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F1 -- Hidden Line 隐藏线? F2 -- Delete 删除(删除任何对象都⽤此命令)? F3 -- Replace 合并两个节点? F4 -- Distance 测量距离⾓度等? F5 -- Mask 隐藏? F6 -- Element Edit 单元编辑(创建,合并,分割单元等)? F7 -- Align Node 节点共线排列? F8 -- Create Node 创建节点? F9 -- Line Edit 线编辑(⾮边界编辑)? F10 -- Check Elem 单元质量检查? F11 -- Quick Edit 快速⼏何编辑? F12 -- Automesh ?⾃动⽹格划分 Shift+F1-F12, Ctrl+F1-F6
Opening and Saving Files - HM-1010
1. Access the Import tab in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, choose File, then Import
From the standard toolbar, click Import ()
(这⾥的Import ()是在已有模型上加另⼀个模型)
Importing and Repairing CAD - HM-2000
Importing and Repairing CAD - HM-2000
2. Go to the autocleanup panel.
查看拓扑情况,⾃动清理,可以删⼀些重复⾯,距离较⼩的⾃由边,修补结点问题Step 3: Delete the surface that overhangs the round corner.(删重复⾯) From the Geometry menu, point to Delete and click Surfaces
或Press F2(和点叉⼀样)
Step 4: Create surfaces to fill large gaps in the model
surfaces panel
keep tangency(可以平滑过渡)
Verify the auto create (free edges) check box is selected
Step 5: Set the global geometry cleanup tolerance to .01.(设置全局清理容差,这样其他地⽅的容差都是0.01)
Press O to go to the options panel
Go to the geometry sub-panel
In the cleanup tol = field, type 0.01 to stitch the surfaces with a gap less than 0.01.
Step 8: Combine the remaining free edge pair using replace.
Go to the replace sub-panel(quick edit是交换点,这⾥交换边,效果差不多)
Step 9: Find and delete all duplicate surfaces.
Access the Defeature panel
Simplifying Geometry - HM-2020
Step 4 (Optional): Review the quality of the mesh.
Tool page, then select check elems(可以按要求检查,但不能编辑)
3. In the length field, type 1.
4. Click length to evaluate the minimum length.
Many of the elements failing the length test are located around the fillets of this model
Step 6: Remove all surface fillets in the clip.
1. Go to the defeature panel.
In the min radius field, type 2.0.
Refining Topology to Achieve a Quality Mesh
Step 3: Review the mesh quality.
4. In the length field, type 1.
Step 6: Add edges to the surfaces to control the mesh pattern
1. Access the surface edit
Step 7: Add edges to the surfaces to control the mesh pattern.
Go to the trim with surfs/planes sub-panel
2. In the with plane column, set the active selector to surfs.
3. Select the surfaces indicated in the following image.
4 If necessary, toggle the direction selector to N1, N2, and N3. Click
N1 to make the selector active.(这⾥选两个点,不要选第三个)
6. Press F4 on the keyboard to enter the distance panel.
7. Go to the three nodes sub-panel.(找到圆⼼)作为第四步的
14. C lick trim.
Step 9: Remesh the part.
Step 10: Review the mesh quality.
6. Access the automesh panel.
7. Go to the QI optimize sub-panel.
8. Verify that elem size = is set to 2.5 and the mesh type is set to mixed.
9. Click edit criteria.
10. I n the Target element size field, type 2.500.
11. C lick Apply and OK.
12. S elect surfs >> displayed to select all displayed surfaces.
13. C lick mesh.
Note that the old mesh is replaced by the new mesh.
14. If there is a message saying, "There is a conflict between the user requested element size and quality criteria ideal element size," click
the button, Recomute quality criteria using size of 2.5.
15. A ccess the qualityindex panel by doing one of the following:
From the Menu Bar, select Mesh, then Check, then Elements, then Quality Index
From the main menu, select the 2D page, then select qualityindex
16. G o to pg1 and verify that the comp. QI is 0.01.
This low value indicates that the mesh is good quality. The higher the number, the lower the mesh quality.
Creating and Editing Line Data - HM-2040
Step 1: Create a component collector to geometry
From the main menu, access the Geom page and click nodes
Go to the type in sub-panel.
Press f to fit the model to the model to the screen
Step 3: Display the node IDs.
Pick the Tool page and click numbers to access the Numbers panel Step 6: Create a line.
select the Geom page, then select lines
Step 7: Duplicate and translate lines.
select the Tool page, then select translate
Step 11: Duplicate and reflect an arc.
select the Tool page then select reflect
Step 12: Create two tangent lines.
Go to the Lines panel, at tangents sub-panel.
Step 16: Create a surface square on an X-Y plane.
select the 2D page, then select planes
Go to the square sub-panel
Switch from mesh, keep surf to surface only
Step 17: Create a line that connects two parallel lines on an X-Y plane. Access the Lines panel.
Go to the at intersection sub-panel.
Use the lines with plane column
Step 19: Extend a line to a surface edge
Go to the Line Edit panel.
Toggle from distance = to to:.
Step 22: Remove all temp nodes.
select the Geom page, then select temp nodes
Creating Surfaces from Elements - HM-2050
Step 2: Obtain surfaces from elements.
1. From the Geom page, click surfaces, and select the from FE sub-panel. Step 3: Capture features with plot elements.
1. From the surfaces panel, FE sub-panel, click the features button to access the features panel.
This is a shortcut to this panel. You can also find features panel in the Tool page by selecting the features sub-panel.
5. Select the advanced analysis check box.
6. This option performs further analysis on the features created based on the angle and combines and extends them to create closed loops.
3. From the features panel, select the edit sub-panel.
9. Generate the surfaces using the surfaces panel, from FE sub-panel. (先⽣成单元曲⾯特征,然后修改曲⾯特征,然后再通过修改好的特征⽣成曲⾯,这样⽐直接不修改⽣成的好)
Creating and Editing Solid Geometry - HM-2060
Step 2: Create solid geometry from the bounding surfaces.
From the Geom page, enter the solids panel.
Step 3: Create a solid geometry cylinder using primitives.
Go to the cylinder/cone sub-panel.
Toggle full cone to full cylinder.
Step 4: Subtract the cylinder’s volume from the rest of the part From the Geom page, go to solid edit
2. Go to the boolean sub-panel.
3. Verify that operation type: is set to simple (combine all).
4. Set operation: to A-B (remove B from A).
Step 5: Split the solid geometry using bounding lines.(如果不选择延伸,可以不闭合,但是必须确定⼀个平⾯,可以⼀次选择实体,多次切线)
You should still be in the solid edit panel.
1. Go to the trim with lines sub-panel.
Step 6: Split the solid geometry using a cut line.(注意利⽤切换视图⼯具,是⽤中键确定)
Step 7: Merge solids together.(合并之后不再有分割线)
Step 8: Split the solid geometry with a user-defined plane.(只要三点确定⼀平⾯就⾏)
4. Set the plane selector to N1, N2, N3.
5. With N1 active, press and hold the left mouse button, and move the mouse cursor over one of the two edges shown in the following image.
The edge should highlight.
Step 9: Split the solid geometry with a swept line.(选择⼀个实体,选择扫掠线,选择轴,那扫掠线就沿着轴向切割实体)
Step 10: Split the solid geometry with a principal plane.(z轴确定XY 平⾯,随便确定⼀基点就确定了平⾯的位置)
3. Switch the plane selector from N1, N2, N3 to z-axis.
Step 11: Split the solid geometry by creating surfaces inside the solids.(需要到surfaces先创建⼀个曲⾯,注意不要勾选⾃动,否则难选上线,再回到实体编辑选择刚创建的⾯)
From the Geom page, go to surfaces
Go to the spline/filler sub-panel.
Deactivate auto create(free edge only) and keep tangency options Select the five lines shown in the following image:
Step 12: Suppress extraneous edges on the part.(压缩冒出来的边) Enter the edge edit panel.
Go to the (un)suppress sub-panel.
Select lines >> by geoms.(因为之前创建编辑过的线有些可能冒出来了,所以要压缩)
With the solids entity selector active, select the four solids shown in the following image.
Geometry and Mesh Editing Using the Quick Edit Panel - HM-2070
select the 2D page, then select automesh
Verify that the size and bias sub-panel is selected.
Verify that elements to surf comp is selected.(注意选择的⾯板,⽹格⼤⼩设为0.1)
Step 2: Simplify the geometry by removing unnecessary holes.
1. From the main menu, select the Geom page, and click quick edit.
.2 For unsplit surf:, activate line(s).(不分割曲⾯⾯板,将不需要的孔去除,⽤填充的话会有共享边出现,⽽且⽹格质量不好)
Step 3: Modify geometry around remaining small holes
For the split surf-line function, activate node.
Step 4: Trim a washer layer into the surface around each of the four holes. In the offset value field next to washer split, enter 0.05.(偏移值越⼤,垫⽚越⼤)
Step 5: Adjust the mesh around the large holes on the side surfaces. Use the split surf-line(可以⽤其他⾯板⽣成线辅助,然后再调整密度)这⾥可以不调,先修剪好,然后再退到auto mesh进⾏编辑,可以改类型,调的更好
Step 7: Adjust the mesh on the mounting flange.
split surf-line adjust density(对于那些交叉的调不了的⽹格,可以⽤faces edit中的untrim调试)交叉的也可以⽤quick edit中的split surf-nod 来调
Creating 1-D Elements - HM-3000
Step 2: Create 1-D bar elements.
select the 1D page, then select bars
Go to the bar2 sub-panel.
3. Click ax = and enter the value 0.
4. Click ay = and enter the value 0.
5. Click az = and enter the value 0.
These are the values for the bar offset.
6. Click property = and select property1.
A property is now assigned to the element.
7. Click pins a = and enter the value 0.
8. Click pins b = and enter the value 0.
These are the values for the degrees of freedom
9. Click the switch below update and select components from the pop-up menu.
10. A fter x comp =, enter the value 1.
11. A fter y comp =, enter the value 1.
12. A fter z comp =, enter the value 1.
The local y-axis is now specified.(这⾥x\y\z不能都为0)
13. C lick node A and select the lower node in the graphics area.
14. C lick node B and select the upper node in the graphics area. The two-noded bar element is created.
Step 3: Create 1-D elements along a line.
1. Go to the line mesh panel.
2. Verify that the entity selector is set to lines..
3. Select a line on the model.
4. Verify that the segment is whole line option is set.
5. Set element config: to rigid.
6. Click mesh.
The element density panel now appears.
7. Click set segment to make it the active selector.
8. In the elem density = field, enter 20.
9. Click set all.
10. C lick return twice to access the main menu.
Step 4: Create 1-D elements from the feature in the model.
Use the Model browser to turn off all of the geometry in the model. Tool page, then select features
4. Click the Comps button and pick the feature_elements component.
5. Click select to complete the selection.
6. In the feature angle = field, enter 30.
7. Select the ignore normals check box.
8. Verify that create: is set to plot elements.
9. Click features.
The plot elements are created.
Meshing without Surfaces - HM-3110
Step 2: Create a concentric circle around a hole on the top face using the scale panel.(创建同⼼圆) Tool page and go to the scale panel
Click uniform and enter 2.0 for the scale factor.
3. Press F4 to go to the distance panel.
4. Go to the three nodes sub-panel.
9. Switch the entity type to lines.
10. I n the graphics area, select the circle.
11. C lick lines >> duplicate >> original comp.
12. C lick the origin: node selector to make it active.
13. S elect the temporary node you created at the circle’s center.
14. C lick scale +.
A new circle is created, which is concentric with the original
Step 3: Create a radial mesh between each of the concentric circles using the spline panel.
select the 2D page and go to the spline panel(然后再把其他的顶⾯创建,注意选三个外圆)shift+F2可以删除临时结点
Step 5: Mesh the back face of the bracket using the line drag panel. select the 2D page and enter the line drag panel
2. Go to the drag geoms sub-panel.
3. Switch the drag: entity type from node list to line list.
4. Select the line that is on the perimeter of the existing mesh and adjacent to the bracket’s back
5. Click the along: line list selector to make it active.
6. Select one of the two lines defining the back face and perpendicular
to the selected line to drag.
Step 6: Mesh the bottom face of the bracket using the ruled panel (如果想要删除重复图形的某⼀部分,可以先把不删除的隐藏起来)
select the 2D page and enter the ruled panel
Click node list and select by path.
Switch the lower entity type to line list.
Step 7: Mesh the rib using the skin panel.
select the 2D page and enter the skin panel
With the line list selector active, select any two of the three lines defining the rib.
2-D Mesh in Curved - HM-3120
Step 2: Set the mesh parameters and create the mesh.
. In min elem size = field, type 15.000.
(这⾥就是element size,如果设的太⼩会出错,⽐如说变⿊)(或者进⼊edge deviation或surfaces deviation⾥⾯有min elem size设置,这⾥注意两个⾯板即使设置同样的数值,他们得出的形状和质量都不⼀样)
5. Toggle to elems to surf comp.
6. Select surfs > >by collector >> use size from the extended entity selection menu.
Step 3: Set the chordal deviation parameters.
2. Access the edge deviation sub-panel.
3. Click min elem size = and type 1.000.
Cycle through the parameter settings by pressing the TAB key after typing in a value.
Step 4: Create the mesh.
Step 5: Set the chordal deviation parameters and create the mesh.
1. Set max angle = to 20.000.
2. Select surfs >> by collector >> angle ctrl.
3. Click select.
4. Click mesh to create the mesh on the surfaces.
Step 6: Set the chordal deviation parameters and create the mesh.
1. Set max elem size = to 30.000.
2. Select surfs >> by collector >> max size ctrl.
3. Click select.
4. Click mesh to create the mesh.
QI Mesh Creation - HM-3130
Step 2: Working with node and element quality optimization.
Within the qualityindex panel, there are functions that allow the user to select individual nodes or elements, and then alter the position or shape of the node/element to optimize the element quality for the surrounding elements. The element qualities are optimized according to the settings in the qualityindex panel. These features are very useful for improving element qualities in local areas of the mesh.
2D page, then select qualityindex
2. Experiment with the node optimize function.
select nodes of elements that are highlighted red, since these have the worst quality. You should see each node move as it is selected, improving the surrounding mesh quality.(选择结点优化,特别是那些红⾊的结点)Notice what happens to the value of the comp. Q.I. It should improve as you select more nodes.
3. Experiment with the element optimize function.
In particular, select elements that are highlighted red, since these have the worst quality. You should usually see the shape of the element change as it is selected, improving the surrounding mesh quality. Step 3: Resetting the part by remeshing. select the 2D page, then automesh
2. Go to the size and bias sub-panel.
4. Make sure the panel has the following settings:
The check-box for previous settings is activated.
The meshing mode is set to automatic.
Step 4: Using QI optimization smoothing.
select 2D page, then select smooth
1. Access the smooth panel in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, select Mesh, then Cleanup Elements, then Smooth
On the main menu, select 2D page, then select smooth
2. Go to the plates sub-panel.
3. Select elems >> displayed.
4. Switch the algorithm to QI optimization. (By default, the button should be set to autodecide.)
6. Click smooth.
Before HyperMesh has run the routine, you should see a message asking to
recompute using a new QI mesh size value.
7. Click continue.
Controls Function
target quality index The value you would like the quality index to be after the
smoothing operation. This value is not guaranteed from smoothing. The smooth operation will attempt to hit this target. time limit The check box for can be activated or not. If working with
a large models, activate this box to ensure the smoothing
routine does not take more time than you want to allow.
feature angle The smooth panel evaluates the angle between the normals of
two adjacent elements. If this angle is equal to or greater
than the value specified in this field, it will not allow the nodes shared by the elements to move.
use current criteria Allows you to select and use a criteria file for your Q.I.
settings. If a criteria file is specified, leave this option blank.
recursive optimization procedure The other toggle option is single optimization step. Using
the recursive optimization procedure allows the automesher
to take more than one pass in generating the best quality mesh
it can. However, this can take longer than single
optimization step, so you might want to use single optimization step for larger models (递归,可能⽤很长时间,所以有时你想⽤⼀次性的)
Step 5: Using the QI settings in the automesh panel.
1. Access the automesh panel.
2. Go to the QI Optimize sub-panel.
3. Select the surface in the graphics area.
4. Make sure the panel has the following settings:
The elem size= field has a value of 18.
The mesh type: is set to quads.
Like the smooth panel, the QI optimized meshing mode of the automesh panel has some controls of which you should be aware. They are, however, not
compare it to the previous mesh:
Meshing a Model Using Shrink Wrap - HM-3150
Step 2: Create a loose shell shrink wrap mesh in the loose_gap component.
3. Click Mesh, then Create, then Shrink Wrap Mesh.
4. Make sure the loose sub-panel is active.
5. Select the component in the graphics area.
6. For element size, enter 4.
7. Click mesh to create the shrink wrap.
. Expand the Component folder in the Model browser.
9. Hide the surfaces component in the Model browser.
10. C lick return to exit the panel.
Step 4: Create a loose shell shrink wrap mesh in the loose component
4. Make sure the loose sub-panel is active.
5. Select the component in the graphics area.
6. For element size, enter 4.
Step 5: Create a tight shell shrink wrap in the tight_shell component. Step 6: Create a tight solid shrink wrap in the tight_solid component
2. Right-click the tight_solid component in the Model browser and click Make Current.
3. Activate the generate solid mesh option.
4. Click comps and select the block component.
5. Change the minimum jacobian to 1.
6. Click mesh to create the mesh.
Tetrameshing - HM-3200
Step 2: Use the volume tetra mesher and equilateral triangles to create a tetra mesh for the cover.
On the 3D page, click the tetramesh sub-panel
Go to the volume tetra sub-panel
Verify that 2D: is set to trias and 3D: is set to tetras.
These control the type of element that will be created for the surface mesh and solid mesh of the part.
. Activate the option, use curvature.
Verify that the use curvature and use proximity options are not active .
Additional parameters appear. The option, use curvature, causes more elements to be created along areas of high surface curvature. Thus, curved areas such as fillets will have more and smaller elements, which capture those features with higher resolution.
Step 4: Use the volume tetra mesher to create a tetra mesh with more elements along curved surfaces.
2. Activate the option, use curvature.
Additional parameters appear. The option, use curvature, causes more elements to be created along areas of high surface curvature. Thus, curved areas such as fillets will have more and smaller elements, which capture those features with higher resolution.(这个⾯板可以使圆⾓处有更多更⼩的单元,使得这些地⽅的⽹格划分更清晰,但是没有圆⾓的地⽅,⽐如说⾯和⾯的交界处还是⼀样)
Step 5: Use the volume tetra mesher to create a tetra mesh with more elements around small features.
2. Activate the use proximity option.
The use proximity option causes the mesh to be refined in areas where surfaces are smaller. The result is a nice transition from small elements on small surfaces to larger elements on larger, adjacent surfaces.
5. Inspect the mesh pattern that the volume tetra mesher created. Compare it to the previous meshes you created and note the differences. More elements were created around surfaces with small angles as indicated in the following image.
Step 6: Prepare the display to tetra mesh the hub component using the standard tetra mesher.
4. Turn on the display for the hub and tetras components for elements. There are tria shell elements in the hub component. Currently, there are no elements in the tetras component.
(这⾥只是⽐较⽤tetra mesher.划分的⽹格)
Step 7 (Optional): Review the connectivity and quality of the tria mesh to validate its integrity for the standard tetra mesher. From the main menu, select the Tool page and the edges panel.
3. Click find edges.
A message in the status bar should state, "No edges found. Selected elements may enclose a volume."
This is desired as the tetra mesher requires a closed volume of shell
elements.(这是所想要的四⾯体测量所需的封闭的壳单元体积) From the main menu, select the Tool page and the check elems panel.
6. Verify that you are in the 2-d sub-panel.
7. Identify elements having an aspect ratio greater than 5.
Aspect ratio is the ratio of the longest edge of an element to its shortest edge. This check helps you to identify sliver elements.
All of the hub’s shell elements pass the check; all of the elements have an aspect ratio less than 5. (检验纵横⽐⼤于5的单元,检测的所有都通过,说明所有的单元纵横⽐都⼩于5)
8. Identify tria elements having an angle less than 20. (trias: min angle) This check also helps you to identify sliver elements. All the hub’s shell elements pass the check; all the elements have angles greater than 20.
The surface mesh is suitable for creating a tetra mesh.
Step 8: Create a tetra mesh for the hub using the standard tetra mesher(这⾥要先有⽹格才能⽣成六⾯体⽹格,之前是空⼼的,⽣成之后是实⼼的)
4. With the comps selector active under select trias/quads to tetramesh, select one of the hub shell elements from the graphics area.
By default, HyperMesh will swap the diagonal for any pair of surface triads that will result in a better tetra mesh quality. If you would rather keep the diagonal, see sub-step 5.
5. (Optional) To keep the diagonal as is, switch no fixed trias/quads to fixed trias/quads and select comps.(第四步和第五步没什么好像没什么联系,使⽤fixed trias/quads得到的⽹格单元少⼀点)
6. Click mesh to generate the tetrahedral elements.
Step 9: Check the quality of the hub’s tetra elements.
2. Access the check elems panel.
3. Go to the 3-d sub-panel.
4. Identify the smallest element length among the displayed elements. If the minimum length is acceptable for a target element size of
5.0, then no further action is necessary.
6. Identify elements having a tet collapse smaller than 0.3.
(检查⽹格崩塌⼩于0.3,值是1表明⽤可能的最⼤体积完美的形成⼀个单元,值是0表明完全崩塌的单元没有体积,设定的值越⼤,失败的单元越多,即接近理想的单元少,值是1才是理想的)The tet collapse criteria is a normalized volume check for tetrahedral elements. A value of 1 indicates a perfectly formed element with maximum possible volume. A value of 0 indicates a completely collapsed element with no volume.
The status bar indicates that three elements have a tetra collapse smaller than 0.3. (HypeMesh通过⼀下步骤来确定四⾯体单元的不规则度:⾸先在四⾯体的四个节点中任取⼀个并计算该节点到与其相对的单元的距离,然后计算与其相对的单元的⾯积的平⽅根值,⽤得到的距离除以平⽅根值。
Step 10: Isolate the element with the tetra collapse smaller than 0.3 and find the elements surrounding it.(把崩塌⼩于0,3的四⾯体单元隔离开)
1. With 0.3 still specified for tet collapse, click tet collapse again.
2. Click save failed.
The element that failed the tetra collapse check is saved in the user mark, and can be retrieved in any panel using the extended selection menu.
3. Click return to exit to the main menu.
4. Access the mask panel in one of the following ways:
From the display toolbar, select Mask ().
Press F5 on your keyboard.
5. Set the entity selector to elems and select elems >> retrieve. (找到那些刚刚检查的保存过的不合格的单元)The element that was saved in the check elems panel is retrieved.
6. Select elems >> reverse.(反向,得到所有合格的单元)
7. Click mask to mask the elements.(将合格的单元隐藏,不合格的展⽰) Only the one tetra element that failed the tetra collapse check should be displayed.
8. Click return to exit to the main menu.
On the display toolbar, click unmask adjacent ()(找出不合格单元的临近单元).
The layer of elements that is attached to the one displayed element is identified and displayed.
10. Click unmask adjacent () two more times.
The layer of elements that is attached to the displayed elements is identified and displayed. The functionality of unmask adjacent can be duplicated using the find panel, find attached sub-panel on the Tool page. Step 11: Remesh the hub’s displayed tetra elements to improve their tetra collapse.
1. Access the tetramesh panel.
2. Go to the tetra remesh sub-panel.
3. Select elems >> displayed.
4. Click remesh to regenerate this area of the mesh.
(把上⾯那些查找到的单元重新⽹格,以提⾼⽹格的质量,重新⽹格之后发现同样的数值失败的单元变少了,即质量提⾼了)Note that the re-meshing operation works on only one group of elements (one volume) at a time.
5. Click return to exit to the main menu.
6. Access the check elems panel.
7. Click tet collapse to find out if the tetra collapse has improved for the displayed elements.
The message in the status bar should indicate that the minimum tetra collapse is larger than the value reported before the tetra elements were remeshed.
8. Click return to exit to the main menu.
A tetra mesh has been created for both parts in the file. Different procedures for tetra meshing were used. Either method can be used to mesh parts, depending on the needs of the analysis. Also, the tetra remesh function was used to show how to quickly fix the quality of tetra elements.(⼀个四⾯体⽹格已经在⽂件中创建了两个部分.四⾯体⽹格划分使⽤了不同的程序. 根据需求分析任何⼀种⽅法可以⽤来⽹格部分, 同时,四⾯体⽹格划分功能是⽤来显⽰如何快速修复四⾯体单元的质量。
) Creating a Hex-Penta Mesh using Surfaces - HM-3210
Step 2: Mesh the top surface of the base, including the L-shaped surface. In the Model browser right-click base and select Make Current(这个功能是指将所有的创建元素等操作放在base上,如果放在其他地⽅,就是创建在其他地⽅)
From the 2D page enter the automesh panel.
7. For element size = specify 10.
Step 3: Create layers of hex elements for the base
1. Go to the elem offset panel.(在3D⾯板)
2. Select the solid layers sub-panel.
3. With the elems selector active, select the elements on the base.
4. For number of layers = specify
5. For total thickness = specify 25.
6. Click offset+.
The hexa mesh is created(⾥⾯是实⼼的,即通过⼀个⾯使⽤偏移⾯板,设置好层数和厚度就可以创建六⾯体⽹格).
Step 4: Prepare the display for meshing th e arm’s curved segment.(这⾥先隐藏base部分
1. Show the arm_curve component in the Model browser.
2. Press the F5 key to go to the mask panel.
3. Select elements >> by config, and select the hex8 configuration.
4. Click select entities.(整个六⾯体⽹格只有创建的初始⾯没有被选择) All of the elements with a configuration of hex8 in the model are selected.
5. Select elements >> by config, and select the penta6 configuration.
6. Click select entities.
All of the elements with a configuration of penta6 in the model are
7. Click mask to mask the elements.
8. Click return to return to the main menu.
Step 5: Create a node at the center of the arm radius.
1. Press the F4 key to enter the distance panel.
(记住快捷键,因为如果不⽤快捷键,你直接后退去选择其他⾯板,则之前选择的东西就会消失不见,⽤快捷键则可以避免这种情况) Step 6: Create hexa elements in the curved portion of the arm using spin.
1. Set arm_curve as the current component using the Model browser.
2. Go to the spin panel.
3. Select the spin elems sub-panel.
4. Using elems >> by window, select the plate elements within the L-shaped cross section of the arm.(选的过程中不要进⾏放⼤缩⼩,不⽤选的太精准,点选择实体时它会⾃动捕捉,如果之前选过出现了⼀个框,不⽤理它,直接重新选⼀个,它会选⽤最近⽣成的那个)
5. Click select entities.
6. For angle = specify 90 degrees.
7. For the direction, select the x-axis (Y-Z plane).
8. For the base node (B), click the center node created above.
9. For on spin = specify 24.(选择层数,即整个旋转⽅向有24层⽹格)
24 layers of hex elements will be created when the plate elements are spun.
10. C lick spin -.(遵循右⼿法则,创建的是实体)
11. C lick return to return to the main menu.
Step 7: Create faces on the hex elements.
1. Go to the faces panel.
2. With the entity selector set to comps, select the arm_curve component.
3. Click find faces.。