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Unit Four - Going Green
Hey friends! Unit Four in our English book this semester was all about going green and taking care of the environment. I thought it was a really interesting and important topic to learn about. The world we live in is amazing, but humans have done some bad things that are hurting nature. We need to change our ways before it's too late!
One of the first things we learned about was pollution. Pollution is when there are too many dirty or poisonous substances in the air, water, or soil. It's really bad for plants, animals, and people. A big cause of pollution is factories that release smoke and chemicals. But everyday people pollute too when they litter, waste energy, or let trash go into the ocean.
Our teacher showed us pictures of places with really bad pollution and it looked so gross and unhealthy. There was smog in the air that you could barely see through. Rivers and lakes were all brown and filled with trash. It made me sad to see such
ugly messes that ruin nature's beauty. I don't want to live in a world like that when I grow up.
Another major issue is waste. Humans create way too much trash that ends up in landfills and oceans. We go through millions of plastic bottles, bags, wrappers and containers every day then just throw them away after one use. All that plastic takes hundreds of years to break down in the environment.
The trash problem is killing animals like whales, turtles, and birds who mistake the plastic for food and eat it. Their bodies can't digest the plastic so it makes them sick and causes them to starve. We watched a video about it and it was heartbreaking to see suffering animals with plastic stuck in their stomachs and throats.
Wasting resources like water, electricity, gasoline, paper, and food is another way humans are damaging the planet. We leave lights, computers and TVs on when not using them. Too much trash gets thrown out instead of reusing and recycling things first. My mind was blown when I learned how many gallons of water it takes to make a single t-shirt or hamburger. It's a crazy amount that gets wasted if we're not careful.
The good news is that there are lots of ways we can go greener and reduce our impact on the environment. One of the
easiest is the 3 R's - reduce, reuse and recycle. We should try to reduce the amount of stuff we use and buy in the first place. Only take what you really need.
Then we can reuse things like bottles, containers, bags, clothes and school supplies instead of throwing them out after one use. And anything we do throw away should go into the recycling bin instead of the trash so it can be turned into new products. Our class did a recycling contest and it was amazing how much we were able to collect in just one week.
Another great way to go green is by saving energy and resources. We can do simple things like turning off lights when leaving a room, taking shorter showers, turning off the water when brushing teeth, and unplugging electronics when not using them. Outside we can pick up litter, conserve water by not wasting it, walk or ride bikes instead of driving, and plant trees.
Pretty much every choice we make in our daily lives affects the environment in some way. I've started really thinking about my habits and realizing how many little adjustments I could make to create less waste and pollution. Like using a reusable water bottle instead of buying new plastic ones. Or turning off my game console when I'm done instead of leaving it on. Little things add up to make a big difference!
At school we're doing a lot to be more eco-friendly too. We started a recycling program and have special bins for paper, plastic and cans. Our cafeteria no longer uses plastic straws, foam trays or single-use plastic bottles. Instead we have reusable trays, cups and bottles that get washed after each meal. For snacks and lunches from home, we're asked to use reusable containers instead of disposable baggies and wrappers. I think it's awesome that my school is helping us create less waste.
Outside, our school planted a community garden that each class helps take care of. We grow fruits, veggies, herbs and flowers. Not only is it beautiful and provides healthy food, but plants are so important for cleaning the air we breathe and giving homes to animals and insects. Our science teacher taught us
My Favorite Season
I really love spring! It's my favorite season of the whole year. There are so many fun things about spring that make me happy.
First of all, the weather gets warmer after the cold winter. I don't have to wear a big heavy coat anymore. Instead, I can wear light jackets, t-shirts and shorts. It feels so nice to have the warm
sunshine on my face and arms again. No more being all bundled up!
In spring, everything starts blooming and becoming green again. The trees grow new leaves, the flowers blossom, and the grass gets lush and green. My mom and I love to go on walks and see all the pretty colors. We even planted some flowers in our garden this year. Watching them grow from little seeds into big flowers was amazing!
Another great thing about spring is that I can play outside a lot more. During the winter, it was too cold and snowy to really spend much time outdoors. But in spring, my friends and I love going to the park and playing on the swings, slides, and climbing stuff. We run around chasing each other and pretending to be different characters. Sometimes we bring balls, frisbees or other outdoor toys too. It's just so fun to get that energy out after being cooped up inside all winter!
At school, we even get to go outside for recess more often in the spring weather. Tag, jumprope, hopscotch and four square are some of our favorite recess games. We get pretty sweaty running around in the sunshine, but it feels awesome. I always drink lots of water when I get back inside though. Staying hydrated is important!
Another thing I adore about spring is seeing all the baby animals that are born. On the farm down the road, they have baby chicks, lambs, calves and foals. They are sooooo cute and tiny! I went on a field trip there last month and got to gently pet some of the babies. Watching them run around, following their mamas, was just the sweetest.
There are also lots of bunnies hopping around people's yards in the springtime. They like to nibble on the fresh green grass and flowers. One morning, I saw a whole little bunny family - a mom, dad and four babies - right in my front yard! The little bunnies were so funny to watch as they bounced around. I tried getting close to them, but they hopped away. I guess they were scared of me.
Springtime also means Easter happens! I get so excited for Easter every year. First, there's an egg hunt at my school, where we run around gathering plastic eggs filled with candy and prizes. Then on Easter Sunday, my family hosts a huge meal with all my aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins. We kids have another epic egg hunt in my backyard before dinner. Afterwards, we stuff ourselves with honey-baked ham, mashed potatoes, rolls, veggie trays, and my grandma's famous lemon meringue pie for dessert. Yummm!
But possibly the best part of Easter is the Easter Bunny leaves us all big baskets filled with chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, peeps and other candies. He also always hides some small toys and coins inside the plastic eggs too. Last year, I got a jump rope, bubbles, stickers and some quarters in my eggs. This year, I'm hoping maybe he'll bring me a new art set since I love drawing and coloring so much.
After stuffing ourselves at Easter dinner, my cousins and I love playing outside while the adults sit around and talk. We run around having pretend adventures, climbing trees, and seeing who can swing the highest on the swingset. By the time evening comes and we head home, we're completely tuckered out. But in the best way possible!
Spring is really the season of rebirth and new beginnings. It's a time of fresh starts, growth, and getting ready for the months of summer fun ahead. I can't get enough of those warm, sunny spring days. Shedding the bulky winter clothes, playing outside with my friends until I'm sweaty and exhausted, watching nature bloom to life again... Those are some of the simple joys that make spring so special. Midwestern spring may only last a couple months, but I savor every moment of it. Then before I know it, the summer heat hits and it's time for a whole new season of
adventures! But spring will always hold a special place in my heart. :)
My Favorite Sport
Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my favorite sport - basketball! Basketball is the best sport ever in my opinion.
I started playing basketball when I was in 2nd grade and I've loved it ever since.
I first got interested in basketball because my older brother played on a team. I used to go watch his games and thought it looked like so much fun. The way the players dribbled the ball up and down the court and took shots at the hoop made me want to try it myself. Finally, when I was old enough, my parents signed me up for a youth basketball league.
At first, I wasn't very good. I had a hard time dribbling the ball without traveling or losing control of it. And my shots always seemed to bounce off the rim instead of going through the net. But I kept practicing my dribbling and shooting at home and slowly started getting better.
One of the best things about basketball is that it's a team sport. You have to work together with your teammates to score points and defend against the other team. Passing the ball to someone who is open for a shot is just as important as shooting it yourself. And playing good defense by blocking shots and getting steals and rebounds is crucial.
My favorite part is when you finally make a basket after missing a bunch of shots. There's nothing better than seeing the ball go swish through the net! It makes you feel so accomplished. And when your team wins a close game, it's an amazing feeling of excitement and happiness.
But overall, the good stuff about basketball far outweighs the bad in my book. The feeling of running up and down the court, dribbling the ball, and making that perfect shot is just the best. Not to mention getting exercise and fresh air while having fun with your friends. What more could you want?
Some of my favorite basketball memories are from our team's big tournament last summer. We had to play a bunch of games against other teams over a couple weekends. It was tiring but so exciting. We made it all the way to the championship game!
The final game was close the whole way. We were tied with just a few minutes left. Then our best player drove to the basket but got tied up and the ball got loose. I happened to be right there and scooped it up as it bounced away. With the clock winding down, I took a shot from the corner even though I was being guarded closely.
The ball seemed to move in slow motion as it arched up towards the hoop. Everyone watched it with bated breath. It hit the front of the rim, bounced up high, circled the rim once...twice...and then finally dropped in as the buzzer went off! Our team went absolutely crazy celebrating! We had won the whole tournament on my last second shot. What a thrilling moment!
That championship is definitely my number one basketball memory so far. But I'm already making new great memories this season as a 4th grader on my school team. Basketball has given me so much fun and joy over the years. I know I'll always love this sport and keep playing it as long as I can. Who knows, maybe I'll even make it to the NBA one day! A kid can dream, right? Thanks for reading, and maybe I'll see some of you on the basketball court sometime!
My Favorite Season
I really love summer! It's my favorite season of the whole year. There are so many fun things to do when it's warm outside. Summer means no more school for a few months. That's the best part!
Instead of being stuck inside a classroom all day, I get to play outside from morning until night. My friends and I have endless adventures in the sunshine. We ride our bikes all around the neighborhood. Sometimes we race each other to see who's the fastest cyclist. I'm getting better but Timmy is still harder to beat.
We also love playing chase and hiding games in the park near our houses. There are so many great trees and bushes to conceal ourselves behind. I'm really good at finding sneaky hiding spots that my friends can never figure out.
My Favorite Unit This Year
Unit 4 in our English textbook was my favorite one so far this year! It was all about animals and nature. I love learning about different creatures and the outdoors, so this unit was really fun for me.
We started by learning vocabulary words related to animals and their habitats. Some of the words were easy ones I already knew like "dog", "cat", and "bird". But I also learned lots of new words for different types of animals like "mammal", "reptile", "amphibian", and "insect". My favorite new words were "kangaroo" and "porcupine" because they just sound so silly and fun to say!
After we learned the vocabulary, we started reading stories and passages all about animals. One story was about a family who went camping and saw lots of cool wildlife. Another one taught us interesting facts about life cycles of frogs and butterflies. We even read a Native American legend about how bears got their short tails. The stories and facts were all really fascinating.
My absolute favorite part though was when we did activities and projects related to the animal topics. One time, we made dioramas showing the different habitats like forests, deserts, and rain forests. I worked really hard on mine and made sure all the right animals and plants were in their proper habitats. I even use
My Favorite Season - Spring
Spring is my favorite season of the year! Everything looks so fresh and new after the cold winter months. The trees start growing their green leaves again, and the flowers begin to blossom in so many pretty colors. It's like the world is waking up from a long sleep.
One of the things I love most about spring is all the baby animals that are born. My friend Tommy has a small farm, and every year his family gets new lambs, calves, and chicks. They are just the cutest! I went over to his place last week and got to pet the newborn lambs. Their wool was so soft and fluffy. The baby chicks were adorable too, all fluffed up and peeping away. Tommy lets me help feed them sometimes which is really fun.
Another great thing about spring is that it starts getting warmer outside after being cooped up all winter. My friends and I can finally go out and play after school instead of having to stay inside. We love riding our bikes around the neighborhood and playing kickball at the park. Sometimes we even have picnics and bring snacks to eat on the playground. My mom packs me orange slices and juice boxes which are so refreshing on a warm spring day.
At school, we just started a new science unit all about plants and ecosystems. We've been learning about the life cycle of
flowers and how bees help pollinate them. We even got to dissect some flower specimens under the microscope which was really neat! Next week, we're going to go on a nature field trip to study trees and insects. I'm excited because we get to go explore the woods and creeks near our school. I hope we find some cool bugs and cr。
