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Activity 2:Group Work Compare among group members the differences and feelings about the last Spring Festival. Then report to the class.
We didn’t celebrate the last Spring Festival at home for we went to my grandparents’ home. It was far away from my hometown. So we had to book train tickets weeks before the Spring Festival. It was the first time for me to celebrate Spring Festival in a northern province in China. I was surrounded by people with different accents and I didn’t understand them much. However, I could read their happiness from their smile. People there in my grandparents’ hometown often make jiaozi to celebrate Spring Festival. I tried to help make some, but none was OK, yet it was still a happy time to do one thing together.
booking travel tickets and choosing gifts for parents
Activities during Spring Festival
setting off and watching fireworks, enjoying a big dinner
chatting with his parents and having hotpot
Example The moment I get on the train, I am surrounded by Shanxi accents.
Activity 6: Group work Think and share.
What can you infer from Xu Gang’s and Li Yan’s accounts? What does it mean in Chinese culture?
Spring Festival
Tom Jenkins a 16-year old exchange student living in Nanjing
Li Yan a 70-year-old grandmother from Heilongjiang
For example: Tom is young and an exchange student from another country, so he probably will write his first (and probably only) experience with Spring Festival, probably with a host family.
children running /shouting/ playing, adults talking/making jiaozi together
Activity 5: Pair work Find at least three descriptive sentences in the accounts that provide a vivid picture of Spring Festival. Share with your partner.
Li Yan and her husband are 10______re_ti_re_d_______. They start preparing for their family's return weeks before Spring Festival. When everyone gets home, their house 11_____b_u_z_ze_s_______ with activities. One of their favourite family traditions is to make jaozi. Family being together is one of the 12_____s_p_ir_it________ of Spring Festival throughout history.
Xu Gang
Where and with with his host family
in Nanjing
at parents' home
Li Yan at home
Preparations before Spring
cleaning the house, attaching Fu upside down to the front door
目标二:To talk about personal experience of the Spring Festival
Activity 1:Group Work Discuss the following questions and share your ideas.
1.Where and with whom did you spend the last Spring Festival? 2.What preparations did you make? 3.What activities did you do? 4.How do you feel about it?
Family reunion is the central theme of both accounts. This shows the importance of family in Chinese culture.
Activity 7: Complete the information with the words or phrases you have learnt.
目标一:To read for information about Spring Festival and usage of words in context
Activity 1:Look through P 52~53, find out the new words in this period. Then read together as a whole.
Activity 2:Look at the title, the pictures, the biographical information and
the accounts quickly, think about what kind of perspective each writer
Activity 3:Read the three readers' accounts. Use a few words to summarise the meaning of Spring Festival for each account. Give your reasons.
Activity 4:Read again. Find out each person's experience of the Spring Festival in the three accounts. Take notes.
immediately, gathering, snack, put up, decoration, let off, account, summarise, host, sweep up, character, attach, upside down, expectant, scare sb/sth away, flight, wine, surround, accent, hotpot, firecracker, retired, buzz, joy, throughout, original, custom
to put up decorations to let off fireworks
Example My family celebrates Spring Festival by making dumplings together.
To read for information about Spring Festival and usage of words in context 2 To talk about personal experience of the Spring Festival
1.Can you tell us the different traditions to celebrate Spring Festival in your hometown? 2.Can you tell us a most unforgettable Spring Festival you have ever had?
swept character
attached upside down
Xu Gang usually books the ticket of trains or 5_____f_li_g_h_ts_______ for his trip home weeks before Spring Festival. When he gets on the train, he is 6______su_r_ro_u_n_d_e_d___ by Shanxi 7_______a_cc_e_n_ts_____. When he gets home, his parents always 8____fi_ll_h_im__i_n_o_n____ what happened to the people he knows. Being with his 9_____e_n_ti_re_____ family is the most important part of Spring Festival for him.
Unit 3 Period 2 Lesson 1 Spring Festival (nd share
to have a family gathering to get together
to prepare snacks
to make dumplings