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54 河北理工学院学报
第 27 卷参考文献 : [1]向裕民 . 电容器极板的非线性振动 [ J ]. 非线性动力学学报 , 1996, 3 ( 1 : 67 - 72. [2]姚仲瑜 . 用拉格朗日方程研究 RLC 电路的暂态过程[ J ]. 广西大学学报 , 2001, 26 ( 2 : 145 - 149. [ 3 ] S . K . Chakravarthy . Nonlinear O scillations Due To Spurious Energisation of Transformers[ J ]. IEE Proc - Electr . Power App l . , 1998, 145 ( 6 : 585 - 592. [4]邱家俊 . 机电分析动力学 [M ]. 北京 : 科学出版社 , 1992. [ 5 ] Nayfeh A H,Mook DT . . Nonlinear O scillation [M ]. New York: W iley - interscience, 1979. [6]杨志安 . 发电机组轴系扭振多重共振及电磁激发横、扭耦合振动研究 [ D ]. 天津 : 天津大学博士学位论文 , 1997. 2 Study on Non lin ear D ynam ics of Coupled RLCS System CU I Yi - hui, YANG Zhi - an 1 2, 3 ( 1. College of M echanical Engineering of Hebei Polytechnic University, Tangshan Hebei 063009, China 2. Key Lab of Struclural and V ibration Engineering of Tangshan College, Tangshan Hebei 063000, China 3. College of M echanical Engineering of Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072 Key words: RLC circuit, coup led; the m ethod of multip le scales; nonlinear vibration Abstract: B y means of Lagrange - M axwell equation, a m
athematical modal of coup led RLC and sp ring system which have quadratic nonlinearities and har monic excitation is established. Based on the method of m ultip le - ω2 , doubl e scales, some abundant dynam ical phenom ena are found under the conditions of internal resonance ω2≈ 2 ω1 andΩ≈ω2 . Numerical calculations are carried out resonancesω2≈ 2 . The conclusions are useful for engineering . © 1994-2007 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 。