PowerLogic PM1000系列电力参数测量仪安装和用户手册DM1000 电力监控测量仪安装使用指南一:安全说明危险类别和专用符号在准备安装、操作、服务或维护前,要认真阅读说明书,熟悉设备。
安全标志“Danger “(危险)或“Warning ”(警告),存在其中任一图标,表示存在电气危险,如果不按说明操作,会导致人身伤害。
二:快速安装请按如下图所示接线1. 将控制电源44~277VAC/DC 连接到端子12和13上;以下的快速安装p 保持2秒,使设备通电p EDIT A PRI 100.0以下是进入编辑页面的简单操作p 进入参数设置页面,调试精确数值pA.pri, A.sec 分别代表CT 互感器原边、副边的数值。
例如:如果CT 变比为200:5, 原边A.pri = 200.0 那么副边A.sec = 5.000.p 如果输入电压小于480 VAC (线电压),可在PROG 页面设置V.pri, V.sec 的数值。
例如:输入电压为300 VAC (线电压),那么原边的电压 V.pri = 300.0V 及副边的电压 V. sec = 300.0V输入电压在480VAC 以上,需要加装电压互感器(PT/VT)分别设置电压互感器原边、副边的数值。
例如,互感器的变比是11 kV:110 V, 原边的值V.pri =11.00 k 及副边的值 V.sec = 110.0系统接线类型p SYS - STAR/WYE 代表三相四线系统p SYS – DLTA 代表三相三线系统p SYS - 2 Phase 代表两相三线系统p SYS - 1 Phase 代表单相两线系统2. 使用电流互感器 CT1 CT2 CT3 端子 1,2 3,4 5,63. 使用电压互感器 PT1(VT1) PT2(VT2) PT3(VT3) ( 在输入线电压超过480 VAC 的情况下使用)端子 8 9 10 (11是连接中性线的端子)4. RS 485 通讯接口 7(+ve), 14(-ve) (只有DM6200有此通讯接口)注意:电气设备的安装、连接、调试都应在专业人员的指导下完成,对于因不遵守本手册的说明所引起的故障,施耐德电气不承担任何责任。
hbm t11000 测量系统 使用说明书
Introduction to HBM presentation Challenges in dynamic torque and force measurement with special regard to industrial demands for the dynamic measurement workshop held at BIPM, Paris, November Dr.-Ing. André Schäfer, HBM, Darmstadt Germany, Collaborator in IND09 ProjectFor more than six decades we have served many branches of industry as a manufacturer of complete measuring chains from the sensor via data processing to software. The first products were amplifiers and inductive transducers. In 1955 the company started –as the first company in Europe - the production of strain gauges, marking the beginning of a big success story. Today reference transducers and precision instruments in static calibration for quantities such as force, torque and pressure are carried out with strain gauges, as this allows the smallest possible measurement uncertainty for the whole measuring chain. So it is no wonder that HBM was the first calibration laboratory in the German Calibration Service (DKD) in 1977.To cope with the new challenges we take part in several projects in the framework of EURAMET. This includes both the EMRP (European Metrology Research Programme) projects but recently also its successor, EMPIR (European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research).What makes the EMRP project JRP IND09 Traceable Dynamic Measurements of Mechanical Quantities outstanding is its vision. Although static calibration is still the underlying reality today, the automotive industry especially is very interested in dynamic calibration research with a focus on mechanical quantities.One key issue is dynamic force and torque calibration and, in particular, considerations of varying uncertainty of measurement when using a force or a torque transducer for calibration or for a specific application. In the field of force transducers, this applies mainly for aerospace and materials testing (e.g., in material testing machines). In the field of torque, automotive and shipbuilding applications are of interest, so in-line torque measurement is required, i.e., measurement directly on the drive train of ships. Tightened regulations (e.g., for emission limits) require a substantial increase in accuracy of torque measurement. Eventually, both rotational speed measurement and power must be certified.We are well aware of the fact that the uncertainties of measurement that can be achieved with dynamic calibration will - for the time being or in principle even permanently –be markedly more significant than those already attainable with static measurements today. It is essential that expectations remain realistic but also reflect industry requirements, because what we offer is - compared to today's ignorance of these influences – is real progress and closer to the truth. Torque users in industry are primarily interested in what torque is acting on the test specimen, to what extent the measurement devices, electronics, and shaft train affect the actual loading, and how this has to be taken into account.For torque a key feature that has to be considered is that today torque transducers are mounted in a calibration machine in a non-rotating setup, while industrial users are interested in rotating conditions, so dynamic in the real application. Dynamic calibration is the logical successor of static calibration. However standards, regulations or even design rules for dedicated transducers have to be created. Thus the EMRP project helps to close the gap between the present and future demands of industry and what NMIs and suppliers can offer today.A great milestone in the project was the participation in the workshop on Challenges in Metrology for Dynamical Measurement that took place at the BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures) in November 2012. From the HBM presentation one could see that for torque and force measurement foil type strain gauge transducers are most accurate and with steel and titanium measuring body realisations one can also go up to very high force and torque values. HBM offers complete measuring chains. The workshop also addressed the difficulty that the dynamic behavior of the complete system in the application will differ much from that of the component delivered by HBM (transducer + digital acquisition systems).The main conclusion have been that measuring chain realisations at national level as well as reference transducers have to be as effective as possible and at industrial level first of all affordable. HBM pointed out that the dynamic behavior of the complete system in the application at the customer will differ greatly from that of the component delivered by HBM (the transducer). So the total system clearly has to be considered. Nevertheless the components clearly have to be understood and evaluated.We are proud to contribute to first guidelines on products and regulations for the traceability of dynamic measurements of mechanical quantities along with the final phase of EMRP JRP IND09 project. We hope that continue that contribution also to enhance our general reputation as a company driving future technology.。
Version 2.0
版2010 Leadshine Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
版权说明 本手册版权归深圳市雷赛科技有限公司所有,未经公司书面许 可,任何人不得翻印、翻译和抄袭本手册中的任何内容。 本手册中的信息资料仅供参考。由于改进设计和功能等原因,雷 赛公司保留对本资料的最终解释权,内容如有更改,恕不另行通知。
3 硬件配置与安装.......................................................................................................16
3.1 硬件配置............................................................................................................16 3.2 硬件安装............................................................................................................18
8 附录...........................................................................................................................48
8.1 硬件信号接口表................................................................................................48 8.2 运动控制函数库................................................................................................51 8.3 1000B与 1000 卡之间的一些说明...................................................................59
使用手册目录1.概述1.1简介1.2系统结构闭路电视键盘模拟屏视频切换子机柜串联组合输入/输出子机柜系统控制器应用程序模块1.3设备识别1.4本手册的使用惯例数字范围特别指出2.性能2.1实时时钟(R T C)2.2视频文本输入后文本预置文本2.3灵活的文本(S m a r t e x t T M)2.4隐藏监视器文本2.5监视器的无效2.6动态文本定位2.7黑屏暂停2.8信号源组合2.9使用C C T V键盘访问通道2.10操作员访问系统2.11列入优先的操作员2.12闭路电视键盘暂停功能2.13自动结束2.14远程控制P T Z摄像机、V C R等P T Z摄像机标准设备控制灵活的设备控制2.15摄像机故障检测视频丢失低电平视频高电平视频2.16视频扫描序列防护观光巡扫2.17宏序列2.18系统宏程序库2.19冷启动宏2.20热启动宏2.21通常报警摄像机故障报警P T Z现场故障报警2.22报警显示分组2.23报警栈2.24辅助输出控制3.基本概念3.1M A X-1000®闭路电视监控系统3.2视频矩阵3.3串联选择视频输入45号的实例选择视频输入3号的实例3.4组合预选子机柜组合器子机柜连接子机柜选择视频输入的实例3.5文本插入3.6子机柜定址有30个视频输出通道的系统有40路输出通道的系统有80路输出通道的系统3.7网络和中继中继线路阻塞管理3.8控制设备P T Z摄像机直接驱动P T Z遥控P T Z现场视频录像机直接V C R控制R S-232V C R接口红外V C R接口电视矩阵V C R接口标准设备控制灵活的设备控制4.模拟屏4.1简化操作环境4.2模拟屏的操作4.3模拟屏的配置M P-88模块M P-88主模块M P-88从模块M P-88模块的优点M P-88的配置为M P-88模块分配插槽一个实例4.4模拟屏的编程按钮(外部报警输入)L E D显示器辅助输出控制5.启动5.1M A X-1000®系统环境5.2S E T M A X配置编辑器从M S-D O S运行S E T M A X从M A X-1000®运行S E T M A X5.3S E T M A X主菜单5.4使用编辑器的环境数字输入字母数字输入前缀数字输入数字范围字段范围5.5屏重叠5.6编辑器命令5.7快命令选择快隐藏快拷贝快移动快选择快将快写入临时文件将临时文件写入快打印快5.8文件命令跳转到另一行保存文件装载文件清工作区扩展工作区撤销工作区5.9状态页5.10把你的新配置保存到磁盘5.11返回到M A X-1000®闭路电视监控系统6.系统的使用6.1预置新系统6.2视频输入信号源引用号(R E F)信号源设备类型(T Y P E)信号源设备号(N o)信号源组号(S G)信号源说明文本(D E S C R I P T I O N-T E X T)子机柜I D号(S U B)视频输入号(I N P)旁路的子机柜I D号(C M B)组合器I D号(C I N)网络信号源(N E T-S O U R C E)备用摄像机(A C N)备用摄像机的视窗信号源控制子机柜I D号(C I D)信号源控制子机柜插槽号(C S L)信号源控制子机柜远程P T Z现场号(C S I)有效的信号源控制(--C T R L--)视频信号源锁定控制(C L K)视频信号源禁用标志的默认状态(S D S)预置文本子机柜I D号(P I D)预置文本插槽号(P S L)水平位置(X)垂直位置(Y)动态视频均衡(D E Q)默认的宏设备标志(01--F L G--16)视频故障探测器插槽号(F S L)视频故障启动宏(S T A R T-M A C R O)视频故障结束宏(F I N I S H-M A C R O)6.3视频输出视频输出通道插槽号(S L T)通道设备类型(T Y P E)通道设备号(N o)通道说明文本(D E S R I P T I O N-T E X T)文本插入子机柜I D号(T I D)文本插入子机柜插槽号(T S L)文本插入子机柜显示状态(T D S)文本显示的水平位置(X)文本显示的垂直位置(Y)起动文本行(O E T L)文本显示暂停时间(T/O)默认的电源通视频输入选择(D F T)默认的电源通扫描序列号(S E Q)扫描序列默认模式(S C A N)通道锁定状态(L C R)可访问的信号源组(0---S G---50)报警显示组(1--A G--50)用键盘访问输出通道(1--K B--32)默认的宏设备标志(01--F L G--16)6.4序列表扫描序列默认模式(S C A N)序列类型(T Y P E)扫描序列的信号源组(S G)扫描序列说明文本(D E S C R I P T I O N-T E X T)扫描序列锁定(L O C K)扫描序列停止周期(D W L)摄像机选择输入项(0199)6.5定义闭路电视键盘键盘设备号(K B)键盘说明文本(D E S C R I P T I O N-T E X T)使键盘能够使用(E N B)默认的键盘操作员(D K O)默认的监视器选择(D F M)键盘可闻声状态(A U D)默认的L C D显示方式(L C D)后事件的类型(-T P E-)后事件宏(P O S T-E V E N T-M A C R O)默认的宏设备标志(01--F L G--16)6.6截取键盘键截取键引用号(R E F)截取键名字(D E S C R I P T I O N)键码号(K E Y)键盘I D号(1--K B--32)置换宏序列(K E Y-R E P L A C E M E N T-M A C R O)键释放宏序列(K E Y-R E L E A S E-M A C R O) 6.7键盘操作员操作员引用号(O P R)操作员名字(O P E A T O R-N A M E)操作员优先权码(P R I)键盘暂停时间(K T O)自动结束周期(A S O)键盘I D号(1--K B--32)视频信号源组(0--S G--50)操作员配置特权(O C P)特种访问特权(S A P)特种控制特权(S C P)可访问的报警组(1--A G--50)使用菜单访问视频矩阵(V M A)其他的菜单访问级(M A L)个人识别号(P I N)登录宏序列(S O N-M A C R O)结束宏序列(S O F F-M A C R O)6.8外部报警输入报警引用号(A L M)报警组号(A G)报警说明文本(D E S C R I P T I O N.T E X T)报警模块子机柜I D号(A I D)报警模块子机柜插槽号(A S L)远程P T Z现场摄像机号(C A M)报警模块输入号(1--I P--8)报警正常状态,正常地锁定/打开(A N S)报警输入操作方式(M O D E)网络报警(N E T-A L A R M)报警禁止状态(A D S)报警启动宏(S T A R T-M A C R O)报警结束宏(F I N I S H-M A C R O)6.9编辑辅助输出控制输出引用号(C/O)输出控制说明(D E S C R I P T I O N)输出模块子机柜I D号(O I D)输出模块子机柜插槽号(O S L)远程P T Z现场的摄像机号(C A M)有效输出位(1--O P--8)网络辅助输出(N E T-A U X)默认的通电输出状态(D F T)6.10系统宏程序库宏引用号(R E F)宏说明文本(D E S C R I P T I O N)宏执行序列(M A C R O-E X E C U T I O N-S E Q U E N C E) 6.11特殊的参数(切记)文本插入行的用法预置文本显示状态系统轮询起动报警栈报警栈暂停视频电平故障打印机制表出错记录制表网络节点I D号主网络时钟时钟校正因子冷启动宏执行序列热启动复位宏执行序列中继阻塞-窃用法则默认的M A X-1000®测试方式6.12串行通讯端口端口号(P O R T)端口类型(T Y P E)说明I D表征码1-8(I D1-I D8)端口地址(A D D R)波特率(B A U D)控制状态(C T R L)6.13显示/清除出错记录文件6.14标题和登记6.15读特许协议6.16从磁盘装载全部数据6.17将全部改变保存到磁盘6.18打印全部配置数据选择打印机类型6.19备份全部配置数据备份的重要性完成磁盘拷贝6.20退出配置编辑器7.实例7.1视频输入固定式摄像机P T Z摄像机伪摄像机摄像机故障探测带有预置文本功能的摄像机网络摄像机视频盒式录像机7.2视频输出有文本的监视器监视器扫描编辑监视器自动黑监视器无文本的监视器网络远程监视器V C R输出通道7.3序列表常规扫描序列锁定的扫描序列保护观光巡扫序列网络扫描序列宏索引表7.4定义C C T V键盘闭路电视键盘1汽车停放K B2控制室3接收哑高级K B系统键盘编辑键盘7.5截取键盘的键选择M O N5解锁(水平左转)自动录像观察周围7.6键盘操作员默认的操作员主管人服务操作员约翰史密斯7.7外部报警输入东部周围休息室的前面(P I R)门接触报警高电平报警模拟屏按钮远程摄像机报警网络报警禁止P T Z篡改7.8辅助输出控制视频打印保持帧门撞锁远程继电器输出吊杆门打开/关闭报警指示器模拟屏L E D显示键盘状态L E D显示高电平状态输出网络辅助输出7.9系统宏程序库检验全门门(第一/第二)只是说明行管理报警监视器报警防区(有效的)报警防区(清除)7.10串行通讯端口键盘端口子机柜端口网络端口高电平端口打印机端口辅助端口出错记录端口测试端口附录A.1宏出错信息A.2宏出错报表A.3键盘键码A.4标准的宏命令A.5运行期错误第一章概述1.1简介M A X-1000®闭路电视(C C T V)监控系统(M A X-1000®C C T V M a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m)是全矩阵视频切换系统。
KurzanleitungDEDigital-SpeicheroszilloskopGDS-1000B SerieS ICHERHEITSHINWEISEDieser Abschnitt enthält die grundlegenden Sicherheitssymbole, die auf der beiliegenden Benutzerhandbuch-CD oder auf dem Instrument angezeigt werden. Ausführliche Sicherheitshinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Kapitel über Sicherheitshinweise auf der Benutzerhandbuch-CD.SicherheitssymboleDiese Sicherheitssymbole werden in der Schnellstartübersicht oder aufdem Instrument angezeigt.VorsichtVorsicht: Diese Hinweise warnen vor Bedingungen oder Handlungen, die zu Verletzungen oder zum Todeführen können.Vorsicht Diese Hinweise bezeichnen Bedingungen oder Handlungen, die Beschädigungen am Instrument oder an anderenProdukten verursachen können.GEFAHR HochspannungAchtung - Siehe Handbuch SchutzleiterklemmeErdungsklemme (Erde)Entsorgen Sie elektronische Geräte nicht imunsortierten Abfall. Bringen Sie die Geräte entweder an eine Sammelstelle, oder wenden Sie sich an den Lieferanten, bei dem Sie das Instrument erworben haben.Netzkabel für die Verwendung in GroßbritannienWird das Instrument in Großbritannien/Nordirland verwendet, stellen Sie sicher, dass das Netzkabel folgenden Sicherheitsanforderungen entspricht.HINWEIS: Dieses Kabel bzw. Gerät darf nur von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal angeschlossen werden.WARNUNG: DIESES GERÄT MUSS GEERDET WERDEN. WICHTIG: DieGrün/Gelb: ErdungsklemmeBlau: NullleiterBraun: PhaseDa die Farben der Adern im Stromkabel des Geräts möglicherweise nicht mit den Farbmarkierungen der Anschlüsse in Ihrer Netzsteckdose übereinstimmen, muss folgendermaßen vorgegangen werden:Das Gelb/Grün eingefärbte Kabel muss mit der Erdungsklemme verbunden werden;diese ist mit dem Buchstaben E, dem Erdungssymbol , oder durch einegrüne/gelb-grüne Färbung gekennzeichnet.Die blaue Ader ist an den Leiter anzuschließen, der mit dem Buchstaben N gekennzeichnet ist oder schwarz ist.Die braune Ader ist an den Leiter anzuschließen, der mit dem Buchstaben L oder P gekennzeichnet ist oder braun oder rot ist.In Zweifelsfällen beachten Sie die mit dem Gerät gelieferten Anweisungen, oder wenden Sie sich an den Lieferanten.Das Kabel bzw. der Anschluss ist durch eine passende und zugelassene Hochlastsicherung zu schützen: Die Leistungsdaten finden Sie auf dem Typenschild bzw. in der Bedienungsanleitung. Als Richtlinie gilt: Ein Kabel mit einem Querschnitt von 0,75 mm2 ist mit einer 3 A- oder 5 A-Sicherung zu schützen. Für Leiter mit einem größeren Querschnitt sind – je nach verwendetem Anschlussverfahren – 13-A-Sicherungen zu verwenden.Blank liegender Draht eines mit einer mit Spannung versorgten Steckdose verbundenen Kabels, eines Steckers oder einer Leitung ist sehr gefährlich. Werden Kabel oder Stecker als gefährlich erkannt, muss die Stromversorgung abgeschaltet und das Kabel und alle Sicherungen und Sicherungshalter entfernt werden.Gefährliche Kabel müssen umgehend entsorgt und gemäß dem obigen Standard ersetzt werden.E RSTE SCHRITTEDas Kapitel …Erste Schritte“ stellt die wichtigsten Funktionen, das Aussehen und das Einstellungsverfahren des Oszilloskops vor. Wichtigste MerkmaleMerkmale •7"- 800 X 480 TFT-WVGA-Bildschirm.•Modelle sind von 50 MHz bis 100 MHz verfügbar.•Echtzeit-Abtastrate von 1GSa/s, max.•Speichertiefe: Aufzeichnungslänge 10MPunkte.•Signalformerfassungsrate von 50.000 Wellenformenpro Sekunde.•Vertikale Empfindlichkeit: 1 mV/div bis 10 V/div.•Bildschirm-Hilfe.•Interner Flash Disk mit 32 MB.•Go-NoGo App.•Remote Disk App (4 Kanal Modelle) Schnittstelle •USB-Host Anschluss: Vorder- und Rückseite, fürSpeichergeräte.•USB-Anschluss für Geräte: Rückseite, fürFernbedienung oder Drucker.•Sondenkompensationsausgang mit wählbarerAusgangsfrequenz (1kHz ~ 200kHz).•Ethernet Port (nur 4 Kanal Modelle)•KalibrierausgangInhalt der Verpackung und ZubehörStandardzubehörPos. Teile-Nr.Passiver Tastkopf, 100 MHz x2 fürdie GDS-1072B/ GDS-1102BGTP-101A-2Passiver Tastkopf, 100 MHz x4 fürdie GDS-1054B/ GDS-1074B/GDS-1104BPos. Teile-Nr.GTC-001Instrumentenwagen 470 (B) x 430(T) mm ( Eingangsbuchse, Typ US)GTC-002Instrumentenwagen 330 (B) x 430(T) mm ( Eingangsbuchse, Typ US)Prüfkabel, BNC- auf BNC-Köpfe GTL-110GTL-242USB-Kabel, USB 2.0 A-B Kabelvom Typ 4PName BeschreibungGo-NoGo Go-NoGo Test-App.Remote Disk Ermöglicht die Einbindung einesfreigegebenen Netzlaufwerks (nur4 Kanal Modelle).Display und Bedienfeld - ÜbersichtDisplay Übersicht6831721. Speicheranzeige2. Triggerstatus3. Aufnahmestatus4. Seitenmenü5. Signalformfrequenz6. Triggerkonfiguration7. Horizontalstatus8.Unteres Menü9.Kanalstatus10. Kanal/ Referenz/mathematische Anzeigen 11. Horizontale Position2318461113110145712891. Taste …Hardcopy“2. Drehknopf und Auswahltaste3. Funktionstasten4. Tasten Autoset, Run/Stop, Single & Default5.Bedienelemente für die horizontale Steuerung und Suche6.Trigger-Bedienelemente7. Bedienelemente für die vertikale Steuerung8.Externer Trigger-Eingang (nur 2 Kanal Modelle).9.Eingänge für analoge Kanäle 10. Taste für mathematischeFunktionen, Referenz und Bus11. Sondenkalibrierungsausgang 12. USB Host Port 13. Ein/Aus-Taste 14. Tasten für das untere Menü 15. Optionstaste16. Taste Menü aus 17. Tasten für das Seitenmenü18. LCD1. USB-Geräteanschluss2. LAN-Schnittstelle(nur 4 KanalModelle)3. Go-/NoGo-Ausgang4. Schlüsselverrie-gelungsnut5. Stromeingang6. Lüfter7. KalibrierausgangEinstellen des OszilloskopsDieser Abschnitt beschreibt die ordnungsgemäße Einrichtung des Oszilloskops, einschließlich der Einstellung des Ständers, Installation der optionalen Module und Korrekturen des Tastkopfes.Neigen des StändersTastkopfkompensationDieser Abschnitt beschreibt, wie Sie ein Signal anschließen, die Skalierung anpassen und den Tastkopf kompensieren. Führen Sie vor dem Betrieb die GDS-1000B in einer neuen Umgebung diese Schritte aus, um sicherzustellen, dass das Instrument die volleLeistungsfähigkeit aufweist.1.Systems auf die Werkseinstellungen.2. Verbinden Sie die Sonde mit dem Kanal 1 Eingang und demSondenkalibrierungsausgang. Dieser Ausgang liefertstandardmäßig eine 2 Vp-p, 1 kHz Rechteckwelle fürSignalkorrekturen.3.4.5. Eine Rechteckwelle erscheint mittig in der Anzeige.6.Vektor-Signalform aus dem unteren Menü.7. Drehen Sie den Einstellungspunkt am Tastkopf, um dieRechteckwellenflanke abzuflachen.Unterkompensation NormalÜberkompensation8. Die Einstellung des Oszilloskops ist abgeschlossen. Sie könnendas Oszilloskop in Betrieb nehmen.T ECHNISCHE DATENDie technischen Daten gelten, nachdem das Oszilloskop mindestens 30 Minuten bei unter +20°C~+30°C aktiv war.Modellspezifische technische DatenGDS-1054BGDS-1072B und GDS-1074BGDS-1102B und GDS-1104BGemeinsame technische Daten VertikalTriggerungExterne TriggerungHorizontalX-Y-ModusCursor und MessungenFunktion BedientafelAnzeigeSchnittstelleVerschiedenesEC-KonformitätserklärungWirerklären hiermit, dass das nachfolgend genannte ProduktGDS-1072B, GDS-1102B, GDS-1054B, GDS-1074B, GDS-1104B Erfüllen, wie hiermit bestätigt wird, den Anforderungen der Richtlinie des Rats über die Angleichung von Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedsstaaten über die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (2014/30/EU) und der Niederspannungsrichtlinie (2014/35/EU)Zur Bewertung der elektromagnetischenVerträglichkeit und derNiederspannungsrichtlinie wurden folgende Standards angewandt:。
[4] 功能说明4-1 电源与功能切换开关旋转此开关设置电源的ON/OFF与设定各功能。
4-2 自动省电功能最终的操作后约15分钟后,或小于20 V的电压输入持续15分钟后,显示会自动关闭,进入自动省电模式。
自动省电功能的解除方法:按下SELECT按钮,同时旋转电源与功能切换开关打开电源,蜂鸣器发出提示音,液晶显示 的提示2秒后, 标识消失。
* 即使在自动省电模式下,也将消耗微小的电流,结束测量后请务必将电源 开关旋转至OFF位置。
4-3 电池电量显示随着电池消耗,电池电压在约2.3 V以下时,液晶显示出现 标识。
4-4 选择测量功能:SELECT按钮按SELECT按钮,按如下顺序切换测量功能,ACV档位: ACV →Hz →ACV →…Ω 档位: → → → → →…4-5 相对值测量功能:△REL按钮按△REL按钮,就可以激活相对测量模式,出现△REL标识,并保持当前测量量程。
处于 测量功能时,此功能无效。
* 切换到其他测量功能或量程后,△REL 模式自动解除。
处于 测量功能时,此功能无效。
Hz , ,4-6 MAX/MIN 捕获功能:△REL(MAX/MIN)按钮按下△REL按钮1秒以上进入MAX/MIN 捕获模式,并保持当前测量量程。
• 每按此按钮,可以依次切换显示如下:显示当前测量值(点亮MAX MIN标识)→显示MAX值(点亮MAX标识)→显示MIN值(点亮MIN标识)→显示当前测量值(点亮MAX MIN标识)→ …• 显示当前测量值:在显示当前的测量值的同时捕获最大值和最小值。
每次刷 新记录值时蜂鸣器发出提示音。
美高加索 Gemini 1000 2000 计数器 计时器说明书
!SEALED FRONT PANEL CONSTRUCTION (NEMA 4/IP65)!NON-VOLATILE MEMORY (E 2PROM)!ABILITY TO LOCK OUT FRONT PANEL FUNCTIONS !SIMPLIFIED FRONT PANEL FOR PROGRAMMING EASE !6-DIGIT, 0.56" (14.2 mm) HIGH LED DISPLAY WITH NEGATIVESIGN & OVERFLOW INDICATORS!FUNCTIONS AS COUNTER OR RATE INDICATOR!INPUT SCALING FOR BUILT-IN RATE MULT./DIV.!ACCEPTS INPUT COUNT RATES UP TO 10 KHz!BI-DIRECTIONAL COUNTING, UP/DOWN CONTROL!QUADRATURE SENSING (Up to 4 times resolution)!ANTI-COINCIDENCE ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION!SEPARATE INPUT FOR MAGNETIC PICKUPS!SOLID-STATE CURRENT SINK OUTPUT(S)!OPTIONAL RELAY OUTPUTS (Field Replaceable)!PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT TIME DELAYS!UP TO THREE RIGHT-HAND “DUMMY ZEROS”!FULL PROGRAMMABILITY OF DECIMAL POINT LOCATION ANDLEADING ZERO BLANKING DESCRIPTION The Gemini 1000 and 2000 offer the features and performance of asingle/dual level preset counter or a programmable sample time rate indicator inone economically priced package. The reliability of solid-state MOS technologycoupled with the flexibility of user programmable functions makes these unitsideally suited to handle practically any preset control application.As a counter, the Gemini 1000/2000 offers a choice of six (6)programmablecounting modes to cover Bi-directional, Anti-Coincidence, and Quadratureapplications. The input circuitry is switch selectable to accept signals from awide variety of sources. In addition, the unit may be programmed to registercounts on both edges of the input signal thus providing frequency doublingcapability. The choice of several reset cycle modes along with the compatibilityof count and control inputs to other RLC products, provides added versatility forboth stand-alone and systems counter needs.As a rate indicator, the Gemini 1000/2000 features crystal-controlledaccuracy along with a variety of data sampling times to allow the neededresolution for precision applications. The combination of 5-digit scale factorand decade scale multipliers provide a wide range of scaling correction fordirect readout in terms of units being measured.The Gemini 2000 20 mA Current Loop Option provides the capability oftwo-way communications between the Gemini 2000 and a variety ofequipment, such as a printer, remote terminal, or host computer. The Baud ratecan be set to 300, 600, 1200 or 2400 baud. The format for transmitted andreceived data is 1 start bit, 7 data bits, 1 parity bit (odd), and 1 stop bit. Whenutilizing an external power supply (30 VDC max), up to 16 units can beinstalled in the loop, each with an individual address. When utilizing theGemini’s 20 mA current source, up to seven units can be installed in a loop.The Count value, Scale Factor, and Preset values can be interrogated. TheScale factor and Presets can be changed by sending the proper command codesand numerical Data. Other functions such as resetting the count, and a combined transmit count and reset can also be performed. Various “Print Options”can be selected to automatically interrogate the Count Value, Preset,or Scale Factor by activating the “Print Request”terminal when a printer is being used, or by sending a “transmit per Print Options”(P)command. All command codes and numerical data are sent in ASCII.The construction of the Gemini 1000/2000 features a zinc die-cast bezel offering maximum durability with a high quality appearance. The sealed front panel meets NEMA 4/IP65 specifications, for wash-down and/or dust when properly installed. Electrical connections are made via pluggable terminal strips at the rear of the unit. Clamp-type pressure plate terminals accept stripped #14AWG wire without lugs.SPECIFICATIONS1. DISPLAY:6-digit 0.56" (14.2 mm) High LED display.2. POWER REQUIREMENTS:AC Power:Switch selectable 115/230 V AC (±10%), 50/60 Hz, 20 V A DC Power:*****************.3. SENSOR POWER:+12 VDC (±25%) @ 100 mA max.4. MEMORY:Non-volatile E 2PROM memory retains all programming information and count value when power is removed or interrupted.5.INPUTS A &B:Switch selectable to accept count pulses from a variety of sources including switch contacts, outputs from CMOS or TTL circuits, and all standard RLC sensors.Current Sourcing - Unit provides 3.9 K Ωpull-down load for sensors with current sourcing outputs. Max. input voltage = 28 VDC @ 7 mA.Current Sinking - Unit provides 7.8 K Ωpull-up load for sensors with current sinking outputs. Max. sensor current = 1.6 mA.Debounce - Damping capacitor provided for switch contact debounce.Limits count speed to 100 Hz max. with 50% duty cycle.GEMINI 1000/2000 - 6-DIGIT PRESETTABLE COUNTERS OR RATE INDICATORSGEMINI 1000 - SINGLE LEVEL & GEMINI 2000 - DUAL LEVEL w/OPTIONAL 20 mA CURRENT LOOPPROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONSUNIT PERSONALITYFunctions as a Counter and Rate Indicator.PRESET(S)Range 0 to ±999999SCALE FACTORS5-digit input scaling, Range 0.0000 to ±5.9999.SCALE MULTIPLIERMultiplies the contents of the 9-digit internal counter by a factor of 1, 0.1, 0.01, or 0.001 to view the desired number of significant digits on the 6-digit display. COUNTING MODESCount with InhibitCount with Up/Down Control2-Input Anti-Coincidence Add2-Input Anti-Coincidence Add/SubtractQuadratureQuadrature X4RESET ACTIONReset-to-Zero:Output activates when count equals the preset value. Counter returns to zero when reset.Reset-to-Preset:Output activates when count equals zero. Counter returns to preset value when reset.RESET MODESManual ResetAutomatic Reset at PresetAutomatic Reset after Output Time DelayNote: Manual reset via front panel pushbutton or remote “RST.” terminal can be programmed for momentary or maintained action. Front panel reset may be disabled by a switch at the rear of the unit.SELF-TESTPerforms a complete check on the display and output circuitry along with a functional check on the CPU. Self-test is non-destructive and may be performed during a process without losing counts.FREQUENCY DOUBLINGRegisters counts on both edges of input signal.DECIMAL POINT & LEADING ZERO BLANKINGDecimal point programmable to desired location. Leading zero blanking, when selected, begins with second digit to the left of the decimal point. RIGHT-HAND DUMMY ZEROSUp to three non-functional zeros may be placed on the least significant end of the display.OUTPUT TERMINATION MODESTerminate at “other” Output Start (Gemini 2000 only)Terminate at “other” Output End (Gemini 2000 only)Terminate at Manual ResetTerminate at Manual Reset EndTerminate after Time DelayBoundaryFor positive preset value: Output terminates when Display is less than Preset.For negative preset value: Output terminates when Display is greater than Preset (i.e. more positive).Note: In any of the above modes, the unit may be programmed for “Reverse Phase” operation which complements the logic state of the output. OUTPUT TIME DELAYProgrammable from 0.01 to 599.99 seconds. Accurate to ±(0.01% + 10 msec.). SAMPLE TIME MULTIPLIERMultiplies the basic one-second data sampling time by 1, 2, 5, 10,20, or 50. Accurate to ±0.01%.FRONT PANEL LOCKOUT MODESWhen the “Program Disable” control input is activated, the ability to change front panel programmed functions will be prevented as per the following modes: Complete Front Panel DisablePreset(s)Enabled OnlyScale Factor Enabled OnlyBoth Preset(s)and Scale Factor EnabledNote: Reset may be enabled or disabled in any of the above modes.SPECIFICATIONS (Cont’d)Lo Bias- Input trigger levels V IL= 1.5 V max., V IH= 3.75 V.Hi Bias- Input trigger levels V IL= 5.5 V max., V IH= 7.5 V.Note: Bias levels given are ±10% @ 12 VDC. They vary proportionally with sensor supply voltage.6. MAGNETIC PICKUP INPUT:Sensitivity- 150 mV peak nominalHysteresis - 100 mV nominalInput Impedance- 26.5 KΩ@ 60 Hz nominalMaximum Input Voltage- ±50 V peak7. MAXIMUM COUNT RATES:Uni- or Bi-Directional Modes:9 KHz; 8 KHz (X2)2-Input Anti-Coincidence Modes:5 KHz; 4 KHz (X2)Quadrature Modes:5 KHz; 4 KHz (X2 or X4)Rate Indicator:10 KHz; 8 KHz (X2)8.CONTROL INPUTS:Reset- Active Low (V IL= 1.5 V max.) internally pulled up to +12 VDC(I SNK= 3 mA), response time = 10 msec (typical).Program Disable- Active Low (V IL= 1.5 V max.), internally pulled up to +5 VDC (I SNK= 1 mA).Print Request- (GEM2 only)Active Low (V IL= 1.5 V max.) internally pulled up to +5 VDC (I SNK= 1 mA).9. SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS (Optional, Gemini 2000 only):Type- Bi-directional 20 mA current loop, 20 mA source provided. (Powers up to seven units in a loop with internal current source.) Baud Rate- Programmable 300 to 2400.Maximum Address- 16 units (0 to 15). (Actual number in a single loop is limited by serial hardware specifications.)Data Format- 10 bit frame, Odd parity (one start bit, 7 data bits, one odd parity bit, and one stop bit.)Serial Hardware Specifications-SO- Output Transistor Rating: V MAX= 30 VDC, V SA T= 1 V MAX@ 20 mA. (Can address 16 units in a loop)SI- Input Diode Rating: V F= 1.25 V TYP; 1.5 V MAXNote: The compliance voltage rating of the source must be greater than the sum of the voltage drops around the loop.10. OUTPUT(S):Solid-State- Current sinking NPN Open Collector Transistor(s). I SNK= 100 mA max. V OH= 30 VDC max. (Internal Zener Diode Protected). V OL=1 VDC max @ 100 mARelay(s)- Mounted on a field-replaceable P.C. board. Form C contacts rated5 amps @ 120/240 V AC, 28 VDC (resistive load), 1/8 H.P. @ 120 V AC(inductive load). The operate time is 5 msec nominal and the release time is 3 msec nominal.Relay Life Expectancy- 100,000 cycles at max. rating. (As load level decreases, life expectancy increases.)Programmable Timed Outputs(s)- The timed output(s)can be set from0.01 to 599.99 seconds, ±(0.01% + 10 msec).11.CERTIFICATIONS AND COMPLIANCES:SAFETYIEC 1010-1, EN 61010-1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use, Part 1.IP65 Enclosure rating (Face only), IEC 529Type 4 Enclosure rating (Face only), UL50ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY:Notes:1. Metal bezel of unit connected with ground lead from rear bezel screw tometal mounting panel.2. When the unit is DC powered, a power line filter (RLC# LFIL0000 orequivalent) was installed, so as not to impair the function of the unit.Refer to the EMC Installation Guidelines section of the manual for additional information.Immunity to EN 50082-2Electrostatic discharge EN 61000-4-2Level 2; 4 Kv contact 1Level 3; 8 Kv air Electromagnetic RF fields EN 61000-4-3Level 3; 10 V/m80 MHz - 1 GHzFast transients (burst)EN 61000-4-4Level 4; 2 Kv I/O2 Kv power 2RF conducted interference EN 61000-4-6Level 3; 10 V/rms150 KHz - 80 MHzEN 61000-4-8Level 4; 30 A/m Emissions to EN 50081-2RF interference EN 55011Enclosure class APower mains class A Power frequency magnetic fields12. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS :Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°CStorage Temperature : -40 to 80°COperating and Storage Humidity : 85% max. relative humidity (non-condensing) from 0 to 50°C.Altitude : Up to 2000 meters13. CONSTRUCTION :Metal die-cast bezel, plastic case. This unit is rated for NEMA 4/IP65 indooruse. Installation Category II, Pollution Degree 214. WEIGHT : 2.1 lbs. (0.9 kg)PROGRAMMING The Gemini 1000/2000 input circuit set-up is programmed using DIP switches on the rear of the unit. All other functions are programmed through the front panel pushbuttons.To program or interrogate a function, the user first enters a two-digit function code. The unit will then display that function code along with a single-digit representing the present mode of operation. Programming changes are made by changing the single-digit mode identifier.EXAMPLE:The function code representing the “Unit Personality” is 41. The mode identifiers for this function are:Counter (1) and Rate Indicator (2).To interrogate the Unit Personality, Press “41”:Unit displays function code along with mode identifier(Rate Indicator).To change the Unit Personality to Counter mode,Press “1”:Unit displays the new mode identifier (Counter).Press “E”:Unit enters new mode and returns display to the present count value.The most commonly used functions, Preset (s)and Scale Factor, are initialized through single front panel pushbuttons rather than a two-digit function code.Pressing the “1” or “3” pushbuttons will immediately display the current Preset or Scale Factor value for the selected display. To change any digit, the user presses the pushbutton directly below that particular digit, which is then scrolleduntil the desired value is obtained. Each digit is changed, if necessary, in thesame manner until the complete Preset or Scale Factor value is registered on thedisplay. Pressing the “E” pushbutton completes the entry sequence.To interrogate the Preset value, Press “1”:Unit displays current Preset value.To change the Preset value:Any digit may be changed by pressing the pushbuttondirectly below it. Release the pushbutton when the digitreaches the desired value.Press “E”:Unit enters new Preset value and returns display to thepresent count.TYPICAL COUNTER APPLICATIONSORDERING INFORMATION COIL WINDING MACHINE CONTROL W/REMOTE PRINTING This application depicts a GEMINI 2000 controlling a coil winding machine.A length sensor provides output units in feet. Output 1 is used as the slow-down for the drive motor and Output 2 is used for the cut off knife control. A printer is used to record the length of each coil that is wound. Preset 1 is set to the slow down length and Preset 2 is set to the desired length of the coil.TYPICAL COUNTER APPLICATIONS (Cont’d)TYPICAL RATE INDICATOR APPLICATION RATE INDICATION WITH SPEED LIMITING In this application, a GEMINI 1000 is used to indicate the speed of a printing press operation in feet/minute, while limiting the maximum speed to a desirable level.A magnetic pickup is used to sense a gear coupled to a feed roll on the system drive. The scale factor on the GEMINI 1000 is set to provide a direct readout in feet/minute with a one-second sample time.The maximum allowable speed of the operation is entered as the preset value on the rate indicator. The output termination is programmed for the “boundary” mode in which the output remains “OFF” as long as the speed of the operation stays below the preset level. If the operational speed equals or exceeds the maximum allowable limit, the output will turn “ON” and remain “ON” until the speed is reduced below the preset value.The output of the GEMINI 1000 is tied to the speed control circuitry ofthe system drive and triggers the necessary speed reduction if the maximum allowable rate is exceeded. The jumper between the “Program Disable” and “Common” terminals is used to prevent any accidental or unauthorized programming changes. Connecting the jumper after the unit set-up is complete will allow full interrogation of front panel functions, although anyfunction alteration will be inhibited.。
CB-1000型直饮水自动售水机使用说明本自动售水机外观示意见附图一、基本参数25?纯水进水流量RO脱盐率% 尺寸大小(长宽高)额定功额定总RO膜工流量L/H L/H cm 率W 净水量作压力3m mpa 60 180 ?95 920*1030*2250 440 25 0.5~1.0 额定电压进水压力膜前压力使用环境温度防电保源水水mpa 护类型质2220v-50hz 1-3kg/cm ?0(55 5-40? II类市政自来水二、安装方式1、勿靠近火源,腐蚀气体,在没有坡度的平坦地方固定本机2、自来水管连接到设备后方的进水口。
三、控制板操作说明功能键选择键接线端子控制板示意图运行状态位RUN 功检查和时间设定位 CHK能功能设定位 SET键CHK位置中:1、查看IC,消费全额(累计)2、查看投币、消费全额(累计)3、时间的设定SET位置中:1、设置大桶出水系数:纯水水量对应消费金额(系数越大,消费水量多金额少)2、小桶出水系数:出水水量对应消费金额(系数越大,消费水量多金额少)3、消费金额对应水量系数(显示给顾客看):025——5角/单位水量125——1角/单位水量1元等于5升水 4、照明灯时间调整开(19.00——表示19点开灯) 5、照明灯时间调整关(07.00——表示07点关灯)四、维护保养滤芯的更换周期根据用户的原水水质及售水量而定。
1、积层过滤(2~6)个月(视售水量更换)2、活性炭过滤(4~8)个月(视售水量更换)3、精密过滤器(8~12)个月(视售水量更换)4、 RO膜(12~24)个月(视售水量更换)5、不锈钢0.5T储存桶6、 6加仑UV杀菌器(8000~9000个小时更换石英灯管)7、 0.2u过滤(六个月更换)8、矿化球(麦饭石)过滤,调节PH值,饮水口感甘甜。
Power Xpert 电能表1000系列产品说明说明书
Power Xpert Meter 1000 SeriesGeneral descriptionThe Power Xpert® Meter 1000 Series power andenergy meters monitor the most critical aspectsof an electrical distribution system. This premiermetering instrument uses the latest in advancedtechnology to make it simple to use, powerful,scalable, and highly flexible.ApplicationsIdentify power quality problems to help:• Protect motors from damage• Preserve the integrity of processes and batches• Prevent blown capacitor bank fuses• Protect transformers and conductorsfrom overheatingMonitor circuit loading to help:• Avoid overloads and nuisance overload trips• Maximize equipment utilization• Manage emergency overloadsManage energy utilization to help:• Reduce peak demand charges and powerfactor penalties• Identify excessive energy consumptionFeatures• 100 ms refresh, true rms measurement• ANSI C12.20 (0.2 Class) and IEC 62053-22(0.2S Class)• Up to 16 MB onboard memory• Power quality analysis• Over/under limit alarm• RS-485 communication port• Supports Modbus® RTU, DNP 3.0• Switch status monitoring• Waveform capture• Measure individual harmonics from 2nd to 63rd• Physical anti-tampering seal• 50/60 Hz and 400 Hz rated frequency metering• Modular design• Data logging• TOU (time of use), 4 tariffs, 12 seasons,14 schedules• Optional Modbus TCP and BACnet/IP communi-cations modules available with Web/HTTP push2Technical Data TD026079ENEffective October 2018Power Xpert Meter 1000 SeriesEATONMetering• Voltage V1, V2, V3, VLnavg, V12, V23, V31, VLlavg • Current I1, I2, I3, In, Iavg • Power P1, P2, P3, Psum• Reactive power Q1, Q2, Q3, Qsum • Apparent power S1, S2, S3, Ssum • Frequency F• Power factor PF1, PF2, PF3, PF•Energy Ep_imp, Ep_exp, Ep_total, Ep_net, Epa_imp, Epa_exp, Epb_imp_Epb_exp, Epc_imp, Epc_exp•Reactive energy Eq_imp, Eq_exp, Eq_total, Eq_net, Eqa_imp, Eqa_exp, Eqb_imp, Eqb_exp, Eqc_imp, Eqc_exp • Apparent energy Es, Esa, Esb, Esc• Demand Dmd_P , Dmd_Q, Dmd_S, Dmd_I1, Dmd_I2, Dmd_I3• Load features •Four quadrant powerFeaturesMonitoring• Power quality• Voltage harmonics 2nd to 63rd and THD • Current harmonics 2nd to 63rd and THD • 400 Hz type, only support 2nd to 15th • Voltage crest factor• Telephone Interference Factor (TIF)• Current K factor• Voltage unbalance factor U_unbl • Current unbalance factor I_unbl •Max./min. statistics with time stampsAlarmsLimits can be set for up to 16 indicated parameters and can be set with a specified time interval. If any input of the indicated parameters is over or under its setting limit and persists over the specified time interval, the event will be recorded with time stamps and trigger the alarm DO output. The 16 indicated parameters can be selected from any of the 80 parameters available.I/O option moduleA maximum of three modules can be used for one meter.Anti-tampering sealUsers can physically seal the meter similar to a utility meter in order to provide anti-tampering protection. All metrological programming and user-defined parameters are protected with a physical seal.High frequency meteringDesigned for use with 400 Hz aircraft systems, PXM 1000 series power meters effectively monitor aircraft ground power units.Data loggingPXM 1100/1200/1300 offers three assignable historical logs where the majority of the metering parameters can be recorded. The onboard memory is up to 16 MB and each log size is adjustable. A real-time clock allows for any logged events to be accurately time stamped.Time of useUsers can assign up to four different tariffs (sharp, peak, valley, andnormal) to different time periods within a day according to the billing requirements. The PXM 1200 meter will calculate and accumulate energy to different tariffs according to the meter’s internal clock timing and TOU settings.Waveform capturePXM 1300 can record 100 groups of voltage and current waveforms. It provides the waveform record of 10 cycles before and after the triggering point. It also supports a settable triggering condition.Power quality event loggingWhen a power quality event happens, such as voltage sag and swell, etc., PXM 1300 will record the timestamp and the triggering condition of the event. It can save up to 50,000 power quality events.Automatic frequency adaptationRated frequency is adjusted automatically to local frequency such as 50 Hz or 60 Hz. The same meter can be used in countries with different electrical frequencies.Flexible current inputCompatible with different current transformers such as 5 A, 1 A, 333 mV and Rogowski coils all available from Eaton.Ports•Dual RS-485Communication protocols• Modbus RTU • Modbus TCP option • BACnet/IP option • Web/HTTP push option•Ability to connect to Eaton’s Power Xpert Gateway 900Display• Clear and large character LCD screen display with white backlight • Wide environmental temperature endurance•Display load percentage, four quadrant power, and load nature outline•Small size 96 × 96 DIN or 4-inch ANSI round3Technical Data TD026079ENEffective October 2018Power Xpert Meter 1000 Series EATON Features* The PXM1300 takes 512 samples per cycle. For the waveform capture function on the PXM1300 the sample rate is 64 samples.4Technical Data TD026079ENEffective October 2018Power Xpert Meter 1000 SeriesEATON AccessoriesDigital/Analog I/OIntegrate data to/from other devices with field expandable plug-in I/O modules.PXM1K-1XX• 6x digital inputs• 24 Vdc power for digital inputs •2x relay outputsPXM1K-2XX• 4x digital inputs • 2x digital outputs •2x analog outputsPXM1K-3XX• 4x digital inputs • 2x relay outputs •2x analog inputsPanel mount remote displayPXM 1000 panel mount remote display for DIN rail mount transducer version (PXM1000T). Includes one 6 ft cable.Communications Modules PXM1K-MTCPP / PXM1K-BIPP• Modbus TCP • Web/HTTP push•BACnet/IP (only on PXM1K-BIPP)5Technical Data TD026079ENEffective October 2018Power Xpert Meter 1000 Series EATON Meter input wiringFigure 1. Three-phase, four-wire (3LN, 3CT)Figure 2. Three-phase, three-wire (3LL, 3CT)Figure 3. Three-phase, four-wire with PT (3LN, 3CT)Figure 4. Three-phase, three-wire with PT and 2CT (2LL, 3CT)Figure 5. Single-phase, three-wire (1LL, 2CT)Figure 6. Single-phase, two-wire (1LN, 1CT)* 1A fuse typicalNote 1: Shorting terminal block not required when used with voltage input current sensorsNote 2: For meters used with voltage input current sensors, unused channels need to be tied to ground as shown in the figures. If meters are used withamperage input current sensors, then the unused channels do not need to be tied to ground.6Technical Data TD026079ENEffective October 2018Power Xpert Meter 1000 SeriesEATON I/O cards wiringDI1DI2DI3DI4DI5DI6DIC RO1RO2ROC V+ V- Digital InputDigital OutputVdc++––QF1QF2QF3QF4QF5QF6Figure 7. PXM1K-X1XDigital Input+QF1QF2QF3QF4QF5–20–160 Vac/dcDI1DI2DI3DI4DIC Figure 8. PXM1K-X2X/X3XDimensions in inches (mm)Figure 9. PXM 1000Figure 10. DIN mount meterFigure 11. External display moduleFigure 12. I/O module7Technical Data TD026079ENEffective October 2018Power Xpert Meter 1000 Series EATON Ordering InformationTo order a Power Xpert Meter 1000, the catalog number should be determined using T able 1. The table illustrates how to include the desired factory options as part of a catalog number. Option cards are separate and field installable.Power Xpert Meter modules include panel mounting brackets.Example 1: PXM1000MA15 (PXM 1000 meter/display, 5 A, 100–415 Vac or 100–300 Vdc)Example 2: PXM1300MA13 (PXM 1300 meter/display, 333 mV , 100–415 Vac or 100–300 Vdc)T able 1. Power Xpert Meter 1000 catalog numbering systemT able 2. Power Xpert Meter 1000 I/O moduleDescriptionCatalog numberPXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 2 RO, 6DI with DI power supply 24 VdcPXM1K-110PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 2 RO, 6DI with DI power supply 24 VdcPXM1K-120PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (4–20 mA)PXM1K-210PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (0–20 mA)PXM1K-211PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (1–5 V)PXM1K-212PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (0–5 V)PXM1K-213PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (4–20 mA)PXM1K-220PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (0–20 mA)PXM1K-221PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (1–5 V)PXM1K-222 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (0–5 V)PXM1K-223 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (4–20 mA)PXM1K-310 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (0–20 mA)PXM1K-311 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (1–5 V)PXM1K-312 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (0–5 V)PXM1K-313 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (4–20 mA)PXM1K-320 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (0–20 mA)PXM1K-321 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (1–5 V)PXM1K-322 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (0–5 V)PXM1K-323T able 3. Power Xpert Meter 1000 accessoriesDescriptionCatalog numberPXM 1000 panel mount remote display for DIN rail mount transducer version; include one 6 ft cablePXM1K-DISP-3T able 4. Power Xpert Meter 1000 communications modulesDescriptionCatalog numberPXM 1000 Modbus TCP with Web/HTTP PushPXM1K-MTCPP PXM 1000 BACnet/IP and Modbus TCP with Web/HTTP Push PXM1K-BIPPT able 5. Rogowski coilsDescriptionCatalog numberPXM 1000 16-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 4-inch window calibrated for 5–1200 ACS-16-4-1000-RC PXM 1000 16-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 4-inch window calibrated for 12.5–3000 ACS-16-4-2500-RC PXM 1000 16-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 4-inch window calibrated for 25–6000 ACS-16-4-5000-RC PXM 1000 16-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 4-inch window calibrated for 50–12,000 ACS-16-4-12000-RC PXM 1000 16-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 4-inch window calibrated for 250–50,000 ACS-16-4-50000-RC PXM 1000 24-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 7-inch window calibrated for 5–1200 ACS-24-7-1000-RC PXM 1000 24-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 7-inch window calibrated for 12.5–3000 ACS-24-7-2500-RC PXM 1000 24-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 7-inch window calibrated for 25–6000 ACS-24-7-5000-RC PXM 1000 24-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 7-inch window calibrated for 50–12,000 ACS-24-7-12000-RC PXM 1000 24-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 7-inch window calibrated for 250–50,000 ACS-24-7-50000-RC PXM 1000 36-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 10-inch window calibrated for 5–1200 ACS-36-10-1000-RC PXM 1000 36-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 10-inch window calibrated for 12.5–3000 ACS-36-10-2500-RC PXM 1000 36-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 10-inch window calibrated for 25–6000 ACS-36-10-5000-RC PXM 1000 36-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 10-inch window calibrated for 50–12,000 ACS-36-10-12000-RC PXM 1000 36-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 10-inch window calibrated for 250–50,000 ACS-36-10-50000-RC PXM 1000 47-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 14-inch window calibrated for 5–1200 ACS-47-14-1000-RC PXM 1000 47-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 14-inch window calibrated for 12.5–3000 ACS-47-14-2500-RC PXM 1000 47-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 14-inch window calibrated for 25–6000 ACS-47-14-5000-RC PXM 1000 47-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 14-inch window calibrated for 50–12,000 ACS-47-14-12000-RC PXM 1000 47-inch long Rogowski coil CT with 14-inch window calibrated for 250–50,000 ACS-47-14-50000-RCPXM 1000 M A 1 5 - 1Meter series1000 = Multifunction meter 1100 = Plus data logging1200 = Plus data logging and time of use 1300 = Plus data logging, waveform capture, and PQ loggingMeter typeM = Meter (with integral display)T = Transducer only (no display)Power supply1 = 100–415 Vac or 100–300 Vdc 4 = 20–60 VdcCurrent input1 = 1 A secondary 3 = 333 mV secondary 5 = 5 A secondary R = Rogowski coilRing terminalBlank = No ring terminal 1 = Ring terminalEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2018 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. TD026079EN / TBG001356October 2018Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Power Xpert Meter 1000 SeriesTechnical Data TD026079ENEffective October 2018Technical informationStorage temperature: –40 °C to +85 °CRelative humidity: 5% to 95% noncondensingProtection level: IP54 (front), IP30 (cover)AC/DC control powerOperating range: 100–415 Vac, 50/60 Hz; 100–300 Vdc Burden: 5 WFrequency: 50/60 HzWithstand: 3250 Vac, 50/60 Hz for 1 minute Installation Category III (distribution)Low voltage DC control power (optional)Operating range: 20–60 Vdc Burden: 5 W。
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蓝⽛⾳箱B1000中⽂说明书感谢您购买Bluetooth 1000蓝⽛+插卡数码⾳箱在散步,晨练,旅游等需要便携⾳箱的环境中,我们相信Bluetooth 1000⾳箱能充分满⾜您的⾳乐需要。
Bluetooth 1000⾳箱具有时尚的外观、多功能应⽤、可靠的质量、必将为您的⽣活带来更多的帮助和快乐。
为了让您更好地使⽤本产品并充分享有Bluetooth 1000提供的完善售后服务⽀持,请在操作前认真阅读⽤户⼿册。
操作中如果仍有疑问,可致电Bluetooth 1000⾳响客服中⼼。
⼆、产品主要功能○蓝⽛连接,⽆线束缚蓝⽛Bluetooth V2.1+EDR版本,更低的省电模式,抛开传统连线的束缚,享受⽆限⾳乐乐趣。
○便携⾳箱,全⾳频解码完美AC3/AAC/MP3/APE/WMA/WA V全⾳频解码⽅案,⽀持TF预存⾼保真⽆损⾳乐即插即播。
在显示皮重时按两次 F key, 实际重 量以 10 倍精度显示
最开始同时按下这两个键进入软启动。然后在接下来的步奏中按 Print 键选择服务模式
回车 key
显示总重 对于多量模式,量程范围数字会显示(例如:1) 2、
设置总重为 0, (只有在设置 0 范围内) ,0 范围符合 ø 会显示。 3、
按 Tare key 到自动称重 4、
再按 Tare key 一次,清除皮 重,返回总重显示(功能取决于服务模式设置) 5、
按 F key 显示皮重
上 key Total key
显示总计 删除参数(CLR)
Clr key Tare key
自动量程, 或清除皮重 (重复 皮重也是可能的) 选择菜单项或参数(+ 1) 设置总重量为零 (只有在零距 离) 添加“0”参数输入(0)
+1 key Zero key
0 key
Print key
打印 确认参数输入, 进行下一程序 步(进入)
IT1000 技术手册
在最左侧的字符显示 1、2、3 = 称量范围 P=打印 ø=尺度范围(0±0,2d) ~ = 运动 3 最右边的字符显示指示
NET =净重量显示,
5ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ0.1kg =所称得重量 ––––––– = 超重
F key
显示皮重,输入目标值 回到先前的程序步骤
II AI-1000二通道一体式多功能综合仪表目录第一章概述 (1)第二章技术指标 (2)2.1输入 (2)2.2输出 (2)2.3精度 (3)2.4记录间隔 (3)2.5记录容量 (3)2.6记录时间 (4)2.7报警输出 (4)2.8通讯 (4)2.9屏幕 (5)2.10供电 (5)2.11尺寸 (5)2.12 净重 (5)2.13 保存条件 (6)AI-1000二通道一体式多功能综合仪表 III2.14 工作条件 (6)第三章安装与接线 (7)3.1装箱单 (7)3.2外形和开孔尺寸 (8)3.3接线端子 (9)3.4通讯接线 (11)第四章运行与组态操作 (12)4.1键盘 (12)4.2运行画面 (15)4.2.1自定义画面 (15)4.2.2数显画面 (16)4.2.3调节画面 (19)4.2.4实时曲线画面 (20)4.2.5历史曲线画面 (22)4.2.6报警一览画面 (23)4.3组态画面 (26)4.3.1组态密码输入画面 (26)IV AI-1000二通道一体式多功能综合仪表4.3.2组态主菜单画面 (27)4.3.3输入组态 (29)4.3.4输出组态 (33)4.3.5控制组态 (36)4.3.6报警组态 (43)4.3.7通讯组态 (45)4.3.8系统组态 (47)第五章故障分析及排除 (49)厦门宇电AI-1000二通道一体式多功能综合仪表服务指南 (51)AI-1000二通道一体式多功能综合仪表 1第一章概述感谢您使用AI-1000二通道一体式多功能综合仪表。
阀控式铅酸蓄电池组监护模块用户手册V1.0杭州高特电子设备有限公司目录一、概述........................................- 1 -二、产品功能....................................- 1 -三、技术参数....................................- 1 -四、产品型号及规格...............................- 2 -五、产品安装....................................- 2 -六、产品调试....................................- 7 -七、服务.......................................- 10 -一、概述不论是电力变电站、通信机房还是移动基站,或是不间断电源(UPS),蓄电池作为电源系统停电时的备用电源,随着信息社会对通信系统供电安全性和通讯可靠性的要求越来越高,蓄电池本身运行的可靠性和安全性也已经得到了越来越高的关注。
TBS1000 用户手册介绍
TBS1000 系列 数字存储示波器
TBS1000 系列
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Tektronix 保证本产品自发货之日起一年内,不会出现材料和工艺方面的缺陷。如果在保修期内证实任 何此类产品有缺陷,Tektronix 将自主决定,是修复有缺陷的产品(但不收取部件和人工费用)还是提 供替换件以换回有缺陷的产品。Tektronix 在保修工作中使用的部件、模块和替代产品可能是新的,也 可能是具同等性能的翻新件。所有更换的部件、模块和产品均归 Tektronix 所有。
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