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since the first Bali bomb blasted in 2002, the island has experienced a deep economic decline as potential visitors worried their security ,the beaches and temples fell into disuse. 在2002年以来的第一次巴厘炸弹爆炸事件后, 这个岛经历了严重的经济衰退,因为潜在的游 客们担心他们的人身安全,导致它的海滩和寺 庙荒废。 After the terrorist bombing in Bali Island, the local hotel occupancy fell sharply, Balinese tourism was put in a tight spot. 在巴厘岛发生恐怖爆炸事件后,巴厘岛作为印 度尼西亚著名的旅游目的地,当地的酒店入住 率大幅下降,巴厘岛旅游业陷入严重困境。
Tourism And The Revitalization Of Traditional Culture In Bali
It's a small island becoming more and more famous by its fascinating tourist attractions enjoyed by thousands of people from world. 巴厘岛是太平洋上的一个小岛屿,近年来变得越来越 出名,它有着迷人的旅游景点,接待了成千上万来自 世界各地的游客。
Barong Dance

Barong Dance called “Barong and Kris Dance”, is one of the traditional dances of Bali Island. 巴隆舞蹈也是“狮子与剑的舞蹈”,是巴厘岛 的一种古老的传统舞蹈。 Unique artistic expression of dance and music reflects the Balinese’s concept of virtue and vice. 这种独特的舞蹈音乐的艺术表现形式反映了巴 厘人的善恶观。
The positive influence of national tourism culture on the development of national traditional culture
民族旅游文化对民族传统文化发展 的积极影响

1.It is helpful for the main part of the national culture to establish the modern commodity economy consciousness, and promote the modernization of local national traditional culture. 有助于民族文化的主体树立现代商品经济意识, 促进当地民族传统文化的现代化 2. Enhance the national confidence, and good for the positive change of national culture. 增强民族自信心,有利于实现民族文化的良性变 迁。 3. Speed up the process of national culture. 加速民族文化的世界化进程。
Balinese Wayang

Bali classical shadow play is Bali's oldest and most respected form of drama, which stems from the ancestor worship, mainly performs the Rāmāyaṇa story. “Wayang” the word itself means the shadow. 巴厘古典皮影戏是巴厘岛最古老也最受尊 崇的戏剧表演形式。它源于祖先崇拜, 主 要以罗摩衍那故事为题材。 “wayang” 这 个词本身的意思就是影子。
Brief introduction of Bali

Bali is so charming that you could be fooled into thinking it was a painted backdrop: terrace fields like giant steps, volcanoes are covered in mist, the tropical forests are lush , and the beaches are lapped by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. 巴厘是如此的迷人,让你以为眼前的景色是一 幅图画:山坡上的稻田像巨人的阶梯,火山上 缭绕着层云,热带森林是如此繁茂,印度洋的 暖流冲刷着海滩。
Bali wood carving

Bali Island is rich in Indonesia's handcraft art, especially carving. Bali carving ( wood carvings, stone carvings), painting and crafts also for superb artistry, its unique style is well known. 巴厘岛有着丰富的印度尼西亚的手工艺术,特 别是雕刻。巴厘雕刻(木雕、石雕)、绘画和 工艺品也以精湛的技艺、独特的风格众所周知。 Wood carving is one of the most outstanding traditional artistic form. 木雕是巴厘岛传统文化最优秀的艺术形式之一。
Negative impact associated with tourism 旅游业所受的消极影响
Cases of explosion of Bali Island 巴厘岛恐怖袭击
October 12, 2002 car bombs attacked two night clubs in Bali Island, Indonesia's tourist destination. 202 people died, including 88 Australians and 38 Indonesians. 汽车炸弹袭击了巴厘岛的2个夜总会。造成了202人死亡, 其中包括88名澳大利亚人和38名印尼人。 October 1, 2005 a series of bombings in Bali Island in October 1, 2005. On the Jimbaran and Coulthard square ,there were explosions at three places simultaneously, killed 22 people. 2005年10月1日巴厘岛再度发生一系列爆炸事件,在金巴 兰和库特哈德广场三个地点同时爆炸,共造成22人死亡。
罗 摩 衍 那
Balinese artistic level 巴厘艺术形式类型

Functional fine arts 功能性艺术
Commercial fine arts 商业艺术 Souvenir arts 纪念品艺术 Assimilated fine arts 同化艺术

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Balinese traditional culture and art
Gamelan orchestra
Gamelan is a kind of national music which the Indonesian are delighted to hear. The Gamelan was formed in fifteenth Century, has 500 years of history. 甘美兰是一种印尼人民喜闻乐见的民族音乐。甘美兰音 乐形成于十五世纪,至今已有500多年的历史。 it is deeply rooted in Indonesia, the music has a strong foundation in folk . According to the statistics in the twentieth century, at that time only on the island of Java has twenty thousand Gamelan orchestras. 它深深扎根于印度尼西亚的土壤,在民间有着深厚的音 乐基础。据统计,二十世纪时在仅爪哇岛就有二万支甘 美兰乐队。

Not only Balinese culture is able to survive but also thrive in the face of mass tourism

Balinese society is embracing and reaffirming its traditional culture in order to meet the demands of the tourist market. Balinese pride in their own culture is accepted by tourists. 巴厘岛的社会为了满足它的旅游市场,必 须强调重现它的传统文化。旅游者对他们 传统文化的肯定使得本土居民感到骄傲与 自豪。
tourism enabled the Balinese to gain leverage in their dealings with the central government of Indonisia 当地旅游业获得政府的支持

Balinese tourism industry base on local culture is highly valued and supported by the central government in Jakarta, both as revenue generator and as a showpiece for its official policy of cultural diversity. 巴厘岛的传统文化是旅游业的一大基础,受到 政府很高的评价。对此州政府表现出极大的支 持,不仅是因为旅游业带来的大量税收收入, 而且也是体现官方多文化政策的一个样本。