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一、问路大多从“对不起”( Excuse me)开始。

·Excuseme. Do you know wherethe post office is?对不起,你知道邮局在哪里? ·Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?对不起,你能告诉我最近的加油站怎么走?

·Excuseme. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre 请问到电影院最快的路怎样走?

·Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?打扰一下,你知道从这里怎样去大型购物中心?

·Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?请问,从这里怎样去高速公路?

·Excuse me. I'm looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?打扰一下,我正在找美国银行,我认为它就在附近,你知道它在哪里吗?

·Excuse me. May I ask you a question?

· Excuse me. May I ask you for directions?


·I'd liketo go to Tiananmen Square.我想去天安门广场。/I'd like to go to the supermarket.我想去超市。

·Would you show methe way?怎么走?

·Could you show me how to get there?怎么走?

·How do I get there?怎么走?

·Could yougive me directions to——?到——怎么走?

1、Could you tellme how to get to _____?" 是问去具体某个地方,象博物馆,酒店,或街道,的标准句型。

2、如果你不是问一个具体的地方,但需要找到附近的银行,地铁站,厕所,等等的地方,那么最好的方式就是用这样的短语"Where is the closest_____?"

3、人们解释事物所在地最常用的一种方式就是使用术语'blocks'。 block 是在两个十字路口之间的一段街区。因此'the next block'意味着下个路口之后的那段街区,而three blocks ahead意味着在同一条街道上但过接下来的三个路口。

另一种表示距离有多远的方式即是使用象这样的短语'the third right'或'the next left'。因此如果有人说"Take the third street on the left"意思是你应该走过两个路口然后在第三个路口左转。

叫别人左转或右转的不同方式有好几种。'Take a left', 'go left', 'turn left' 和 'make a left' 都代表同样的意思:左转。 "Go aroundthe corner"意思是在下个街道转身但不跨越。

4、用建筑或标志物的指向。"It's justpast the bank"意思是如果你走过银行,你要找的地方就在接下来的几幢建筑物中。'Opposite','across from',和facing 都代表同一个意思-在同一条街道上,但在另一边。


1.Excuse me.can you tell me the way to the hospital?对不起,你能告诉我去


2.Excuse me.could you tell me how to get to thebus station?打扰一下你能告诉我怎样去公共汽车站吗

3.Excuse me could you tell me the way tothecinema?劳驾,你能告诉我去电影院怎么走?

4.I’m trying to find the post office.Could you help me?我想去邮局,你能帮一下忙吗?

5.Excuse me,is this the rightway to the department store?打扰一下,这是去百货商店的路吗?

6.Wouldyou mind showing me how to get to the hotel?你介意给我指一下去这个酒店的路吗?

7. Could you tell me which is the nearest way to the airport?你能告诉我去机场最近的路怎么走吗?

8.Excuse me,can you tell me the restaurant’s address?打扰一下,你能告诉我这家餐馆的地址吗?

9.Howlong will it take me to get there?到那儿需要多少时间?

10.Is there a public toilet nearby? 请问附近有没有公共厕所?


1.Go along the street untilyou come tothe traffic lights. 沿这条路一直走到红绿灯那儿。

2.Turn right / left at the second crossing. (Take the second turningonthe righ t / left.)在第二个十字路口向右 / 左转弯。

3.Take a number 46 bus, and get off at the square. 坐46路公共汽车,在广场下车。

4.It'son the corner of Huaihai Street and Xizang Road. 在淮海路和西藏路的路口。

5.Go straight ahead along the bund and then turn left. 沿着外滩往前走,然后往走转弯。

6.It's only about ten minutes' walk. 那儿离这儿只有走大约10分钟的路。


1、 Simpson Hall is on the corner of Bellflower Boulevard and Atlantic Ave nue. (T)辛普森楼位于贝尔弗劳尔大道和大西洋街的街角上。

1).corner前可用不同的介词表示不同的位置概念,街道的拐角可用介词on或at。例如:There is a post office at / on the corner of Smith Street and Beach Road. 史密斯街和海湾路的十字路口有个邮局。

The dog slept comfortablyin the corner ofthe room. 那条狗在屋角舒服地睡觉。

I was about to cross the streetwhen a car came roundthe corner. 我正要过马路,这时拐角处开来一辆汽车。

2).街道的名称可使用avenue, street和boulevard。avenue指的是宽阔的林荫大道,尤其指美国城市里纵向的街道,与其交叉的横道称为street。boulevard也是林荫大道。

2、here's a bus stop across the street on the corner of Cherryand Bellflowe r. (T)在街对面,切里街和贝尔弗劳尔大道的转角上有一个公共汽车站。

本句中across the street意思相当于on the other sideof the street。

3、 Take a number 10 bus going down Cherry. (T)乘沿切里街行驶的10路公共汽


1).乘公共汽车, 火车, 电梯等都可以用动词take,如后面的例子:

Take the elevator to the second floor.

My brother is going to take a ship for Wuhan.

2).分词短语going down Cherry是修饰bus的定语。down在这里是介词,表示“沿着”,常和along替换使用。

4、 If you follow these directions, you won't have any trouble. (T)如果你按照上述指引做的话,到、、、是没有什么困难的。


走这条单行道,在第一个红绿灯时左转,那里就是 Hemphill Ave. ,是一条双线道。往下走, 你会在你的左边看到一个加油站,。继续走50 码, 直到看到一个三叉路口, 右转, 经过二个 sto p sign,你就会碰到沃尔玛( Wal Mart)。邮局就在Wal Mart的对面。而杨先生的家呢?邮局后面就是啦。

1. Take the one-way street.走这条单行道.

One-way street 就是单行道. 尤其在商业区, 以亚特兰大和纽奥良为例,其复杂的程度可以用进的去, 出不来来形容, 实在不是个愉快的开车经验.

2. You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light. 你会走一会儿, 直到你遇到第一个红绿灯.

Stay for a while 通常指五到十分钟的时间, 不会太久. 遇见某样东西, 可以用 hit 这个字, 如 hit the traffic light, hitthe stop sign 等等. 而 traffic light 也有人说成 light,或 stoplight.

3.Then take a left. 向左转.

向左转可以说成 turn left, take aleft 或是Make a left. 有时光讲take a left 不明确, 你可以加上路名, 明确地告诉人家要转哪一条路, 例如 Take a left into Hemphill Ave.或是 Take a left onto Hemphill Ave.

4. It will be Hemphill Ave. It’s two-lane traffic. 那就会是 Hemphill Ave, 它是一条双车道.指路的时候如果能够说出街道名称是最好, 所以通常我会把转到哪一条路的路名也指出来. 至于是几线道一般指路的时候则比较不会提及.双线道是指来去各一个车道共二线道而言,四线道就是 four-lane traffic.像亚特兰大的 Interstate Highway 有些地方都是十二线道, 那就是 twelve-lane traffice 够惊人吧.

5. Come down Hemphill Ave about five blocks. 由 Hemphill 街往下走约五个blocks.

英文这个部份跟中文有异曲同工之妙喔.我们会习惯地说, 往\"下\" 走, 英文也会说come \"down\"或是 get \"down\", 这里如果只说 Come Hemphill Ave. 听来是不是怪怪的?至于 block 指的是一块一块的建筑, 外国人在指路时很喜欢用 block 作为计量的单位.

6. You will see a BP gas station on your left.在你的左手边你会看到一座BP 加油站. 指路的时候除了路名之外, 明显的地标也是有帮助的.通常你可以指出一些明显的

建筑物或是加油站来帮助对方. 加油站的英文是 gas station,有时会简称 station.

7. Keep going 50 yardsbefore you come to a fork road. 继续走 50 码,直到你走到一个三叉路口.

继续往下走可以用keep going 这个字, 或是 continue straight 或是 keep straight 也很常用. Fork road 就是我们说的三叉路口. 那如果是丁字路口要怎么说? 你可以说, This road willdead end into 10th Street.就可以表达出丁字路口的意思了.

8. Make a right, pass two stop signs and you will runinto a Wal Mart. 向右转, 经过二个停车标记(Stop sign),你就会遇到沃尔玛(Wal Mart)。美国人喜欢说You’ll run into it! 意思就是, 你会遇到的。他们也喜欢这么说,You can’t miss it! 就是说, 你绝不会错过的。

9. The post office is just right across the street ofit.邮局就在Wal Mart的正对面。 Right across the street of it 是个很重要的片语, 加上\"right\" across 表示出 \"正\" 对面的意思. 还有一个很常用的就是在什么什么的旁边,这个要用 The offic e is next to it. It 代表之前已经提过的 Wal Mart,如果之前没有提及, 这里也可以直接说成, across the streetof Wal Mart.

10. Mr. Yang’s house is behind the post office. 杨先生的房子就在邮局后面.


crossroad n. 十字路

one-way street 单行道。

“one way”单程。

zone n. 区域

ticket n. 罚单、票

At the traffic light交通灯,红绿灯

fork road 三叉路口

straight on 沿…直走

opposite 在…对面


next to紧挨着…,在…旁边

between 在…之间

at the end (of)在…末端,最后到…

on/at the corner在拐角处

behind 在…后面

in front of在…前面

(just) around the corner在拐角处

set of lights几个红绿灯

straight ahead一直往前


on the other side在…对面

next to the bank在银行旁边

across the street在马路对面

turn right往右拐

turn left往左拐

make a U-turn掉头

follow the road沿着这条路走

keepgoing straight继续直

continue on续继往…走







zebra crossing 斑马线(You must goby azebra crossing)

Look at the traffic lightswhen you are at the crossroads

Go/walk crossthe road

I’m new here

Thank you all the same

(一)inthe east 与on the east的区别

1.in the east表示我们生活中和地理位置上的绝对方向。

如:The sun rises inthe eastand setsin the west.太阳从东边升起,从西边落下。

2.onthe east表示某事物位于另一事物所朝的方向。这里的方向是相对而言的。

如:China faces thePacific onthe east.中国东临太平洋。

(二)in(to,on,at)the east of

1.要表示A在B的东部,即:A在B的范围之内时就用“A isintheeast ofB”,

如:Japan isin the east of Asia.日本在亚洲东部。

2.如果A在B的东方,即:A在B的范围之外,且相隔有一定的距离,就用“Aliesto the east ofB”。口语中有时可将to the省去。

如:Japan lies(to the)east of China.日本位于中国东方。

3.如果A在B的东边(侧),即:A与B相邻接。就用“A is ontheeast ofB”。如: Guan gdong is on the southof Hunan.广东在湖南南边。

4.如果把方位词当作一个整体看,或是看成一点,就用“A isat the east ofB” 如:There was a bigbattle at the north of the Liaodong Peninsula.在辽东半岛的北边有一场大战。

5.如果要表示“A位于B东面100公里处”时我们既可以说“A liesl00km to the east ofB”,也可以说“A lies 100kmeastof B”.后者在美国口语中更为常见。

Suzhoulies 50milesto thewest ofShanghai.苏州位于上海西面50


(三) 汉语里“东南西北”的先后顺序到英语里就变成了north,south,east,west;并由此有了下列中、英文表达上的差异。东南方:southeast 西南方:southwest 西北方:northwest 东北方:northeast

如:十三陵位于北京西北50公里处。The MingTombs arelocated about 50 kmto the northwest ofBeijing.

(四)要表示方位的“偏向”时通常用by正东偏北:east by north 正南偏西:south bywest 正北偏东:north by east 正南偏东:south by east 如:We aresailing in the direction of east by north.我们正朝着正东偏北方向航行。The island lies southbyeast from here.那个岛位于此地的正南偏东方向。


一.问路句型 (一)问路大多从“对不起”(Excuse me)开始。 例如: Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?对不起,你知道邮局在哪里?Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?对不起,你能告诉我最近的加油站怎么走? Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre? 请问到电影院最快的路怎样走? Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?打扰一下,你知道从这里怎样去大型购物中心? Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?请问,从这里怎样去高速公路?Excuse me. I'm looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?打扰一下,我正在找美国银行,我认为它就在附近,你知道它在哪里吗?Excuse me. I'm looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there?打扰一下,我正在找邮局,你知道怎样走吗? Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle?请问,去西雅图最近的路怎么走?有时往往更客气,用“请问”引出问路的句子。“请问”最常的表示方法是: Excuse me. May I ask you a question? Excuse me. May I ask you for directions? Could you help me? 然后开始说: I'd like to go to TianAnMen Square.我想去天安门广场。 I'd like to go to the supermarket.我想去超市。 Where is——? ——在哪儿? Excuse me, do you know where … is,(please)? Excuse me, where is the ……,(pleas e) Excuse me,is there a/an…near here? Where is the nearest…? Where can I find …? Excuse me,can you direct me to…? Excuse me,I wonder if you could do me a favour. I’m looking for…? Would you show me the way?怎么走? Could you show me how to get there?怎么走? Excuse me,which is the way to…? Can/could you tell me the way to …,(please)? Could/Can you tell me how to get/go to…,(please)? Excuse me,would you please show me the way to…? Excuse me,would you mind telling me the way to…?


问路和应答相关的英语表达 1.- Excuse me. Where is the washroom, please?失陪一下。请问洗手间在哪里? - Oh, it’s over there.-哦,在那边. 2.- Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bookshop is?不好意思。你能告诉我书店在哪里吗? - Look! It’s on the other side of the road.-看!在路的另一边 3.- How far is the post office, please?请问邮局有多远? - Only a few kilometers.只有几公里 4.- Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?请告诉我去火车站的路好吗? - Go down this street. At the end of the road you’ll see it.沿着这条街走。在路的尽头你会看到它。 5.- Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket?不好意思。你能告诉我去超市怎么走吗? - Go straight along this road. Then go over the bridge and turn right at the bookshop. You’ll find it.沿着这条路一直走.。然后穿过桥,在书店右转。你会找到的。 问路的常见英语表达:在问路之前,我们一般要先说上一句Excuse me 以示礼貌,然后再问路。如: 1.Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here? 打扰一下,这附近有医


问路和指路英语大全 一、问路大多从“对不起”( Excuse me)开始。 例如: Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?对不起,你知道邮局在哪里? Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?对不起,你能告诉我最近的加油站怎么走?Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre?请问到电影院最快的路怎样走?Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?打扰一下,你知道从这里怎样去大型购物中心? Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?请问,从这里怎样去高速公路? Excuse me. I'm looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?打扰一下,我正在找美国银行,我认为它就在附近,你知道它在哪里吗? Excuse me. I'm looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there?打扰一下,我正在找邮局,你知道怎样走吗? Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle?请问,去西雅图最近的路怎么走? 有时往往更客气,用“请问”引出问路的句子。“请问”最常的表示方法是: Excuse me. May I ask you a question? Excuse me. May I ask you for directions? Could you help me? 然后开始说: I'd like to go to Tiananmen Square.我想去天安门广场。 I'd like to go to the supermarket.我想去超市。 Where is——? ——在哪儿? Would you show me the way?怎么走? Could you show me how to get there?怎么走? How do I get there?怎么走? How do I get to——?到——怎么走? Could you give me directions to——?到——怎么走? 1、Could you tell me how to get to _____?" 是问去具体某个地方,象博物馆,酒店,或街道,的标准句型。 2、如果你不是问一个具体的地方,但需要找到附近的银行,地铁站,厕所,等等的地方,那么最好的方式就是用这样的短语"Where is the closest_____?" 3、人们解释事物所在地最常用的一种方式就是使用术语'blocks'。 block 是在两个十字路口之间的一段街区。因此'the next block'意味着下个路口之后的那段街区,而three blocks ahead意味着在同一条街道上但过接下来的三个路口。 另一种表示距离有多远的方式即是使用象这样的短语'the third right'或'the next left'。因此如果有人说"Take the third street on the left"意思是你应该走过两个路口然后在第三个路口左转。 叫别人左转或右转的不同方式有好几种。'Take a left', 'go left', 'turn left' 和 'make a left' 都代表同样的意思:左转。 "Go around the corner"意思是在下个街道转身但不跨越。 4、用建筑或标志物的指向。"It's just past the bank"意思是如果你走过银行,你要找的地方就在接下来的几幢建筑物中。'Opposite','across from',和facing 都代表同一个意思-在同一条街道上,但在另一边。


关于指路问路的英语口语对话 关于指路问路的英语口语对话 p1: excuse me. do you know the way to the grand theater? 劳驾,请问去大剧院怎么走? p2: yes, but there is a long way to go. 好的,但是有好长一段路要走。 p1: are there any buses to the grand theater? 有去大剧院的公交车吗? p2: yes, cross the road here and there is a bus stop just around the bend. you can take a 12, 30 or 118. they all go to the grand theater. 有,穿过这条马路拐弯处有一个公交车站,你能够乘坐12路,30路或118路,它们都去大剧院。 p1: thank you very much. 多谢。 p2: you are welcome. 不客气。 关于指路问路的英语口语对话 Which Way to Go? 走哪条路? Ryan: Excuse me please, do you know how to reach St. Peter's Church?

莱安:打扰一下,你知道怎么去圣彼得大教堂吗? Duke: Oh sure! It's actually a bit far from here. You'll have to get a taxi and go to Ken Street. 德克:知道。离这有点远,你得叫上一辆出租车到肯恩大街。 Ryan: So, it is on Ken Street, right? 莱恩:那它在邓恩大街是吗? Duke: Yes. Go down to the King's corner, and there you'll see the signboard to the cathedral. 德克:是的,沿着大街一直走,到国王角落,那里你会看到一个指向教堂的标志。 Ryan: Yeah, got it. Thank you. 莱恩:好的,知道了,谢谢! Duke: Just tell the taxi that you need to get down to the King's corner, Okay? 德克:直接告诉出租车司机说你要到国王角落。 Ryan: Okay. Thank you very much. 莱恩:恩,谢谢! Duke: Don't mention it! 德克:不客气! 关于指路问路的英语口语对话 Where's the Photocopy Shop? 复印店在哪?


"问路+指路"常用英语,不想当路痴就值得一学! 首先来看看问路的英语。 小编为你准备了常用的句式和常用的地点单词,你可以自由组合,问个问题就像搭积木一样简单。 1. How can I get to… (我该怎么去……) 2. Where is the nearest… (最近的……在哪里) 3. What’s the best way to… (去……怎么走最好) 4. Is this the right way for… (这是去……的正确方向吗) 5. Is there … near here (这里附近有……吗) 6. Do you know how I can find … (你知道我该怎么找到……) 7. Which direction is … (……在哪个方向) 1. toilet / restroom (洗手间) 2. supermarket (超市) 3. restaurant (餐厅) 4. café (咖啡馆) 5. shopping mall (商场) 6. information counter (服务台) 7. police station (警察局) 8. hospital (医院) 9. cinema (电影院) 10. airport (机场)

11. railway station (火车站) 12. bus stop (公交车站) 13. ticket office (售票处) 14. museum (博物馆) 15. store / shop (商店) 如果急着上洗手间,可以问: Is there a toilet near here (这附近有洗手间吗) 如果丢了东西要找警察,可以问: Where’s the nearest police station (最近的警察局在哪) 如果你赶时间去机场,可以问: What’s the best way to the airport (去机场最好怎么走) 以上是问路的方法,接下来我们看看回答和指路的方法。首先,我们要了解基本的方向。 这是前后左右: ↖Left front↖ 左前↑forward↑ 前 ↗Right front↗ 右前 ←Left← 西(Center) 中 →Right→ 右 ↙Left rear↙ 左后 ↓backward↓ 后 ↘Right rear↘ 右后 这是东南西北: ↖Northwest↖ 北西↑North↑ 北 ↗Northeast↗ 北东 ←West← 西(Center) 中 →East→ 东 ↙Southwest↙ 南西↓South↓ 南 ↘Southeast↘ 南东 (注意复合方向的表述和汉语正好相反,比如东北=北东)1. 直走:go straight / forward


如何用英语问路指路 一、在向人问路之前,一般应先说句Excuse me,这样一方面可引起对方注意, 另一方面又显得比较客气。 Excuse me,译成汉语不一定总是“对不起”,此时也可译为“劳驾”,“请问” 等。 若对方讲的话你没听清,你可以说I beg your pardon?(用升调,意为:对不起,我没听清)或Would you please say it again?I…m afraid I didn?t quite catch you.(请再说一遍好吗?我恐怕没有完全听清)。问完路之后,应向指路人表示感谢。 二、“向左(右)拐”英语有两种常见的说法:turn left(right)或turn to the left (right)。表示“在左(右)边”,英语用介词on 或at 均可。如Turn left and walk on,and soon you…ll see a tall building on [at] the left. (向左拐,然后继续走,不久你就会看到左边有一座高楼)。另外,按照我国的交通规则是“行人靠右”,而在英国你会看到这样的交通标牌Keep to the left(靠左边走)。 三、有时人们在给对方指路后,还往往加上一些句子,以表示他的引路信息介 绍完毕。如: You can?t miss it (你不会找不到的), You are sure to get there(你一定会到达那儿的), 四、常用的问路句型 1. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to……? 2. Excuse me, would you like to tell me the way to……? 3. Where is ……? 4. How can I get to ……? 5. Do you know the way to ……? 6. I wonder where …… is. 7. I wonder the way to……. 五、问路程及交通方式的句型 How far is the bus stop from here?汽车站离这儿有多远? How can I get there?我怎么去那里?


英语问路指路作文 【篇一:问路+指路常用英语】 问路+指路常用英语,不想当路痴就值得一学! 首先来看看问路的英语。 小编为你准备了常用的句式和常用的地点单词,你可以自由组合,问个问题就像搭积木一样简单。 常用的问路句式:1. how can i get to… (我该怎么去……) 2. where is the nearest… (最近的……在哪里)3. what’s the best way to… (去……怎么走最好)4. is this the right way for… (这是去……的正确方向吗)5. is there … near here? (这里附近有……吗)6. do you know how i can find … (你知道我该怎么找到……) 7. which directi on is … (……在哪个方向) 8. hospital (医院) 9. cinema (电影院) 10. airport (机场) 11. railway station (火车站) 12. bus stop (公交车站) 13. ticket office (售票处) 14. museum (博物馆) 15. store / shop (商店) 试着来组一些句子如果急着上洗手间,可以问: is there a toilet near here? (这附近有洗手间吗) 如果丢了东西要找警察,可以问:where’s the nearest police station? (最近的警察局在哪)如果你赶时间去机场,可以问:what’s the best way to the airport? (去机场最好怎么走) 以上是问路的方法,接下来我们看看回答和指路的方法。首先,我们要了解基本的方向。 这是前后左右: ↖left front↖ 左前←left← 西 ↑forward↑ 前(center) 中 ↗right front↗ 右前→right→ 右↘right rear↘ ↙left rear↙ 左后


"问路+指路"常用英语,不想当路痴就值得一学!首先来看看问路的英语。 小编为你准备了常用的句式和常用的地点单词,你可以自由组合,问个问题就像搭积木一样简单。 1. How can I get to… (我该怎么去……) 2. Where is the nearest… (最近的……在哪里) 3. What’s the best way to… (去……怎么走最好) 4. Is this the right way for… (这是去……的正确方向吗) 5. Is there … near here (这里附近有……吗) 6. Do you know how I can find … (你知道我该怎么找到……) 7. Which direction is … (……在哪个方向) 常见的问路地点: 1. toilet / restroom (洗手间) 2. supermarket (超市) 3. restaurant (餐厅) 4. café (咖啡馆) 5. shopping mall (商场) 6. information counter (服务台) 7. police station (警察局) 8. hospital (医院) 9. cinema (电影院) 10. airport (机场) 11. railway station (火车站) 12. bus stop (公交车站) 13. ticket office (售票处)

14. museum (博物馆) 15. store / shop (商店) 试着来组一些句子 如果急着上洗手间,可以问: Is there a toilet near here (这附近有洗手间吗) 如果丢了东西要找警察,可以问: Where’s the nearest po lice station (最近的警察局在哪) 如果你赶时间去机场,可以问: What’s the best way to the airport (去机场最好怎么走) 以上是问路的方法,接下来我们看看回答和指路的方法。首先,我们要了解基本的方向。 这是前后左右: ↖Left front↖ 左前↑forward↑ 前 ↗Right front↗ 右前 ←Left← 西(Center) 中 →Right→ 右 ↙Left rear↙ 左后 ↓backward↓ 后 ↘Right rear↘ 右后 这是东南西北: ↖Northwest↖ 北西↑North↑ 北 ↗Northeast↗ 北东 ←West← 西(Center) 中 →East→ 东 ↙Southwest↙ 南西↓South↓ 南 ↘Southeast↘ 南东 (注意复合方向的表述和汉语正好相反,比如东北=北东)实际指路时经常这么说: 1. 直走:go straight / forward


问路和指路英语大全问路和指路英语大全? 一、问路大多从“对不起”( Excuse me)开始。 例如: Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is对不起,你知道邮局在哪里Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station对不起,你能告诉我最近的加油站怎么走 Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre请问到电影院最快的路怎样走 Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here打扰一下,你知道从这里怎样去大型购物中心 Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here请问,从这里怎样去高速公路 Excuse me. I'm looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is打扰一下,我正在找美国银行,我认为它就在附近,你知道它在哪里吗 Excuse me. I'm looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there 打扰一下,我正在找邮局,你知道怎样走吗 Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle请问,去西雅图最近的路怎么走 有时往往更客气,用“请问”引出问路的句子。“请问”最常的表示方法是: Excuse me. May I ask you a question Excuse me. May I ask you for directions Could you help me 然后开始说: Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT


九、问路与指路 (Asking and telling directions) 【考纲要求】 1、问路与指路 (Asking and telling directions) (1)问路(Asking the way) (2)指路 (Telling directions) 2、使用地图(Reading maps) 3、居住环境(Living environment) (1)房屋与住所(Houses and apartment) (2)居室(Rooms in homes) (3)家具和家庭用品(Furniture and household items) (4)社区(community) 【学习目标】 1.掌握问路、指路的基本词汇。 2.掌握介词和序数词的基本用法。 3.掌握宾语从句和表示花费时间的句型:It takes sb. some time to… 4.听:能听懂有关问路、指路的简单对话。 5.说:能用英语问路,并清晰地指路。 6.读写综合:能读懂有关问路和指路的文章,并且能运用所学的词汇和句型写一篇80个词左右的英语短文。内容可以如下:问路,指明方向,指明道路,邻近地区的建筑等等。 重点词汇 地址address 角落corner 街道street 千米kilometre 英里mile 楼层floor 大门gate, 错过miss 经过pass, 出示show 确信sure 转弯turn 穿过(vt.)cross 在楼下downstairs 在楼上upstairs 在里面inside 在外面outside 横过across 穿越through 在周围around, 朝,向towards 在附近near 去……的路the way to 打扰了excuse me 在对面across from 在……和……之间between… and…在左边on the left 在你的右边on your right 在前面in front of 在隔壁next to 在二楼on the second floor 在中心街上on Center Street 在第二个红绿灯at the second traffic light 在第一个拐角处at the first turning 在街的角落on the corner of the street 在路的尽头at the end of the road/street


问路和应答相关的英语表达 Excuse me. Where is the washroom, please失陪一下。请问洗手间在哪里 - Oh, it’s over 哦,在那边. Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bookshop is不好意思。你能告诉我书店在哪里吗 - Look! It’s on the other side of the 看!在路的另一边 How far is the post office, please请问邮局有多远 - Only a few kilometers.只有几公里 Will you please tell me the way to the railway station请告诉我去火车站的路好吗 - Go down this street. At the end of the road you’ll see it.沿着这条街走。在路的尽头你会看到它。 Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket不好意思。你能告诉我去超市怎么走吗 - Go straight along this road. Then go over the bridge and turn right at the bookshop. You’ll find it.沿着这条路一直走.。然后穿过桥,在书店右转。你会找到的。

问路的常见英语表达: 在问路之前,我们一般要先说上一句Excuse me 以示礼貌,然后再问路。如: Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here打扰一下,这附近有医院 吗 Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the police station 打扰一下,你能告诉我去警察局的路吗 Excuse me. How can I get to the History Museum, please 打扰一下,请问我怎样能到历史博物馆 Excuse me. Where is the Blue Sky Hotel打扰一下,请问蓝天大酒店在哪儿 Excuse me. Which is the way to the park, please 打扰一下,请问哪条路是去公园的 Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office 打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里 Excuse me. Do you know the way to the post office 打扰一下,你知道去邮局的路吗 Excuse you tell me how to get to the library 打扰一下,你能告诉我怎么去图书馆吗 指路的常见英语表达:


问路和指路英语大全 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

问路和指路英语大全? 一、问路大多从“对不起”( Excuse me)开始。 例如: Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?对不起,你知道邮局在哪里?Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?对不起,你能告诉我最近的加油站怎么走? Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre?请问到电影院最快的路怎样走? Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?打扰一下,你知道从这里怎样去大型购物中心? Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?请问,从这里怎样去高速公路? Excuse me. I'm looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?打扰一下,我正在找美国银行,我认为它就在附近,你知道它在哪里吗? Excuse me. I'm looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there?打扰一下,我正在找邮局,你知道怎样走吗? Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle?请问,去西雅图最近的路怎么走? 有时往往更客气,用“请问”引出问路的句子。“请问”最常的表示方法是: Excuse me. May I ask you a question Excuse me. May I ask you for directions Could you help me?


【关键字】大全 问路和指路英语大全 一、问路大多从“对不起”(Excuse me)开始。 例如: Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?对不起,你知道邮局在哪里? Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?对不起,你能告诉我最近的加油站怎么走? Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre? 请问到电影院最快的路怎样走? Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?打扰一下,你知道从这里怎样去庞大购物中心? Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?请问,从这里怎样去高速公路? Excuse me. I'm looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?打扰一下,我正在找美国银行,我认为它就在附近,你知道它在哪里吗? Excuse me. I'm looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there?打扰一下,我正在找邮局,你知道怎样走吗? Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle?请问,去西雅图最近的路怎么走? 有时往往更客气,用“请问”引出问路的句子。“请问”最常的表示方法是: Excuse me. May I ask you a question? Excuse me. May I ask you for directions? Could you help me? 然后开始说: I'd like to go to Tiananmen Square.我想去天安门广场。 I'd like to go to the supermarket.我想去超市。 Where is——? ——在哪儿? Would you show me the way?怎么走? Could you show me how to get there?怎么走? How do I get there?怎么走? How do I get to——?到——怎么走? Could you give me directions to——?到——怎么走? 1、Could you tell me how to get to _____?" 是问去具体某个地方,象博物馆,酒店,或街道,的标准句型。 2、如果你不是问一个具体的地方,但需要找到附近的银行,地铁站,厕所,等等的地方,那么最好的方式就是用这样的短语"Where is the closest_____?" 3、人们解释事物所在地最常用的一种方式就是使用术语'blocks'。block 是在两个十字路口之间的一段街区。因此'the next block'意味着下个路口之后的那段街区,而three blocks ahead意味着在同一条街道上但过接下来的三个路口。 另一种表示距离有多远的方式即是使用象这样的短语'the third right'或'the next left'。因此如果有人说"Take the third street on the left"意思是你应该走过两个路口然后在第三个路口左转。 叫别人左转或右转的不同方式有好几种。'Take a left','go left','turn left' 和'make a left' 都代表同样的意思:左转。"Go around the corner"意思是在下个街道转身但不跨越。 4、用建筑或标志物的指向。"It's just past the bank"意思是如果你走过银行,你要找的地方就在接下来的几幢建筑物中。'Opposite','across from',和facing 都代表同一个意思-在同一条街道上,但在另一边。 二、问路的基本句型 1.Excuse me.can you tell me the way to the hospital?对不起,你能告诉我去医院怎么走? 2.Excuse me.could you tell me how to get to the bus station?打扰一下你能告诉我怎样去公共汽车站吗3.Excuse me could you tell me the way to the cinema?劳驾,你能告诉我去电影院怎么走?


问路和指路英语大全 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

问路和指路英语大全 一、问路大多从“对不起”( Excuse me)开始。 例如: Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is对不起,你知道邮局在哪里 Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station对不起,你能告诉我最近的加油站怎么走 Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre请问到电影院最快的路怎样走 Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here打扰一下,你知道从这里怎样去大型购物中心 Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here请问,从这里怎样去高速公路Excuse me. I'm looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is打扰一下,我正在找美国银行,我认为它就在附近,你知道它在哪里吗Excuse me. I'm looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there打扰一下,我正在找邮局,你知道怎样走吗 Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle请问,去西雅图最近的路怎么走 有时往往更客气,用“请问”引出问路的句子。“请问”最常的表示方法是: Excuse me. May I ask you a question Excuse me. May I ask you for directions Could you help me 然后开始说: I'd like to go to Tiananmen Square.我想去天安门广场。 I'd like to go to the supermarket.我想去超市。 Where is ————在哪儿 Would you show me the way怎么走


英语中关于问路指路乘车的相关知识总结 1. 用英语问路的常用套语: Excuse me,where is …, please? Excuse me,could you tell me the way to …? Excuse me,how can I get to …? Excuse me,is there a/an…near here? Excuse me,which is the way to…? Excuse me,would you please show me the way to…? Excuse me,would you mind telling me the way to…? Excuse me,can you direct me to…? Excuse me,I wonder if you could do me a favour. I’m looking for…? 2. 用英语指路的常用套语: Cross the street and go ahead. 过马路,一直往前走。 It’ll take you no more than ten minutes to walk there. 用不了10分钟你就走到那儿了。 You’re going in the opposite direction. 你方向走错了。 Go down/up/along this street… 沿着这条街走 Go straight on, then turn left /right at the first/second crossing. 一直走,在第一/二个十字路口向左/右拐。 Go straight ahead about … metres. 往前一直走……米。 Keep going until you see a …on your left. 继续往前走,一直走到左边有…… Keep straight on for two blocks. 一直往前走,走过两条马路。 Walk one block east. 朝东走过一个街区。 Take the first turning on [to] the left. 在第一个拐弯处向左拐。 Just follow this street two blocks. 沿着这条街走过两个街区就到。 Cross the street and… 过了这条街,然后…… It’s over there. 就在那边。 It’s just around the corner. 就在拐角处。 It’s across from ... 在……对面。


Excuse me. Where is the washroom, please?失陪一下。请问洗手间在哪里? - Oh, it’s over 哦,在那边. Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bookshop is?不好意思。你能告诉我书店在哪里吗? - Look! It’s on the other side of the 看!在路的另一边 How far is the post office, please?请问邮局有多远? - Only a few kilometers.只有几公里 Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?请告诉我去火车站的路好吗? - Go down this street. At the end of the road you’ll see it.沿着这条街走。在路的尽头你会看到它。 Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket?不好意思。你能告诉我去超市怎么走吗? - Go straight along this road. Then go over the bridge and turn right at the bookshop. You’ll find it.沿着这条路一直走.。然后穿过桥,在书店右转。你会找到的。 问路的常见英语表达: 在问路之前,我们一般要先说上一句Excuse me 以示礼貌,然后再问路。如:

1.Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here? 打扰一下,这附近有医院吗? 2.Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the police station? 打扰一下,你能告诉我去警察局的路吗? 3.Excuse me. How can I get to the History Museum, please? 打扰一下,请问我怎样能到历史博物馆? 4.Excuse me. Where is the Blue Sky Hotel? 打扰一下,请问蓝天大酒店在哪儿? 5.Excuse me. Which is the way to the park, please? 打扰一下,请问哪条路是去公园的? 6.Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office? 打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里? 7.Excuse me.Do you know the way to the post office? 打扰一下,你知道去邮局的路吗? 8.Excuse you tell me how to get to the library ? 打扰一下,你能告诉我怎么去图书馆吗? 指路的常见英语表达: 1.It’s between the cinema and the fruit shop. 在电影院和水
