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我和我是的朋友杰克网上聊天的英语作文My Online Chat with My Friend Jack
Hi, my name is Tommy and I'm going to tell you about an online chat I had with my best friend Jack. Jack and I are in the same fourth grade class, but we haven't been able to see each other in person for a while because of the coronavirus pandemic. Our school has been closed and we've been doing online learning from home. It's been really hard not being able to hang out together at recess and do fun things after school.
But Jack and I have found a cool way to stay in touch - by chatting online! My mom helped me set up an account on an app called KidMessenger that lets kids video chat with their friends. She had to approve Jack as one of my contacts first. I was so excited when we tried it out for the first time last week!
Jack's face popped up on my tablet screen and I could see his bedroom behind him. "Hi Tommy!" he said, waving at the camera. "Can you see me okay?"
"Yeah, I can see you!" I replied, grinning big. "This is so awesome that we can chat like this."
"I know, it's the next best thing to hanging out in person," Jack said. "Too bad we can't actually go to the park or anything."
"Yeah, stupid coronavirus," I said, making a face. "At least we can still talk and see each other this way."
Jack nodded. "So what have you been up to? Anything fun happening at your house?"
"Not really," I admitted. "Just doing my schoolwork during the day and then playing video games or watching TV. It gets pretty boring!"
"Same here," Jack said. "Although my little sister has been driving me crazy! She's so annoying when I'm trying to do my homework."
I laughed. "I'm glad I don't have any brothers or sisters. I can't imagine how annoying that would be."
"Consider yourself lucky," Jack told me. "So have you been playing that new Cosmic Blasters game? I just got it last week."
"No way, you got Cosmic Blasters?!" I asked enviously. "I've been begging my mom to get it for me but she says it costs too much."
Jack grinned. "Yeah, I had to do a ton of extra chores to earn the money for it. But it's so awesome! You're really missing out."
"Man, I'm so jealous," I said wistfully. "You'll have to tell me all about it."
Jack proceeded to give me a detailed run-down of the new Cosmic Blasters game, describing all the coolest weapons, spaceships, and worlds you could explore. I listened eagerly, that game sounded epic! Maybe I could convince my parents to get it for my upcoming birthday.
After talking about Cosmic Blasters for a while, our conversation drifted to other subjects. We talked about the latest movies we'd watched, the books we were reading for school, and the annoying Zoom classes we had to sit through each day. Jack also updated me on the latest drama between some of our classmates who had seemingly become obsessed with TikTok dance challenges.
"Alice and Emma are fighting again because Emma accused Alice of copying one of her TikTok dances," Jack reported with an eyeroll. "It's so silly if you ask me."
"Girls can be so weird sometimes," I said, shaking my head. Being a fourth grade boy, I found the TikTok craze pretty baffling.
We also chatted about our favorite pro athletes and sports teams. Jack and I are both huge fans of our city's basketball team, the Spartans. We debated which Spartans player was the best and shared our theories on whether they would make the playoffs this season.
Eventually, my mom called down to let me know it was time for dinner. "Aw man, I gotta go Jack," I said reluctantly. "My mom made tacos tonight and I don't wanna miss those."
"No problem, I should probably go eat dinner too," Jack said. "But this was fun! We'll have to do it again soon."
"Definitely," I agreed. "Maybe we can have a rematch at that Cosmic Miners game you got." I was determined to prove my skills at that game, even if I didn't actually own it yet.
Jack laughed. "You're on! I'll let you know next time we can chat. Talk to you later, Tommy!"
"Bye Jack!" I called, waving at the screen before ending the call.
As I headed off to eat my tacos, I felt happier than I had in a while. Sure, being stuck at home and unable to see my friends wasn't ideal. But getting to video chat with Jack had been the next best thing. It was awesome just to see his face and catch up
for a little bit, almost like old times. I definitely wanted to do it again soon. Maybe by the next time we chatted, this whole pandemic would be over and we could start making plans to hang out in person again. A guy can dream, right? Until then, I'll take these video chats as my outlet to the outside world!。
