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阅读训练(二)( 教师版)
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e.g.: It is a simple game and yet interesting enough to be played with skill.
3. 选择关系 表达选择关系的常用并列关联词有:
or, or else, otherwise, rather( … ) than… , either… or …等。
A) destruction
B) improvement
3. Your peersare the people who are ____ you.
A) of the same age as
B) older or better than
4. If something is reservedfor a particular person, it is ____ specially for that person or purpose.
2. classic [ 'kl?sik ] a. 优秀的;典型的 ≈typical; brilliant +class +classical The temple has been considered an example of classicdesign. 人们认为这座神庙是古典式设计的范例。
8. weep [ wi:p ] vi. 哭泣 ≈ sob +weeper; The girl wept over her sad fate. 那女孩为自己悲惨的命运而哭泣。
9. bankrupt [ 'b??kr? pt ] a.破产了的 ≈ insolvent +bankruptcy; His business failed and he went bankrupt. 他的生意失败了 ,他也破产了。
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【 Keys 】: comparable classic bankrupt erosion assemble weep vacation reserve peer stain
gather holiday the gradual destruction people of the same age keep in advance a mark on something typical cry financially ruined similar
I. 常见考点突破 (2)
※并列平行结构的概念 并列平行结构是考试中常考语法点之一,考察由关联词连接的各个句子成分之间的关系,如并列、 转折、因果、选择关系等,形式可以是词和短语的并列,也可以是句子的并列。关联词的使用可以 使句子在形式上更为清晰,在意思上更加紧密相连。
※常用关联词表达的关系 1. 添加、补充关系 表达添加或补充关系的常用关联词有: and, also, both …and…, besides, in addition, not only as well as 等。 e.g.: He not only washed the car,but polished it as well .
vt. 使破产 ≈ impoverish He has spent so much money on the venture that it will bankrupt him. 他花了这么多钱从事这冒险买卖 ,到头来会破产的。
10. comparable [ 'k ?mp?r?bl ] a. 比得上的 (to) ≈ similar +comparability
教师 学生 课程编号
课题 阅读训练(二)
1. 通过语法分析突破阅读中的长难句
, 锻炼学生分析句子的能力 .
2. 通过真题讲解研究 , 使学生掌握科学阅读解题的方法 .
3. 通过阅读英语文本材料 , 带领学生感受英语语言的美 .
1 词汇复习 2 专题复习 3 其他题型训练 4 师生总结 5 课后作业
A) comparable
B) incomparable
7. Replacing those machines now will ____
A) bankrupt
B) enrich
【 Keys 】: A A A B B A A
( II ) 词义匹配
comparable classic bankrupt erosion assemble weep vacation reserve peer stain
To maintain order in these settlements, an established government was needed. California asked to be
admitted to the Union as a
“ free state ” , one that would not permit slavery. The United States, however, had
e.g.: The students can go swimming or they can go mountain climbing.
4. 因果关系 表达因果关系的常用并列关联词有:
so, for, therefore, hence, thus, consequently, accordingly, as a
4. peer [ pi ? ] n. 同龄人;同等年龄的人 ≈ equivalent The opinions of his peersare more important to him than his parents' ideas. 在他看来,他同辈人的观点比他父母的观点更为重要。
vi. 仔细的看;费力的看 She peersthrough the mist, trying to find the right path. 她透过雾眯着眼看,想找出正确的路。
In 1848, however, gold was discovered in California. Thousands of people, chiefly from the Northern
states, joined the gold rush. In a few months some 80, 000 of them had settled in the mining region.
6. 总结关系 用于总结的常用并列关联词有: altogether, all in all, in conclusion, to conclude, overall, to summarize 等。 e.g.: Overall, the college has few ways to assess the quality of education.
II. 合作探究
1. 从真题中透析解题思路
At the close of the Mexican War, in 1848, the United States owned vast stretches of territory without
local government. All the land now included in New Mexico, Arizona, and California was then unsettled.
6. stain [ stein ] n. 污点;污迹 ≈spot I can't get these coffee stains out of the carpet. 我弄不掉地毯上的咖啡污迹。
vt. 玷污 He stainedthe family honour. 他玷污了家族的荣誉。
7. vacation [ v ?'kei ??n; vei'kei ??n ] n. 假日;假期 ≈ holiday As he is so stressed out, what he really needs is a vacation. 他的压力太大了,需要度假放松一下了。
1. When people assemble, they ____.
A) come together in a group
B) argue with each other
2. Erosion is the gradual ____ of rock or soil in a particular area by rivers, the sea, or the weather.
consequence, as a result等。
e.g.: It rained very hard: therefore, the football match was postponed.
5. 强调或举例关系 用于强调或举例的常用并列关联词有: above all, for instance, indeed, for example, in other words, in fact, in particular 等。 e.g.: Never waste anything, and above all never waste time.
阅读训练(二)( 教师版)
≠ incomparable
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The music of Irving Berlin is scarcely comparable to that of Beethoven. 欧文 ?伯林的音乐很难与贝多芬的媲美。
II. Exercises (I) Choose the right answers.
n. 经典作品 Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities is a literary classic. 狄更斯的《双城记》是一部文学名著。
3. erosion [ i'r ?u??n ] n. 腐蚀;侵蚀 ≈ corrosion +erode The erosionof the coastline by the sea was ignored by people. 海水对海岸的冲刷被人们忽视了。
…but also …,
2. 转折关系 表达转折关系的常用并列关联词(连词和副词)有: the contrary, by comparison, otherwise, instead 等。
but, while, whereas, yet, however, nevertheless, on
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阅读训练(二)( 教师版)
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I. 单词释义
1. assemble [ ?'semb?l ] v. 集合;召集 ≈ gather; collect +assembly A large crowd had assembledoutside the American embassy. 很多人聚集在美国大使馆外。
gather holiday the gradual destruction people of the same age keep in advance a mark on something typical cry financially ruined similar
阅读训练(二)( 教师版)
A) made
B) kept
5. A stain is a mark on something that is ____ to remove.
A) easy
B) difficult
6. The music of Berlin is scarcely ____ to that of Beethoven.
阅读训练(二)( 教师版)
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5. reserve [ ri'z ?:v ] vt. 保留;预定 ≈ book +reservation; These seats arereservedfor special guests. 这些座位是留给贵宾的 .
vt. 保存 ≈ save He still reservedhis opinion on some points. 在一些问题上,他仍然保留自己的意见。