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1There is aposterin the naturereservethat says:“Theauthoritiesdemand that allillegal huntingshould be stoppedimmediatelyto protect thespeciesthat areendangered. ”Recently,somehuntershave beenillegally huntingwild animals,leading toamass extinctionof them,and theirhabitatshave beenthreatened,too. According to WWF,anaverageof 150-200speciesbecomeextinctevery day in the world. Some wild animals aredying outat a very fastrate. This is analarmingnumber. Many peopleare aware ofthe problem andare concerned abouttheendangeredwildlife. Some countries have takeneffective measuresto protect thesecreatures. Whyon earthdo thehunters shootthese animals? Someintendto sell them asgoodsto make aprofit,others to make aliving. For example,antelopesarehuntedfor theirskinandfur. But,to our delight,we havemadegreatprogressin wildlife protection.自然保护区的海报上写道:“当局要求立即停止所有非法狩猎,以保护濒危物种。”最近,一些猎人非法猎杀野生动物,导致野生动物的大规模灭绝,它们的栖息地也受到了威胁。根据世界自然基金会的数据,世界上平均每天有150-200种物种灭绝。一些野生动物正以非常快的速度消失。这是一个惊人的数字。许多人都意识到了这个问题,并为濒临灭绝的野生生物担忧。一些国家已经采取了有效的措施来保护这些生物。猎人究竟为什么要射杀这些动物呢?有些人打算把它们作为商品出售来获得利润,有些人是为了谋生。例如,捕猎羚羊是为了获取它们的皮毛。但令我们高兴的是,我们在野生生物保护方面取得了很大的进步。
2My friend is aprofessional archaeologist. He oftendownloadssomeapplicationsanddocumentsabout cultural relics from websites. He was sentoverseasto work a few years ago. He studied thepyramidsin the ArabRepublicof Egypt. Usingdigitaltechnology,he looked closely at theentrance,exitandroofof the Great Pyramid and finally formed animageof the constructionprocess. Later,he visited some famoushistoricsitesall over the worldandfurtherstudied the localtraditionsand customs there. Then he went to a famous mountain to research ancientcaves. There are manydragonscarved on the cave walls. These sculptures are of goodqualityand remain thereforever throughoutthe human history. According to variouscluesand after makingcomparisonsandcontrasts,heidentifiedthat these caves could date back to the Tang Dynasty. In hisopinion,cultural relics must be well preserved. He oftenquotesthis famous saying that history is like amirror.
1In order topromotetourism in this area andkeep balancebetween development and protection,the CulturalHeritageProtectionCommitteehasestablisheda specialdepartment. The department aims toinvestigatethe condition of local culturalrelics,make proposalsto the committee,andconductprotection activities,making surethat all the cultural relics are wellpreserved. Theyattemptto raisefundsand call forcontributionsto the protection of cultural heritage. With majorissues,they arelikelytoturn tolocal governments for help. Topreventthelossof cultural relics,every one of us shouldtake part inthe preservation activities. For example,there is atempleon themount,which shows thecreativedesign of ancient people. We mustpreventitfrom disappearing. If possible,we candonatemoneytothe committee. Where there are cultural relics,construction must belimitedandgive way tothem. We make aprotestagainst anyconductof destroying cultural relics and can’tforgiveit. It isworthwhilefor us to do so. It is believed that great changes will take placewithina few years.
2In recent years,creaturessuch aswhales,sharks,dolphins,deer,kangaroosandTibetan antelopeshave faced athreatand it’s difficult for them toexist. Now their numbers arereducing due totoo muchhunting. As a result,they have tosearch fornewhabitatsand try toadapt tonew environments. This problem hasconcernedpeople very much,andstirred up emotionsofalarm. At present,many volunteers join in the protection of wild animals. In thehabitatstheyobservethe daily activities of wild animals andwatchthem overday and night. Theyremovetraps andnetsplaced byhuntersto protect these animals andinsectslike butterflies fromattack. In addition,these volunteers help torecoverthe lost animals. Theyremindpeople in theneighbourhoodof the importance ofharmonybetween man and nature.
1Tom is a well-knownbloggerwho often writesblog postson hisblog. He likes to usesearch enginesto find information he needs. He also likes to watch moviesstreamingonline. Whenchattingwith others,he uses differentidentitiesand avatars. He hasaccessto freeWi-Fi,which is veryconvenientfor him todownload softwarefrom eareupdatedonce a week.Surfingthe Internet has indeed brought him greatbenefits. It seems that the computerkeepshimcompanyall day. Once he went to aconferenceheld in hisprovince. He didn’t bring anycashwith himplushe lost hisidentity card. So he paid online.