Supervisor and Employee Relationships 老板与员工的关系




Firstly , The experiments in illumination were to find out the relation of the quality and quantity of illumination to the efficiency of industrial workers.
• These results show that workers were more responsive to the social force of their peer groups than to the control and incentives of management.
Conclusions: four general conclusions were drawn
Elton Mayo
The Hawthorne Experiments
There are four main experiments during the period: 1. Illumination tests
3. 4.
Relay-assembly tests
The interview tests The bank-wiring room tests
• The aptitudes of individuals are imperfect predictors of job performance. • Informal organization affects Productivity.. • Work-group norms affect productivity. • The workplace is a social system.
Strengths of the Hawthorne Experiments

人力资源二级英语 写作题库(有参考答案)

人力资源二级英语 写作题库(有参考答案)

专业英语写作模拟题1、某外资公司计划近期内在公司内部推行全方位的绩效评估体系,包括上司评估(supervisor evaluation)、同事评估(peer evaluation)和员工自我评估(employee self-evaluation)。

假设公司人力资源总监要求你来设计制作一份员工自我评估(employee self-evaluation)的样本,请你用英文完成这项工作。

2、360度反馈(360-degree feedback)是近年来出现的一种绩效管理的新方法。



请结合你在工作中对这种绩效评估方法的运用,用英文写一篇100字左右的讨论360度反馈的优点和缺点的文章,题目为“Advantages and disadvantages of 360-degree feedback”。

3、某外资公司是一家专门从事财务软件开发的公司,为了保护公司的商业秘密(business secrets)不被公司员工泄露,公司打算与每一位员工签订一份保密协议(Secrecy and Noncompetition Covenant),规定员工必须保守公司的商业秘密,在任职期间以及离职后,均不能向任何第三方泄露;离职后3年内,不得自己经营或帮助别人经营相同或类似业务;以及公司认为必要且正当的其他条款。


4、由于近年来的持续经济衰退,Addison Systems 公司打算在年底进行一次裁员,辞退的对象主要是公司去年招聘的临时工(temporary workers),Thomas就是即将被辞退的临时工。




人际智商决定职业生涯我们大多数人都希望顺顺利利地度过每一个 打架。

尽管如此,跟同事相处可不像公园漫步那般 惬意,而这种紧张关系会影响我们的工作表现。

有时候,我们部门中某位员工根本就不适合从事 手头那份工作——他们为人浮夸,生性挑剔,缺 乏兴趣,平庸无能,催生出一种有可能拖垮每一 个人的有毒环境。

大家不妨思考一下这个例子:在一家公司, 由于长达一年的招聘冻结期,几个工程团队的人Most of us would prefer to get through few of us are actively looking for a fight. That said, getting along with our colleagues is no walk in the park, and this tension can influence our performance. Sometimes, an employee in our department is simply the wrong person for the job -- their own grandiosity, critical nature, lack of interest, or incompetence leads to a toxic environment that drags everyone down. Consider this example: At one工作日。

毕竟,我们中很少有人会主动找人扯皮 the workday without a scuffle. After all, very手严重不足。

工程师们劳累过度,CEO 担心他们 company, several engineering teams were 可能无法按时完成任务。

于是,这家公司就成立 understaffed, owing to a yearlong hiring 了一个跨团队委员会,以便决定如何公平地把新 freeze. The engineers felt overworked, and 员工分配给相关团队。




First, the workers' congress should approve the appointment or dismissal of the employee supervisor board.2.职工代表大会应当决定由谁来担任新的职工监事。

The workers' congress should decide who will serve as the new employee supervisor.3.职工代表大会可以举行选举来选举新的职工监事。

The workers' congress may hold elections to select thenew employee supervisor.4.如果职工代表大会决定罢免某位职工监事,必须提出充分理由。

If the workers' congress decides to dismiss an employee supervisor, valid reasons must be provided.5.确定了新的职工监事后,应当及时通知相关部门和监管机构。

After the new employee supervisor is determined, relevant departments and supervisory agencies should be informed in a timely manner.6.老的职工监事必须主动移交职责和相关文件给新任职工监事。

The outgoing employee supervisor must proactivelytransfer responsibilities and relevant documents to the new employee supervisor.7.新的职工监事必须了解职工监事的职责和职权。





用英语与老板交流的5大秘诀1.热情积极的态度能得到相当不同的效果!用以下的句子向老板主动要求承担更多的任务让你的热情充分表现出来,"I'd be happy to do that." 此外,通过问以下的问句来表现你非常乐意承担更多的责任,"Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" 当然,当你的老板感谢你的工作时,用"My pleasure" 来表现出你真的很喜欢现在做的事!2.支持我们都喜欢和see eye to eye的人在一起,或是和我们持相同意见的人在一起。


使用像"Good point!"的短语,"I couldn't agree with you more" 和"That's exactly how I feel"来表达赞同。


3.礼貌简单的一句"please"或是"thank you"能起到非常大的作用。


如果你的老板和别人在交谈而你又有急事找他时,一定要说,"Excuse me for interrupting."如果你询问一些信息的话,你还可以加上,"Please get back to me as soon as possible."最后,当他们回答后,告诉他们,"Thanks for your help!"4.有效努力工作是我们不可以忘记的重要方面!如果你on the ball 或是能干而且有效率的话别人一定会欣赏你。



深圳市X X X X科技有限公司LIGHTNING OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY (SZ) Co., LTD.员工手册Employee handbook编号:Lightning/HR-001Serial number: Lightning/HR-001版次:A/1Edition: A/1审核:xxxReviewed by:xxx批准:xxxApproved by:xxx生效日期:2014年1月1日Effective date: Jan 1,2014员工手册Employee manual1.人力资源部致辞(Address by the human resource department) (4)2.公司简介(Company introduction) (5)3.适用范围(Scope of application) (6)4. 员工聘用政策(Employee recruitment policy) (7)4.1 职级制度(Job grade system) (7)4.2 工作时间(Working time) (7)4.3 合同期及试用期(Contract period and probation period) (8)4.4 培训、升职和调动(Training, promotion and transfer) (9)4.5 劳动关系的终止和解除(Termination and cancellation of labor relation) (13)4.7 降职(Demotion) (14)4.8 公司制度和程序(Company Policies and Procedures,CPP) (14)4.9 人事记录(Personnel records) (115)5. 薪酬(Remuneration) (15)5.1 工资发放(Salary payment) (15)5.2 绩效奖金Performance bonus (15)5.3 加班(Overtime) (16)5.4 个人所得税(Individual income tax) (16)6. 休假和假日(Vocation and holiday) (17)6.1 法定假日(Statutory holiday) (17)6.2 年假(Annual vocation) (20)6.3 病假(Sick leave) (20)6.4 其他假期(Other leave) (22)6.4.1 婚假(Marriage leave) (22)6.4.2 产假(Maternity leave) (23)6.4.3 陪产假(Paternity leave) (23)6.4.4 丧假(Funeral leave) (23)6.4.5 妇女节(Women’s Day) (23)6.5 无薪假期(Unpaid leave) (24)7. 公司福利(Company welfare) (24)7.1 社会保险(Social security) (24)7.2 法定住房公积金(Statutory housing fund) (24)8. 员工表彰奖励计划(Employee rewarding plan) (24)8.1 员工主要奖励(Employee rewarding is as follows) (24)8.2 员工俱乐部(Employees club) (24)9. 培训和发展(Training and development) (25)9.1 新员工培训(New employee training) (25)9.2 公司内部培训/在职培训(Company internal training/in-job training) (25)10. 交流沟通(Communication) (26)10.1 内部交流沟通(Internal communication) (28)10.2 对外交流沟通(Communication to outside) (28)10.3 名片(Name card) (28)11. 保密(Confidentiality) (27)12. 工作纪律(Work discipline) (28)12.1 警告处分(Warning ) (30)12.2 记小过处分(Minor offence) (33)12.3 记大过处分(Major offence) (33)12.4 开除或辞退处分(Dismissal or discharge ) (35)13. 健康与安全(Health and safety) (37)14. 修改(Modification) (40)员工代表确认签名(Signature of employee representative) (42)员工确认声明(Employee Confirmation Statement) (43)1.人力资源部致辞Address by the human resource department各位亲爱的员工:To each dear employee:首先,对你们的加入表示最热烈的欢迎。

Interpersonal Relationships at work

Interpersonal Relationships at work

Newsletter for Offi ce Professionals in Independent Schools Issue #2 June 2010People who score high on assessmentsin the area of empathy often just know that they like people, enjoy working with their colleagues and helping people.Empathy is appreciating the inner state of others. That is, getting a sense of others’ feelings, or the ability to put yourself’ in the shoes of another person’.Without empathy , people tend to go about their daily lived without considering how their colleagues may be thinking or feeling, and this often leads to misunderstandings and confl ict between you and your work mates. Empathy also helps us to inspire others, to express ourselves so that we won’t be misunderstood, and to make sense of how what we say is likely to be interpreted by those who work closely with us in what is often a very stressful environment.Empathy is often the missing link in our workplaces, our schools and our homes. Today, empathy is not only important but imperative. We livemore so than ever before in a global community, and need to bridge the gaps between not only generations, but different cultures, religions and socio-economic disparate groups, both at home and at work.It is also very important to know that your performance at work can be rated not only on your work skills which you have probably acquired through education and training, but also on how you manage relationships, not only with those above you but also those below you in the office hierarchy. The way you are perceived as a member of the overall team can go a long way towards ensuring your success at work.To do this, you need to be professional and set boundaries between gossip and interference in personal matters, but you also need to be approachable. If others in the workplace need help and you can help them, then make that extra effort. By doing this you are building good relationships at work that will stand you in good stead. You need to learn to strike the right balance between professional and personal aspects in the workplace, whilst still choosing to ask your colleagues how they are doing – and listening to their response in an empathetic way.While you can’t control what others say and do, you can focus on your communication and diplomacy skills and the overall image you project. Remember, empathy is your choice, but it will certainly help you to relate to your colleagues better, and do a better job at work.Ref: Interpersonal Relationships at workand the importance of empathyLinkadmin a d Admin Link for 2010. Independent Schools Queensland publishes thisce staff with information relevant to their position. ISQ welcomes about the type of information that they would like to see addressed in the Interpersonal Relationships at work and the importance of empathy ."If you just learn a single trick, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view . . . until you climb inside of his skin and walkaround in it.”Atticus Finch“Vacation is what you take when you can’t take what you’ve been taking any longer!"Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of OzTop Tip -Example:AdminLinkIssue #2 June 2010Did I Just say that?What can you do after sayingsomething you should nothave said? When you regretmaking an unfortunate orunkind comment, take thesesteps:• Apologise immediately. Those kinds of remarks do not fade from listeners’ memories. If you wait, people may dwell on your comments or repeat them to others, blowing them out of proportion.• Don’t wallow.If your apology falls short, do not keep trying to make amends. Give people time and space to get over your remarks. In the meantime, be on guard to make sure that your words or actions do not offend again.• Forgive yourself. You cannot turn back the clock and change what you said. However, you can learn from the experience, and you can forgive others when they make similar gaffes around you.Communication Briefi ngs. July 2010 Microsoft Outlook – Tell everyone you are gone for the holidays! Before you leave work on your last day before leave, set up Outlook so that it will send everyone who emails you an automatic response that will let them know the exact date when you will return, or who is dealing with your emails whilst you are absent. You do this by using the ‘out-of-offi ce’ feature (Under Tools on the main menu).This feature also allows you to set up specifi c rules about how to fi le the messages, who to respond to, how often, etc.Ten Commandmentsof Human RelationshipsThe following ten commandments have been around for a long time, but they never go out of date and should be internal to any organization.1. Speak to People. There is nothing like a cheerful word ofgreeting. Look people in the eye when you speak to them and you will really connect.2. Smile at people. We have often been told that it takes 72muscles to frown, only 14 to smile and people can hear the difference in your voice when you smile - even over the phone.3. Call people by name. The sweetest music to anyone’s ears isthe sound of his/her name. Be sure to say it correctly – and often.4. Be friends and be helpful. To have friends and build goodrelationships, be a friend fi rst.5. Be cordial. Sincerely speak and act as if everything you do isa genuine pleasure.6. Be genuinely interested in people. You can like almosteverybody if you try. Be sure people know how much you care.7. Be generous with praise. Praise publicly, correct privately, isan ‘oldie but a goodie’. Everyone wins this way.8. Be considerate – of the feelings of others. There are usuallythree sides to any controversy: yours, the other person’s, and the right side. Learn to keep your ego and emotions in check.9. Be alert – to give excellent service to others.10. Have a good sense of humour. Don’t take yourself tooseriously. When you add lots of patience and humility, you will have a recipe for enduring success.AdminLinkIssue #2 June 2010Effective Work Relationships - Playing with your work colleaguesThese are the top seven ways you can play well with others at work. They form the basis for effective work relationships. These are the actions you want to take to create a positive, empowering, motivational work environment for people.• Bring suggested solutions with the problems to the meeting table. Some employees spend an inordinate amount of time identifying problems. Honestly? That's the easy part. Thoughtful solutions are the challenge that will earn respect and admiration from co-workers and bosses • Don't ever play the blame game. You alienate co-workers, supervisors, and staff members. Yes, you may need to identify who was involved in a problem. You may even ask the question: what about the work system caused the employee to fail? But, not my fault and publicly identifying and blaming others for failures will earn enemies. These enemies will, in turn, help you to fail.• Your verbal and nonverbal communication matters. If you talk down to another employee, use sarcasm, or sound nasty, the other employees hear you. We are all radar machines that constantly scope out our environment.In one organisation a high level manager said, "I know you don't think I should scream at my employees. But, sometimes, they make me so mad. When is it appropriate for me to scream at the employees?" Answer? Never, of course, if respect for people is a hallmark of your organisation.• Never blind side a co-worker, boss, or reporting staff person. If the fi rst time a co-worker hears about a problem is in a staff meeting or from an email sent to his supervisor, you have blind sided the co-worker. Always discuss problems, fi rst, with the people directly involved who "own" the work system. Also called lynching or ambushing your co-workers, you will never build effective work alliances unless your co-workers trust you. And, without alliances, you never accomplish the most important goals.• Keep your commitments. In any organisation, work is interconnected. If you fail to meet deadlines and commitments, you affect the work of other employees. Always keep commitments, and if you can't, make sure all affected employees know what happened. Provide a new due date and make every possible effort to honour the new deadline.• Share credit for accomplishments, ideas, and contributions. How often do you accomplish a goal or complete a project with no help from others?If you are a manager, how many of the great ideas you promote were contributed by staff members? Take the time, and expend the energy, to thank, reward, recognise and specify contributions of the people who help you succeed. This is a no-fail approach to building effective work relationships.• Help other employees fi nd their greatness. Every employee in your organisation has talents, skills, and experience. If you can help fellow employees harness their best abilities, you benefi t the organisation immeasurably. The growth of individual employees benefi ts the whole. Compliment, recognize, praise, and notice contributions. You don't have to be a manager to help create a positive, motivating environment for employees. In this environment, employees do fi nd and contribute their greatness.If you regularly carry out these seven actions, you will play well with others and develop effective work relationships. Co-workers will value you as a colleague. Bosses will believe you play on the right team. You'll accomplish your work goals, and you may even experience fun, recognition, and personal motivation. Work can't get any better than that."The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy. "Meryl StreepWhat is Empathy?Empathy is simply recognizing emotions in others, and being able to "put yourself in another person's shoes" - understanding the other person's perspective and reality.To be empathic, you have to think beyond yourself and your own concerns. Once you see beyond your own world, you'll realize that there's so much to discover and appreciate!People who are accused of being egotistical and selfi sh, or lacking perspective, have often missed the big picture: that they are just single individuals in a world with billions of other people (although, yes, this can be overwhelming if you think about it too long!)If you've been called any of these things, then remind yourself that the world is full of other people, and you can't escape their infl uence on your life. It's far better to accept this, and to decide to build relationships and understanding, rather than try to stand alone all of the time.James Manktelow - ISQ Biennial Conference for Offi ce Professionals & Clerical Staff19 - 20 August 2010, Royal on the Park, BrisbaneDraft Program & Registration Form available now:.auSympathy or Empathy?Many confuse empathy with sympathy, thinking only the spelling is different. There is a relationship between these two, however. Empathy allows one to sympathise. Without empathy there is nosympathy.The simplest way to describe empathy would be, "to step in someone else's shoe". This is essential in employee relationships in any context. In essence, your skills aren’t complete if you don't have people skills in which empathy is essential.Here are common defi nitions for empathy and sympathy:Sympathy: the act of imagining and interpreting the thoughts, experiences, and perspectives of others from our own lens (e.g. our history, experiences, priorities and values).Empathy: the act of attempting to understand the thoughts, experiences, and perspectives of others from their own lens (e.g. their history, experiences, priorities and values).Although subtle, the difference in effect between empathy and sympathy is signifi cant..myTipChecking words that are all in UPPERCASE in Microsoft WordThe default settings for spelling in Word include an option to ignore checking all words that are all in uppercase. This means that any words that are in uppercase are not spell checked. If you would like them to be spell checked as well, do the followingIf using Offi ce 2003• go to the Tools Menu and choose Options • Click on Spelling & Grammar• Click on Ignore words in UPPERCASE to turn off the setting • Click OK If using Offi ce 2007• Go to Review on the Menu Bar• Click on ABC Spelling and Grammar link on left hand side of menu bar• Click on Ignore words in UPPERCASE to turn off the setting • Click OKMotivator TipNow that winter is here, make sure you get out and enjoy the beautiful weather that Queensland is famous for at this time of the year.Tell yourself you will only walk for 5 minutes during your lunch-break (or after work) – I bet you won’t stop at 5 minutes!。

新视野大学英语第三版读写教程Book 3--Unit 5 When work is a pleasure电子教案

新视野大学英语第三版读写教程Book 3--Unit 5  When work is a pleasure电子教案

新视野大学英语第三版电子教案Book 3unit 5Unit 5 When work is a pleasurePART 1Understanding and Learning Overview This unit centers on the topic of work-an indispensable part of individual lives. Work may serve different purposes and have different meanings to different people. Text A argues, by differentiating among work,labor,and play,that interest and enjoyment in work are important for the benefit of both individuals and society. Text B, by telling us a story of a shoemaker and the author, stimulates thoughts on building a tradition of working with pride, self-esteem, and responsibility. All of these elements, as shown in both texts, cannot be achieved in a job that is done merely for the sake of money.Concerning the writing style, Text A is developed mainly by means of contrasts, which are effectively used to highlight, point by point, the differences between workers and laborers. Text B, by means of narration through the use of the first person“I”andwith detailed description and lively conversations,givesthereaders a strong feeling of beingpersonally on the scene,and achieves the effect of great vividness.In order for students to get a strong understanding ofthe unit theme and foster a good attitude toward work,the teacher should encourage thought-provoking discussions and activities. The topics for the discussions may includewhy we work, how we can foster love for work, how we achieve happiness at work, are peer interviews,retellingof Text B, questionnaire survey to gauge thehappiness level of a specific occupation and towork out how to achieve greater happiness at work.Section A Will you be a worker or a laborBackground information1 continuing educationContinuing education refers to the education for adults, usually in classes that are held in the evening and especially on subjects that are related to their jobs.2 experiential learningExperiential learning is the process of making meaning from direct experience. It is learning through reflection on doing, which is often contrasted with rote learning (死记硬背). Experiential learning focuses on the learning process for the individua1. An1example of experiential learning is going to the zoo and learning through observation and interaction with the zoo environment, as opposed to reading about animals from a book. Thus, one makes discoveries and experiments with knowledge firsthand, instead of hearing or reading about others’ experiences.Detailed study of the text1 In a society where slavery in the strict sense has been abolished, the socialindications around work,the value of work and the salary, have degraded many laborers into modern slaves-“wage slaves”.(Para. 1)Meaning: In a society where slavery, strictly speaking, has been put to an end, the social status of work, the value of work and the salary, have made many laborersbexxe modern slaves-“wage slaves”.★degrade:vt. treat sb. without respect and make them lose respect for themselves贬低(某人);羞辱(某人)The examination supervisor warned students not to degrade themselves by cheating on the exam.监考老师警告学生不要在考试中舞弊,以免自取其辱。



twi培训后的行动计划IntroductionThe Training Within Industry (TWI) program is designed to equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to improve productivity, efficiency, and safety in the workplace. After completing the TWI training, it is essential to create a comprehensive action plan to implement the skills and techniques learned during the training. This action plan will outline the steps and strategies to apply the TWI principles in the workplace and achieve the desired results.Action Plan1. Assess Current ProcessesThe first step in implementing TWI principles is to assess the current processes and identify areas for improvement. This can be done by conducting a thorough analysis of the existing work procedures, identifying bottlenecks, and determining areas where productivity can be enhanced. It is important to involve all relevant stakeholders in this process to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the current processes.2. Identify Training NeedsAfter assessing the current processes, it is important to identify the training needs of the workforce. This involves identifying specific skills and knowledge gaps that need to be addressed to improve productivity and efficiency. This step may involve conducting individual assessments, surveys, and interviews to understand the specific needs of each employee.3. Develop Training PlansBased on the identified training needs, develop comprehensive training plans to address the specific skills and knowledge gaps. This may involve developing customized training programs for different departments or job roles. The training plans should be designed to be interactive, hands-on, and focused on practical application of TWI principles in the workplace.4. Implement Job Instruction TrainingOne of the key components of TWI is Job Instruction Training (JIT), which focuses on training employees to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively. After TWI training, it is important to implement JIT programs to train employees on standardized work procedures, best practices, and safety protocols. This may involve developing standardized work instructions, conducting hands-on training sessions, and monitoring employee performance.5. Implement Job Methods TrainingAnother important component of TWI is Job Methods Training (JMT), which focuses on improving work methods and processes to increase productivity and efficiency. After TWI training, it is important to implement JMT programs to identify and eliminate waste, improve work methods, and optimize processes. This may involve conducting time studies, implementing process improvements, and involving employees in problem-solving and continuous improvement initiatives.6. Implement Job Relations TrainingJob Relations Training (JRT) is another essential component of TWI, which focuses on improving supervisor-employee relationships, resolving conflicts, and creating a positive work environment. After TWI training, it is important to implement JRT programs to equip supervisors with the necessary skills to build rapport with employees, address performance issues, and create a supportive work environment. This may involve providing coaching and mentoring to supervisors, conducting conflict resolution training, and creating opportunities for open communication and feedback.7. Monitor and Measure ProgressThroughout the implementation of TWI programs, it is essential to monitor and measure progress to ensure that the desired results are being achieved. This may involve tracking key performance indicators, conducting regular evaluations, and soliciting feedback from employees. It is important to identify any challenges or barriers that may be impeding progress and take corrective actions to address them.8. Provide Ongoing Support and CoachingAfter the initial implementation of TWI programs, it is important to provide ongoing support and coaching to employees to ensure that they maintain the skills and knowledge acquired during the training. This may involve providing refresher training, creating opportunities for skill development, and offering continuous improvement initiatives. It is important to create a culture of continuous learning and improvement to sustain the benefits of TWI programs.ConclusionThe successful implementation of TWI principles requires a comprehensive action plan that outlines the steps and strategies to apply the skills and techniques learned during the training. By assessing current processes, identifying training needs, developing training plans, and implementing TWI programs, organizations can achieve improved productivity, efficiency, and safety in the workplace. Continuing to monitor progress, provide ongoing support, and create a culture of continuous improvement will ensure the sustained success of TWI programs.。

组织公民行为 综述

组织公民行为  综述

组织公民行为综述1、序言:贝特曼(Bateman)和奥根(Organ)于1983年正式提出了组织公民行为(Organizational Citizenship Behavior,简称OCB)的概念。




2、综述切入This article develops and empirically(以经验为主地) examines a social exchange model of organizational citizenship behavior. ①whether procedural and interactional justice affect work-related outcomes through different social exchange relationships. The findings extend previous research by demonstrating that (1) interactional justice perceptions affect supervisor-related outcomes via the mediating variable of leader-member exchange and (2) procedural justice perceptions affect organization-related outcomes via the mediating variable of perceived organizational support.②An employee's trust in a supervisor is proposed to mediate(调节调停) the relationship between procedural fairness in the supervisor's decision making and employee citizenship. Data from 475 hospital employees and their supervisors were consistent with our model. We discuss future research directions. ①以social exchange为切入点,对组织公民行为做出综述。



英语作文-加班转调休审批Title: Approval Process for Transferring Overtime to Vacation Leave。

In the dynamic and often demanding corporate environment, efficient management of employee workload and rest is crucial for maintaining productivity and employee well-being. This document outlines the standard procedure for approving the conversion of overtime hours to vacation leave, ensuring fairness and adherence to company policies.1. Understanding the Policy:The company's policy clearly states that any overtime worked beyond regular working hours should be eligible for conversion into paid or unpaid vacation days. This practice aims to provide a balanced work-life interface, preventing burnout and fostering job satisfaction.2. Calculation:To convert overtime to vacation, the first step is to determine the number of hours worked in excess of the standard 40-hour workweek. Employees must submit their overtime logs for verification. The calculation is typically based on the overtime rate, which is usually a percentage above their regular pay.3. Request Submission:Employees who wish to utilize their overtime for vacation leave should submit a formal request to their supervisor, detailing the specific hours they worked and the intended vacation period. The request should be accompanied by a copy of their overtime records for transparency.4. Supervisor's Review:The supervisor is responsible for checking the accuracy of the overtime data and ensuring compliance with company policies. They may also consider the workload andteam needs when approving the request. If approved, the supervisor will forward the request to the HR department for final approval.5. HR Approval:HR reviews the request, taking into account the company's leave balance and any potential impact on team operations. They may request additional information or clarify any issues before granting the approval. Once cleared, the HR department will notify the employee of the approved conversion.6. Record Keeping:The HR department will update the employee's leave record, reflecting the converted overtime hours. This ensures that the employee's vacation entitlements are accurately managed.7. Communication:It's essential to communicate the approved conversion to the employee, providing a clear understanding of the new leave balance and any implications for future work schedules. This transparency fosters trust and helps avoid misunderstandings.8. Follow-Up:After the conversion, employees should be reminded to use their vacation time promptly to avoid losing the converted hours. Regular follow-ups with HR can help maintain a smooth process.In conclusion, the approval process for converting overtime to vacation leave is a well-defined and fair mechanism that promotes work-life balance and employee satisfaction. By following these steps, the company can maintain a productive workforce while respecting their rights to rest and rejuvenation.。



上司与员工的英语对话范文An Example Dialogue between a Supervisor and an Employee.Supervisor: Good morning, John. How are you?Employee (John): Good morning, sir. I'm good, thank you. And how are you today?Supervisor: I'm well, thanks. John, I wanted to have a brief discussion with you about your recent project progress.Employee (John): Yes, sir. I've been working diligently on it and I believe I'm on track to meet the deadline.Supervisor: That's good to hear. Could you please share with me the key highlights of your progress so far?Employee (John): Absolutely. I've completed the marketresearch and am now in the early stages of developing the product's features. I've also been collaborating closely with the design team to ensure a seamless user experience.Supervisor: Excellent. I'm pleased to hear about your collaboration efforts. What challenges have you encountered and how have you overcome them?Employee (John): One of the challenges has been integrating the new features into the existing platform. However, through regular meetings and brainstorming sessions with my team, we've been able to find innovative solutions.Supervisor: That's a great approach. Teamwork and collaboration are crucial for overcoming challenges. Have you identified any areas where you could improve your efficiency?Employee (John): Yes, sir. I've realized that I could be more proactive in seeking feedback from stakeholders. This would help identify potential issues early on and savetime in the long run.Supervisor: Absolutely. Stakeholder feedback is invaluable. It's important to stay agile and responsive to their needs. Are there any resources or support you need to complete this project successfully?Employee (John): At this point, I don't believe I need any additional resources. However, if any unexpected issues arise, I'll make sure to inform you promptly.Supervisor: Very well. It's important to be proactive and anticipate potential problems. John, how confident are you in meeting the project deadline?Employee (John): Sir, I'm very confident. With the progress we've made and the support of my team, I believe we'll be able to deliver a high-quality product on time.Supervisor: That's encouraging to hear. Remember, communication is key. Keep me updated on any developments or concerns you may have.Employee (John): Absolutely, sir. I'll ensure regular updates and prompt responses to any questions or concerns you may have.Supervisor: Excellent. John, I appreciate your dedication and commitment to this project. Continue the good work.Employee (John): Thank you, sir. I will.Supervisor: Very well. Let's meet again in two weeks to discuss your further progress.Employee (John): Yes, sir. Looking forward to it.This brief dialogue demonstrates a positive and constructive interaction between a supervisor and an employee. It highlights the importance of regular updates, team collaboration, and proactive problem-solving in ensuring project success.。



雇员和雇主关系英文作文英文:As an employee, I believe that the relationship between an employee and an employer is crucial for a successful and productive work environment. A good relationship between the two parties can lead to a positive work experience and a sense of satisfaction for both the employee and the employer.One of the most important aspects of the employee-employer relationship is communication. Open and transparent communication is essential for both parties to understand each other's expectations, concerns, and feedback. For example, in my previous job, I had a manager who always had an open-door policy, which made it easy for me to discuss any issues or ideas with him. This kind of communication helped to build trust and mutual respect between us.Another key factor in the employee-employer relationship is mutual respect. Both the employee and the employer should respect each other's opinions, time, and boundaries. For instance, I always make sure to respect my employer's time by being punctual for meetings and deadlines, and in return, I expect my employer to respect my personal time and work-life balance.Furthermore, a good employer-employee relationship involves support and recognition. Employers should provide support and guidance to their employees to help them grow and succeed in their roles. In my experience, I had a supervisor who always recognized and appreciated my hard work, which motivated me to perform even better.In addition, it's important for both parties to be flexible and understanding. There will be times when unexpected situations arise, and it's crucial for both the employee and the employer to be understanding and accommodating. For example, when I had a family emergency, my employer was understanding and allowed me to take time off to deal with the situation.Overall, the employee-employer relationship is a two-way street that requires effort and understanding from both parties. When there is a good relationship between the employee and the employer, it creates a positive and productive work environment.中文:作为一名员工,我相信雇员和雇主之间的关系对于一个成功和高效的工作环境至关重要。



由情绪失控引起的非理性行为英语作文Emotions are a fundamental part of human existence, influencing our thoughts, actions, and interactions. While emotions can serve as powerful motivators, they can also lead to irrational behavior when they spiral out of control. Such emotional outbursts can have significant and often negative consequences in various aspects of life, including personal relationships, workplace environments, and broader societal interactions.One of the key areas where emotional distress can provoke irrational behavior is in personal relationships. For instance, consider a scenario where an individual feels unjustly treated by a partner. Instead of communicating their feelings calmly and rationally, the person may resort to shouting or making hurtful remarks. This heated exchange can damage the trust and chemistry that once characterized therelationship. The immediate emotional release may feel cathartic, yet the long-term repercussions often include regret, guilt, and a deepened rift between the individual and their partner.In the workplace, emotional outbursts can equally lead to detrimental outcomes. Imagine an employee who receivescritical feedback during a performance review. If that employee allows frustration and anger to dictate their response, they might react defensively, arguing with their supervisor or even behaving unprofessionally. Such behavior not only undermines their credibility but can also affect team dynamics, causing discomfort among colleagues and deteriorating a collaborative environment. Furthermore, continued emotional instability can jeopardize career advancement and professional relationships.On a societal level, irrational behavior fueled by unchecked emotions can result in larger conflicts andmisunderstandings. History is replete with instances where collective outrage led to riots or violent demonstrations, often stemming from feelings of injustice or oppression. In these cases, the emotions of the moment overshadow rational discourse, potentially leading to physical confrontations and further societal division. Such instances highlight the importance of emotional regulation and constructive dialogue in preventing chaos and fostering understanding.Addressing the impact of emotional outbursts requires a conscious effort to develop emotional intelligence. By learning to recognize and manage emotions, individuals can choose more constructive responses, thereby minimizing the risk of irrational behavior. Techniques such as mindfulness, active listening, and conflict resolution can empower individuals to respond to emotional triggers with composure and insight.In conclusion, while emotions are an integral part of the human experience, allowing them to dictate behavior can lead to irrational actions with far-reaching consequences. Whether in personal relationships, professional settings, or societal interactions, the effects of emotional volatility can be profound and damaging. Cultivating emotional intelligence not only helps individuals manage their feelings but also promotes healthier interactions and relationships both personally and within the community. Ultimately, striving for rationality amidst emotional upheaval can pave the way for a more constructive and harmonious life.。



上下级的关系英语作文英文回答:The relationship between a supervisor and a subordinate is a critical one in any organization. It can significantly impact both the individual employees and the overall performance of the team. A positive supervisor-subordinate relationship can foster productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction. Conversely, a negative relationship can lead to conflict, disengagement, and decreased performance.There are many factors that can contribute to apositive supervisor-subordinate relationship. Some of the most important include:Clear communication: Supervisors should be able to communicate their expectations clearly and concisely. They should also be open to feedback and suggestions from their subordinates.Respect: Both supervisors and subordinates shouldtreat each other with respect. This means valuing each other's opinions, listening attentively, and refraining from personal attacks.Trust: Supervisors should trust their subordinates to do their jobs effectively. They should also be willing to delegate authority and responsibility.Support: Supervisors should be supportive of their subordinates. This means providing them with the resources and guidance they need to succeed.Fairness: Supervisors should be fair and consistent in their dealings with their subordinates. They should not favor one employee over another and should make decisions based on merit.When a supervisor-subordinate relationship is positive, it can have a number of benefits for both the individual employees and the organization as a whole. For employees, apositive relationship can lead to increased job satisfaction, higher productivity, and greater commitment to the organization. For organizations, a positive supervisor-subordinate relationship can lead to improved teamwork, reduced turnover, and increased profitability.Of course, not all supervisor-subordinate relationships are positive. There are a number of factors that can contribute to a negative relationship, such as poor communication, lack of respect, and unfair treatment. When a supervisor-subordinate relationship is negative, it can have a number of negative consequences for both the individual employees and the organization as a whole. For employees, a negative relationship can lead to stress, anxiety, and decreased job satisfaction. For organizations, a negative supervisor-subordinate relationship can lead to conflict, decreased productivity, and increased turnover.If you find yourself in a negative supervisor-subordinate relationship, there are a number of things you can do to try to improve the situation. First, try to communicate your concerns to your supervisor directly. Ifthat doesn't work, you may want to consider talking to a human resources representative or another trustedindividual within the organization.It is important to remember that a positive supervisor-subordinate relationship is a two-way street. Both supervisors and subordinates have a responsibility to contribute to the relationship. By following the tips above, you can help to create a positive and productivesupervisor-subordinate relationship.中文回答:上司与下属之间的关系。



新生培训计划英语作文As a new employee, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the organization, its culture, policies, and procedures. The purpose of this new employee training program is to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your role and to contribute to the success of the company. Throughout this training program, we will focus on helping you integrate into the organization, understand your job responsibilities, and develop the necessary skills to be successful in your new role.2. OrientationThe first step in the new employee training program is the orientation. During the orientation session, you will be introduced to the company’s history, mission, vision, values, and culture. You will also be familiarized with the organizational structure and the different departments within the company. We will provide you with an overview of the company’s policies, procedures, and expectations, as well as the resources and support systems available to you as a new employee. This will help you to feel more connected to the organization and understand the context in which you will be working.3. Job-specific trainingFollowing the orientation, you will receive job-specific training that is tailored to your role within the company. This training will include a detailed explanation of your job responsibilities, the tools and resources available to you, and the specific skills and knowledge required to excel in your role. You will have the opportunity to work closely with your supervisor and colleagues to gain hands-on experience and learn about the day-to-day operations of your position. This training will be designed to help you feel confident and competent in your new role.4. MentorshipIn addition to the job-specific training, you will be paired with a mentor who will support you as you transition into your new role. Your mentor will be an experienced employee who can provide guidance, answer questions, and help you navigate the organization. Your mentor will be a valuable resource as you learn the ropes of your new position, and they will be available to offer advice and feedback throughout your onboarding process.5. Soft skills trainingIn addition to technical skills, it is important for new employees to develop soft skills that are essential for success in the workplace. Throughout the training program, you will have the opportunity to participate in workshops and activities that will help you to improve your communication, teamwork, time management, and problem-solving skills. These skills are critical for building relationships, collaborating effectively with colleagues, and managing your workload.6. Compliance trainingAs a new employee, it is important to be educated on the company’s policies and procedures, as well as any industry-specific regulations that may apply to your role. You will receive training on topics such as workplace safety, confidentiality, ethics, and data security. This training will help you to understand your responsibilities as an employee and ensure that yo u are adhering to the company’s standards and legal requirements.7. Evaluation and feedbackThroughout the training program, you will receive ongoing feedback and evaluation to help you understand your progress and identify areas for improvement. This feedback will come from your supervisor, mentor, and colleagues, who will provide constructive criticism and guidance to help you grow in your role. Additionally, there will be regular check-ins and performance reviews to assess your development and ensure that you are meeting the expectations of your position.8. ConclusionThe new employee training program is designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and support needed to succeed in your new role. By participating in this comprehensive training program, you will have the opportunity to integrate into the organization, develop the necessary skills to excel in your role, and contribute to the success of the company. We are committed to your success and look forward to supporting you as you embark on this new journey with our organization. Welcome aboard!。



员工申诉管理制度英文1. IntroductionThe employee appeal management system is a formal process that allows employees to raise concerns or complaints related to their working conditions, treatment within the organization, or any other related issues. The purpose of this system is to provide a fair and transparent mechanism for employees to voice their concerns and seek resolution to any perceived unfair treatment or issues they may be facing within the workplace.2. ObjectivesThe objectives of the employee appeal management system are as follows:- To provide a formal process for employees to raise concerns or complaints in a fair and transparent manner.- To ensure that employees are treated with respect and fairness when raising concerns within the organization.- To establish a mechanism for investigating and resolving employee appeals in a timely and effective manner.- To create a culture of open communication and trust within the organization by addressing employee concerns promptly and effectively.3. ScopeThe employee appeal management system applies to all employees within the organization, regardless of their position or tenure. It covers a wide range of issues including but not limited to:- Harassment or discrimination in the workplace- Unfair treatment or disciplinary actions- Violation of company policies and procedures- Health and safety concerns- Ethical violations- Unresolved conflicts or disputes4. ProcessThe employee appeal management system is a formal process that involves the following steps:Step 1: Filing a complaintEmployees are encouraged to raise their concerns through the appropriate channels within the organization. This includes discussing the issue with their immediate supervisor, HR department, or any other designated person within the organization.Step 2: InvestigationOnce a complaint is filed, the designated person or committee within the organization will be responsible for conducting a thorough investigation into the matter. This may involve gathering relevant evidence, conducting interviews with the concerned parties, and reviewing relevant company policies and procedures.Step 3: ResolutionBased on the findings of the investigation, the designated person or committee will work towards resolving the issue in a fair and transparent manner. This may involve taking appropriate disciplinary actions, providing training or counseling, or implementing changes to company policies and procedures as necessary.Step 4: AppealIf the employee is not satisfied with the resolution provided, they have the right to appeal the decision through the designated process within the organization. This may involve presenting their case to a higher authority or an independent appeals board for further review and resolution.Step 5: Follow-upOnce a resolution has been reached, the designated person or committee will ensure that the necessary follow-up actions are taken to prevent similar issues from reoccurring in the future. This may involve implementing changes to company policies and procedures, providing training to employees, or monitoring the situation closely to ensure that the issue has been effectively addressed.5. ResponsibilitiesThe employee appeal management system outlines the following responsibilities for all parties involved:- Employees: It is the responsibility of employees to raise their concerns in a respectful and professional manner, providing relevant evidence and information to support their case.- Supervisors and HR department: It is the responsibility of supervisors and the HR department to listen to employee concerns with empathy and take appropriate actions to address the issue in a fair and transparent manner.- Designated person or committee: It is the responsibility of the designated person or committee to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter, ensuring that all parties involved are given a fair chance to present their case.- Higher authority or appeals board: It is the responsibility of the higher authority or appeals board to review the case and make a fair and unbiased decision based on the findings of the investigation.6. ConfidentialityThe employee appeal management system ensures that all information related to employee concerns and complaints is handled with utmost confidentiality. This includes restricting access to sensitive information to only those individuals directly involved in the investigation and resolution process.7. Training and AwarenessThe organization is committed to providing training and awareness programs to all employees to ensure that they are aware of their rights and responsibilities within the employee appeal management system. This includes providing information on how to raise concerns, the process involved in an investigation, and the appeals process.8. CommunicationThe organization will establish a clear and transparent communication channel for employees to raise their concerns through various channels such as email, hotline, or in-person meetings. Regular updates will be provided to employees on the progress and resolution of their concerns to ensure transparency and trust within the organization.9. Monitoring and EvaluationThe employee appeal management system will be regularly monitored and evaluated to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency in addressing employee concerns. This may involve conducting feedback surveys, reviewing the number and types of complaints raised, and identifying areas for improvement within the system.10. ConclusionThe employee appeal management system is a crucial mechanism for ensuring a fair and transparent workplace environment, where employees are treated with respect and are provided with a platform to raise their concerns. By establishing a formal process for addressing employee appeals, the organization can create a positive and supportive work culture that promotes open communication and trust between employees and management.。

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(活泼,生气;激励) (vt. 表示) (权威;权力;当局) [ʌn'iːkw(ə)l]
• Environment – much space or territory
– How furnishings convey status – The higher status person is more likely to invade the lower status person’s space
Supervisor and Employee Relationships
Some tions
• Status – a person’s rank or position in a group • Supervisor – generally the higher status person • Subordinate – the lower status person
(等级,队列,排) [sə'bɔːdɪnət]
Distinctive Characteristics
• Supervisor has legitimate right to request certain job responsibilities be carried out by subordinate • The supervisor-subordinate relationship demands that certain amount of respect be given to the supervisor • The supervisor can bestow (vt. 使用;授予;放置; 留) rewards and punishments on the subordinate
• Advantages – employees want a supervisor to be sensitive, warm, accepting, responsive, and immediate
– An interest in the employee – Promote more positive relationships – Improves communication between supervisor and subordinate
• Interest in and concern for employee
Disadvantages of Immediacy
• Might be perceived by her or his boss as not being in control or being too easy with subordinates • Some subordinates try to use the boss who is immediate to their advantage • Might receive more communication than can be handled
• Time – communicates a person’s feelings and attitudes toward an organization
– Subordinates are judged on how they use their time
Immediacy in the Workplace
(得到实现,被执行) [bɪ'stəʊ]
Distinctive Characteristics
• The supervisor is the person who has the most informational power
Role of Nonverbal Messages
• Physical Appearance – usually better dressed, might have more expensive clothes and accessories • Gesture and Movement – posture • Face and Eye Behavior – can use facial expressions more freely, look at subordinate less
(外表,体态) ['dʒestʃə] (?) (表情)
Role of Nonverbal Behavior
• Vocal Behavior – self assurance, confidence, maturity, animation and extroverted tones denote authority • Space – the larger the space, the more authority People of equal status face each other, unequal status side by side • Touch – supervisors can more easily touch than subordinate