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Unit 1
Make a summary of “The Ugly Truth about Beauty.”
According to “The Ugly Truth about Beauty," what are men's and women's different opinions about their own appearances and what are the possible causes for the difference?
What kind of role do es Barbie play in the girls' growth according to the author of “The Ugly Truth about Beauty”?
In "The Ugly Truth about Beauty” why does the author suggest men to "form an honest yet sensitive opinion” and "then collapse” in response to women's question "How do I look?”
According to “Sex, Lies and Conversation/' why is it so hard for men and women to talk to each other?
Make a summary of “Sex, Lies and Conversation.”
Unit 2
Make a summary of “Kids Today: Dumb and Dumber?”
What is the evidence in “Kids Today: Dumb and Dumber?'5 that kids today are getting smarter?
What is the evidence in "Kids Today: Dumb and Dumber?” that kids today are getting dumber?
What do you think is the implication of the title “E equals MC-what” ?
Make a summary of “E equals MC・what?”
Based on “Young Cyber Addicts,” why is there great temptation for many young people to enter cyberspace?
Based on “Young Cyber Addicts,” what are the striking characteristics of the Internet? ..
What suggestions are given by the author of "Young Cyb er Addicts” to prevent people from getting addicted to the Internet?
Based on “Young Cyber Addicts,” what are the bad effects that the Internet has on young cyber addicts?
How does free speech on the Internet affect the individual, according to "Freedom of Expression on the Internet”?
How do people respond to regulations that govern the Internet, according to "Freedom of Expression on the Internet”?
What results does the abuse of email for personal use lead to, according to "Freedom of Expression on the Int ernet”?
What do you think of the contradictory issues of freedom and privacy, right and responsibility in the cyberspace?
What is the main idea of "Freedom of Expression on the Internet”?..
Unit 4
What is the purpose of the research project directed by Scott Woodward, a microbiology professor at Brigham Young University, based on “Drop of Blood Reveals Family History”?
From "Drop of Blood Reveals Family History,” what is the difference between the method of more old-fashioned genealogy and that of modern genealogy?
What is the main idea of "Drop of Blood Reveals Family History”?
According to the author of "Designing the Superman,” is it a strange idea that one day an ordinary person becomes a superman? Why or why not?
According to "Designing the Superman,” why must we depend on the brain in order to make a cyborg possible?
According to "Designing the Superman," what is the distinction between a cyborg and cyb?
What is the natural route of evolution, according to "Designing the Superman”?
What is the main idea of "Designing the Superman”?..
Unit 5
Based on "Perils of Prohibition,” what makes the 21 restriction seem out of date?
Based on “Perils of Prohibition/9 what are the differences between American teens and their European peers concerning drinking?
Wh at suggestions are given in “Perils of Prohibition” to prevent binge drinking from happening? What is the main idea of "Perils of Prohibition”?
Why was the author of "You Don't Have to Be Perfect" loved all the more by his children after he admitted his mistakes?
In what sense is guilt useful and when is it useless, based on “You Don't Have to Be Perfect”?
What lesson can be learnt from the book titled The Missing Piece,according to “You Don't Have
to Be Perfect"?
What do you think of the author's opinions in "You Don't Have to Be Perfect”?
What is the main idea of “You Don't Have to Be Perfect"?
Unit 6
In “Mind/Body Programming^ what does the author mean by “the rest of driving is second nature”?
In "Mind/Body Programming,” why does the author tell the sto ry about Uncle Dick, who reacts strongly at the mere mention of cheese?
What is the importance of awareness of our conditioning, according to “Mind/Body Programming^?
What is the main idea of "Mind/Body Programming^?
Why is conditioning a powerful bridge b etween mind and body, according to “Mind/Body Programming^?
What conclusion does the author of "Do Animals Think?” draw in the essay?
According to “Do Animals Think?” why did psychologists in the 1920s conclude that the question of animafs thinking was not a meaningful topic for science?
What is your answer to the question "Do Animals Think?” Give an example to support your idea.
Make a summary of “Do Animals Think?”
Unit 7
Do you think the electronic books described in "Electric Tales-21st Century Books” c an give readers the same enjoyment as traditional paper books? Give your reasons.
Based on “Electric Tales-21sl Century Books,” what are the characteristics of the future electronic books?
According to "Electric Tales-21sl Century Books,” why is each paper page in an electronic book readable?
According to "Electric Tales-21st Centuiy Books,” how is the electronic book so convenient in using?
What hurdles remain before an electronic book comes into being, according to “Electric Tales-21sl Century Books,,?
Wh at kind of car will be popular in the future according to “Cars of the Future Come under Scrutiny”?..
According to "Cars of the Future Come under Scrutiny,” what measures will big cities take to deal with the dramatically increasing car population?
Accord ing to “Cars of the Future Come under Scrutiny," what trend will mark the motorists' world 20 years from now?
Based on “Cars of the Future Come under Scrutiny,M do you think the international car industry will embrace the environmental concept of cars? Why or why not?
According to "Cars of the Future Come under Scrutiny," what is the environmental group Greenpeace's concept about SmILE?
Unit 8
How does the author of "Meanwhile on MTV, They're Shooting Up Classroom” introduce the theme of the essay in the first two paragraphs?H
Why is MTV so harmful to the youth according to "Meanwhile on MTV, They're Shooting Up Classroom”?
What are the three reasons that parents have difficulty in supervising their kid's music according to “Meanwhile on MTV, They're Shootin g Up Classroom"?
In "Meanwhile on MTV, They're Shooting Up Classroom,” what are the kids' reactions to their parents or watchdog groups' control over MTV?
What does the author of "Meanwhile on MTV, They're Shooting Up Classroom^ think about "kids' music”?
Make a summary of "Meanwhile on MTV, They're Shooting Up Classroom.”
What are the reasons that the author of “A Trend in Suburban Shootings” gives for the constant occurrence of shootings at suburban schools?
According to "A Trend in Suburban Shootings," why do some children have the sense of boredom and alienation in small suburban communities?
According to “A Trend in Suburban Shootings," what are the possible methods to control teenage gun crimes at suburban schools?
According to "A Trend in Suburban Shootings," how do the suburban schools differ from those large urban schools?
What is the main purpose of the article “A Trend in Suburban Shootings”?
Unit 9
Why did the author of "Finding Spirit on the Subway” choose to commute between home and university instead of living on campus?
Based on "Finding Spirit on the Subway," what is the very spirit of student body of CU?
Why did the author of "Finding Spirit on the Subway" choose to isolate himself from the active campus life?
Why did the author of "Finding Spirit on the Subway" think one must get out of the campus life and view it as an outsider to find the spirit of Columbia?
What do you think of the author's opinion about "school spirit” in the passage "Finding Spirit on the Subway”?
Make a summary of "Finding Spirit on the Subway."
What is Limpaecher's invention? And what functions does it have?
In “Senior Ready to Launch His Career and A Company,” what have Limpaecher and his partners done to start their company?
What distinguishes Limpaecher, the protagonist in "Senior Ready to Launch His Career and A Company” from his senior peers?
In “Senior Ready to Launch His Career and A Company/5 how did Limpaecher first get the idea of starting his own company?
What is the main idea of “Senior Ready to Launch His Ca reer and A Company"?
Unit 10
In "Problematic or Promising," what is the major cause of the coming globalization according to Langhorne, the author of The Coming of Globalization: Its Evolution and Contemporary Consequences!
Based on "Problematic or Promisi ng,” what political changes may take place in the process of globalization? What kind of organizations may become more influential?
Make a list of all the possible advantages and disadvantages of globalization based on what yoifve read in "Problematic or Promising."
After reading "Problematic of Promising,” do you think globalization is more problematic or more promising after all? Give your reasons.
Make a summary of "Problematic or Promising.”
According to “The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race,” what are progressivists" perspectives about the importance of agriculture?
What is the worst mistake in the history of the human race according to the passage "The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race"? Why?
Based on “The Worst Mistake in th e History of the Human Race," what are the three sets of reasons to explain the findings that agriculture was bad for health?
What is the main idea of "The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race”?
Do you agree with the author's opinion about “The W orst Mistake in the History of the Human Race"? Give your reasons.。