unit 9 The death of Hitler

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希特勒(1889~1945) Hitler,Adolf
德国纳粹党党魁,法西斯德国元首(1934~1945), 头号战犯。1889年4月20日生于奥地利的布劳瑙。出 身于海关职员家庭,受过初中教育,无固定职业,两 次投考美术学院均未录取。1913年移居德国慕尼黑。 第一次世界大战期间,入巴伐利亚团,军衔为下士, 为狂热的种族主义者和反犹主义者,获一枚铁十字奖 章。
Elements of Narration
Characters Flashback Theme Plot Setting
where and when
Chronological structure
Point of view
What and howຫໍສະໝຸດ Language Points
1. Associate : n. 合作人, 同事
希特勒(1889~1945) Hitler,Adolf
希特勒执政后,1933年2月利用H.戈林和P.J.戈培尔策划的国会纵火案嫁祸 于德国共产党,在全国大搞白色恐怖。3月,操纵国会通过授权法取得为期 4年的独裁大权,从此确立法西斯独裁统治。随后又取缔除纳粹党外的一切 政党,解散一切工会组织,大肆搜捕、迫害和屠杀共产党人、犹太人和一 切反法西斯主义者。1934年7月消灭冲锋队头子E.罗姆以讨好军队,排除异 己势力。同年8月兴登堡死后,希特勒通过德国元首法集总统和总理两职于 一身,独揽立法和行政大权,大力推进重整军备,加速国民经济军事化, 对外实行侵略政策,1933年10月退出裁军会议和国际联盟。1935年从法国 收回萨尔州。接着恢复兵役制,与英国签订海军条约,重建海军。在英法 两国政府推行绥靖政策,怂恿希特勒东进反苏的背景下,1936年同意大利 建立柏林-罗马轴心 ,进军莱茵非军事区,武装干涉西班牙内战。
Type of writing Who … ? When … ? Where … ? Narration What … ?
Why … ?
Wh- … ?
How … ?
Adolf Hitler
Eva Braun
Benito Mussoloni
Clara Petacci
Women sectaries
Language Points
12.Farewell: good-by We’ll have a farewell party before we leave. The singer gave a farewell performance. 13.Appreciation (1) Grateful feelings I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for your help. (2) 欣赏 She shows little or no appreciation of good music. (3) 鉴别, 鉴定, 评价 an appreciation of the poet’s work.
What did Hitler do in the last two days?
On the afternoon of April 29: 1) Hitler received the news of Mussolini’s death. 2) Hitler had his three dogs killed. 3) Hitler gave capsules of poison to his two remaining women secretaries. On the evening of April 29: He instructed Mrs. Junge to destroy the remaining papers in his files. At about 2:30 AM of April: He appeared in the general dining passage where he made his farewells to some 20 associates by shaking hands with them.
Language Points
10. Strengthen: cause (sb. or sth.) to become strong His sarcastic ridicule only strengthened my resolve to learn English well. His visit is intended to strengthened ties between the two countries. 11.Call in: ask to come or go in The father called in the family doctor when he found his son was running a fever. The servant called in the police when he found the host dead in the bed.
希特勒(1889~1945) Hitler,Adolf
1937年与意大利结成军事同盟。1938年自任最高统帅独掌海陆空三军指挥 权。同年3月占领奥地利。9月签订慕尼黑协定,10月吞并捷克斯洛伐克的 苏台德区 ,1939年3月侵占整个捷克斯洛伐克领土。1939年8月与苏联缔 结互不侵犯条约 ,9月1日即悍然进攻波兰,挑起第二次世界大战,先后侵 占北欧、西欧和东南欧等14国。1941年6月22日进攻苏联。同年12月日本 偷袭珍珠港后,对美宣战。他命令党卫军头子H.希姆莱在欧洲建立起许多 集中营,在德军占领区及德国本土有约450~550万犹太人在他的指使下被 杀,其他各族人民死于其屠刀下的不计其数。1942~1943年斯大林格勒战 役后德军节节败退 。1944年7月20日遇刺,但仅受轻伤。1944年9月,盟 军攻入德国本土,希特勒在第三帝国的末日里,仍起用纳粹官员任军事要 职,严禁军队投降,下令实行焦土政策。1945年4月29日,在总理府地下 避弹室与E.布劳恩举行婚礼,次日两人同时自杀身亡。除《我的奋斗》 外,其部分文件1961年以《希特勒的第二本书》为题出版。
希特勒(1889~1945) Hitler,Adolf
1919年加入德意志工人党(次年改名为德意志民族社会主义工 人党,简称纳粹党),1921年成为该党党魁。1923年在慕尼 黑发动啤酒店暴动失败,被捕入狱。在狱中写《我的奋斗》, 鼓吹反动种族论,主张为德意志这一“主宰民族”以武力夺取 “生 存空间”,仇视共产主义。1924年出狱,次年重建纳粹党及其 武装组织冲锋队,另建党卫军。在反对《凡尔赛和约》和魏玛 共和国的幌子下,煽起沙文主义情绪,企图颠覆共和政体。 1928年草拟文件,阐述纳粹党的对外政策,力主联合意大利法 西斯,主张“首先在东欧夺取生存空间”。1932年被任命为不 伦 瑞克政府参事后取得德国国籍 ,并参加总统竞选,失败后利用 纳粹党获得选票最多的有利时机,在大资本家、大地主、军国 主义者的扶助下,于1933年1月30日被P.von兴登堡任命为德 国总理。
Type of writing
Argument Description Narration
It is an exact account of what happened: a report of some national or local event appearing in a newspaper, the fact of a crime given in a police court, the details of an accident or some similar record. It is a story told to make a point. An effective narration of this kind has a central plot involving events with people, place, and time. The central plot is arranged according to a meaningful and dramatic sequence of actions.
Language Points
8. Dump: vt.倾倒(垃圾), 倾卸 n.堆存处 You can’t dump the garbage here. No dumping here! 9. String up: hang (sth.) high with strings; put to death by hanging Four red palace lanterns were strung up above the gate. The traitor was strung up after the war.
What did Hitler do in the last two days?
At noon: he attended the last situation conference. Around 2:30 PM: 1) He had his last meal with his two secretaries and with his cook; 2) Most probably he personally gave the order to his chauffeur to deliver immediately 200liters of gasoline in cans to the Chancellery garden. After lunch: He fetched his bride for another and final farewell to his intimate collaborators. At 3:30 PM Hitler shot himself in the mouth with a revolver.
1889年4月20日晚上6点半,在流经奥地利和德国巴伐利亚边 境的因河河畔奥方的布劳瑙小镇的一家名叫波默的小客栈里, 一个名叫克拉拉的年轻妇女生下了一个男婴。由于克拉拉前面 生的三个孩子都早早夭折了,所以她对这个儿子就特别疼爱。 这个男孩就是阿道夫· 希特勒。阿道夫的父亲阿洛伊斯是布劳瑙 边境小镇的海关官员,是一个42岁的农妇和流浪磨工的私生 子。阿道夫的母亲是其叔父的外孙女。阿洛伊斯结婚时,已经 48岁,新娘刚25岁,这是阿洛伊斯第三次结婚。此前他有过两 次不幸的婚姻。阿道夫是他此次婚姻的第四个孩子。也可能是 这种在世人看来极为奇特的身世来历和血缘关系,造就了希特 勒的与众不同的气质和性格。
2. Seek, sought, sought seek for/ after sth. 3. Close/ near at hand 在附近 He lives close at hand.
Language Points
4. Meet one’s end: die 5. Execute: killed (sb.) by law, punish (sb.) by death 6. Trial: n.试验, 考验, 审讯, 审判 The judge conducted four trials in one day. 7. execute: kill (sb.) by law; punish (sb.) by death The electric chair is still used to execute criminals in America. The death penalty was passed on the drugpusher and he was executed by a firing squad.
The death of Hitler
希特勒(1889~1945) Hitler,Adolf