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With words that indicate portions—e.g., a lot, a majority, some, all, are guided by the noun after of. If the noun after of is singular, use a singular verb. If it is plural, use a plural verb.
4.主谓一致 Subject-verb agreement
Basic rules: A singular subject takes a singular verb whereas a plural subject takes a plural verb.
4.1Grammatical agreement 语法一致:
5will ,would, We use will ,would to express Willing ,determine
3.Non-finite verb 非谓语动词
Non-finite verb is verb,but it’s Not the predicate in the sentence. Finite verb forms show tense, person and number, Non-finite verb forms do not show tense, person or number. Typically they are infinitive forms with and without to, -ing forms and -ed forms we have 3 types of non-finite verb as follow:
2.2Gerunds can appear as object: I like swimming.
Participles can be divided into 2 types: according to aspect (progressive vs. perfect/perfective) and voice (active vs. passive). 3.1-ing form: We use -ing form to show progressive and active: 我们用 ing 形式来表示进行和主动 I see the boy playing basketball. 我看见那个男孩正在打篮球。 3.2-ed form we use past participle to show passive and perfect(finished) . 我们用过去分词表示完成和被 动。 They suddenly understand the question discussed yesterday.
happen,but here, in SM,the condition is contrary to the fact.
The blackboard design is as follow:
If clause
Main clause
Contrary to the present fact Past tense(be-were)
use SM. VERB in object clause: (should)+past participle
2.情态动词 Modal verb
We use modal verb to express the attitude and emotion of the verb 1. Can,could, the degree of could is weaker than can. We use can or could to show: 1.1Ability: i can swim 1.2Permission: can i borrow your bike? 1.3Possibility: it can’t be true.
In the past
Had+past participle
In the future
Would/should +v
I wish i were you
I wish i had worked hard
I wish i should be there.
3. Some words like suggest,demand require,advise,,when they lead a object clause ,we need to
2. may might We use may or might to show: 2.1 Permission: may I use this pen? 2.2 Possibility,uncertainty
3. Must have to. We use must or have to to show: 3.1Strong advice: you must go to school. I have to wash dishes. Must:subjective, have to : objective Must i go to school? No ,you needn’t, /don’t have to
面试其实不需要报班,把核心的几大块知识点准备好了就行的,我是面试前半个月才开始看 书(哭哭,那时慌得不行,因为语法啥的都不会用英语讲啊)语法是最重要也是工程量最大 的复习内容,我分三个文档把人教版里的语法都整理出来,按着复习下来你就不慌了,以后 真的站上三尺讲台给学生讲课也可以用到这些知识点。辛苦打了好几天的文档,希望大家不 要网上传播,谢谢。祝大家面试顺利! 目录: 第一部分:虚拟语气 第二部分:情态动词 第三部分:非谓语动词 第四部分:主谓一致 第五部分:句子种类 第六部分:形容词和副词
例子:A lot of the pie has disappeared. A lot of the pies have disappeared.
4.2Notional agreement 意义一致:
Use a singular verb with distances, periods of time, sums of money, etc., when considered as a unit. E.g.:Three miles is too far to walk.
1. Infinitive form of verb 动词不定式
Pattern: active voice: to. Passive voice: to be done
是什么: to express purpose or intention of action. Basic usage: 1.1 做主语 as subject: It’s nice to have a talk with you...(it is the formal subject.real subject is “to have a talk with you”) 1.2 做宾语 as object: I find it interesting to study english. (It is formal object,) 1.3 状语 as adverbial We are very excited to hear the news. (adverbial of reason) I come here to see you(purpose) 1.4 表语 as predicative My job is to help you.
高中英语教资面试---语法篇 1 怎样用英语讲语法
抽到阅读题的童鞋可能会被要求讲解其中的语法,众所周知,教资面试是全英文试讲的,如 果你正好抽到语法题,然鹅你又不会说那些语法术语的英文单词,那么这个面试挂掉的几率 就很大了(比如就近原则英语怎么说? 祈使句怎么说(Imperative mood)非谓语动词里的 动名词和分词具体怎么讲解?有很多挂了两次的同学都是不幸抽到语法题!语法内容很多, 只能祈祷自己不要抽到语法,但是你也要做好万全准备!我在考前找了很多资料都没有一个 能整理出用英语讲解的语法,于是我查了很多资料,翻了很多书,一个个字敲了出来,希望 能帮到大家!也请大家尊重我的知识产权,不要传播!!(纯手打,有拼写错误欢迎指正)
2. Gerund 动名词
a gerund has the same form as a progressive active participle and so ends in -ing. Gerunds typically appear as subject or object noun phrases 动名词和动词的现在分词有着相同的结构,都是动词+ing 结尾。动名词可以充当主语或者 宾语: 2.1Gerunds can appear as subject: Seeing is believing
1. Sm in adverbial clause of condition. We have learned adverbial clause of condition before,it is a real condition that could be
2. Wish+object clause
We use subjunctive mood to express the wish that cant achieve at certain time.
Verb in object clause
Cant achieve at present
Past ld could might)+V
Past fact
Had+past participle
WSCM+have+past participle
Future fact
Were to do 如果大家想在面试前找专业老师点评一下自己的上课情况,可以扣扣找我:七一零九七八八 二六。我拿到教师资格证后在公办学校教书,有 6 年的教书经验了,每次学校面试新老师, 我都被叫去当面试官,所以知道一些应该注意的地方,欢迎加我扣扣讨论和交流。 Let’s see some examples: If i were you,i would go to the party. If i knew english, i would go abroad. If i had studied hard, i could have passed the exam If i were to do it,i should do it at once.
1.虚拟语气 Subjunctive mood: (为了方面,以下缩写为 sm)
We use subjunctive mood to express wishes, command or suggestion.
It’s essential to know the form of verb in subjunctive mood. We use sm in adverbial clause of condition ( 条 件 状 语 从 句 ) , subject clause, object
4. Shall/should We use Shall to ask opinion,or give a proposal Shall we go? Should: express obligation / give advise You should finish homework.