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演讲稿一:初一英语3分钟演讲稿 M ideal shool

I hope m ideal shool starts at

8.30 a.m. beause l like to get up late. I hope m ideal shool finishes at

4.30 p.m. So l an have lots of time to have a rest and do some after-shool ativities.

M ideal shool is ver large, it has three tall buildings , a big dining hall, a tennis ourt, a big plaground and a park.

We have an hour for lunh, e an eat deliious food and hat ith eah other in the big dining hall. We an also listen to pop musi here.

We have Math lesson everda beause l like Math ver muh. I also like English, so e have English everda. We needn t ear shool uniform. The lasses are quite small, there are about 15 students in eah lass.

We have ativities after shool one a eek. At the eekend, e needn t do muh homeork. Evermonth, e go on a shool trip to Shanghai orSuzhou.


Students, guests and teahers

Good morning !

m great pleasure to share m dream ith ou toda. m dream is to bee a teaher....

As the hole orld has its boundaries, limits and freedom oexist in our life. I don t expet plete freedom, hih is impossible. I simpl have a dream that supports m life.

I dream that one da, I ould esape from the deep sea of thik shoolbooks and lead m on life. With m favorite fitions, I lie freel on the green grass, smelling the spring,

listening to the ind singing, breathing the fresh and ool air and dissolve m soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoment an bring me great satisfation.

I dream that one da the adults ould thro their prejudie of i and artoon **. The ould keep a lovel heart that an share sorro and happiness ith us hile athing artoon or doing personal things. That s the real muniation of heart to heart.

I have the belief that m dreams should e true. I am looking forard to some da ing hen I am like a proud eagle,

hih flies to the blue and vast sk.


Deep Mother LoveEver hild is surrounded b the deep mother love.

Hoever, e often turn a blind ee to the love. One da I deepl felt the love.One da I hurried home for lunh after shool, beause there ould be an exam in the afternoon and I

had expeted to go bak to shool earl to prepare for the exam. But hen I got Home, the lunh as not read et.

I felt unhapp. When the dishes ere served, I forund none I like. I ran out of m house angril and anderde on the street for a hile,hungr. Then I alked to shool.When I got into the lassroom, I sa a lunh box on m desk. One lassmate told me

that it as m mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the box, I found m favorite food inside. M ees as moist ith tears.

Mother gave me her love ithout asking for return, Ho deep mother love is!



As ou slol open our ees, look around , notie here the light es into our room; listen arefull, see if there are ne sounds ou an reognize; feel ith our bod and spirit, and see

if ou an sense the freshness in the air. Yes, es, es, it s a ne da, it s a different da, and it s a bright da! And most importantl, it is a ne beginning for our life, a beginning here ou are going to make ne desiisions, take ne ations, make ne friends, and take our life to a totall unpreedented level! You kno all this is real as long as ou are

onfident,passionate and mitted! And ou are onfident, ou are passionate, ou are mitted!
