



























Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.
I laugh in the face of danger.
God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away.
Minoritizing Translation (异化翻译法)
《功夫》: 洪家铁线拳——Iron Fist from the Hung School 昆仑派的蛤蟆功——The Toad Style of Kwan Lun School 虎行——Tiger style 《功夫熊猫》: 师傅——Master Shifu 乌龟大师——Master Oogway
Is this a slaughter house? 莫非是一家黑店?
Should I show you my heart? 要不要我把心掏出来给你看看啊?
If I can’t be with the one who I love, I won’t be happy even if I were Heaven Emperor. 如果不能跟我喜欢的人在一起,就算让我做玉皇大帝我也 不会开心。
“pigeon”指鸽子,在中文中没有什么不好的意思,但在 英语俚语中有“傻瓜,受骗上当者”的意思。

























I. IntroductionFilm production has been developing in leaps and bounds ever since and gradually boom as one of the most profitable industries of the world nowadays. As a dominant role in the world, film industries sell their film products all over the world. The Hollywood film industry----the engine of the world film industry is definitely the best evidence.According to the statistics,in the 1930s and 1940s,Hollywood films produced nearly 75% of the film market share in china. Never before have we seen so many foreign films flooding the domestic market and never before have we seen so many Chinese films going abroad. These films were generally dubbed into Chinese because few Chinese audiences understood English at that time. Therefore, film subtitle translation can not present real meanings to the viewers except for the translation of some inter-titles.The significances of the present research are reflected in the following aspects. Since the thesis attempts to combine both film subtitle translation and skopos theory together, it might be conductive to the enrichment of both fields, beneficial to the practice of film subtitle translation as well as the promotion of our understanding of general translation theory.II. Definition of film subtitlingA. SubtitleAccording to George-Michael Luyken(1991), “subtitles are condensed written translations of original dialogue which appears as line of text, usually positioned towards the foot of the screen, subtitles appear and disappear to coincide in time with corresponding portion of the original dialogue and are almost always added to the screen image at a later date as a post-production activity”(335).B. Definition of film subtitlingFilm subtitle is “a printed statement or fragment of dialogue appearing on the screen between the scenes of a silent motion picture or appearing as a translation at the bottom of the screen during the scenes of a motion picture or television show in a foreign language” (Merriam 1175). In short,film subtitles are supplements,in the sense that they supply information unavailable from the phonetic dialogue and visualpicture.Film subtitles are different from “displays” or “captions”. “Displays” are “fragments of text recorded by the camera-letters, newspapers, headlines, banners etc” (Gottlieb l01-121). “Captions” (or “top titles”) are pieces of “textual information usually inserted by the program maker to identify names,places or dates relevant to the story line”(Luyken). This distinction is maintained here and “subtitles”do not include displays or captions, unless otherwise stated.Film subtitle can be both “intralingual”(and “vertical”), when the target language is the same as the source language, and “intralingual” (or “diagonal”), when the target language is different from the source language (Gottlieb 249-258). “Film subtitle”in this thesis is used to refer to interlingual film subtitle, unless otherwise stated.Film subtitle can be “open”, when the target text constitutes a physical part of the translated film and is transmitted together with the film sound and image,or “closed”, when the target text is stored in a digital/teletext format which is transmitted in as well as accessed via a separately coded channel at the discretion of the viewers(Gottlieb 247). In this thesis, “film subtitle”, refers to open film subtitle, unless otherwise stated.III. A brief introduction to skopostheorieA. The process of skoposSkopos is the Greek word for “aim” or “purpose” and was induced into translation theory in the 1970s by Hans J. Vermeer as a technical term for the purpose of a translation and of the action of translating skopos focuses on the purpose of the translation, which determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order to produce a functionally adequate result, the target text (TT), called the translatum by Vermeer (20-23). Therefore,in skopos theory,knowing why an source text (ST) is to be translated and what the function of the TT will be are crucial for the translator.In the 1970s there appeared a school in translation studies in Germany functionalism. Katharina Reiss firstly pointed out in his work Translation Criticism (2004). The representatives are Katharina Reiss, Hans J. Vermeer and Christiane Nord. They hold that translation is a kind of action with a purpose. This theory is first presented by Reiss and Vermeer in their book Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translationstheorie (1984) (General Foundations of Translation Theory).Since 1978, German translation theorist H. J. Venneer, who breaks through thetraditional equivalence-based the theory that centers on source text,creates the skopostheories with the translation purpose or function of a translation as a general principle on the basis of theory of action(23-24). It is generally agreed now that translation is a type of human action. According to Vermeer, human action is intentional and purposeful behavior that takes place in a given situation, which modifies the situation at the same time (205-210). Skopos argues that the shape of target text should above all be determined by the function or “Skopos”that it is intended to fulfill in the target context.Vermeer believes that the purpose of a target text determines the translation strategies. In his opinion, the purpose of a target text, which is so important, is great extent decided by target readers, cultural background. In Hans J Vemeer’s Skopos and Commission in Translational Action(1989),Vemmer puts the Skopostheorie in this way:“Any form of translation action, including therefore translation itself, maybe conceived as an action, as the name implies. Any action has an aim, a purpose. The word Skopos, then, is a technical term for the aim or purpose of a translation.” In her book Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained (2001), Christiane Nord defines the skopostheorie that “Skopos is a Greek word for purpose”(13-14). According to skopostheorie (the theory that applies the notion of Skopos to translation), the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose (skopos) of the overall translational action. This fits in with intentionality being part of the very definition of any action.B. Three rules of the SkopostheorieSkopos theory involves three rules, i. e. skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule, which will be discussed as follows.1. Skopos ruleVermeer postulates that as a general rule it must be the intended purpose of the target text that determines translation methods and strategies. From this postulate, he derives the skopos rule: Human action(and its subcategory:translation) is determined by its purpose(Skopos), and therefore it is a function of its purpose(Baker 236).Vermeer explains the Skopos rule in the following way,“Each text is produced for a given purpose and sho uld serve this purpose. The skopos rule thus reads as follows: translate/interpret/speak/write in a way that enables your text/translation to function in the situation in which it is used and withthe people who want to use it and precisely in the way they want it to function” (29).It is also pointed out that most translational actions allow a variety of skopos, which may be related to each other in a hierarchical order, and the translator should be able to justify their choice of a particular skopos in a given translational situation in translation, ., the skopos must be decided separately in each specific case.Skopos rule helps the translator solve the eternal dilemmas of free vs. faithful translation, dynamic vs. formal equivalence, and so on. Nord points out that the skopos of a particular translation task may require a “free” or a “faithful” translation, or anything between these two extremes, depending on the purpose for which the translation is needed. (29).2. The coherence ruleTwo further general rules are the coherence rule and the fidelity rule. The coherence rule stipulates that the target text must be sufficiently coherent to allow the intended users to comprehend it, given their assumed background knowledge and situational circumstances.The coherence rule, or in Vermeer’s terms, the standard of “intra-textual coherence” means “the receiver should be able to understand it: it should make sense in the communicative situation and culture in which it is received”(Nord 32). The coherence rule specifies that “a t ranslation should be acceptable in a sense that it is coherent with the receivers’ situation” (Nord 32).That is to say, the translator’s task is to produce a text that is at least likely to be meaningful to target-culture receivers, namely, to be coherent with the receivers’situation and thus to be understood by the receivers. Only when the receivers understand it as being sufficiently coherent with their situation, can this communicative interaction be regarded as successful.3. The fidelity ruleHowever, just being coherent with the target situation is not enough. A translation is an offer of information about a preceding offer of information; therefore there is a relationship between the translation and the source text. Vermeer calls this relationship “inter-textual coherence or “fidelity”. This is postulated as a further principle, referred to as the “fidelity rule” (Nord 32)“Inter-textual coherence should exist between source and target text, while the form it takes depends both on t he translator’s interpretation of the source text and on the translation skopos” (Nord 1-32). For example, one possible kind of inter-textualcoherence could be a maximally faithful imitation of the source text.We know that the source text is intended for the source culture receivers instead of translation,therefore when it is translated for the different target-culture recipients, maybe the function of the target text or the purpose of the translation is different from that of the source text. In this case,the “fidelity rule” should give way to the skopos rule. However, the translator should aim for any possible compatibility between the skopos and inter-textual coherence.The three basic rules of the skopostheorie are designed to govern the translator’s activities in the whole translation process. In most cases, due to the reason that the skopos of the translation is frequently likely to deviate from the intention of the corresponding source language text, a translation cannot satisfy the three rules at the same time.IV. Film subtitle translation of If You Are the One from the perspective of skopostheorieIn subtitle translation of If You Are the One, in particular, its skopos is determined by the intention of its director as the initiator and the expectation of the English speaking viewers as the receivers of the English subtitles; its shape is determined by its skopos and the subtitler. This part is to analyze how the factors mentioned above determine the skopos and shape of translated subtitles in If You Are the One, and how strategies are employed to fulfill its skopos.A. Brief review of the film If You Are the OneThe film for 2008, If You Are the One, stars Feng’s longtime collaborator, Ge You, as a man in his 40s, newly rich, looking to settle down and start a family. Having made an instant fortune through his sale of the Conflict Resolution Terminal 2008, middle-aged entrepreneur Qin Fen (Ge You) turns his attention to finding a wife. Using all online personals service, he auditions potential spouses, but few make a lasting impression. Qin Fen’s stalwart personality is partly to blame;he’s intent on finding a suitable match,and is willing to walk away from even an absolute goddess if there’s a hint of incompatibility. So it goes with comely flight attendant Smiley Liang (Shu Qi), who Qin Fen initially recognizes as a poor match. Regardless, the two commiserate over drinks, where the melancholy Smiley reveals that she’s dating amarried man (Alex Fong). The two parts intends never to meet again, with each returning to their own pursuit of love.But as fate and the screenwriters would have it, Qin Fen and Smiley meet again on all airline flight,with Smiley working, Qin Fen traveling, and Smiley’s boyfriend and wife also present. The coincidence draws Qin Fen and Smiley back together, propelling them on the road to friendship and perhaps more, with occasional stops at fine luxury entertainment locations, where they sip expensive drinks while verbally sparring over their views on love. Qin Fen aims for a home run with his potential mate, while Smiley seems willing to settle if she can’t have her idealized,unattainable love. In response, Qin Fen tries to convince her otherwise while attempting not to appear as he’s trying to. It’s the story of one man’s tough love, except with a picturesque tour of fabulous locations that only people with money can visit. Somewhere in there, Qin Fen’s loyalty and stalwart affection is supposed to comfort Smiley’s wounded heart or something like that.B. An analysis of subtitle translation of If You Are the One based on skoposIn subtitle translation of If You Are the One, in particular, its skopos is determined by the intention of its director Feng Xiaogang as the initiator and the expectation of the English-speaking viewers as the receivers of the English subtitles; its shape is determined by its skopos and the subtitler. This part is to analyze how the factors mentioned above determine the skopos and shape of translated subtitles in If You Are the One and how the strategies are employed to fulfill its skopos.1. Feng Xiaogang’s intentionFeng never denies his wish to defeat the Hollywood films at the box office by adapting Hollywood’s game rules (Rosen 336).Feng discloses that the Associate President of Columbia Pictures, once said to him, “Your films have never been shown in overseas countries and thus you are not known to the viewers outside your country.Big Shot’s Funeral serves as an advertisement to publicize you and I hope it can provide the foundation for your second and third film in the overseas market” (Feng 187). From Mr. Geris’s wish, we can also find F eng’s ambition to gain the market share in foreign countries. And the film If You Are the One has proved to be well received in the North American market.Feng recalls in his book that on a seminar about the making of Big Shot’s Funeral,some people asked him whether the production strategy of the film should beconsidered as Hollywood’s cultural invasion into Chinese film industry. He replies that “it is a win-win deal and a two-edged sword” and that this kind of cooperation is cost-efficient because it “still makes Chinese films,but faces the global market” (Feng 187). As for Feng Xiaogang, the way to revive domestic market and march into international market is to cooperate with foreign film production companies and internationalize domestic film success.From above,we can see that the director’s intention is to bridge the gap between Chinese and foreign cultures and gain market share in foreign countries,which is the major part of translation brief.2.Skopos analysisTo define the skopos, we should verify the translation brief. Although it is said that a brief should be given by the clients, more often than not, it is not the case. Then a translator should have the ability to verify it by himself. The translation brief of the present case could be specified as follows:a. The intended text functions: the main function of the TT is referential. If You Are the One is more a commercial movie than art,the intended text function is first of all referential, to provide information about what is going on the screen. Then it may come the expressive function to relay the sender’s attitude and feelings. The translator must weigh against different functions and decide on the main one. In the present case,it is the referential function that wins the upper hand. Translator has to make a choice according to the skopos of the translation of film subtitle. Feng’s film subtitle translation aims to win the target market so that translator has to produce clear and concise subtitled film dialogues bridging the cultural gaps and make the narrative easily accessible for the audience.Thus, the target audience will find it easier to accept and understand the translated subtitles. Here are some examples.(1)秦奋:不算老实但天生胆小I'm no angel杀人不犯法我也下不去手Just too cowardly to do wrongThe west and east have different religious beliefs. In Christianity, Angel is a good spirit who is kind, lovely and innocent. Here, Qin Fen describes himself as a man who is not well-behaved.So he is not like an angel.(2)别猫哭耗子了Spare me the alligator tearsIn China, there is a proverb“猫哭耗子假慈悲”. This means the cat pretends to be sympathetic to the death of the mouse because she can have it as a meal. In western culture, people think that while having meals, usually an animal, an alligator will shed tears. So alligator tears implies disguised sympathy.(3)有的人是情人眼里才是西施Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder不过分的说, 仇人眼里你都是西施But no exaggeration, even to a foe,you’d be beautifulThe above underlined words or proverbs are all culture-loaded. Domestication is adopted to make the western audience fully understand the film.b. The addressees:It is self-evident that the TT addressees in subtitle translation are the foreign audience, probably adults, who share a different culture background and who are lay of Chinese. To be specific, they are common people who watch it for entertainment and film festival juries who view it with a discerning eye, eg.秦奋:那咱俩要是结婚了So,if we get married非得倒插门我去你们那儿吗I have to go to live with your family?In China, in most cases,after marriage, the wife lives with the husband’s family. “倒插门”means the husband lives with wife’s family. In this sentence, it is deleted since it expresses the same meaning as “我去你们那儿”.c. The time and place of text reception: The time and space of reception is less controversial,which vary in different cases. In this case, the time is up to now from 2008 when it was released to the public and the place is at the very beginning cinema and later on amounts to a wide range of places thanks to the development of technologies such as DVD.So far, the skopos of the translation can be defined as to supplement the film by providing the optimal information for the audience in written form within a limited time and space.V. Film subtitle translation of Curse of the Golden Flower from the perspective of skopostheorieIn this part, the subtitle translation of Curse of the Golden Flower is analyzedwith the background of the skopos theory.A. Background of Curse of the Golden FlowerCurse of the Golden Flower is derived from the story Thunderstorm, one of the best-known masterpieces by the most famous Chinese playwright Cao Yu. But the adaptation doesn’t stay too faithful to the original. The film is a historical drama directed by Zhang Yimou who also co-wrote the screenplay in Chinese. The screen version is established in the 10th century during the short-1ived Late Tang Dynasty, about a thousand years ago.For today’s viewers,it is a story about court intrigues and deceptions. Moreover there are several pivotal factors within the plot, among which, traditional Chinese medicine is the foremost one since the Emperor in the film is gradually poisoning his wife, the Empress, by adding a deadly fungus to her medicine. Zhang Yimou the director gives his explanation of the arrangement that “as for the Emperor’s personality, well, he’d love to stay in the royal pharmacy all the time. He’s a drug freak. That’s how his character is developed and expanded upon. He’s just so into the drug”.B. An analysis of subtitle translation of Curse of the Golden Flower based onskoposThe title of the movie,which is literally translated as “The Whole City is Clothed in Golden Armor”, is the last line taken from a Tang Dynasty poem---Do not Endow with Chrysanthemum Behind written by Huang Chao who rose in rebellion in 875 and died 9 years later.After changing the title several times, the screenwriters as well as the director finally settle on the poem for the reason that it indicates the rebellion taken by the Prince against the Emperor in the movie. The Chinese audience may easily understand the cultural connotation while the English-speaking audience who are not familiar with the background of the poem, due to the great disparity in terms of cultural background, may not comprehend the implicit aspects of the title without the explanatory message or footnote. Consequently, this kind of culturally loaded expressions will put a lot of processing efforts on the target audience. In addition, with the constraints of time and space, if they focus on the reading of the subtitle, they will lose some of the visual and audio information.To solve this problem, the subtitler discards the Chinese title and adapts a new one with the image of the golden flower taken as a symbol to reveal the palace intrigue and the machination of power play to the target audience. The golden flower is designed to function as the symbol of rebellion, which is the same as the title. Hence its images appearing in the film once and again will, in another form, retrieve the loss of the culturally loaded information caused by the substitution since film is a multidimensional art involving visual images, sound, colors and so on. Let’s see some examples:(1)辰时的药煎好了Your Majesty’s medicine for the hour is ready(2)执令官统领后宫羽林军The Imperial Guards protect our private palacesIt is no easy job to translate cultural elements in subtitle translating. The underlined parts of the source text are omitted in the target text since these cultural elements do not deliver adequate information and there is no time to explain all details. Their function can be retrieved by the image and the subtitler is careful enough not to omit information that could at a later stage be essential for the understanding of the story.According to adequacy and equivalence theory, the translator can not offer the same amount and kind of information as the source-text producer. What the translator does is to offer another kind of information in another form (Reiss & Vermeer 123). Located in a broader ecological culture, the subtitling succeeds in producing a communicative interaction in the target text. We may find another example in this film:(3)当年你只是一个小小的都尉At that time,you were only a lowly captain.“都尉”here refers to the low-ranking officer in Tang Dynasty. If a simple transliteration as “Duwei”is adopted, it is completely meaningless to the English-speaking audience and fails to achieve intra-textual coherence. Whether to translate the complete meaning of “Duwei”, on the other hand, makes no difference to the comprehension of the plot for the source text producer just means that the Emperor mounts the throne from the bottom. Therefore the subtitler, by chunking it up, translates it into “a lowly captain” to establish inter-textual coherence as well as intra-textual coherence in the target text.(4)儿臣为了母后从此不再服药You will never drink the poison again.In the film, what the Empress drinks is a kind of Chinese medicine containing the ingredient that will cause a person to lose his or her entire mental faculty. According to traditional Chinese medicine, any medicine has 30% poison ingredients. Therefore some ingredients are useful as well as poisonous. Their curative value is restricted to certain diseases and certain dosage based on the theory of using poison to cure poison. These ingredients belong to the category of medicine despite of their toxicity. By chunking down the medicine into poison, the subtitler defines the meaning in the narrowest sense and makes the implicit information explicit to accomplish intra-textual coherence in the target text.VI. ConclusionA. ContributionSkopostheorie provides translators with a whole new perspective into translation action. This paper conducts a systematic analysis of crucial factors that influence the strategies of subtitle translation, in which skopostheorie is adopted to guide the descriptive and explanatory analysis.On the basis of the above analysis, this paper gets some enlightenment of skopostheorie on subtitle translation. The enlightenment of “intra-textual coherence”on subtitle translating is that the target receiver should be able to understand the translated version of subtitle. And the translated version should make sense in the communicative situation and culture in which it is received. The subtitler should always keep the target viewers in mind. After exploring the main components of skopostheorie and analyzing the specific constraints in film subtitle translation, the author tries to find out some enlightenment of skopostheorie on subtitle translation. In order to find out the enlightenment, this paper analyzes Feng Xiaogang’s film in light of skopostheorie. The film If You Are the One proves to be successful in its target market. Therefore, this paper tries to find out influencing factors that affect the subtitler’s choice of strategies.The author gives focus to the skopos of subtitle translation, the more influencing role of the film director in subtitle translation and the importance of target audience. With reference to skopostheorie,subtitle translating is a purposeful activity and thepurpose of the whole translational action is the prime principle that determines the translation process. The basic purpose or skopos of subtitle translation is to aid the viewers with a translated film dialogue, to provide them with the most relevant information in the most effective way within its specific constraints,to help them in understanding what’s happening on the screen with ease.B. LimitationsOwing to the limitations of time and space,the source data collected for the thesis is limited. Meanwhile because of the knowledge limitations this paper can not deeply analyzes the translation of Chinese film subtitles into English ones from the perspective of skopostheorie. It is the author’s sincere wish that if possible, in the future, further research can be done on comparative study on Chinese-English translation and English-Chinese translalion of film subtitles.Work CitedBaker, Mona. Routledge Encyclopeata of Translation Studies. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press(2004):Baker,Christiane, Nord. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functional Approaches Explained.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.Feng, X. G[冯小刚]我把青春献给你武汉:长江文艺出版社2003: 187Gottlieb, H. Teaching Translation and Interpreting. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998Gottlieb, H. Media Translation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2001Gottlieb, H. Subtitfing: Diagonal translation In C. Dollerup et al. (eds), Perspectives Studies in Translatology. Copenhagen: University of Cpenhagen, 1994 l01-121.Gottlieb, H. Anglicisms and TV Subtitles in an Anglified World: [A] Gambier Yves, 249-258 Gottlieb, H.Subtitling-a new university discipline in Teaching Translating and Interpreting. (eds) Dollerup, Cay&A. . Amsterdam: John Benjamin. 1998: 247Katharina, Reiss. Translation Criticism: The Potentials&Limitations. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.Katharina, Reiss and Hans J. Vermeer. Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translationstheorie.Tubingen:Niemeyer, 1984,Michael. Overcoming Language Barriers in Television. [M] Manchester: European Institute forthe Media 1991.Luyken,George-Michael. Overcoming Language Barriers in Television. [M] Manchester: European Institute for the Media 1991.Merriam-Webster. Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 1997:1175Rosen,S.(2002).狼来了:好莱坞与中国电影市场,. 全球化与中国影视的命运336-360. (S.Y Sun, Trans.). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 1994-2000 Vermeer, Hans J. Skopos and Commission in Translational Action in Chesterman(ed). 1989, 20-233.。






一、翻译方法1. 直译法直译法是最常见的一种翻译方法,它是指将源语言内容直接翻译成目标语言,不做过多的增删改动。


当原文中出现“I love you” 这样的表达时,翻译人员可以直接翻译为“我爱你”,这样的翻译方法能够保持原文的原汁原味,也更容易被观众理解。



当原文中出现“I’m gonna kick your ass” 这样的表达时,翻译人员可以译化为“我要揍你了”,这样的翻译方法能够更好地把握原文情感,同时符合目标语言的口语习惯。

二、翻译技巧1. 熟悉背景知识在进行电影字幕翻译时,翻译人员需要对电影的题材、背景、文化等方面有所了解,这样才能更好地理解台词内容,并且做出更准确的翻译。


2. 保持节奏和韵律电影字幕的翻译需要保持原文的节奏和韵律,这样才能更好地呈现出原文的情感和氛围。


3. 注意上下文在进行电影字幕翻译时,翻译人员需要在翻译过程中考虑上下文,尽量使得翻译结果更符合原文的意思,并且更好地适应当前情境。


4. 精准表达情感电影是一个感情表达的艺术形式,因此在电影字幕翻译中,翻译人员需要尽量准确地表达原文中蕴含的情感和情绪。



























1. 翻译原则:1.1准确性电影字幕翻译应该准确反映原版电影对话的意思。











(2)使用靠谱的电影翻译软件,比如Subtitles Translator、Avi Subtitle和Subtitle Workshop。








(5) 在翻译中,注重电影屏幕上的信息与字幕之间的协调。




3.最佳实践- 先观看原片,然后开始翻译。


- 翻译的同时,建议在每个时间戳上添加注释、像是音效及配角宣发者的备注等等。


浅谈英语 电影 字幕翻译
— —
以《 返老还童》 为例
郑 洁
( 东师 范大学外 国语 学院 山 东济 南 山
20 1 ) 50 4
【 要 】 随着近几年 来中外文化交流的深入 , 摘 大量 须采取相应的策略。
1口语 策 略 的 外 国影 片被 引介 到 中国 , 娱 乐人 们 眼球 的 同时 , 在 也促 如上文所 说 , 影视作 品的对 白多 以对 白呈现 , 因此在翻译 进着人 们对于影片欣赏水平 能力 的提 高。国外影 片的 引 尽量使 用人们 在生活 中经 常用 进, 也刺激 了另一个新兴领域一 字幕翻译的发展 , 本文 旨 的时候 就必须使译文通俗 易懂 . h r sCa eo jmi o Be 在通过探讨 英语 电影 的字幕特点 ,以期提 出一些翻译策 到 的语 言 表现 。 如 在 影 片 T eCuiu s f na n 略。

B  ̄ n中 , . ah r 夸 赞 Q e n 今 夜十分 美丽 动人 的 uo MrWe t s e uei e 时候 , u e i 也 回应他 说 , “ o i’ n l c o re ” Q en e Y u n t os u hy us l a o f 翻译 为“ 你今天也 不赖” 比直接按照字面意 思来 的生活化 的 就 多 。 又 如 ,当他 们 继续 谈 到 M H mb r肘 , ah r a e . We tes对
【 关键词 】 英语 电影 ; 字幕特点 ; 翻译策略
引言 近 年来随着对外文化 交流 的发展 与深入 。 一大 批优 秀的外 国影 片被 引进到中国 。 受到人们的喜爱 。 大量国外影片的引进 . 带动 了英语字幕 翻译需 求的增长 . 然而 , 关于 英语 电影字幕 翻 译的标准始 终未有一个统一的标准 。 由于影视作 品是剧 作者 但 根据 自身生 活的经历或经验创造而成 . 反映 了一定 的社会 文化 背景 。 其语言对 白具有不同于其他文体的显著特点。 因此, 在对 英语电影翻译 时 , 把握住其特点进行翻译。 应 二 英语 电影 字 幕 的 语言 特 点 1口语性 以剧情 为主 的影视作 品一般主要是 靠角色之 间的互动来 展开 情节 . 这种互动一般 以对话 来呈现 。 既然是对话 . 就是生活 中浅显易懂 的日常 口语 , 即简短 、 直接 、 动 . 生 并且含 有较多的 非正式 语及俗语等。 2文化性 著名翻 译 家 Nd i a指 出 : 语言 是文化 的 一部 分 。 任何 文本 的意 义都有直接或间接地反 映一个相应 的文化 。 词语 意义最终 也只 能在相 应的文化 中找到 。 译制片本身就属于艺术的二度创 作, 目的就是 向 目的语 观众介绍 国外文化 . 进民族文化 的发 促



英语电影字幕中的翻译之道图文 / 来源网络很多人喜欢从欧美电影里学习英语,一般国外的电影都是带字幕的,(事实上,不带字幕分分钟想关掉电影。


01.You're cleverer than you look.(选自电影Brave Heart)你真聪明,看不出来/没想到你的脑子还很好使。


02.I don't want us to end up enemies.(选自电影Presumed Innocent)我不希望咱们闹翻/我不希望以互相为敌而告终。



03.I owe you my life.(选自电影The Count of Monte Critsto)我欠你一条命/我这条命是你捡回来的。




04. I am in the book business.(选自电影You've Got Mail)我是做图书生意的/我是书商。















也就是说,译者的译文要美,要有文学性,要有审美价值,让观众在看了字幕之后能在情感上引发强烈的反应,这种反应能够在人们心中引起喜怒哀乐酸甜苦辣等各种感觉,能让观众对剧情更加投入,对人物有更深刻的体会,因此,字幕翻译的语言文采不可忽视,这一点又与文学翻译相同,所以,译者在翻译字幕时,可以运用文学翻译的理论,充分把握人物性格特点,情景语境,文化语境等要素.二.影视剧字幕翻译批评与赏析2.1动画片《白雪公主》片段1Queen:Take her far into the forest. Find some secludedplace where she can pick wildflowersHuntsman: Yes, Your Majesty.Queen: And there, my faithful huntsman, you will kill her!Huntsman: But Your Majesty, the little Princess!Queen: Silence! You know the penalty if you fail.Huntsman: Yes, Your Majesty.Queen:But to make doubly sure you do not fail,bring back her heart in this.网络译文王后:把她带进森林深处。


























生硬和语 篇语 义错 乱等现象 。 其次 ,电影字幕翻译者还应 该对 英国文化 和中国文化有 一 定 的了解 ,并在翻译过 程中适当转变等义用法 ,从而达 到观 众 完全理解 影片中存在的文化信息的 目的 。 这就 要求译者在翻 译 过程 中查 阅相 关文化背景信息 , 避 免主观 臆断造成 的文化信 息 错误传播 ,译者应 认真 对待每一处双关语及俗语俚语,认真查 证含义及用法 后 以合理的 中文方式表述 出来 , 使影片字 幕译 文 更加 生动 诙谐 , 让观众真 正在观 影时无负担地了解 吸收英语文
— —

法 ”—— “ 表层结构与深层 结构”的基础上, 提 出了翻译应 以 员通 常都 是业 余爱好者和在校学生 , 其中不乏抱着 学习英语 文 反映深层结构 的 “ 功 能对等 ”为主, 而不应 该只是单纯反映表 化提 高英语水 平心理的人 ,其 自身英文知识和水平有限 , 在 字 幕翻 译过程 中 自然 就会频 繁 出现 低级语言 错误和文 化误解 的 层结构 的 “ 形式对应 ”, 这样读者才 能通过译者 的翻 译既理解 原文意思又可 以达 到欣 赏原意的效果, 有助 于对 影片中所体现 现象 。如 在许 多字幕翻译 中常见 的标 点混乱 、格式错用 、名 称 不一 、语句晦涩 、结构冗长 、不 理解 原义 、盲译等 问题 ,都是 的文化 因素 的吸收和理解 。 翻译 的本质就 是释 义,在 英文 电影字幕 翻译中 ,就是指将 没有严格把 关控制翻译人员及译文质量 的后果 。 原字幕 的意思用 中文重 新表 达出来呈现给观众 , 使听不懂英文 3 、电影字幕翻译策 略 或英文较差 的群体 能够通过 字幕 获取英文信息 。 奈达坚持翻译 英 文 电影在 中国英语 学习者 的语 言学 习过程 中有不可 忽 的 内容高于其形式 ,提倡译者注重 内容 呈现,但 并不赞 同形式 视 的作用及 影响力, 学 习者通过 英文 电影字幕 可以获取 大量 语 可 以随意更变 的观 点,他强调,注重 内容忽略形式 ,原文的美 言知识及 文化 信息,在 当今 网络如此发达的时代 ,网络 电影的 而网络电影 感必将丧 失,译文会过于枯燥 乏味;而注重 形式忽略 内容无疑 便利和快捷使 其成为备受关注的娱乐和学习媒介 , 字幕制作 的低 门槛 和低质量应该得到学者和译者 的重视 。 根 据 将造成译文与原文 意思不符 ,华 而不实 。 奈达 的功 能对 等翻 译理论及对 目前字幕翻译现状 的分析 , 笔者 2 、英文 电影字幕翻译 中存在 的问题 然成为 国家之 间语 言和 文化 的理想传 播载体, 在 国际跨文化交 际和文化传播 中具有重 要作 用, 而影视作 品的翻 译无疑也是当 今深 具影 响力 的翻译 活动之 一 。字 幕翻译在 保 留原语言 的同 时 ,还具备 了效率高制作 周期 短的优 势,这 使得 制作公司及 网 络字幕 团队大量涌现 , 在英语影片 的字幕翻译 中存在着大量 的 释义不对等 、语 言输 入错误、语句不 同等 问题 。虽然影视翻译 对文化交流及语言 学习有很 大的潜在影响力 , 但 与传 统翻译的 研究程度 比较其相关研 究却 很单薄, 并没有完整 的系统的体系 和理论指 引, 这也是导致 目前 网络 电影字幕翻译 泛滥质量欠缺 作为二十世纪 的新 兴媒 介, 影视作 品凭借 自身独 特优势 已 试 图找出合适 的翻 译策略并对 网路字幕翻译者提 出几点建议 。 首先 ,作 为电影字幕 的翻译人员 , 应 该具备 良好 的语言素 养 ,对英文词汇 、语法 、句法 、语 篇等有 详细的了解 并精准 掌 握其细节和 具体用 法,中英文理解能力强 ,并能熟练转 换两 种 语言 的不 同表 达方式,在字幕翻译完成时 , 应 进行 多人 校对 工 作 ,避 免或基本杜绝 出现简单语法错误 ,语言搭配不 当,句 子



英文电影字幕的翻译方法与技巧一、翻译方法1. 直译与意译相结合在翻译英文电影字幕时,翻译人员需要灵活运用直译和意译的方法。



2. 借助音频在翻译英文电影字幕时,翻译人员可以借助音频来更好地理解原文的语境和语调,从而更准确地翻译对话内容。


3. 考虑观众背景在翻译英文电影字幕时,翻译人员需要充分考虑目标观众的语言背景和文化习惯,以保证译文更好地符合观众的理解习惯。



二、翻译技巧1. 准确把握语境和角色特点2. 保持一定的简洁性在翻译英文电影字幕时,翻译人员需要尽量保持译文的简洁性,以使观众能够更流畅地阅读和理解字幕内容。



3. 注意语言风格和情感表达在翻译英文电影字幕时,翻译人员需要特别注意对话的语言风格和情感表达,以确保译文更符合原文的意图和情感表达。


4. 确保译文的准确性和流畅性翻译英文电影字幕是一项需要高度专业和灵活应变能力的工作。




错译:由于对 原文理解不准 确导致的翻译 错误需要仔细 核对பைடு நூலகம்文并进
漏译:由于疏 忽或遗漏导致 的翻译缺失需 要仔细检查并 补充完整的翻
语法错误:常 见的语法错误 包括时态、语 态、语序等需 要仔细检查并
文化差异:由 于文化背景不 同导致的翻译 偏差需要了解 目标受众的文 化背景并进行 适当的调整。
案例分析:具体案例的 翻译过程和效果评估
翻译准确:忠实于原文准确地传达了原意 表达流畅:语言流畅易于理解无生硬感 文化因素处理得当:考虑到文化背景处理了文化因素使译文更符合目标语言的文化习惯 创新性:在翻译过程中运用了创新性的表达方式使译文更具有表现力和感染力
字幕翻译技术 的发展前景: 随着技术的不 断进步字幕翻 译将更加准确、 高效满足更多 观众的需求。
传递电影的艺术价值和文 化内涵
帮助观众跨越语言障碍更 好地欣赏电影
推动国际文化交流和合作 增进各国人民之间的友谊
人工智能技术将在字幕翻译中发挥越来越重要的作用提高翻译效率和准 确性。
随着全球化的加速和跨文化交流的增加多语言字幕翻译的需求将进一步 增长。
字幕翻译将更加注重口音、语速等因素的准确呈现以提供更加自然的观 看体验。
随着字幕翻译技术的不断发展未来可能会出现更加智能的字幕翻译工具 实现更加高效、准确的翻译效果。
















比如在《疯狂动物城》中出现的对话中有一句“Pull it together”,结合电影剧情和英语习惯用法,这句话译成“拉起来”或是“放在一起”都明显欠妥当,电影字幕中译成了“振作点”就很贴切了。



” 其中“真气”这个词源自道家,指人体内各种器官正常发挥功能的原动力。



英文电影字幕翻译的技巧探析王雪菲(渤海大学辽宁锦州121000)㊀㊀摘要:在英语学习与实践的过程当中英语翻译是一个主要的应用方向ꎬ其中ꎬ英文电影字幕翻译由于翻译对象的特殊性ꎬ对翻译的技巧方面有着更高的要求ꎮ本文主要从英文电影字幕翻译的要求出发ꎬ探讨英文电影字幕翻译的技巧以及今后的提升策略ꎮ关键词:英文电影字幕翻译技巧中图分类号:H059㊀文献标识码:A㊀文章编号:1009-5349(2018)01-0027-03㊀㊀随着中西方交流范围的不断扩大ꎬ大量的欧美电影陆续进入我国ꎮ由于中西语言文化的不同ꎬ需要英语翻译者来实现中英之间的语言转换ꎮ英文电影字幕翻译已经成为一个产业ꎬ但是ꎬ如何科学有效地进行英文电影字幕翻译ꎬ是当前整个英文翻译领域所研究的主要方向ꎮ因此ꎬ本文结合英文电影字幕的特点探讨翻译技巧ꎬ对于促进英文电影字幕翻译的水平的提升ꎬ有着一定的积极意义ꎮ一㊁英文电影字幕的特点英文电影ꎬ主要是通过图像的方式ꎬ将相关的题材进行艺术化的呈现ꎮ从整体上来看ꎬ英文电影字幕主要呈现出以下几个方面的特点ꎮ首先ꎬ口语化的语言ꎮ目前ꎬ英文电影字幕翻译内容大部分都是对白ꎮ因此ꎬ其所使用的语言呈现出一定的口语化色彩ꎮ由于英语发音各地区有所不同ꎬ因此其在口语表达方面也会展现出一定的地方语言特色ꎮ在翻译过程当中注重电影字幕的口语化特点也是今后在英文电影字幕翻译过程当中需要考虑的主要方向ꎮ其次ꎬ英文电影字幕内容的多元化ꎮ在进行英文电影梳理后可以发现ꎬ英文电影在类型上是非常多元的ꎮ有科幻题材㊁爱情题材㊁战争犯罪题材以及惊悚题材电影等等ꎬ其字幕翻译涉及诸多领域的专业术语ꎮ因此ꎬ在英文电影字幕翻译过程当中ꎬ需要从电影的题材以及字幕的特点出发来选择相应的翻译技巧ꎮ二㊁英文电影字幕翻译的基本要求在英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ需要满足以下几个方面的要求才能更好地达到预期的英文电影字幕翻译效果ꎮ首先ꎬ英文电影字幕翻译的效果性ꎮ电影是一种文化商品ꎮ电影字幕翻译的好坏ꎬ不仅影响着电影本身的传播ꎬ在很大层面上也影响着电影背后文化的传播ꎮ尤其是大量的电影需要开展海外销售ꎬ如果不能从当地的语言文化出发来进行相应的翻译匹配ꎬ会在一定层面上影响英文电影的播出与表达效果ꎮ所以 入乡随俗 是英文电影字幕翻译的一大要求ꎮ其次ꎬ英文电影字幕翻译的创新性ꎮ在每年的国际性电影评选中ꎬ对英文电影的剧本提出了很高的要求ꎮ在这个过程当中ꎬ英文电影字幕翻译发挥着非常重要的作用ꎮ一个佳片能够在电影节评选中获奖ꎬ其中一个非常主要的原因就是其电影字幕在翻译的过程当中呈现出了一定的创新性ꎬ也就是说有与众不同之处ꎮ所以ꎬ在今后的英文电影字幕翻译中也应该进行相应的创新㊁提升ꎮ总之ꎬ从英文电影字幕的翻译要求来看ꎬ在英文电影字幕翻译过程当中ꎬ既要注重结合目标语言的文化体系以及英文电影字幕本身的特点ꎬ还要考虑英文电影字幕翻译所具有的区域性特点等等ꎮ只有从上述几点上进行相应的提升ꎬ英文电影字幕翻译所呈现出来效果才会更加理想ꎮ三㊁英文电影字幕翻译技巧分析英文电影字幕的翻译技巧从本质上来看与其他类型的翻译有着很大的相似之处ꎮ但是ꎬ由于电影语言具有自身的一些特点ꎬ因此ꎬ在英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ还应该从具体的电影语言情景出发来选择与运用相应的电影字幕翻译技巧ꎮ首先ꎬ直接翻译ꎮ直接翻译是英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中比较常见的一种翻译技巧ꎮ所谓的直接翻译ꎬ主要是对电影字幕的字面意思进行直接的翻译ꎮ但是ꎬ作为一种带有一定表演性质的语言ꎬ在准确翻译的同时ꎬ还应该在遣词造句方面做相应的推敲与拿捏ꎬ从而提高英文电影字幕翻译的表现力与感染力ꎮ例如ꎬ在电影«海上钢琴师»中有一段经典的独白ꎬ在翻译的过程当中ꎬ需要体会男主人公的内心情感ꎬ注重深层含义的翻译表达ꎮAllthatcity.Youjustcouldn'tseetheendtoit.Theend?Please?Youpleasejustshowmewhereitends?ItwaswhatIdidn'tsee.Youunderstandthat?WhatIdidn'tsee.Inallthatsprawlingcitytherewaseverythingexceptanend.Therewasnoend.WhatIdidnotseewaswherethewholethingcametoanend.Theendoftheworld.男主人公在说这番话的时候ꎬ充满了对不确定未来的焦虑与不安ꎬ因此ꎬ在翻译的过程当中ꎬ要从字里行间ꎬ表达出这种内在的心理层面的变化ꎮ这段话可以翻译为: 在那个世界ꎬ你很难看到它的尽头ꎬ尽头ꎬ你能告诉我尽72英文电影字幕翻译的技巧探析头在哪儿吗?我看不到ꎬ你能理解吗ꎬ你能理解我什么看不到吗?在那个熙熙攘攘的世界里面ꎬ什么都有就是没有尽头ꎬ我看不到一切都将在哪里结束ꎬ我看不到世界的尽头ꎮ 从这一段的翻译可以看出ꎬ好的翻译不一定就是优美的语句ꎬ有的时候ꎬ简单的㊁朴实的语言更有打动人心的力量ꎮ所以ꎬ在英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ忠于字幕的原文采用简单的直接的表达也是一种重要的翻译技巧ꎮ其次ꎬ间接翻译ꎮ在英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ除了通过直接的翻译来进行字面的表达之外ꎬ还需要结合电影字幕所要表达的含义以及中西方文化之间的差异采取间接的翻译的技巧ꎮ间接翻译的主要出发点有两个方面ꎮ一方面是英文电影字幕本身存在着一定的潜台词ꎬ如果直接翻译将导致观众难以理解字幕所要表达的真实意思ꎮ另一方面ꎬ某些英文电影对白直接翻译中国的观众不容易理解ꎮ在涉及这一类的英文电影字幕的翻译的时候ꎬ间接翻译是一种比较常见的英文电影字幕的技巧ꎮ例如ꎬ在电影«当幸福来敲门»中ꎬ黑人老爸有一句经典的台词ꎬ如果仅仅从字面的意思上来翻译将会影响翻译的效果ꎬ因此ꎬ需要借助间接翻译的技巧ꎮThereisanIin happiness ꎬThereisnoYin happiness ꎬIt'sanI ꎬ幸福的幸里面是一个 幸 ꎬ不是一个 辛 ꎮ或者理解成ꎬY=Why=为什么ꎬI=我ꎮ幸福里面没有为什么ꎬ只有我ꎮ从这个例子中可以看出ꎬ在英文电影翻译的过程当中ꎬ有一些的字幕内容与中文的语言体系之间是存在着一定的差距的ꎮ例如ꎬ在宗教与信仰方面ꎬ中西之间是存在着比较大的差距的ꎮ因此ꎬ为了达到更好的电影字幕的翻译效果ꎬ需要借助间接的方式来进行相应的翻译ꎮ最后ꎬ综合翻译ꎮ在英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ由于诸多方面的原因ꎬ其字幕的内容会呈现出多元化的特点ꎮ因此ꎬ在这一背景下ꎬ进行英文电影字幕的翻译ꎬ不能简单地机械地使用某一种翻译技巧ꎬ例如ꎬ直接翻译或者间接翻译ꎬ而是需要将两者进行有机的结合ꎮ发挥直接翻译与间接翻译所具有的各自优势ꎬ来达到更好的翻译效果ꎮ总之ꎬ在英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ科学地选择与应用翻译技巧所具有的作用正在不断地凸显ꎮ正如在翻译领域所流行的一句话所说的一样:翻译有法ꎬ但无定法ꎮ因此ꎬ在今后的英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ应该根据英文电影字幕的特点来科学地选择相应的翻译技巧ꎮ只有这样ꎬ英文电影字幕翻译才会朝向更加科学的方向发展ꎮ四、英文电影字幕翻译提升策略在上文中主要探讨了英文电影字幕对翻译提出的具体要求ꎮ为了更好地提高英文电影字幕翻译的技巧水平ꎬ本文尝试从以下几个方面来进行探讨ꎮ首先ꎬ要考虑英文电影字幕翻译的文化性ꎮ电影是文化的表现形式ꎬ也是文化的载体ꎮ在今后进行英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ要充分考虑电影背后所具有的文化特质ꎮ大量的英文电影在表达的过程当中ꎬ都带有一定的主题文化性色彩ꎮ所以ꎬ在英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ要将字面翻译与电影本身所具有的文化底蕴与内涵有机地结合在一起ꎮ只有建立在一定的文化基础上的英文电影字幕翻译才会达到理想的效果ꎮ在今后的英文电影的字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ无论是使用直接翻译的技巧ꎬ还是使用间接翻译的技巧ꎬ都应该重视中西之间在文化层面的差异性ꎬ在追求准确翻译的同时ꎬ提升翻译的文化性水平ꎬ从而助力电影在中西方文化交流中作用的发挥ꎮ伴随着世界一体化进程的加快ꎬ文化的共同发展也成为包括英文电影在内的诸多的文化载体所承载的重要使命ꎮ其次ꎬ要注意英文电影字幕翻译的本土化ꎮ目前ꎬ我国已经成为世界上主要的电影商品输入国ꎮ每年ꎬ我国都会引进大量的欧美大片ꎮ中国市场也正在引起世界上更多电影生产企业的重视ꎮ因此ꎬ做好英文电影字幕翻译ꎬ也是很多英文电影生产厂家所关注的主要问题ꎮ在进行英文电影字幕翻译过程当中ꎬ不仅要从字面的意思出发ꎬ进行准确的表达ꎬ还应该充分地结合英文电影字幕所要表达的主题来不断进行本土化发展ꎮ例如ꎬ有的英文电影在字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ加入了很多中国特色的俚语和方言ꎬ让整个英文电影的幽默性和夸张效果得到了更好的彰显ꎮ在今后的英文电影字幕的翻译过程当中ꎬ只有不断使英文电影字幕翻译实现本土化发展ꎬ其所具有的翻译效果才会得到更好的提升ꎮ再次ꎬ要提高英文电影翻译者的综合知识储备能力ꎮ在英文电影字幕的翻译过程当中ꎬ翻译者所具有的综合知识能力水平高低ꎬ直接决定和影响着英文电影字幕翻译的水平ꎮ英语翻译本身就是一个复杂的翻译体系ꎮ英文电影字幕翻译者不仅要具备某一方面知识ꎬ还应该根据翻译对象的不同来对相应学科知识进行充电ꎮ比如ꎬ在科幻电影«地心引力»字幕的翻译过程当中ꎬ译者需要了解相关的太空航天术语ꎮ在涉及医学电影翻译时ꎬ也应该学习相关的医学术语ꎮ例如ꎬ奥斯卡获奖电影«海边的曼彻斯特»中有很多令人感伤的句子ꎮ在其字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ还要结合主人公的心理译出那种孤独的凄凉ꎮ在翻译大型战争电影ꎬ例如«敦刻尔克»的时候ꎬ也要注重语言的历史标志性ꎮ所以ꎬ在英文电影字幕翻译的过程当中ꎬ要不断地提高翻译工作人员自身的综合文化素养以及相关词汇的广博性ꎮ这也是提高英文电影字幕翻译水平的题中应有之义ꎮ最后ꎬ要在实践基础上不断提升ꎮ在今后英文电影字幕翻译过程当中ꎬ要从整个翻译的效果性出发ꎬ不断地选择最佳的翻译方案ꎬ最终实现 信㊁达㊁雅 的翻译技巧的综合体现ꎮ在英文电影字幕翻译水平与技巧提升过程当中ꎬ要充分认识到:英文电影字幕翻译是一个反复的过程ꎮ(下转第26页)随着时间的变化以及社会的不断进步与发展ꎬ尤其是在互联网科技不断发展的今天ꎬ大量的网络热词和流行语也逐渐成为习语来源的主要组成部分ꎮ英语习语作为英语语言体系的一部分ꎬ也不例外ꎮ尤其是随着现代网络社交媒体的快速发展ꎬ大量的网络流行语逐渐并入英语的习语体系ꎬ使得整个英语习语的总量处于一个动态的发展之中ꎮ所以ꎬ在今后的英语习语的学习与应用的过程当中ꎬ应该拥有更为开放的心态ꎬ对新生的习语有着更多的包容性ꎬ不断扩展自己的习语的范围ꎬ在创新的学习过程当中去感受英语习语与西方文化之间的深刻渊源ꎮ四㊁结语本文对英语习语和西方文化的关系的总结可以为今后英语习语的学习提供必要的借鉴ꎮ当然ꎬ由于研究的水平有限ꎬ在论述的过程当中ꎬ对于习语的界定与分类还需要进一步确定与完善ꎬ恳请相关的专家予以批评指正ꎮ参考文献:[1]赵芬艳.试论英语习语的特点及文化内涵[J].太原大学教育学院学报ꎬ2014(2).[2]顾宝珠ꎬ张恒ꎬ王国辉.浅谈英语习语与英语国家节日民俗[J].承德石油高等专科学校学报ꎬ2014(3). [3]费广会.初探大学生学好英语习语的策略[J].学周刊ꎬ2014(19).[4]崔超.浅谈风俗习惯对英语习语的影响[J].商业文化(下半月)ꎬ2012(1).[5]杨娟.浅议英语习语的特征及翻译[J].英语广场(学术研究)ꎬ2012(6).[6]沈刚.论英语习语的特点及其应用[J].阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)ꎬ2012(5).[7]贺音.文化差异下英语习语的翻译技巧[J].太原城市职业技术学院学报ꎬ2011(2).[8]董应武.试探英语习语之源[J].中国电力教育ꎬ2011(11).[9]高晓薇.文化差异视域下英语习语的内涵解析及翻译策略研究[J].重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)ꎬ2011(12).[10]王涛.英语习语初探[J].湖南农机ꎬ2011(5).责任编辑:韩㊀丹(上接第28页)因此要允许犯错误并为其提供足够的空间来自由发挥ꎮ在这个过程当中ꎬ译者可以根据自己的翻译特点与名家的翻译结果进行比对ꎬ从而发现自己在英文电影字幕翻译中存在的不足ꎬ在此基础上进行相应的改进与提高ꎮ只有建立在反复实践㊁反复试错的基础上ꎬ英文电影字幕翻译水平才会得到相应的提升ꎮ另外ꎬ还应该积极引导英文电影字幕翻译学习者多实践㊁主动实践ꎮ通过翻译理论与翻译实践的良性互动来为今后英文电影字幕翻译水平的改观提供更大的支持与助力ꎮ总之ꎬ在今后的英文电影字幕的翻译过程当中ꎬ应该在翻译的文化性㊁翻译的本土化㊁翻译人员的综合素养以及翻译的实践水平上进行系统的改进与提升ꎮ我国对英文电影需求数量与需求质量的不断提升ꎬ对英文电影字幕翻译也提出了更高的要求ꎮ因此ꎬ在今后的英文学习以及英文电影字幕的翻译过程当中ꎬ如何从英文电影字幕翻译的需要出发来进行相应的改进ꎬ已经成为当前英语翻译研究与实践领域所关注的主要问题ꎮ五㊁结语本文主要探讨了英文电影字幕的特点以及对翻译的具体要求ꎮ如何有效地提高英文电影字幕翻译的水平是当前英语翻译应用领域研究的主要方向ꎮ希望本文的研究能够助力于英文电影字幕翻译研究理论的完善ꎮ参考文献:[1]王焰ꎬ郑贤贵.电影字幕翻译的微技巧探析[J].西南民族大学学报(人文社科版)ꎬ2005ꎬ26(10):297-299.[2]李霞ꎬ熊东萍.英文电影的字幕翻译技巧探讨[J].电影文学ꎬ2008ꎬNo.464(11):117-118. [3]韦运会.论英文电影字幕翻译的基本要素与方法[J].电影文学ꎬ2012ꎬNo.561(12):154-155. [4]何科育.论文化差异性与英文电影字幕翻译策略[J].电影文学ꎬ2011ꎬNo.539(14):155-156. [5]吕吉瑛.电影字幕翻译的策略 以英文电影汉译为例[J].电影文学ꎬ2008ꎬNo.458(5):109-110.责任编辑:韩㊀丹。


21 空 制 约 .时
影 视 剧 本 身 的 特 点 决 定 了影 视 翻 译 语 言 的 瞬 时 性 。影 片 里 的 画 面 、 音都 是 按 照 剧 情 的 发展 转 瞬 即逝 。 般 的文 学作 声 一 品 , 散 文 、 说 等 , 语 言 以 书 面 的形 式 出现 在 纸 上 。 者 可 如 小 其 读 以 一 遍一 遍 地 看 , 斟 句 酌 。 现 场 欣 赏 影 视 剧 则不 然 。观众 字 而 没 有 机会 像 阅 读 文 学 作 品 的 语 言 那 样 ,一 遍 看 不 懂 再 回 过 头 去 看 第二 遍 。影 视 剧 中 的 语 言 若 是 一 遍 听 不懂 , 只能 放 弃 ; 若 是 花 时 间去 琢 磨 , 则会 影 响 到欣 赏后 面 的 内容 . 好 比我 们参 这 加 听 力 考 试 一 样 , 道 题 目听 不 懂 , 能 放 弃 , 即 准 备 听 下 一 只 立 道 题 。 此 , 视 对 白的译 文 必 须 流 畅 通顺 。 义 明 白 . 因 影 含 通俗 易懂。
11 言 的 瞬 时 性 .语
4 80 ) 10 8
( l a e : y K o .g t o tig o u( a g t ) a o rd .L u he cn h f y r
K o : h t ik!He l l g ! n x W a d c a l e s o,

幕 翻

谢 锦 芳
( 化学院 外语系 , 南 怀化 怀 湖 摘 要 : 幕 翻 译 既 具 有 其 他 翻 译 领 域 的 共 性 , 时 又 字 同 有其 独特 性 。 字幕 翻 译 在 很 大 程度 上 受 时 间和 空 间 的制 约 。 此 外 , 幕 翻译 还 受观 众 的接 受 程 度和 文化 因素 的 制 约 。 为 文 字 作 化 交 流的 中介 , 影 字幕 的译 者 必 须 充分 注意 语 言 的 艺术 性 。 电 并且 采取 的策 略 必 须 以 观 众 为 中心 . 以促 进 不 同文 化 的 交流 , 减 少 文化 差 距 。 关键词 : 英语 电影 字幕 制 约 因 素 翻 译 策 略 电影 艺 术 是 现 代 生 活 中 不 可 或 缺 的 一 门双 频 大 众 传 播 艺术 。随 着 中 国 与 世 界 的 接 轨 , 化 交 流 日益 频 繁 , 文 电影 文 英 如 潮 水 般 涌 人 中 国 。 而 由 于 种 种 原 因 , 视 翻 译 的 研 究 与 然 影 探 索 在 国 内一 直没 有 受 到 翻译 界 的重 视 。大众 对影 视 翻译 质 量 的 抱 怨 也 是 越 来 越 多 。通 常 来 说 , 视 翻译 中 最 常 见 的两 影 种 策 略 就 是 配 音 和 字 幕 翻译 。 前 者 我 们 通 常 称 为 译 制 片 . 译 制 片 是 直 接 把 对 白或 解 说 从 一 种 语 言 译 成 另 一 种 语 言 . 新 重 配 置 复 制 的 影 片 ; 者 我 们 习 惯 上 称 为 字 幕 片 , 是 本 文 要 后 也 讨论的内容。 1电 影 字幕 翻 译 的 特 点 .

















如影片《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)中的这句台词“Nothing is in my way.”不是直白地译成“道路上没有什么妨碍我的”,而是将其译为“那么地顺利”。

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著名翻译家Nida 指出:语言是文化的一部分,任何文本的意义都有直接或间接地反映一个相应的文化,词语意义最终也只能在相应的文化中找到。



















如:You know the old saying,don't you?In for an inch, in for a mile.(你知道那句老话吧?得寸进尺。



再如You can still put the brakes on this thing,其中put the brakes on this thing是英语的习惯表达,表示一个人做了错事,还有机会为其弥补。






例如:Sucre-Forget it. The guy's a boy scout(算了吧,他是一个童子军意指听话,遵守纪律)。

a boy scout 是童子军的意思,大多数人知道童子军,但不知道它代表的真正含义。


再如Sucre-a cellphone in here?(把手机藏在这里?)Thats cardinal sin Number 1(你这是犯了七宗罪之首意为自大)。

对于cardinal sin Number 1,在汉语中能找到相关信息,意为七宗罪中的第一宗罪,但大多数人对这第一宗罪是什么并不清楚,于是,原语言观众得到的互明在目的语观众中很可能会流失。



