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一、Ⅰ. 单项选择(共20分,每小题1分)

1.(1分)﹣Why was he late for school yesterday?

﹣He overslept.By the time he got to the bus stop,the bus _________ already _________.()

A.was,leaving B.has,left C.would,leave D.had,left

2.(1分)﹣_________ fine day!Shall we go for a walk?

﹣That sounds great!()

A.What B.How C.What a D.How a

3.(1分)He is ____ funny man,he told me ____ unforgettable story()A.a/a B.an/an C.an/a D.a/an

4.(1分)﹣It's difficult for village children to cross the river to school.

﹣I think a bridge _________ over the river.()

A.should be built B.will build

C.is built D.was built

5.(1分)﹣Could you tell me _________?

﹣He rides his bike.()

A.how does he go to work B.how he goes to work

C.what does he do D.where he goes

6.(1分)Come on,________ you'll be late.()

A.and B.but C.or D.so

7.(1分)I can't eat any more food,I am_________________.()A.busy B.hungry C.full D.serious

8.(1分)I hated my new school at first,but I made lots of friends and now I _________ it.()

A.get B.take C.fit D.love

9.(1分)﹣﹣Where did you go for your winter vacation?

﹣﹣My family went to Paris.________ had a great time.()

A.He B.She C.We D.They

10.(1分)I've decided to go to London next weekend.I was wondering ______ you could go

with me.()

A.if B.when C.that D.where

11.(1分)The work is too hard for him.He _______ finish it on time.()A.can't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.needn't

12.(1分)﹣﹣Can I help you?

﹣﹣________________.I want to buy some T﹣shirts for my children.()A.Yes,please B.No,thanks

C.It doesn't matter D.Of course I can

13.(1分)Mary isn't here at the moment.She _______ later.()A.comes B.came C.has come D.is coming

14.(1分)﹣﹣Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon?

﹣﹣______________.I have to study for tomorrow's test.()

A.I'd love to B.I'm afraid not

C.Sounds good D.No problem

15.(1分)Harriet is lost and her parents are really _______ her.()A.interested in B.afraid of

C.busy with D.worried about

16.(1分)I'm now in New York with my friend Jenny.We ______ by plane on Monday.()

A.arrive B.arrived C.are arriving D.will arrive

17.(1分)He studied _____ but he can ______ speak Chinese.()A.hardly/hard B.hard/hardly

C.hard/hard D.hardly/hardly

18.(1分)How kind you are!You always do what you can_________ me.()A.help B.helping C.to help D.helps

19.(1分)The paper is made _________ wood and the desk is also made _________ wood.()

A.of,from B.of,of C.from,of D.in,of

20.(1分)I didn't know _______()

A.where did he use to live
