



通过实验设计与实施,我们发现方法在预测设备剩余寿命方面具有更高的预 测精度和稳定性。深度学习算法中的CNN、RNN和LSTM等算法可以更好地处理时序 数据,捕捉设备性能变化的趋势和模式。而传统预测方法在处理复杂设备和长周 期数据时预测精度可能受到影响。
展望未来,我们认为设备剩余寿命预测将成为工业互联网领域的一个重要应 用场景。通过结合物联网、大数据和技术,我们可以实现设备的实时监控、故障 预警和智能维护等功能,为ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้业提供更加高效、智能的设备管理和维护解决方案。 我们还需要进一步研究和改进预测方法,提高预测精度和稳定性,以更好地满足 企业的实际需求。
在现代化工业生产中,设备运行的安全性和稳定性对于生产效率和生产质量 具有至关重要的影响。然而,设备在长时间使用过程中可能会受到各种因素的影 响,导致其性能下降,甚至发生故障。因此,预测设备的剩余寿命成为了关键问 题。近年来,随着大数据技术的发展,基于数据驱动的设备剩余寿命预测方法越 来越受到。本次演示将探讨基于数据驱动的设备剩余寿命预测关键技术,旨在为 提高设备运行效率和安全性提供理论支持。
在基于数据驱动的设备剩余寿命预测中,常用的算法模型包括线性回归、支 持向量回归、随机森林回归、神经网络等。这些模型各有优劣,在实际应用中需 要根据具体问题和数据特征进行选择。例如,线性回归模型简单易用,适用于线 性关系的数据,但可能无法处理非线性关系的数据;神经网络模型能够处理复杂 的非线性关系,但需要大量的数据进行训练,且易受过度拟合等问题影响。
展望未来,我们期望看到更加完善和智能化的设备剩余寿命预测技术。未来 的研究可以以下几个方面:提高数据的质量和完整性,以进一步提高预测模型的 准确性;研究更加有效的特征选择方法,以减少特征冗余和模型过拟合的问题; 探索更加智能化的算法模型,以适应更复杂的设备运行环境和工况;结合设备的 维护和维修策略,制定更加精细化的管理方案,以提高设备的整体使用寿命和生 产效率。



图1 某IGBT的失效率数据分析









个 试验 , 直到 5 个 样 品失效 。 将J V 排序 , 计算相 应 的 F
作 出图 1 , 对数据 进行线 性拟合 , 得到 和 。
基 于 寿命 的统 计分 布特 性 , 通 常采用 累积 失效 率 为1 0 %( 或5 %, 1 %等 ) 的寿命作 为模 块在该试验条件
下 的寿命 , 称 为 寿命 ( 或B , B 等) 。 B 寿命 可 以由
增 高 电压 ( 电场 、 电流 ) 和温度 等 , 加快产 品 老化失 效
的进程 。
试验 数据 分 析要 利用 概率 统计 方法 ,以获 得产 品可 靠 性 的数 量 指 标 , 估 计 该 类 产 品 的 寿命 。 目前 , 威布 尔( We i b u l 1 )分布 函数是 失效数据 分析
We i b u l l 曲线 获得 , 或 者通过式 ( 2) 计算。 P C试 验所需
型 的寿命 模 型 ;研 究模 块 寿命 预 测 过程 , 包括 线性 疲 劳 损伤 积 累理论 和 任务 曲线 的讨 论 ,由任 务 曲线 获得
温度 曲线 , 温度 曲线 的处 理方法 一雨流法 ;最后 对应用 于 HXD I C电力机 车逆变器 系统 的株 洲南车 代 电气股 份有 限公 司 ( 以下 简称南车时代 电气 ) 3 3 0 0 V / 1 2 0 0 A I G B T模块 的功率循 环寿命进行 预测 。

预测 应用状 态 下模块 的工作 寿命 , 除寿命模 型外 ,
还要知道 任务曲线 ( Mi s s i o n P r o f i l e ) , 通过该 曲线 , 计 算 模 型数 据 , 可作 出寿命 预 测 。 本 文讨论 1 GB T模块 功率循 环数据 的分析方法 , 典



浅谈IGBT常见故障及使用寿命发布时间:2021-06-22T02:54:41.320Z 来源:《中国科技教育》2021年第2期作者:刘晓青[导读] 对IGBT的常见故障及使用寿命进行分析,为后续部件选型提供数据参考和建议。







2.IGBT概述IGBT(绝缘栅双极型晶体管),是由 BJT(双极型三极管)和MOS(绝缘栅型场效应管)组成的复合全控型电压驱动式功率半导体器件,如图1所示。

























3国家自然科学基金资助项目器件研究与制造提高IGBT 开关速度的技术3袁寿财 朱长纯(西安电力电子技术研究所,西安710061) 摘要 简要分析了IGBT (绝缘栅双极晶体管)的工作机理,制作了20A 1050V 的IGBT 芯片,给出了测试结果,并对试制样品中子辐照前后的关断特性作了详细的比较和讨论。

关键词 绝缘栅双极晶体管 开关时间 辐照Speed i ng up IGBT πs Sw itch i ng Capab il itiesYuan Shoucai ,Zhu Changchun(X i πan P o w er E lectron ic T echnology Institu te ,X i πan 710061) Abstract T he operati on m echan is m of IGB T devices is si m p ly analyzed .20A 1050V IGB T sam p les are fab ricated and the experi m en tal and tested resu lts are given .T he tu rn 2off characters of IGB T sam p les w ith and o r no neu tron s radiati on exp eri m en tsare com pared and discu ssed in detail.Keywords IGB T Sw itch ing ti m e R adiati on1 引 言对于击穿电压在200V 以下的器件,最近的设计和加工技术已使芯片的导通电阻有了明显的降低,虽然减少到目前导通电阻的四分之一听起来似乎不大现实,但是新一代的低压M O SFET 确实达到了这种变化[1]。

不足的是,同样的改进应用到高压M O SFET 却不能带来同样惊人的效果。



科研仪器设备每年获得高达 20%的维护费用,因此需要建立 仪 器 设 备 运 行 维 护 专 项 基 金 和 相 应 的 保 障 制 度 [4]。 通 常 情 况 下 由 设 备 管 理 部 门 统 一 掌 握 和 使 用 这 笔 专 项 资 金 ,将 其 用 于 仪器设备的保养、维修、升级改造和人员培训。维护专项资金 主 要 来 源 于 仪 器 购 置 经 费 中 预 留 的 部 分 资 金 ,每 年 按 一 定 比 例在科研经费中提出的资金以及通过对外单位服务收取的 仪器测试费。 2.4 建立并不断完善仪器设备报废制度
1 机械安全性与可靠性概念解析 机械的安全性与可靠性,具体是指机械的操作安全性与可
靠性的性能指标。按照国际标准,机械安全性与可靠性主要包含 以下内容:
(1)操作安全。具有安全保障的装置或设施,因操作原因发 生的事故在机械安全事故率中占比较高,达到 15%左右,因此 规范的操作可以提升机械的安全性与可靠性。
表 1 部分国家对违反机械安全法律法规的处罚
350 000 澳元

6 个月禁闭
100 000 马克
10 000 000 比塞塔
5000 英镑
3 个月禁闭
2.2 新技术的研发与应用 目前,许多先进科学技术广泛应用于机械设备中,其中具有
代表性的技术主要包含以下方面: (1)安全防护预警传感器。为了解决机械作业时无法观察到
(4)继电器技术。欧洲国家为了防止机械在作业中发生侧翻 事故,通过在机械设备支撑部件中安装压力继电器来提升安全 性与可靠性。当支撑部件荷载过重时液压缸中的压力会不断升 高,这时继电器会发挥作用,迫使机械设备停止工作,由此提升 机械的安全性及可靠性。

IGBT部品寿命评估测试-Power Cycle

IGBT部品寿命评估测试-Power Cycle

IGBT寿命评价Power Cycle实验和高温高湿偏压
所谓Power Cycle实验,即对IGBT大功率电子部件施加额定满负荷推测部品寿命的试验。



Qualtec除了接受Power cycle试验委托,还可以对应Power cycle试验和其他环境试验的组合性试验评价的委托。


1.Power cycle试验:对半导体的顺方向施加连续性·间歇性接通400A以上的电流。

作者:Qualtec 检测中心
Power cycle试验机(气冷式)



基于深度学习的IGBT健康状态评估及剩余寿命预测基于深度学习的IGBT健康状态评估及剩余寿命预测引言IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)是一种重要的功率半导体器件,被广泛应用于电力电子系统中。



一、IGBT健康状态评估方法1. 特征提取在IGBT健康状态评估过程中,特征提取是一个关键的步骤。





2. 健康状态评估模型构建在特征提取阶段之后,我们需要构建一个评估模型来准确地判断IGBT的健康状态。



3. 实验数据采集与准备为了验证所构建的评估模型的有效性,我们需要采集IGBT的工作数据并进行预处理。



二、IGBT剩余寿命预测方法1. 特征提取IGBT的剩余寿命预测与健康状态评估类似,也需要进行特征提取。











图1 电压源逆变器的典型结构当然,没有谁故意使两个IGBT同时开通,但是由于IGBT并不是理想开关器件,其开通时间和关断时间不是严格⼀致的。



1. 死区时间对逆变器⼯作的影响死区时间⼀⽅⾯可以避免桥臂直通,另⼀⽅⾯也会带来不利影响。

以图2为例,⾸先假设输出电流按图⽰⽅向流动,⽽IGBT T1由开通到关断,经过⼀⼩段死区时间后IGBT T2由关断到开通。





图2 电压源逆变器的⼀个桥臂如果我们假设输出电流的⽅向与图2所⽰相反,那么当T1由开通到关断,⽽T2由关断到开通时,也同样会出现类似上述情况。










常见的功率半导体器件有IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)、MOSFET(金属氧化物半导体场效应管)、功率二极管等。







当时的研究人员主要采用经验分布函数法(Empirical Distribution Function Method)进行失效数据的处理和分析。







第37卷第3期2022年6月安㊀徽㊀工㊀程㊀大㊀学㊀学㊀报J o u r n a l o fA n h u i P o l y t e c h n i cU n i v e r s i t y V o l .37.N o .3J u n .,2022文章编号:1672G2477(2022)03G0058G06收稿日期:2021G12G09㊀基金项目:安徽省教育厅开放基金资助项目(2021E I R C 03Z D )作者简介:方骏仁(1997G),男,安徽淮南人,硕士研究生.通信作者:程凡永(1982G),男,山东临沂人,副教授,博士.基于时间卷积网络的I G B T 老化故障预测方骏仁,程凡永∗,孟献蒙(安徽工程大学安徽省电气传动与控制重点实验室,安徽芜湖㊀241000)摘要:针对逆变器核心部件绝缘栅双极型晶体管(I G B T )发生老化失效故障时会影响电力系统稳定运行的问题,为减少老化失效造成的损失并及时进行维护,提出了一种基于时间卷积网络(T C N )的I G B T 老化故障预测方法.首先采用N A S A 研究中心发布的加速老化数据集,确定以集电极G发射极关断尖峰电压作为老化失效特征参数;然后经过剔除异常值㊁指数平滑等方式处理数据,并输入到构建好的T C N 模型中;最后利用两项性能评价指标实现对老化失效特征参数的预测.实验结果表明,文中所提方法预测的均方根误差为0.0258,平均绝对误差为0.0216,相比于长短时记忆网络模型㊁T C N 模型的相对预测精度可提高到26%.关㊀键㊀词:绝缘栅双极型晶体管;时间卷积网络;老化故障;时间序列预测中图分类号:T N 322.8㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A 随着现代电力电子技术的迅速发展,作为风电等新能源系统中重要的能量转换元器件,逆变器拥有启动快速㊁转换效率高㊁稳定性好等优点,然而一旦发生故障就会破坏整个电力系统的正常运行,从而影响人们的生产生活,因此有许多研究人员对逆变器的各种故障进行了深入研究.很多研究表明,大部分逆变器发生故障都是由于逆变电路中的核心部件绝缘栅双极型晶体管(I G B T )故障引起的,所以针对I G B T 的故障检测显得尤为重要.目前I G B T 的故障主要分为3种[1]:一是在生产研发阶段由于制作工艺出现了问题产生的故障,一般不做研究;二是在使用阶段由于受到了外界冲击等因素导致发生开路或短路故障等问题;三是随着使用时间的增加都会面临的I G B T 老化失效问题.因此为了减少发电系统的故障,实现系统的安全稳定运行,必须要预测出I G B T 的剩余使用寿命,当出现老化特征时第一时间更换元器件,预防出现更大的损失.对I G B T 的老化故障预测是目前的研究热点[2],由于I G B T 在逐渐老化的过程中会使得器件的某些外部参数发生变化,所以选择一个合适的评估参数是重中之重.文献[3]通过对I G B T 进行老化实验,发现模块的结G壳瞬态热阻会随着I G B T 的老化而变化,故根据这一特点选择了结G壳瞬态热阻值作为失效特征参数,再利用注意力机制模型预测I G B T 的剩余寿命;文献[4]指出,当I G B T 工作在高结温及高温度梯度状态时,老化失效主要表现为铝键合引线的翘起和脱落,会出现集电极G发射极饱和电压变大的情况,因此也可以作为I G B T 故障预测的特征参数;文献[5G7]都选择了美国宇航局N A S A 研究中心发布的I G GB T 加速老化数据集,并选取I G B T 在瞬态关断过程中产生的集电极G发射极瞬态尖峰电压作为失效特征参数进行故障预测.文献[5]采用B P 神经网络构建老化故障预测模型,但由于没有对网络的结构和参数进行优化,还存在极小值情况,准确性有待提高.文献[6]使用的小波神经网络拥有小波变换的优点,避免了B P 网络设计结构的盲目性,但是隐藏层的节点数以及各层之间的权重始终难以确定,影响模型的收敛速度.文献[7]提出了基于长短时记忆网络(L S T M )的预测模型,L S T M 可以利用历史长期的时序信息进行预测,但传递信息需要等待上一个时间步的前向传递结束后才可以进行下一个时间步的前向传递,是顺序执行的,无法做到并行处理,而且传统的循环神经网络只能默认输入全部的历史信息,无法做到对输入的精准控制.所以本文利用该瞬态关断尖峰电压特征参数提出了一种基于时间卷积神经网络(T C N )的I G B T 老化故障预测方法,并构建L S T M 及其变体G R U 神经网络模型作为对比分析,通过实验结果验证本文所提方法的可行性.1㊀I G B T 老化机制与数据采集1.1㊀I G B T 老化原理I G B T 作为一种场控元器件,拥有控制电路简单㊁开关速度快㊁饱和压降低等优点,是一种由电压驱动的电路开关,没有机械按钮.对封装好的I G B T 元器件进行物理电路等效得到的I G B T 等效电路图如图1所示,其中G ㊁C ㊁E 分别代表I G B T 的栅极㊁集电极和发射极.当I G B T 的栅极和发射极加上正电压,并且大于导通阈值时,兼容了MO S F E T 的I G B T 就会导通;当栅极和发射极无电压或施加电压小于最小阈值电压时,I G B T 就会处于关断状态.这仅仅只是一次简单的I G B T 导通关断过程,但在实际复杂的工作环境中,I G B T 需要频繁进行开关,流经它的电流和电压会对器件产生日积月累的影响,最终会导致I G B T在没有达到预期使用寿命期限时提前发生老化失效故障.目前,针对I G B T 模块的老化失效主要可以归结为两点[8]:焊料层疲劳失效和铝键合引线脱落.I G GB T 是由多种不同类型的材料组合而成的,结构图如图2所示.这些材料的热膨胀系数不同使得各材料层之间承受应力的能力也不一样,所以当I G B T 因工作而聚集大量的热量并且散热不及时,就有可能会导致焊料层发生疲劳失效.另外,结温升高产生的热应力不仅能够作用于材料层,还会对器件的铝键合引线产生冲击,键合引线在I G B T 中起到芯片连接芯片㊁材料层的作用,随着冲击效果的不断累积会造成键合引线松动甚至脱落,这两点都是I G B T 在封装层面上发生老化失效的重要因素.图1㊀I G B T 等效电路图图2㊀I G B T 模块结构图1.2㊀加速老化实验对I G B T 的相关研究表明,在-55ħ和125ħ的温度范围内只需要进行300次热循环,就会导致芯片焊料退化和焊点损坏,相当于器件几十年的运行[9].每一次热循环过程,I G B T 都会不断退化,而退化伴随着由于内部温度升高而导致的工作期间一些外部特征参数发生变化,这些参数对于研究I G B T 老化故障有着重大意义.为了推进电子元器件故障预测的研究,N A S A 研究中心开发了对I G B T 的加速热老化实验平台,实验条件如表1所示.该实验采用在栅极施加方波电压的方法实现热循环加速老化,测量的参数主要包括:集电极G发射极电压㊁集电极G发射极电流㊁栅极电压㊁包装温度等.在通过大量实验后研究中心公布了I G B T 加速热老化数据集,而且在文献[10]中对实验期间记录的瞬态开关信号进行了分析:在整个测试过程中,栅极信号和电流保持相对恒定,稳态电压变化最小;导通过程中的集电极G发射极电压特性也几乎没有变化;但在观察集电极G发射极电压关断特性时,发现在I G B T 退化过程中其集电极G发射极瞬态关断电压峰值显著降低,因此可以选取该瞬态尖峰电压值作为I G B T 老化的特征参数进行故障预测.表1㊀I G B T 加速热老化实验条件实验参数参数设置I G B T 1个P WM 占空比40%栅极电压10V实验参数参数设置开关频率10k H z封装温度260~270ħ1.3㊀数据采集该加速热老化实验从开始进行到出现故障失效共经历170m i n 左右,期间共采集了418组集电极G发射极瞬态电压数据,每组数据共有10万个采样点,而且每组的分布具有相似性.研究将418组数据的集电极G发射极关断尖峰电压值提取出来,如图3所示.由图3可见,随着I G B T 逐渐退化,关断瞬态尖峰电压有比较明显的下降趋势,进一步证明了使用该参数进行预测具有足够的合理性.95 第3期方骏仁,等:基于时间卷积网络的I G B T 老化故障预测从图3a 可以看出,采集的数据波动比较大并含有异常值,故先剔除前几个异常样本值再采用二次指数平滑的方法对其进行平滑处理.该方法扩展了简单指数平滑,使其可以用来预测带有趋势的时间序列.经过以上数据处理后可以得到图3b ,黄线代表剔除异常值和平滑处理后的数据,蓝线是原始数据,从图3b 中可以发现,经过处理后的数据波动性小,且保留了数据本身的曲线趋势.另外,在数据标准化方法的选择上采用最大最小归一化,可以提高模型精度和模型训练时的收敛速度,有效避免了梯度爆炸.图3㊀I G B T 集电极G发射极关断尖峰电压值退化过程2㊀基于时间卷积网络的I G B T 老化故障预测模型2.1㊀时间卷积网络在以往分析时序问题时,大家通常都会选择循环神经网络(R N N )以及它的变体L S T M 等来进行建模,这是因为R N N 天生拥有循环自回归的结构特性,这是对时间序列的很好的表示[11G12].但随着T C N 的出现引起巨大反响后[13],一些人认为T C N 会取代R N N 成为时序预测领域新的王者,这归结于R N N 在处理数据时耗时太长,网络传输数据时只能按照顺序进行,无法做到同时大规模并行处理.T C N 作为卷积神经网络的一个变体,克服了传统卷积神经网络受其卷积核尺寸的限制,以及不能很好地抓取长时间的上下文依赖信息的问题,并且当给定一段输入时,T C N 可以实现大规模并行处理,取得比R N N 更好的时序预测效果.T C N 的核心就是扩张因果卷积和残差块模块[14],T C N 模型所使用的因果卷积,就是对于上一层t 时刻的值,仅与下一层t 时刻元素大小及之前的输入有关,用来确保未来的数据不存在泄漏.扩张因果卷积相比普通因果卷积,引入了扩张系数,使得有效窗口的大小随着层数的增加呈现指数式增长,这样用较少的层数就可以获得比较大的感受野.扩张卷积的计算定义为F (s )=ðk -1i =0f (i ) x (s -d i ),(1)对于一个一维的输入序列x ,其中,F (s )表示经过一次扩张卷积计算后在s 位置上的网络输出结果;d 为扩张系数,且d 以2的指数幂形式增长;k 表示卷积核大小;f 为过滤器,f (i )表示对第i 个输入进行过滤操作.d =(1,2,4)㊁k =2的扩张因果卷积和普通一维因果卷积的对比如图4所示.由图4可以发现,前者在减少网络层数获得稳定梯度的同时可以拥有较大的感受野.为了防止出现网络退化,使用R e s n e t 残差网络可以有效改善网络退化问题[15].残差链接是训练深层神经网络的有效方法,它使得网络信息可以采用跨层方式直接进行传递,另外还加入了D r o po u t 机制避免训练时出现过拟合现象,由于样本数据量适中故不需要进行W e i gh t N o r m 权重归一化.2.2㊀整体模型构建本文使用K e r a s 框架和P y t h o n 语言构建的时间卷积网络模型如图5所示,T C N 模型由多个残差模块组成,将输入序列(x 0,x 1, ,x t )输入到模型进行训练,再把T C N 的输出输入到一层全连接层,得到最终的输出预测值.最下面一层的扩张系数d =1,表示输入时每个点都采样;中间层d =2,表示输入时每两个点采样一个作为输入;模型为了加速收敛速度,保持稳定训练,引入残差网络模块实现网络跳层连接;一06 安㊀徽㊀工㊀程㊀大㊀学㊀学㊀报第37卷维卷积模块用来解决输入输出可能出现维度不同的情况.图4㊀两种因果卷积基本结构图5㊀基于T C N 的I G B T 老化故障预测模型2.3㊀模型参数设置和性能评价指标对于T C N 模型,它的一些超参数设置也影响着最终预测的精度,如过滤器的数量,过滤器存在于任何卷积神经网络架构中,它与模型的预测能力有关,并影响网络的大小,一般过滤器数量越多越好,除非出现过拟合情况;卷积核大小控制一维卷积运算中数据的空间面积;扩张系数控制网络的层数,相同大小的感受野,所需隐藏层更少,可以减少大量网络参数;选择R e l u 激活函数能有效避免深度学习训练过程中梯度消失的问题,D r o p o u t 大小设为0.05,防止出现过度拟合;此外,选择A d a m 作为T C N 模型和对比实验L S T M ㊁G R U 网络模型的优化算法.K i n g m a 的研究表明[16],A d a m 模型中的一些超参数几乎不需要调整,因此,直接使用K i n g m a 等测试的良好参数设置作为A d a m 优化器的超参数.各算法模型在表2所示的超参数设置下,均达到最佳的性能表现.表2㊀各算法模型超参数设置模型超参数L S TM学习率为0.001;网络层数为2;每层神经元个数分别为200㊁50;迭代次数为20;优化器为A d a m ;目标损失函数为均方误差M s e G R U学习率为0.001;网络层数为2;每层神经元个数分别为100㊁50;迭代次数为20;优化器为A d a m ;目标损失函数为均方误差M s e T C N 学习率为0.001;网络层数为1;卷积核个数为600;卷积核大小2ˑ1;扩张系数为[1,2,4];激活函数为R e l u ;优化器为A d a m ;目标损失函数为均方误差M s e16 第3期方骏仁,等:基于时间卷积网络的I G B T 老化故障预测性能评价指标采用均方根误差(R M S E )和平均绝对误差(MA E )来衡量I G B T 预测算法的性能,它们是机器学习中评价模型两个重要的指标.其中,R M S E 测量误差的平均大小,是预测值和真实值之间平方差异平均值的平方根,数量级上较为直观;MA E 是绝对误差的平均值,可以准确反应实际的预测误差.这些指标的结果越小则证明模型预测效果越好,计算公式如下:R M S E =1M ðMi =1(y i -^y i )2,(2)MA E =1M ðM i =1|(y i -^y i )|,(3)式中,M 为预测个数;y i 为真实值;^y i 为模型预测值.3㊀实验结果与分析为了验证本文所提出的基于T C N 的I G B T 老化故障预测方法的优越性,另外尝试与L S T M ㊁G R U 模型进行了对比分析,把经过数据处理后的集电极G发射极关断尖峰电压时间序列的前70%用作训练集,后30%用作测试集,3个模型在测试集上的预测结果如图6所示.蓝线代表真实数据值,黄线代表预测值.评价指标结果如表3所示.T C N 模型的预测结果的R M S E 为0.0258,MAE 为0.0216,均低于L S T M 及G R U 模型的结果.图6㊀三种算法模型预测结果与真实值对比图表3㊀三种算法模型评价指标对比评价指标算法模型L S TM G R U T C NT C N 相对于L S TM 预测精度提升/%R M S E 0.03470.02970.025825.6MA E 0.02920.02640.021626.0通过图6中预测值拟合真实值的情况和表3中能够反映具体模型预测误差的两项评价指标可以看出,在这3种算法模型中,相较于循环神经网络模型预测方法,基于T C N 的I G B T 老化故障预测方法取得了最好的效果,相对于L S T M 模型,T C N 模型两项评价指标都提升了26%左右.26 安㊀徽㊀工㊀程㊀大㊀学㊀学㊀报第37卷4㊀总结根据I G B T 关断时产生的瞬态尖峰电压会随着器件老化而逐渐降低的特点,本文提出了一种基于时间卷积网络的数据驱动故障预测方法,用于预测I G B T 的老化故障.以集电极G发射极关断尖峰电压数据为输入,再利用T C N 模型对器件的老化失效进行预测.该方法不仅可以并行处理输入故障特征,还克服了循环神经网络容易出现梯度消失和梯度爆炸的问题.同时T C N 具有更灵活的感受野,改进了传统卷积网络不能有效地提取长时间序列之间相关性的缺点,增强了故障预测的鲁棒性和准确性.结果表明,该方法拥有较好的故障预测性能,对I G B T 老化故障的预测具有一定的应用价值.参考文献:[1]㊀韩恒贵.基于深度学习的I G B T 故障预测研究[D ].北京:北京交通大学,2019.[2]㊀张军,张犁,成瑜.I G B T 模块寿命评估研究综述[J ].电工技术学报,2021,36(12):2560G2575.[3]㊀葛建文,黄亦翔,陶智宇,等.基于T r a n s f o r m e r 模型的I G B T 剩余寿命预测[J ].半导体技术,2021,46(4):316G323.[4]㊀石巍.大功率I G B T 模块健康状态信息提取方法研究及加速老化试验平台研制[D ].杭州:浙江大学,2018.[5]㊀周利华.I G B T 的寿命评估方法研究[D ].淮南:安徽理工大学,2017.[6]㊀王新春,赵金金.基于小波神经网络的I G B T 寿命研究[J ].电工技术,2020(10):114G116.[7]㊀史业照,郭斌,郑永军.基于L S TM 网络的I G B T 寿命预测研究[J /O L ].中国测试,2020:1G6[2020G08G10].h t t ps ://k n s .c n k i .n e t /k c m s /d e t a i l /51.1714.T B .20200810.1312.006.h t m l .[8]㊀刘嘉诚.基于机器学习算法的I G B T 寿命预测研究[D ].合肥:合肥工业大学,2020.[9]㊀T H ÉB A U DJM ,W O I R G A R DE ,Z A R D I N I C ,e t a l .S t r a t e g y f o r d e s i g n i n g a c c e l e r a t e d a g i n gt e s t s t o e v a l u a t e I G B T p o w e rm o d Gu l e s l i f e t i m e i n r e a l o p e r a t i o nm o d e [J ].I E E E t r a n s a c t i o n s o n c o m p 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v o l u t i o n n e t w o r k (T C N )i s p r o p o s e d .F i r s t l y ,t h e a c c e l e r a t e d a g i n g d a t a s e t r e Gl e a s e db y N A S Ar e s e a r c h c e n t e r i s u s e d t o d e t e r m i n e t h eC o l l e c t o rE m i t t e r o f f p e a kv o l t a g e a s t h e a g i n g f a i l u r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c p a r a m e t e r ,t h e n t h e d a t a a r e p r o c e s s e d b y e l i m i n a t i n g o u t l i e r s a n d e x p o n e n t i a l s m o o t h i n g ,a n d i n p u t i n t o t h e c o n s t r u c t e dT C Nn e t w o r km o d e l .F i n a l l y ,t w o p e r f o r m a n c e e v a l u a t i o n i n d e x e s a r e u s e d t o p r e d i c t t h e a g Gi n g f a i l u r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c p a r a m e t e r s .T h e e x p e r i m e n t a l r e s u l t s s h o wt h a t t h e r o o tm e a n s q u a r e e r r o r o f t h e p r o Gp o s e dm e t h o d i s 0.0258a n d t h e a v e r a g e a b s o l u t e e r r o r i s 0.0216.C o m p a r e dw i t h t h e l o n g Gt e r ma n d s h o r t Gt e r m m e m o r y n e t w o r km o d e l ,t h e r e l a t i v e p r e d i c t i o n a c c u r a c y o fT C N m o d e l i s i m p r o v e db y a b o u t 26%.K e y wo r d s :I G B T ;t e m p o r a l c o n v o l u t i o n a l n e t w o r k ;a g i n g f a u l t ;t i m e s e r i e s f o r e c a s t i n g36 第3期方骏仁,等:基于时间卷积网络的I G B T 老化故障预测。




IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)是一种高压、高电流功率器件,是现代电力电子应用领域重要的开关器件。
















IGBT设计寿命的主要影响因素:1. 晶体管结构、尺寸和材料的选择2. 工艺决定了元件集成度和可靠性3. 外部驱动电路和保护措施,如过流保护、过压保护等4. 环境温度5. 工作电流和电压等级充分根据上述因素进行分析和保障措施,能够最大限度地提高IGBT的设计寿命,确保整个系统的可靠性和使用安全。



系统寿命与可靠性关系:可靠性:产品在一定条件下无故障完成规定功能的能力或可能性IGBT模块的失效模式:功率周次 Power cycling:功率周次用于评估绑定线和Die焊层的机械寿命Power cycling can estimate the bonding wire and die solder’s lifetime测试方法: 加载自加热,周期≤ 3秒,测试ΔTvjTest method: Self heating by load, T_cycle ≤ 3 seconds, measure ΔTvj失效判据:饱和压降 Vcesat 增大+5%Failure criteria: Vcesat increase more than 5%温度周次 Thermal cycling温度周次用于评估DCB下焊接层的寿命Thermal cycling can estimate DCB solder’s lifetime测试方法: 通电加热,周期5分钟,测量ΔTcTest method: Self heating by load, 5 min/, measure ΔTc失效判据:热阻Rthjc 增大+20%Failure criteria: R_thjc increase 20%失效机理是两种材料不同的膨胀系数(Different material’s CTE)[ppm/K]不同应用下IGBT模块的寿命Lifetime of IGBT module in different applicationThere are many applications and similar types of power modules.Main objective is: how to select an active device in order to reach desired system lifetime? Is it possible to have power module suiting to all applications?由周期内系统工况变化获得温度变化Get the temperature profile by power profile in a cycle温度变化导致的失效模式Failure modes with ΔTThere are two key factors in the selection of the appropriate power module:1)thermal: Tvj op < Tvj max2)reliability: wear out mechanisms which determine module lifetime as result of module reliability curves and thermal stressesNote: RBSOA and other electrical phenomena are not covered in the presentation.Factors and impacts:1)TjFWD max ≤ Tvj opTjIGBT max ≤ Tvi opNowadays Tvj op = 150°C2)DTjFWD & DTjIGBT refer to Power Cycling reliability curvesΔTC refers to Thermal Cycling reliability curvesReliability curves are always given by power module manufacturer绑定线老化——功率周次曲线Bond wire degradation – PC curve功率周次曲线修正因数PC curve correction factor基板焊层老化——热循环曲线Solder on baseplate degradation – TC curve功率温度循环(PC)次数评估计算No. of cycle estimation calculation with Power cycling curve实例:稳态周期系统的寿命估算Simple mission cycle -- example of lifetime estimationFor relative simple mission cycles the module lifetime based on the three presented reliability curves and power losses converted into a junction and case temperature swing can be easily estimated. PrimePACK™ module in use: FF900R12IP4D实例:稳态周期系统的寿命估算Simple mission cycle -- example of lifetime estimationQuestion from last page: how to estimate the power module lifetime under the mission cycle, has to be repeated again. Let’s calculate the module wear out as a function of mission cycle and time.Final lifetime module estimation:wear out / year = 0,3% + % + 4,38ppm + 8,76ppm ≌ %As reliability curves are given for 100% lifetime the module can work in the example application for :100% / % ≌Note: These calculations are made for IGBT only. FWD has to be calculated separately.动态负载周期的寿命估算方法Dynamic load cycle – lifetime estimateMatlab calculates losses for given number of the load cycles and applies them to the thermal networks specific for selected module in Simulink. As a result the junction temperature profile for IGBT, Diode and the profile of the solder temperature is obtained.In that case, the simulation will be stopped. Over the graph the information says, which element has higher temperature than allowed. If its below..雨流计数法---随机负载谱转化为变幅或恒幅的负载谱•把负载变化周次种类减少•根据有限的试验数据推算整个寿命周期的变化规律,获得典型谱From the temperature profile analysis the life time (and wear of the life time in %) for each element and solder will be calculated. The graphs will show the life time wear for each deltaT. The sum of the percents is calculated and also shown on the graph.IGBT4模块的性能提升High performance of IGBT4 moduleIGBT4模块的150度最高允许工作结温,源于内部焊线工艺的改进,使其可靠性指标-功率周次(PC)数大幅增加!铜绑定线 Copper Bonding Wire-- EconoDUAL™3 600A真正实现 EconoDUAL™3 最大输出电流能力--- @ TC=100°C, Tvj=175°C降低引线电阻 R CC‘EE‘保证功率周次,满足风力发电,电动汽车需求提供焊接/PressFIT 两种兼容版本提供650V,1200V,1700V IGBT4 全系列,便于现有设计的功率升级PressFIT 端子压接技术Press + FIT = PressFITPressFIT Technology无铅以达到RoHS环保要求简易无焊接安装节约生产组装的成本和时间高可靠性减少工人焊接端子中失误导致的过温和静电损坏可靠性已在多个高端客户的产品中得到验证超声波焊接的功率端子 Ultrasonic welded terminals功率端子采用超声波焊接Internal terminal connections ultrasonic welded- 可增加模块端子的鲁棒性 Increased mechanical robustness- 可增加模块端子电流通过能力 Higher terminal currents possible- 无焊料可增加热传导能力 maximum temperature even reduced已应用在以下的模块封装中:PrimePACK, IHM-B Traction series, EconoPACK™4 模块基板和衬底材料的选择以提高温度周次。



. ;
. 1、半导体产品使用寿命有三个主要阶段:

这一阶段故障率通常以“每百万缺陷器件数”(dppm) 衡量。

defective parts per milli on
(2)正常使用: 此阶段的故障率在整个器件使用过程中都保持稳定。

此故障率以“FIT ”为单位,或作为以小时为单位的“平均故障间隔时间”(MTBF)。

其中,故障率1 Fit,可解释为一千个产品(103)工作100万(106)小时只有一次故障,即


2、对于给定样本大小 n ,在t 小时之后将出现 m 个故障
运行时间 – 如果“n”运行“t”小时后发现“m”个故障,则
λavg (平均故障率 )=t n m
FIT – 时基故障,即每十亿运行小时出现故障的部件数。

您可以使用 TI 的可靠性估算器获取任何 TI 器件的 FIT 率。

DPPM – 每百万缺陷器件数,也被称为每百万发货量次品数。

MTTF (平均故障时间)- (t1+t2+t3+….tm)/m。











IGBT模块的基本构造(含基板):IGBT模块的基本构造决定了它的老化失效机理:1. 绑定线连接老化所造成的使用寿命终结2. 焊接层连接老化所造成的使用寿命终结3. 封装/端子的老化所造成的使用寿命终结4. 其它因素(如气候变化、化学腐蚀)所造成的老化失效绑定线连接老化失效的典型式样:焊接层(DCB-基板)的老化:陶瓷衬底和基板之间焊接层的老化衰变几种材料的热膨胀系数封装/端子的老化损坏:封装框架/端子的断裂(热冲击或振动)可靠性测试项目(标准工业级模块):可靠性测试的失效检验标准:可靠性测试之一:功率循环测试:Power Cycling (PC)Stressing the chip/bond wire system at two different junction temperatures. Test Points of Temperature Swing (for example) : Tj = 50K: TJ1 = 75C, TJ2 = 125 CFailure Criteria: An Increased Saturation Voltage of 5%可靠性测试之一:热循环测试:Thermal Cycling (TC)Heating up & Cooling down the case (base plate) at two different case temperatures.Test Points of Temperature Swing (for example): Tj = 80K: TC1 = 20C, TC2 = 100 CFailure Criteria: An Increased Thermal Resistance of 20%可靠性测试之一:振动测试:失效率(单位:FIT):功率器件的失效原因之一:宇宙射线宇宙射线:由宇宙星体产生、并在辐射过程中衍生出的高能粒子原生:可能为超新星、恒星体产生,和太阳活动有关次生:辐射过程中衍生出的核子(质子、中子)、介子和电磁辐射次生射线可直达地面并覆盖广大区域。

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A Simple State-Based Prognostic Model for Predicting Remaining UsefulLife of IGBT Power ModuleAlireza Alghassi1, Suresh Perinpanayagam2, Ian K Jennions3IVHM CENTER, CRANFIELD UNIVERSITYIVHM center, Cranfield UniversityConway House, Medway Court, University Way, Cranfield Technology Park,MK43 0FQ eMilton Keynes, UKTel.: +44 (0)1234 75111 EXT 2870Fax: +44 (0)1234 758331E-Mail: a.alghassi@URL: /ivhm/Keywords«IGBT», «Reliability», «Prognosis», «SSBP»AbstractHealth management and reliability are fundamental aspects of the design and development cycle of power electronic products. This paper presents the prognostic evaluation of a power electronic IGBT module. To achieve this aim, a simple state-based prognostic (SSBP) method has been introduced and applied on the data which was extracted from an aged power electronic IGBT and its remaining useful life was determined.IntroductionThe trend toward More Electric Aircraft (MEA) and Electric Vehicle Systems are fostering increasing requirements for higher performance power electronic systems. More Electric Vehicles propose to use more electrical power to drive vehicle subsystems such as Traction Motors/Inverters, Auxiliary Motors/Inverters, Energy Storage, etc. Power electronic converters have recently generated great interest among researchers and industrialists working in this area[1].On the other hand, the inherent advantages of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) provide lower on-state resistance, higher breakdown voltage and thermal conductivity, and closer thermal expansion coefficients with better mechanical characteristics resulting in it as the main power electronic switch that is employed in power converters [2].Since IGBT power semiconductors is one of the most costly components in power electronic converters, it is beneficial to investigate the long-term reliability and the sizing of the semiconductors used in power converters. On the other hand, it is important to use a reliability assessment method that can take into account the actual operational and environmental conditions. So by employing a prognostic and health management system which assesses and predicts the reliability of a product in its actual application environment and in real time, it is possible to determine the reliability and the end-of-life period of power converters [3].Therefore, it can be stated that the aim of this work is to estimate the life consumption of a power converter which is employed in electric aircraft applications. Firstly, reliability prediction methods are investigated. Secondly, the simple state-based prognostic method is presented and then, the results of predicting remaining useful life of the power electronic IGBT is indicated.Reliability Prediction MethodsPrognostic and health management is a system which integrates the sensing and interpretation of relevant recorded data for assessing and predicting the reliability of a product in its actual application environment. It is needed to identify the failure modes and mechanisms that can take place in electrical components in the first step for employing a prognostic and health management (PHM) system [2, 4]. To identify the main failure mechanisms, the precursor parameters such as voltage, current, temperature, amongst others, have to be identified and monitored. The recorded data is then used in a PHM system to help predict the remaining life time. In this section, a review of the concept of prognostic and health management of systems is presented.Prognostic and Health ManagementPrognostics and diagnostics are the key players in service planning, maintenance and minimizing the down state of equipment. Diagnostics focuses on the detection, isolation and identification of failure when they occur whilst prognosis focuses on predicting failure before it occurs. This means that technical prognostics could be understood as an extending/complementary element of technical diagnosis. Prognosis can be referred to as the ability to predict how much time is left or remaining useful life (RUL) before a failure occurs given an observed machine condition variable and past operational profile. The observed condition can be attributed from physical characteristics or process performance of its failure. For instance, some condition parameters that can be used in prognostics are acoustic data, temperature, moisture, humidity, weather, voltage and current[5].Technical prognosis, which is being considered as a part of PHM, is a relatively new field of research and it is still considered as the weakest point in the condition-based maintenance processing chain. There are several applications of prognostics methods but the results and accuracy vary and are not always sufficient even if researchers claim so. Although several patents have been registered and many journal and conference papers have been published, the field of technical prognosis is still quite new and not well researched. In particular, robust real system applications are still missing[6]. Precursor Parameters of IGBTA few failure precursors have been reviewed for packing level-failures in [6] and it has been wildly reported that wire bond degradation can be monitored by the drifts in the voltages V CE(on) solder layer degradation causes an increment of thermal resistance R th [6, 8]. To date, measurements could only take place in a laboratory environment when the power module is disconnected from the power converter. Once the power module has become an integral part of the converter, measurements become unattainable. Hence, the challenges posed for in-situ monitoring was discussed and a hardware solution was presented in [7]. In fact, a system has been designed and set up to be capable performing robust experiments on IGBT to induce and analyze prognostic indicators. The overview of the electrical test system is shown in Fig. 1. The data collection was done on the thermal overstress ageing test and the temperature was controls within the range beyond the rated temperature (150° ) of the IGBTs IRG4BC30K which is measured individually and relays determine the sequence of the measurement. The parameters characterized are threshold voltage, breakdown voltage and leakage current.The V CE (on) was measured across the collector-emitter terminals of the transistor where the emitter is directly connected to the ground of the power supply and the collector with resistor is in series to the positive lead of the power supply. And also configuration consists at gate voltage of 15 V and Gate switching Frequency of 1 with duty cycle of %40 which the gate was driven by an independent power supply. From the results, we observe that the V CE (on) reduces with aging. There is an increased scatter in the voltage values as a result of variation in the time taken for each transistor to latch-up. The lowered voltage drop across the transistor with aging indicates reduced effectiveresistance of the transistor as this parameter is measured at a constant current. The reduction in the effective resistance of the transistors with aging is indicated by the reduction in V CE (on) results.Fig.1: overview of the electrical test system for measuring precursor parameters of IGBT [7] Remaining Useful Life (RUL)RUL and its attributes are the outcome of prognostics and are used in prognostic assessment by applying appropriate metrics and additional criteria. There is a wide range of methods dealing with RUL computation and calculation.A significant amount of research has been undertaken to develop prognostics models over recent years. By design, models are subject to specific assumptions and approximations, some of which are mathematical, while others relate to practical implementation issues such as the amount of data required to validate and verify a proposed model. Selection of an appropriate method is crucial for success in condition-based program deployment and is related to the previously-mentioned return on investment attribute. Adequate model selection necessarily requires mathematical understanding of each model type and its basic advantages and disadvantages.Each of the prognostics methods and approaches independently has its strengths and weaknesses and sometimes, a hybrid methodology is used, which profits from the advantages of all methods. Furthermore, it is quite common that the prognostics framework is part of the diagnostics framework and cannot be always isolated. Several prognostics frameworks have been developed and described and one of the best methods is data-driven approaches. A data-driven approach uses the ordinarily-observed operating data (power, vibration and acoustic signals, temperature, pressure, oil debris, currents, voltages, calorimetric data, frequency response) to track, approximate and forecast the system degradation behavior [8]. Measured input/output data is the major source for getting a better understanding of the system degradation behavior. The data-driven approaches rely on assumptions that the statistical data are relatively unchanged unless a failure occurs in the system. Data-driven prognosis is based on statistical and learning techniques from the theory of pattern recognition. These range from multivariate statistical methods (static and dynamic principle component, linear andquadratic discriminants, partial least squares and canonical variance analysis) to black-box methods based on artificial neural networks (probabilistic neural networks, multi-layer perceptron, radial basis functions), graphical models (Bayesian networks, hidden Markov model), self-organizing feature maps, signal analysis (filters, auto-regressive models, FFT, decisions trees) and fuzzy rule based systems [7].Most of the work in data-driven prognostics has been for structural prognostics. Many of those systems use vibration sensors to monitor the health of rotating machinery, such as helicopter gearboxes. Some systems monitor the exhaust gases or the oil stream from the engine for contamination that could indicate a fault[9].Dynamic Wavelet Neural Network (DWNN) utilization and RUL estimation of bearings are other examples of the current research in this area. Neural networks were trained by using vibrations signals from the damaged bearings with different levels and signs of wear. This approach appears to be accurate enough for diagnostic and prognostic purposes [6].The ability to transform and to reduce large amount of noisy data into a smaller valid and meaningful data set is the major advantage of data-driven approaches. The major disadvantage is the dependency on quality and quantity of operating data, which is a driving key element of prognostic accuracy and reliability. In summary, the data-driven approaches are preferred in the case when large amounts of run-to failure data sets are available in the required operational range and system models are not availableRemaining Useful Life Prediction by Simple State-Based Prognostic Model A simple state-based prognostic (SSBP) method is a statistical model for modeling systems that evolve through a finite number of discrete states [10]. The SSBP process basically has three steps. These are clustering, cluster evaluation, and RUL calculation. Procedures of calculating RUL by SSBP method is shown in Fig. 2. In this method, data from the different health states of multiple systems are using any clustering method in clustering stage of method. Then the RUL is estimated using the transition probabilities between health states.Fig. 2: Prognostic StepsThe IGBT dataset has seven run-to-failure samples. The dataset was separated into training and testing divisions. Five of them were used for the training and the rest were used for testing the model. Collector-emitter voltage (V CE) data was selected as a precursor parameter among the other sensory data collected, such as gate-emitter voltage or collector emitter-current, since the V CE degradation follows a monotonic trajectory and it was utilized in k-means clustering. Various numbers of health states representing the degradation starting from two to ten were tested. In the cluster evaluation part, a MATLAB(R) function (i.e. silhouette) was used in order to determine the best number of health states. Seven different health states was the best representative of the degradation process which was determined by using the silhouette function. In this scenario, IGBTs are considered to be failed when they are beyond the seven discrete health states. The first health state represents the brand new IGBT whereas the seventh one is observed to be close to failure. The testing collector-emitter voltage measurements are depicted in Fig. 2. K-means clustering basically defines discrete states whereas it is proposed to give discrete health states. Once the health states have been obtained, transition probabilities in between health states are calculated. Details of the transition probability calculation are given in [10].The testing process again starts with estimating the current health state of the IGBT. It is calculated using the cluster centroids obtained from the k-means results of the training dataset. Once the current health state of the IGBT has been obtained, the expected RUL is calculated simulating the transition probabilities obtained from the training dataset. Basically, a transition probability is the probability of changing the current state to another state. Transition probability information can be stated as a model for the calculation of the expected RUL of testing IGBTs. RUL estimation results for the testing IGBTs are shown in Fig. 4. The x-axis represents the life of each IGBT and the y-axis values represent the corresponding RUL values estimated using the SSBP model.Fig. 3: The IGBT collector-emitter voltage measurementsFig. 4: RUL estimation for the testing IGBTS .ConclusionFailure occur several states before making the system unusable. It is critical to identify and forecast these health states as the failure progresses for effective usage of the system. IGBT power electronic modules are one of the most important components of power converters. Although several studies on failure identi fication of IGBT power module are present in the literature, health state estimation and forecasting have not been reported. One of the most important dif ficulties in failure progression analysis is the inability to observe the natural progression of failures due to time constraint. Failures occur slowly and obtaining statistically enough failure progression data may take years. This paper has presented a simple state-based prognostic method (SSBP) for estimating RUL of IGBT power modules. SSBP method has been applied to data obtained from aged IGBT power electronic modules which is used in H-bridge and the RUL of an IGBT power module has been estimated.References[1]A. Kabir, C. Bailey, L. Hua, and S. 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