to be persistent造句
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to be persistent造句
1.To achieve your dreams, you need to be persistent and never give up easily.(要实现梦想,你需要坚持不懈,绝不轻易放弃。
2.If you want to master a new skill, you have to be persistent in your practice.(如果你想掌握一项新技能,你必须在练习中坚持不懈。
3.The athlete knows that to be successful in competitions, he must be persistent in training.(运动员知道要在比赛中取得成功,就必须坚持不懈地训练。
4.To overcome difficulties in life, one has to be persistent and keep looking for solutions.(要克服生活中的困难,一个人必须坚持不懈并不断寻找解决方案。
5.She is determined to be persistent in her pursuit of a higher education degree.(她决心在追求更高的学历过程中坚持不懈。
6.To be a great writer, you have to be persistent in reading and writing every day.(要成为一名伟大的作家,你必须每天坚持不懈地阅读和写作。
7.The entrepreneur understands that to build a successful business, he has to be persistent through tough times.(企业家明白要建立成功的企业,他必须在艰难时期坚持不懈。
8.To improve your health, you need to be persistent in
maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise.(为了改善健康状况,你需要坚持不懈地保持均衡饮食和定期锻炼。
9.He is committed to be persistent in his efforts to protect the environment.(他致力于在保护环境的努力中坚持不懈。
)10.To learn a foreign language well, you must be persistent in listening, speaking, reading and writing.(要学好一门外语,你必须在听、说、读、写方面坚持不懈。
11.The scientist has to be persistent in conducting experiments and analyzing data.(科学家必须坚持不懈地进行实验和分析数据。
)12.To be a good musician, you need to be persistent in rehearsing and perfecting your technique.(要成为一名优秀的音乐家,你需要坚持不懈地排练并完善你的技巧。
13.She shows that to be persistent in the face of failure is the key to eventual success.(她表明在失败面前坚持不懈是最终成功的关键。
14.To make progress in your career, you have to be persistent in taking on new challenges.(要在职业生涯中取得进步,你必须坚持不懈地迎接新挑战。
15.The student is trying to be persistent in his studies despite distractions.(尽管有干扰,学生仍努力在学习中坚持不懈。
)16.To be a skilled painter, one has to be persistent in exploring different painting styles.(要成为一名熟练的画家,
17.He believes that to be persistent in helping others will bring him a sense of fulfillment.(他相信坚持不懈地帮助他人会给他带来一种满足感。
18.To reach the summit of the mountain, the climbers have to be persistent in their ascent.(要登上山顶,登山者必须在攀登过程中坚持不懈。
19.The artist is known for being persistent in his creative process, never settling for mediocrity.(这位艺术家以在创作过程中坚持不懈而闻名,从不满足于平庸。
20.To build strong relationships, you need to be persistent in showing care and understanding.(要建立牢固的关系,你需要坚持不懈地表现出关心和理解。
21.The runner is always persistent in his training routine, rain or shine.(这位跑步者无论晴雨,总是坚持不懈地进行训练。
)22.To be a successful investor, you have to be persistent in researching and analyzing the market.(要成为一名成功的投资者,你必须坚持不懈地研究和分析市场。
23.She is determined to be persistent in her fight against injustice.(她决心在与不公正的斗争中坚持不懈。
24.To develop your leadership skills, you must be persistent in taking on leadership roles and learning from experiences.
25.The inventor is extremely persistent in his attempts to turn his ideas into reality.(这位发明家在将自己的想法变为现实的尝试中极其坚持不懈。
26.To be a good teacher, you need to be persistent in guiding and inspiring your students.(要成为一名好老师,你需要坚持不懈地引导和激励你的学生。
27.He is trying hard to be persistent in his self-improvement journey.(他努力在自我提升的旅程中坚持不懈。
28.To achieve a high level of fitness, you have to be persistent in following a strict fitness plan.(要达到很高的健康水平,你必须坚持不懈地遵循严格的健身计划。
29.The volunteer is committed to be persistent in serving the community.(这位志愿者致力于在服务社区的过程中坚持不懈。
)30.To be a professional photographer, you must be persistent in capturing the perfect shot.(要成为一名专业摄影师,你必须坚持不懈地捕捉完美的镜头。
31.The researcher is persistent in his pursuit of knowledge and new discoveries.(这位研究者在追求知识和新发现方面坚持不懈。
)32.To be a fluent speaker of a language, you have to be persistent in speaking with native speakers.(要成为一种语言
33.She shows great determination to be persistent in her artistic career.(她表现出极大的决心在艺术生涯中坚持不懈。
)34.To make a difference in the world, you need to be persistent in your efforts to promote positive change.(要在世界上有所作为,你需要坚持不懈地努力推动积极的改变。
35.The athlete is persistent in his rehabilitation after an injury to get back to peak performance.(这位运动员在受伤后的康复过程中坚持不懈,以恢复到最佳状态。
36.To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to be persistent in networking and building connections.(要成为一名成功的企业家,你必须坚持不懈地建立人际关系网和联系。
37.The student is persistent in asking questions to clarify his doubts.(学生坚持不懈地提问以澄清他的疑惑。
38.To be a great chef, you need to be persistent in experimenting with new recipes and ingredients.(要成为一名伟大的厨师,你需要坚持不懈地尝试新食谱和食材。
39.He is persistent in his efforts to overcome his phobias and fears.(他坚持不懈地努力克服自己的恐惧症和恐惧。
40.To be a good public speaker, you must be persistent in practicing your speaking skills.(要成为一名优秀的公众演说家,你必须坚持不懈地练习你的演讲技巧。
41.The artist is persistent in his search for inspiration from different sources.(这位艺术家坚持不懈地从不同来源寻找灵感。
)42.To be a successful blogger, you have to be persistent in creating quality content.(要成为一名成功的博主,你必须坚持不懈地创作高质量内容。
43.She is persistent in her efforts to maintain a positive attitude in difficult situations.(她在困难情况下坚持不懈地努力保持积极的态度。
44.To be a professional athlete, you have to be persistent in dealing with competition and pressure.(要成为一名职业运动员,你必须坚持不懈地应对竞争和压力。
45.The inventor is persistent in his attempts to improve his inventions.(这位发明家在改进他的发明的尝试中坚持不懈。
)46.To be a good dancer, you need to be persistent in learning new dance moves and techniques.(要成为一名好舞者,你需要坚持不懈地学习新的舞蹈动作和技巧。
47.He is persistent in his pursuit of a better quality of life.(他坚持不懈地追求更好的生活质量。
48.To be a successful marketer, you have to be persistent in understanding consumer needs and preferences.(要成为一名成功的营销人员,你必须坚持不懈地了解消费者需求和偏好。
49.The student is persistent in his studies of history to gain
a deeper understanding.(学生坚持不懈地学习历史以获得更深刻的理解。
50.To be a great architect, you must be persistent in designing innovative and functional structures.(要成为一名伟大的建筑师,你必须坚持不懈地设计创新且实用的建筑结构。