大学英语“德融”教学教案--Unit 5 Giving Thanks
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参 《全新版大学英语综合教程 3-教师用书》 考 《英语语法精要与实践》 书 《大学英语阅读教程 3》
课 型 理论课
主要教具 电脑,黑板等媒体 学 时
教学方法 讲授、讨论、示例 分
小组任务、个人展 示等
预习&导入 讲授
20 分钟 90 分钟 40 分钟
30 分钟
注:课型一栏填写理论课、实验课、习题课等 . 授课内容
his grandmother.
Part Three Paras17-23
The writer got three letters in reply.
Part Four Paras24-26
The writer wishes everyone to find the good and praise it.
要 3. Post-study (practices & exercises; some assignments for next unit. ) (30’)(复习巩固)
Students will be able to:
1. understand the main idea and the structure of the text; (理解文章写作结构和要点)
内 1. New words, phrases and expressions study (30’)(语言知识)
容 2. Text study (background information, text organization, writing strategies, sentence
概 structures and patterns, etc.) (120’)(课文细节学习)
(主题文化导入:小组讨论、口头报告结合教师反馈形式。通过中国中秋节和西方感恩节 对比,引导学生进行本单元主题讨论“感恩”,启发学生联系新时代感恩精神,激发学生感恩 之心;基于学生汇报,教师注重结合教材内外示例,概括感恩精神的实质所在)
While-reading tasks
1. T draws Ss attention to Text Organization Exercise 1, to see how the text is divided into four
2. T tells Ss that the story took place on a ship. Ss take out a sheet of paper and write down any vocabulary items they can think of that are related to a boat or to people on board T will explain that this list is for future reference 3. T explains key language points in Part I and gives Ss practice
Unit Five Giving Thanks Text A Writing three Thank-you letter
Pre-reading tasks
1. T asks Ss the following questions on the song: Deliver some questions and have an oral discussion. “How do you express your thanks to others?” In what way is Thanksgiving similar to our Mid-autumn Day? 2. Group discussion: who should I thank for what 1) T dictates to Ss the following questions: — What should I thank my parent(s) / teacher(s) / friend(s) for? — Have I expressed my gratitude to the person(s)? — If the answer to the previous question is yes, what have you done? If the answer is no, what do you plan to do? 2) Ss form groups to discuss. They will just focus their discussion on either parent(s) or teachers) or friend(s).
目 2. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;
conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.
II. While-reading Tasks (90 minutes) (课文学习环节) 1. T tells Ss how to divide the text into four parts, and that they are to sum up the main ideas of each part as they read along (see Text Organization Exercise 1). (文章故事概览;学生基于课前预习任务进行口头汇总) 2. Ss read Paras 1-9 and sum up the main idea of this part. (文章第一部分大意解读;联系感恩节文化,启发“感恩精神”的必要) 3. T explains language points in this part and gives Ss practice (第一部分重要知识点学习和练习;) 4. T explains language points in Part II and gives Ss practice (文章第二部分大意解读和知识点学习;介绍“感恩”方式,如写感谢信) 5. Ss re-read Part three and answer some questions. (文章第三部分学习;感恩精神的普遍性) 6. Ss read the Paras 24-26 and sum up the main idea of this part. (文章第四部分学习;联系作者感恩理念的转变和新时代感恩精神) 7. T explains the language points in this part and gives Ss practice (文章第四部分重要语言知识点学习和练习)
IV. After-reading Tasks (30 minutes) (学习总结) 1. Based on the class, Ss hold group discussion on the topic the differences between
Chinese festivals and western ones.(通过单元学习概括中西节日文化差异) 2. Two Ss to summarize their ideas.(学生补充,关于感恩精神和中西文化差异) 3. Check on Text B and exercises. (B 篇课文和对应练习)
III. Homework (40 minutes)(作业指导) 1. Assign some language points and ask Ss to review after class(. 课堂内容复习) 2. Finish exercises of unit 5. (第五单元课后习题) 3. Finish reading Text B.(B 篇课文自学任务) 4. Collect information to compare the differences between Chinese festivals and western ones.(中西方节日文化对比汇总) 5. Write a thank-you letter.(写一封感谢信)
4. critical thinking and appreciation of traditional Chinese culture (通过文化实例对比分析,培养学生的批判性思维,使学生树立正确的感恩理
重 1. Important language points and sentence structures in the text.
came up with the idea of expressing his gratitude to people who had
helped him before.
Part Two Paras10-16
The writer wrote three thank-you letters to his father, the Rev. Nelson and
点 2. Appreciation of cultural differences and development of critical thinking
难 1. Difficult sentence patterns as well as some background information
大学英语“德融”教学 .
教案设计稿 .
Unit 5 Giving Thanks .
年 10 月 17 日 星期 三 第 12 节 年 10 月 24 日 星期 三 第 12 节
Unit Five Giving Thanks(感恩)
课 The content to be presented to students includes three main parts:
parts. T asks Ss to give the main idea of each part. (5 minutes)
Text Organization
Main Ideas
Part One Paras1-9
On Thanksgiving Day 1943, as a young coastguardsman at sea, the Tasks(20 minutes)(课前预习任务检查和课堂导入) 1. Deliver some questions and have an oral discussion. “How do you express your thanks to others?” (主题文化导入:通过中国中秋节和西方感恩节对比,引导学生进行本单 元主题讨论“感恩”,启发学生联系新时代感恩精神,激发学生感恩之心) 2. Ask several pairs to report their discussion. (学生口头汇报讨论成果) 3. T’s feedback. (教师反馈:基于学生汇报,结合教材内外示例,概括感恩精神的实质所 在,鼓励学生进行自我反馈,并用适宜的实践行动感恩他人)
点 2. Understanding and comparison between festivals in the West and the East
作 《全新版大学英语综合教程 3》第五单元 Text A 后的所有习题。 业 阅读第一单元 Text B,完成后面的相关练习。