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1.The cake has _____ (chocolate) on top.
2.The Milky Way is shaped like a ______.
3.The dog is ______ (playing) with a stick.
4.What is the color of a typical snowman?
A. Red
B. White
C. Yellow
D. Green
5.The _______ of a sound can be perceived through our ears.
6.My favorite toy is a _________ (遥控赛车) that goes super fast.
7.My grandma often _______ (动词) stories about her childhood. 她的故事都很
_______ (形容词).
8.I like to read ________ (小说).
9.The chemical symbol for uranium is _____.
10. A chemical change can be detected by a change in ______.
11.Many stars are part of binary ______.
12. A __________ can provide insights into ancient geological events.
13.The parrot is very _________ (色彩斑斓).
14.What is the opposite of deep?
A. Shallow
B. Wide
C. Broad
D. Narrow
15.I enjoy watching the ______ fly.
16.The periodic table organizes elements by their ______.
17.I like to ___ new places. (explore)
18.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)
19.The ______ (药用植物) has been used for centuries in medicine.
20.Which planet is known for its rings?
A. Earth
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
D. Venus
21.I love to eat ___. (fruits)
22.What do we call the study of the universe?
A. Astronomy
B. Astrophysics
C. Cosmology
D. Astrology
23.The flowers are ______ in the garden. (blooming)
24.The Sun's core is extremely ______ and hot.
25.I can ______ my name in cursive. (write)
26.I can make my toy _________ (车) do tricks.
27.My _______ (兔子) is very fluffy.
28.She is climbing the ___. (tree)
29. A ____(collaborative research) combines efforts for greater results.
30.The book is _____ the table. (on)
31.Chemical bonds store ______ potential energy.
32.Which animal lives in a hive?
A. Ant
B. Bee
C. Spider
D. Wasp
33.The ______ of a flower is often colorful and fragrant. (花瓣通常颜色鲜艳且芳香。

34.What do we call the time when the sun is highest in the sky?
A. Morning
B. Noon
C. Evening
D. Night
35.What do you call a young female lion?
A. Cub
B. Lioness
C. Pup
D. Kitten
36.The ice cream is ________ cold.
37.What do we call the process by which a caterpillar becomes a butterfly?
A. Metamorphosis
B. Evolution
C. Transformation
D. Development
38. A butterfly emerges from its _______ beautifully.
39.The main source of energy for living organisms is ______.
40.Which animal can fly?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Bird
D. Fish
41.The cake is _______ (冷却的).
42.The frog is jumping ___. (high)
43.Plants can grow in __________ (不同的) environments.
44.What is the name of the popular show about a detective solving mysteries?
A. Sherlock Holmes
B. Law and Order
D. Monk
45.The capital city of Eswatini is __________.
46.The gardener grows beautiful _____ (花).
47. A _____ (植物发展) can lead to sustainable practices.
48.The girl is very ________.
49.In the wild, some plants are __________ (稀有的).
50.My ______ is very inspiring and motivates others.
51.The ________ (城市绿地) enhance urban life.
52.What is the largest land animal?
A. Hippopotamus
B. Giraffe
C. Elephant
D. Rhino
53.The chemical symbol for vanadium is ______.
54.What do we call a person who studies paleontology?
A. Paleontologist
B. Archaeologist
C. Geologist
D. Anthropologist
55. a Desert is located in ________ (撒哈拉沙漠位于________). The Saha
56.Certain plants are known for their ability to improve ______ health in the environment. (某些植物因其改善环境健康的能力而闻名。

57. A __________ is an underground layer of water-bearing rock.
58. A rabbit's fur can be white, brown, or ______ (灰色).
59.I want to _______ (买) a toy.
60.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?
A. Sugar
B. Cocoa
C. Milk
D. Flour
61.What do we call the person who studies fossils?
A. Paleontologist
B. Archaeologist
C. Geologist
D. Biologist
62.The __________ (历史的启迪) can motivate change.
63. A ____ has soft fur and enjoys cuddling with people.
64.What is the primary purpose of a refrigerator?
A. Cooking
B. Heating
C. Cooling
D. Freezing
65.The process of ______ involves the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces.
66.What do we call the area of land that is covered by vegetation?
A. Flora
B. Fauna
C. Biome
D. Ecosystem
答案:C Biome
67.Which beverage is made from leaves?
A. Juice
B. Coffee
C. Tea
D. Soda
68.I want to ___ a sandwich. (make)
69.I love drawing pictures of my favorite _________ (玩具).
70.The ibis has long ______ (腿) and a curved beak.
71.I love to visit my ________ (亲戚).
72.The chemical formula for glucose is ______.
73.The capital of Afghanistan is __________.
74.The study of Earth's materials is known as ______.
75. A ______ (猴子) is playful and loves to climb.
76.The __________ can help reveal patterns in sedimentation and erosion.
77. A zebra is known for its black and ______ stripes.
78.The mouse runs very ______.
79.What is the opposite of loud?
A. Quiet
B. Soft
C. Silent
D. Mute
80.The study of how rocks and minerals interact is called ______.
81.Which festival is known as the Festival of Lights?
A. Christmas
B. Diwali
C. Halloween
D. Easter
82.The ______ is known for her innovative projects.
83.What is the color of a typical eggplant?
A. Green
B. Yellow
C. Purple
D. Red
84.The chemical structure of a compound determines its ______.
85.How many planets are in our solar system?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
86.Sugar dissolves in ______.
87.I enjoy seeing the __________ in the sky after it rains. (彩虹)
88.My friend has a ______ (宠物) lizard that is green.
89.My friend is very _______ (形容词) when it comes to sports. 她的表现一直很
_______ (形容词).
90. A ________ (种子) can stay dormant for years.
91.She wears ________ (sneakers) for running.
92.What do you call a place where you can see different kinds of fish?
A. Aquarium
B. Zoo
C. Park
D. Farm
93.An example of a noble gas is _______. (氦)
94.What is the largest mammal in the world?
A. Elephant
B. Blue Whale
C. Giraffe
D. Hippo
95.What is the name of the famous painter known for his artwork of the Mona Lisa?
A. Vincent van Gogh
B. Pablo Picasso
C. Leonardo da Vinci
D. Claude Monet
96.The chemical symbol for europium is ______.
97.The pelican dives into the _________ (水) to catch fish.
98.He is flying a ___. (kite)
99.I love to ______ (探讨) science topics.
100.The ______ (植物) kingdom includes trees, flowers, and bushes.。
