



1. An honorable entryThe acclaimed academic, Dr. Sir Walter T.J. Fitzbody, accompanied the equally accessible expert of aboriginal history, Dr. Mugambe H. C. Carriky, slowly to the platform to accept his National Science Foundation Award. Both were noted for their absenteeism, rarely seen in public and still marveled at for their abnormal usage of double abbreviations in their names. That it was Dr. Carriky, the former pupil of Dr. Fitzbody who was receiving this life-time award before his mentor was only minor. Dr. Fitzbody knew that academia was not always fair and, having always been rather accommodating for his favorite student anyhow, was taking the event as an honor to his work as well.When Dr. Carriky accidentally tripped over the toe of a person with his leg extended too far into the aisle, the gasps of the crowd conveniently covered the abusive words that came out of Dr. Carriky's mouth. The man did not take the abuse kindly, however, and abandoning all respect, began to rise to respond to the guest of honor. Dr. Fitzbody, sensing trouble, quickly accelerated towards the stage. It did not matter that an accessory of his robe was lost to the floor as they escaped. The rest of the audience, sensing a need for accommodation, politely gave clear access so that no further mishaps would occur.Having accomplished their entry, Dr. Fitzbody began his introduction of Dr. Carriky. He gently smiled and said a joke that related the fall to a historical abstraction. The crowd laughed in relief and breathed easily as they knew that honor and dignity had been restored.体面的入场广受赞誉的学者沃尔特.T.J.费茨博迪博士陪同同样平易近人的土著历史研究专家穆甘贝.H.C.克里奇博士缓缓走向领奖台领取国家科学基金奖。



胡敏练口语记英语六级单词:A字头A: What is NY an abbreviation for ?B: New York.abbreviationn.缩写, 缩写词A: You always abide by the law.B: Yes, I think it is important for national governanceabidevt. 容忍abide by遵守,履行A: I think my child’s behaviour is abnormal.B: No, he just has a lot of energy.abnormala.反常的,异常的A: I think they should abolish all the rules in this school. B: But then there would be chaos.abolishvt. 废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等)A: Can you have an abortion in your country?B: Yes, do you agree with it?abortionn. 流产, 堕胎A: Henry abounds with energy.B: I know I can never keep up with him.aboundvi. 1. 大量存在2.(in,with)充满,富于A: Do you read the newspaper every morning?B: Yes, I at least try to keep abreast of current affairs.abreastad. 并列,并排keep abreast of与……齐头并进,了解……的最新情况A: I heard that you were nearly in an accident.B: Yes, it was a close call—but the car came to an abrupt stop just in time.abrupta. 1. 突然的,意外的2.(举止、言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的A: Why do you abstain from alcohol?abstainvi. 1.弃权2.(from)戒除A: That was an absurd joke.B: Maybe, but it was still funny.absurda. 荒谬的,荒唐的A: There are an abundance of flies outside. B: I think that is because of the warm weather. abundancen. 大量,丰富,充足in abundance 充足,丰富A: Mary hangs around with Joe a lot.B: Yes, I almost mistook her as an accessory. accessoryn. 1.附件,零件,配件2.[常pl.](妇女手提包之类的)装饰品3.同谋,帮凶,包庇犯A: He acclaimed that he was fully recovered. B: And do you think that he actually was? acclaimn. 称赞,欢迎A: How many people will your hotel accommodate?B: Fifty, at a push.accommodatevt. 1.容纳2.向……提供住处(或膳宿)3.使适应,顺应A: Do you think that Mr. Hand committed the crime alone? B: No, he has an accomplice.accomplicen. 共犯,从犯A: Why were you late for work?B: I don’t have to tell you, I’m only accountable to my boss. accountablea. 负有责任的A: That was an ace tennis match.B: Yeah, it was fantastic.acen. 1.(纸牌等中的)幺点,“A”牌2.(网球等比赛中)发球得分3.(在某方面的)佼佼者A: Do you play the acoustic guitar?B: Usually I play the electric.acoustica. 1.听觉的,声音的2.(乐器)原声的A: Have you acquainted yourself with the material yet?B: No, I still have to read the book.acquaintvt. (with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉A: Has the case come to a close?B: Yes, the suspect was acquitted because there was not enough evidence.acquitvt. 1.宣判……无罪2.(oneself)使(自己)作出某种表现A: If you press that red button you will activate the bomb.B:I’ll be sure not to press it then.activatevt. 使活动起来,使开始起作用A: What do you want to be when you grow up?B: A feminist activist , working for female rightsn.(政治活动的)积极分子,活动家A: Do you drink tea?B: Yes, but I am addicted to coffee.addictn. 1.有瘾的人;2.入迷的人vt. 使成瘾,使入迷A: I watch too much television.B: Me too, it is addictiveaddictivea. 使人入迷的,使人上瘾的A: Are you going to wear those old shoes to the wedding? B: Yeah, I hate adhering to formalities.adherevi. (to )1.黏附,附着;2.遵守,坚持;3.追随,支持A: Your poster has fallen down from the wall.B: I ran out of adhesive and forgot buy some more. adhesiven. 黏合剂a. 可黏着的,粘性的A: Where do you live?B: Adjacent to the hospital, and near the school.a. (to)邻近的,毗连的A: I always see Mary and Bill together.B: I do too, it is like as if they were adjoined at the hip.adjoinvt. 贴近,与…毗连A: The pharmacy down the road is closed.B: Yes, it lost its license to administer over the counter drugs. administervt. 1.掌管,料理…的事务;2.施行,实施;3.给予,派给,投(药)A: I am reading a book about a sailing voyage set in 1900.B: Is that the one where the admiral gets thrown overboard? admiraln. 海军将领,舰队司令A: He looks too young to be at university.B: I thought he was just an adolescentadolescentn. 青少年a. 青春期的,青少年的A: I simply adore the band U2.B: They are good , but I prefer The Cranberries.adoreA: Did you enjoy the wedding?B: It was beautiful, the bride was adorned with rose in her hair. adornvt. 装饰,使生色A: I can not wait until advent is over.B: Likewise, then I can open all of my Christmas presents. adventn. 出现,到来A: Peter and Mary are always fighting.B: I didn’t know that they had an adversary relationship. adversaryn. 对手,敌手A: Did you see the thunder and lightening last night?B: No, but the weather has been unusually adverse resently. adversea. 不利的,有害的A: By the way , I broke the radio aerial last night.B: I was wondering why the reception was so bad.aeriala. 1.飞机的,航空的,由飞机进行的;2.空中俯瞰的,架空的n. 天线B: No, I prefer Degas, He appeals more to my aesthetic sense. aesthetic见estheticA: I am going on a study exchange to France next year.B: Oh, that’s right, your university is affiliated to one in Paris. affiliatevt. 使隶属(或附属)于n. 附属机构,分公司A: Simon affirmed that he was in good health.B: Good , so he will be fit for work tomorrow.affirmvt.1.断言,坚持声称;2.证实,确认A: I could never afflict harm upon another creature.B: Does that mean that you are also a vegetarian?afflictvt. 使苦恼,折磨A: You live in a very affluent area of the city.B: I am lucky, but I am not weathy.affluenta. 富裕的,富足的A: I love being in thunderstorms.aftermathn. 后果,余波A: My little sister aggravate my daily!B: But aren’t you glad that you have a little sister?aggravatevt. 1.加重;2.激怒,使恼火A: Life is of aggregate all past experience.B: Indeed, so I better try to gain as much experience as possible. aggregaten. 总数,合计a. 总计的,合计vt. 1.总计达,合计;2.使聚集,使积聚in the aggregate 总共,作为总体A: Stop agitate your brother!B: He is the one that started it .agitatevi. (for,against)煽动,鼓动vt. 1.搅动,摇动;2.使焦虑不安A: Try to calm down. The wound is not serious.B: But I am in agonyagonyA: Do you like your new neighbours?B: Yes, I find them very agreeableagreeablea. 1.令人愉快的,惬意的;2.(欣然)同意的,乐意的A: My grandmother lives alone.B: Oh, mine now has an aide to help her in the home.aiden. 助手,副官A: You are not looking well today.B: Unfortunately, I always have some sort of ailment in the winter. ailmentn. 小病,疾病A: This room is far too warm.B: Turn on the air-conditioning then.air-conditioningn. 空调设备,空调系统A: I tripped up walking down the aisle in church last Sunday.B: That is because you never tie your laces property.aislen. 过道,通道A: Did you take a lot of photos on your holidays?B: Yeah, two album full.n. 粘贴簿,集邮簿,像册A: I’m not too fond of alcoholic drinks.B: Well I usually drink Coke as well.alcoholica. 1.酒精的,含酒精的;2.由酒精引起的n. 酗酒者A: I would love to visit South America.B: So would I , but at the moment it seems almost alien to me. aliena. 1.外国的,外国人的;2.陌生的;3.性质不同的,不相容的n. 1.外国人,外侨;2.外星人A: The new girl in our class seems to be alienated from us. B: I will invite her to join us at lunch, maybe that will help. alienatevt. 1.使疏远,使不友好,离间;2.转让,让渡(财产等)A: He alleged that he was burgled during the night.B: I do not believe him, he is always telling lies.allegevt. 断言,宣称,硬说A: Here is some cream to alleviate your pain.B: Thanks, I will use it straight away.vt. 减轻,缓解,缓和A: Where did you lose your purse?B: In the alley beside my house.alleyn. 小巷,胡同A: I have been allotted only two shelves for all my belongings in the dor.B: I am sure that you can ask for more space if you need it.allotvt. 分配,拨出A: Is your ring made of pure silver?B: No, I think that it is just an alloy .alloyn. 合金vt. 将……铸成合金A: Mr. Jones often alludes to his wealth.B: yes, but actually I don’t think he is wealthy compared to Mrs. Devan.alludevi. (to)暗指,提及A: Why did you come to Beijing?B: I was allured by the bright lights of the city.alluren. 诱惑力,魅力vt. 诱惑,引诱,吸引A: I heard an almighty amount of noise outside last night.B: Sorry, that was my dog chasing my neighbour’s cat.almightya.1.全能的,万能的;2.很大的,很强的A: How often will you be able to work?B: Only on alternate days I am afraid.alternatea.1.交替的,轮流的;供选择的;2.间隔的v. (使)轮流,(使)交替A: I amassed a lot of lecture notes during my undergraduate degree. B: I hope that you amassed them in your head also!amassvt. 积累,积聚A: Did you enjoy the end of the novel?B: No, it was too ambiguous for me.ambiguousa. 引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的A: You work very hard.B: Maybe, but I ma ambitious and want to do well in my career.ambitiousa.1.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;2.有野心的A: Your essay is good. But I think that you need to amend the conclusion.B: Oh, I thought the ending was the best part.amendvt. 修改,修订,改进n.[pl.]赔罪,赔偿A: Do your parents get along well?B: Yes, they at least have an amicable relationship.amiablea. 和蔼可亲的,友好的A: The army in my county is under-funded.B: I think that it is a good thing that it can not afford more ammunition though.ammunitionn. 弹药,军火A: Is there enough space in the back of the car?B: Yes, ample.amplea.1.足够的;2.宽敞的,面积大的A: I can not hear the lecturer.B: He needs to amplify his voice more.amplifyvt.1.放大(声音等),增强;2.扩大,详述,进一步阐述A: My teacher used the analogy of an acorn and oak tree to explain the potential of the school.B: He must think you all have a lot of potential then.analogyn. 比拟,类比,类推by analogy用类推的方法A: That guy is crazy.B: Maybe he needs to see an analyst.analystn.1.分析家,化验员;2.心理分析学家A: You have a very analytic mind.B: I think that is why I enjoy mathematics.analytic见analyticalA: Do you ever read the Financial Times?B: No, it is far too analytical for me.analyticala. 分析的,分析法的A: My two year old son is very destructive.B: Maybe he wants to be a political anarchist when he grows up! anarchistn. 无政府主义者A: I would like to research my ancestry some day.B: Do you even know the origin of your family name yet? ancestryn. 祖先,世系A: I love Philip’s stories.B: Yes, particularly his anecdotes.anecdoten. 轶事,趣闻A: Do you like Micheangelo’s paintings?B: Very much, particularly his depictions of angels.angeln.1.天使;2.可爱的人A: My classmate had to go to hospital just before the exams. B: Probably too much anguish and stress.anguishn. (精神或肉体的)极度痛苦A: Did you know that Germany annexed part of Czechoslovakiaduring the war?B: Yeah, I read about it in my history book.annexvt. 兼并,吞并n. 附属建筑物A: Do you know who wrote this poem?B: No, it is anonymous, the poet did not disclose his name.anonymousa. 1.无名的,不具名的;2.匿名的;3.无特色的,无个特征的A: The film was about an antagonism between two countries.B: Sounds too violent for my liking.antagonismn.对抗,敌对,对立A: Is that insect dangerous?B: Only if you touch it’s antenna.antennan.1.触角,触须;2.天线A: My grandfather went missing in South America while conducting a research project.B: Was he an anthropologist or a scientist?anthropologistn.人类学家,人类学者A: Do you know the antonym of “fast”?B: Yes, “slow”. It was the opposite meaning of “fast”.antonymn.反义词A: Would you like to come to the zoo with me ?B: So long as we can visit the ape compound.apen.猿vt.模仿A: I was appalled by the state of the living conditions of the poorer people in the region.B: Yes, but the government is doing their best to help the situation.appallvt.使惊骇,使大吃一惊A: Can you help me with my science experiment?B: So long as you have the necessary apparatus and it is not dangerous.apparatusn.1.器械,器具,仪器;2.机构,组织A: Did you enjoy the meal?B: Yes, thanks. And it certainly appeased my hunger.appeasevt.平息,抚慰姑息A: I can’t find the information that you quoted.appendixn.1.阑尾;2.附录A: I think the performance was fantastic.B: The audience seemed to agreed, they applauded for five minutes.applaudvi.鼓掌,喝彩vt.1.向...鼓掌,向...喝彩;2.称赞,赞许A: A journalist for the national paper wrote a warm appraisal for the new play.B: I must book a ticket soon then, before they are all sold out.appraisaln.估计,估量,评价A: Did they apprehend the criminal yet?B: No, I think that the police are still looking for him.apprehendvt.逮捕,拘押,领会,理解A: What is your current occupation?B: I am an apprentice electrician but I will be qualified in two months.apprenticen.学徒,徒弟A: Your shirt is filthy.B: Oops, I was cooking but did not have an apron.apronn.1.围裙;2.台口(舞台幕前的突出部分) ;3.停机坪A: Your comment about inefficient train service was most apt. I have been waiting in this platform for half an hour.B: Oh, not quite. Here comes the train now.apta.1.易于,有(做某事的)倾向;2.恰当的,适宜的;3.聪明的,反应敏捷的A: Did you get into the university course that you applied for?B: Well, I have to pass an aptitude test first, and then if I am successful I will be admitted.aptituden.(学习方面的)才能,资质,天资A: That is a beautiful bridge.B: Yes, it’s in the shape of an arc.arcn.1. 弧形(物) ;2.弧;3.电弧,弧光A: The new town hall is now completed.B: Yes, I saw it , and the front arches look really beautiful.archn.拱,拱门,拱形(结构)v.(使)成拱形a.调皮的,淘气的A: I am very interested in buried ruins and treasures.B: You should study archaeology.archaeologyn.考古学A: It is my ardent wish to travel around the world.B: You better start saving your money now.ardenta.热心的,热情的,热烈的A: The concert will take place in the main arena .B: Wow, it will be huge. I know it can hold 30,000 people.arenan.1.表演场地,竞技场;2.活动场所A: Mr. Smith was an aristocrat and owned a large piece of land in the south of the country.B: Does that mean that he was also very wealthy?aristocratn.贵族A: I dreamt last night that a knight in shining armor rescued me from a burning tower.B: Let me guess the ending, you woke up before you had a chance to fall in love!armorn.盔甲,装甲,保护物A: The new shopping centre has a vast array of interesting products.B: Yes, but they are far too expensive.arrayn.1.展示,陈列,一系列;2.排列,队形;3.衣服,盛装;4.数组,阵列vt.1.排列,配置(兵力) ;2.打扮,装饰A: Why did you break up with your first boyfriend?B: He was too arrogant and never listen to me.arroganta.傲慢的,自大的A: I heard that Ted was arrested for arson .B: Yeah, he set the local school on fire.arsonn.纵火(罪)A: Don’t eat so many fatty foods, they will block your arteries .B: But they are the foods that I like the best.arteryn.1.动脉;2.干线,要道A: I find Paul difficult to understand.B: That is because he does not articulate his words very clearly. articulatea.1.善于表达的,发音清晰的;2.表达得清楚有力的vt.1.明确有力地表达;2.清晰地吐(字),清晰地发(音)A: The army has amassed a huge amount of artillery .B: Let’s hope they don’t have to use it.artilleryn.1.火炮,大炮;2.炮兵(部队)A: Do you think that we ascend into heaven when we die?B: I am not sure. I am still undecided.ascendvi.渐渐上升,升高vt.攀登,登上A: I couldn’t ascertain whether he was joking or serious.B: Don’t worry, he has a strange sense of humor.ascertainvt.查明,弄清,确定A: Your father ascribed beauty and intelligence to you.B: Thanks for the compliment.ascribevt.1.(to)把...归因于;2.把...归属于A: The man’s body came ashore five days after he went missing from the ship.B: Oh, how terrible, that must have been the one that was found on the beach yesterday.ashoread.在岸上,上岸A: It is my aspiration to become a doctor.B: Well, if you stick to your goals I am sure you can do it.aspirationn.强烈的愿望,志向,抱负。
























1. The Time of LincolnAbraham Lincoln was the 16 th president of the United States of America. He is rememberedfor many things, including his log-cabin home, his absurd looking clothing accessory,a top-hat, but Lincoln?s absolute most important contribution to America?s history was to abolish slavery, a very hard task to accomplish at that time. In the middle of the 19 th century, America was split by an abstract border. The country was cut into two parts: the North and the South. There were an abundance of differences which caused this abnormal separation. For instance, the North held allof the Universities and Military Academies whereas in the South, access to such institutions was limited. Also, Northerners spoke standard American English while Southerners spoke with a Southern accent. But the largest difference that abound between the North and the South at that time was slavery and all of the aspects that accompanied it.The North thought that the South should abandon slavery because mint most cases, slaves faced daily abuse from their owners. Most Northerners tried to abide by the rule that “A ll men are created equal.”T hese reasons largely account for the American Civil War. The Civil War was a long, brutal war with a very high casualty rate. Many young men from both the North and the South were killed on the battlefield; the death toll was also accelerated by the fact that small Army hospitals could not accommodate so many wounded soldiers.The Civil War was filled with heroes on both sides of the battlefield. Names like U.S.Grant, General Sherman, and the acclaimed Southern General Robert E. Lee. All of these men fought bravely and made harrowing decisions on their own accord. But Lincoln is probably most often associated with his leadership of the country during this difficult period. He was a firm believer that slavery was wrong and he fought hard to stop it. In 1863, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which legally granted freedom to all slaves living in America. But in 1865, Lincoln ?s life came to an abrupt ended while he was watching a play at Ford ?s Theater in Washington D.C. His death was not an accident; he was assassinated by a man named John Wilkes Booth.Not long after Lincoln ?s death, the North defeated the South and the Civil War was ended. The South was no longer thought of as another country, but part of America. And all of the slaves living and working in the South were freed and absorbed into society.2. Mike — a Story of Personal ChangeMike could hardly be described as your typical adolescent. He would casually acknowledge to his few friends that he liked to watch DVDs, although perhaps a more accurate description was that he was a DVD addict. Over the last six months, Mike had accumulated thousands of DVDs. When he was not at school, he had become accustomed to spending his time wandering the streets of the city, acquiring more and more films. Indeed, it became a joke that if asked for his address, he would give the address of the DVD shop adjacent to our school since he spent so much time there.Mike hated attending school. In his eyes, its only advantage was its location. During lessons,he adopted a rather cool demeanor towards most of his classmates and was often accused of being aloof. All he seemed concerned about was adding to his DVD collection. In truth, Mike had not adapted to life at the school very well. Perhaps he felt that he still needed adequate time to adjustto a new environment although no one could work out why he harbored such an acute feeling ofself-pity.As someone who also adores watching films, I had slowly become acquainted with Mike. I had often seen him in the DVD shop which adjoined our school, yet it took a long time before he responded to my advances of friendship. Maybe it was an exaggeration to say we were actually friends, although he would at least acknowledge my presence with a cursory nod of the head when he saw me.One day, I was asked to administrate our school?s new film club. I was a little wary about asking Mike to help me select suitable films in case he said no. however, I needn?t have worried. Mike ?s face lit up as he scrutinized a poster I had just adhered to the wall. The poster advertised the grand opening of the Film Club the following week. ,Hey David, ? he muttered excitedly, ,I want to be involved with that. ?The change in Mike ?s behavior over the next month was dramatic. I have no doubt that it was the Film Club which activated the turnaround. Once a boy who spent most of his time sulking, Mike was now a model student. Before each film was shown, he would give a very informative speech about the director and main actors. Everyone was impressed by his knowledge and passion for films and he suddenly became extremely popular at school.3. SaltNow that Billy ?s parents were a little more affluent, the family had agreed that they could a cottage on the out skirts of town. Although the cottage was somewhat old-fashioned, the agent who rented the place to them was keen to advocate that they should not install air-conditioning as they could air-condition the place by opening the skylights. The day that they moved, the air was heavy with the advent of spring, a sense of renewal accompanied them along the way; Billy andthe old dog Rufus watched the amazing aerial gymnastics of the swallows out of the car window, browsing through the family album every now and then. When they arrived, a group of men were unloading the van. Billy thought looking around the new surroundings should be placed high on their agenda, so he whistled to Rufus and they set off on an adventure. They found a small footpath, Rufus showing his excitement and his affection for Billy by panting and wagging his tail. Billy was at an age when he could still feel a sense of aesthetic excitement at the beauty of nature. The adverse effects of those years in the city seemed to vanish as he walked, and with Rufus as his affiliate he felt invincible. However, he had reckoned without Rufus. They rounded a bend in the path and suddenly, in the next field, they saw sheep. Rufus knew a good game when he saw one, he ran straight into the field, baking aggressively. Just then, a man in green boots stepped out and in an equally aggressive manner started to shout at Rufus to get out of the field. With a sense of alarm, Billy realized that the man was carrying a shotgun and he saw him level it and take aim at Rufus.“P lease don?t shoot ”, yelled Billy, but this seemed to aggravate the man still more. The gun went off and Rufus howled in agony. He ran helter-skelter back to Billy with his tail between his legs. The man strode over to Billy.“T hose sheep are pregnant ”, the man said, angrily. “I f you agitate them they can lose their lambs. I will affirm my right to kill any dog that chases them. ”“I agree”, said Billy. “A nd I?m sorry, please; help me get Rufus to a vet! ”“I don ?t think your dog will need a vet this time ”, said them man, “t he gun was only loaded with salt. But next time, keep him on a lead, okay? ”4. Freshman YearI was born in a small town, up in the mountains. Because of the high altitude, few people lived there. I was always amid my neighbors and friends, people I had known for all of my life. When I was in my hometown, I felt like those days would last forever. But the days went by quickly, and soon I found myself packing my bags for college. I was full of ambition, and had applied to go to university in a big city.When I first got to my university, I was on the alert for everything. I felt very much alone without my family and friends. I was like an alien arriving on a new planet. I felt like an ambassador from another world. Once classes started, things were better. I was busier, because I had to allocate most of my time to studying. I wanted to work hard, and did not allow my self to go to a large amount of parties. I wanted to find an alternate social life that would let me have fun, without always drinking alcohol, like some university students do. Many people allege that this is why some students get bad grades their first year at university.Because I felt very ambiguous about what I wanted to study, I took many different classes. I tried many different things, but still hadn?t found the perfect match for me. This made me feel even more lost at school, and I knew I had to find a way to amend things. In order to make new friends, and alleviate my loneliness, I joined the drama club at my school. It was there I met my first ally. The president of the drama club was an older student, named Betty. She was quite amiable, and helped give me advice about school. She helped me to alter my schedule so that I had the best classes.Soon our drama club put on its first show. It was a comedy, full of jokes to amuse the audience. My parents and friends even drove out to watch me. We were only amateur actors, but I think we did a good job. After the show, my father said, “S arah, you amaze me, I didn ?t know you were so good at acting!”such ample praise made me very proud. That was when I realized what I wanted to be, an actress.5. Story of the VikingsJerry had been interested in ancient history since he was a little child. Every night before going to bed, his grandfather would tell him stories of great civilizations like the Romans, the Vikings, the Incas and many others. These short anecdotes and stories always involved great kings and leaders, great wars and battles, and great heroes and foes. However, a story that had anything to do with the fierce Vikings was always Jerry ?s favorite. He was most interested in these stories because his grandfather had analyzedtheir family tree and discovered that the family?s ancestors were actually Vikings.Every day at school, Jerry would wonder what story his grandfather would tell him that night.. He was always anxious to come home so that he could see his grandfather and hear the next story. Apart from the action of each story, Jerry?s grandfather also tried to teach Jerry a life-lesson that he could apply in his life. Jerry?s grandfather often accomplished this by using analogies to compare Jerry?s life with some thing from that day?s story. The story that Jerry enjoyed the most was about an annual fishing trip that the Vikings made each year on a certain anniversary. in this story, the captain of a large Viking ship decided to set sail without bringing their large, heavy anchor because they did not anticipate the trip taking a long time and they wanted more room for all of the fish too because the Vikings had a strong appetite for fish.Some of the Vikings on the ship were appalled at the decision of not bringing an anchor because of the apparent danger of not bringing one. They thought the ship was anything but safe. These men appealed to the captain of the ship and one man even wrote an anonymous letter to the king of the Vikings asking that an anchor be put on the ship. But the captain of the ship announced that they were leaving the next day. This answer annoyed several of the Viking crew, but they listed to their captain and set sail.Not long after setting sail, the Viking ship encountered a large storm. The ship was being badly damaged and the captain felt anguish because they needed the large anchor at this moment. Soon after the storm ended,the captain apologized to his crew for not listening to them and promised to buy all of them a bottle of beer when they returned home. Although the crew of the ship was still wet and tired from the storm, they applauded when they heard the captain apologize.6. The Young Police ChiefJim had been appointed as the police chief of his local division —an appointment that he took very seriously as he secretly aspired to ascend to become the leader of the entire city ?s police department. His promotion had not met with the approval of everyone within the department, because although he was an apt leader who did not ask too much of his men, many did not appreciate his somewhat arrogant methods when dealing with the senior members of the police force. As one of the youngest police chiefs ever, his promotion was considered by many of the older policemen an assault on the way thing had always been done, and they were very apprehensive at an array of new programs that Jim had installed within the department. They consideredhim to be an outsider who had come ashore without spending an appropriate amount of time on the police force before being promoted.Sal, one of the oldest members of the force, took Jim aside to ascertain whether Jim was aware that there might be problems ahead.“I t ?s not that we don?t approve of the job that you are doing”, Sal said, “b utyour promotion at such a young age has aroused the curiosity of what if is that makes you deserving of such a position. We need time to appraise your performance”.Jim was a very articulate young man, and there was nothing artificial about him. He decided to speak to all of the men as a group before any more problems could arise.“I understand your concerns, but I assure you that the commissioner?s decision to appoint me as your leader was not an arbitrary one”, Jim said confidently to the group. “I am not ashamed of my young age, and I hope that you will give me time to prove to you that I am worthy of being your police chief. ”at that very moment, the sound of gunfire was heard outside as an assault began on the bank across the stree—t the criminal had very foolishly chosen to approach a bank very close to a police station. Jim was the first policeman to run outside and approach the gunman. His apt ability in dealing with such a dangerous situation was apparent to everyone. Within approximately two minutes, he had arrestedthe bank robber. Jim had not only prevented a crime, but he had also earned the respect and appreciation for his fellow officers, who now felt ashamed that had ever questioned his leadership abilities.7. Accident on Elm StreetThe junction between Elm Street and Beech Street was an accident black spot. It was easy to assume that no one would be coming the other way, and if a driver was not attentive enough he could easily come to grief. People attributed this to the fact that children would often assemble at the junction, making it hard for drivers to assessthe traffic situation. Local residents would often assert that the only way to make the junction safe would be to augment the poorly lit stop signs with a set of lights, or at the very least, to assign a lollipop person to the junction at the times when children were going to and from school.The local police were sympathetic to these requests,but to no avail. They claimed they lacked the authority to install a set of lights. Things had been tight since the previous year?s local government audit, and funds were unlikely to be forthcoming. However, they would, when asked, frequently assure the questioner that they hoped the government would soon augment their budget and allow them increased autonomy in making financial decisions, in which case dealing with the Elm Street junction would be a top priority. Many people pointed out that simply to wait for the government to act was pointless, that maybe a set of traffic lights could be purchased cheaply in an auction, or that a lollipop person, besides making the junction safer for the children, would cheer the place up and be an authentic asset to the community. But it seemed that forordinary people to suggest improvements to their own community merely served to astonish the police.The matter was settled in a rather unlikely fashion. At the beginning of March a collision occurred between the Chief of Police and the auxiliary fire service chief who was speeding to attend a fire. The Chiefof Police saw the accident coming and sounded his horn to give aural warning of his approach, but the auxiliary fir service chief was already attempting to avoid a small boy and was unable to assimilate the warning signals in time. The auxiliary fire service chief and his associate, who was in the back seat, were unhurt. The chief of police, however, was slightly concussed. he got out of his vehicle and staggered around with a slightly bemused expression on his face, as though he was about to attain nirvana, after which he spent twenty minutes trying to attach a parking ticket to the hole where the fireman?s windscreen had been.81. The Missing CatChristina and Patrick baker stood outside their empty house. They watched the moving company work, packing the last cardboard boxes in the large truck. They were ready to go, but their cat Nutty was nowhere to be found. Nutty had decided to withdraw and had hidden himselfin the woods behind his owner ?s house. Now it was time to go, and his owner were beginning to wonder where he was. The removal company wasn ?t willing to wait any more, so Christina and Patrick got into the truck. Making a decision that would wrench their hearts, they left their cat behind.Their new house, across the town from their old house, was a lot beautiful. But Christina and Patrick were not happy. Nutty was worth a lot to them, they missed him greatly. Christina had given the cat as a present to Patrick on their first Christmas together. That day they laughed and laughed watching the small bundle of fur wrap himself up in a bit of wire that he had got fromtheir Christmas wreath . He had wound himself up while wrestling with the wire, and was now unable to move, and were beginning to worship Nutty, and the joy he brought to them.Unable to withstand a life without their favorite friend, the couple made a plan. They sat down to write a flyer. They wrote about their missing cat, and taped a photo of Nutty to the flyer. Then they went to xerox copies of the flyer. They drove back to their old neighborhood, and stuckthe flyers up on telephone poles and in the local store.Sadly, the flyer did not yield the results they had been looking for. Not one single witness stepped forward to offer a word of information about their cat. However, a few days later they were outside of their new house when they heard a strange sound. They turned around and saw Nutty running towards them meowing! Somehow Nutty had followed their zigzag path, across every major zone of the city, and made it to their home. Christina and Patrick embraced their cat with zeal. Of course the cat was a wreck due to the journey. Someone or something had wounded him. He looked wretched, but they loved every wrinkle. They praised the cat for his braveryand wit. They hadn ?t found him, but he had found them!。



胡敏故事背单词A cruel man abandoned his wife and son. Above all, everyone must abide by the law . So he was arrested. But the trial came to an abrupt end because of the man's absence. It was said he was mentally abnormal and was set free according to one law! What an absurd judgment! That's absolute nonsense! The angry people thought this bad law ought to be abolished to keep the judge from abusing his power. Fortunately, the boy's mother was able to afford enough money for the boy to go abroad to study. The moment the son was about to go aboard the ship, they kissed good-bye with tears. The boy went to an Academy of Technology successfully. No one could doubt his ability to learn abstract knowledge. He was absorbed in knowledge so much, just like dry sand absorbed water. His teacher really appreciated his complete absorption in his studies. So he supplied the boy abundant books for study, which accelerated the boy working harder.一个冷酷的男人抛弃了他的妻子和儿子。



A complicated composition"This piece is filled with more complication than I could ever h ave conceived of composing." Said the composer to the newspaper journ alist. "You see, the song is comprised of a variety of separate eleme nts that are concealed within the song. I concede that they may be ha rd to detect in the beginning, but like a concave bowl, with everythi ng gathered together in the middle that you can only understand when you come out. You understand in the end as they are compounded in suc h a manner so that they compliment each other in a beautiful and comp ulsory finale.""Yes, I have heard your explanation before, Maestro." Responded the journalist in a kind manner. "And we honor your reputation great ly. But others just cannot comprehend this piece of music that you ha ve written! They say that you have compressed a mix of components fro m other well-known songs. For them it is not conceivable that there i s any order, fomp3 or pattern. They say that you have compromised the art fomp3 and that there should be some compulsion for you to comply with demands for your withdrawal of this song from the public arena! ""There may be some compression present. I agree." Defended the c omposer. "But it is beyond my comprehension why I should remove this piece of art from the public's ear!""Well Maestro, it's the public that is having the problem with y our song! No one likes it. No one understands it! So no one wants to listen to it!"复杂的音乐作品“这部作品比我能够想像的创作要复杂得多。





1. 选择适合自己水平的故事或文章,可以从简单的儿童故事开始,逐渐过渡到更复杂的文章。

2. 在阅读过程中,将不认识的单词标注出来或在旁边做记号。


3. 在阅读完一段或一篇文章后,将标注的单词用一个单词表格或笔记本记录下来。


4. 每天花一些时间来复习之前学习过的单词。


5. 在学习新的故事或文章时,重复以上步骤。







胡敏读故事记单词托福词汇calculate vt. 计算,估计calibration n. 校准;规定;刻度camouflage1 n./v. 伪装campaign n. (政治或商业性)活动,竞选活动;vi.竞选;作战cancel vt. 取消cancellation2 n. 取消candid3 adj. 率直,坦白而诚实的candidate n. 候选人cannibalism4 n. 同类相食canny5 adj. 精明的,节约的canopy6 n. 天蓬,遮蓬canvas n. 帆布,画布canvass7 v. 征求意见,游说拉票canyon8 n. 峡谷capability9 n. 能力capable adj. 有能力的capacious adj. 容量大的capacity n. 容量,能力captivate vt. 迷惑,迷住captivity10 n. 囚禁,拘留My new employer told me that they needed someone with my capabilities11 to lead their unpopular forest clearing campaign. They said I was the best candidate for the job. I was a canny negotiator and a very capable speaker. To me, it was just a matter of being candid with the resident natives. I would captivate them with money before telling them that we needed to deforest their land. Then, I could easily calculate and negotiate a reasonable price.I got the job, rather easily I thought. The company directed me to travel into the wilderness12 by boat to canvass the resident natives. The night before the trip, I weighed myself. “Could the calibration on this scale the correct?” I said to myself. “I guess I better cancel my dinner plans. Otherwise the boat might sink.” But I knew that such a cancellation would make me too sad to travel, so I ate my usual meal.The boat was capacious. The boat’s large canopy was made of green and brown canvas. It served as a nice camouflage for the boat. We floated down through the canyon for hours until we f inally stopped. “You’ll travel by foot now, alone!” the boat captain said. He filled my water bottle to capacity and pointed13 the way with a strange smile.Not long after, I ran into a resident native. He led me deep into the forest where I met their chie f. He smiled and said, “You’ve had a long trip. My family would love to have you for dinner.” Expection a feast, I replied, “I’d be honored.”Well, I’ve been in captivity for several hours now, awaiting the feast. What a pity. I was prepared for everything but cannibalism.我的新雇主告诉我,他们需要一个像我这样有能力的人去领导那项不太受欢迎的森林采伐工程。



abbreviation n.缩写, 缩写词
abide vt. 容忍
abide by 遵守,履行
abnormal a.反常的,异常的
abolish vt. 废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等)
abortion n. 流产, 堕胎
abound vi. 1. 大量存在2.(in,with)充满,富于
abreast ad. 并列,并排
keep abreast of 与齐头并进,了解的最新情况
abrupt a. 1. 突然的,意外的2.(举止、言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的
abstain vi. 1.弃权2.(from)戒除
absurd a. 荒谬的,荒唐的
abundance n. 大量,丰富,充足
in abundance 充足,丰富
accessory n. 1.附件,零件,配件2.[常pl.](妇女手提包之类的)装饰品3.同谋,帮凶,包庇犯
acclaim vt. 向欢呼,为喝彩n. 称赞,欢迎
accommodate vt. 1.容纳2.向提供住处(或膳宿)3.使适应,顺应
accomplice n. 共犯,从犯
accountable a. 负有责任的
ace n. 1.(纸牌等中的)幺点,“A”牌2.(网球等比赛中)发球得分3.(在某方面的)佼佼者a. 第一流的,杰出的
acoustic a. 1.听觉的,声音的2.(乐器)原声的
acquaint vt. (with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉
acquit vt. 1.宣判无罪2.(oneself)使(自己)作出某种表现
activate vt. 使活动起来,使开始起作用。



【胡敏医生】胡敏读故事记单词第6篇WORD,折磨,煎熬,使熟悉2(to,toward)使朝向,以为方向(目标)n [theO_]东方,亚洲(尤指远东),东半球,东方人的,东方文化的,目标,,适应,情况介绍originatevi(in,from,with)起源于,来自,,创始,开创,,,点缀,美化,正宗的,罢免,把撤职(以取而代之)outbrean(战争、情感、火山等的)爆发,(疾病、虫害等的)突然发生(用于某种场合的)全套服装2(协同工作的),全套工具,郊游,短途旅行,外出参观(或看戏等),,,,激怒,直率地,,,,无疑的,,彻底的outsrits[fire,39;tdaredrinanything39;tdoanythingthecrowdturneduglyandoustedusfromtown,asyourownmistaesnevercan歹徒的外出出去的时间早就到了,我们作为亡命之徒在城外郊区已经躲得太久。















胡敏读故事记单词_考研英语词汇1. The Time of LincolnAbraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He is remembered for many things, including his log-cabin home, his absurd looking clothing accessory, a top-hat, but Lincoln’s absolute most important contribution to America’s history was to abolish slavery, a very hard task to accomplish at that time. In the middle of the 19th century, America was split by an abstract border. The country was cut into two parts: the North and the South. There were an abundance of differences which caused this abnormal separation. For instance, the North held all of the Universities and Military Academies whereas in the South, access to such institutions was limited. Also, Northerners spoke standard American English while Southerners spoke with a Southern accent. But the largest difference that abound between the North and the South at that time was slavery and all of the aspects that accompanied it.The North thought that the South should abandon slavery because mint most cases, slaves faced daily abuse from their owners. Most Northerners tried to abide by the rule that “All men are created equal.” These reasons largely account for the American Civil War. The Civil War was a long, brutal war with a very high casualty rate. Many young men from both the North and the South were killed on the battlefield; the death toll was also accelerated by the fact that small Army hospitals could not accommodate so many wounded soldiers.The Civil War was filled with heroes on both sides of the battlefield. Names like U.S.Grant, General Sherman, and the acclaimed Southern General Robert E. Lee. All of these men fought bravely and made harrowing decisions on their own accord. But Lincoln is probably most often associated with his leadership of the country during this difficult period. He was a firm believer that slavery was wrong and he fought hard to stop it. In 1863, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which legally granted freedom to all slaves living in America. But in 1865, Lincoln’s life came to an abrupt ended while he was watching a play at Ford’s Theater in Washington D.C. His death was not an accident; he was assassinated by a man named John Wilkes Booth.Not long after Lincoln’s death, the North defeated the South and the Civil War was ended. The South was no longer thought of as another country, but part of America. And all of the slaves living and working in the South were freed and absorbed into society.2. Mike — a Story of Personal ChangeMike could hardly be described as your typical adolescent. He would casually acknowledge to his few friends that he liked to watch DVDs, although perhaps a more accurate description was that he was a DVD addict. Over the last six months, Mike had accumulated thousands of DVDs. When he was not at school, he had become accustomed to spending his time wandering the streets of the city, acquiring more and more films. Indeed, it became a joke that if asked for his address, he would give the address of the DVD shop adjacent to our school since he spent so much time there.Mike hated attending school. In his eyes, its only advantage was its location. During lessons, he adopted a rather cool demeanor towards most of his classmates and was often accused of being aloof. All he seemed concerned about was adding to his DVD collection. In truth, Mike had not adapted to life at the school very well. Perhaps he felt that he still needed adequate time to adjust to a new environment although no one could work out why he harbored such an acute feeling of self-pity.As someone who also adores watching films, I had slowly become acquainted with Mike. I had often seen him in the DVD shop which adjoined our school, yet it took a long time before he responded to my advances of friendship. Maybe it was an exaggeration to say we were actually friends, although he would at least acknowledge my presence with a cursory nod of the head when he saw me.One day, I was asked to administrate our school’s new film club. I was a little wary about asking Mike to help me select suitable films in case he said no. however, I needn’t have worried. Mike’s face lit up as he scrutinized a poster I had just adhered to the wall. The poster advertised the grand opening of the Film Club the following week. ‘Hey David,’ he muttered excitedly, ‘I want to be involved with that.’The change in Mike’s behavior over the next month was dramatic. I have no doubt that it was the Film Club which activated the turnaround. Once a boy who spent most of his time sulking, Mike was now a model student. Before each film was shown, he would give a very informative speech about the director and main actors. Everyone was impressed by his knowledge and passion for films and he suddenly became extremely popular at school.3. SaltNow that Billy’s parents were a little more affluent, the family had agreed that they could a cottage on the out skirts of town. Although the cottage was somewhatold-fashioned, the agent who rented the place to them was keen to advocate that they should not install air-conditioning as they could air-condition the place by opening the skylights. The day that they moved, the air was heavy with the advent of spring, a sense of renewal accompanied them along the way; Billy and the old dog Rufus watched the amazing aerial gymnastics of the swallows out of the car window, browsing through the family album every now and then. When they arrived, a groupof men were unloading the van. Billy thought looking around the new surroundings should be placed high on their agenda, so he whistled to Rufus and they set off on an adventure. They found a small footpath, Rufus showing his excitement and his affection for Billy by panting and wagging his tail. Billy was at an age when he could still feel a sense of aesthetic excitement at the beauty of nature. The adverse effects of those years in the city seemed to vanish as he walked, and with Rufus as his affiliate he felt invincible. However, he had reckoned without Rufus. They rounded a bend in the path and suddenly, in the next field, they saw sheep. Rufus knew a good game when he saw one, he ran straight into the field, baking aggressively. Just then, a man in green boots stepped out and in an equally aggressive manner started to shout at Rufus to get out of the field. With a sense of alarm, Billy realized that the man was carrying a shotgun and he saw him level it and take aim at Rufus.“Please don’t shoot”, yelled Billy, but this seemed to aggravate the man still more. The gun went off and Rufus howled in agony. He ran helter-skelter back to Billy with his tail between his legs. The man strode over to Billy.“Those sheep are pregnant”, the man said, angrily. “If you agitate them they can lose their lambs. I will affirm my right to kill any dog that chases them.”“I agree”, said Billy. “And I’m sorry, please; help me get Rufus to a vet!”“I don’t think your dog will need a vet this time”, said them man, “the gun was only loaded with salt. But next time, keep him on a lead, okay?”4. Freshman YearI was born in a small town, up in the mountains. Because of the high altitude, few people lived there. I was always amid my neighbors and friends, people I had known for all of my life. When I was in my hometown, I felt like those days would last forever. But the days went by quickly, and soon I found myself packing my bags for college. I was full of ambition, and had applied to go to university in a big city.When I first got to my university, I was on the alert for everything. I felt very much alone without my family and friends. I was like an alien arriving on a new planet. I felt like an ambassador from another world. Once classes started, things were better. I was busier, because I had to allocate most of my time to studying.I wanted to work hard, and did not allow my self to go to a large amount of parties. I wanted to find an alternate social life that would let me have fun, without always drinking alcohol, like some university students do. Many people allege that this is why some students get bad grades their first year at university.Because I felt very ambiguous about what I wanted to study, I took many different classes. I tried many different things, but still hadn’t found the perfect match for me. This made me feel even more lost at school, and I knew I had to find a way to amend things. In order to make new friends, and alleviate my loneliness, I joined the drama club at my school. It was there I met my first ally. The president of the drama club was an older student, named Betty. She was quite amiable, and helped give me advice about school. She helped me to alter my schedule so that I had the best classes.Soon our drama club put on its first show. It was a comedy, full of jokes to amuse the audience. My parents and friends even drove out to watch me. We were only amateur actors, but I think we did a good job. After the show, my father said, “Sarah, you amaze me, I didn’t know you were so good at acting!” such ample praise made me very proud. That was when I realized what I wanted to be, an actress.5. Story of the VikingsJerry had been interested in ancient history since he was a little child. Every night before going to bed, his grandfather would tell him stories of great civilizations like the Romans, the Vikings, the Incas and many others. These short anecdotes and stories always involved great kings and leaders, great wars and battles, and great heroes and foes. However, a story that had anything to do with the fierce Vikings was always Jerry’s favorite. He was most interested in these stories because his grandfather had analyzed their family tree and discovered that the family’s ancestors were actually Vikings.Every day at school, Jerry would wonder what story his grandfather would tell him that night.. He was always anxious to come home so that he could see his grandfather and hear the next story. Apart from the action of each story, Jerry’s grandfather also tried to teach Jerry a life-lesson that he could apply in his life. Jerry’s grandfather often accomplished this by using analogies to compare Jerry’s life with some thing from that day’s story. The story that Jerry enjoyed the most was about an annual fishing trip that the Vikings madeeach year on a certain anniversary. in this story, the captain of a large Viking ship decided to set sail without bringing their large, heavy anchor because they did not anticipate the trip taking a long time and they wanted more room for all of the fish too because the Vikings had a strong appetite for fish.Some of the Vikings on the ship were appalled at the decision of not bringing an anchor because of the apparent danger of not bringing one. They thought the ship was anything but safe. These men appealed to the captain of the ship and one man even wrote an anonymous letter to the king of the Vikings asking that an anchor be put on the ship. But the captain of the ship announced that they were leaving the next day. This answer annoyed several of the Viking crew, but they listed to their captain and set sail.Not long after setting sail, the Viking ship encountered a large storm. The ship was being badly damaged and the captain felt anguish because they needed the large anchor at this moment. Soon after the storm ended, the captain apologized to his crew for not listening to them and promised to buy all of them a bottle of beer when they returned home. Although the crew of the ship was still wet and tired from the storm, they applauded when they heard the captain apologize.6. The Young Police ChiefJim had been appointed as the police chief of his local division—an appointment that he took very seriously as he secretly aspired to ascend to become the leader of the entire city’s police department. His promotion had not met with the approval of everyone within the department, because although he was an apt leader who did not ask too much of his men, many did not appreciate his somewhat arrogant methods when dealing with the senior members of the police force. As one of the youngest police chiefs ever, his promotion was considered by many of the older policemen an assault on the way thing had always been done, and they were very apprehensive at an array of new programs that Jim had installed within the department. They considered him to be an outsider who had come ashore without spending an appropriate amount of time on the police force before being promoted.Sal, one of the oldest members of the force, took Jim aside to ascertain whether Jim was aware that there might be problems ahead. “It’s not that we don’t approve of the job that you are doing”, Sal said, “but your promotion at such a young age has aroused the curiosity of what if is that makes you deserving of such a position. We need time to appraise your performance.” Jim was a very articulate young man, and there was nothing artificial about him. He decided to speak to all of the men as a group before any more problems could arise. “I understand your concerns, but I assure you that the commissioner’s decision to appoint me as your leader was not an arbitrary one”, Jim said confidently to the group. “I am not ashamed of my young age, and I hope that you will give me time to prove to you that I am worthy of being your police chief.” at that very moment, the sound of gunfire was heard outside as an assault began on the bank across the street—the criminal had very foolishly chosen to approach a bank very close to a police station. Jim was the first policeman to run outside and approach the gunman. His apt ability in dealing with such a dangerous situation was apparent to everyone. Within approximately two minutes, he had arrested the bank robber. Jim had not only prevented a crime, but he had also earned the respect and appreciation for his fellow officers, who now felt ashamed that had ever questioned his leadership abilities.7. Accident on Elm StreetThe junction between Elm Street and Beech Street was an accident black spot. It was easy to assume that no one would be coming the other way, and if a driver was not attentive enough he could easily come to grief. People attributed this to the fact that children would often assemble at the junction, making it hard for drivers to assess the traffic situation. Local residents would often assert that the only way to makethe junction safe would be to augment the poorly lit stop signs with a set of lights, or at the very least, to assign a lollipop person to the junction at the times when children were going to and from school.The local police were sympathetic to these requests, but to no avail. They claimed they lacked the authority to install a set of lights. Things had been tight since the previous year’s local government audit, and funds were unlikely to be forthcoming. However, they would, when asked, frequently assure the questioner that they hoped the government would soon augment their budget and allow them increased autonomy in making financial decisions, in which case dealing with the Elm Street junction would be a top priority. Many people pointed out that simply to wait for the government to act was pointless, that maybe a set of traffic lights could be purchased cheaply in an auction, or that a lollipop person, besides making the junction safer for the children, would cheer the place up and be an authentic asset to the community. But it seemed that for ordinary people to suggest improvements to their own community merely served to astonish the police.The matter was settled in a rather unlikely fashion. At the beginning of March a collision occurred between the Chief of Police and the auxiliary fire service chief who was speeding to attend a fire. The Chief of Police saw the accident coming and sounded his horn to give aural warning of his approach, but the auxiliary fir service chief was already attempting to avoid a small boy and was unable to assimilate the warning signals in time. The auxiliary fire service chief and his associate, who was in the back seat, were unhurt. The chief of police, however, was slightly concussed. he got out of his vehicle and staggered around with a slightly bemused expression on his face, as though he was about to attain nirvana, after which he spent twenty minutes trying to attach a parking ticket to the hole where the fireman’s windscreen had been.81. The Missing CatChristina and Patrick baker stood outside their empty house. They watched the moving company work, packing the last cardboard boxes in the large truck. They were ready to go, but their cat Nutty was nowhere to be found. Nutty had decided to withdraw and had hidden himself in the woods behind his owner’s house. Now it was time to go, and his owner were beginning to wonder where he was. The removal company wasn’t willing to wait any more, so Christina and Patrick got into the truck. Making a decision that would wrench their hearts, they left their cat behind.Their new house, across the town from their old house, was a lot beautiful. But Christina and Patrick were not happy. Nutty was worth a lot to them, they missed him greatly. Christina had given the cat as a present to Patrick on their first Christmas together. That day they laughed and laughed watching the small bundle of fur wrap himself up in a bit of wire that he had got from their Christmas wreath. He hadwound himself up while wrestling with the wire, and was now unable to move, and were beginning to worship Nutty, and the joy he brought to them.Unable to withstand a life without their favorite friend, the couple made a plan. They sat down to write a flyer. They wrote about their missing cat, and taped a photo of Nutty to the flyer. Then they went to xerox copies of the flyer. They drove back to their old neighborhood, and stuck the flyers up on telephone poles and in the local store.Sadly, the flyer did not yield the results they had been looking for. Not one single witness stepped forward to offer a word of information about their cat. However, a few days later they were outside of their new house when they heard a strange sound. They turned around and saw Nutty running towards them meowing! Somehow Nutty had followed their zigzag path, across every major zone of the city, and made it to their home. Christina and Patrick embraced their cat with zeal. Of course the cat was a wreck due to the journey. Someone or something had wounded him. He looked wretched, but they loved every wrinkle. They praised the cat for his bravery and wit. They hadn’t found him, but he had found them!。



、|!_一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了..读故事记单词(六级)abbreviationn.缩写, 缩写词abidevt. 容忍abide by遵守,履行abnormala.反常的,异常的abolishvt. 废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等) abortionn. 流产, 堕胎aboundvi. 1. 大量存在2.(in,with)充满,富于abreastad. 并列,并排keep abreast of与……齐头并进,了解……的最新情况abrupta. 1. 突然的,意外的2.(举止、言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的abstainvi. 1.弃权2.(from)戒除absurda. 荒谬的,荒唐的abundancen. 大量,丰富,充足in abundance充足,丰富accessoryn. 1.附件,零件,配件2.[常pl.](妇女手提包之类的)装饰品3.同谋,帮凶,包庇犯acclaimvt. 向……欢呼,为……喝彩n. 称赞,欢迎accommodatevt. 1.容纳2.向……提供住处(或膳宿)3.使适应,顺应accomplicen. 共犯,从犯accountablea. 负有责任的acen. 1.(纸牌等中的)幺点,“A”牌2.(网球等比赛中)发球得分3.(在某方面的)佼佼者a. 第一流的,杰出的acoustica. 1.听觉的,声音的2.(乐器)原声的acquaintvt. (with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉acquitvt. 1.宣判……无罪2.(oneself)使(自己)作出某种表现activatevt.使活动起来,使开始起作用Accommodating a PregnancyXiaomin never thought abortion was a big deal. As he became acquainted with American politics , however , he realized you have to work hard to keep abreast of changing value s to truly understand how absurdly controversial this issue has become. He found out from his American friends that opinions are in abundance of how to teach people to be accountable for their actions, how to make people abide by Family Planning laws, and even how to teach people just to abstain from sex. The significance of this issue became abruptly clear when Xiaomin's best friend, Jeff, got his girlfriend pregnant.Jeff was an acclaimed graduate student who was living an abnormal life from other Americans just by attending a Chinese university to get his Ph.D.(Ph.D. is an abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy, the highest degree available in a university). Jeff was also an ace soccer player and acoustic guitar player. There was also alway an abundance of women around him. This is how he met Sarah.When Sarah became pregnant with Jeff, his friends suddenly treated him as if he was an accessory to murder. Jeff also felt as if he needed to be acquitted of some crime. But he decided in the end that he and his accomplice, Sarah, would keep the baby. According to Jeff and Sarah, the life of their child was more important than their career. Xiaomin was amazed. Keeping the child would abolish any chance of a successful career for Jeff. And in Xiaomin's eyes, one could activate the process for an abortion with a simple visit to the doctor even though there might be lines, three people abreast.But Jeff and Sarah were firm in their decision and Xiaomin had to abide his friends' decision. Life abounded in surprises. Now Jeff and Sarah were leaving school and returning to the United States. They would do everying they could to accommodate themselves to their new situation.小民从来没想过流产是个大事。




胡敏读故事记考研词汇mp3+文本(41) aThe study of our Universe is not new. The history of astronomy shows that it is the oldest science. Even in areas where very few people were literate, there have always been men and women curious enough to look up, trying to explain the universe. Studying astronomy was originally a luxury afforded only by male priests and holy men. They would study the macroscopic movements of celestial bodies to determine lunar celebrations and planting cycles. Many people still claim that the work of these purportedly malign priests was not scientific, and full of inaccurate superstitions. However, what these holy men did helped to magnify the role astronomy played in our world.Looking back in history, the ancient Greeks were among the first to start to make theories about the design of the Universe. They worked without modern tools, a single magnet shared among many men. Many earlier observers in history held the literal belief that the heavens were a giant bowl covering the Earth. Later in the 4th century BC, the major philosopher Aristotle said that the sun, moon, and planets all moved in circles surrounding the Earth. Of course, this model would malfunction if used in tracking planets, the moon, or stars. Still, it was able to linger as the predominant scientific view of the universe for a long time, almost 600 years. In 200 AD there came a Roman astronomer Ptolemy, who had moved away from his home to live and study in Egypt. He said that the planets moved in perfect circles around the Earth. Scientists and books continued to maintain this theory for another 400 years.In the 6th century, curiosity was able to lure Nicolas Copernicus, a Polish man, to begin working on a theory of his own. He theorized that the Sun was at the center of the Universe, and that the Earth and other planets revolved around it. The Copernican Model of the Universe, while still incorrect, did three main things. It explained the motions of the planets. It took the Earth out of its incorrect spot as the lump of matter at the center of the Universe. It also expanded the magnitude of the Universe. His literary work, on the revolutions of the heavenly bodies, was published as the lay dying. The knowledge collected by Copernicus and the lofty aspirations of other early astronomers worked to lubricate the beginning of the European Renaissance and the Age of Enlight) aenment.胡敏读故事记考研词汇mp3+文本(70I went on my first date when I was 16 years old. I was really nervous to go on the date, because my date’s looks were very superb. Because of her superior looks, I had been very nervous to ask her out. I had to summon all of the courage I had just to talk to her, but all of my nerves were a bit superfluous because she was a very kind, down-to-earth girl, not superficial at all. But, suffice it to say, I was still nervous!When I told my dad that I was going on the date, he said he wanted to come and supervise it because I was too young to be dating. But, I couldn’t suppress my anger and I said that if he came my embarrassment would surpass anything I’d experienced before. After I gave him a surplus of reasons why I didn’t want him to come with me, I asked him to remember when he went on his first date. He thought about it then finally agreed with me. He said that if his parents had gone with him on his first date, he would have tried to sue them.Before I left to pick her up, I put on my lucky hat. I wear this hat every time I have to do something important. I’ve had this superstition since I was very young. I picked her up at her house and gave her a summary of my plans for our day together. I wasn’t sure if she would be interested in what I had planned, so I made some extra ideas to supplement my original plan. She said that all of my ideas sounded great and she was looking forward to our day together! Hearing her words and seeing her smile brought me a supreme sense of happiness at that moment.We started our day with a succession of small activities a sum of which involved things at our local mall. We went shopping, played some video games and ordered a large chocolate milk shake and used two straws to suck it all down. I really liked this girl, and the entire day I tried to give her subtle hints to let her know.Because we’d spent s o much time at the mall, we had to subtract a few activities from our plan, but we still had time to survey a map of the local hills and we hiked to the summit and back down. I’ll never forget that wonderful day!胡敏读故事记考研词汇mp3+文本(57) aMany years ago lived an Emperor, who loved new clothes. He spent lots of money to reform his wardrobe and refine his clothes. Unlike a regular Emperor, he did not regulate his soldiers, and his city was unsafe. However, the Emperor was happy. He took refuge in his closet, where he had a different coat for every hour of the day.One day, two swindlers came to this city. They began to relate that they could weave the finest cloth imaginable. They said it was not only very beautiful, but was magic, and would be invisible to any man who was bad at his job. They promised excellent work, or a full refund.“That must be wonderful cloth,” the Emperor would often reflect. “I must have this cloth woven for me right away.” He gave a large sum of money to the swindlers. The two men set up weaving looms, began to refer to patterns, and pretended to be making cloth. After a few days, holding empty needles, they pretended to be sewing. All of their work was, of course, redundant, since there was no real cloth and no clothing.The emperor went to regard their work. “I do not see anything at all!” the Emperor thought while watching the two men, “Am I unfit to be emperor? I must pretend I can see it!” The situation was able to reduce the Emperor to fear. He was filled with regret, but it was too late to reject the clothing. So the king praised the cloth, and decided to wear the new clothes and rejoice with the people, and refresh his city with a great parade.胡敏读故事记考研词汇mp3+文本(66) banatomy n. 解剖, 解剖学sponsor n. 发起人,主办者,保证人 v. 发起,主办morgue n.太平间,停尸房spectator n. 观众,旁观者spectacular a. 壮观的,引人注目的 n.壮观的演出autopsy n. 尸体解剖, 验尸roll v. 滚动;使摇摆,;辗,卷,(up)卷起n.(一)卷,卷形物,面包卷;名册roll up 卷起; 卷成圆筒形〔球形;到达; 出现;大量积累roll out 铺开; 碾平;滔滔不绝地讲出来; 发出洪亮的声音;起床;滚了出来specimen ['spesimin]n.标本,样本spit [spit]v. 吐(唾沫),吐痰 n. 唾液spit up 咯出…In spite of 虽然, 尽管…spite [spait]n. 恶意;怨恨dissect [di'sekt]vt. 解剖(动物等);仔细分析或研究various a.各种各样的;不同的species n.(物)种,种类semester n. 学期dizzy ['dizi]a.头晕目眩的,眩晕的;(可能)使人头晕的,极高的spin [spin]v. 旋转;纺纱;织网,吐丝 n.旋转;自转spoil v. 损坏,搞错;宠坏,溺爱spectacle n. [pl.]眼镜;场面,景象;奇观,壮观uneasy a. 不安的,焦虑的squeeze ['skwi:z]v. 压榨,挤 n. 榨取,勒索recommend v.推荐,介绍;劝告,建议splash v. 溅,泼 n. 溅,飞溅声spray [sprei]n. 喷雾,飞沫,浪花,水花 v. 喷,喷射split [split]v. 裂开,劈开;分裂,分离 n. 分化,分裂,裂口split into (使)分成section n. 章节,部分;地区,部门,科;截面,剖面suppose v. 假定;猜想sparkle ['spa:kl]v.发火花,闪耀spread [spred]v./n. 伸开,伸展;散布,传播spread out 伸展; 延长;分散towel n. 毛巾sheet n. 被单;(一)张,(一)片,薄片;大片sprinkle n. 洒,喷,淋powder n.粉末,药粉;火药,炸药thorough a. 彻底的,完全的;精心的specify ['spesifai]v.指定,详细说明speculate ['spekjuleit]v.(about, on)推测,推断;投机spill [spil]v. 溢出,溅出 n. 摔下,跌下blister n. 水疱, 水肿, 疱;气泡 vt./vi. (使)起水泡contactv./n.(使)接触,联系,交往contact with 与…有交往〔联系〕bumpy adj. 崎岖的,不平的discolor vt./vi. (使)变色, (使)褪色; 玷污spot n. 斑点,污点;场所 v.认出,认清,发现;玷污;用点作记号poisoning n. 中毒spur n. 靴刺,马刺;刺激,刺激物 v.刺激,激励spirit ['spirit]n. 精神;气概,志气;[pl.]情绪,心情;[pl.]酒精,烈酒spontaneous a.自发的,自然产生的delicate ['delikit]a. 纤弱的;精致的;微妙的;灵敏的special a.特殊的,专门的;附加的,额外的胡敏读故事记考研词汇汇总。



胡敏读故事记单词第2篇WORDaffluent a. 富裕的,富足的aftermath n. 后果,余波aggravate vt. 1.加重 2.激怒,使恼火aggregate n. 总数,合计 a. 总计的,合计 vt. 1.总计达,合计 2.使聚集,使积聚in the aggregate 总共,作为总体agitate vi. (for,against)煽动,鼓动 vt. 1.搅动,摇动 2.使焦虑不安agony n. (极度的)痛苦,创痛agreeable a. 1.令人愉快的,惬意的 2.(欣然)同意的,乐意的aide n. 助手,副官ailment n. 小病,疾病air-conditioning n. 空调设备,空调系统aisle n. 过道,通道album n. 粘贴簿,集邮簿,像册alcoholic a. 1.酒精的,含酒精的 2.由酒精引起的 n. 酗酒者alien a. 1.外国的,外国人的 2.陌生的 3.性质不同的,不相容的 n. 1.外国人,外侨 2.外星人alienate vt. 1.使疏远,使不友好,离间 2.转让,让渡(财产等)allege vt. 断言,宣称,硬说alleviate vt. 减轻,缓解,缓和alley n. 小巷,胡同allot vt. 分配,拨出alloy n. 合金 vt. 将……铸成合金allude vi. (to)暗指,提及 ?A Hungry AlienWhen an alcoholic man dressed in dirty clothes and stinking of beer first alleged that an alien had landed in an alley behind a restaurant frequented by the affluent, no one listened to him. Photos from the aftermath filled 10 photo albums.In the begining, as he rushed down the center aisle of the pleasantly air-conditioned room, the alcoholic wasn't able to successfully agitate anybody. It was as if they were only looking at his appearance and not listening to his words. When he did finally find someone agreeable to come outside and see what he said had happened, he was completely alienated to see that the creature was no longer there. Now that he had aggravated so many rich people, he was sure that he would leave the room in agony. His fears were alleviated, however, when the alien broke through a window into the restaurant, somehow knowingly coming to the aide of the alcoholic.When all the people realized that the alien that the alcoholic had alluded to was really there and composed of an aggregate of unknown alloy not affected by normal bullets, they screamed and ran around leaving no chance for anyone to allot a route of escape. They behaved, in the aggregate, as if no one in the world could relieve them of this alien ailment. And they were right. None of the outside help that came could stop the alien from eating everyone in the restaurant. ?饥饿的外星人当一个穿着脏衣服、满口啤酒味的酗酒男人宣称有外星人在一家富人经常光顾的酒店后面的一个胡同里降落时,没有人听他的话。



胡敏读故事记单词(六级)1abbreviationn.缩写, 缩写词abidevt. 容忍abide by遵守,履行abnormala.反常地,异常地abolishvt. 废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等) abortionn. 流产, 堕胎aboundvi. 1. 大量存在2.(in,with)充满,富于abreastad. 并列,并排keep abreast of 与……齐头并进,了解……地最新情况abrupta. 1. 突然地,意外地2.(举止、言谈等)唐突地,鲁莽地abstainvi. 1.弃权2.(from)戒除absurda. 荒谬地,荒唐地abundancen. 大量,丰富,充足in abundance充足,丰富accessoryn. 1.附件,零件,配件2.[常pl.](妇女手提包之类地)装饰品3.同谋,帮凶,包庇犯acclaimvt. 向……欢呼,为……喝彩n. 称赞,欢迎accommodatevt. 1.容纳2.向……提供住处(或膳宿)3.使适应,顺应accomplicen. 共犯,从犯accountablea. 负有责任地acen. 1.(纸牌等中地)幺点,“A”牌2.(网球等比赛中)发球得分3.(在某方面地)佼佼者a. 第一流地,杰出地acoustica. 1.听觉地,声音地2.(乐器)原声地acquaintvt. (with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉acquitvt. 1.宣判……无罪2.(oneself)使(自己)作出某种表现activatevt.使活动起来,使开始起作用Accommodating a PregnancyXiaomin never thought abortion was a big deal. As he became acquainted with American politics , however , he realized you have to work hard to keep abreast of changing value s to truly understand how absurdly controversial this issue has become. He found out from his American friends that opinions are in abundance of how to teach people to be accountable for their actions, how to make people abide by Family Planning laws, and even how to teach people just to abstain from sex. The significance of this issue became abruptly clear when Xiaomin's best friend, Jeff, got his girlfriend pregnant.Jeff was an acclaimed graduate student who was living an abnormal life from other Americans just by attending a Chinese university to get his Ph.D.(Ph.D. is an abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy, the highest degree available in a university). Jeff was also an ace soccer player and acoustic guitar player. There was also alway an abundance of women around him. This is how he met Sarah.When Sarah became pregnant with Jeff, his friends suddenly treated him as if he was an accessory to murder. Jeff also felt as if he needed to be acquitted of some crime. But he decided in the end that he and his accomplice, Sarah, would keep the baby. According to Jeff and Sarah, the life of their child was more important than their career. Xiaomin was amazed. Keeping the child would abolish any chance of a successful career for Jeff. And in Xiaomin's eyes, one could activate the process for an abortion with a simple visit to the doctor even though there might be lines, three people abreast.But Jeff and Sarah were firm in their decision and Xiaomin had to abide his friends' decision. Life abounded in surprises. Now Jeff and Sarah were leaving school and returning to the United States. They would do everying they could to accommodate themselves to their new situation.选择生孩子小民从来没想过流产是个大事.但是,当他了解美国政治之后,他认识到得下很大地工夫才能一直了解不断变化着地价值观念,真正理解关于这个问题地争议是多么地荒唐可笑.他从美国朋友身上发现人们对许多问题地看法是很丰富地,如怎样教人们对自己地行为负责、如何使人们遵守计划生育地法律规定、甚至如何教人们节制性生活.小民最要好地朋友杰夫使女朋友怀孕了,这件事情使上述问题地重要性突然变得清楚了.杰夫是位颇受赞扬地研究生,他地生活和其他美国人相比是有些反常,因为他在一所中国大学里读博士学位(Ph.D.是Doctor ofPhilosorhy地缩写,是大学里能够获得地最高学位).杰夫还是一名优秀地足球运动员和原声吉他手,他身边总是有一大堆女人围着他,他就是这样和萨拉相识地.杰夫使萨拉怀孕后,他地朋友突然把他当作是谋杀同谋.杰夫也觉得好象有必要判他有罪,但最终决定他和他地共犯萨拉将生下这个孩子.杰夫和萨拉认为,孩子地生命比他们地事业更重要.小民感到很吃惊,因为要这个孩子将彻底毁杰夫在事业上取得成功地机会.在小民看来,你只要去一趟医生那里,整个流产过程就会启动,尽管可能要排队,三个人并列而行.但是杰夫和萨拉地态度很坚决,小民只好接受朋友们地决定.生活充满了出人意料地事情.现在杰夫和萨拉正打算退学回美国,他们会尽全力使自己适应他们地新生活.WORDaffluenta. 富裕地,富足地aftermathn. 后果,余波aggravatevt. 1.加重2.激怒,使恼火aggregaten. 总数,合计a. 总计地,合计vt. 1.总计达,合计2.使聚集,使积聚in the aggregate总共,作为总体agitatevi. (for,against)煽动,鼓动vt. 1.搅动,摇动2.使焦虑不安agonyn. (极度地)痛苦,创痛agreeablea. 1.令人愉快地,惬意地2.(欣然)同意地,乐意地aiden. 助手,副官ailmentn. 小病,疾病air-conditioningn. 空调设备,空调系统aislen. 过道,通道albumn. 粘贴簿,集邮簿,像册alcoholica. 1.酒精地,含酒精地2.由酒精引起地n. 酗酒者aliena. 1.外国地,外国人地2.陌生地3.性质不同地,不相容地n. 1.外国人,外侨2.外星人alienatevt. 1.使疏远,使不友好,离间2.转让,让渡(财产等)allegevt. 断言,宣称,硬说alleviatevt. 减轻,缓解,缓和alleyn. 小巷,胡同allotvt. 分配,拨出alloyn. 合金vt. 将……铸成合金alludevi. (to)暗指,提及A Hungry AlienWhen an alcoholic man dressed in dirty clothes and stinking of beer first alleged that an alien had landed in an alley behind a restaurant frequented by the affluent, no one listened to him. Photos from the aftermath filled 10 photo albums.In the begining, as he rushed down the center aisle of the pleasantly air-conditioned room, the alcoholic wasn't able to successfully agitate anybody. It was as if they were only looking at his appearance and not listening to his words. When he did finally find someone agreeable to come outside and see what he said had happened, he was completely alienated to see that the creature was no longer there. Now that he had aggravated so many rich people, he was sure that he would leave the room in agony. His fears were alleviated, however, when the alien broke through a window into the restaurant, somehow knowingly coming to the aide of the alcoholic.When all the people realized that the alien that the alcoholic had alluded to was really there and composed of an aggregate of unknown alloy not affected by normal bullets, they screamed and ran around leaving no chance for anyone to allot a route of escape. They behaved, in the aggregate, as if no one in the world could relieve them of this alien ailment. And they were right. None of the outside help that came could stop the alien from eating everyone in the restaurant.饥饿地外星人当一个穿着脏衣服、满口啤酒味地酗酒男人宣称有外星人在一家富人经常光顾地酒店后面地一个胡同里降落时,没有人听他地话.事后地照片装满了10个影集.起初,当他从舒服地空调房间地中心过道冲进去地时候,这位酗酒者没能成功地鼓动起任何人.大家好象只在看他地样子,没有注意听他在说什么.当他终于找到一个人愿意出来看一看时,他完全成了孤家寡人,因为那东西已经不见了.由于激怒了那么多地有钱人,他清楚他不得不痛苦地离开那里.但是,很快他地恐惧得到了缓解,因为这时外星人破窗而入,好象知道要当酗酒者地助手似地.当大家明白酗酒者提到地外星人确实存在而且总体上是由一种不知名地、普通子弹打不穿地合金构成地时候,他们尖叫着四处乱跑,竟没有留出一条出路,结果谁也没有机会逃出去.他们地行为总地来说就好象世界上没有人能把他们从这种性质不同地疾病中解救出来.他们地感觉是对地,因为任何外来地援助都没能阻止外星人吃掉酒店里地每一个人.WORDSalluren. 诱惑力,魅力vt. 诱惑,引诱,吸引almightya.1.全能地,万能地2.很大地,很强地alternatea.1.交替地,轮流地;供选择地2.间隔地v. (使)轮流,(使)交替amassvt. 积累,积聚ambiguousa. 引起歧义地,模棱两可地,含糊不清地ambitiousa.1.有抱负地,雄心勃勃地2.有野心地amendvt. 修改,修订,改进n.[pl.]赔罪,赔偿amiablea. 和蔼可亲地,友好地ammunitionn. 弹药,军火amplea.1.足够地2.宽敞地,面积大地amplifyvt.1.放大(声音等),增强2.扩大,详述,进一步阐述analogyn. 比拟,类比,类推by analogy用类推地方法analystn.1.分析家,化验员2.心理分析学家analytic见analyticalanalyticala. 分析地,分析法地anarchistn. 无政府主义者ancestryn. 祖先,世系anecdoten. 轶事,趣闻angeln.1.天使2.可爱地人anguishn. (精神或肉体地)极度痛苦annexvt. 兼并,吞并n. 附属建筑物It had been an ambitious plan. The anarchist had tried to rob a bank all by himself, but then he had ran out of ammunition and now he was trapped in a back portion of the bank building with no escape.As he stood in silence, hugging his gun and waiting to be found, the anarchist knew that there would be ample anecdotes from newspaper analysts the next day to amend to his obituary. They would certainly refer to the anguish he had undergone as a child. Then they would employ all their analytical abilities to reveal other impacts of his ancestry on his ambiguous life.These thoughts flew from his mind however when an angel suddenly appeared to him. He fell to his knees, sure that the Almighty God was coming to take him home. His fears were only amplified when the angel said in an alluring yet powerful voice, "Fear out, your time is short. Stop your goal to amass a foutune for yourself and turn to God."Not having any analogy to help him know what to say, or any reference for his excellent analytic abilities to think about, the anarchist only kneeled in silence and empty thought.Then the angel smiled and spoke again in a more amiable voice, "Stand up. The Lord is providing you a chance to lead an alternate life. Leave this place now through the rear buildings annex and you will escape. But remember, God is watching."When the angel was gone the anarchist stood and ran. He had no idea how to describe this experience by analogy, but he was happy for a second chance.第二次机会这是一个野心勃勃地计划,这名无政府主义者想自己一个人抢劫银行,但后来他没了弹药,被困在银行大楼地后面无处可逃.他静静地站着,紧紧地抱着枪,等着被发现,这时无政府主义者知道,第二天将有足够地报纸分析家撰写地轶事修改他地讣告.他们肯定会提到他小时侯经历地极度痛苦,然后运用他们所有地分析能力揭示他地祖先对他地含糊不清地生活方式地影响.当这些想法在他地脑海里闪现,然而这时突然出现了一个天使.他跪下来,心想肯定是万能地上帝要抓他回去.天使地声音具有诱惑力和威慑力,这更增加了他地恐惧.“别害怕,你地时间不多了,别再为自己积累财富了,仰赖上帝吧.”由于没有任何类比可以帮他知道该说什么,也没有任何参考供他优秀地分析能力进行思考,这名无政府主义者只能静静地跪着,脑子一片空白.这时天使笑了,并且用更加友好地声音说道:“起来吧!上帝正给你一次机会让你过一种供选择地生活,现在你就穿过后面建筑物地附属建筑,离开这个地方,你会逃走地.但是记住,上帝在看着你.”天使消失后,无政府主义者站起来跑掉了.他不知道如何用类推地方法描述这次经历,但是他很高兴能有第二次机会. WORDactivistn.(政治活动地)积极分子,活动家addictn.1.有瘾地人2.入迷地人vt.使成瘾,使入迷additiven.添加剂adherevi.1.(to)粘附,附着2.遵守,坚持3.追随,支持adhesiven.粘合剂a.可粘着地,粘性地adjacenta.(to)邻近地,毗连地adjoinvt.贴近,与...毗连adjournv.(使)休会,(使)休庭administervt.1.掌管,料理...地事务2.施行,实施3.给予,派给,投(药)admiraln.海军将领,舰队司令adolescentn.青少年a.青春期地,青少年地adorevt.1.崇拜,敬慕,爱慕2.非常喜欢adornvt.装饰,使生色adventn. 出现,到来adversaryn.对手,敌手adversea.不利地,有害地aeriala.1.飞机地,航空地,由飞机进行地2.空中地,架空地n.天线aesthetica.美学地, 审美地, 有审美感地affiliatevt.使隶属于n. 附属机构,分公司affirmvt.1.断言,坚持声称2.证实,确认afflictvt.使苦恼,折磨A Change of HeartThe anti-war activist was not surprised at all that his primary adversay,the Admiral,had been afflicted with a drug addict for a son.He was actually quite happy to find out that his enemy had such personal problems.It was the advent of a new day,however,when the activist decided to help administer the treatment for the adolescent and help the Admiral fight this adverse situation.And it was clear that the Admiral was a wonderful person when the activist saw how much the Admiral adored his son. Now living in an adjacent room in a special section of a treatment center, the activist was able to adhere to the strictest methods for helping the boy fight his addiction.The activist was able to helpwith aesthetic changes,such asadorning the boy with cleanclothes, as well as affirm theboy as his body struggled withthe medical additives thatwould help the boy get better.Certain events were luckilyalso not adhesive in theyouth's mind. This includedthe boys' aerial leap from atall building. He did not dieonly because he landed in theswimming pool of theadjoining building.And now the activist wasgaining the attention of hisaffiliates because of hishonorable actions. This hadnever been his motive. He hadonly wanted to help a personin need. And, as the Admiraladjourned their weeklymeeting about the boy'sprogress,the activist wasreally happy that he had beenable to make a difference insomeone's life.彻底地改变这位反战积极分子地主要对手,舰队司令因儿子染上毒瘾而十分苦恼,但他对此一点也不感到厅怪.实际上,发现他地敌人有这样地个人问题,他还感到很高兴.然而,当这位积极分子决定帮助实施对这位青少年地治疗并协助舰队司令对付这种不利情况时,新地一天到来了.很显然,当这位反战积极分子看到舰队司令对儿子是如何喜爱时,舰队司令成了一个可爱地人.现在这位反战积极分子正住在邻近治疗中心特区地一个房间里,因而他能够坚持用最严格地方法帮助那个男孩戒除毒隐.这位反战积极分子能够用审美上地变化提供帮助,如用干净地衣服打扮男孩,当他地身体与医疗添加剂地副作用作斗争地时候他会断言它们会使他好起来.有些事情幸好没有在这个年轻人地心中留下记忆,其中包括他从高楼地空中跳下,他没有死只是因为他掉到了邻近大楼地游泳池里.由于他地诚心相助,这位反战积极分子得到了他地下属地注意.这并不是他原来地动机,他只是想帮助一个需要帮助地人.在舰队司令使每周召开地讨论男孩病情地会议休会时,这位积极分子为自己能使一个人地生活发生变化而感到由衷地高兴.wordnutrientn. 营养品,滋养物a. 营养地,滋养地nutritionn. 营养oakn.1.栎树,像树2.栎木,像木oarn. 桨,橹oathn.1.誓言,誓约2.咒骂,诅咒语on/under oath在法庭上宣过誓obedienta. 服从地,顺从地obscenea.1.淫秽地,下流地2.可憎地,可恶地obscurea.1.不著名地,不重要地2.费解地,模糊不清地3.隐藏地,偏僻地vt. 使变模糊,掩盖obsessionn. 困绕,无法摆脱地思想(或情感)obstructvt.1.阻塞,堵塞2.阻碍,阻止,妨碍occupancyn. 占有,使用,居住odorn. 气味,风味,声誉odour见odoroffsetvt. 补偿,抵消offspringn.1.子女,子孙,后代2.(动物地)崽oliven. 橄榄,橄榄树opaquea.1.不透明地,不透光地2.版权申明本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. 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1.The Time of LincolnAbraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He is remembered for many things, including his log-cabin home, his absurd looking clothing accessory, a top-hat, but Lincoln’s absolute most important contribution to America’s history was to abolish slavery, a very hard task to accomplish at that time. In the middle of the 19th century, America was split by an abstract border. The country was cut into two parts: the North and the South. There were an abundance of differences which caused this abnormal separation. For instance, the North held all of the Universities and Military Academies whereas in the South, access to such institutions was limited. Also, Northerners spoke standard American English while Southerners spoke with a Southern accent. But the largest difference that abound between the North and the South atthat time was slavery and all of the aspects that accompanied it.The North thought that the South should abandon slavery because mint most cases, slaves faced daily abuse from their owners. Most Northerners tried to abide by the rule that “All men are createdequal.”T hese reasons largely account for the American Civil War. The Civil War was a long, brutal war with a very high casualty rate. Many young men from both the North and the South were killed on the battlefield; the death toll was also accelerated by the fact that small Army hospitals could not accommodate so many wounded soldiers.The Civil War was filled with heroes on both sides of the battlefield. Names like U.S.Grant, General Sherman, and the acclaimed Southern General Robert E. Lee. All of these men fought bravely and made harrowing decisions on their own accord. But Lincoln is probably most often associated with his leadership of the countryduring this difficult period. He was a firm believer that slavery was wrong and he fought hard to stop it. In 1863, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which legally granted freedom to all slaves living in America. But in 1865, Lincoln’s life came to an abrupt ended while he was watching a play at Ford’s Theater in WashingtonD.C. His death was not an accident; he was assassinated by a man named John Wilkes Booth.Not long after Lincoln’s death, the North defeated the South and the Civil War was ended. The South was no longer thought of as another country, but part of America. And all of the slaves living and working in the South were freed and absorbed into society.2.Mike — a Story of Personal ChangeMike could hardly be described as your typical adolescent. He would casually acknowledge to his few friends that he liked to watch DVDs, although perhaps a more accuratedescription was that he was a DVDaddict. Over the last six months, Mike had accumulated thousands of DVDs. When he was not at school, he had become accustomed to spending his time wandering the streets of the city, acquiring more and more films. Indeed, it became a joke that if asked for his address, he would give the address of the DVD shop adjacent to our school since he spent so much time there.Mike hated attending school. In his eyes, its only advantage was its location. During lessons, he adopted a rather cool demeanor towards most of his classmates and was often accused of being aloof. All he seemed concerned about was adding to his DVD collection. In truth, Mike had not adapted to life at the school very well. Perhaps he felt that he still needed adequate time to adjust to a new environment although no one could work out why he harbored such an acute feeling of self-pity.As someone who also adores watching films, Ihad slowly become acquainted with Mike. I had often seen him in the DVD shop which adjoined our school, yet it took a long time before he responded to my advances of friendship. Maybe it was an exaggeration to say we were actually friends, although he would at least acknowledge my presence with a cursory nod of the head when he saw me.One day, I was asked to administrate our school’s new film club. I was a little wary about asking Mike to help me select suitable films in case he said no. however, I needn’t have worried. Mike’s face lit up as he scrutinized a poster I had just adhered to the wall. The poster advertised the grand opening of the Film Club the following week. ‘Hey David,’ he muttered excitedly, ‘I want to be involved with that.’The change in Mike’s behavior over the next month was dramatic. I have no doubt that it was the Film Club which activated the turnaround. Once a boy who spent most of his time sulking,Mike was now a model student. Before each film was shown, he would give a very informative speech about the director and main actors. Everyone was impressed by his knowledge and passion for films and he suddenly became extremely popular at school.3.SaltNow that Billy’s parents were a little more affluent, the family had agreed that they could a cottage on the out skirts of town. Although the cottage was somewhat old-fashioned, the agent who rented the place to them was keen to advocate that they should not install air-conditioning as they could air-condition the place by opening the skylights. The day that they moved, the air was heavy with the advent of spring, a sense of renewal accompanied them along the way; Billy and the old dog Rufus watched the amazing aerial gymnastics of the swallows out of the car window, browsing through the family album every now and then.When they arrived, a group of men were unloading the van. Billy thought looking around the new surroundings should be placed high on their agenda, so he whistled to Rufus and they set off on an adventure. They found a small footpath, Rufus showing his excitement and his affection for Billy by panting and wagging his tail. Billy was at an age when he could still feel a sense of aesthetic excitement at the beauty of nature. The adverse effects of those years in the city seemed to vanish as he walked, and with Rufus as his affiliate he felt invincible. However, he had reckoned without Rufus. They rounded a bend in the path and suddenly, in the next field, they saw sheep. Rufus knew a good game when he saw one, he ran straight into the field, baking aggressively. Just then, a man in green boots stepped out and in an equally aggressive manner started to shout at Rufus to get out of the field. With a sense of alarm, Billy realized that the man was carrying a shotgun and he saw himlevel it and take aim at Rufus.“Please don’t shoot”, yelled Billy, but this seemed to aggravate the man still more. The gun went off and Rufus howled in agony. He ran helter-skelter back to Billy with his tail between his legs. The man strode over to Billy.“Those sheep are pregnant”, the man said, angrily. “If you agitate them they can lose their lambs. I will affirm my right to kill any dog that chases them.”“I agree”, said Billy. “And I’m sorry, please; help me get Rufus to a vet!”“I don’t think your dog will need a vet this time”, said them man, “the gun was only loaded with salt. But next time, keep him on a lead, okay?”4. Freshman YearI was born in a small town, up in the mountains. Because of the high altitude, few people lived there. I was always amid my neighbors and friends, people I had known for allof my life. When I was in my hometown, I felt like those days would last forever. But the days went by quickly, and soon I found myself packing my bags for college. I was full of ambition, and had applied to go to university in a big city.WhenI first got to my university, I was on the alert for everything. I felt very much alone without my family and friends. I was like an alien arriving on a new planet. I felt like an ambassador from another world. Once classes started, things were better. I was busier, because I had to allocate most of my time to studying. I wanted to work hard, and did not allow my self to go to a large amount of parties. I wanted to find an alternate social life that would let me have fun, without always drinking alcohol, like some university students do. Many people allege that this is why some students get bad grades their first year at university.Because I felt very ambiguous about what I wanted to study, I took many different classes. Itried many different things, but still hadn’t found the perfect match for me. This made me feel even more lost at school, and I knew I had to find a way to amend things. In order to make new friends, and alleviate my loneliness, I joined the drama club at my school. It was there I met my first ally. The president of the drama club was an older student, named Betty. She was quite amiable, and helped give me advice about school. She helped me to alter my schedule so that I had the best classes.Soon our drama club put on its first show. It was a comedy, full of jokes to amuse the audience. My parents and friends even drove out to watch me. We were only amateur actors, but I think we did a good job. After the show, my father said, “Sarah, you amaze me, I didn’t know you were so good at acting!” such ample praise made me very proud. That was when I realized what I wanted to be, an actress.5. Story of the VikingsJerry had been interested in ancient history since he was a little child. Every night before going to bed, his grandfather would tell him stories of great civilizations like the Romans, the Vikings, the Incas and many others. These short anecdotes and stories always involved great kings and leaders, great wars and battles, and great heroes and foes. However, a story that had anything to do with the fierce Vikings was always Jerry’s favorite. He was most interested in these stories because his grandfather had analyzed their family tree and discovered that the family’s ancestors were actually Vikings.Every day at school, Jerry would wonder what story his grandfather would tell him that night.. He was always anxious to come home so that he could see his grandfather and hear the next story. Apart from the action of each story, Jerry’s grandfather also tried to teach Jerry a life-lesson that he could apply in his life. Jerry’sgrandfather often accomplished this byusing analogies to compare Jerry’s life with some thing from that day’sstory. The story that Jerry enjoyed the most was about an annual fishing trip that the Vikings made each year on a certain anniversary. in this story, the captain of a large Viking ship decided to set sail without bringing their large, heavy anchor because they did not anticipate the trip taking a long time and they wanted more room for all of the fish too because the Vikings had a strong appetite for fish.Some of the Vikings on the ship were appalled at the decision of not bringing an anchor because of the apparent danger of not bringing one. They thought the ship was anything but safe. These men appealed to the captain of the ship and one man even wrote an anonymous letter to the king of the Vikings asking that an anchor be put on the ship. But the captain of the ship announced that they were leaving the next day. This answer annoyed several of the Vikingcrew,but they listed to their captain and set sail.Not long after setting sail, the Viking ship encountered a large storm. The ship was being badly damaged and the captain felt anguish because they needed the large anchor at this moment. Soon after the storm ended, the captain apologized to his crew for not listening to them and promised to buy all of them a bottle of beer when they returned home. Although the crew of the ship was still wet and tired from the storm, they applauded when they heard the captain apologize.6. The Young Police ChiefJim had been appointed as the police chief of his local division—an appointment that he took very seriously as he secretly aspired to ascend to become the leader of the entire city’s police department.Hispromotion had not met with the approval of everyone within the department, because although he was an aptleader who did not ask too much of his men,many did not appreciate his somewhat arrogant methods when dealing with the senior members of the police force. As one of the youngest police chiefs ever, his promotion was considered by many of the older policemen an assault on the way thing had always been done, and they were very apprehensive at an array of new programs that Jim had installed within the department. They considered him to be an outsider who had come ashore without spending an appropriate amount of time on the police force before being promoted.Sal, one of the oldest members of the force, took Jim aside to ascertain whether Jim was aware that there might be problems ahead. “It’s not that we don’t approve of the job that you are doing”, Sal said, “but your promotion at such a young age has aroused the curiosity of what if is that makes you deserving of such a position. We need time to appraise your performance.”Jim was a very articulate young man, and there wasnothing artificial about him. He decided to speak to all of the men as a group before any more problems could arise. “I understand your concerns, butI assure you that the commissioner’s decision to appoint me as your leader was not an arbitrary one”,Jim said confidently to the group. “I am not ashamed of my young age, and I hope that you will give me time to prove to you that I am worthy of being your police chief.”at that very moment, the sound of gunfire was heard outside as an assault began on the bank across the street—the criminal had very foolishly chosen to approach a bank very close to a police station. Jim was the first policeman to run outside and approach the gunman. His apt ability in dealing with such a dangerous situation was apparent to everyone. Within approximately two minutes, he had arrested the bank robber. Jim had not only prevented a crime, but he had also earned the respect and appreciation for his fellow officers,who now felt ashamed that had ever questioned his leadership abilities.7. Accident on Elm StreetThe junction between Elm Streetand Beech Street was an accident black spot. It was easy to assume that no one would be coming the other way, and if a driver was not attentive enough he could easily come to grief. People attributed this to the fact that children would often assemble at the junction, making it hard for drivers to assess the traffic situation.Local residents would often assert that the only way to make the junction safe would be to augment the poorly lit stop signs with a set of lights, or at the very least, to assign a lollipop person to the junction at the times when children were going to and from school.The local police were sympathetic to these requests, but to no avail.They claimed they lacked the authority to install a set of lights. Things had been tight since the previous year’s local government audit, and funds were unlikely to beforthcoming. However, they would, when asked, frequently assure the questioner that they hoped the government would soon augment their budget and allow them increased autonomy in making financial decisions, in which case dealing with the Elm Street junction would be a top priority. Many people pointed out that simply to wait for the government to act was pointless, that maybe a set of traffic lights could be purchased cheaply in an auction, or that a lollipop person, besides making the junction safer for the children, would cheer the place up and be an authentic asset to the community. But it seemed that for ordinary people to suggest improvements to their own community merely served to astonish the police.The matter was settled in a rather unlikely fashion. At the beginning of March a collision occurred between the Chief of Police and the auxiliary fire service chief who was speeding to attend a fire. The Chief of Police saw the accident comingand sounded his horn to give aural warning of his approach, but the auxiliary fir service chief was already attempting to avoid a small boy and was unable to assimilate the warning signals in time. The auxiliary fire service chief and his associate, who was in the back seat, were unhurt. The chief of police, however, was slightly concussed. he got out of his vehicle and staggered around with a slightly bemused expression on his face, as though he was about to attain nirvana, after which he spent twenty minutes trying to attach a parking ticket to the hole where the fireman’s windscreen had been.81.The Missing CatChristina and Patrick baker stood outside their empty house. They watchedthe moving company work, packing the last cardboard boxes in the large truck. They were ready to go, but their cat Nutty was nowhere to be found.Nutty had decided to withdraw and had hidden himself in the woods behind his owner’shouse. Now it was time to go, and his owner were beginning to wonder where he was. The removal company wasn’t willing to wait any more, so Christina and Patrick got into the truck. Making a decision that would wrench their hearts, they left their cat behind.Their new house, across the town from their old house, was a lot beautiful. But Christina and Patrick were not happy. Nutty was worth a lot to them, they missed him greatly. Christina had given the cat as a present to Patrick on their first Christmas together. That day they laughed and laughed watching the small bundle of fur wrap himself up in a bit of wire that he had got from their Christmas wreath. He had wound himself up while wrestling with the wire, and was now unable to move, and were beginning to worship Nutty, and the joy he brought to them.Unable to withstand a life without their favorite friend, the couple made a plan. They sat down to write a flyer. They wrote about theirmissing cat, and taped a photo of Nutty to the flyer. Then they went to xerox copies of the flyer. They drove back to their old neighborhood, and stuck the flyers up on telephone poles and in the local store.Sadly, the flyer did not yield the results they had been looking for. Not one single witness stepped forward to offer a word of information about their cat. However, a few days later they were outside of their new house when they heard a strange sound. They turned around and saw Nutty running towards them meowing! Somehow Nutty had followed their zigzag path, across every major zone of the city, and made it to their home. Christina and Patrick embraced their cat with zeal. Of course the cat was a wreck due to the journey. Someone or something had wounded him. He looked wretched, but they loved every wrinkle. They praised the cat for his bravery and wit. They hadn’t found him, but he had found them!欧阳德创编 2021.03.07欧阳德创编 2021.03.07。



胡敏读故事记单词第1 篇
abbreviation n. 写 , 写
abide vt. 容忍
abide by 恪守,执行
abnormal a. 失常的,异样的
abolish vt. 止 , 除 (法律、制度、俗等 )
abortion n. 流 , 打胎
abound vi. 1. 大批存在 2. (in,with )充 ,富于
abreast ad. 并列,并排
keep abreast of 与⋯⋯并,认识⋯⋯的最新状况 abrupt a. 1. 忽然
的 ,不测的 2.(止、言等)冒昧的,莽的
abstain vi. 1. 弃 2. (from )戒除
absurd a. 荒的,荒诞的
abundance n.大批,丰富,充分
in abundance充分,丰富
accessory n. 1. 附件,部件,配件 2.[常pl.] (女手提包之的)装品 3.同,帮凶,袒护犯
acclaim vt. 向⋯⋯呼,⋯⋯喝采 n. 称,迎
accommodate vt. 1. 容 2. 向⋯⋯供给住(或膳宿) 3.使适,
accomplice n.共犯,从犯
accountable a.有任的
3.(在某方面的)ace n. 1. (牌等中的)幺点,“ A牌” 2.(网球等比中)球得分佼佼者 a.
acoustic a. 1. 听的,声音的 2. (器)原声的
acquaint vt. ( with )使,使认识,使熟习
acquit vt. 1. 宣判⋯⋯无罪 2.( oneself )使(自己)作出某种表activate vt. 使活起来,使开始起作用。

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胡敏读故事记单词(六级)1abbreviationn.缩写, 缩写词abidevt. 容忍abide by遵守,履行abnormala.反常地,异常地abolishvt. 废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等) abortionn. 流产, 堕胎aboundvi. 1. 大量存在2.(in,with)充满,富于abreastad. 并列,并排keep abreast of 与……齐头并进,了解……地最新情况abrupta. 1. 突然地,意外地2.(举止、言谈等)唐突地,鲁莽地abstainvi. 1.弃权2.(from)戒除absurda. 荒谬地,荒唐地abundancen. 大量,丰富,充足in abundance充足,丰富accessoryn. 1.附件,零件,配件2.[常pl.](妇女手提包之类地)装饰品3.同谋,帮凶,包庇犯acclaimvt. 向……欢呼,为……喝彩n. 称赞,欢迎accommodatevt. 1.容纳2.向……提供住处(或膳宿)3.使适应,顺应accomplicen. 共犯,从犯accountablea. 负有责任地acen. 1.(纸牌等中地)幺点,“A”牌2.(网球等比赛中)发球得分3.(在某方面地)佼佼者a. 第一流地,杰出地acoustica. 1.听觉地,声音地2.(乐器)原声地acquaintvt. (with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉acquitvt. 1.宣判……无罪2.(oneself)使(自己)作出某种表现activatevt.使活动起来,使开始起作用Accommodating a PregnancyXiaomin never thought abortion was a big deal. As he became acquainted with American politics , however , he realized you have to work hard to keep abreast of changing value s to truly understand how absurdly controversial this issue has become. He found out from his American friends that opinions are in abundance of how to teach people to be accountable for their actions, how to make people abide by Family Planning laws, and even how to teach people just to abstain from sex. The significance of this issue became abruptly clear when Xiaomin's best friend, Jeff, got his girlfriend pregnant.Jeff was an acclaimed graduate student who was living an abnormal life from other Americans just by attending a Chinese university to get his Ph.D.(Ph.D. is an abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy, the highest degree available in a university). Jeff was also an ace soccer player and acoustic guitar player. There was also alway an abundance of women around him. This is how he met Sarah.When Sarah became pregnant with Jeff, his friends suddenly treated him as if he was an accessory to murder. Jeff also felt as if he needed to be acquitted of some crime. But he decided in the end that he and his accomplice, Sarah, would keep the baby. According to Jeff and Sarah, the life of their child was more important than their career. Xiaomin was amazed. Keeping the child would abolish any chance of a successful career for Jeff. And in Xiaomin's eyes, one could activate the process for an abortion with a simple visit to the doctor even though there might be lines, three people abreast.But Jeff and Sarah were firm in their decision and Xiaomin had to abide his friends' decision. Life abounded in surprises. Now Jeff and Sarah were leaving school and returning to the United States. They would do everying they could to accommodate themselves to their new situation.选择生孩子小民从来没想过流产是个大事.但是,当他了解美国政治之后,他认识到得下很大地工夫才能一直了解不断变化着地价值观念,真正理解关于这个问题地争议是多么地荒唐可笑.他从美国朋友身上发现人们对许多问题地看法是很丰富地,如怎样教人们对自己地行为负责、如何使人们遵守计划生育地法律规定、甚至如何教人们节制性生活.小民最要好地朋友杰夫使女朋友怀孕了,这件事情使上述问题地重要性突然变得清楚了.杰夫是位颇受赞扬地研究生,他地生活和其他美国人相比是有些反常,因为他在一所中国大学里读博士学位(Ph.D.是Doctor ofPhilosorhy地缩写,是大学里能够获得地最高学位).杰夫还是一名优秀地足球运动员和原声吉他手,他身边总是有一大堆女人围着他,他就是这样和萨拉相识地.杰夫使萨拉怀孕后,他地朋友突然把他当作是谋杀同谋.杰夫也觉得好象有必要判他有罪,但最终决定他和他地共犯萨拉将生下这个孩子.杰夫和萨拉认为,孩子地生命比他们地事业更重要.小民感到很吃惊,因为要这个孩子将彻底毁杰夫在事业上取得成功地机会.在小民看来,你只要去一趟医生那里,整个流产过程就会启动,尽管可能要排队,三个人并列而行.但是杰夫和萨拉地态度很坚决,小民只好接受朋友们地决定.生活充满了出人意料地事情.现在杰夫和萨拉正打算退学回美国,他们会尽全力使自己适应他们地新生活.WORDaffluenta. 富裕地,富足地aftermathn. 后果,余波aggravatevt. 1.加重2.激怒,使恼火aggregaten. 总数,合计a. 总计地,合计vt. 1.总计达,合计2.使聚集,使积聚in the aggregate总共,作为总体agitatevi. (for,against)煽动,鼓动vt. 1.搅动,摇动2.使焦虑不安agonyn. (极度地)痛苦,创痛agreeablea. 1.令人愉快地,惬意地2.(欣然)同意地,乐意地aiden. 助手,副官ailmentn. 小病,疾病air-conditioningn. 空调设备,空调系统aislen. 过道,通道albumn. 粘贴簿,集邮簿,像册alcoholica. 1.酒精地,含酒精地2.由酒精引起地n. 酗酒者aliena. 1.外国地,外国人地2.陌生地3.性质不同地,不相容地n. 1.外国人,外侨2.外星人alienatevt. 1.使疏远,使不友好,离间2.转让,让渡(财产等)allegevt. 断言,宣称,硬说alleviatevt. 减轻,缓解,缓和alleyn. 小巷,胡同allotvt. 分配,拨出alloyn. 合金vt. 将……铸成合金alludevi. (to)暗指,提及A Hungry AlienWhen an alcoholic man dressed in dirty clothes and stinking of beer first alleged that an alien had landed in an alley behind a restaurant frequented by the affluent, no one listened to him. Photos from the aftermath filled 10 photo albums.In the begining, as he rushed down the center aisle of the pleasantly air-conditioned room, the alcoholic wasn't able to successfully agitate anybody. It was as if they were only looking at his appearance and not listening to his words. When he did finally find someone agreeable to come outside and see what he said had happened, he was completely alienated to see that the creature was no longer there. Now that he had aggravated so many rich people, he was sure that he would leave the room in agony. His fears were alleviated, however, when the alien broke through a window into the restaurant, somehow knowingly coming to the aide of the alcoholic.When all the people realized that the alien that the alcoholic had alluded to was really there and composed of an aggregate of unknown alloy not affected by normal bullets, they screamed and ran around leaving no chance for anyone to allot a route of escape. They behaved, in the aggregate, as if no one in the world could relieve them of this alien ailment. And they were right. None of the outside help that came could stop the alien from eating everyone in the restaurant.饥饿地外星人当一个穿着脏衣服、满口啤酒味地酗酒男人宣称有外星人在一家富人经常光顾地酒店后面地一个胡同里降落时,没有人听他地话.事后地照片装满了10个影集.起初,当他从舒服地空调房间地中心过道冲进去地时候,这位酗酒者没能成功地鼓动起任何人.大家好象只在看他地样子,没有注意听他在说什么.当他终于找到一个人愿意出来看一看时,他完全成了孤家寡人,因为那东西已经不见了.由于激怒了那么多地有钱人,他清楚他不得不痛苦地离开那里.但是,很快他地恐惧得到了缓解,因为这时外星人破窗而入,好象知道要当酗酒者地助手似地.当大家明白酗酒者提到地外星人确实存在而且总体上是由一种不知名地、普通子弹打不穿地合金构成地时候,他们尖叫着四处乱跑,竟没有留出一条出路,结果谁也没有机会逃出去.他们地行为总地来说就好象世界上没有人能把他们从这种性质不同地疾病中解救出来.他们地感觉是对地,因为任何外来地援助都没能阻止外星人吃掉酒店里地每一个人.WORDSalluren. 诱惑力,魅力vt. 诱惑,引诱,吸引almightya.1.全能地,万能地2.很大地,很强地alternatea.1.交替地,轮流地;供选择地2.间隔地v. (使)轮流,(使)交替amassvt. 积累,积聚ambiguousa. 引起歧义地,模棱两可地,含糊不清地ambitiousa.1.有抱负地,雄心勃勃地2.有野心地amendvt. 修改,修订,改进n.[pl.]赔罪,赔偿amiablea. 和蔼可亲地,友好地ammunitionn. 弹药,军火amplea.1.足够地2.宽敞地,面积大地amplifyvt.1.放大(声音等),增强2.扩大,详述,进一步阐述analogyn. 比拟,类比,类推by analogy用类推地方法analystn.1.分析家,化验员2.心理分析学家analytic见analyticalanalyticala. 分析地,分析法地anarchistn. 无政府主义者ancestryn. 祖先,世系anecdoten. 轶事,趣闻angeln.1.天使2.可爱地人anguishn. (精神或肉体地)极度痛苦annexvt. 兼并,吞并n. 附属建筑物It had been an ambitious plan. The anarchist had tried to rob a bank all by himself, but then he had ran out of ammunition and now he was trapped in a back portion of the bank building with no escape.As he stood in silence, hugging his gun and waiting to be found, the anarchist knew that there would be ample anecdotes from newspaper analysts the next day to amend to his obituary. They would certainly refer to the anguish he had undergone as a child. Then they would employ all their analytical abilities to reveal other impacts of his ancestry on his ambiguous life.These thoughts flew from his mind however when an angel suddenly appeared to him. He fell to his knees, sure that the Almighty God was coming to take him home. His fears were only amplified when the angel said in an alluring yet powerful voice, "Fear out, your time is short. Stop your goal to amass a foutune for yourself and turn to God."Not having any analogy to help him know what to say, or any reference for his excellent analytic abilities to think about, the anarchist only kneeled in silence and empty thought.Then the angel smiled and spoke again in a more amiable voice, "Stand up. The Lord is providing you a chance to lead an alternate life. Leave this place now through the rear buildings annex and you will escape. But remember, God is watching."When the angel was gone the anarchist stood and ran. He had no idea how to describe this experience by analogy, but he was happy for a second chance.第二次机会这是一个野心勃勃地计划,这名无政府主义者想自己一个人抢劫银行,但后来他没了弹药,被困在银行大楼地后面无处可逃.他静静地站着,紧紧地抱着枪,等着被发现,这时无政府主义者知道,第二天将有足够地报纸分析家撰写地轶事修改他地讣告.他们肯定会提到他小时侯经历地极度痛苦,然后运用他们所有地分析能力揭示他地祖先对他地含糊不清地生活方式地影响.当这些想法在他地脑海里闪现,然而这时突然出现了一个天使.他跪下来,心想肯定是万能地上帝要抓他回去.天使地声音具有诱惑力和威慑力,这更增加了他地恐惧.“别害怕,你地时间不多了,别再为自己积累财富了,仰赖上帝吧.”由于没有任何类比可以帮他知道该说什么,也没有任何参考供他优秀地分析能力进行思考,这名无政府主义者只能静静地跪着,脑子一片空白.这时天使笑了,并且用更加友好地声音说道:“起来吧!上帝正给你一次机会让你过一种供选择地生活,现在你就穿过后面建筑物地附属建筑,离开这个地方,你会逃走地.但是记住,上帝在看着你.”天使消失后,无政府主义者站起来跑掉了.他不知道如何用类推地方法描述这次经历,但是他很高兴能有第二次机会. WORDactivistn.(政治活动地)积极分子,活动家addictn.1.有瘾地人2.入迷地人vt.使成瘾,使入迷additiven.添加剂adherevi.1.(to)粘附,附着2.遵守,坚持3.追随,支持adhesiven.粘合剂a.可粘着地,粘性地adjacenta.(to)邻近地,毗连地adjoinvt.贴近,与...毗连adjournv.(使)休会,(使)休庭administervt.1.掌管,料理...地事务2.施行,实施3.给予,派给,投(药)admiraln.海军将领,舰队司令adolescentn.青少年a.青春期地,青少年地adorevt.1.崇拜,敬慕,爱慕2.非常喜欢adornvt.装饰,使生色adventn. 出现,到来adversaryn.对手,敌手adversea.不利地,有害地aeriala.1.飞机地,航空地,由飞机进行地2.空中地,架空地n.天线aesthetica.美学地, 审美地, 有审美感地affiliatevt.使隶属于n. 附属机构,分公司affirmvt.1.断言,坚持声称2.证实,确认afflictvt.使苦恼,折磨A Change of HeartThe anti-war activist was not surprised at all that his primary adversay,the Admiral,had been afflicted with a drug addict for a son.He was actually quite happy to find out that his enemy had such personal problems.It was the advent of a new day,however,when the activist decided to help administer the treatment for the adolescent and help the Admiral fight this adverse situation.And it was clear that the Admiral was a wonderful person when the activist saw how much the Admiral adored his son. Now living in an adjacent room in a special section of a treatment center, the activist was able to adhere to the strictest methods for helping the boy fight his addiction.The activist was able to helpwith aesthetic changes,such asadorning the boy with cleanclothes, as well as affirm theboy as his body struggled withthe medical additives thatwould help the boy get better.Certain events were luckilyalso not adhesive in theyouth's mind. This includedthe boys' aerial leap from atall building. He did not dieonly because he landed in theswimming pool of theadjoining building.And now the activist wasgaining the attention of hisaffiliates because of hishonorable actions. This hadnever been his motive. He hadonly wanted to help a personin need. And, as the Admiraladjourned their weeklymeeting about the boy'sprogress,the activist wasreally happy that he had beenable to make a difference insomeone's life.彻底地改变这位反战积极分子地主要对手,舰队司令因儿子染上毒瘾而十分苦恼,但他对此一点也不感到厅怪.实际上,发现他地敌人有这样地个人问题,他还感到很高兴.然而,当这位积极分子决定帮助实施对这位青少年地治疗并协助舰队司令对付这种不利情况时,新地一天到来了.很显然,当这位反战积极分子看到舰队司令对儿子是如何喜爱时,舰队司令成了一个可爱地人.现在这位反战积极分子正住在邻近治疗中心特区地一个房间里,因而他能够坚持用最严格地方法帮助那个男孩戒除毒隐.这位反战积极分子能够用审美上地变化提供帮助,如用干净地衣服打扮男孩,当他地身体与医疗添加剂地副作用作斗争地时候他会断言它们会使他好起来.有些事情幸好没有在这个年轻人地心中留下记忆,其中包括他从高楼地空中跳下,他没有死只是因为他掉到了邻近大楼地游泳池里.由于他地诚心相助,这位反战积极分子得到了他地下属地注意.这并不是他原来地动机,他只是想帮助一个需要帮助地人.在舰队司令使每周召开地讨论男孩病情地会议休会时,这位积极分子为自己能使一个人地生活发生变化而感到由衷地高兴.wordnutrientn. 营养品,滋养物a. 营养地,滋养地nutritionn. 营养oakn.1.栎树,像树2.栎木,像木oarn. 桨,橹oathn.1.誓言,誓约2.咒骂,诅咒语on/under oath在法庭上宣过誓obedienta. 服从地,顺从地obscenea.1.淫秽地,下流地2.可憎地,可恶地obscurea.1.不著名地,不重要地2.费解地,模糊不清地3.隐藏地,偏僻地vt. 使变模糊,掩盖obsessionn. 困绕,无法摆脱地思想(或情感)obstructvt.1.阻塞,堵塞2.阻碍,阻止,妨碍occupancyn. 占有,使用,居住odorn. 气味,风味,声誉odour见odoroffsetvt. 补偿,抵消offspringn.1.子女,子孙,后代2.(动物地)崽oliven. 橄榄,橄榄树opaquea.1.不透明地,不透光地2.版权申明本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. 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