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L . Directions: (VocabularyA Structure)
Hencath each of the following senlcnccs, there are four choices marked A. B. C andD. Choose
thv one that best completes the sentence Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Example: The homeless rouplt? at \aa\ in Finding H flat to renL
A. managed R did
G finished D, succeeded
The sentence should re&d. " The homeless couple succeeded at last in finding A FUt to rent. " Therefore you should choose II
L I ent spicy (ood^ ! am allergic to them.
A. amn 4 supposed to <lon f t have to
C・ needn f \ D・ cun*!
2. Rose is some infortnAtion in the library.
A. looking out H. looking back
G looking for IX looking over
3. The Kims are rhrtr way to the theatre.
A. At K in
C. on wunder
{. I rvnlly like this «weatrn
A< wool new blue B. blue new wool
(X new blue wool new wool blue
5. I will have ro George when 1 sec him.
A. Apologise to & apologize for
C. apologia on
D. apologue of
6. 1 won11 RD cumping H stops rainrng.
A. tl
B. while
C when D» unless
7. Ple«x wake him upL He for 4 Hours.
A. w» »lccpin«
B. had been slceptnff
C> ha. Bern deepmg I、•leepin<
H ・ Thr huu )iv 队 very nicr> but ihr rnmpound IH toci mnlL
A« lum^clf H H MC II C> hernclf
D. oneself 9. Thr cat ID Koing again now. l oin
A. hHB been repninng (\ h” rrpairtLl
In. Could I 8>k you
A. if it
< \ how much it was
II. Directional^
ChooM? A. B ur C to complete ciich ennvenation. using the srntcncc* below. Murk your Answer <>n the ANSWER SHEK1. (20 poinU)
Eiuimpki —(*ht lonk> Joni Mitchell \n in town.
Whnt? Shr% otic of thr 筋fie" folk Ringers in the world!
A< Who** that? Pvc never heard of her.
Surct Pm in town#
V. Yes. Pm i (hd shr r a corning.
/XnMwrr A corrrrt becaunr thr ronvcrsutian should re<»d«
" Oh. look. Joni Mitchell in in town<
WAo 〃“以? I *xv gwr hwrd <>/ h ,,・
Wluit 、thrtt? Sh/f» one of the Kre-AteMt fulk ■itiKcr 日 in the world!
I l. 一 Steve) I hnverr I nrrn you in werk*! What huvr you been up lo f/
A< I 1 vr hern writing an importani letter thu whole morning. H. WtlL Pvr been fltudy&ng (or entrance cxnrn^ (nr thr two rnontha.
(二 1 * vr hrrn irnvchng ・ l<K< In I AC 1 < I * v<- lirrn to three diilerriil cilics in the pnH TWO wrekul
Ycjii thr E IFM ( iry Kink is on the next block, h 、right next to Pies Plu* A. Do you know if then ■ bunk nround here?
K Could you tell me if there F s a pay phonr near here? C 1 wonder if there A bookstore in this neighbourhood. 13. ——Doesn * I your sweater have H hole in it?
K I IAA I MJCFI rrpairrd IX w” rrpairinK
K how mony IT W «5 th d it was
A. I don't have a CT> playcn
B. We shouldn't have given her a swcatrr<
C・ I guefi* I should have looked it uvrr morv carefully.
14. —You mean she decided to take a two- week vacation -starting today? I did”、know that.
A. Welle she staid she only decided at the last minute.
H. Really? I thought you'd be excited about it.
C. No. I don11• but that*5 A good qnc^riona
15. Could I see that shirt, please?
Which one?
A. You have good unie< xm K This is a beauty.
t\ Thr plaid one-
16. Would you like \a HCC A menu?
A. No. thanks I have n lot of homework to M
队No. ihankn. I already know whit to orden
(\ No< pleHAc don e t bother nm
I7> Arc you Rcmx <o lake it vacation this y<?m”
A. Not il I r«n MIVC »arnr mc>ncy>
It WelL not if it stop* mining-
C. Nat unlr^H 1 enn »nv(? Kome money.
18. Sorry I am'I came to your party tonight. 1 hftvr a big exam io Mudy (or.
—Oh. ger. I know how tlwt in. WelL good luck on your tc”・
A. Thank you far your coming. K Thank# (or bcinn no undrrMnndin«.
C. 1 hr wnmr to you.
1».-Last night 1 was aleeping in bed when 1 was awakened by a ioud crush in the kitchen.
A. That * s exnctly what it was.
K You must have been scared to death,
Q My sister showed up for a surprise
20. Would you like me to show you around?
A・ Welcome. & 喝咄Thflt,* lerrib,c-
Ce Yen. please!
Dl> OlrriihiiKi
For each numbmd blank In the following piM^Mge. (herr arc four choke* mnrkcd A.虬C undl). ChiMMt the br»l <mr und mnrk your umwrr •»« tbr ANSWER SHEET. (20 |x»intn)
Miw» Kbrrt kepi the link hftkery cm th< corner. Two or three time ■ week» »he hud a cufcturncr in 21 «hr brgnn to take «n mrerenr. Me WHR A rni(k1l<r«Rrd fnan Apcctaclct ■nd ・brown •>ear<L H« JifKike English with n strong German accrnt. Ilin dothcB were worn und wrtnklr<L hut he looked neat and 23 very Rood numnerte He always bought two Imvz ol nlnlc hrriuL Hr nrvrt nikrd for nnything 24 breadi il co»t a lol I CSIH thMii (rr«h brmd.
"nrr MiftR Elwrt 2::n red mid brown itain on hi# finxer. Shr wun »nrr thnt he w” an «n<l wry poor. Ns doubt hr I IVM I in an nttic« where hr pnintcd piclurcn nnd AIC eViile btrnd nnd ihuuRht ol lhe 曲od lhing> 26 cat in the bakery.
()hrn whrn M I«R Eberl M H down to her evening rnrale ehc would «igh nnd wiuh thr e山hi ・hiwr her I OCM I 27 of cntinK his dry brend. Onr d・y the cuttornrr canie ln 2M UBUN! nnd asked (or hH Male breach As the Midden noi*c of the fire engine made him hu”y to the door. Miw Khrri 2p the opportumiy. She cut each of the loaves with a knifee inserted Rome huiter uncle when thr cuutomer 30 t she wait putting them into n paper ba* 2L A. who K. whrn whuni IX t hut
22・ A. in H. wiih C.uf H for
23. A. bcm It wtt・<-• Rrrmcd11 hud
24. A. but H. whilr C・ cl»r 1). from
25. A. nutihrd 11 noted (• nonccd IX knew
26. A. and Ik to Cfor a off
27. A< enough Ik instead (-in spite D. lack
28. A. as B. at (:• such D. by
29. A. sAvctl K barrnwed sowed D. planned
30. A< ran sway
li AtQ(>d up lumped up D. turned round |V . Dirretiofu:
Ench of the piiKMgew below h followcti by nonir qurntlon% bor each quest Ion there art four uniwen nuirked A.
H. C tindl). Kcud the pn、Migz carefully and chinwe the beM »n»wcr la each of lhe qucutiunx. Mark your nnsiwcr on the ANSWER SHEE I. (20 point*)
Questions 31 35 are baud on thr /allowing
In 1009 an English newapuper offered £ 1 <000 to the (int man to fly *cro»s the English Channel in an arroplanr- Tod«yt nindern jet* croM it in minute Hut at that time it s till uremrd ■ KOCM I distance* ( he rncr to win
the money MH)n breninr A ravr brtwren two men# Both were very colourful
One wan Louia Blcrtott He owned ・ factory in France that made motorcar hmpn. He wnw iilrrndy well known “ a piiol (乜行(ft)because he had hn(i Accidents wrvrrnl Some piroplr 1BUK I IC(I «< him. ()nr mwii tuiid. "Hr may not he the hrsit to lly acrosji the ( hnnne! but he will certainly be the fir” to <hr in nn •ccicicnt But Bkriot WAJI really A good *nd brnvr ptlou He oho hfld mnny 慕。

“4 idran about ucroplnnr dcHign* The other mnn wan I!ubrrt t.nilum. He wm hnlf brrnch and hull 卜:nghnh. Ht rofik up riyinu when his ductors tuld hirn he hnd only A yenr to live "()h・ wr||e M he wd・"if 1' m going to die booru I think I nhull have A dnnucrou* and infc rr*ting Ide now. ” l^ithnm wan the (irM to try thr (light acri>h» ih< ChnnnrL Ten kilometres from thr Frrnch couatt his plane hud M)rnr trouble^ It Irll liown info the water And begMn to Mink undrr thr wutrr. A boat rrachrd Ijithum ju^t in nme. He wnii nitung calmly on tho wins und WAS coolly lighting • cinntctiK(香圳)・Hlrnof took off %tx dayx Ifttcr. He (lew into wnrie very h*d wenther und vrry low cloud* Hr somehow got to the En»li»h wide nrid bi ruled in a fnrnicr1 a field. When he did k<)«・ cuntoni* (海关)officer rushed up to his plane. Plnne& have changed ainrr thrn t but custorriR oHiccrji have note H Hnvr you anyihing (ci <irclnrr?M Thr officer drnmndrd.
31. The »tory took place.
A. in thr early 20th century
Be in the 19th erntury
I,, right after World War I
D・ al A time tint tnrntioncd in the pnsadge
32. Bleriot wa> well known n* A pilot becai^c .
A. hr wan unuaunlly brNvr
K he was. quite rich
C hr had mnny good idcAS about «<?rop)anr dEgn
Fl he hud had A lew nrndentR
33. The (light tor Hlrriot wan・
A< a Mid one B> A dnnRcroiw one
C bin firwi one D. an eany one
34. Why did Hubert Lathnni want to fly across the Channel?
A. He thought he could marmge it easily>
ll He wantrcl to be the first one to cross ihr ChanncL
C< He knrw he only had a year to live.
D. He had alwHyn been interested in (lying.
35. Why did the cu^tumeM officer rush to the plane?
A. To wre if everything wun nil right with the plane.
B. To make ^nrc rhat the pilot not hurt.
C. to «hk why the plane hnd landed in a farmer f ji ht?!d.
lit None of ihr nbcwcu
Q,"Hi"rrs 36~4O arr bated on the following passage.
A contract is an ti«rrtmerit which i套rnforccAblr by law. It enn br long ar »hort« (ormal nr informnL simple or compllcairdi und verbal or written. Without a conirnct or ngrecmenl to bind the conirnctinx parties• any internauonnl bunineAA nr innuaction (£D ) would be nnpoHsibke Lonj; Ago. people exchnn«ed prainisen in rnnking bargainfi nnd binding thr conduct of others^ Fhit exchange of promises came to be knuwn a«M agrrcmrni H nnd brranu tnor< And more important tn the field' of husineas. A promise or ngreemcni i* reached a» n result of thr procr5> of offer and acceptance^ Whrn iin Agreement is reached9 a contract i、furined. Uncc A ronfruct in officially signed by thr concerned parties t it creates I CKH I obligations ni ihr nrnjir o( taw.
A convrACt IR thr i)nly docunicnt between thr pnrtlr^ in whu h they m心‘rhu fur ehrificBtioti of rnuiunl reBpunAibilttic^ Il should not be viewed 心merely n do< nment ihnl inmate<• tranMction nnd them filed find forgotten by the contracting parties It mum be drtficd with nn nwarcnrMv of thr iHirkRrnund nl thr inw in whirh th<, tranNActlon Mk,、It h proper to ohlnin legnl Nd vice M* lo the be«t wt of rnnfrnciunl termn npprnpnwtc tn flu- product «nd type of hu«lnr<n<
Though mom o( thr confrACf* hgve many provinionM in common• rurh i> diflrtrnt Irnfn thr others uwit iu to thr unturr of the goods. Whether we nre drnlmg with a hma or preprinted farm of the cnntr/irtt there nre errtAin key pruvision* fhnt rvrry eontruct fhoukl contain io Avoid nmhiguily nnd possible future conflict H.
WhrfhtT to inclurlr niher npriific proviMon-^ drprnrift on the fypi of RO(»d*> shipping and msurnnee
complexitie!it nnd tlvgrrc ul triiNi .nd mutual canfidencr rxintin^: between buyer and seller.
36. According to the pn»na^e the mnin purponc of maktnK A contract n io•
A. Icgzilixc a promise between rrlaictl pttriie*
Fl bind thr contrartinft pnrtie^
(\ initiate a trariJMirtian
Fl moke UorRains
37. A cantrncl rnnnot erratr kgd nbligAtionn tn ihr .cm u( l.w unlrM.
A it is ogreed on by conccrnrd particu
B. the contracting portirs Accept it
(:.it in enforced by I HW
D. the contracting parntji eigned it ofGciiiUy
39. Which of the following itatemenu about the contract in true?
A. It must b「an ^gteernenf in the written form.
K. |i in n way ol nnnimuinx conHiciii in intcrnntional bufiine^s or irftn^ncttan.
C hh mnin function in coinmcrcr in to begin A trflnsaction<
D It shnnld enntnin a> mnnv deuih N» possible^
39. In drnfting n contract of Inicrnnttonjil Hnm^cUon. one need not uike nno connidrrAttan.
A. the nature o( thr KOO H A
Ba the pnxluct And !ypr D( hufumr.
C. thr Uw» of it n|>eeifir country when* thr bumicn i・ io l>r done
【). ihr phynical hmlth t»l cnrirracliriH pnnicu
ID. Aw to enntentM of JI contrari. which ol iht (O II OWIRK IN r)ot true?
A. It differ* from one Another dur to the difference existing in the nature of gtiodn.
H. It should be presented in laiiuuuHe thnt i« vlcrtr and prcci»r e
C. Apart Irom thr key prnvinionn that mu»f be inrludrih whether to indudr m)y other Hprcrnl prnvinonh
depend* on ・ lot of Monu
IL When <herr it a I HR H dr^rre ol muiunl trust and confidence between the buytr •nd thr Frllrr• thr inclusion of thr key provinionB in not requtred,
V • l)irrction»t
Put each of the follow inp; wnlcncr^ into b:n((lbh w ( hlnrMr» nuinR (he word givrn In I he brNckrt
If *»ny. Write your unnwer on lt»c ANSWER SHEET. (20 pulnls)
11 • You ucce a lot of jKople who travd nrr only looking for an idcnlued vermon of hotrin.
」:!. I ccHikln v t hiivc lived through ChriMmnji without giving you A prcncnU
“• Pr> Herbert aK^e!t that IntrncM can Iw uord ns A wenpon with which 10 xtnke out at someone.
I • (2(1%)
LA 2. C :<.(' LC
n. A
H. 1) 7.1:R. B 9.C hi.l
II.(2(»% >
II.C 12. \ 1 .C 11. A 1 h c
16. B I7.C IM. B H>. H 2u. C
III. <20% >
21. C m B2X1)24. A 25.1
26. H 37. B 2& A 2 土C 3'»J»
3L A 32.1)33, B M C
36. n 37.1,It s, l> 川"t
(W«n卞・金理求勺峭治并*4个4T符弁时0..尤♦松MlOh愣21 S M 3" 。

.X1XiftULtfttt.俾2伟i b tnfr I>J.e・<i驯u卅u«»偎.仰i 分M;n介甸a•句 f XIA 4惭・(qu分.氏他的M・rw情和分”
I L You ZT・ n lot iif p<^iple who irnvrl nn nnly I CMI I CHIK (nr rm hlntha」vcr^inn hotm> IJ. I tuiililt/1
hnvi livid (limuKh ChnWimz wiihoul gi%mg ymi n |iir»vnl.
I ;. I >r. I IrrLrri ngrrcw ilmt Lin nt run In u*c<l n> n wrupuri wiih whivh to *trik< mH Hl xoilironr;
ll. fftW 火域个么加
is. MtAV rrtwftxwf.
比««a仙你个礼物・谊t f-wrukvtij b卜A r.
IX Herbert M I认为思列可以汽作忡仿方他人的式器
i L Whm if l orn 山>m'i lik* tin *i lnM»ll»iig/
13. II* l<irg<H io it ll mv ni C I<IM ih» witulow.。
