人教版选修8unit5 Meeting your ancestorsP5 Listening exercise (共24张PPT)
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ZL: After they were excavated, damp e_n_t_e_r_e_d_ the excavation area. The moulds developed quickly and need different kinds of _t_re_a_t_m__en__t .
RL: Which layer is the _fi_r_s_t and therefore the _o_l_d_e_s_t_?
ZH: The orange skin. RL: And which is the __la_s_t_ and therefore
the most _r_e_c_e_n_t_? ZH: Of course – the used _e_n_v_e_lo_p_e_s_. I see
live somewhere, they make a layer in the soil. If they live there for a _l_o_n_g_ time, they make a lot of layers. Each layer has a different _c_o_lo_u__r_ and texture which we use to find out _h_o_w_ old it is. ZH: How splendid!
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
AP: Where did you go for your _h_o_l_i_d_a_y_, Zhou Lei?
ZL: I went to visit the terracotta warriors and found out more about the research to _p_r_e_s_e_r_v_e_ the statues.
how it works now. But how does it help? RL: Well, layers of soil are _p_r_o_d_u__ce_d__ at different times like the layers in your wastepaper basket. _E_a_c_h_ time people
painted before they were _b_u_r_ie_d_. But temperature changed and _su_n__li_g_h_t soon faded the colours after the statues were _u_n_c_o_v_e_r_ed__. AP: _W__h_y_ did that happen? ZL: First, some of them became a little bit _s_m_a_l_le_r_ when they dried out after being excavated and that made their colour disappear _q_u_ic_k_l_y_. Second, the damp in the tomb also _a_ff_e_c_t_ed_ the colours badly. But now _l_u_c_k_il_y_ the scientists have
ZH: I see. How does the layer method w__o_r_k? RL: Well, look at the diagram in your book.
Think of a wastepaper _b_a_sk__et_. When you came into work, you ate an orange and threw the orange _s_k_i_n_ into it.
AP: Oh, how terrible! Can we do something to _c_le_a_n_ the warriors and make them safe?
ZL: Well, this jelly will help protect them a_g_a_i_n_s_t_ some moulds.
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
ZH: How can you tell how old _b_o_n_e_s_ are when you find them?
RL: There are _t_w_o_ main ways: the first uses the layers in the ground and the s_e_c_o_n_d_ uses radiocarbon dating.
old bones, so you are always given t_w__o_ dates. ZH: How does that work? RL: Well, the date for a bone may be between _9_,9_0_0_ years and _1_0_,1_0_0_ years old. ZH: I see! How old are the bones in the Zhoukoudian _c_a_v_e_s_?பைடு நூலகம்RL: They are between _2_5_0_,_0_0_0_ and 4_0_0_,_0_0_0__ years old. ZH: Perhaps we could visit the _s_i_te__ together sometime? RL: Of course. Whenever you like!
AP: Oh dear! What problems? ZL: Well, the first problem is how to keep
their _c_o_lo_u_r_s_. Chinese archaeologists _h_a_v_e_ discovered that the statues were
Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors
Listen to Part 1.
DATING METHODS Zhou Heping (ZH) has come to ask the archaeologist, Richard Leakey (RL), how he dates the bones he finds.
That’s layer number 1. Later somebody _t_h_r_ew__ some yogurt pots into it. That’s layer number 2. ZH: Oh yes, and then I threw some paper into it. So that’s layer number 3. RL: Yes, and _f_in_a_l_l_y someone threw away some used envelopes. So how _m__a_n_y_ layers are there in this wastepaper basket? ZH: There are _f_o_u_r__.
discovered a new _ch__em__i_c_a_l protection, which will keep the colours _s_h_in__in_g__ brightly. AP: That’s wonderful __n_e_w_s__. ZL: Yes. It’s a very thin layer of chemical jelly which will preserve the _v_iv_i_d_ colours of the soldiers as well as protect them __fr_o_m___ the damp. AP: That’s great. So the problem’s _s_o_l_v_e_d_. But I'm afraid that those statues that lost their colour can’t get it __b_a_c_k_?
Listen to Part 2.
Listen again and fill in the blanks. ZH: Now what about radiocarbon _d_a_t_in_g_? RL: This is more _sc_i_e_n_t_if_ic_. It uses
radioactivity to measure the amount of carbon in living things. The carbon in a dead body _d_i_s_a_p_p_e_a_r_s_ at a fixed rate. We know how long that takes, so we can m__e_a_s_u_r_e the amount of carbon and work out how old a bone is. ZH: That's very clever. Is it _a_c_c_u_r_a_te_ too? RL: There are some problems with very
ZL: Yes, indeed. And each of them has an individual _f_a_c_e_ so that archaeologists think they must have been a _c_o_p_y_ of Qin Shihuang’s real army. But _e_i_g_h_t thousand statues are a lot of clay figures to _p_r_o_te_c_t_ and there have been problems.
Listen to the text.
MORE NEWS ABOUT THE TERRACOTTA WARRIORS Amanda Peters (AP) wants to find out about how to preserve the terracotta warriors from her Chinese friend, Zhou Lei (ZL), an archaeologist.
ZL: Sadly, no. But this breakthrough has helped deal with _a_n_o_t_h_e_r_ problem.
AP: What's that? ZL: Well, you know that the terracotta
warriors were discovered in _1_9_7_4_. Since then the statues have suffered more than _f_o_r_ty__ different kinds of mould all caused by damp. AP: That sounds really _s_er_i_o_u_s_. I didn’t know clay statues could suffer from mould! Did it happen _b_e_f_o_r_e_ they were excavated or after?
AP: You’re so lucky! I'd love to go and see them very much. Making figures that are _1_.9_6_ metres tall is amazing! They must be such an _i_m_p_r_e_s_s_iv_e_ sight. It makes you realize how _p_o_w__er_f_u_l_ Emperor Qin Shihuang was.