HPLC 法测定芬戈莫德胶囊的含量

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HPLC 法测定芬戈莫德胶囊的含量
【摘要】Objective To establish a method for determining the contents of fingolimod in fingolimod capsules by High Performance Liquid Chromatography( HPLC). Methods HPLC was used to determine the contents of fingolimod in fingolimod capsules. The selected column was Agilent TC-C18,and the mobile phase was sodium perchlorate solution(0. 1 mol/ L aqueous solution of sodium perchlorate,and the pH value of perchloric acid had been adjusted to 2.
8):methanol :acetonitrile(93:7:100);the detection wavelength was 215 nm with a flow rate of 1. 5 ml/ min;the sample size is 10 μl. Results The linear range of concentration of fingolimod was 0. 0499 ~ 0. 1499 mg/ ml(r = 0. 9998);the average recovery rate of samples was 100. 01%(RSD = 0. 46% ,n = 3). Conclusion This method is simple with high reproducibility and high accuracy,and can be used to determine the contents of fingolimod in fingolimod capsules for quality control.%目的:建立 HPLC 芬戈莫德胶囊含量测定方法。


选用色谱柱为 Agilent TC-C18,流动相为高氯酸钠溶液(0.1 mol/ L 高氯酸钠水溶液,高氯酸调节 pH 值为2.8):甲醇:乙腈(93:7:100);检测波长215 nm,流速1.5 ml/ min;进样量10μl。

mg/ ml (r =0.9998);样品平均回收率为100.01%(RSD =0.46%,n =3)。


【作者单位】130021 长春,吉林大学药学院; 吉林省产品质量监督检察
院;130021 长春,吉林大学药学院
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