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光电继电器主要用于固态继电器MO SFET输出控制输出极连接的交换机,提供常开的1A,通常密切1B,2A,2B,常开和常闭1C和1光耦合器+1MOS管接头。
Sol id St ate R elayMOSFE T Out put i s use d mai nly t o con trolthe s witch of o utput pole conn ectio n, wh ich p rovid es no rmall y ope n 1A, norm allyclose 1B,2A,2B, nor mally open andnorma lly c lose1C an d 1 p hotocoupl er+1MOS c onnec tors. Itschara cteri stics arehighvolta ge, l ow im pedan ce, c ompac t pac kage, anti-vibr ation, con tacto r-les s or
multi ple c onnec tor c ombin ation andquick resp onseto hi gh fr equen cy.
Reed Rela y isa mec hanic al sw itchopera tionwhich cont rolsoutpu t pol e con necti on. T he co ntact ors m ay in clude 1A,1B, 1C, 2A, or2C. T he ma in ch aract erist ics a re
in tegra ted m ounti ng pa cking, com pactresis tantto hi gh vo ltage, lon g usa ble l ife a nd hi gh is olati on. I ts ma in ap plica tioninclu des:compu ter p eriph eral, tele com,instr ument,
sec urity andautom ation equi pment.
The basi c fun ction of a Phot o Cou pleris th at it ensu res t otalelect ronic isol ation,
inc ludin g pot entia l iso latio n (as in t he ca se of tran sform er) i n anelect rical circ uit.
Devic es of thePhoto Coup ler f amily incl ude P hotoTrans istor, Pho to
Da rling ton T ransi storHighspeed Phot o cou plerand O PIC.These devi ces h ave t he
ch aract erist ics o f exc ellen t iso latio n, hi gh CT R, co mpact pack age,high-speed oper ation, low deca y and unit cont rol f uncti on no t bei ng in fluen ced b y fie ld ef fects. The y are most suit ableto be used formicro elect ronic s, da ta pr ocess ing a nd te lecom munic ation
syst em. D ue to thei r hig h saf ety f eatur es, t hey a re pa rticu larly suit ablefor u se in
swit ching mode powe r sup ply u nits.
Solid Stat e Rel ay is an e lectr onicstate rela y. It s int ernal stru cture is a n int egrat ed
mo untin g pac kageof se micon ducto r ele ments andelect ronic s cir cuitboard. Its main
char acter istic s are resi stant to h igh v oltag e and high curr ent,conta ctor-less(no n oise), goo d iso latio n and ease of h eat e vapor ation. Its main appl icati on in clude s:
In dustr ial a utoma tion, home appl iance s, co nsume r ele ctron ics a nd in strum ent.