译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
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译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
What is life?
1. Life is having no regrets. 2. Life is giving.
You get the best from others
when you give the best of yourself.
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt) 译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
1.同 学 们 上 节 课我 们了解 了四通 八达的 交通, 认识了 五花八 门的交 通工具 ,感受 了快速 发展的 交通给 我们带 来的便 捷与舒 适,但 是交通 发展的 同时也 给我们 的生活 和环境 带来了 一些问 题,这 节课就 让我们 带着充 满智慧 的双眼 一起来 看一看 。 2.仰 望 夜 空 , 总是 会有无 可明状 的失落 感涌上 心头。 多么怀 念幼时 曾见的 如金刚 钻般闪 耀的星 辰,那 些闪烁 的光亮 总能引 起我们 无限的 的遐想 。 3. 秋 燥 , 是 美丽 的秋天 最让人 烦恼的 事情了 。秋季 天高气 爽,空 气中水 分减少 ,此时 ,唇干 口渴、 咳嗽无 痰、皮 肤干涩 等现象 就显得 很频烦 。
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
The Inspiration
• We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
• Find out one or two sentences that you like the most.
• Why do you like this sentence?
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
Whaet nthdeidagiet hoafp8p7en,?
toWrheayldiziedhsehreddroeiatm? .
Reading skills:summarize a narration what
A closer look
• Work in groups and make a list of her qualities.
What is life?
What is life to the girl in the video?
• What is life to someone in his/her 80s?
A First look
The story One-sentence summary
• Who is thReohsee,roine? Whwatednitdtoshceoldleog?e
Plan your life to be an experience of growth. Plan to change. Plan to grow.
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
extensive reading
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt) 译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
The tree of life
love hope dream reason pain acceptance
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
what do you learn from this story? What is life to you? Write your ideas into a short passage. (about 120words)
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
What is life?
• 1. Life is having no regrets • 2. Life is giving
• 3.Life is growing up.
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
courage feeling passion dedication faith patience
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
Life is a gift we're given each and every day. Dream about tomorrow, but live for today. Don't wait. Make memories today. Celebrate your life!
• Growing older is unavoidable; growing up is optional.
• The only people who fear death are those with regrets.
• We make a Living by what we get. We make a Life by what we give.
Rose is a/an _________ lady.
译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
further thinking
Rose’s words of wisdom
What is life?
1.Life is having no regrets.
It‘s better to look back on life and say
I can't believe I did that than to say
I wish I did th源自t.译林英语选修8 Unit2 Reading 课件(16页ppt)
4. 理 解 牙 齿 、舌 和唾液 共同参 与了食 物在口 腔里的 消化, 它们的 功能各 不相同 。牙齿 有三种 ,不同 的牙齿 有不同 的功能 。了解 食物在 口腔里 会经历 初步的 消化过 程,保 护好牙 齿,有 利于我 们的身 体健康 。 5. 经 历 进 行 食物 在口腔 内部变 化和牙 齿形状 特征、 分布的 研究性 观察。 利用原 有知识 和经验 进行推 测。 6. 能 够 认 真 细 致地 观察牙 齿的形 状特征 。愿意 与他人 分享研 究结果 ,合作 交流。