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4. 中国官方媒体和普通网民用带有民族主义情绪的 语言欢呼中国政府以走私毒品罪处决一名英国人, 称 这是中国司法的胜利, 并回击了英国领导人和国际 人权组织关于有证据显示这名英国男子存在精神问 题的批评。
Using language charged with nationalist emotion, state media and ordinary Internet users hailed the execution of a British national for drug smuggling as a victory for Chinese justice, dismissing criticism by British leaders and international rights groups who say there was evidence the man was mentally ill.
APEC's influence on China will become manifest in several aspects. First, it will help to expand China's economic interests in the Asia-Pacific Region, which currently takes up 80 percent of China's foreign trade and 90 percent of its foreign
investment. [ ① --》②+ (③+ ④) ]
1. 5月2日, 总理温家宝离开北京开始对欧洲 进行首次访问。此行访问的国家有德、英、 意、比利时和爱尔兰。温总理将与五国及欧 盟的首脑就国际和地区问题进行会谈。
Premier Wen Jiabao left Beijing on May 2 on his first official visit to Europe. Wen will visit Germany, the UK, Italy, Belgium, and Ireland and meet leaders of the 5 nations and the EU for talks on international and regional issues.
汉译英: 新闻文体
1.时效性 2.准确性 3.简洁性 4.修辞性
1.掌握最新用语 (cyberspace, e-business, ecotourism, knockout products); 2.活用小词(spread)、缩略语(pro, biz, Lib); 3.适当省略(冠词、系动词等)、重组; 4.兼顾文化差异与译文的可读性(譬如编译)。
“挖掘工作已经持续了将近1年时间, 我们将拿出更 进一步的证据。但仅从已有的这些证据来看, 我们能 够断定这就是曹操的陵墓,” 国家文物局文物保护司 副司长关强在京表示。
"Excavation has been going on for nearly one year, and we'll come up with further evidence. But even based on what we've got, we can tell for sure that the mausoleum belongs to Cao Cao," Guan Qiang, deputy director of the department of cultural heritage conservation at the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, told a briefing in Beijing.
例: 我国承担的人类基因组“天书”接近完成 China to Complete Draft of Human Genome
1. (汉)偏正结构 变 (英) 名词中心词+后置修饰语
1. 走向世界的南京大学 Nanjing U Set to Go International 2. 举世瞩目的中国农业 China’s Agriculture Gets World Attention 3. 农民可以放心的几件事 Things Farmers Needn’t Worry about
3. 曹操墓惊现河南安阳 据传说,三国时期,魏武帝曹操为防盗墓 者,曾为自己建造了72座疑冢。
Cao Cao’s Tomb Found
Legend has it that Cao Cao, King Wu of Wei Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms period (AD 208 to 280), had built 72 tombs to thwart tomb raiders.
世界关注中东和谈 World Eyes Mideast Peace Talks
澳欲吸引更多亚洲游客 Australia to Lure More Asian Tourists 个人电脑、传真机销量有望猛增 PC, Fax Sales Expected to Soar 欧盟警告核武 扩散 EU Warns Nuke Arms Spread (proliferation)
然而专家们却一直对此表示怀疑,并坚信这只是 人们虚构的说法,为的是反映出曹操本人就像经 典《三国演义》中描写的那般狡猾多谋。如今他 们找到了确凿的证据来证实这一说法并不准确。
Experts, however, have always doubted this, believing it was more a fabrication that reflected Cao's political cunning as portrayed in the classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Now, they have come up with solid evidence to prove it wrong.
2. 双关 (pun) 塞国球迷“看不起”世界杯 Fans Can’t Afford World Cup Tickets
3. 押韵 (rhyme) 哥国镇长不好当 当着当着就挨枪 Town Head in Columbia Killed
In-class Exercises
土耳其发生强烈地震,18人死亡 Earthquake in Turkey Kills 18 索尼将投资上海一媒体公司 Sony to Invest in Shanghai Media Firm 京高校开设艾滋病教育课程 Beijing Colleges Give AIDS Classes 美宣布对伊实行制裁 U.S. to Sanction Against Iran
2. 10月15日北京时间9点整, 中国第一艘载人飞 船“神州”5号直冲蔚蓝色天穹, 把一条巨龙般 的白色烟雾留在戈壁长空。大约10分钟后, 火 箭把飞船送入了预定轨道。
Shenzhou V, China’s first manned spaceship, soared into the azure sky at exactly 9am, Beijing time, Oct. 15, 2003, leaving a long trail of white smoke high above the remote Gobi Desert. About 10 minutes later, the rocket sent the spaceship into the preset orbit.
Beijing to fix ancient city wall
例: 严禁非法金融活动 维护经济秩序稳定 State eliminates illegal banking
2) 修饰语的使用: 简化、省略
例:江泽民在贵州、广西考察扶贫开发 工作强调–扶贫攻坚战必须做好, 务求全胜
Jiang – Abolish Rural Poverty
3. (汉) 引题+主题 变 (英) 主题
1. 大坝出现“大裂缝”? 资金是个“无底洞”? 三峡总公司辟谣: 空穴来风
Big Rift and Fund Shortage: A Rumor
4. (汉) 修辞 变 (英) 去修辞、直译
1. 拟人 (personification) 武昌部分道路 “失明” Some Street Lamps in Wuchang Blinded 公车路牌“说胡话” Bus Signpost Gives Wrong Directions 片头片尾该“减肥” Both Ends of Films to Be Shortened
例: 全面提高 to enhance (completely) 认真执行 to execute (conscientiously) 西部大开发 (Grand) Western Development
3. 时间表达有别 英语: 一般现在时表过去; 不定式表未来 汉语: 借助时间词
例: 施罗德将出访美国 Shroeder to Visit US
2. (汉) 句子 变 (英) 短语
美国不要做干涉他国内政的事 US Told to Stop its “Interfering” 上千律师义务帮助二战中国劳工打官司 Lawyers to Help WWII Forced Laborers 青海湖二百年内将成为盐湖 Lake to Grow Salty in 200yrs
Premier Wen Plans (an/his) Asia Trip
省略 与 重组
老舍茶馆里的文化生活 Laoshe Teahouse: Renewing an Old Beijing Tradition 军民齐心协力 猪流感得到控制 Swine Flu Finally Under Control 举国上下群情激奋 全力以赴支持申奥 Public Backs Beijing’s Olympic Bid
Anything to leave out?
意飞机失事 37丧生
Italy: Air Crash Kills 37
Irish Group Kills (Its) Ex-Chief
Moscow Food Prices (are) Soaring
文物考古官员昨日证实于河南省安阳县西高 穴村, 发掘出曹操陵墓, 令许多人感到惊讶的 是, 这座陵墓确实像文献中记载的那样简朴。
Archaeological officials confirmed yesterday the discovery of Cao's mausoleum in Xigaoxue, a village in Anyang county of Henan province, which, much to the surprise of many, was indeed built as austerely as recorded in historical archives.
1. 概括程度不同 汉语: 详尽完整地综述要பைடு நூலகம் 英语: 精炼地概括要点
例: 在社会主义现代化建设和改革 开放事业中做出突出贡献
45位外国专家获友谊奖 朱镕基出席颁奖仪式 Foreign Experts Awarded Medals
2. 措辞手法各异: 1) 动词的使用及其在标题中的位置 例: 挽留北京旧城墙
汉语句法: 意合(parataxis), 句间逻辑衔接不明 显, 句子短小精悍, 长句常由连串小句组成;
英语句法: 形合(hypotaxis), 强调语句间的衔接 和连贯, 结构复杂、逻辑严密的长句较常见。
对策: 将几个汉语单句或连串小句 变为树状英语长句。
①参与亚太经合组织(APEC)对中国的影响是多方 面的。②首先, 有利于扩大中国在地区中的经济 利益。③亚太地区是中国对外经济利益的主要所 在。④中国贸易额的80%是与亚太地区国家开展 的, 90%以上的外资来源于亚太地区国家。
A New Shanghai Welcomes the Expo
房价上涨的背后: 房价持续上涨已引起政府有关部门的注意
Through the Roof: Ever soaring real estate prices are worrying urban dwellers and economists.