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1 The puppy is ___ with a toy. (playing)
2 Bases can turn red litmus paper _____.
3 The process of ______ can lead to the formation of new islands.
4 The __________ is often unpredictable in spring. (天气)
5 The _______ of sound can be affected by the distance from the source.
6 What sound does a duck make?
A. Woof
B. Meow
C. Quack
D. Moo
7 The ______ (小鸟) is singing in the tree. Its song is very ______ (悦耳的).
8 Cleopatra was the last active ruler of the ________ dynasty.
9 Which of these animals can fly south for the winter?
A. Squirrel
B. Bear
C. Bird
D. Fish
10 A flower can have many different ______ (结构).
11 The _______ (The Great Society) aimed to improve education and healthcare in the US.
12 What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
a. Tinkerbell
b. Cinderella
c. Ariel
d. Snow White
13 I want to grow _____ (蔬菜) this summer.
14 What is the capital of the Netherlands?
A. Amsterdam
B. Rotterdam
C. Utrecht
D. The Hague
15 This ________ (玩具) helps me learn about ________ (主题).
16 How many sides does a hexagon have?
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
17 My _______ (狗) follows me everywhere.
18 A ______ (自然保护区) can protect vulnerable species.
19 The car is parked _____ (in front/behind) the house.
20 My aunt is a great ____ (chef) and makes amazing food.
21 The teacher encourages _____ (合作) among students.
22 The _____ (computer/tablet) is useful.
23 I want a new _______ (我想要一个新的_______).
24 The weather is ______ (cool) in autumn.
25 What is the capital of Egypt?
A. Cairo
B. Giza
C. Alexandria
D. Luxor
26 There are ___ apples in the basket. (three)
27 Where does the sun set?
A. East
B. West
C. North
D. South
28 What is the capital of Hungary?
A. Budapest
B. Prague
C. Bratislava
D. Vienna
29 The _____ (狮子) rules over the African savanna.
30 An elephant has a long _______ to grab food.
31 A _____ (小猫) loves to play with pom-poms.
32 The park is ______ (close) to my house.
33 What do we call a person who plays soccer?
A. Player
B. Footballer
C. Athlete
D. Referee
34 The _______ (小长颈鹿) reaches for leaves high in the trees.
35 I love to take my _________ (玩具车) to the park and race it.
36 The process of mixing two substances to create a homogeneous mixture is called _______.
37 My family enjoys visiting different ____.
38 A mouse is a common ______ (宠物).
39 Which shape has four equal sides?
A. Rectangle
B. Triangle
C. Square
D. Circle
40 My mom is _____ (cooking/cleaning) dinner.
41 What do we call the study of weather?
A. Biology
B. Meteorology
C. Geology
D. Ecology
42 The chemical formula for lithium hydroxide is ______.
43 What is the name of the famous ship that sank in 1912?
A. Titanic
B. Lusitania
C. Britannic
D. Queen Mary
44 What is the value of 4 × 3 2?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 14
45 The _______ (猫) purrs when it is content.
46 I enjoy visiting the ________ (科技馆) to learn new things.
47 My puppy loves to chase after ______ (球).
48 A ____(smart city) uses technology to improve urban life.
49 _____ (landscaping) improves outdoor spaces.
50 The first successful airplane flight took place in _______.
51 The ________ is often seen in gardens.
52 What do we call a building where you can see movies?
A. Theater
B. Museum
C. Library
D. Stadium
53 My ________ (玩具) is my favorite way to unwind.
54 I like to read about _______ (我喜欢读关于_______的书).
55 The sun is _____ (shining/raining) today.
56 A chick hatches from an ______ (蛋).
57 What do you call an animal that eats both plants and meat?
A. Herbivore
B. Carnivore
C. Omnivore
D. Predator
58 Which of these is a cold-blooded animal?
A. Lion
B. Rabbit
C. Frog
D. Eagle
答案: C
59 Chemical properties describe how a substance interacts with other ________.
60 The _______ (The Dust Bowl) caused severe drought and displacement in the 1930s.
61 Acids release _____ ions when dissolved in water.
62 Which planet is closest to the Sun?
A. Venus
B. Earth
C. Mercury
D. Mars
63 The scientist works on groundbreaking _____ (研究).
64 I have a good _____ (朋友).
65 Insects have three parts: head, thorax, and ______.
66 Planting flowers can improve local ______ (生态系统).
67 I like to watch ______ in the evening.
68 He is a pilot, ______ (他是一名飞行员), who flies airplanes.
69 I have a __________ (形容词) __________ (玩具名) that I love.
70 When water freezes, it becomes __________.
71 My sister loves to watch ______ (小鸟) in the trees.
72 I enjoy going for a walk in the _______ (我喜欢在_______里散步).
73 The cake is ___ (frosted).
74 What is the name of our planet?
A. Mars
B. Earth
C. Moon
D. Sun
75 The capital of France is ________ (巴黎).
76 What is the term for a vehicle that travels on water?
A. Airplane
B. Car
C. Boat
D. Train
77 The chemical formula for sodium sulfate is ______.
78 I like to go on ______ (冒险) to discover hidden treasures.
79 My grandma loves gardening and growing ____ (vegetables).
80 Did you ever meet a _______ (小海豹)?
81 The bee is buzzing around the ______.
82 Elephants have large ______.
83 Flowers can be used to show _______.
84 The _______ of an element tells us its position on the periodic table.
85 What is the name of the fairytale character who climbed a beanstalk?
A. Jack
B. Peter
C. Hansel
D. Gretel
86 The __________ (历史的转折) signifies change.
87 What do we call the young of a cow?
A. Calf
B. Kid
C. Lamb
D. Foal
答案: A
88 of Mexico is located ________ (在美国南部). The Gupt
89 A _______ change is when the appearance changes, but the substance remains the same. (物理)
90 What do you call the device used to call someone?
A. Computer
B. Telephone
C. Television
D. Radio
答案: B
91 What is the name of the boundary surrounding a black hole?
A. Event Horizon
B. Singularity
C. Accretion Disk
D. Photon Sphere
92 My brother is a great ________.
93 I enjoy _____ (discovering) new plants.
94 What is the capital city of the Philippines?
A. Manila
B. Cebu
C. Davao
D. Quezon City
答案: A
95 What do we call the large landmass of ice floating on the ocean?
A. Glacier
B. Iceberg
C. Ice Cap
D. Snowfield
96 A ________ (园艺展览) showcases talents.
97 _____ (annuals) need to be replanted each year.
98 What is the capital of the Bahamas?
a. Nassau
b. Freeport
c. Marsh Harbour
d. Eleuthera
99 The _____ (生物圈) relies on healthy plants.
100 I enjoy going to the ______ (电影院) to watch the latest ______ (电影).。
