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1.____________ she is a very busy woman, she helps the boy.

A. Although

B. Because C . However D . But


【解析】【分析】句意:虽然她是个很忙的女人,但是她帮助那个男孩。A:Although ,虽然,表示转折关系。B:Because,因为,表示因果关系。C:However ,然而,表示转折。D:But ,但是,表示转折。根据____________ she is a very busy woman, she helps the boy. 可知,她是个很忙的女人和她帮助那个男孩是转折关系,但用在第一个句子前,只能是although ,故选A。


2.I think you should be against the situation, ______ , of course, you are happy with it.

A. because B . however C . anyway D . unless


3.——What do you think of our school basketball team?

——They're going to lose the match ________ they improve their skills.

A. unless B . until C . if D . as

【答案】 A 4.—Tom, what does "Stay hungry, stay foolish." mean?

—You can have your own understanding. But I think it means follow your original aspiration (初心)you will succeed.

A. so

B. but

C. and

D. or 【答案】C

5.Mark felt very bad today. _______ , he kept working all day and said nothing about it.

A. However

B. Therefore

C. Otherwise

D. Besides 【答案】 A

6.Although she is under great stress, ____ she always wears a smile on her face.

A. and B . or C . but D . /


7.Tom's father was cleaning the car ____________ his mother was doing housework.

A. although

B. as

C. since

D. while 【答案】 D

8.The film is really exciting. ____ the students _____ their teacher is enjoying the film.

A. Both; and

B. Not only; but also

C. Either; or

D. Neither; nor


9.She got up late, _______ she missed the bus.

A. so B . because C . though D . but


10.You can take _________ the train __________ the bus there. It will take the same amount

of time.

A. eithers or

B. both and

C. neither; nor

D. not only: but also


11.Little Kate went to school __________ it rained heavily yesterday.

A. though B . if C . but D . since


12._______ we didn't win the basketball game, we were satisfied with our hard work.

A. If B . Though C . Since D . Because



如果,表示假设条件;B:Though 虽然,表示转折;C:Since 既然;明显的原因;D:Because 因为,表示原因。根据前后句意思,可知前后句是转折关系,要用though ,故选



13.You'll have a great time ____________ you go to the party.

A. so

B. if

C. although


【解析】【分析】句意:如果你去参加聚会,你会玩得很开心的。A:so 因此,表示结

果;B:if 如果,表示条件;C:although 尽管,表示让步。根据前后句的意思,可知后句是前句的条件,故选B。


14.You like football ________ she likes reading.

A. When

B. or

C. because

D. while


15._____________ China has been a member of WTO, English is more important.

A. Since

B. Though

C. When

D. If


【解析】【分析】句意:自从中国加入WTO 后,英语就更重要了。since 自从,though 虽然;when 当⋯⋯时候;if 如果,只有since 是正确的,though 放在此处句子翻译不通顺;when 不和现在完成时连用;if 引导从句是一般现在时或现在完成时,主句用将来时,故选A。


16.You will miss the early bus _________ you start now. You'd better hurry.
