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中国环境科学 2019,39(8):3404~3411
China Environmental Science
高颖超,杨 雪,林 锟,谭丽菊,王江涛* (中国海洋大学化学化工学院,山东 青岛 266100)
(0~4500lx)下浒苔与中肋骨条藻、东海原甲藻和新月菱形藻对营养盐的竞争作用;并与苏北浅滩实际水体光照相结合,评估了浒苔与 3 种微藻在不同深
度下的生理状态.浒苔与微藻的竞争,是决定暴发何种藻华的关键因素之一.结果表明,与 3 种微藻相比,浒苔对光照的适应性更强,最大日均相对增长率为
11.91%/d.微藻与浒苔共培养时,生长情况明显劣于单独培养, 中肋骨条藻、东海原甲藻和新月菱形藻的生长抑制率分别为 30%~46%,3%~44%,25%~
在过去的十几年中,浒苔绿潮在我国南黄海呈 现连续性和常态化的暴发趋势,给我国沿海城市的 居民生活、水产养殖业、旅游业等带来诸多负面影 响.研究表明,同一海域内大型海藻生物量与浮游微 藻生物量往往呈负相关关系[1],通常是由化感作用 以及对生源要素的竞争作用导致[2-3].在藻华暴发初 期,大型海藻与浮游微藻的竞争作用决定了藻华的 优势种,因此有必要分析暴发初期浒苔与微藻间的 竞争,以期为绿潮灾害的预防和治理工作提供借鉴. 大量研究证实,光照、温度和营养盐等环境因素在浒 苔萌发阶段起着决定性的作用[4].数据表明,对有限营养盐的争夺是浒苔和微藻竞争作用的主要机制,研究结果为苏北浅滩浒苔绿
Competition between Ulva prolifera and three red tide microalgae under different light conditions. GAO Ying-chao, YANG Xue, LIN Kun, TAN Li-ju, WANG Jiang-tao* (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China). China Environmental Science, 2019,39(8):3404~3411 Abstract:There are high turbidity and large nutrient content in seawater of Subei Shoal, which is considered by most scholars to be the origin of the green tide in the South Yellow Sea. The competition between Ulva prolifera and Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Nitzschia closterum for nutrients under different light conditions (0~4500lx) was compared and the physiological state of U. prolifera and three microalgae at different depths was evaluated combining with the actual illumination of Subei Shoal. The competition between U. prolifera and microalgae is one of the key factors determining which kind of algal bloom. The results showed that U. prolifera is more adaptable to light compared with the three microalgae, the maximum average relative growth rate was 11.91 %/d. When microalgae were co-cultured with U. prolifera, the growth was significantly inferior to that of culture alone, the inhibition rates of S. costatum, P. donghaiense and N. closterum respectively were 30%~46%, 3%~44%, 25%~41%, and the responses of different microalgae on competition were different. The nutrients monitoring data indicated that the competition for limited nutrients was the main competitive mechanism between U. prolifera and microalgae. This result provided a basis for the outbreak mechanism of the green tide in Subei Shoal. Key words:Ulva prolifera;microalgae;light intensity;nutrient;competition
China Environmental Science
高颖超,杨 雪,林 锟,谭丽菊,王江涛* (中国海洋大学化学化工学院,山东 青岛 266100)
(0~4500lx)下浒苔与中肋骨条藻、东海原甲藻和新月菱形藻对营养盐的竞争作用;并与苏北浅滩实际水体光照相结合,评估了浒苔与 3 种微藻在不同深
度下的生理状态.浒苔与微藻的竞争,是决定暴发何种藻华的关键因素之一.结果表明,与 3 种微藻相比,浒苔对光照的适应性更强,最大日均相对增长率为
11.91%/d.微藻与浒苔共培养时,生长情况明显劣于单独培养, 中肋骨条藻、东海原甲藻和新月菱形藻的生长抑制率分别为 30%~46%,3%~44%,25%~
在过去的十几年中,浒苔绿潮在我国南黄海呈 现连续性和常态化的暴发趋势,给我国沿海城市的 居民生活、水产养殖业、旅游业等带来诸多负面影 响.研究表明,同一海域内大型海藻生物量与浮游微 藻生物量往往呈负相关关系[1],通常是由化感作用 以及对生源要素的竞争作用导致[2-3].在藻华暴发初 期,大型海藻与浮游微藻的竞争作用决定了藻华的 优势种,因此有必要分析暴发初期浒苔与微藻间的 竞争,以期为绿潮灾害的预防和治理工作提供借鉴. 大量研究证实,光照、温度和营养盐等环境因素在浒 苔萌发阶段起着决定性的作用[4].数据表明,对有限营养盐的争夺是浒苔和微藻竞争作用的主要机制,研究结果为苏北浅滩浒苔绿
Competition between Ulva prolifera and three red tide microalgae under different light conditions. GAO Ying-chao, YANG Xue, LIN Kun, TAN Li-ju, WANG Jiang-tao* (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China). China Environmental Science, 2019,39(8):3404~3411 Abstract:There are high turbidity and large nutrient content in seawater of Subei Shoal, which is considered by most scholars to be the origin of the green tide in the South Yellow Sea. The competition between Ulva prolifera and Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Nitzschia closterum for nutrients under different light conditions (0~4500lx) was compared and the physiological state of U. prolifera and three microalgae at different depths was evaluated combining with the actual illumination of Subei Shoal. The competition between U. prolifera and microalgae is one of the key factors determining which kind of algal bloom. The results showed that U. prolifera is more adaptable to light compared with the three microalgae, the maximum average relative growth rate was 11.91 %/d. When microalgae were co-cultured with U. prolifera, the growth was significantly inferior to that of culture alone, the inhibition rates of S. costatum, P. donghaiense and N. closterum respectively were 30%~46%, 3%~44%, 25%~41%, and the responses of different microalgae on competition were different. The nutrients monitoring data indicated that the competition for limited nutrients was the main competitive mechanism between U. prolifera and microalgae. This result provided a basis for the outbreak mechanism of the green tide in Subei Shoal. Key words:Ulva prolifera;microalgae;light intensity;nutrient;competition