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Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. The final component in the involvement factor focuses broadly on worker attitudes in _____ to motivation.

A. proportion

B. relation

C. response

D. addition

2. Poor health and lack of money may both be _____ to educational progress.

A. restraints

B. scarcities

C. contempts

D. barriers

3. By signing the lease you made a (n)_____ to pay $ 400 a month rent.

A. responsibility

B. commitment

C. duty

D. action

4. They have always been on good _____ with their next-door neighbors.

A. friendship

B. relationship

C. terms

D. connection

5. Many people stood outside the church during the funeral to pay _____ to the late president.

A. acknowledgment

B. forbearance

C. revenue

D. respect

6. The shortage of adult male laborers, who were needed for agriculture, contributed to the _____ of child laborers.

A. exploitation

B. exploration

C. explosion

D. exposition

7. The students showed _____ when solving the difficult math's problems.

A. validity

B. purity

C. ingenuity

D. reliability

8. Your kindness in giving _____ to the consideration of the above problem will be highly appreciated.

A. advantage

B. importance

C. accommodation

D. priority

9. The _____ at the Campus Motel were not only adequate but also inexpensive.

A. registrations

B. accommodations

C. reservations

D. confirmations

10. Such fine-tuned strategies can only bear _____ when countries are ready to take the first step by addressing deeply set biases in their societies.

A. fruit

B. result

C. influence

D. interest

11. Enraged by the killing of two comrades in an ambush, Serbian attackers went on a rampage, _____ 12 people they captured.




A. slaughtering

B. shivering


12. The company lost the contract for making the clothes and _____ half its workers.

A. laid out

B. laid off

C. laid down

D. laid into

13. They should never be allowed to _____ their authority and position.

A. abuse

B. abase

C. clarify

D. clamp

14. Because of lack of proper education, a lot of local people are _____; some of them can’t even write their own names.

A. literary

B. literate

C. illiterate

D. literal

15. People who think they’re always being _____ may be suffering from a mental illness.

A. extended

B. explored

C. pinched

D. persecuted

16. He is not to blame because he was _____ of the new rules which were passed during his absence.

A. cautious

B. conscious

C. ashamed

D. ignorant

17. I will join the research group, _____ that my husband joins it too.

A. providing

B. provides

C. being provided

D. to provide

18. _____ conventional black ink costs newspapers about thirty cents a pound, most rub resistant inks add at least ten cents more per pound to the bill.


A. Meanwhile

B. Moreover


Furthermore D.

19. The physicians must deal with _____ an enormous variety of human ailments that much of the time they can only apply hundreds upon hundreds of rules learned mostly by rote.


because D.

A. such

B. although


20. I won’t have a brandy, thank you. It is not that I don’t drink, _____that I don’t drink and drive.

A. but also

B. but rather

C. otherwise

D. but because

21. The dispute between the administration and the faculty members was not resolved _____ the faculty members got better working conditions.

A. when

B. until

C. as

D. because

22. The power of the tycoons is rooted in their ownership of the economy, _____ is the norm in most societies.

A. as

B. for

C. since

D. because

23. We went home for a coffee,_____ Tom became violently ill with food poisoning.

as C.


yet D.




24. The view _____ man in any sense rules over nature inevitably presumes that nature is not itself divine.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. whether

25. The Pope is, in Catholic belief, a direct successor of St. Peter’s, the rock on _____ Jesus Christ built his church.

A. what

B. which

C. whose

D. whom

26. _____ your request for a refund, we have referred the matter to our manager.

A. In regard of

B. In regard for

C. With regard for

D. With regard to

27. The children kept quiet, _____ consideration for their mother who had a stomachache.

A. out of

B. for

C. of

D. from
