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4 基于局部成像装配同轴度检测的应用
4.1 弹丸-壳体装配同轴度图像检测实验系统设计 ........................... 37 4.1.1 系统工作原理 ................................................. 37 4.1.2 系统硬件设计 ................................................. 38 4.1.3 基于 CUDA 加速的局部成像装配同轴度检测算法 ..................... 44 4.2 装配同轴度检测实验及数据分析 ...................................... 46 4.3 本章小结 ......................................................... 51
大长径比工件装配同轴度的局部成像检测方法研究 摘要
回转类零件装配质量对于零件的质量及使用性能有着重要的影响。目前,基于图像 测量的装配同轴度检测方法大都通过获取零件的整体轮廓信息来检测装配同轴度误差。 针对大长径比或多装配节点的复杂回转类零件, 若采用装配同轴度的全局成像来检测装 配同轴度误差,并不能有效利用图像传感器的像素信息,造成资源浪费的同时增加了计 算量,从而影响零件装配同轴度的检测精度。 为此,本文研究了一种装配同轴度的局部成像检测方法,即采集被测零件的装配区 部分,并对其装配同轴度进行快速定量的单视角检测。首先,在局部成像过程中,系统 地分析了零件形状特性、窗宽或窗位选取对传统 Hough 变换、拟合法检测装配同轴度 精度的影响;其次,针对上述问题,研究了装配同轴度的局部成像检测算法,先提取图 像的上下边缘点集,结合 Hough 线性变换,统计了两点集对投影到霍夫空间的参数空 间点,并搜索其累积数量的最大值点,该点对应的对称轴即为最优对称轴,从而获取了 零件的装配同轴度误差;最后,通过现场搭建的实验系统采集标准模体装配区部分,并 采用本文算法对其进行装配同轴度检测, 验证了该算法对大长径比零件装配同轴度检测 的可行性、精确性,以及零件形状特性、窗宽或窗位选取几乎不影响本文算法的检测精 度。
3 基于局部成像的装配同轴度检测方法
3.1 工件形状特性对零件局部成像同轴度检测精度的影响 .................... 29 3.2 装配同轴度的局部成像检测方法的基本原理 ............................ 32
中北大学学位论文 3.2.1 Hough 变换方法原理 ............................................ 32 3.2.2 最优对称轴检测原理 ............................................ 33 3.3 局部成像装配同轴度检测算法........................................ 35 3.4 本章小结 ......................................................... 35
中北大学学位论文 measurement for parts with high length-diameter ratio and the difference of part shape, the selection of window width or window levelhave little influenceon theassembly coaxality detectionprecision based on the algorithm of this paper.
2 基于图像测量的装配同轴度检测方法概述
2.1 常用同轴度检测方法的比较........................................... 9 2.1.1 基于三坐标测量机的同轴度误差检测算法 ........................... 9 2.1.2 基于激光位移传感的同轴度误差检测算法 .......................... 11 2.1.3 基于传统 Hough 变换的同轴度误差检测算法 ........................ 13 2.1.4 基于拟合法的同轴度误差检测算法 ................................ 14 2.2 远心光学系统在高精度图像测量方法的应用 ............................ 15 2.2.1 图像测量的基本原理............................................ 15 2.2.2 远心光学系统原理.............................................. 16 2.2.3 远心镜头的标定 ............................................... 18 2.3 边缘检测技术 ..................................................... 19 2.3.1 Sobel 算子检测理论 ............................................ 20 2.3.2 亚像素边缘检测技术............................................ 21 2.3.3 基于改进的 Sobel 算子和 Zernike 矩的亚像素边缘检测 .............. 22 2.3.4 各个边缘检测方法的实验 ........................................ 25 2.4 本章小结 ......................................................... 27
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Detection method of assembly coaxalityfor parts with high length-diameter ratio in local imaging Abstract
Rotary parts assembly qualityhasplayed an important role in the quality and the performanceof the parts. Currently, assembly coaxality detection method based on image measurement is mostly through acquiring the whole contour information of parts to detect assembly coaxality error. And if it uses detection method of assembly coaxality in global imaging to detect assembly coaxality error for complex rotary parts with high length-diameter ratio or many assemble joints, the method can'tusevery effectivelyimage sensor pixel information, it causesresource waste and increasesthe amount of calculation, thus it affect parts assembly coaxalitydetection precision. So, we proposed a detection method of assembly coaxality in local imaging in this paper, that is to say, theinspectedpart'sassembly coaxality is detected with rapid and quantitative single perspective detection by collecting assemblyarea. First of all,it analyzes that the difference of part shape, the selection of window width or window levelhave a greatinfluenceon theassembly coaxality detection precision based on traditional Hough transform or fitting method in the process of local imaging detection. Secondly,a detection algorithm of assembly coaxality in local imaging was proposed to solve the above problem. This algorithmfirstly extracts the upper and lower edge point sets and then counts the parameter space points projecting in Hough space from two point sets based on Hough linear transform, and searches the maximum point of parameter points’ cumulative number, the point corresponds to the symmetric axis which is the optimal symmetric axis, thus achieving part assembly coaxality error.Finally, through the field of experiment system of collecting standard phantomassemblyarea, and then using the algorithm of this paper to test assembly coaxality, it verifies that the algorithm is feasible and accurate of assembly alignment
Key words:coaxality, image measurement, local imaging, length-diameter ratio中北大学Fra bibliotek位论文目
1 绪论
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 ................................................ 1 1.2 相关技术的国内外研究现状........................................... 2 1.2.1 装配同轴度检测技术研究现状 ..................................... 2 1.2.2 基于图像测量的同轴度检测算法研究现状 ........................... 4 1.3 论文的结构安排 .................................................... 6
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本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下,独 立进行研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含 其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡 献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律责任由本人 承担。