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Part2---- Body:调查结果分析
** Useful expressions: ① 25% 25%的学生 of/ a quarter/ one-fourth of the students …rank the second (for…) ②… 排第二位 take up 30% of the total ③ 占总数 30% (of…) ,few , only ,as … many/much as ④ most 多数… ;少数 …(of…) ;只有 … ;多达 ⑤ The 倍数 number of …is twice/doubles that of… ⑥ percentage 百分率 The percentage of the boys who like… is the same as that of the girls. or:10% of the boys like… and so do the girls.
1.最近,你对班里60名同学(男女各半)进行了 关于上网目的的调查。
Recently, I’ve made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class on their purposes of surfing the Internet.
Examples: 1. 你自己的上网目的及理由。 As for myself, I often go online to search some information useful for my study, because I think we should make the best use of it and learn more knowledge. 2.你是否同意循环使用旧课本及理由。 (recycle used textbooks)
2. 上周,我们学校对所有学生进行了一次调查, 了解他们对于开设英语角的看法。(set up…)
Last week, our school carried out a survey among all the students to find out their opinions about setting up an English corner.
注意:在做客观介绍这一部分应尽量避免过多使用同一种 ※句式。其次,要学会从题目中提取信息。
上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中 进行了一次调查(survey)。以下是调查数据: 偶像 伟人 父母 影视 明星 体育 明星 女生 18% 25% 50% 6% 男生 18% 11% 14% 48%
注意:添加过渡词 Recently, I’ve made a survey among… on .... ______________________, According to the survey the girls’ favourite
is …, while what the boys like to do most is ...
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Part3---- Ending:个人看法及理由
** Useful expressions: ① As far as I’m concerned,… As for me/myself… In my opinion,… Personally,… From my point of view… ② As far as I am concerned, I agree to… because... or: Personally, I think it is a wonderful idea(to do..) because…. Examples: 1. 你自己的上网目的及理由。 2.你是否同意循环使用旧课本及理由。 (recycle used textbooks)
女生 (30) 17% 15% 40% 10% 18%
玩游戏 35%
1. 调查时间、调查问题 以及调查对象; 2. 男女生上网时在最感 兴趣的事情方面有何不 同; 3. “看新闻”在男女生 上网目的中的排序差异; 4. 男女生在以“学习” 为上网目的方面的共同 点 5. 你自己的上网目的及 理由。
Ending As far as I am concerned, I think…because….. ① From/ According to the survey, … (结尾) ② As the survey/data shows, … Transition ③ besides/ what’s more ④ However,…
to … because I think ...
Useful expressions Beginning Recently, I’ve conducted/made/ carried (开头) out a survey among… on…/ to find out… ①25% of/ a quarter/ one-fourth of the students ②…rank the second (for…) ③ account for/ take up 30% of the total Body ④The number of …is twice/doubles that of… (正文) ⑤The percentage of the boys … is the same as that of the girls.
开头: (调查时间)Last week/Recently,(调查者)I have made/made a survey among (调查对象)2600 students about/on /to see(调查问题) their purposes of surfing the Internet. 客观介绍调查信息: (According to/From the survey,) …some….How ever,/but/while…What’s more/worse,… Most…some…while…both…and…only… First(ly) …Second(ly)/then …next,…fianlly 结尾/最后一句/一段: In my opinion,…(作者/我的看法/解决问题的方法)
根据数据,写一篇短文,包括以下内容: 1.调查时间、调查问题以及调查对象; 2.男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异; 3.“父母”在男女生偶像中的排序差 异; 4.男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同; 5.你的偶像及理由。 [评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章 结构连贯。
1. 认真审题,明确写作内容
2. 时态 ——现在时(常用) 3. 写作 内容 正文——调查结果 结尾——个人观点及理由
过 渡 衔 接
关键: 1. 对比分析,找出异同点; 2. 表达多样,避免重复罗列数据。
上网 目的 看新闻 发电子 邮件 聊天 学习
男生 (30) 25% 20% 10% 10%
The girls’ favourite is…, while what the boys like to do most is ...
… ranks the second for…, but the third for…
The percentage of the boys using Internet for… is the same as that of…
范文: Recently, I’ve made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class on their purposes of surfing the Internet. According to the survey, the girls’ favourite is chatting, while what the boys like to do most is playing computer games. As the data shows, reading news online ranks the second for boys, but the third for girls. However, only 10% of the boys use the Internet for study, and so do the girls. As for myself, I often go online to search some information useful for my study, because I think we should make the best use of it and learn more knowledge.
Example 1:
上网目的 看新闻 发电子邮件 聊天 学习 玩游戏 男生 25% 20% 10% 10% 35% 女生 17% 15% 40% 10% 18%
2. 男女生上网时在最感 兴趣的事情方面有何不同; 3. “看新闻”在男女生 上网目的中的排序差异; 4. 男女生在以“学习” 为上网目的方面的共同点;
As far as I’m concerned, I am in favor of recycling used textbooks because by doing so, we can help to save lots of natural resources.
Part4---- 添加过渡词
Basic Writing:
基础写作——调查报告(1) 最近,你对班里60名同学(男女各半)进行 了关于上网目的的调查(survey)。以下是此次 调查的结果: 上网 目的 看新闻 男生 (30) 25% 女生 (30) 17%
聊天 学习 玩游戏
10% 10% 35%
40% 10% 18%
** Useful expressions: ① Recently, I’v made/ carried out a survey among… on… ② Last week, a survey was conducted among… to see/ find out… Examples: 1.最近,你对班里60名同学(男女各半)进行了 关于上网目的的调查。 2. 上周,我们学校对所有学生进行了一次调查, 了解他们对于开设英语角的看法。(set up…)
一般说来,文章开头先交代调查的______ 时间 、________ 对象 和 问题/主题/目的 _____________. 其次,客观介绍调查的信息。根据不同的调查内容,选择 不同的方法:
①按调查的先后顺序逐点写; ②按事物发展的阶段来写; ③将两种事物进行对比,以显示其是非、优劣 找出其差异来写; ④按调查对象的特点分门别类来写。
** Useful expressions: ① From/ According to the survey, … ② As the survey/data shows, … ③ The survey shows that… ④递进: besides/ what’s more/ moreover/ in addition ⑤ 转折: However,…/ On the contrary/…while…/ …but…
________________, As the data shows … ranks the second for…, but (it ranks)… ________, However only 10% of the boys…, and so do the girls. ____________, As for myself I often go online