊别那么激动)
S:And you need to spend time with the kids(你也要好好陪陪孩子)Y:Mom, I'm sorry I was so excited back there(妈妈对不起刚才是我太激动了)
Z:It's okay. Your father and I will spend more time with you(没事儿孩子我以后一定和你爸爸多抽抽时间陪你)。
