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1.I like to watch the ______ at night.
2.The cat is _____ (chasing/sleeping) a mouse.
3.My dad is a great __________ (朋友) and mentor.
4.The cake is _______ (刚出炉).
5.The __________ (全球化) connects different cultures.
6. A reaction that results in a color change is called a ______ reaction.
7.What do you call the act of moving your body to music?
A. Dance
B. Sing
C. Jump
D. Run答案: A
8.What do you call the study of living things?
A. Biology
B. Physics
C. Chemistry
D. Geography答案: A
9.The fall of the Berlin Wall happened in ________ (1989).
10.The flamingo stands on one _______ (腿) for balance.
11. A __________ is a type of mountain formed by folding of the earth's crust.
12. A __________ is a reaction that requires heat to occur.
13.The teacher always encourages _____ (创造力).
14.I _____ (play/learn) the guitar.
15.The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which its vapor pressure equals _____.
16.This ________ (玩具) helps me stay active.
17.I can ______ (做) simple calculations.
18.What is 2 + 3?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7答案:B 5
19.Chlorophyll is important for ______ in plants.
20.The __________ (历史的编纂) requires careful research and analysis.
21.The birds are ________ in the trees.
bustion of hydrocarbons produces _____ (carbon dioxide and water).
23.The __________ is a famous geographical feature in South America.
24.My sister enjoys __________ (学习) new languages.

26.The chemical symbol for indium is _____.
27. A saturated fat is typically found in ______ foods.
28.The ______ thrives in tropical climates.
29.My friend has a great sense of __________ (幽默).
30.She is _____ (reading/writing) a book right now.
31.The Kepler Space Telescope was designed to find ______.
32.I enjoy _______ (参加) sports competitions.
33.My aunt is like a kind _______ who cares for me.
34. A ______ (蝴蝶) starts as a caterpillar.
35.My dad is a __________ (修车工).
36.I enjoy creating my own games with my ________ (玩具名称).
37.__________ (惰性气体) do not readily react with other elements.
38.The __________ can reveal the history of tectonic plate movements.
39.I see many ______ (雪花) falling from the sky.
40._____ (温带) plants can survive in seasonal changes.
41.What do you call the person who fixes cars?
A. Doctor
B. Teacher
C. Mechanic
D. Chef答案:C
42.My brother is my adventurous _______ who tries new things.
43.My sister is _____ (younger/older) than me.
44.What do we call a person who studies the effects of drugs?
A. Pharmacologist
B. Chemist
C. Biochemist
D. Toxicologist答案: A
45.Plants need __________ (阳光) to grow well.
46. A lion is a brave _______ that roams the savanna.
47.The chemical symbol for sodium is ______.
48.Chemical bonds can be broken and formed during ______.

50.The __________ (历史的开拓) reveals potential.
51.The __________ (历史的观察) offers valuable perspectives.
52.The __________ is a large area with unique ecosystems.
53.The _____ (房屋) is two stories high.
54.Certain plants can be used to create natural ______ against pests. (某些植物可以用来创建自然屏障,抵御害虫。

55.The _____ (摩天轮) is exciting.
56.The _______ of an object can affect its movement.
57.She is ___ her dress. (choosing)
58.We go ______ during the summer. (swimming)
59.My sister is a ______. She loves to help in the community.
60. A _____ (种植者社区) can support each other’s efforts.
61.The ancient city of Athens was known for its democratic ______ (政体).
62.The chemical formula for strontium hydroxide is _____.
63.The main source of calcium in our diet is ______.
64. A _____ (植物观察活动) can encourage curiosity and exploration.
65.Sound waves travel fastest through _______.
66.The __________ is a famous national park in the United States.
67.The _______ (Labor Movem ent) fought for workers’ rights and better conditions.
68. A _____ (植物展览) can showcase the beauty and diversity of flora.
69.The sloth is known for moving _________ (缓慢).
70.The nurse provides emotional _____ (支持) to patients.
71.The __________ (历史的体验分享) build community.
72.Which gas do plants need to grow?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Hydrogen
D. Nitrogen答案:B
73.The __________ is a famous natural wonder in the United States. (黄石公园)
74.The capital of Federated States of Micronesia is __________.
75. A fruit bat feeds on ______ (水果) at night.
76.In a reaction, the rate can be influenced by factors such as concentration, temperature, and _____.
77.I want to be a ___ (scientist/artist).
78.What do we call the season when flowers bloom?
A. Winter
B. Spring
C. Summer
D. Fall答案: B
79.What is the opposite of "fast"?
A. Slow
B. Small
C. High
D. Long答案:A Slow
80.The chemical formula for sulfur dioxide is ______.
81.The __________ is the habitat for polar bears. (北极)
82.My favorite stuffed _______ is a bear (我最喜欢的毛绒_______是熊).
83.The __________ (历史的实用性) informs policy-making.
84.The ____ has a unique pattern and is known for its beauty.
85.behavioral change) supports environmental goals. The ____
86.The _____ (天空) is blue.
87.The city of Baku is the capital of _______.
88. A __________ (电子) is a negatively charged particle found in atoms.
89.I have a ___ (surprise) for you.
90.I love my art supplies, especially my ________ (彩色铅笔). They help me create beautiful ________ (画作).
91.The process of sublimation converts solid to ______.
92.What do we call the process of searching for food?
A. Foraging
B. Hunting
C. Gathering
D. All of the above答案:D
93. A solution that contains more solute than it can normally hold is called a _____ solution.
94. A ______ is an elevated area of land surrounded by lower terrain.
95. A ________ (庭院) is a great place to relax.
96.We go to school by ______ (bike).
97.Electric devices convert electrical energy into other forms of ______.
98.I like to make ______ for my friends' birthdays.
99.I like to ___ (have) fun with my friends.
100.We are going to ________ a picnic.。
