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Nintendo of America Inc.
Accessory Testing Guidelines
Version 04/01/2009
Nintendo of America Inc.
1. 测试目的:
这说对获所有些明旨在所有的意欲得NINTENDO 产权证关产公司品授的持者一个于测试导品的指. 这说些指示明将依据NINTENDO 自行需求不断修正.
2. 所有配件的测试
2.1 试摔测试
接入电源, 分别对配件产品本身及组装上NINTENDO 其他主产品及配件的产品进行试摔. 测试样品的状态需保持与产品实际使用时一样. 比如说, 需要电池, 游戏包等配件的产品在测试时, 需要将电池, 游戏包等组装好. 按如下表格3‐1中所列情况, 对测试样品共进行10次试摔, 具体如下:
z 样品的角, 被认为是测试样品中最脆弱的部分 z 样品的3个边, 邻接上面的角及 z 测试样品的6个面
试测试摔完成后, 查看NINTENDO 产品是否有以下不良迹象:
z 刮痕, 变脏, 变坏或开裂 z 结构或电子不良 z
除此之外, 还证实需该测试对产损未配件品造成坏, 进导而致:
z 对最终使用者造成可能的伤害 z 降低产品的安全性
z 降低使用者对NINTENDO 及NINTENDO 授权产品品质及耐用性的信心
测试毕完后, 图进检阅需要提交一份包含以下内容的一系列片行.
z 有关测试的设置/操作的图片
z 测试完毕后, 配件产品及NINTENDO 产品具体状况的图片(尤其是针对测试前后有发生变
化的部位, 需拍照对比)
产品类别 高度 试摔时使用的表面物质
1.0M 厚度为3CM 的柳安木板(详见注释1)或松木板 , 或
者厚度为2MM 的乙烯树脂地板砖混凝土(详见注释2)
静止 0.5M 厚度为3CM 的柳安木板或松木板
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释注1: 若柳安木板在日本以外找不到, 则用松木板替代. 释注 2. 用于NINTENDO 产品的烯树砖乙脂地板 产商: Tajima, Inc.
产品名称: Permaleum Marble (Permaleum 大理石) 质材: (聚)氯烯乙 (为厚度2MM)
3.2 垂直静负载测试
虑为踩产考到人可能因不小心而到品上, 针对产需以下品做静负载测试:
z 配件产品本身, 包括同该产品一起包装的其他产品及与该产品相连接的其他装置 z 与NINTENDO 硬件/电子部件相连接的配件产品
电切断源, 对于产结品构最薄弱的部分施加627+39N (64 +4kgf)的力, 续持1钟分, 然查证后NINTENDO 硬件/电损子部件是否有如下坏痕迹:
z 刮痕, 变脏, 变坏或开裂 z 结构或电子不良
除此之外, 还证实需该测试对产损未配件品造成坏, 进导而致:
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z 对最终使用者造成可能的伤害 z 降低产品的安全性
z 降低使用者对NINTENDO 及NINTENDO 授权产品的品质及耐用性的信心
测试毕完后, 图进检阅需要提交一份包含以下内容的一系列片行.
z 有关测试的设置/操作的图片
z 测试完毕后, 配件产品及NINTENDO 产品具体状况的图片(尤其是针对测试前后有发生变
化的部位, 需拍照对比)
*注意: 负载约的施加需在50CM 2围的范内实施
3.3 指压静负载测试
电切断源, 对产用手指配件品本身做静负载测试. 认为在任何可能的方向上, 对产配件品以下部位, 用手指施加 78+7.8N (8 +0.8kgf)的力, 续持1钟分:
z 产品结构薄弱部位
z 产品在使用中最容易受力的点/部位
查证然后NINTENDO 硬件/电损子部件是否有如下坏痕迹:
z 变脏, 变坏或开裂 z 结构或电子不良
除此之外, 还证实该测试对产损需未配件品造成坏, 进导而致:
z 对最终使用者造成可能的伤害 z 降低产品的安全性
z 降低使用者对NINTENDO 及NINTENDO 授权产品的品质及耐用性的信心
测试毕完后, 图进检阅需要提交一份包含以下内容的一系列片行.
z 有关测试的设置/操作的图片
z 测试完毕后, 配件产品及NINTENDO 产品具体状况的图片(尤其是针对测试前后有发生变
化的部位, 需拍照对比)
*注意: 负载约的施加需在1CM 2的圆约周(0.564cm 半径)围范内实施
3.4 转扭静负载测试
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电切断源, 对产配件品本身以及含NINTENDO 硬件/电子部件+产配件的品,做一次转扭静负载测试. 具体如下:
z 将一配件产品放置于一个厚度为3 CM 的柳安木板或松木板上(如下图示) z 参看图表3‐2, 按照表中所示,对产品顶面的一角施加扭转载荷1分钟
z 为了避免在加压测试中,被施压角的对面的角自动抬起来,需将该角先固定在木板上. 测试毕查证完后,NINTENDO 硬件/电损子部件是否有如下坏痕迹:
z 刮痕,变脏, 变坏或开裂 z 结构或电子不良
除此之外, 还证实该测试对产损需未配件品造成坏, 进导而致:
z 对最终使用者造成可能的伤害 z 降低产品的安全性
z 降低使用者对NINTENDO 及NINTENDO 授权产品的品质及耐用性的信心
测试毕完后, 图进检阅需要提交一份包含以下内容的一系列片行.
z 有关测试的设置/操作的图片
z 测试完毕后, 配件产品及NINTENDO 产品具体状况的图片(尤其是针对测试前后有发生变
化的部位, 需拍照对比)
产品尺寸 载荷力 示例测试项目 手握产品
39+3.9N (4+0.4kgf)
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78+7.8N (8+0.8kgf)
释注1: 若柳安木板在日本以外找不到, 则用松木板替代.
释注2: 负载需在1CM 2围动测试样转载对线范内施加.移板,以便扭荷能沿着角反
3.5 热交换测试
开打NINTENDO 产产电针对头头连品及其配件品的源,任何接,插等接于NINTENDO 产电进热品的子配件行换测交试.
一测试为连头头对头个周期插入(或接至)一个接或插等,然后拔掉.所有的接或头插做1000个测试周期.查证然后NINTENDO 产结电品有无构或子不良.
3.6 附加及拔除测试
关闭NINTENDO 产产电对连品及其配件品的源.所有接至NINTENDO 电硬件/子头头产元件(包括接,插等)的品做一次附加及拔除测试.
测试为一个周期附加及产每产拔除一个品各一次.个品,需按1000环测试个循做.查证然后NINTENDO 硬件/电损子部件是否有如下坏痕迹:
z 刮痕,变脏, 变坏或开裂 z 结构或电子不良
3.7 查测试探
头头连产如果接或插是用于接某一配件品至NINTENDO 产产品,将配件品至
NINTENDO 产品, 查测试然后做一次探对头头,即接或插施加39+3.9N (4+0.4kgf)续的力,持1种查测试对头头进压秒.在探中,一般接入接或插的部位行施.
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测试产向品的四个方向(上,下,左,右)连续100次,别分施加压为固定的力.此一测试个周期.做10测试查证次周期,然后NINTENDO 硬件/电结电子部件有无构或子不良.
测试毕完后, 图进检阅需要提交一份包含以下内容的一系列片行.
z 有关测试的设置/操作的图片
z 测试完毕后, 配件产品及NINTENDO 产品具体状况的图片(尤其是针对测试前后有发生变
化的部位, 需拍照对比)
3.8 电线测试弯曲耐力
图按3-4对中所示,5或+5pcs 测试样进电线测试测试样品行弯曲耐力,确保所有品符合3-4表格中所述所有条件. 测试结则测试样如果果存在很大的差异,需增加品的测试结数量,直到果更一致.
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测试毕完后, 图进检阅需要提交一份包含以下内容的一系列片行.
z 有关测试的设置/操作的图片
z 测试完毕后, 配件产品及NINTENDO 产品具体状况的图片(尤其是针对测试前后有发生变
化的部位, 需拍照对比)
** 从点A-B-A-C-A 电线为环弯曲,此一个循周期.
配件类型 弯曲耐力测试条件
线两末端 在弯曲电线500个测试循环周期后,查证电线正常运行情况
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表3-4 电线测试详弯曲耐力述
*释注1为仅单电线.含一根独的(和GND), 电线电线没有源,如双耳式耳机的 *释注 2. 为电线电线含源的,如DOL 遥控器电线或AC 转换电线器的
3.9 Cable Tensile Strength Durability线材耐张力强度
With the power off, attach the cable to the housing. At the point located 200 ± 10 mm from the connection point of the cable with the housing, apply a pulling load of 78±3.9N (8±0.4
kgf) to the cable for one minute. Check for any of the following:
关掉电源,将绳子系在机架上,在距离机架与绳子连接点200 ± 10 mm的位置施加78±3.9N
(8±0.4 kgf)并持续1min,检查有无下列状态
•Shifting of the cable that would apply stress to the cable connection.
•Detachment of the cable.
•Cracking, breaking, chipping, or warping of the outside surface of the housing.
After completing the test, verify that there are no electrical defects by performing a cable
Tests shall be performed at all ends of cable(including junction points)..
If the length of a cable is shorter than the condition written in Figure 3-5, a test sample
attached with a cable of satisfying length shall be used for this test.
If a cable is detached from the accessory because the housing portion that holds the cable is deformed (opened) by the test, it would be a failure.Depending on the place where the
accessory product is attached,there are cases where housings may not be easily opened,in this case,a good test result may be obtaind.therefore, carefully examine the accessory and properly connect the product so that a proper test result is obtained.
Examples of places to hold:手持位置示范
•For connector, hold connector part (not housing part)
•If housing is held by screws, hold where screws are
•As far away from connection point as possible
A test report that includes photo images of the following shall be submitted for review:
• Test setup.测试程序
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• Conditions of the accessory product after test(particularly,areas where there
are changes between before and after the test).周边产品测试后的状况(特定的
Figure 3-5 Cable Tensile Strength Durability Test 3.10 Flammability 可燃性
All flammable parts used in the accessory shall be made of material which does not exceed the flammable grades specified in Table 3-5. Documents certifying this fact by the
manufacturer of material or testing agency shall be submitted. UL file number for the
material is also accepted.
To submit documents, use the attached “Accessory Toxicity and Flammability Materials Table” as a cover sheet. (Always use the attached format.)
Part 部件 Grade of flammability 防火等级 Document to submit 提
Printed circuit board (PCB)印制电路板 UL94 V-0 Certificate issued by
material manufacturer
testing agency or UL
shall be submitted.
供的证书或UL 证书编号
Connector including terminal to the power supply *1电源连接器包括端口 UL94 V-0 or V-1
Certificate issued by
material manufacturer
testing agency or UL Example of the test setup
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shall be submitted.
供的证书或UL 证书编号
Housing and other parts *2 套管及其他部件 Electrically active area (contact with electrical current) *电气部分(连接电路的) UL94 V-0, V-1, V-2 (For
material contacted to the
battery terminal, if there is
no safety concern under
the abnormal situation,
these grades do not apply.)
(Do not use flammable
parts such as paper (with
copper foil) for locations
that may contact electric
circuit (连接电池终端口
Certificate issued by the material manufacturer or testing agency or UL number shall be submitted. 制造厂商或测试机构提供的证书或UL 证书编号
area (no
contact with
电路无关的) UL94 V-0, V-1, V-2 or HB
Cable 线材
Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law “-F-“ (Japan) or UL758 “VW-1” (US)日本电器和材料安全法或美国UL758“VW-1” Certificate issued by the material manufacturer or testing agency or UL number shall be submitted. 制造厂商或测试机构提供的证书或UL 证书编号
Table 3-5 Flammability of Parts 可燃性部件
z 1 Connectors that have power terminals at the connector terminal are applicable.
Both connectors to insert and to be inserted; for example, the connector of a DOL controller or a connector to connect the AC Adapter.
例如,连接DOL 控制器或连接交流适配器。
If a connector has a contact pin used for power supply, even if the pin (power supply
contact pin) is not connected to the accessory, then the connector would still be categorized as this.
*2 Internal wiring is also applicable
3.11Toxicity 有毒性
3.11.1 Common to all countries所有国家共同部分
All of materials used in the accessory product (including coloring agent or coating)
shall conform to the European Standard EN71-Part3 and a certificate issued by the
manufacturer of the material or an official analysis agency shall be submitted. The
accessory products that are deemed not to be toys (in which toys safety standards
are not applied) are also required to conform to the European Standard EN71-Part3.
Nintendo strongly recommends avoiding the use of PVC materials in the product. If
the use of PVC materials cannot be avoided, inform Nintendo of where the
materials are used and reasons of use in advance.
不被认为是玩具的周边产品(不适用于玩具安全法规)仍然要符合欧洲EN71-3. 任天堂强烈建议不要使用PVC料.如果产品不可避免的要使用PVC料,要预先通知任天堂在何处使用及使用的原因。
3.11.2 Japan 日本
All parts used in the accessory product shall conform to the ST Standard Part 3,
and a certificate issued by the manufactures of the material and an official analysis
agency shall be submitted.
If conformity of the toxicity test to EN71-Part3 has been verified, the 8 elements of
heavy metal test in the ST Standard Part 3 are not required. (If the ST mark is used
for the products, follow all procedures including contracts with the Japan Toy
Association and take necessary tests.)
3.11.3 Europe 欧洲
The parts used in the accessory product shall comply with the RoHS Directive
(European Union Directive 2002/95/EC) and the Council Directive (European Union
Directive 2005/84/EC) on the 6 types of phthalates. Directive 2005/84/EC is a part
of the Council Directive 76/769/EEC that restricts the marketing and use of certain
dangerous substances and preparations. A certificate issued by the manufacturer
of the material or an official analysis agency shall be submitted.
To submit documents, use the attached “Accessory Toxicity and Flammability Materials
Table” as a cover sheet. (Always use the attached format for the “Accessory Toxicity and Flammability Materials Table”.)
所有用到周边产品上的物料都必须符合RoHS指令(欧盟联合指令 2002/95/EC)和欧洲理事会的指
3.12 EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) [EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) and Sensibility/Immunity (EMS/Immunity)]
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The product shall conform to the safety Regulation and Standard for each region. Verify the regulations and standards that are applied at your company.
Table 3-6 Regulations for Electromagnetic Interference
A certificate issued from an accredited organization shall be submitted indicating that the product was tested by the organization and complies with the regulation.
When submitting, include the following :证明文件包括如下:
• Details of the most stringent possible use conditions (Hardware unit(s), Game
software, connecting products (AC adapter, etc.), the number of GB/DS linked
GB/DS 连接的数量
• Images of the test setup.测试程序的图片
Be sure to attach the accessory product to Nintendo product. Test for unnecessary radiation emissions and noise terminal voltage under the most stringent possible use
conditions or configurations by connecting or linking together as many products as possible. The systems that supply the AC power directly to the accessory is subject to the noise terminal voltage measurement,
Example of the most stringent condition for GB accessories :附件GB 最严厉条件下的实例
• For a four player multi-play GBA game, link four GBA’s/GBASP’s together using
GBA Game Link cables.
四个人进行GBA 游戏,用GBA 连接线连接四台BGA’s/GBASP’s
• Connect headphones to all GBA’s/DS’s.
• 耳机连接所有的BGA’s/DS’s
• Connect AC adaptor(s) to all GBA’s/DS’s
Territory 国家 Regulation 规定
Japan 日本 VCCI Class B VCCI 等级B
United States
美国 Accessory with wireless
function 无线的周边产品 FCC Part-15 Subpart C
Accessory without
wireless function 有线的周边产品
FCC Part-15 Subpart B Class B
Europe 欧洲 Accessory without wireless function 有线的周边产品 EMC Directive EN55014-1,EN55014-2 Accessory with wireless function 无线的周边产品
R&TTE Directive EN300 328,
EN301 489
•If the DS Main Unit wireless communication function is used, measure with the
• Main Unit communicated.
Note: If you have determined not to apply the VCCI, contact Nintendo in advance.
3.13 Sharp Edges锋利的边缘
There shall be no sharp edges, points, etc., on the outside of the accessory product that
might injure the user.在周边产品的表面没有伤害使用者的锋利的边缘、尖点等等
3.14 Small Parts 小部件
The accessory product shall have no loose small parts that could be accidentally
swallowed by children. Any small parts contained in the accessory product shall comply
with the Europe Toys Safety Regulation EN71-Part 1.
The EN71-Par1 is applied to the parts that are movable when the prescribed force is
applied to the accessory. (If the products are not intended for children under 36 months,
small parts test is not applied by the EN71-Part1. Accordingly, this test item is not
applicable to the accessory product that is intended for children over 3 years old even if the small parts are included. However, make sure to mention that “target age of the accessory product is 3 or older) on the product packages or instruction manuals.)
EN71-1 部分主要适用于周边产品的活动部件(如果产品不打算给36个月以下的小孩使用,
3.15Short-circuit wire短路
Using a straight metal wire of diameter of 0.5mm and length of 25 mm or shorter, and it
should not be possible to short-circuit between power and the ground of the accessory
product and/or power and the ground of the accessory.
If the accessory product does not have the power and the power is supplied from
Nintendo product, the power and ground should not be able to short-circuit when:
O The accessory product is connected to the Nintendo product
If the accessory product has its own power supply (Battery, etc), the power and ground
should not be able to short-circuit when:
o The accessory product is connected to the accessory itself and also the Nintendo product
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•If there is detachable or open-able parts (Battery cover), the power and ground shall not be short-circuited when:
o The part is attached or closed
o The part is removed or opened
•If the accessory product uses multiple batteries, positive and negative terminals of remaining batteries shall not be short-circuited when:
o The part of batteries are removed. See below drawing.
如果周边产品用到多个同类的电池,移开一个电池,余下的电池正极和负极不会短路If all batteries are removed, it is not applicable. However, with the all of batteries removed and the accessory product connected to the Nintendo product, if it is possible to short circuit the power and the ground, it is applicable.
3.16. European CE Marking欧洲CE标志
Verify that products sold in Europe shall comply with the Product Safety Directive in
Europe that is appropriate for each accessory product such as Toy Safety Directive
(88/378/EEC) and Harmonized Standard (EN standard) and attach the CE marking
according to the regulations. A certificate or test report issued from an accredited
organization shall be submitted indicating such compliance.
Note: If you have decided not to apply the toy safety directive, contact Nintendo in advance.
3.17. Safety of Movable Parts活动部件的安全性
Accessory product shall not include the mobile part mechanism that might harm human
Example: Moving the accessory with a finger put inside will pinch the finger.
3.18. Other Standards and Regulations
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Licensees are responsible for determining all standards and regulations that apply to the product in the appropriate territory. The accessory product shall comply with all such
standards and regulations. Licensee shall list any additional standards and regulations that apply.
4 Additional Testing For Controller Type Accessory Product 控制器类的周边产品附增加的测试
4.1 witch Durability Test 开关耐久力测试
The durability of each switch on a controller shall satisfy the electrical and mechanical test criteria listed in the Table 4-1.
Switch Type 开关类型
Switch Durability Test Criteria 耐久力测试标准 Example Application 实例申请 Mechanical Durability Criteria 机械耐久力标准 Controller input button
(high frequency of use)
1 million times or more *1 100万次或更多 A or B Button, Control Pad A 或B 控制器 For rubber switches, the mechanical life of a rubber contact has expired if 1/3 of more of the outer edge is torn. 橡胶开关结构外缘上1/3被磨损就不能再使用 Controller input button
(low frequency of use)
频率高) 250,000 times or more *1 25万次或更多 Start or Select Button 开始或选择按钮
Joystick type 操作杆类 800,000 clockwise rotations *2 80万次顺时针旋转*2
Control Stick 控制棒 Table 4-1 Switch Durability Test Specifications
*1 Button testing conditions:按键测试条件
• Press rate = 3-5 times/second.按压频率:3-5次/秒
• Force = 4.9 ± 0.49N (500 ± 50gf).压力=4.9± 0.49N (500 ± 50gf)
*2 Joystick testing conditions:操作杆的测试条件
• Rotation direction: clockwise, rotation rate: 1-2 rotations/second.
• 旋转方向:顺时针旋转,旋转频率:1-2/秒
• Vertical force on top of the stick = 39 ± 3.9N (4 ± 0.4kgf).垂直压力=39 ± 3.9N (4 ±
5.AC Adaptors Supplying Power to Accessory
• Items described in Sections 5.2 through 5.7 may overlap with items in Section 5.1;
however, 5.2至5.7项目是要满足的,5.1项是可选择的
Nintendo of America Inc. 02/05/07
• Adapters that supply power to an accessory shall satisfy all items described in
Sections 5.1周边产品为提供电源的适配器必须满足所有5.1所描述的项目
• through 5.7.通过
5.1 Safety regulation and standard 安全规定和标准
The accessory shall conform to the safety Regulation and Standard for each region.
Verify the regulation and standard that are applied at your company.
A certificate measured and issued from an accredited organization shall be submitted indicating such compliance.周边产品必须符合各地区安全规定和标准。
Sales region 销售地区
Safety Regulations/Standards 安全规定和标准 Japan 日本 Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law
Technical Standards (PSE mark) 电器和材料技术标准的安全法(PSE 标志)
USA 美国 UL Standards (UL mark certification)UL 标准
(UL 标志)
Canada 加拿大 CSA Standards (CSA mark certification) CSA 标准(CSA 标志)
Europe 欧洲 Low Voltage Directive and EN Standards (CE
低电压指令和EN 标准(CE 标志)
Other 其他 Australia Electrical Safety Certification
(Indication of registration number)
Korean Electrical Appliance Safety Control Law (KC mark)
气安全法(KC 标志)
Table 5-1 Safety Regulations/Standards for sales region
5.2 Electrical Current Leakage Between theSecondary Parts of the
Power Supply 电源初级和次级间的泄漏电流
Electrical current leakage between the primary and secondary parts of the power supply for the accessory product shall be within the criteria list in Table 5-1. 周边产品的初级与次级之间的泄漏电流必须符合表5-1的标准
Applicable Nintendo Hardware 适用用任天堂的硬件 Electrical Current Leakage Between the Primary
and Secondary Parts of the Power Supply 电源初
Stationary console (Wii, GC)固定控制台(Wii ,GC )
≤ 250 µA Handheld console (DS, GBA)手持控制台
≤ 50 µA
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Table 5-2 Electrical Current Leakage Specifications
The procedure for the test shall comply with all applicable safety regulations/standards. See Section 4.1. “Safety regulations/Standards.”
5.3 Drop Test 跌落测试
Perform a drop test of the AC Adapter in accordance with Section 3.1, "Drop Test.”
5.4 Vertical Static Load Test 垂直静压测试
Perform a vertical static load test of the AC Adapter in accordance with Section 3.2,
"Vertical Static Losd Test.”
5.5 Pry Test 探测测试
Perform a pry test of the AC Adapter in accordance with Section 3.7, "Pry Test.”
5.6 Cable Bending Durability Test 线材摇摆耐久力测试
Perform a cable bending durability test of the AC Adapter cable in accordance with Section
3.8, "Cable Bending Durability Test.”
Accessory Type 附件类型
Bending Durability Test Criteria Handheld 手持式DC/AC sides DC/AC 侧
After bending the cable for 3000 test cycles, verify
that the number of broken wires is 30% or less.3000次摇摆测试后,检查线材断掉的数量要小于30%或更少
Stationary 固定式
DC/AC sides DC/AC 侧 After bending the cable for 3000 test cycles, verify
that the number of broken wires is 30% or less.
Table 5-3 Bending Durability Test Specifications for Power Supply
5.7 Cable Tensile Strength Durability Test 线材抗张力测试
Perform a cable tensile strength durability test of the AC Adapter cable in accordance with Section 3.8, "Cable Tensile Strength Durability Test.” However, please note to apply a pulling load of 98±4.9N (10±0.5 kgf) to the cable.
交流适配器线材抗张力测试须与3.8部分“线材抗张力测试”一致,但是,请注意施加的拉力为98±4.9N (10±0.5 kgf)
Additional Testing For Accessories That Uses Batteries